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"I'm blind! They've experimented on me and made me blind!"
My eyes felt normal, but I'd heard of other prisoners who'd been used
for experiments, so nothing would surprise me.
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I frantically groped around in the dark and discovered I'd been locked
in a small cement cell. Slowly my reasoning came back, and I decided I
wasn't blind.
"Oh God," I whispered. What was I doing lying here bruised
and filthy, crawling with bugs and calling upon God? I wondered
angrily if God did exist. In my mind a just God would never have
allowed the cruel tortures I'd seen.
I lay in the darkness cursing God. Exhausted, I fell into a
stupor. After what seemed like a lifetime, guards pulled me from the
cell, telling me I'd been in 'The Hole' for three days.
For several days I walked around in a daze. My fellow prisoners were
surprised to see me again. A believer told me, "If we are united
in the Lord, He will destroy the devil" - the devil being the
nazis. I got some encouragement, but I'm not sure how much I believed
that the Lord would save us. Still, that didn't discourage some
religious prisoners from praying. Praying was forbidden by the
nazis. After the voices faded away I felt calmer, though I still had
doubts that a loving God existed.
That March night, I made up my mind to attempt an escape or to die
At dawn I lay motionless on my platform while other prisoners crawled
out at the guard's call. Men dying during the nignt was common, so I
wasn't given a second glance. Later a truck scooped me up along with
other bodies. The driver positioned us over a pile of bodies in the
crematorium yard and dumped us.
In my mind I heard the prisoners in my barracks praying at night. What
good did it do? Here they were lying dead next to me. There couldn't
be a God who would allow this to happen. Or he must love our enemies
more than the innocent men around me. I was on my own and had to make
my move soon or die on this rotting heap of carcasses.
I thought it better to go for it in the dark. I couldn't lie still any
longer. While the guard circled around the back side of the pile I
shifted into a position to spring. I jumped up, bashed him on the
shoulder. I grabbed his helmet and beat him over the head with it
until I was sure he was dead. I rolled him over, tugged off his boots,
coat and pants and put them on. For the first time in years I was
unafraid. As I walked around for a few minutes, a truck unexpectedly
pulled out from behind a building and stopped next to me. I walked to
the back of the truck and crawled into the empty bed.
"Thank God, thank God, thank God. I've escaped Buchenwald."
A ninety-pound mean by himself could never have overpowered and killed
a German soldier twice his weight. I realized what I'd just said and
knew God had helped me. He wasn't on vacation after all.