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Duwen = to Push, Trekken = to Pull

Duwen  = to Push
Trekken  = to Pull (Drag)
Compound Verbs with Trekken
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Duwen  = to Push

Duwen click to hear 'to push' is a weak verb of the non-'t kofschip click to hear class: verb stems not ending in T, K, F, S, CH and P have simple past endings -DE and -DEN and its past participle ending is -D - more

duwen to push
ik duw I'm pushing
wij duwen we're pushing
ik duwde pushed
wij duwden we pushed
ik heb geduwd I have pushed
click to hear
duwen (to push)
ik duw
jij duwt
hij duwt
wij duwen
jullie duwen
zij duwen
U duwt
click to hear
(to push)
(I push)
(you push)
(he pushes)
(we push)
(you push)
(they push)
(you push)

ik duwde
jij duwde
hij duwde
wij duwden
jullie duwden
zij duwden
U duwde
click to hear

(I pushed)
(you pushed)
(he pushed)
(we pushed)
(you pushed)
(they pushed)
(you pushed)

ik heb geduwd click to hear I have pushed

U duwt click to hear 2 3 you are pushing (polite 'you')
(de) duw click to hear push
(het) duwtje click to hear 2 small push, nudge
(de) duwboot click to hear 2 3 push tug, pusher tug, towboat
(de) sleepboot click to hear 2 tugboat, tug, towboat

Trekken = to Pull

Trekken click to hear 2 3 'to pull' is a strong verb:
to pull
- trok
- getrokken
click to hear

trekken to pull
ik trek I'm pulling
wij trekken we're pulling
ik trok I pulled
wij trokken we pulled
ik heb getrokken I have pulled
click to hear
trekken (to pull)
ik trek
jij trekt
hij trekt
wij trekken
jullie trekken
zij trekken
U trekt
click to hear
(to pull)
(I pull)
(you pull)
(he pulls)
(we pull)
(you pull)
(they pull)
(you pull)

ik trok
jij trok
hij trok
wij trokken
jullie trokken
zij trokken
U trok
click to hear

(I pulled)
(you pulled)
(he pulled)
(we pulled)
(you pulled)
(they pulled)
(you pulled)

ik heb getrokken click to hear I have pulled

wij trokken click to hear we pulled
'Trekken' may be related to English 'to drag'

Compound Verbs with Trekken

aantrekken click to hear 2 3 is literally 'pull towards you' or 'to attract' like in the adjective aantrekkelijk click to hear ('attractive') but it can also mean 'putting on clothes or shoes' and 'zich niets/niks aantrekken van' means 'not care, not mind, not bother about'

De stoute schoenen aantrekken click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['putting on the brave shoes'] - 'doing something bold' Trek de stoute schoenen aan click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['put on the brave shoes'] - 'be brave, do that bold thing'

Ik trek me er niks van aan click to hear 2 3 4
Ik trek me d'r niks van aan click to hear 2 3 ~It doesn't bother me, I dont't pay attention ot it, I don't care Trek je er niks van aan click to hear 2 Don't pay attention ot it, don't let it bother you, don't get upset over it Trek 't je niet aan click to hear 2 3 4 Don't get upset over it, don't pay attention to it, don't let it bother you

Zich nergens iets van aantrekken click to hear 2 3 4 5 Not be concerned about anything, just doing, 'not give a damn'

aftrekken click to hear 2 to subtract
min click to hear 2 minus
3+4-5=2 click to hear drie plus vier min vijf is twee
more calculating

De stekker d'r uit trekken click to hear 2 like in English: 'to pull the plug [from it]' - to end life support and let a very sick person die, or generally to stop support for something and let it fail

Je kunt ook een blikje opentrekken click to hear 2 3 4 You could [rip open] open a can - you could use canned

't Trekt dicht click to hear [It's pulling shut] Clouds are forming

terugtrekken - to pull back
Ze leidt een teruggetrokken bestaan click to hear 2 3 She leads a withdrawn, retiring [existence] life, she keeps to herself

vertrekken click to hear 'to depart, to leave'
(het) vertrek click to hear 2 1.'departure'
2. 'a room' (old-fashioned)

vertrekken to depart
ik vertrek I depart
wij vertrekken we depart
ik vertrok I departed
wij vertrokken we departed
ik ben vertrokken I have departed
click to hear 2
Hij vertrekt morgen naar Afrika click to
  hear He's leaving for Africa tomorrow

(de) trek click to hear 2 1. migration, move, epic journey
2. appetite
(het) trekje click to hear 2 'trait,' characteristic or habitual behavior of a person, usually unpleasant or annoying 't Is een vervelend trekje click to hear 2 3 4 It's an unpleasant, annoying trait, habit (characteristic or habitual behavior of a person)

(de) trekboer click to hear 2 South-African farmer who moved on to new land

(de) trekschuit click to hear horse-drawn barge. 17th and 18th Century Holland had a network of ship channels for those barges. It was like a railroad system

(de) trekker click to hear tractor (the English word is also often used)

(de) kurkentrekker click to
(de) omtrek click to hear 2 circumference
(de) trekking click to hear 2 - drawing (lottery)

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'