Fill Your Head with Rock - "The Sound of The Seventies"
From The Promotional Booklet
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Remember Chicago
A Group called Chicago
The group responsible for a couple of the biggest packages of tight
rock music we've ever released. Two albums and every track is there for a
reason. Electronic music. Blues. Rock. Rock. Rock. A Powerful brass section.
And musicians who are capable of playing solid, no-gimmick music.
Janis Joplin
All Janis
Earthy - dynamic - belting - groovy - vibrating - harsh chords -
sweet, tantalising, cruel purity - post innocence - sexual pazazz -
without limits. All words people use trying to describe Janis Joplin
and her indescribable voice. Now you try to find the right one.
Rod Argent, Russ Ballard, Robert Henrit, Jim Rodford,
together working their own way, because they know what they want.
Blood, Sweat & Tears
Is Not Afraid to Be Different
The great themes of jazz, played with pure rock power in a big
brass band.
Bloomfield - Kooper
Alone or Together
Al Kooper: composes, arranges, performs, produces his own music and records.
Alone on "I Stand Alone", "You Never Know Who Your Friends Are", and
"Introducing Shuggie Otis" (Alone?).
Together with Mike Bloomfield on "Super
Session" and "Live Adventures".
Mike Bloomfield: writes his own words and music. Plays guitar, piano, sings.
Alone on "It's Not Killing Me". Together with Al Kooper on "Super
Session" and "Live Adventures".
Marc Brierley
Says "Hello" to The Poetry of Rock
The Byrds
Always Beyond Today
"While there is an underlying consistency to all their work,
The Byrds have a capacity to grow in a way uncommon to the pop scene.
They are always pushing themselves to the next plateau, even with one eye glancing at their past ..." (John Landau)
Miles Davis
Fast and Light - and No Vibrato
Miles Davis plays the trumpet that way. Hear and enjoy.
Electric Flag
Straight-from-the-soul, dancing-in-the-streets, drum-splitting,
flashing-brass fireworks.
Leonard Cohen
Did you ever get the feeling that you want to disengage yourself from
life? To withdraw into some kind of solitary contemplation just to
think about everything for a while? Everything. You. Her. It. Them
Well that's how a poet feels, because he's no different from everyone else.
Except that he takes the time to put it all down on paper. Beautifully.
And what makes Leonard Cohen a very different poet is that he turns
poetry into songs. He did it for "SONGS OF LEONARD COHEN', his first
album, and it achieved a rare kind of success.
And now there's "SONGS FROM A ROOM", the second Leonard Cohen album
for the growing number of people who have identified with him. And what
he feels. But don't have that rare poetic vision.
There could be millions of Leonard Cohens in the world. You may even be
him yourself.
Bob Dylan
Did You Ever Hear Bob Dylan?
Listen again. That man smiling out at you has a lot to say.
NASHVILLE SKYLINE is his personal statement about love. Real. Sensual.
Beautiful. It's Dylan at his purest and simplest. There's no electronic
gadgetry, because the music needs no justification. It just feels good.
Listen to NASHVILLE SKYLINE. And to Dylan's other discs too.
They'll make you feel good.
And that's where it's really at, isn't it?
Don Ellis
Don't Believe That Jazz about The Big Band Sound Coming Back
It ain't. It's here already. Way up front. Because Don Elis is into
electronics. Polyrhythms. Tomorrow.
Moby Grape
Truly Great
Will Stop You in Your Tracks
Three-man band plays guitars and drums with mighty strength,
individual style, hypnotic drama.
The Flock
Their Name is The Flock - Run with Them
The Flock is unique. A pace-setting new group. John Mayall
(a musician's musician) called them the best band he'd heard
in America. Listen to their album. See if you agree. Then run
with the Flock. And watch them spread.
more Flocks
Tim Hardin
It's Only The Beginning
Tim Hardin writes Love Songs. About the difficulty of becoming, - of
becoming a man, a lover, a husband, a father. His first record for CBS
represents all that an artist would want to attain. A deeply personal
statement lovingly brought to life, carefully nurtured in every step
of its growth. Tim Hardin considers it the best he's ever done.
And what makes it extra special - it's only the beginning.
(Suite for Susan Moore and Damion)
It's A Beautiful Day
It's a beautiful day whenever you play "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY".
They're together the way a good jazz group should be.
Roy Harper
Listen with An Open Heart
Roy Harper, folk musician, sings of life and the experience
of living.
Moog Machine
A Man and His Moog Machine
Walter Carlos with his Moog Machine plays electronically synthesised
music - which means you can switch on to Bach or rock, hear it the way
the current flows.
Is The World Ready for Moondog?
Moondog writes music in his head (because Moondog is blind). Moondog's
music is in the style of the classics such as Tchaikovsky and Bach,
yet somehow in the theme of life today.
Is this too rich a mixture?
Laura Nyro
Her Talent Goes Deeper Than The Words She Writes
Other artists have hits recording her songs. Now she sings and plays her
own compositions on "Eli and the 13th Confession" and "New York Tendaberry".
Laura Nyro - writer, composer, singer, performer - is here.
Magic Music from NRBQ
"Listen, here we have rock and roll and very magic rock and roll ...
the power, the energy and the excitement ... a joyous ecstatic
Mike Jahn
Tim Rose
- No Other to Compare
"The sudden presence of Tim Rose has, for me personally, posed an
intriguing question. Was there a gap in pop music before he came along?
His style is such that it owes nothing to any other performer ... his songs
are real as life ... he is an artist who tears appreciation out of his
audience ... he is an individual".
Mike Clifford
Pacific Gas and Electric
"Five more different and divergent personalities could not be conceived
of - a Jew, a Christian, a Black, a Greaser and a WASP. What we have
learned about one another in the year and a half that we have been
together as the PG&E is: no matter how different we are in philosophies
and life stlles, the common denominator between us is the music ..."
It Makes You Sweat
Pulsating African Rhythms. Hot Latin soul. Fused tightly together by the
catalyst of rock.
Wild. Restless. Santana.
For your body as well as your soul.
"The music as a reflection of emotion is our form of communication
and love with the universe. We want to bridge the gap between all
kinds of music ... between all ages, all races, all kinds of styles ...
What counts now is not "authenticity" but quality".
Simon and Garfunkel
Simon and Garfunkel Speak for Themselves
Paul Simon writes and sings songs about loneliness, love faded,
time passing, the pains of youth. Sad songs, but they make you feel
- impact jazz and blues from a five-man band.
Al Stewart
- a lone singer high on ideas.
Fillmore West
Buy This Album and Save over £100
There's only one place to go if you want to hear the sound that
started the San Francisco rock scene rocking. The music house called
Fillmore West. That hot bed of talent run by Bill Graham. With air
fare and admission it could set you back over £100.
This is the first production of many from Bill Graham's Fillmore.
Johnny Winter
A White Flame Ignited by Black Blues
Time Magazine called him "A tall skinny cross-eyed albino blues
guitarist with limp, shoulder-length cotton white hair", and "The
swingingest new white blues singer to come out of the South in years".
Velvet Opera
There Are Two Sides to The Velvet Opera
One, a gentle soothing acoustic style with sitar and tabla. Two, a
hard-biting electric sound, country, blues and rock.
Chambers Brothers
Gospel Truth
The Chambers Brothers sing electrifying gospel rock and blues.
Taj Mahal
"Men who love one another: men who are always in love with lovely
ladies, children, dogs, cats: with old Ma Nature at her best and
at her worst: men who can laugh and cry ... men who can accept
their own mistakes and the mistakes of others. It's all living you
Taj Mahal said that. That's the way he talks. That's the way he thinks.
That's the way he sings.
The Trees
Marco Schuffelen -