(-.1333333 determines the interdot distance).
Create a layer N dedicated to this linetype in your acad.dwg.
Say the distance between intersections is 18mm. Divide by 6 will give
3mm, that's too small, so choose 5, 18/5=3.6mm, 3.6/25=.144, the number
to put in after the minus sign. Autocad will calculate for you at the
command prompt: (/ 3.6 25) etc.
Create a new layer for this linetype. In a rectangular grid, two
linetypes may be used.
Unfortunately, Autocad also takes line length into account, so your line
will have to measure a whole number of interdot distances to be correct.
Below is the customized part of the Acad.lin-file; the first three lines
are dashed, in a to the blind discernible way, the others are examples of
dotted lines for grid.
*BROKEN,broken line A,0.25,-0.25 *LONGDASH,broken line, double dashes A,0.5,-0.25 *SMALLDASH,borderline small A,0.12,-0.13 *NEWDOT,interdot distance 3.333mm A,0,-.1333333 *r16x12, 16x12 lines, squares 16.2mm, dot-dot 3.24mm A,0,-.1296 *r15x11, 15x11 lines, squares 17.5x17.5mm, dot-dot 3.5mm A,0,-.14 *r11x8, 11x8 lines, squares 24.5x24.5mm, dot-dot 3.5mm A,0,-.14 *r10x7, 10x7 lines, squares 27x27mm, dot-dot 3.375mm A,0,-.135 *r9x7, 9x7 lines, squares 30x30mm, dot-dot 3.3333mm A,0,-.133333333 *r8x6, 8x6 lines, squares 34x34mm, dot-dot 3.4mm A,0,-.136 *r7x5, 7x5 lines, squares 40x40mm, dot-dot 3.33mm A,0,-.1333333
*leen,fat dashed line alternating 0,0,0,5,5,5,-5 0,0,.5,5,5,5,-5 0,0,1,5,5,5,-5 *jan,medium dots 0,0,0,4,4,1,-7 90,0,0,4,4,1,-7 0,0,1,4,4,1,-7 90,1,0,4,4,1,-7 *jelke,fat dots 0,-.3,.5,4,4,2.6,-5.4 0,-.3,1.5,4,4,2.6,-5.4 90,.5,-.3,4,4,2.6,-5.4 90,1.5,-.3,4,4,2.6,-5.4 *grid,small dots for square grid 0,0,0,0,1,0,-1 *gridaltr,equidistant small dots 0,0,0,0.5,0.866025,0,-1
Add a line like:
[MACROS]$S=X $S=MACROSto your root-menu to open a way to this submenu
**S [AutoCAD]^C^C$S=S $P4=P4A [* * * *]$S=OSNAPB [SETUP]^C^C$S=UNITS [BLOCKS]$S=X $S=BL [DIM:]$S=X $S=DIM ^C^CDIM [DISPLAY]$S=X $S=DS [DRAW]$S=X $S=DR [EDIT]$S=X $S=ED [INQUIRY]$S=X $S=INQ [LAYER:]$S=X $S=LAYER ^C^CLAYER [SETTINGS]$S=X $S=SET [PLOT]$S=X $S=PLOT [UTILITY]$S=X $S=UT [MACROS]^C^C$S=X $S=MACROS [KWIKHATC]^C^C$S=X $S=KWIKHATC [KEY]^C^C$S=KEY [3D]$S=X $S=3D [ASHADE:]^C^C^P(cond ((null C:SCENE) + (vmon) (prompt "Please wait... Loading ashade. ") + (load "ashade")) (T (princ))) ^P$S=X $s=ASHADE [SAVE:]^C^CSAVE
In the submenu below are macros that I use quite often:
**MACROS 3 [LEFTPAGE]^C^CLIMITS;0,0;272.5,190;ZOOM;W;0,0;272.5,190;INSERT;+ LEFTPAGE;0,0;;;;DTEXT;264,190;-90 $S=Sfor page facing right
[TABLCAL]^C^CTABLET;CAL;0,0;285,0 $S=Scalibrates tablet
[TITLE]^C^CDTEXT;R;264,5;-90;DTEXT;264,185;-90 $S=Sdtext at page number first, consequently at title location
[PAGENUMB]^C^CDTEXT;R;264,5;-90 $S=Sdtext at page number
[PEDWID1]^C^CPEDIT;\W;1; $S=S [PEDW2.5]^C^CPEDIT;\W;2.5; $S=Schanges Pline width
[COPYSAME]^C^CCOPY;\;0,0;0,0 $S=Scopies one object over itself
[POLYCOPY]^C^CCOPY;L;;M;@; $S=Smultiple copy of last object (especially inserted objects)
[ZOOM LIM]^C^CZOOM;W;0,0;285,185 $S=OSNAPBzoom back at once to original drawing format
For hatching I have put together a submenu containing all useful hatch
patterns, scale and angle automatically provided.
submenu key:
Also rather labour-saving is this submenu to insert key blocks:
submenu key:
[KEY]^C^C$S=KEY submenu: **KEY 3 vertical [DOTS]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;C:DOTS;\;;0 [JAN]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;C:JAN;\;;0 [JELKE]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;JELKE;\;;0 [LEENH]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;LEENH;\;;0 [LEENV]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;LEENV;\;;0 [LINEH]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;LINEH;\;;0 [LINEV]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;LINEV;\;;0 [NET]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;NET;\;;0 [ZIGZAGH]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;ZIGZAGH;\;;0 [ZIGZAGV]^C^C$S=KEY INSERT;ZIGZAGV;\;;0 [ROTATEL]^C^CROTATE;L;;@;90the last command rotates the last block inserted for horizontal-direction drawing
[PLOTEND]^C^CSCRIPT;PLOTENDand create a file
plotend.scr: PLOT L N AUTOSPOOL (blank line) END (blank line)to ease your plotting In a network, it might look like this:
PLOT L N AUTOSPOOL Autocad command (return) SHELL leaving Autocad temporarily NPRINT \P\*.MAR Novell command SHELL leaving Autocad temporarily DEL \P\*.MAR DOS command END Autocad command(in Autocad operating parameters configuration, plotfiles have been ordered to subdirectory /P, Autospool will make up a filename for my plotfiles with extension .mar)
What I hope for in praising AutoCAD is the emergence of a group of users sharing a large pool of drawings.
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© 1989, 2002 Marco Schuffelen All rights reserved