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Material not yet used on my regular pages
(Some of the material was used later, but I left it here so searches wouldn't come up empty.)
winkel click to hear - 2
[shopping list]
boodschappenlijstje click to hear
[shopping cart]
winkelwagentje click to hear - 2
[me carrying a shopping bag]
boodschappentas click to hear
[Albert Heijn, a supermarket]
Albert Heijn click to hear 2
terrasje click to hear - 2
[rainy day] [rainy day] [rainy day]
een regenachtige dag click to hear
"Regenachtige Dag" pictures by Billy Eric
brievenbus click to hear
[a jar of ball bearings grease]
kogellagervet click to hear
kinderwagen click to hear
douche click to hear
[some pieces of styrofoam, polystyrene]
a fun word for 'piepschuim' click to hear ('squeak-foam' = polystyrene, styrofoam) is 'polypiep' click to hear ('polysqueak')
hars click to hear
'plastic' click to hear was at first called 'kunsthars' click to hear ('synthetic resin')
[toys] [toys]
speelgoed click to hear
[scuffle hoe] [scuffle hoe]
Amerikaanse schoffel click to hear
bakstenen click to hear 2
keien click to hear 2 singular: (de) kei click to hear 2
elleboog click to hear
schedel click to hear
[small bones]
botjes click to hear
wervels click to hear - 'backbone' is ruggengraat click to hear

[many-colored rose]
veelkleurige roos click to hear 2

I often record words I don't need right away

ear-deafening (very loud)
eye-blinding (very bright)
tongue-caressing (very good-tasting)
hear - 2
(counter example)
voor de hand liggend
ondersteboven click to hear 2
achterstevoren click to hear 2
verkeerdom click to hear
binnenstebuiten click to hear 2
hear 4 - 2
[downside-up] upside down
the wrong way 'round
andersom click to hear - the other way 'round
(het) tegenovergestelde click to hear 2 - (the) opposite
(de) tegenstander click to hear 2 - ('adversary, opponent')
concurrent click to hear 2 - ('competitor' - mostly business) - a word from French

(de) vis click to hear 'fish'
(de) zeester click to hear 2 'starfish'
(de) Goudse kaas click to hear 'Gouda cheese'
(het) afscheid click to hear 'a goodbye, leave-taking'
wrang click to hear 2 'bitter'
(het) misverstand click to hear 2 'misunderstanding'
(het) prikkeldraad click to hear 'barbed wire'
(het) schrikdraad click to hear 'electric fence'
(de) verlamming click to hear 'paralysis'
spekglad click to hear 2 'very (bacon-like) slippery' (icy roads etc.)
boodschappen doen click to hear 2 'to shop for groceries and other necessities'
het is geen schande om arm te zijn click to hear 2
'being poor is not something to be ashamed of'
(het) pantser click to hear 'armor' (German panzer)
(het) harnas click to hear 'a medieval knight's armor'
kielhalen click to hear 2 'to keelhaul' (punishment on old ships)
'onbegonnen werk' click to hear 2 'an impossible task' (a job so big it looks impossible to start)
(de) vakbond click to hear 'labor union'
onstuimig click to hear 'tumultuous, passionate'
(het) kwikstaartje click to hear 'wagtail (?)' a bird
een mooi stukje werk click to hear 2 'a nice piece of work, a job well done'
Willem Buikhuisen click to hear a somewhat controversial psychologist
rampzalig click to hear 2 'disastrous'
rechtvaardig click to hear 'just, according to a sense of justice'
(de) inhoud click to hear 'contents'
(het) volume click to hear 'measure of content or sound'
duikers click to hear 'divers, scuba-men'
(de) hetze click to hear 2 3 'smear campaign, witch-hunt'
(de) heksenjacht click to hear 2 'witch-hunt'
(de) koorts click to hear 2 'fever'
(de) temperatuur click to hear 2 'temperature' (NOT: a slight fever)
(de) schouwburg click to hear 2 'theatre' fot stage productions and music performances (a bit old-fashioned)
(de) bioscoop click to hear 2 movie theatre
over smaak valt niet te twisten click to hear 2 ['you can't argue about taste'] 'there's no accounting for taste'
baas in eigen buik click to hear 2 'master over my own belly' - pro-choice, abortion rights slogan
blijf van m'n lijf click to hear 2 'stay away from my body' - women's rights slogan
(de) dynamo click to hear 2 'electricity generator' like on a bike
(de) argwaan click to hear 'suspicion'
bout en moer click to hear 2 'bolt and nut'
kinderachtig click to hear 2 'childish'
kinderlijk click to hear 2 'childish'
(de) waardering click to hear 2 'appreciation'
(de) krakeling click to hear pretzel-shaped cookie, sweet?
gemeen click to hear 2 'mean, unfair'
(het) vogelnestje click to hear 2 'bird's nest'
(de) hitte click to hear 2 'heat' (high temperature)
(het) tuig click to hear 2 '1. gear 2. bad people, scum'
klaar ... af! click to hear 'ready ... go!'
(de) drogist click to hear 2 'drugstore, drugstore salesman, druggist'
(de) groenteboer click to hear 2 'greengrocer, produce shop'
(het) ventiel click to hear 'valve' (for instance on bike or car tube)
(het) atoomventiel click to hear 'new model valve'
kat - kater click to hear 2 'cat - male cat' (note vowel change)
roodpaars click to hear 2 'red-purple (lila?)'
blauwpaars click to hear 2 / click to hear 2 'blue-purple' (violet)
lila click to hear 'lila'
violet click to hear violet
(de) toespraak click to hear 2 'a speech, address'
(slang:) in de piepzak zitten click to hear 2 'to be afraid'
(het) brandhout click to hear 'firewood'
(de) luchtpost click to hear 'air mail'
afschuwelijk click to hear 2 'horrible, disgusting'
(de) schadevergoeding click to hear 2 'compensation' (for damage suffered)
achteraf click to hear '1. afterwards, later 2. remote, in the boondocks'
vooraf click to hear 'before, beforehand'
vooral click to hear 'especially, in particular'
(de) berichtgeving click to hear 2 'reporting'
(de) beperking click to hear 2 'limitation'
(de) troost click to hear 2 'comfort in difficult times, consolation, sympathy'
(het) orgaan click to hear 2 'organ' (body part)
als 't moet click to hear 2 'if you have to, if it has to be'
(de) keet click to hear '1. shed 2. (slang:) fun'
(de) keten click to hear 2 '1. plural of keet 2. chain (old-fashioned)'
(de) schoonheid click to hear 2 'beauty'
(de) roofoverval click to hear 2 'a robbery'
[(de)] verwant click to hear 2 'related; a relative'
verwaand click to hear 2 'arrogant'
verward click to hear 'confused'
(de) koekjestrommel click to hear 2 'cookie jar'
broodkruimels click to hear 2 'bread crumbs'
(het) paneermeel click to hear 'store-bought breadcrumbs' (for coating bakeware)
(de) zwakte click to hear 2 'weakness'
'elk wat wils' click to hear 'there is something (entertaining) for everyone, for every taste'
voortaan click to hear 'from now on'
straks click to hear 'later, in a moment'
(de) oogst click to hear 'crop, what is brought in at harvest'
(de) geestesgesteldheid click to hear 'mental state'
(de) vormgeving click to hear 'filling in a design, how something takes shape'
bejaard click to hear 2 ' "old," over 65'
bejaarden click to hear ' "old" people, over 65'
zompig click to hear 'very wet soil (swampy?)'
overbodig click to hear 2 'superfluous'
zinloos click to hear 2 'pointless, it's no use'
(de) nasmaak click to hear 'aftertaste'
(de) doem click to hear 'doom?'
plezierig click to hear 2 'pleasant, enjoyable'
dreigen click to hear 'to threaten'
kurkdroog click to hear 'very dry' (like a cork)
waterkoud click to hear 2 'it feels colder than it is because of the humid air'
(de) congenialiteit click to hear two (or more) unconnected people have the same clever idea
(het) verband click to hear '1. wound dressing material 2. connection, "gestalt"'
(het) fiasco click to hear 2 'failure'
(het) fiat click to hear 2 'permission, approval'
Nout Wellink click to hear 2 possible future EC bank president
De Hoekse en Kabeljauwse Twisten click to hear late-Medieval struggle between competing factions
Hoeken click to hear 2 a late-Medieval faction
Kabeljauwen click to hear 2 a late-Medieval faction
Schieringers click to hear a late-Medieval faction in the North of the Netherlands
Vetkopers click to hear a late-Medieval faction in the North of the Netherlands
(de) verkenner click to hear 'scout'
(de?) zuurdesem click to hear 2 3 'sourdough'
onhandig click to hear 'clumsy'
slordig click to hear 2 'sloppy'
(de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 'accusation'
(de) toonbank click to hear 2 'counter' (in old-fashioned store)
waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 'probably'
vermoedelijk click to hear 'supposedly'
blijkbaar click to hear 2 'apparently'
schijnbaar click to hear 2 'seeming, seemingly'
goedgemutst click to hear 2 ['with the right cap on] - in a cheerful mood'
opgewekt click to hear 2 'cheerful'
snoezelen click to hear a sensory stimulation therapy - a made-up word combination of snuffelen click to hear ('to playfully explore') and doezelen click to hear 2 ('to doze, to be half-awake, half-asleep,') - probably reinforced by English 'to snooze' - (de) snoezelkamer click to hear 2 ('snoezelen room')
(het) geduld click to hear 2 'patience' - geduldig click to hear 2 'patient' - ongeduldig click to hear 2 'impatient'
Geduld is een schone zaak. click to hear 'Patience is a good thing.'
(het) hergebruik click to hear 2 're-use'
(de) stopverf click to hear 2 'putty'
Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud. click to hear 'to speak is silver, to be silent is golden.'
Gezelligheid kent geen tijd click to hear 2 'You forget about time when you have a cosy get-together' (?) or: 'You can have a nice get-together anytime' (?)
(de) toestemming click to hear 'permission'
(het) gevoel van eigenwaarde click to hear '[sense of own value] self-esteem'
beperkt click to hear 'limited'
onopvallend click to hear 'inconspicuous'
vanzelf click to hear 2 'by itself, automatic'
voorzorgsmaatregelen click to hear '[preventive measures] precautions'
(de) veronderstelling click to hear 2 'assumption'
molenwieken click to hear 'windmilling' (the Pete Townsend guitar-playing style)
(de) praatjesmaker click to hear 'bigmouth'
(het) kladblaadje click to hear 'piece of scrap paper'
de ware toedracht click to hear '[the true course of events] what really happened'
(de) luchtspiegeling click to hear '[mirroring in the air] mirage'
moeiteloos click to hear 'without making an effort, easy'
onvermoeibaar click to hear 'indefatigable'
(de) soldaat click to hear 'soldier'
(de) marine click to hear 'the Navy'
(de) betutteling click to hear 2 'bureacrats treating people like children'
(de) kneuterigheid click to hear 'Dutch small-mindedness, pettiness'
(de) bijdrage click to hear 'contribution'
(de) aanbeveling click to hear 'recommendation'
kiezelstenen click to hear 'pebbles'
mondeling click to hear 2 'oral, spoken'
schriftelijk click to hear 2 'written'
geen idee click to hear '[I have] no idea'
ze zijn aan het goede adres click to hear 2 3 [they're at the right address] 'they came to the right place' (figuratively)
Wie niet waagt, die niet wint click to hear 2 'he who doesn't take risks will not win - no risk, no gain'
elegant click to hear 2 'graceful'
(de) kaper click to hear 'pirate, buccaneer'
(de) voorsprong click to hear 2 'headstart,' how much you're ahead of the competition
(de) achterstand click to hear 'leeway' how much you're behind the competition
(het) achterstallig onderhoud click to hear 2 'overdue maintenance'
(de) vergane glorie click to hear 'faded glory'
zonder weerga click to hear weergaloos click to hear 2 3 '[won't come back] grand, without equal, can't be topped, unparallelled'
"laat ik dat eerst even doen" click to hear 2 'let me [take a minute to] do (fix, deal with) that first'
vanzelfsprekend click to hear 'self-evident'

Er komt geen eind aan click to hear 2 - there is no end to it, it goes on and on
't Houdt maar niet op click to hear 2 ('it just never stops')
(het) leedvermaak click to hear ('Schadenfreude')
gênant click to hear ('embarassing' - a word from French: the Dutch are not easily embarassed)
armoedig click to hear ('looking poor')
eng click to hear ('scary') - (de) engerd click to hear ('a creep')
(de) huichelaar click to hear ('a hypocrite') - huichelachtig click to hear ('hypocritical')
walgelijk click to hear 2 ('disgusting')
gruzelementen click to hear ('smithereens')
(de) zuinigheid click to hear 2 3 ('frugality' - a very Dutch trait)
aantrekkelijk click to hear ('attractive')
onweerstaanbaar click to hear 2 ('irresistible')
(de) aarzeling click to hear ('hesitation')
(de) teleurstelling click to hear ('disappointment') - teleurstellend click to hear ('disappointing')
(de) gebruiksaanwijzing click to hear 2 ('manual' [pointer for use])
bij nader inzien click to hear ('[upon closer inspection] - now that I think about it ...')
alle beetjes helpen click to hear ('every little bit helps')
't Vogeltje zit zo zoet op z'n nestje click to hear ('the little bird is sitting on its nest so sweetly')
Angst en vrees click to hear ('fear and dread' - (de) vrees click to hear is when you know what you're afraid of, (de) angst click to hear is an undefined fear.)

(de) gunst click to hear 'a favor' - gunstig click to hear 'favorable, positive'
(de) godenspijs click to hear 'food for gods, ambrosia'
bescheiden click to hear 'modest, small/not assertive'
leenwoorden click to hear 'loan words'
(de) beoordeling click to hear 'assessment, review'
(de) geluidsbarrière click to hear 2 'sound barrier'
knor click to hear 2 'nickname for a pig; a disgruntled, complaining person'
knorren click to hear 2 'the oinking of pigs; to complain'
(de) vreugde click to hear (2) 'joy' (old-fashioned - modern:) (het) plezier click to hear joy - though maybe these words are not exact equivalents
uiterwaarden click to hear the meadows between a river and the river dikes that may flood from time to time
(de) speling click to hear 2 'margin, tolerance, give, stretch'
zielig click to hear 'sad, to be pitied'
(de?/het) ovaal click to hear 'oval'
(de) ellips click to hear 2 'ellipse'
haaks click to hear = loodrecht click to hear 'perpendicular'
negentig graden click to hear '90°'
[(het)] vierkant click to hear 'square' (noun and adjective, adverb)
(de) rechthoek click to hear 'rectangle'
rechthoekig click to hear 2 'rectangular'
langwerpig click to hear 'oblong'
(de) kreet click to hear 2 'cry, shout'
(de) leest click to hear 'last' (shoe shape)
(de) invloed click to hear 2 'influence'
(het) begrotingstekort click to hear 'budget deficit'
(het) belastingvoordeel click to hear 'tax advantage, fiscal benefit'
betrouwbaar click to hear 2 'reliable, trustworthy'
geloofwaardig click to hear 'credible'
uitgebreid click to hear 2 'extensive'
De Ondergrondse click to hear / Het Verzet click to hear 2 3 the resistance movement in WWII German-occupied Holland
(de) opstand click to hear 2 'uprising'
(de) weerstand click to hear 2 'resistance;' also: 'impedance' (electricity)
(de) staatsgreep click to hear 'coup'
(de) revolutie click to hear 2 'revolution' - the usage is different from English. We say 'de Franse Revolutie' but we wouldn't call the American Revolution or the Dutch Revolt een 'revolutie.'
bondgenoten click to hear 2 'allies'
(de) gewoonte click to hear 'habit'
(de) leverancier click to hear 2 'supplier' (commercial)
onvoorstelbaar click to hear 2 'inconceivable, impossible to imagine'
onbegrijpelijk click to hear 2 'incomprehensible, impossible to understand' (begrijpen click to hear 'to understand')
onsmakelijk click to hear 2 'disgusting'
ongelofelijk click to hear / ongelooflijk click to hear 'incredible, unbelievable' (geloven click to hear 2 'to believe')
ondoorgrondelijk click to hear 2 'inscrutable, impossible to analyze,' "you can't get to the bottom of it"
(het) overschot click to hear 2 'surplus'
(de) medemens click to hear 'fellow man, fellow human'
(de) machteloze woede click to hear 2 'powerless anger, impotent rage'
(de) opbouwende kritiek click to hear 2 'constructive criticism'
een goed begin click to hear 2 'a good start'
Is het duurder geworden? click to hear 2 ['Did it become more expensive?'] 'Has the price gone up?'
om gezondheidsredenen click to hear 2 'for, because of, health reasons'
't is niet leuk meer click to hear 2 'it's not funny/enjoyable anymore'
wordt vervolgd click to hear 'to be continued'
(de) winterslaap click to hear 'hibernation'
(de) aan/uit knop click to hear 2 'power switch, power button'
tegen beter weten in click to hear 2 'against [my, his etc.] better judgement'
zonder nadenken click to hear 2 'without thinking [about it]'
vrijwillig click to hear 'voluntary, voluntarily' - vrijwilliger click to hear 2 'volunteer'
triest click to hear 2 'sad, depressing'
(de) trekboer click to hear 2 'migrating farmer' - in 19th Century South Africa, the Dutchmen who moved away from the British-occupied Cape Colony, some becoming nomadic farmers
(de) verlenging click to hear 'extension' (time)
(de) kwinkslag click to hear 'witty remark'
(het) cachet (Fr.) click to hear 2 'classy standing'
(de) heiligschennis click to hear 2 'sacrilege'
(de) boenwas click to hear wax for wooden furniture and floors, 'beeswax'
(de) kermis click to hear 2 a traveling (small) amusement park - maybe no longer in existence
(de) draaimolen click to hear 'merry-go-round' - (de) zweefmolen click to hear 2 a merry-go-round with seats like on a swing
(het) rad van avontuur click to hear 2 'Ferris wheel' - (de) achtbaan click to hear [figure-8 course] 'rollercoaster' - (de) botsautootjes click to hear 2 'bumper cars' - (de) schiettent click to hear sharpshooting booth
(het) spookhuis click to hear 2 'haunted house' - (de) waarzegster click to hear 2 'fortune teller' (a woman)
(de) flipperkast click to hear 2 'pinball machine'
gebeuren click to hear 'to happen' - 't gebeurt click to hear 'it happens' - 't gebeurde click to hear 'it happened'
betekenen click to hear 'to mean' - 't betekent click to hear 'it means' - 't betekende click to hear 2 'it meant'
schatten click to hear 1. 'to estimate' 2. 'treasures'
gebruiken click to hear 2 'to use'
aandoenlijk click to hear 2 '(emotionally) touching'
een verzetje click to hear 2 'an amusement, a diversion'
dubbelzinnig click to hear 2 3 'ambiguous, having two meanings,' the second meaning usually rather different or a bit fishy
(het) parochieblaadje click to hear 2 'parish newsletter' - also a depreciating term for a publication that caters to a specific group and allows no other views
actueel click to hear 'of the moment, in the news' - NOT: 'actual'
vitaal click to hear 2 'vigorous, lively' - NOT: 'vital' = 'very important'
langs click to hear 2 3 'along' like in 'along the street, along the river'
verwerken click to hear 2 'to process; to deal with' - (de) tekstverwerker click to hear 'word processor'
slank click to hear 'slender, slim' (people)
majesteit click to hear 'majesty' (address of royal persons) - majestueus click to hear 2 'majestic'
(de) paniek click to hear 'panic'
(het) snoepreisje click to hear ['candy-trip'] 'junket' pleasure travel by bureaucrats at taxpayers' expense
kostbaar click to hear 2 'precious'
(de) leegte click to hear 2 3 'emptiness'
veelbelovend click to hear 2 3 4 5 'promising'
ondeugend click to hear 2 'naughty'
(de) garantie click to hear 'guarantee, warranty'
uitgeput click to hear 2 'exhausted; depleted'
zelfverzekerd click to hear 2 'self-assured, very confident'
smetteloos click to hear 2 'without a blemish, very clean' (think of: 'smutless')
hagelwit click to hear 2 ['white as hail'] 'pure white'

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2011. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2