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Hear the Dutch words at Vowel Sounds Home
aanbod - offer
aandacht - attention
aanzet - beginning move
aanzoek - marriage proposal
aardbei - [soil-] strawberry
aardgas - [earth/soil-gas] natural gas
aardnoot - [soil-nut] - peanut (usually: 'pinda')
aasgier - vulture
accu - car battery
acteur - actor
actie - activity
acuut - acute; immediate
afkeur - disapproval
afkomst - descent, origin
agent - policeman, agent
agrariër - farmer (officialese)
akkoord - accord; OK
aldus - so
april - April
arbeid - work, labor
arend - eagle
aureool - aura, halo
baaldag - a day that you don't want to go to work, mental health sick day
badmuts - bathing cap
badpak - bathing suit
baksteen - [baked-stone] brick
bakzeil - only in the expression 'bakzeil halen:' to back down (sail=zeil)
balans - balance; scales
baljuw - [medieval city official]
ballon - balloon
balzaal - ballroom
barbaar - barbarian
bastion - redoubt
bauxiet - Aluminium ore
beëdigd - sworn in
bedankt - thanks, thanked
bedoeïen - bedouin
bedstee - old-time bed-in-wall
beeldbuis - picture tube
beeldschoon - very pretty ['like a picture']
beenbreuk - broken leg
beenmerg - bone marrow
beet - bite
begaan - affected
begin - start, beginning
behang - wallpaper
beiaard - bell-ringer
beitel - chisel (carpentry tool)
bekomst - bellyfull
beleefd - polite
benauwd - fearful; can't get air, difficulty breathing
bengel - naughty boy
benul - understanding (negative)
benzeen - benzene
bergrug - mountain [-back] range
bergschoen - [mountain] hiking shoe
berin - female bear
beroemd - famous
beroep - occupation, what you do for a living
beschuit - (a kind of cracker, biscuit?) rusk
bestuur - board of directors
betoog - argument, plea
beugel - braces
beunhaas - unlicensed contractor
Beursplein - the square that the Amsterdam Stock Exchange is on
beurtschip - a kind of freight ship
bewijs - proof
bezem - broom
bierbuik - beer belly
biergeur - the smell of beer
biergist - [beer-] brewers' yeast
bierton - beer keg
bieslook - chives
bijnier - [addition to kidney] adrenal gland
bintje - type of potato
bisschop - bisshop
bizar -
blaaskaak - [blow-jaw] bigmouth
blaaspijp - blowpipe (for alcohol level test)
blaasroer - blowpipe (for poison arrows)
blauwgrijs - blue-grey
blauwkous - bluestocking
blauwpaars - [blue-purple] violet
blauwzuur - prussic acid (HCN)
blijheid - [gladness] joy
blinddoek - blindfold
bloeddruk - blood pressure
bloedneus - nosebleed
bloemblad - [flower-leaf] petal
bloemkool - [flower-cabbage] cauliflower
blootsvoets - barefoot
blusboot - [extinguish-boat] fire department boat with hoses
boegspriet - bowsprit
boekweit - buckwheat
boemel - slow, local train
boerin - farmer's wife
boktor - kind of beetle
bolknak - kind of cigar
boomgaard - [tree garden] tree orchard
boorzuur - boric acid
booswicht - person with bad intentions (somewhat jocular)
boothuis - boat house
boren - drills; to drill
bosbes - blueberry
bosbouw - forestry ('-bouw' can refer to either agriculture or construction)
bosgeus - [Beggar of the Forest] Dutch Minuteman;
the majortity of the early Dutch Revolt fighters were 'Zeegeuzen' - Beggars of The Sea
boshut - cabin in the woods
bosmier - forest ant
bosuil - forest owl
boudoir - a lady's dressing room
bouwkeet - shed on construction site
bouwplaat - [building sheet] sheet of cardboard to build models
bouwput - building excavation
bouwset - material for (small) building
bouwstijl - building style
bouwval - [collapsed building] ruin
bouwwerk - building (jocular)
brandbrief - [fire-] urgent letter - (branden = to burn) -
(brand = a fire) - (vuur = fire)
branddeur - fire door
brandhout - firewood
brandpunt - [burning point] focus
brandspuit - fire hose
brandweer - fire [-defense] department
breeduit - wide [-out]
breikous - knitted sock in progress
bretels - suspenders
breukstreep - fraction line
breukvlak - the plane of fracture
broedplaats - breeding ground (birds)
broekrok - pants-skirt
brombeer - [grumbling bear] oft-complaining older man
broodplank - breadboard
broodroof - [bread-theft] stealing someone's job
bruidsjurk - wedding dress
bruidstaart - wedding cake
bruikleen - a loan of practical things
bruiloft - wedding
bruinvis - dolphin (old-fashoned)
brutaal - insolent (a 'false friend:' brutal, merciless
= wreed, genadeloos -
buikpijn - stomach ache
buikriem - [belly-] belt, in the expression 'de buikriem aanhalen:'
- to cut down on spending
bunker - bunker
bureau - office (also: police station); office desk
buren - neighbors
busbaan - bus lane
buskruit - gunpowder
buslijn - bus route
bustocht - tour by bus
buur - neighbor
buurland - neighboring country
buurtbus - neighborhood bus
buurtfeest - neighborhood party
buurthuis - [neighborhood house] community center
buurtkerk - neighborhood church
buurtkroeg - neighborhood bar
buurvrouw - female neighbor
cadeau - present, gift
caesuur - caesura (music)
camera -
censuur - censorship
chemie - chemistry - (the common word is: scheikunde)
the sciences
circus -
citroen - lemon
clubhoofd - club chief
clubhuis - club house
coördinatie - coordination
code -
coltrui - turtleneck sweater
compleet - comlete
contact -
corrupt -
coulant - courteous
couplet - (song) chorus
cruciaal - crucial
cultuur - culture, civilization
cyclus - cycle
daarna - after that
dagmelk - pasteurized milk
dampdruk - vapor pressure
deeltijd - part-time
deining - commotion
deksel - jar or pot top
dekzeil - [covering sail] tarp
denkfout - mistake in thinking
deugdzaam - virtuous
deugniet - misbehaving boy (mild)
deukhoed - kind of hat ('with a dent')
deurbel - door bell
deurlijst - door frame
deurmat - door mat
deurslot - door lock
deurveer - door spring
dichtbij - close by
dichter - poet
dichtheid - density
dictee - dictation test
dieet, diëten - diet, diets
dienstfiets - company- or military-, sturdy but clunky bicycle (jocular)
diepblauw - deep blue
diepdruk - kind of printing
diepgaand - [going deep] serious
diepvries - freezer
diesel -
dijkbreuk - break of levee
direct -
dispuut - argument, word fight
doelpunt - goal [-point] (in a game)
donder - thunder
doodeng - [dead-] very scary
doodleuk - [dead-funny] without further ado, somewhat inappropriate
dooien/het dooit - to thaw/it is thawing
doorgang - thruway
dophei - kind of heather
dorsvloer - threshing floor
draadloos - wireless
dressoir - dining room cabinet
dressuur - horse-show discipline
dreumes - little boy
driehoek - triangle (geometric, not musical)
driepoot - [three-leg] tripod
driesprong - three ways to choose
drievoud - threefold, triple
driewerf - three times - driewerf hoezee! - triple hurray! (old-fashioned)
droogdok - dry dock
droombeeld - [dream image] ideal
droomreis - the trip of your dreams
druiloor - tiresome person
druipkaars - dripping candle
drukinkt - ink for printing
drukproef - [print-test] galley
drukwerk - printed matter
drupneus - dripping nose
duimschroef - thumb screw (instrument of torture)
duimstok - measuring rod
duizend - a thousand
duurvorm - (grammar) for instance: you are reading, you are listening -
Dutch has no 'duurvorm'
duurzaam - lasting
duwboot - pushing tugboat
dwaling - errant step (old-fashioned)
dwarsfluit - flute German: - Querflöte
eenheid - unit; unity
eenvoud - simplicity
eervol - [honor-full] honorable
eerzaam - respectable, virtuous (old-fashioned - the word and/or the idea?)
eetlust - [eating-desire] appetite
ei/eieren - egg/eggs
eigen - own, property; specific
eindstreep - finish line
eiwit - egg-white; protein
enzym -
erin - in it
erna - after it
erop - on it, on top of it
eruit - out of it
ervoor - in front of it; for the purpose of
exact - precisely (de exacte wetenschappen =
the sciences)
extra -
fabel - fable
factuur - invoice (officialese)
feestmuts - party hat (muts = wool cap)
feestneus - party nose; parties aficionado
feilloos - without fail
festijn - party (old-fashioned)
fietsband - bicycle tire
fietsstuur - (bicycle) handlebars
figuur - figure
filmhuis - (art) movie house
flauwte - fainting fit
flutboek - lightweight, disappointing book
fluweel - velvet
fopspeen - [fooling/fake nipple] pacifier (of babies)
fortuin - fortune
fosfor - phosphorus
foudraal - leather carrying case
foutloos - [fault-less] without mistakes
fraai/fraaier/fraaist - pretty/prettier/prettiest
(somewhat jocular or critical)
frietsaus - sauce for French fries: mayonaise
fruitboom - fruit tree
fruitgeur - the smell of fruit
fruitvlieg - fruit fly (drosophila)
fusie - fusion, merger
galzuur - gall [-acid], bile
gasthuis - hospital (very old-fashioned)
gauwdief - [quick-thief] ~purse snatcher
geïnd - money collected
gebaar - gesture
gebeurd - happened
gebit - (the set of natural) teeth (kunstgebit = artificial teeth)
gebouw - building
geelgroen - yellow-green
geheim - secret
gehoord - heard
geintje - joke, practical joke
gekleurd - colored, painted
gekte - craziness
geldstuk - [money-piece] coin
gelijk - equal; right, correct
geloofd - believed; praised
geluid - sound
geluk - luck; happiness
gemis - something missed. lack
geniet - enjoy!
genoeg - enough
genot - enjoyment
gepruts - shoddy work by amateurs
gereed - ready
geruis - white noise
geschenk - present, gift (old-fashioned) (cadeau/kado = present)
getal - number (math)
getrouwd - married
geurstof - smelling matter
geurvlag - smell-marker (cats)
gezeul - heavy hauling
gezeur - nagging
gezien - [seen] well-regarded
gezond - healthy
gier - vulture
gifpijl - poisoned arrow
gitaar - guitar
glazuur - glazing
glijbaan - slide (children's playground)
glimlach - [faint laugh] smile
glimworm - glowworm
godin - goddess
godsdienst - [god-service] religion
goedkoop - [good-buy] cheap, inexpensive
gootsteen - [gutter-stone] sink
goudgeel - golden yellow
goudkoorts - gold fever
goudmijn - goldmine
goudpot - pot of gold
goudstuk - [gold piece] golden coin
goudvink - goldfinch
goudvis - goldfish
graanoogst - [grain-] wheat harvest
grapjas - [joke-coat] joker
grasspriet - blade of grass
griepprik - flu shot
grindweg - gravel road
grinnik - chuckle
groei/groeien - growth/to grow
groente - vegetables
groepskuur - therapy for/in a group
gulheid - generousness
guppie - an aquarium fish
haardvuur - fire in a fireplace
halsdoek - rag for around neck
handrem - hand brake
hangslot - [hanging lock] padlock
heelal - [whole everything] universe
heenweg - the way there
heeroom - uncle who is a priest
hefboom - [lifting beam] lever
heiblok - pile hammer
heilzaam - wholesome
hemel - sky; heaven
herfstkleur - Fall color
herrie - noise
heupbeen - hip bone
heupbroek - [hip-pants] low-riding pants
hierbij - herewith
hierheen - come this way
hierom - because of this, about this
hoeksteen - cornerstone
hoera - hurrah
hoestbui - coughing fit ('bui' is usually '(rain-)shower')
hoewel - although
hoezee - hurrah (old-fashioned)
hofnar - court jester
hondsmoe - [dog-] very tired
hoogmoed - [high courage] hubris
hoosbui - very heavy rain
hordeur - screen door
houdgreep - [holding grip] Judo maneuver
houding - attitude
houtbouw - [wood culture] forestry; construction in wood
houtdeur - wooden door
houtduif - forest pigeon
houtgeur - the smell of wood
houtland - forested land (Holland?)
houtluis - wood louse
houtskool - [carbonated wood] coal
houtwol - wood [-wool] gratings
houtwurm - wood worm
houtzaag - wood saw
houweel - pickaxe
huidskleur - skin color
huifkar - covered wagon
huilbui - bout of crying
huishuur - the rent for a house
huismus - house-sparrow; also: stay-at-home
huisraad - household goods
huisvlijt - home industry
huisvriend - a friend 'of the house'
huisvrouw - housewife
huisvuil - household garbage
hulpkreet - cry for help
hulpstuk - accessory
humeur - mood
hutspot - [hodgepodge] dish of potatoes, carrots and onion,
cooked and mashed
huurhuis - rental, a house that's rented
huurprijs - rent [-price]
idee - idea
ijsberg - iceberg
ijsco - hand-held serving of ice cream
ijsmuts - ice cap (of wool)
ijsmuur - wall of ice
ijssaus - sauce for ice cream
ijsschots - ice floe
ijstrui - woolly sweater for freezing weather
ijsvrij - time off at school to enjoy ice activities
infuus - drip infusion
inkoop - industrial buying
inktvis - [ink-fish] octopus
inktvlek - ink stain
jofel - good (old-fashioned teenage use)
jongens - boys
juffrouw - Miss
juweel - jewel
kaalheid - baldness
kabaal - excessive noise
kajuit - a cabin on shipboard
kalkoen - turkey
kamer - a room
kanaal - channel
Kanaän - Canaan
kanon - cannon, big gun
karbouw - an Asian draft animal
karren - carts; to drive (jocular)
kassa - (cash) register
kasteel - castle
kauwgom - chewing gum
kei/keien - rock, boulder/rocks, boulders
keuken - kitchen
keuring - examination, inspection
keurmerk - mark of inspection
keurslijf - the prison of routine, straightjacket; also: dwangbuis
keurvorst - a kind of king (elector?)
kiespijn - [molar-] tooth ache
kieviet - a bird with speckled eggs
klaagmuur - [complaining] wailing wall
kladblok - scap paper pad
kleiduif - clay pigeon
kleigrond - clay soil
kleingoed - small things, bric-a-brac
kleinkind - [small-] grandchild
kletskous - [chat-stocking] talkative person
kletsnat - [slapping-] dripping wet
kleurboek - coloring book
kleurecht - colors [-real] don't fade
kleurkrijt - coloring chalk
kleurloos - without color, bland
klimop - [climbs up] ivy
klimtouw - climbing rope
klopgeest - a ghost that knocks, poltergeist
knalpijp - [banging-] exhaust pipe
kneuswond - bruise injury
kniebroek - [knee-pants] plus fours
knieval - [knee-fall] genuflection
knipoog - wink [-eye]
knoflook - garlic
kobalt - cobalt
koe/koeien - cow/cows
koekoek - cuckoo
koelhuis - warehouse for frozen goods
koemelk - cow's milk
koetsier - coach driver
kolom - column
koning - king
kookboek - cookbook
kookles - cooking lesson
kookpunt - boiling point
koolzuur - carbon dioxide CO2
koord - cord, string
kopstoot - head-butt
kostprijs - cost [-price]
kostuum - costume, dress
koudvuur - ['cold fire'] mythical harmless firework
kozijn - (window) frame
kraamheer - the father of a newborn baby
kraamvrouw - the mother of a newborn (or about to be born) baby
krachtvoer - [power-food] very nutritious animal feed
kreatief - creative
kreukvast - resisting creases
kristal - crystal
kroegmuur - a wall of a bar
kroonkurk - a metal bottle top shaped like a crownn
kruidkoek - spice cake
kruier - porter
kruisband - [cross-band] ligament
kruisbes - a kind of berry
kruisboog - crossbow
kruisheer - ['a lord of the cross'] crusader
kruishout - cross [-wood]
kruispunt - [point of crossing] intersection
kruistocht - [cross-journey] crusade
kruisvuur - crossfire
kruitdamp - gunpowder smoke
kubus - cube
kunstbloem - [artificial-] plastic flower
kunstmest - [artificial-] (chemical) fertilizer
kunstnier - [artificial kidney] dialysis machine
kunstvorm - art form
kuuroord - health resort
kweekschool - teachers' college
kweepeer - a kind of pear
kwiebus - a somewhat weird, somewhat entertaining person
kwikdruk - barometer reading (kwik = quicksilver, mercury) -
(druk = pressure)
laadruim - [load-space] a ship's cargo hold
laagbouw - low-rise building(s)
lachbui - laughing fit
landbouw - agriculture
leenman - (medieval) a man, given land by the king, in return for services
leesbeurt - reading-turn
leesbril - reading glasses
leeuw/leeuwen - lion/lions
leeuwin - lioness
leeuwtje - lion cub
leuning - armrest (of a chair)
leunstoel - [leaning-] lazy chair
lichtblauw - light blue
lichtgeel - light yellow
lichtjaar - light year
lichtschip - lightship ('a floating lighthouse')
lidwoord - article (grammar - the, a)
liegbeest - liar (children's speech)
lijfspreuk - [personal saying] motto
likeur - (sweet) liquor
loeien - to moo (cows)
loodzwaar - [lead-] very heavy
loofboom - a tree with soft leaves, not a pine-tree
loopneus - runny nose
lorren - your personal junk
losbol - [loose-head] irresponsible young person
losvast - loose-fast (whatever that may mean)
luchtbrug - [air-bridge] supply by airplane
(for instance, West Berlin, 1948/49)
luchtdicht - air-tight
luchtreis - air-travel (by balloon)
luchtruim - air space ('violating our air space')
luchtzak - air-pocket (causing plane turbulence)
ludiek - playful (often said of humorous political activities by young adults)
lui, luie - lazy
lunchuur - lunch hour
luwte - quiet spot in a windy environment or a tumultuous sea
maïs - (Indian) corn
maanlicht - moonlight
mafkees - weird-funny person
mal, malle - silly
markant - noticeable
marktplein - market square
marsman - a Martian
meeldauw - [flour-dew] mildew
meerkoet - a black-and-white water bird
meermin - mermaid (usually: 'zeemeermin' - (sea-))
meester - master
meetpunt - a point where a measurement is taken
meikaas - [May-] 'grass' cheese (made of milk from fresh grass,
after cows had hay to eat in Winter)
melding - report
melkkoe - milk cow
melkmuil - [milk-mouth] inexperienced fighter
melkzuur - lactic acid
meneer - Sir and Mr
mentaal - mentally
menu -
metaal - metal
meteen - right away
mevrouw - Ma'am and Mrs
miauw - meow (what a cat says)
mierik - a kind of root spice
mijnlamp - mine lamp
militair - military; military person
miljoen - a million
miltvuur - [spleen-fire] a cattle disease (anthrax?)
minpunt - [minus-point] a point against
minuut - minute
mislukt - failed
mispoes - "you failed" (jocular)
misschien - maybe
mobiel - mobile - (mobieltje = cell phone)
moeder - mother
moeras - swamp
moerbei - a rare kind of fruit
moestuin - orchard without trees
moker - a heavy deconstruction tool
molshoop - molehill ['-heap']
mondhoek - corner of mouth
monteur - car mechanic
montuur - glasses frame
mooi/mooier/mooist - (beautiful) pretty/prettier/prettiest
motief - reason for crime; theme in art
muildier - mule [-animal]
muilpeer - [mouth-pear] a blow to the face (old-fashioned, jocular)
muiltje - kind of ladies' shoe
muisgrijs - [mouse-grey] dun
muisstil - [mouse-] very quiet
muntdrop - a variety of Dutch liquorice (shaped as coins)
muskiet - mosquito
muskus - unpleasant perfume ingredient
mustang -
muurbloem - wall-flower, unpopular girl at a dance
muurverf - wall paint
muze - the muse
naaldboom - pine tree
nachtlicht - night light
nadoen - [do-after] to imitate
nawee - contraction after the delivery, usually figuratively, after-shock
nerveus - nervous
netto - after tax
neushoorn - [nose-horn] rhinoceros
neutraal - neutral
niersteen - kidney stone
nieuw, nieuwe - new
nieuws - news
nijptang - (carpentry) pliers to remove nails
noordpool - North Pole
nulpunt - the zero point, very low point
oeroud - very old, ancient
oerwoud - [original forest] jungle
olie - oil
omhoog - up
ommuurd - [around-walled] walled in
omtrek - [trip-around] circumference
onding - [un-thing] unpleasant, disappointing object
ongein - [un-joke] unpleasant action(s)
onlust - [un-desire] unpleasant feeling; also: riot
ontbijt - breakfast
oogkleur - eye color
ooi - lady sheep
oorbel - earring [-bell]
opbouw - the building up
ordinair - vulgar, 'common'
orgaan - organ (body) - (orgel = organ (music))
orkest - orchestra
oudheid - [oldness] antiquity
oudoom - uncle twice removed (or something)
ozon - ozone
paaldorp - village of houses on stilts
paasei - Easter egg
pais - peace (only found in the expression pais en vree = [peace and] peace)
paling - eel
papier - paper
parket - (wood floor) parquet
paspoort - passport
pauze - pause, intermission
pedaal - pedal
perceel - building, piece of property (officialese)
perplex - perplexed
perzik - peach
peulvrucht - [pod-fruit] legume
piëteit - piety
piekfijn - [peak-fine] to the nines
Pieten - guys named Pete
pijlpunt - arrow tip
pikzwart - ink-black
piloot - pilot, airman
pinken - pinkies, little fingers; also: 1-year-old cows
pion - pawn (chess)
pipet - pipette (chemistry)
plaatstaal - flat steel
plankier - stage (theatre)
plezier - fun
poëten - poets (old-fashioned & jocular)
poeslief - [cat-sweet] very sweet but insincere behavior
poetsdoek - doffing rag
poezen - cats
pofmouw - puffed sleeve
ponton - floating block for temporary waterfront construction
portefeuille - wallet [French: carry-papers]
portemonnaie - purse [French: carry-money] -
the 'purse' cognate 'beurs'
is less common
portier - car door; doorman
postduif - mail-carrying pigeon
potdicht - perfectly closed ('like a pot')
prieel - gazebo
priester - priest
prima - excellent
primeur - 'first,' very fresh news item or consumeable
prinses - princess
prisma - prism
product -
proefdier - test animal
proefschrift - [proof-booklet] doctoral thesis
proeftijd - trial [-time] period
proefwerk - written test at High School
project -
propaan - propane
pruillip - curled lip indicating unhappiness or rejection (children)
puinhoop - [heaped building rubble] ruin, also figuratively: failure
puntgaaf - perfect (old-fashioned)
puntneus - pointy nose
puntschoen - pointy shoe
raadhuis - [board-house] city hall
raakvlak - [touching plane] points of contact, things in common
radio -
raspaard - purebred horse
reünie - reunion (like Barry Goldberg's)
realiteit - reality
reflex -
reinheid - cleanliness - for beer in Germany there's the
the Law of Purity
rendier - [running animal] elk, reindeer
respect -
reukloos - without smell
reuma - rheuma
Ria - girls' name
riant - comfortable
rietkraag - [reed-collar] a waterfront border of dry, grassy stalks
rijbroek - riding pants
rijdier - animal for riding
rijmwoord - rhyming word
rijnaak - [Rhine-] river transport ship
rijstmeel - rice flour
rijtuig - [riding gear/machine] coach
rijwiel - [riding wheel] bicycle (officialese)
ritueel - ritual (noun, adjective and adverb)
robot -
robuust - strong, solid
roeping - calling 'a calling for the priesthood'
roerdomp - a water bird
roerloos - without moving, still
roestkleur - the color of rust
rolmaat - measuring tape that rolls up
rommel - junk, things chaotic
roofbouw - [rob-] unsustainable agriculture or growth
roofdier - [robber-animal] predator
rookpluim - plume of smoke
roomsaus - cream sauce
roomsoes - cream puff
rotsaus - 'rotten sauce'
rouwbrief - [mourning-] letter announcing a death and funeral
rouwstoet - [mourning-] funeral procession
ruïne - ruin
rugslag - backstroke (swimming)
ruiker - [nice-smelling thing] bouquet of flowers
ruilbeurs - exchange-market, in effect a flea market
ruim, ruime - roomy
rumoer - noise, mostly of talk - another false friend
rundvlees - beef [-meat]
rusthuis - [rest-] retirement home
rustkuur - a series of rest therapy sessions
rustoord - rest therapy building
rusttijd - time for rest
ruzie - fight (with words), bad relations
salie - a herb of mild taste - (Jan Salie = a person without
initiative or staying power)
sauskom - sauce bowl
schaakclub - chess club
schaaldier - shell-[-animal]-fish
schavuit - a bad guy (jocular)
scheepsruim - a ship's hold
scheerzeep - shaving [-soap] cream
scheluw - warped wood
schelvis - a kind of fish
scheurbuik - [ripping belly] scurvy
schietstoel - [shoot-chair] ejection seat
schildknaap - page (medieval knight's assistant)
schoensmeer - shoe cream
schoolbus -
schoolschrift - school notebook
schoolslag - breaststroke (swimminng)
schoolstrijd - 'battle of the schools' (19th century political battle
over school funding)
schouder - shoulder
schouwburg - [view/(show?) castle] theatre
schouwspel - play [theatre], also: show
schroefdop - screw cap
schuifdeur - sliding door
schuimspuit - foam hose (fire department or pastry chef's)
schutkleur - camouflage color
schutting - wooden fence
schuurdeur - barn door
schuurschijf - sanding disc
secuur - with much attention to detail (this looks like a 'false friend')
seizoen - season
senaat - senate
serie - series
slaapmuts - [sleeping-] night cap - (slaapmutsje = a drink before bed)
slabak - salad/lettuce bowl
slasaus - salad/lettuce sauce
slavink - [salad-finch] ground meat wrapped in bacon (if I remember right)
- a butcher's bird
sleepboot - tugboat
sleeptouw - towing cable
sliep-uit - children's challenge
slijpsteen - whetstone
sluipwesp - guerilla wasp
slungel - loose-limbed tall young man
sluw, sluwe - cunning
sluwheid - cunningness
smeergeld - [grease-money] bribe
smeerkaas - cream cheese
smeerkees - dirty boy
smeerpoets - dirty boy
smurrie - mud-like oily substance
sneltrein - [fast-] express train
snoepgoed - candy
solo -
spaarpot - [saving pot] piggy bank
spectrum -
speksaus - bacon sauce
speling - 'give' imprecise fit, room for improvisation
spelonk - [spelunk] narrow cave
speurneus - [detecting nose] investigating person (jocular)
spiegel - mirror
spierbal - [ball of muscle] biceps
spijker - nail (for hammering) - (nagel = (finger)nail)
spilziek - [-sick] pathetical overspending
spitsmuis - [pointy-] kind of mouse
splijtstof - [splitting-] fissionable material
spliterwt - split pea
spoedzaak - urgent case
spouwmuur - (open space in a double wall)
spraakles - speech lesson(s)
spreekbeurt - (public) speaking turn
spreekuur - [speak-] office hours (doctors', officials' etc.)
springtouw - jump rope
spuitbus - spray can
staalblauw - steel blue
staalboek - book of fabric samples
staalplaat - a sheet of steel
staartstuk - tail piece (meat, wood)
stamboom - [tribe-] family tree
stapvoets - [step-foot] slow moving
steencel - stone cell (found in pears, for instance)
stembus - [vote-] ballot box
stemrecht - the right to vote
stemvork - tuning fork
steunbeer - supporting arch (in a church)
steunmuur - supporting wall
steunpunt - point of support
steunzool - [supporting-] othopedic inlay in shoe
stijlvast - [-stable] consistent in style
stinkdier - [smelly animal] skunk
stoelpoot - [chair leg] leg of chair
stoeprand - the edge of the sidewalk
stokpaard - [stick-horse] children's pretend horse; also: someone's stock subject
stokvis - a kind of dried fish
stola - a wide shawl, ladies' garment
stoofpeer - a pear for slow cooking
stoomtrein - a steam train
stopverf - [stopping paint] putty
straatsteen - [street-stone] paving brick
strijdlust - [battle-desire] eagerness to do battle
structuur - structure of things, but not 'a building'
student - colllege or university student
studie - study, studies
stukloon - wage measured by production
stuntman -
stuurhut - steering cabin (ship)
stuurman - [steering man] ship officer
stuurslot - steering wheel lock
stuwdam - reservoir dam
stuwdeur - opening ['door'] in reservoir dam
stuwing - pressure
stuwmeer - reservoir [-lake]
symbool - symbol
taartvorm - cake [form/shape] mold
tabel - table (data)
tafel - table (to sit at)
tapijt - carpet, tapestry
tastzin - sense of touch
technisch - technical
tentstok - tent pole
terreur - terror
terug - back (going -)
Thais -
theehuis - tea house
theepot - teapot
thuisfront - home front
tijdperk - [time-space] era
tijdreis - journey in time
tijdschrift - [time-booklet] magazine, periodical
tijdsduur - time [-lasting] span
tinctuur - tincture
tinmijn - tin mine
tochtstrip - [draft-] weatherstripping
toedoen - [doings in a certain direction] ~action
toerbeurt - turn
toerbus - touring bus
toestel - machine
toevlucht - [flight/escape to] respite
toneel - stage; acting
tonsuur - tonsure (a priest's shaved spot)
topzwaar - top-heavy
tragiek - tragedy
trauma -
treeplank - running board (to ease entry into a car)
treinbus - bus, service geared to trains schedule
treurbeuk - 'weeping' beech tree
treurwilg - weeping willow
triangel - triangle (music)
tribuun - tribune (Roman ruler)
trio -
trouwdag - wedding day
trouwkoets - wedding carriage
trouwring - wedding [ring] band
tuba -
tuinbouw - fine produce agriculture
tuinhek - yard fence
tuinslang - garden hose
tuinstoel - [garden] lawn chair
tumult - disturbances, chaos
tunnel -
turfschip - a ship loaded with peat (the Dutch Trojan Horse at Breda, 1590)
ui/uien - onion/onions
uitbouw - [out-building] an expansion of a building
uitheems - [out-of/not-from our homeland] foreign (old-fashioned)
uitkijk - lookout
uitroep - [out-] cry, shout
uitspraak - [out-speak] decision by authority
uitzicht - [out-] view
urgent -
vaargeul - sailing channel
vacuüm - vacuum
varken - pig
veeboer - cattle farmer
veeleer - [much before] rather
veerpont - ferry
veertien - 14
veldloop - [fields-] run (match)
veldtocht - [field journey] fighting expedition
ventweg - [selling road] small road next and parallel to a freeway
verfkwast - paintbrush
verfspuit - paint sprayer
verhuurd - rented out
verliefd - in love
verplicht - required
verruild - exchanged
verschijn - appear!
verstand - brains
verzet - resistance
verzoek - request
verzorgd - (well-) cared for
vetzuur - fatty acid
vijfhoek - [five-angle] pentangle
vijfvoud - five-fold
vilthoed - felt hat
viltstift - felt pen
vinger - finger
viool - violin
visgeur - fish smell
vishuis - fish [-house] restaurant
viskeus - viscous
vismeel - [fish flour] ground, dried fish meat
vissaus - fish sauce
vizier - visor (medieval helmet feature); vizir (muslim military leader)
vleessaus - meat sauce
vliegtijd - flying-time
vliegtuig - [flying machine] airplane
vlierbes - kind of inedible berry
vlierstruik - the bush producing that inedible berry
vlijmscherp - very sharp (knife, criticism)
vloedgolf - flood [-wave]
vloerkleed - [floor-cloth] carpet
vlootschouw - fleet parade
vluchtweg - escape [-road] route
vlugzout - [quick-] smelling salt
voedsel - food
voertuig - [moving machine] vehicle
volkslied - [the people's song] anthem
voordeur - front door
voortouw - [front rope] lead; - (het voortouw nemen
= take the lead, take the initiative)
vooruit - [front-out] forward
vouwden - (we) folded
vouwfiets - folding bicycle
vrede - peace
vreugde - happiness (bookish, old-fashioned)
vrienden - friends
vriendin - girlfriend
vrieskou - the freezing cold
vriespunt - the freezing point
vrij/vrijer - free/more free; vrijer = (also:) 'boyfriend' (jocular)
vrijbrief - letter of dispensation
vrijuit - [free-out] without inhibition
vrijwel - almost
vruchtbaar - [fruitful] fertile
vruchtvlees - [fruit-meat] fruit pulp
vulkaan - volcano
vuurmond - [fire-mouth] the open end of a cannon
vuurpijl - [fire-arrow] fireworks rocket, flare
vuurrood - red as fire
vuurvast - fire resistant (crockery)
vuurwerk - fireworks
vuurzee - [fire-sea] wall of fire
waardin - female innkeeper
waarmee - with which
waarmerk - [goods branding] hallmark
walnoot - walnut
walvis - whale [-fish]
warmte - warmth
wasbeurt - washing, laundry [-turn]
wedstrijd - [-battle] match, game
weekdag - weekday
weerschijn - [again-shine] reflection
weitas - bag for victims of hunting
wenkbrauw - eyebrow
werkdag - workday
werktuig - [work-gear] tool
werkvloer - [work-floor] shop floor
werkweek - workweek
wieldop - [wheel-] hubcap
wijnbouw - [wine-growing] viniculture
wijsgeer - [wisdom-lover] philosopher
wijsneus - [wisdom-nose] annoying know-it-all
windvlaag - gust of wind
wipneus - up-turned nose
wipwap - seesaw (children's speech)
witheet - white-hot
witkiel - [white-shirt] porter on railroad stations (extinct)
witlof - [white-leaves] Belgian endives
woestijn - desert
wolkbreuk - cloudburst (very heavy rain)
yoghurt - yogurt
zalmsaus - salmon sauce
zangles - singing lesson(s)
zebra -
zeefdruk - a printing technique
zeereis - sea journey
zeeziek - seasick (see Edmund Wilson, 'I Though of Daisy')
zeilboot - sailboat
zeldzaam - rare
zenuw - nerve
zeshoek - [six-angle] hexagon
zeurkous - [nag-stocking] nagging person
zeurpiet - [nag-Pete] nagging person
zijdeur - side door
zintuig - sense (the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell etc.)
zoeklicht - searchlight
zoethout - liquorice root (radix liquiritiae) (eaten as candy)
zoetzuur - sweet-sour
zondvloed - [Noah's (sin?-) Flood] deluge
zoutzak - bag of salt
zoutzuur - hydrochloric acid (HCl)
zuidwest - South-West
zuivel - dairy
zuring - a plant, often found near railroads
zuster - sister; nurse
zuurgraad - degree of acidity
zuurkool - [sour cabbage] Sauerkraut
zuurstof - [sour matter] oxygen
zwaluw - swallow (bird)
zwavel - sulphur (S)
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