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A Few
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Kathy Maes's Formal Analysis of the Dutch Accent
Lines from Plays
Kathy's Words List
2a. Paul forgot he taught his adorable daughter to walk and talk.
2b. Lots of monsters want and watch or walk as they stalk their prey.
3. The good-looking cook took a good look at the butcher with the crooked foot, who stood near the wooden pulpit, his hand on the Good Book, his face full of sugary looks.
4. Once nothing but hungry destruction succeeded, the blood of dozens of other countries was the unutterable by-product.
5. The new duke arrived on Tuesday from Europe to view the assured troops.
6. I can't understand why Auntie is afraid of the ants on the path, can you?
2a. You have been ruthless, unfaithful, and uncouth, so spare me your
breathless, mythful truths.
2b. The width, length, and breadth of the earth would take thwarted
months and months to thread.
3. I cannot breathe smoothly; I need to bathe, and soothe my wounds, and withstand the pain.
4. There can be no mistake that they thought thee and thou would be there.
5a. Afraid, cold, and fatigued, we waded in the dark.
5b. The woodman admitted that he needed more hand-made wood windwipers.
6a. Babbling like a baby, Bobby grabbed at my watch fob and sobbed.
6b. His abdomen probably bubbled up with stabbing pains because he had
imbibed too much.
7. The indignant witness was totally ignorant of the quagmired intrigue and struggled gallantly to be even vaguely cognizant of the pregnant circumstances.
8. Bees plus fleas, in twos and threes, gazed at the heavens as they buzzed their way through the leaves and tress. 2 3 trees
9. The beige Taj Mahal garage housed an entourage, a montage of antique rouge cars. 2
10. George urged the judge to acknowledge his pledge to discourage the young man's dangerous engagement. 2
11. It was absolutely a pity that he had to go to the city in such bitter weather. 2
12. Whether we as humans will ever learn where, when and why the accident occurred - or what caused it - is a question which Hugh may never be able to answer. 2 3
13. Which witch would you want to see and why would you want to wander with her? 2
14a. Hal and climb the hill and cry like hell because of his sore heel.
14b. Paul gave the doll to Molly to put on the pole but she threw it in the
pool and couldn't pull it out.
15. In Februari, various absurd charaqcteristically bureaucratic representatives discussed the wider and irritable matter of early bird catching the worm. 2 3
staff, giraffe, laugh, laughter, draught, raft, craft, graft, daft, shaft, aft, haft, draft, after, rafter, Shaftesbury, calf, half, chaff, graph
brass, class, glass, pass, clasp, grasp, rasp, gasp
blast, cast, fast, mast, aghast, last, past, contrast, vast, avast ask, bask, mask, flask, cask, task, alas, hasp, Basque, masque drastic, elastic, gymnastic
master, plaster, disaster, castor, pastor, nasty, disastrous, disaster, ghastly, castle
brass, class, glass, pass clasp, grasp, rasp, gasp, blast, cast, fast, mast, aghast, last, past, contrast, vast, avast ask, bask, mask, flask, cask, task, alas, hasp, Basque, masque drastic, elastic, gymnastic, master, plaster, disaster, castor, pastor, nasty, disastrous, disaster, gastly, castle, basket, casket, rascal, fasten, raspberry, pasty, enthusiastic, bastard, paschal, pastoral, masculine, masquerade, exasperate, blasphemy, masticate, Glasgow
dance, advance, chance, France, lance, glance, enhance, prance, trance, entrance (v.) grant, slant, aunt, chant, plant, advantage, vantage, chantry, supplant, enchant branch, blanch, ranch, stanch, stanchion, chancel, chancellor, Frances, Francis, lancet, Answer, demand, command, remand, slander, chandler, commando, Alexander, Sandra, Flanders shan't, can't, stance, askance, circumstantial, intransigent, substantial, Iran, Sudan, banana transit, transport, transfer, transform, transitory, transient, transept,
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