Draw rectangles and connecting lines in different widths, connecting
lines fat as they are the most important part of your drawing; quite
often the rectangles around text might just as well be left out.
- Simplify A Diagram
- inkprint
(ca 50K)
- braille
(ca 20K)
Do not copy complicated graphical elements in your schemes: just a
rectangle and its name will do. A word like 'battery' makes sense to our
readers, representing it by a series of straigt and curved lines will
probably have no meaning.
Often abbreviations will have to be used, choose them sensibly; do not
change existing codes.
In schematical representations like electrical diagrams,
the current passes through a wire
that should look different from the gauges and apparatus attached, as
those might otherwise look like the wire branching out.
- Line Widths: Electrical Diagram
- inkprint
(ca 10K)
- wrong
(ca 70K)
- right
(ca 55K)
Keep arrowheads some distance from lines they point at.
Take care at intersections: maybe change one of the lines' width for some
distance to stay in the clear about which line continues where.
Generally a partial or complete description is to be preferred over
copying a complicated diagram. It makes no sense if our readers have to go
through a drawing with a lot of lines and abbreviations accompanied by a
long list explaining those codes.
- Editing A Very Complicated Diagram
- inkprint
(ca 185K)
- wrong, part 1
(ca 65K)
- wrong, part 2
(ca 60K)
- better
(ca 40K)
The data from most complicated diagrams can be given in an easy-to-read
descriptions or tables. Even if the blind reader would
eventually be able to make sense of these diagrams as pictures
that time could be spent much more profitably elsewhere.
- Diagrams That Are Better Fully Described (Inkprint Only)
- decision chart 1
(ca 55K)
- decision chart 2
(ca 45K)
- oil distillation
(ca 80K)
Look for original solutions to rendering colors etc. Again the main
thing is to understand what the diagram is about.
- Diagram Solutions
- Row and Column Headers (Periodic Table, first 20 elements)
- inkprint
(ca 55K)
- Braille
(ca 55K)
- Splitting Up (Full Periodic Table)
- inkprint
(ca 60K)
- Braille, part 1
(ca 65K)
- Braille, part 2
(ca 50K)
- Braille, part 3
(ca 50K)
- Change Direction
- inkprint
(ca 25K)
- Braille
(ca 55K)
- Line Demarcations
- inkprint
(ca 60K)
- Braille
(ca 60K)
- Colored Boxes
- inkprint
(ca 125K)
- Braille
(ca 55K)
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© 1989, 2002 Marco Schuffelen All rights reserved
Questions? Comments? email
Last modified: Thu May 15 10:35:18 PDT 1989