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Dutch Pronunciation Examples - A Rough Translation

A rough translation of the examples on The Dutch Pronunciation Page
A single slash / divides between words; a double slash // divides between meanings
The words in bold are more common.
Dutch nouns take either 'de' click to hear 2 or 'het' click to hear 2 as the definite article ('the.') 'Het' is often shortened to 't click to hear - note the sound change from 'short E' to 'voiceless E.' A few Dutch nouns can take either 'de' or 'het,' often with a change of meaning. When an English word can be either a noun or an adjective, I have sometimes indicated a noun with 'a.' This may look like a wrong translation.

To The Words and Letters (below)
apostrophe - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

'n click to hear - a (the indefinite article - abbreviation of een, which has the same pronunciation)
'n beetje click to hear - a little
'n heet hangijzer click to hear 2 - a troubling issue that's not going away
'n heitje voor 'n karweitje click to hear 2 - a quarter for a small job (slogan of a yearly boy scouts fundraiser)
'n scheve schaats click to hear - ['a crooked skate'] immoral behavior
'r click to hear - short for haar click to hear ('her') or er click to hear ('~there')
's avonds click to hear - in the evening
's middags click to hear - in the afternoon
's morgens click to hear - in the morning
's nachts click to hear - at night
's winters click to hear - in winter
's zomers click to hear - in summer
't click to hear - short for het click to hear 2 3 - the second definite article: 'the' // 'it'
't dooit click to hear - [it is thawing] it stopped freezing
't Gooi click to hear - the area around Hilversum, South-East of Amsterdam
't Hart click to hear - last name, famous author Maarten 't Hart
't is niet waar! click to hear - [it's not true - ironic] you don't say!
't is weer bruin of gespikkeld click to hear - [it's again brown or dotted] soccer time!
't Kan vriezen en 't kan dooien click to hear - [It may freeze or it may thaw] things can go either way
't regent click to hear 2 3 - it is raining
't sneeuwt click to hear - it is snowing
't Spui click to hear 2 - square or street in several Dutch cities
't Sufferdje click to hear - nickname for small local newspaper
't Vogeltje zit zo zoet op z'n nestje click to hear - the bird is sitting on its nest so sweetly
aan click to hear ~ to, at
aanwezig click to hear - present, here (adjective)
(de) aap click to hear 2 - monkey
(de) aardappel click to hear (de) aardappels click to hear - potato, potatoes
(de) aardappelpuree click to hear - mashed potatoes
(de) aardas click to hear - the earth's axis
(de) aarde click to hear - the earth (Earth) // the soil
aardig click to hear 2 3 - kind, sweet
(de) aardolie click to hear - crude oil
(de) aardstraal click to hear 2 - 'earth ray'
(de/het) aas click to hear - ace (de/het) // bait (het)
(de) accijns click to hear 2 'excise' - tax on luxury goods like alcohol and tobacco
(de) acht click to hear - 8
achtentachtig prachtige grachten click to hear 2 - '88 wonderful canals' (Amsterdam)
achter click to hear - behind
(de) acteur click to hear 2 - actor
(de) actie / actief click to hear 2 - action / active
(de) actrice click to hear - actress
(de) adder click to hear - adder (a snake)
(de) adem click to hear - breath
(de) adoptie click to hear - adoption
(de) advertentie click to hear - ad, advertisement
af click to hear ~ off
(de) afgevaardigde click to hear 2 - delegate
afhankelijk click to hear - dependent
(de) afwas click to hear - dishes etc. to be cleaned
afzonderlijk click to hear - separate
(de) agrariër / (de) gier click to hear - farmer, agriculture worker / vulture
Agnes click to hear - girls' name
(de) akker click to hear - acre, agriculture field
(het) aksent / (het) sukses click to
     hear - accent / success
al wat groeit en bloeit en ons telkens weer boeit click to hear 2 - everything that grows and flowers and fascinates us again and again
al click to hear - already
(de) alimentatie click to hear - alimony, child support
alle click to hear - all
(de) allergie click to hear - allergy
allergisch click to hear 2 - allergic
alles click to hear - all, everything
als de dagen lengen, gaan de nachten strengen click to hear - when the days get longer, the nights get more severe (i.e. colder)
als puntje bij paaltje komt click to hear - at the moment of truth, when push comes to shove
als click to hear - if, when
altijd click to hear - always
(de) alvleesklier click to hear - pancreas
(de) ambitie click to hear - ambition
ambitieus click to hear - ambitious
(het) ambt click to hear - office, job title of official
ambtelijk click to hear 2 - official, 'bureaucratic'
(de) ambtenaar click to hear - civil servant, person employed by the government
(de) ammoniak click to hear - ammonia
[(de)] ander click to hear - other
(de) angst click to hear - dread, fear (of unknown cause)
(de) anjer click to hear 2 - carnation
anorganisch click to hear - inorganic (chemistry)
(de) aorta click to hear - aorta
(de) apotheek click to hear 2 - pharmacy
(het) appèl click to hear - appeal
(de) appel click to hear - apple
(de) appelbeignet click to hear - a type of apple cake
april click to hear - April
(de) Arabier click to hear - an Arab
armoedig click to hear - looking poor
(de) as click to hear 2 - ash, ashes // axis
(de) asbak click to hear - ashtray
asociaal click to hear 2 - anti-social
(het) Atheneum click to hear - high-level High School
au! click to hear - ouch!
(de) aubergine click to hear 2 - eggplant
augustus click to hear - August
Aukje click to hear - girl's name
(de/het) aureool click to
  hear - halo
(de) auto click to hear - car, automobile
[(de)] autochtoon click to hear - [a person] from the country's original inhabitants
(de) automaat click to hear - something automatic, like an automatic car transmission
(de) automatiek click to hear 2 - a vending machine for hot fast-food (yuck!)
automatisch click to hear 2 - automatically
(de) averij click to hear - damage (to a ship)
(de) avond click to hear - evening
(de) azijn click to hear - vinegar
(de) baan click to hear - job // lane
(de) baars click to hear 2 - bass (a fish)
baas boven baas click to hear - there's always something or someone superior
(de) babbel click to hear - talk, chat (very informal)
Babel click to hear - Babel, Babylon
(de) baby click to hear - baby, very small child
(het) bad click to hear - bath
(het) badhuis click to hear - (communal, city) bath house
(de) bagage click to hear 2 - luggage; also: the things someone comes with psychologically
bah! click to hear - yuck! (expression of disgust or dislike)
(de) balans click to hear - balance, equilibrium // scale
(het) ballet click to hear - ballet
(de) ban click to hear - banishment by Catholic church
bang click to hear - afraid
(de) bank click to hear - bank // bench
(het) banket click to hear - pastry // a banquet (formal, festive meal)
bar en boos click to hear 2 3 - very bad (weather)
(de) barst click to hear - crack
(de) bas click to hear - bass (music)
(de) basis click to hear - base, ground
(het) bastion click to hear - a type of fortification, stronghold
beëdigd / beet click to hear - 'board-certified, sworn in' / animal bite // gotcha!
(de) beambte click to hear - an official
(het) bed click to hear 2 (de) bedden click to hear - bed, beds
(de) bedelaar click to hear 2 - 'beggar'
(de) bedoeïen / loeien click to hear - bedouin / to moo, to sound a siren
(de) bedoeling click to hear 2 - intention, goal
(het) bedrijf click to hear 2 - a company
(de) bedrijfsleider click to hear - manager
bedroefd click to hear - sad, saddened
(het) bedrog click to hear - fraud
beeldig / zalig / bochtig click to hear - ~beautiful (girls' talk) / delicious // holy / curvy (road)
(het) been click to hear (de) benen click to hear 2 - leg, legs (human & horse)
(de) begeleiding click to hear 2 - accompaniment
(het) begin click to hear - start, beginning
begrijpen click to hear - to understand
begroot / gekort / tekort / vergroot click to hear - budgeted / ~shortened, decreased / shortage, deficit / enlarged
(de) beha = (de) B.H. click to hear 2 - bra
behalve click to hear - except
(het) behang click to hear - wallpaper
(de) behoefte click to hear - need
(de) beiaard click to hear 2 - church bells player
(de) bek click to hear - (animal) mouth, face
(de) beker click to hear 2 - mug, large cup
(de) bel click to hear - bell (not church bell)
belachelijk click to hear 2 - ridiculous
(het) belang click to hear - interest, relevance
belangrijk click to hear 2 - important
(de) belangstelling click to hear - interest, ~attraction
(de) belasting click to hear - tax // burden
(het) beleg click to hear - sandwich filling, open sandwich covering // siege
belet / gered / terecht / (het) verlet click to hear - ~unable, ~refused / saved / justified // found / dispensation
België click to hear 2 - Belgium
Ben click to hear - boys' name
(de) bende click to hear - gang // a mess
beneden click to hear - down, downstairs
(de) benen click to hear 2 - legs (human and horse)
(de) bengel click to hear - naughty boy
(de) benzine click to hear - gas, gasoline (car fuel)
bepakt en bezakt click to hear - [fully packed] ready to go
(de) bereidheid click to hear 2 - readiness, willingness
(het) berenvel click to hear - bear skin
(de) berg click to hear - mountain (in Holland: hill)
(het) bergpad click to hear - mountain path
(het) bericht click to hear - message
(het) berouw click to hear - remorse
(de) bes click to hear - berry
beschaafd click to hear - civilised, cultured
(de) beslissing click to hear - decision
(het) besluit click to hear - decision
(het) bestaan click to hear 2 - existence
beste click to hear - best // Dear ...,
besteden click to hear 2 - to spend
(de) bestelling click to hear - order (trade)
besturen click to hear - to govern
(de) betaling click to hear 2 - payment
beter click to hear 2 - better
(de) beuk click to hear - beech (a tree)
(de) beul click to hear - hangman, executioner
(de) beurs click to hear - purse // exchange market (trade) // scholarship, grant
(de) beurt click to hear - turn, move in game
(het) bevel click to hear - order, command
(de) bevolking click to hear - population, inhabitants
(de) bevrijding click to hear - liberation
(de) beweging click to hear 2 - movement (of body // a group or organisation)
(de) bewolking click to hear 2 - clouds, cloud cover, cloudiness
bewust click to hear - conscious
(de) bezem click to hear - broom
bezet click to hear 2 - occupied
(de) bezetting click to hear - occupation
bibberen click to hear - to tremble, shiver
(de) bibliotheek click to hear - library
(de) big click to hear - a young pig
(de) bigarreaux click to hear 2 - candied cherries (for baking)
bij tijd en wijle click to hear - from time to time
[(de)] bij click to hear ~at, ~near // bee
(de) bijl click to hear - axe
bijzonder click to hear - special
billijk click to hear - reasonable (bookish)
binnen click to hear 2 - inside
binnenstebuiten click to hear 2 - inside-out
(de) bioloog click to hear - biologist
(de) bioscoop click to hear - cinema
bis! click to hear - encore!
(het) bit click to hear - bit (what a horse has in its mouth)
bitter click to hear - bitter
bizar click to hear - bizarre
(het) blad click to hear - leaf
(de) bladzijde click to hear - page in book
blauw click to hear - blue
(de) blauwe boon click to hear 2 - bullet (crime fiction slang)
(de) blauwe houweel click to hear - blue pickaxe
[(de)] blijde click to hear 2 - happy, glad, joyful // large club (medieval weapon)
(de) blijheid click to hear - gladness
(de/het) blik click to hear - a look (de) // tin can, tinplate (het)
(het) bloed click to hear - blood
bloeien click to hear - to bloom, flower
(de) bloem click to hear 2 - flower // flour (funny, isn't it, this shared double meaning?)
blussen click to hear 2 - to extinguish fire
blut click to hear - broke (slang)
Bob click to hear - boys' name
(de) boei click to hear - buoy
(het) boek click to hear (de) boeken click to hear - book, books
(de) bok click to hear 2 - he-goat
(de) bolleboos click to hear 2 - clever person (slang)
(de) bom click to hear 2 (de) bommen click to hear 2 - bomb, bombs
(de) bomen click to hear - trees
bont en blauw click to hear - [multicolored and blue] black and blue
(de) boog click to hear - bow, arch
(de) boom click to hear (de) bomen click to hear - tree, trees
(de) boomstronk click to hear 2 - stump of tree (not: tree trunk)
(de) boon click to hear - bean
boos click to hear - angry
(de) boot click to hear 2 - boat
(het) bord click to hear - plate // board, sign
(de) borst click to hear - breast
(de) borstel click to hear - brush
(het) bos click to hear - forest, wood
[(het)] bot click to hear - a bone // rude
(de) boter click to hear - butter
(de) bougie click to hear - spark plug (a word from French)
(het) bouillonblokje click to hear 2 - 'beef' cube
(de) bouwval click to hear 2 - a building in bad shape, about to collapse
boven click to hear 2 - up, upstairs
(de) braille click to hear - Braille
(de) brand click to hear - fire
branden click to hear - to burn
(de) brandhaard click to hear - source, origin of fire
(de) breedte click to hear - width
(de) breuk click to hear 2 - breach, breaking, rupture, fracture, crack // fraction
(de) brief click to hear 2 - letter (mail)
(de) broche click to hear - brooch
(de) broederschap click to hear - brotherhood
(de) broek click to hear 2 - pants, trousers // swamp (obsolete)
(de) broer click to hear - brother
(het) brons click to hear - bronze
(het) brood click to hear 2 - bread
(de) brug click to hear (de) bruggen click to hear - bridge, bridges
(de) bruid click to hear - bride
(de) bruidegom click to hear - groom
(de) bruidssuiker click to hear - wedding candy
bruin click to hear 2 3 - brown
bruusk click to hear 2 - impolitely quick, abrupt
(de) bruut click to hear - brutal // a brute
(het) bubbelbad click to hear - jacuzzi
(de) bui click to hear 2 / (de) buien click to hear - rainshower, showers
(de) buik click to hear - belly
(de) buil click to hear - bump (swelling)
(de) buit click to hear - booty, plunder
buiten click to hear 2 - outside
buiten z'n boekje click to hear 2 - [outside his [book] jurisdiction] too far
buitenshuis click to hear - [outside of the house] outside
Bulgarije click to hear - Bulgaria
(de) bullebak click to hear - bully
(de) bunsenbrander click to hear - Bunsen burner
(het) bureau click to hear - office // desk
(de) bureaustoel click to hear - desk chair
(het) burengerucht click to hear - excessive noise from the neighbors
(de) bus click to hear - bus (transportation) // a type of jar
(het) cadeau click to hear (also written as 'kado') - a present
(het) café click to hear 2 - café, bar, pub: a place that sells mainly drinks
Californië click to
 hear - California
(de) camera click to hear - movie camera
(de) carrière click to hear - career
(de) catharsis click to hear - catharsis
(de) cel click to hear 2 - cell (body / prison)
(de) centimeter click to hear - centimeter
centraal click to hear - central
(het) centrum click to hear - center
(de) chaos click to hear - chaos
(de) champignons click to hear - (button) mushrooms
chaotisch click to hear - chaotic
charmant click to hear ~charming
(de) charme click to hear ~charm
chemisch click to hear - chemical
(de) cheque click to hear - check (money transmission)
(de) chirurg click to hear - surgeon
(de) chocola click to hear - chocolate
(de) cholera click to hear - cholera
Chris click to hear - boys' name
christelijk click to hear ~christian (in Holland usually referring to orthodox protestantism)
christelijk click to hear (with G-pronunciation) - christian, as used by certain orthodox protestant groups
Christien click to hear - girls' name
Christus click to hear - Christ
(het) chromosoom click to hear - chromosome
chronisch click to hear - chronic, chronically
(het) chroom click to hear - chrome
(de) chrysanten click to hear - chrysanthemums
(het) cijfer click to hear - number, figure
(de) cirkel click to hear - circle
(de) citroenen click to hear - lemons
(de) clementie / (de) gratie click to hear - clemency / pardon
(de) coördinatie / (het) koord click to
    hear - coordination / cord
[(de)] Co click to hear - boys' name // & Co = business partner (companion)
(de) code click to hear - code
(de) collega click to hear - colleague
(het) college click to hear - class (at college or university) // a board, a group of important people
(de) combinatie click to hear 2 - combination
(de) commissie click to hear - commission (subgroup)
compleet click to hear - complete
(het) compromis click to hear - compromise
(het) concept / (het) concert / (de) cycloon / (de) cyclus click to hear - concept / concert / cyclone / cycle
(het) concert click to hear - concert
(de) concurrentie click to hear - competition
(de) conditie click to hear - shape, state, fitness // condition
(het) conflict click to hear - conflict, struggle
(het) contact click to hear - contact
(het) contract click to hear - contract
(de) controle click to hear 2 - 'check, verification' (like on tickets, IDs or quality)
correct click to hear - correct, right
corrigeren click to hear - to correct
coulant / (het) couplet / (het) foudraal click to hear - compliant / verse (song) / leather bag for instruments
(de) coureur click to hear - race car driver,y motorcycle racer
(de) courgette click to hear - zucchini
(de) criticus / critici click to hear 2 - critic, reviewer / critics, reviewers
[(de)] crimineel click to hear - criminal; a criminal
cruciaal click to hear - very important
(de) cultuur click to hear - culture
curieus click to hear 2 - strange, odd, makes you wonder
(het) cyanide click to hear - cyanide
(de) cylinder click to hear - cylinder
(het) cynisme / (de) hygiëne / hysterisch click to hear - cynicism / hygiene / hysterical
d'r click to hear - short for either er (there) or haar her
d'r op of d'r onder click to hear - [on top or under it] risking all, going for broke, do or die
d'r was 'ns ..., click to hear 2 d'r was 'r 's ... click to hear - once upon a time there was ...
Daß war einmal click to hear - (German) [that once was] no longer ...
(de) daad click to hear (de) daden click to hear - act, acts (cf. deed)
Daan click to hear - boys' name
(de) dadel / (de) datum / (het) kader / (de) kater click to
       hear - date (fruit) / date (day) / cadre / tomcat
(de) daden click to hear - acts, deeds
(de) dadendrang click to hear 2 - the urge for action
(de) dag click to hear 2 / (de) dagen click to hear 2 - day//goodbye / days
(het) dak click to hear 2 - roof
(de) dame click to hear (de) dames click to hear - lady, ladies
dan click to hear - then (future) // than
Daniël click to
   hear - boys' name
dat click to hear - that
(de) dauw click to hear - dew
de click to hear - the
de ... see under second word
december click to hear - December
(de) decimeter click to hear - decimeter (1/10 meter, 10 cm, ~4 inches)
(het/de) deel click to hear 2 - part (het) / part of farmhouse (de)
degelijk click to hear - robust, solid, sensible
(de) degen click to hear - sable (kind of sword)
(het) deksel click to hear - top of pan or jar
(de) democratie click to hear -
[(de)] den click to hear - pine tree // old-fashioned object form of definite particle 'de'
der click to hear - of the (old-fashioned form of definite particle 'de')
dertien in een dozijn click to hear 2 - [thirteen in a dozen] nothing special
(het) detail click to hear - detail
(de) deugd click to hear - virtue
(de) deuk click to hear 2 - dent
(het) deuntje click to hear - tune
(de) deur click to hear 2 - door
deux click to hear - (French) 2
deze click to hear - this, these
deze en gene click to hear - (this person or that) somebody or other
dezelfde click to hear - the same
dicht click to hear - closed
die click to hear - that, those (object(s) in the distance)
diep click to hear 2 - deep
(het) dier click to hear - animal, mammal (cf. deer)
(de) dij, dijen click to hear - thigh, thighs
(de) dijk click to hear 2 - levee, dike
dik click to hear - fat (cf. thick)
(het) ding click to hear - thing
dinges click to hear - what's-its-name
(de) dis click to hear - meal, dish (old-fashioned)
dit click to hear 2 - this (nearby object)
dobbelen click to hear - to play ('roll') dice
(de) dochter click to hear - daughter
(de) documentaire click to hear - documentary
dode, dooie click to hear 2 - dead
(het) doel click to hear - goal (sports,) objective
Does click to hear - dogs' name
doezelen click to hear 2 - to half-sleep, to slumber
dof, doffe click to hear - dull, muffled, not shiny
dom click to hear - stupid (cf. dumb)
(de) donder click to hear - thunder
donker click to hear 2 - dark
[(de)] dood click to hear - dead // death
door dik en dun click to hear - through thick and thin
door click to hear - by // through
door schade en schande click to hear - [by damage and shame] the school of hard knocks
(de) doordouwer click to hear - tenacious person, pushy, not giving up
doorslaggevend click to hear 2 - determining, deciding factor
(de) doos click to hear - box
(de) douche click to hear - shower
(de) draad click to hear - thread, string
(het) dressoir / (het) boudoir click to hear - classy dining room cabinet / a lady's dressing room
(de) dreumes click to hear - little boy
(de) dreun click to hear - thud
(de) drie click to hear - 3
dringen click to hear - to push, press forward
drinken click to hear - to drink >>
droevig click to hear - sad
droog click to hear - dry
(de) drop click to hear - Dutch liquorice
(de) druiven click to hear - grapes
[(de)] druk click to hear - pressure // busy
(de) dualiteit click to hear - duality
dubbel click to hear - double
dubbel doppen click to hear 2 - 'double shelling:' taking fava beans out of the pod, and then rubbing off the skin (nonsense!)
dubbel en dwars click to hear 2 - [double and diagonal] deservedly much
(de) dubbeldekker click to hear 2 - [double-decker] biplane // London 2-level bus
(het) dubbeltje click to hear 2 - dime (10¢ coin)
duchtig / prachtig click to
     hear - thorough , good / beautiful, great
(het) duel click to hear - duel
duidelijk click to hear - clear
(de) duif click to hear 2 - pigeon, dove
(de) duim click to hear 2 - thumb
(de/het) duin click to hear - dune
(de) Duitser click to hear - a German
dun click to hear - skinny, thin
(het) duo click to hear 2 - duo
dus click to hear - so, therefore, thus
duur click to hear - expensive
(de) duw click to hear - push
duwen click to hear - to push >>
[(de)] dwaas click to hear - a fool, silly person / silly
één click to hear 2 - (number) one, 1
(de) eau de Cologne click to hear - cologne (inexpensive perfume)
(de) eb click to hear 2 - ebbtide
(de) ebstroom click to hear - ebbtide current
(de) echo click to hear - echo
echt click to hear - real
eet click to hear 2 - (I/you/he) eat
een click to hear - a (the indefinite article)
een aardje naar z'n vaartje click to hear 2 - a nature like his Dad's
een glas sinaasappelsap click to hear - a glass of orange juice
een kink in de kabel click to hear 2 - a kink in the cable, a problem came up
eendenei (eendeëi) click to hear 2 - ducks' egg
eenvoudig click to hear - simple, basic
eerste click to hear 2 - first
(de) eeuw click to hear - Century
effen click to hear 2 - solid (color,) flat (ground) // in a moment (slang)
(de) eg click to hear - a farm tool
(het) ei click to hear / (de) eieren click to hear - egg, eggs
(de) eigenaar click to hear - owner
(het) eigendom click to hear - property
(het) eind click to hear 2 einde click to hear 2 - end
(de) eis click to hear - demand
(het) eiwit click to hear - [egg-white] protein
(de) ekster click to hear - magpie (a bird)
(de) el click to hear - ancient length measurement (lower arm - about 60 cm, 24 inches)
elektrisch click to hear - electric, electrical
(de) elleboog click to hear 2 - elbow
Ellen click to hear - girls' name
ellenlang click to
      hear - (see el) boringly long
(de) emmer click to hear - bucket
en click to hear 2 - and
energie click to hear 2 - energy
eng click to hear - scary, creepy
(de) engerd click to hear - a creep
enig click to hear - single, unique // very nice (girls' talk)
[(de)] enkel click to hear - only // ankle
Enschede click to hear - a city in the East of The Netherlands
er click to hear ~there
er was 'r 'ns click to hear 2 - once upon a time there was ...
erg click to hear - very // bad >>
ernstig click to hear - serious
(de) erwt - (de) erwten click to hear 2 - pea peas
[(het)] eten click to hear - food, a meal // to eat >>
(de) ether / (de) eter click to hear - ether // eater (a person eating)
(het) eufemisme click to hear 2 - euphemism
(de) euthanasie click to hear 2 - euthanasia
even click to hear 2 - for a moment // even (numbers)
evenwijdig click to hear - parallel
(de) ex click to hear - ex (ex-husband or ex-wife)
(het) experiment click to hear - experiment
(de) explosie click to hear - explosion
extra click to hear 2 - extra
(het) extract click to hear 2 - extract, essence
ezels balken: 'ia' click to hear - donkeys bray: 'eeyo'
(de) fabriek click to hear 2 - factory, plant
[(het)]failliet click to hear 2 - bankrupt // bankruptcy
(het) faillisement click to hear 2 3 - bankruptcy
(de) familie click to hear - family, relatives >>
fascinerend click to hear - fascinating
(de) fat click to hear - dandy, foppish person
(de) fazant click to hear - pheasant
februari click to hear - February
(het) feestje click to hear 2 - small party
(het) feit click to hear - fact
(de) feut click to hear - new college student to be hazed (slang - from phoetus)
(de) fiets click to hear 2 - bicycle
(de) film click to hear 2 - film, movie
(de) flat click to hear - apartment, apartmemts building
(het) flatje click to hear - apartment
(de) flats click to hear - high-rise apartments buildings
flauw click to hear - weak of taste, not funny, not fair, 'not enough salt'
(de) fles click to hear - bottle
flexibel click to hear - flexible
flink click to hear ~brave, courageous (especially in adversity or mourning)
floep! click to hear - exclamation, something happens quicly
(de) fluctuatie click to hear - fluctuation
(de) fluit click to hear - whistle, flute
(de) fluitketel click to hear - water kettle
[(het)] fluweel click to hear - velvet
foei! click to hear 2 - "bad!" - disapproval
(de) fooi click to hear - tip (to server)
(de) foto click to hear (de) foto's click to hear - picture, pictures
fouilleren (Fr.) click to hear 2 - to frisk, body-search
[(de)] fout click to hear - a mistake // wrong (noun and adjective)
fraai click to hear - beautiful; splendid
fraai fraaie fraaier fraais click to
  hear - pretty, splendid (etc.)
frank en vrij click to hear - honest and free (free and frank)
(de) frictie click to hear 2 - friction
[(de)] Fries click to hear - Frisian // a Frisian
(de) frietjes click to hear - French fries
fris click to hear 2 - fresh // chilly
(het) fruit click to hear - fruits
furieus click to hear - furious, very angry
(de) fusie click to hear - fusion, companies merging
(de) fuut click to hear - grebe (a bird)
gênant click to hear - embarrassing
Gödel click to hear - German mathematician
Göteborg click to hear - major city in Sweden
ga click to hear - go!
gaas click to hear - meshed wire
(de) gal click to hear 2 - gall
(de) galblaas click to hear - gall bladder
(de) garage click to hear - garage (car shelter // car repair shop)
(het) gas click to hear 2 - a gas
(de) gasvlam click to hear - gas flame
(het) gat click to hear - hole
(het) gaullisme click to hear - gaullism, General Charles de Gaulle's philosophy
gauw click to hear - quick, soon
geëerd click to hear 2 - honored
geïnd / gein click to hear - cashed in / fun (slang)
ge click to hear - you (singular) - mostly in Belgian Dutch (variation of gij click to hear 2 )
gebarsten click to hear - broken, burst
(het) gebed click to hear - a prayer
(de) gebeurtenis click to hear - event
(het) gebied click to hear 2 - area
(de) geboorte click to hear - birth
(het) gebouw click to hear 2 - building
gebroken click to hear - broken
(het) gebruik click to hear 2 - use // custom
gecompliceerd click to hear - complicated
(de) gedachte click to hear - thought
(het) gedicht click to hear - poem
gedijen click to hear - to grow (plants, formal)
(het) gedrag click to hear - behavior
geel click to hear 2 3 - yellow
geen click to hear - no, none, zero
geen boe of bah click to hear 2 - not saying a word
Geert click to hear - boys' name
(de) geest click to hear - mind // spirit // ghost
geestig click to hear - witty
(de) geeuw click to hear - yawn
(het) gegeven click to hear 2 - given, fact, information // given (past participle)
(de) gegevens click to hear 2 - 'data' (plural)
(het) gehakt click to hear - ground meat
[(het)] geheel click to hear - fully, completely // the whole entity
[(het)] geheim click to hear 2 - secret // a secret
[(het)] geheugen click to hear 2 3 - memory (a brain function)
(het) gehoor click to hear - hearing (a sense) // audience
(de) gein click to hear - fun (slang)
(de) geit click to hear 2 - goat
[(de)] gek click to hear - crazy, insane / a crazy, insane person
(de/het) gel click to hear - gel
(het) geld click to hear - money
geld en goed click to hear - [money and possessions] everything a person owns
geldig click to hear 2 - valid
[(het)] gelijk click to hear 2 - equal // right, correct (in: 'je hebt gelijk') // the correct viewpoint
(de) gelijkheid click to hear - equality
gelijkwaardig click to hear - of equal value
(het) geluid click to hear - a sound
(het) gemak click to hear - ease, convenience
gemakkelijk click to hear - easy
gemengd click to hear 2 3 - mixed
(het) gen click to hear - gen
genoeg click to hear - enough
(het) genoegen click to hear - a pleasure
(de) geoloog click to hear - geologist
Ger click to hear - boys' name
(de) geranium click to hear - geranium (a plant)
(het) gerecht click to hear - a dish (prepared food item) // the courts, the justice system
(het) gereedschap click to hear - tools
Gert click to hear - boys' name
(het) gerucht click to hear 2 - a rumor
gescheurd click to hear - torn
(de) geschiedenis click to hear - history
(de) gesel click to hear - lash, whip
[(het)] geslacht click to hear - butchered // gender
gesneden click to hear 2 - cut, carved
(de) geste click to hear 2 - gesture (like, a promise)
getrouwd click to hear - married
(de) geul click to hear - ditch, channel
(de) geur click to hear - smell
geuren en kleuren click to hear - [smells and colors] extensively described
(de) geus click to hear - Dutch 16th Century revolutionary ('minuteman')
(het) gevaar click to hear - danger
gevaarlijk click to hear - dangerous
(het) geval click to hear - case
(de) gevangenis click to hear - prison
(het) gevecht click to hear - fight, struggle
(het) gevechtsvliegtuig click to hear - fighter plane
(de) gevel click to hear - gable (part of house)
geven click to hear 2 - to give >>
(het) gevoel click to hear - feeling, sentiment
(het) gevolg click to hear - result, consequence
(het) geweer click to hear 2 - rifle
(het) geweld click to hear - violence
gewelddadig click to hear - violent
geweldig! click to hear - great!
(het) gewicht click to hear - weight
gewoon click to hear - common, usual
(het) gezegde click to hear - the predicate // stock expression
(de) gezel click to hear - comrade, companion
gezellig click to hear 2 3 - (untranslatable) pleasant, nice, enjoyable, gregarious, cosy >>
(het) gezicht click to hear 2 - face // view
(het) gezin click to hear - basic family
gezond click to hear - healthy
giechelen click to hear 2 - to giggle
gigantisch click to hear 2 - gigantic, very large
gij click to hear 2 - you (singular) - mostly in Belgian Dutch
Gijs click to hear 2 - boys' name
ginnegappen click to hear - to snigger
(de) giraf click to hear - giraffe
gis click to hear - clever (slang)
(de) gitaar click to hear - guitar
glad click to hear - smooth, slippery
[(het)] glas click to hear 2 - glass // a glass
(de) glazen click to hear - glasses (for drinking) // made of glass
god noch gebod click to hear - [god nor command] lawless
(de) god click to hear - god
goed click to hear - good, well
goed genoeg click to hear 2 - good enough
goede goeie click to hear 2 - good ('goeie' is common substandard)
(de) goedkeuring click to hear - approval
goedkoop click to hear 2 3 - inexpensive, cheap
Goejanverwellesluis click to hear - hamlet near Gouda where something historical happened in 1787 *
(de) golven click to hear 2 - waves
gooien click to hear - to throw ->>
gorgelen click to hear 2 - gargling, to gargle click to hear
(het) goud click to hear - gold
(de) gouache click to hear - gouache, watercolor painting technique
Gouda click to hear - a town in Holland
gouden click to hear - golden
Gouke click to hear - boys' name
(de) gouverneur click to hear - governor
(de) graad click to hear - degree
graag click to hear 2 - yes, please
graag gedaan click to hear - "you're welcome, my pleasure"
(het) graan click to hear 2 3 - grain, wheat, cereal
(de) grapjas click to hear 2 - a joker
(het) gras click to hear - grass
(de) grashark click to hear - grass rake
gratis click to hear - free, at no cost
grauw click to hear - grey, dun, ashen
(de) grauwsluier click to hear - a gray veil (in detergent commercial)
(de) greep click to hear - grip, hold
Greet click to hear - girls' name
(de) grens click to hear - border, limit
(de) griepprik click to hear - flu shot
grijs click to hear 2 - grey
grijs en grauw click to hear - [grey and drab] without color, wthout hope, depressing
grillen en grollen click to hear - idiosyncrasies and jokes
grimmig / jolig / kranig click to hear - grim / happy / brave
(de) groei click to hear 2 - growth
groeien click to hear 2 3 - to grow
(de) groei / groeien / groeit click to
  hear - growth / to grow / (you/he) grows
groen click to hear - green
(de) groente click to hear - vegetable(s)
(de) groep click to hear - group
(de) groet click to hear 2 - greeting
groot gelijk click to hear 2 - you're absolutely right
(de) grootgrutter click to hear - a large retailer, supermarket chain (ironic use only)
(de) grootte click to hear - dimensions, size
grote grutten! click to hear 2 - 'good grief!'
grote click to hear - big, large, tall, great
(de) grotten click to hear - caves
(het) gruis click to hear - grit, dust
(de) gruwelen click to hear - horrible, gruesome things
(de) guerilla click to hear 2 - guerilla
(de) guillotine click to hear 2 - guillotine
gulzig click to hear 2 - feeling an eager, almost compulsive urge to eat
(de) gummetjes click to hear - erasers
guur click to hear 2 - inclement (weather)
click to hear - hey!
click to hear - (expression of disappointment)
ha! click to hear - aha!
(de) haai click to hear / haaien click to hear 2 - shark/sharks
(de) haak click to hear / (de) haken click to hear - hook/hooks
[(het)] haar click to hear - hair // her
(de) haat click to hear - hate
(de) hak click to hear - heel of shoe // hoe
[(de)] haken click to hear - hooks // to perform a type of embroidery
(de) hakken click to hear - heels of shoes // hoes // to hack away
(de) hamer click to hear - hammer
Han click to hear - boys' name
(de) hand click to hear - hand
(de) handel click to hear 2 - trade, commerce
(de) handschoenen click to hear 2 - [hand-shoes] gloves
(het) handtasje click to hear 2 - ladies' handbag
(de) handtekening click to hear - signature
Hans click to hear - boys' name
(de) hap click to hear - a bite of food
(het) harnas click to hear - a suit of armor
(het) hart click to hear (de) harten click to hear - heart, hearts
hebben click to hear - to have >>
hebben en houden click to hear - ['haves and holds'] all of a person's possessions
(de) hebzucht click to hear - greed
[(het)] heden click to hear - today, at present // the present
heel click to hear - very // whole
(de) heg click to hear - hedge
(de) heggeschaar click to hear - hedge clippers
(de) hei click to hear - heath, moor
heiig (heiïg) click to hear - hazy
heilig click to hear - holy
[(de)] heilige click to hear - holy // a holy man, saint
Hein click to hear - boys' name
(het) hek click to hear - fence
(de) heks click to hear - witch
[(de)] hel click to hear - a/the hell // very bright (light)
helder click to hear - clear
- heldhaftig click to hear 2 - heroic
hele click to hear - whole
(de) helling click to hear - slope, ramp
hem click to hear - him >> personal pronouns
(de) hemel click to hear - heaven // sky
Henk click to hear 2 - boys' name
her click to hear - ~far away, ~since // in compound words: re-
(de) herdenking click to hear - remembrance ceremony
(de) herfst click to hear - Fall, Autumn
(de) herhaling click to hear - repetition
(de) herinnering click to hear 2 - a memory
herkennen click to hear - to recognize
hernemen click to hear - to re-take, to take up again
heroverwegen click to hear 2 - to reconsider
(de) herrie click to hear - noise
(de) hersenen click to hear - the brain (the organ)
(de) hersens click to hear - brains, intelligence
(het) herstel click to hear - reparation, rebuilding
herstellen click to hear - to repair, rebuild
herverdelen click to hear - to re-divide
hervormd click to hear - reformed (a protestant group in Holland)
(de) hervorming click to hear 2 - reformation
het click to hear 2 - the (the second definite particle) // it
het boeide me niet click to hear - [it didn't grip me] it was not interesting
het leed is geleden click to hear 2 - the suffering [has been suffered] is over
hetzelfde click to hear - the same
heur click to hear - her (slang)
heus click to hear - really (children's talk)
(de) heuvel click to hear - hill
hexagonaal click to hear - hexagonal
hij click to hear - he >> personal pronouns
hij wordt click to hear 2 - 'he becomes, is going ...'
hoe click to hear - how
(de) hoed click to hear 2 - hat
(de) hoef click to hear - horse iron, horseshoe
(de) hoek click to hear - corner // angle
hoeveel click to hear - how much, how many
hoewel click to hear - although
hoger click to hear - higher
hoi click to hear - hi! // goodbye (both slang-y)
(het) hok click to hear 2 - shed, closet; cage, pen
[(het)] hol click to hear - hollow // a lair
(de) hond click to hear / het hondje click to hear - dog / little dog
(de) honger click to hear - hunger
(de) honing click to hear 2 - honey
(het) hoofd click to hear - leading person, head (human and horse)
hoog click to hear - high
(het) Hooghaarlemmerdijks click to hear - hypercorrect Dutch ('too correct')
hooghartig click to hear 2 - haughty
(het) hooi click to hear - hay
(de) hooivork click to hear - [hay-] pitchfork
(de) hooiwagen click to hear 2 - [haycart] daddy longlegs spider
(de) hoop click to hear - hope // heap
(de) hostie click to hear 2 - holy wafer
(het) hout click to hear - wood (the material)
(de) houweel click to hear - pickaxe
(de) huichelaar click to hear - a hypocrite
huichelachtig click to hear - hypocritical
(de) huid click to hear 2 - skin
(de) huilbui click to hear - crying fit
huilen click to hear - to cry (tears)
(het) huis click to hear 2 - house
huiveren click to hear 2 - to shiver
huizenhoog click to hear - [houses high] very high
(de) hulp click to hear - help >>
hun click to hear 2 - them // their
(de) hut click to hear - cabin
hypercorrect click to hear - hypercorrect
[(het)] ideaal click to hear 2 - ideal // an ideal
(de) idealen click to hear - ideals
(de) idealist click to hear - idealist
(de/het) idee click to hear - idea
ieder click to hear - every, everyone
iets click to hear - something
(het) ijs click to hear - ice
ijselijk click to hear - ['icely'] dreadful
(de) ijstijd click to hear 2 - ice age
(het) ijsvrij click to hear 2 - school closing so kids can go skating
(het) ijzer click to hear 2 - iron, the metal
ik click to hear 2 3 - I
ik bid, wij bidden click to hear - I pray, we pray
ik fiets click to hear - I'm riding a bike
ik heb click to hear - I have >>
ik heb gegeven click to hear - I have given
ik heb gelachen click to hear - I have laughed
ik heb genomen click to hear - I have taken
ik houd / ik hou click to hear - I'm holding
ik laadde click to hear - I was loading
ik leid click to hear - I'm leading
ik lig click to hear - I'm lying down
ik schreef click to hear - I wrote
ik schrijf click to hear - I'm writing
Ik werd wakker van de wekker click to hear - I was woken up by the alarm clock
ik word click to hear - I'm becoming, going to
ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear - I saw the sun go down into the sea
in kannen en kruiken click to hear - [in pitchers and jars] all ready (cut and dried)
in rep en roer click to hear - completely in flux
in vogelvlucht click to hear 2 - [in birds' flight] bird's eye view, quickly
in vuur en vlam click to hear - [in fire and flame] fired up
Ons Indië click to hear 2 - 'our India' Dutch colonial Indonesia
(de) infectie click to hear - infection
inferieur click to hear - inferior
(de) ingenieur click to hear - engineer
ingewikkeld click to hear - complicated
(het) ingrediënt click to hear - ingredient
(de) inkomsten click to hear - income
(de) inkt click to hear 2 - ink
inmiddels click to hear 2 - by now
(het) ion click to hear / (de) ionen click to hear - ion / ions
Israël click to
 hear - Israel
ja click to hear - yes
Jaap click to hear - boys' name
(het) jaar click to hear - year
(de) jajem click to hear - jenever (Dutch gin) (slang)
(de) jam click to hear - jam, jelly
Jan click to hear - boys' name
Jan Jansen click to hear - 'John Doe'
Jans vrienden click to hear - Jan's friends
Jantje click to hear - Johnny
januari click to hear - January
(de) jas click to hear - coat
(het) jasje click to hear - small coat // jacket, formal suit coat
je click to hear 2 - you (singular informal) >> personal pronouns
(de) jeuk click to hear - an itch
Jet click to hear - girls' name
jij click to hear - you (singular informal) alternate >> personal pronouns
jijen en jouen click to hear - [addressing someone informally, as friends]
jij hebt click to hear - you (singular informal) have
jij klopt click to hear - you (singular informal) are knocking
jij mept click to hear - you (singular informal) hit, are slapping
Job click to hear - Biblical and boys' name
(het) joch click to hear - (unpleasant) boy
(het) jodium click to hear - iodine
Johan click to hear - boys' name
jong click to hear - young
(de) jongen click to hear - boy
Joop click to hear - boys' name
jou click to hear 2 - you (singular informal) alternate, but not first person >> personal pronouns
(het) journaal click to hear - TV news // a reporter's notebook
(de) journalist click to hear - reporter
jouw click to hear - your (singular informal) (possessive) >> personal pronouns
juist click to hear - right, correct // exactly! // just
juli click to hear - July
jullie click to hear - you (plural informal) >> personal pronouns
juni click to hear - June
(de) jurk click to hear - ladies' dress
Jut en Juul click to hear - a bunch of silly, useless people
(de) jus click to hear 2 - gravy
(het) juweel click to hear / (de) juwelen click to hear - jewel / jewelry
(de) ka click to hear 2 - an agressive, loud woman
(de) Kaag click to hear - a lakes area in Holland
(de) kaars click to hear - a candle
(het) kaartje click to hear 2 - a ticket (bus, train) // business card
(de) kaas click to hear 2 3 - cheese >>
Kaatje click to hear - girls' name
(het) kabaal click to hear 2 - noise
(de) kabel click to hear - cable
kakelen click to hear - to cackle (like chickens)
(het) kalium click to hear - Potassium
(de) kam click to hear 2 - comb
(de) kamer click to hear - room, (cf. chamber)
(de) kammen click to hear - combs // to comb
Kanaän / (het) kanaal click to hear - Canaan / channel, canal
(het) kanaal click to hear - channel, canal
(het) kanon click to hear - cannon
(de) kans click to hear - chance
kant en klaar click to hear - completely ready, ready to go
kantelen (kàntelen) click to hear - 'to cant, tilt, tip over'
(de) kantelen (kantélen) click to hear - 'battlements,' the blocks atop medieval castle walls - singular: (het) kanteel click to hear
(de) kapel click to hear - chapel
kapot click to hear - broken, no longer functioning
(de) kar click to hear - cart
(de) kassier click to hear - cashier (male)
(de) kassière click to hear - cashier (female)
(de) kast click to hear 2 - cabinet, cupboard, shelves system
(het) kastje / (het) worstje click to hear 2 - small cabinet / small sausage
(de) kat click to hear - cat
(de) katastrofe click to hear 2 - catastrophe
(het) katoen click to hear - cotton
(de) keel click to hear - throat
Kees click to hear 2 - boys' name
(de) kekererwten click to hear - chickpeas, garbanzo beans
(de) kelder click to hear 2 - cellar
(de) Kenau click to hear - a very tough woman
(de) kennis click to hear - knowledge // acquaintance
(de) kerk click to hear - church
(de) keuze click to hear - choice
(de) kies click to hear 2 - molar (tooth)
(de) kieuw click to hear 2 - gill (fish breathing)
(de) kilo click to hear 2 - kilo >>
(de) kin click to hear - chin
(het) kind click to hear 2 - child
(het) kind / (de) kinderen click to hear - child / children
(het) kindje click to hear 2 - small child
(de) kip click to hear - chicken
klaar click to hear - ready
(de) klank click to hear - sound
(de) klauw click to hear 2 - claw
klein click to hear 2 3 - small, little
(de) klemtoon click to hear 2 - the stress of a word
(de) kleren click to hear - clothes
(de) kleun click to hear - punch, hit
(de) kleur click to hear 2 - color
(de) kleuter click to hear - child, about 4-6 yrs old
kleverig click to hear - sticky
(de) klinker click to hear - vowel // clinker (street pavement)
(de) klinkers click to hear - vowels
(de) KLM click to hear - the Dutch airline
(de) klok click to hear - clock
(de) kluif click to hear 2 - bone to gnaw
(de) kluit click to hear 2 - clod, a handful of soil
(de) knaak click to hear 2 - guilder (slang)
(de) knal click to hear - a bang
[(de)] knallen click to hear 2 - bangs // to bang
knap / knapper / knapst click to hear - intelligent // pretty / more so / most so
knarsen click to hear 2 - to gnash
(de) knauw click to hear 2 - bite, blow
(de) knecht click to hear 2 - servant (cf. knight)
kneden click to hear 2 - to knead
knerpen click to hear - to crunch (sound)
knetteren click to hear 2 - to crackle
(de) knie click to hear - knee
(de) knijpkat click to hear - flashlight with squeezing dynamo
knikkers click to hear 2 - marbles (small glass balls)
knikkeren click to hear - to roll marbles
knippen click to hear - to cut with scissors >>
knipperen click to hear 2 - to blink
(het) knipperlicht click to hear 2 - blinking light
(de) knipselkrant click to hear - newspaper of cuttings (a service providing newspaper clippings)
(de) knoest click to hear - knot in wood
(de) knokkel click to hear - knuckle
(de) knoop click to hear 2 - button // knot in string
(de) knop click to hear 2 - bud
knudde click to hear 2 - not good, a failure (slang)
(de) knul click to hear - boy (somewhat negative)
(de) knuppel click to hear - club (like a baseball bat)
(de) koe / (de) koeien click to hear - cow / cows
(de) koek click to hear 2 - a kind of cake
(het) koekje click to hear - cookie
(de) koekoek click to hear 2 - a cuckoo
koel click to hear 2 - cool (temperature only)
de kogel door de kerk click to hear - [the bullet through the church] a fateful decision has been taken, the die is cast
koelte click to hear - coolth (C.J Cherryh's '40.000 in Gehenna' is one of my favorite Science Fiction books)
(de) kok / (de) bon / (de) hor / rot click to hear - cook / coupon // ticket, fine / bug screen / off, rotten
(de) kom click to hear 2 - bowl
(de) koning click to hear - king
(de) koningin click to hear 2 - queen
(het) koninkje click to hear - 'little king'
(de) kooi / roeien / (de) vlaai click to
     hear - a cage / to row / fruit pie
kook / (de) boon / hoor / rood click to hear - (I) cook / bean / (I) hear / red
(de) kop click to hear - (animal) head
(het/de) koper click to hear - copper (het) // buyer (de)
kopiëren click to
 hear 2 - to copy, xerox
(het) kopje click to hear - cup, small cup
kort en klein click to hear - [in small pieces] to smithereens
koud click to hear - cold
koud / (de) mouw / stouwen click to
     hear - cold / sleeve / to pack tightly
(de) kraag click to hear - collar
(de) kraai click to hear 2 / kraaien click to hear 2 - crow/crows
(de) krant click to hear - newspaper
kreatief / realiteit click to hear - creative / reality
kreunen click to hear - to moan, to groan
kreupel click to hear 2 - crippled, lame
(het) krijt click to hear - chalk
(de) krik click to hear - jack (for lifting car)
kriskras click to hear - criss-cross, in random directions
kritisch / fysisch click to hear - critical / regarding physics
krom click to hear 2 - bent, crooked
(het) kruid click to hear - herb, spice
kruipen click to hear - to crawl
(de) kruipruimte click to hear - crawlspace (below floor of house)
(het) kruis click to hear - cross
(het) kruisbeeld click to hear - crucifix
(het) kruit click to hear - gunpowder
(het) krukje click to hear 2 - stool (for sitting)
(de) krul click to hear / krullen click to hear - curl / curls
(de) kunst click to hear - art
(de/het) kurk click to hear - cork
[(de/het)] kussen click to hear 2 - pillow (cf. cushion) (het) // kisses (de) // to kiss
(de) kwaliteit click to hear 2 - quality
(het) kwart click to hear - quart, ¼
(de) kwast click to hear 2 - brush // foppish person
(de) kwibus click to hear - silly, idiosyncratic person
kwijt click to hear 2 - lost, missing
(het) kwik click to hear - mercury, quicksilver
(de) kwis click to hear - quiz
(de) kwitantie click to hear - receipt (of money paid)
(de) la click to hear - drawer
[(de)] laag click to hear - low // a layer
laat click to hear - late, not in time
laatste click to hear 2 - last
De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst click to hear - the final stage of a big job is the hardest
(het) lab click to hear (het) laboratorium click to hear - lab, laboratory
(de) labjas click to hear - lab coat
(de) lach click to hear - a laugh - lachen click to hear 2 - to laugh >>
(de) lade click to hear - drawer
(de) laesie click to hear 2 - lesion (medical jargon)
laf laffe click to hear 2 - cowardly
lager click to hear - lower
[(het)] lam click to hear - a lamb; paralyzed, lame
(het) land click to hear - land, country
(de) landbouw click to hear - agriculture
lang click to hear - long, tall
Laos click to hear - country in SE Asia
(de) lap click to hear - a piece of cloth or land
lap en leur click to hear - bad, undesirable people
(de) lat click to hear - a strip of wood, slate, thin narrow board
laten click to hear - to let, allow/order >>
(de) latten click to hear - strips of wood
(het) lawaai click to hear 2 - noise
(het/de) leer click to hear 2 - leather (het) // doctrine (de)
(de) leerlooier click to hear - worker in leather preparation
(de) leeuw click to hear - lion
(het) lef click to hear - courage (slang)
(het) leger click to hear - army
Leiden in last click to hear - [Leyden in] trouble
(de) leider click to hear - leader
(de) leiding click to hear - leadership // pipe (gas, water etc.)
lekker click to hear 2 - tasty, enjoyable, good
lekker lui liggen lezen click to hear - enjoyable, relaxed reading
lelijk click to hear 2 - ugly
(de) lente click to hear - Spring
(de) lepel click to hear (de) lepels click to hear - spoon, spoons
(de) leraar click to hear (de) leraren click to hear - seconday school teacher (male), teachers
(de) lerares click to hear (de) leraressen click to hear - seconday school teacher (female), teachers (female)
Let click to hear 2 - a Latvian
(de) leugen click to hear - a lie
leuk click to hear 2 - funny, pleasant, enjoyable
(de) leuze click to hear - slogan
leven en laten leven click to hear 2 - live and let live
levend click to hear - alive
Lex click to hear - boys' name
(het) lichaam click to hear - body
lichamelijk click to hear - bodily, physical
[(het)] licht click to hear - light // a light
lichterlaaie click to hear - burning hotly
lichtgewicht click to hear 2 - lightweight
(het) lid / wit / (het) midden / witte click to
       hear - member / white / middle / white
(het) lied click to hear (het) liedje click to hear 2 - song (with vocals)
lief en leed click to hear - (to share) good times and bad
lief click to hear - kind, sweet // well-behaved (child)
(de) liefde click to hear - love
lieve click to hear - dear
(de) liflafjes click to hear 2 - morsels, small bites, insubstantial pieces of food
(het) lijk click to hear - dead body
(de) lijn click to hear - line
(de) lijst click to hear - list
(de) lik click to hear - lick, lap (tongue action)
(de) liniaal click to hear / (de) linialen click to hear - ruler / rulers (for straight lines)
links click to hear - left
(de) lip click to hear - lip
(het) lithium click to hear - Lithium
logisch click to hear - logical
(het) loket click to hear - office window, office counter
(het) lood click to hear 2 - lead
(de) loodlijn click to hear - perpendicular line (90°)
(de) loot click to hear - new, young branch
los click to hear - loose
louter click to hear - pure, purely
loyaal click to hear 2 - loyal
loyaliteit click to hear 2 - loyalty
(de) lucht click to hear - air // sky
luchtig click to hear - airy, light, not serious
(het) luchtje click to hear - an unpleasant smell // something fishy
(de) lucifer click to hear - match (to light a fire)
(het) lucifersdoosje click to hear - matchbox
[(de)] lui click to hear - lazy // people
(de) luiaard click to hear 2 3 - lazy person // a sloth
luid click to hear - loud
luidruchtig click to hear - loud
(de) luier click to hear - diaper, nappy
(de) luilak click to hear - lazy person
luilekkerland click to hear 2 - mythical place of free good eating, land of Cockaigne
(de) luit click to hear 2 - lute
(de) lus click to hear - loop (string)
(de) luxaflex click to hear 2 - French blinds
lyrisch click to hear 2 - lyrical

m'n click to hear - my (abbreviation of mijn click to hear)
ma click to hear - Mom
(de) maïs click to hear - (Indian) corn
(de) maan click to hear 2 - moon
(de) maand click to hear - month
maart click to hear - March
maart roert z'n staart click to hear 2 - [March wags its tail] bad weather at the end of March
(de) Maas click to hear - Meuse (a river)
(de) maat click to hear 2 - measure (dimension, music) // comrade
(de) maatregel click to hear - measure (action taken)
(de) machine click to hear 2 - machine
(de) macht click to hear - power
mager click to hear - skinny, not full (cf. meager)
(de) man click to hear 2 - a male adult human // husband
(de) manager click to hear - manager
(het) manchet click to hear - cuff
(de) manchetknopen click to hear - cuff links
(de) mand click to hear - basket
[(de)] manen click to hear - moons // a horse's long neck hairs // to exhort
(de) manier click to hear - manner, way of doing
mannelijk click to hear 2 - male
(de) mannen click to hear - males, men
(de) manoeuvre click to hear 2 - maneuver, strategic move
manoeuvreren click to hear 2 - to maneuver
(de) marge click to hear 2 - margin
(de) markt click to hear - market
[(de)] Mars click to hear - planet Mars // a march
Maurits click to hear 2 - boys' name
me click to hear - me >> personal pronouns
(de) medeklinker click to hear / (de) medeklinkers click to hear - consonant / consonants
(de) medemens click to hear - a fellow human
medisch click to hear - medical
(het) meel click to hear - flour, ground cereal
[(het)] meer click to hear 2 - a lake // more
(de) mees click to hear 2 - titmouse (a bird)
(de) meeuw click to hear - seagull (a bird)
mei click to hear - May
(het) meisje click to hear - girl
(de) melk click to hear 2 - milk >>
men click to hear - 'they, people' (Men zegt dat ... click to hear - It is said that ... ) >> personal pronouns
(de/het) mens click to hear 2 / (de) mensen click to hear - man, human / men, people
De mense(n) prate(n) plat. click to hear De mensen praten plat. click to hear - the people talk sloppily
(het) merk click to hear - brand
(het) mes click to hear 2 3 / (de) messen click to hear 2 - knife / knives
met click to hear - with
met huid en haar click to hear 2 - [with skin and hair] completely
met man en macht click to hear - with everything available, throwing everything at it
met man en muis click to hear - [(ships sink) with men and mice] completely lost
(de) meubels click to hear - furniture
miauw click to hear - meow (what cats say)
(de) middag click to hear - afternoon
(het) middagdutje click to hear 2 - afternoon nap
(de) mier click to hear - ant
Mies click to hear - girls' name
mij click to hear - me >> personal pronouns
mijn click to hear - my, mine // mine (coal-, gold- etc.) >> personal pronouns
(de) mijt click to hear - a parasitic bug
mild click to hear - mild
[(de)] militair click to hear - a soldier // military
min of meer click to hear - [less or more] more or less
minder click to hear - less
(het) minuet click to hear - minuet (a dance)
[(de)] mis click to hear - not on target // mass (Catholic worship)
(de) misère click to hear 2 - misery, an unpleasant situation
(de) mist click to hear - mist, fog
(het) model click to hear - model
(de) moeder click to hear - mother
moeilijk click to hear - difficult
(de) moeite click to hear 2 - effort, difficulty, trouble
(de) moes click to hear - mush (something pureed or mashed)
mogelijk click to hear 2 - possible
(de) mol click to hear 2 3 - mole, mol (animal, music, chemistry)
(het) molecuul click to hear - molecule
(de) molen click to hear - mill, windmill
(de) mond click to hear - mouth
monddood click to hear - silenced, without a voice
mondig click to hear - having a say (in)
mooi click to hear mooie click to hear - pretty, beautiful
mooi / mooier / mooist click to hear - pretty / prettier / prettiest
Moos click to hear - boys' name
[(de)] morgen click to hear 2 - morning // good morning!
(het) mos click to hear - moss
(de) motie / (het) motief click to hear 2 - motion, resolution / motive
(de) muis click to hear - mouse
(de) muiterij click to hear - mutiny
murw click to hear - beaten down, spirit broken
(het) museum click to hear - museum
(de) muziek click to hear 2 - music
(de) mythe click to hear - myth
na click to hear - after
(de) naald click to hear - needle
(de) naam click to hear 2 - name
naar click to hear - to (direction) // sick, upset
naast click to hear - next to
(de) nacht click to hear - night
(de) nagel click to hear - nail (human or animal)
naïef click to hear 2 - naive
(de) nar click to hear - jester, fool
(de) narcissen click to hear - daffodils (flowers)
nat click to hear - wet
(de) natie / (de) traditie / (de) garantie click to hear - nation / tradition / guarantee, warranty
(het) natrium click to hear - Sodium
natuurlijk click to hear - natural, naturally // of course!
nauw click to hear - narrow
nauwelijks click to hear 2 - barely, almost not
nauwkeurig click to hear - careful, precise
Nederland click to hear 2 - Holland, The Netherlands
nee click to hear - no
(de) neef click to hear - cousin (male) // nephew
neer click to hear - down
negen click to hear - 9
(de) neiging click to hear - tendency, inclination
(de) nek click to hear - neck
(het) nestje click to hear - a bird's nest, a small nest
[(het)] net click to hear - a net // barely, close
(de) neus click to hear - nose
(het) nichtje click to hear - cousin (female) // niece
(de) nier click to hear - kidney
niet click to hear 2 - not
niet voor niks click to hear - [not for nothing] there is a reason // the effort was not wasted
niets click to hear - nothing
nieuw click to hear nieuwe click to hear 2 - new
(het) nieuws click to hear - news
(het) nieuwsgierig Aagje click to hear - a child that's too curious, prying
(de) nijd click to hear - anger (old-fashioned)
niks click to hear - nothing
nog click to hear - still, yet
nooit click to hear - never
nooit ofte nimmer click to hear - [never or never] never!
[(de)] Noor click to hear 2 - a Norwegian // girls' name
noord click to hear - North
(het) noorden click to hear - the North
(de) noot click to hear 2 - note (music) // nut (fruit)
(de) nor click to hear - prison (slang)
nou click to hear - now
november click to hear - November
nu click to hear 2 - now
nu of nooit click to hear - now or never
(de) nul click to hear - zero // stupid person
nuttig click to hear - useful
(het) nylon click to hear - nylon
(de) nylons click to hear - sheer stockings
(de) ochtend click to hear - morning
(de) oefening click to hear 2 - exercise
Oekraïne click to hear - Ukraine
(het) oeuvre click to hear - an artist's body of work
of click to hear - or
ofschoon click to hear - although (bookish)
oktober click to hear - October
(de) olie click to hear 2 - oil
(de) olifant click to hear - elephant
olijk click to hear - droll, funny
om click to hear - ~because // around // about
onafhankelijk click to hear - independent
(de) onafhankelijkheid click to hear - independence
onder click to hear - under, below
onder ons gezegd en gezwegen click to hear 2 - [said and not said among us] just between you and me
(de) ondernemer click to hear - entrepreneur, businessman
(de) onderwijzer click to hear - elementary school teacher (male)
(de) onderwijzeres click to hear - elementary school teacher (female)
(het) onderzoek click to hear 2 - investigation, research
oneindig click to hear - [without end] infinite
(het) ongeluk click to hear 2 - accident
ongeveer click to hear 2 - about, roughly
(het) onkruid click to hear - weeds
Ons Indië click to hear - 'Our India' (Dutch Colonial Indonesia)
ons koude kikkerland click to hear 2 - "our chilly frogs' country" (it's a miserable place but it's home)
ons click to hear 2 - us, our >>
ontdekt / (het) ondier / ont-dekt click to hear - discovered / monster (a very bad person)
onverstandig click to hear - not sensible, a bad idea
(het) oog click to hear - eye
(de) ooi click to hear - ewe (sheep)
(de) ooievaar click to hear - stork (a bird)
ooit click to hear - ever, sometime
ook click to hear - also, too
(het) oor click to hear - ear
oost click to hear - East
oost west, thuis best click to hear 2 - [East, West, at home it's best] Home sweet home
(het) oosten click to hear - the East
op click to hear - on top of // finished, out of
open click to hear - open
(de) operatie click to hear - surgery, operation, action
opgelet! click to hear - attention!
(de) ophaalbrug click to hear 2 - drawbridge
ophangen click to hear - to hang something; also: to kill a person by hanging
ophef click to hear - 'fuss'
ophouden click to hear 2 - to stop, cease
(de) optie / (de) optiek click to hear - option // view, way of looking
oranje click to hear 2 - orange
ordinair / [(de)] militair click to hear - vulgar, 'common' / military // soldier
(de) organisatie click to hear - organisation
organisch click to hear - organic (chemistry) - 'organic' food is biologisch click to hear or biodynamisch click to hear in Dutch
(de) otter click to hear - otter (a water mammal)
Otto click to hear 2 - boys' name
oubollig click to hear - droll, silly-funny
oud oude click to hear - old
oude ouwe click to hear - old
(de) oven click to hear - oven
over click to hear 2 - ~in, ~over // leftover
overdaad schaadt click to hear 2 - excess is harmful
(de) overeenkomst click to hear - agreement // similarity
(het) overhemd click to hear - dress shirt
overmorgen click to hear 2 - the day after tomorrow
pa click to hear - Dad
paal en perk stellen click to hear - [to set limits] to take measures to stop
[(het)] paar click to hear 2 - couple // a few
(het) paard click to hear 2 - horse
paars click to hear 2 - purple
(de) pad, (de) padden click to hear - toad, toads
(het) pad, (de) paden click to hear - path, paths
pais en vree click to hear - [peace and peace] very quiet and peaceful
(het) pak click to hear - large package // formal suit for men
(het) pakje click to hear - package
(de) pan click to hear 2 - pan, cooking pot
(de) pap click to hear 2 - porridge
(de) papagaai click to hear 2 - parrot
(het) papier click to hear 2 - paper (material)
(de) paraplu click to hear - umbrella
(de) passagier click to hear - passenger
(de) pauken click to hear - kettledrums (music)
Paulus click to hear - boys' name
(de) paus click to hear - the pope
(de) pauw click to hear - peacock (a bird)
(de) peet click to hear - godparent (baptism)
(de) pen click to hear - pen (for writing)
(het) percentage click to hear - percentage %
persoonlijk click to hear - personally
(de) pet click to hear - cap
(de) pet / (het) bed / (de) petten / (de) bedden click to
       hear - cap / bed / caps / beds
(de) petroleum click to hear - petroleum, paraffin oil? (the everyday cheap fuel)
(de) petroleum click to hear - petroleum (engineers' crude oil)
(de) peul click to hear 2 - pod (beans)
(de) peuter click to hear 2 - small child (2-4 yrs)
(de) piëteit / (de) pieten click to hear - piety / Peters
Pia click to hear - girls' name
(de) piano click to hear - piano
piepen click to hear - to squeak
Piet click to hear - boys' name
(de) pijn click to hear - pain
(de) pijp click to hear - pipe
pimpelpaars click to hear - very purple
(de) pink click to hear - little finger, 'pinky'
(de) pion click to hear - pawn (chess etc.)
(de) pit click to hear - stone, seed, pip, pit (fruit) // energy, vim
(de) plaats click to hear - place // town
(de) plank click to hear 2 - board (wood)
(de) plant click to hear - plant (nature)
(de) planten / (de) winter / (de) wortel click to hear - plants / Winter / carrot // root
(het) pleidooi click to hear 2 3 - plea speech
(de) ploeg click to hear - plow // team
(de) plunjezak click to hear 2 - duffel bag
(de) poes click to hear - cat, puss
(de) poëten / (de) poezen click to hear - poets / cats
(het) poeder click to hear - powder
poezen/katten miauwen: 'miauw' click to hear - cats meow: 'meow'
(de) polder click to hear 2 - polder (reclaimed land)
(de) politicus / politici click to hear 2 - politician / politicians
(de) politie click to hear - police
(het) politiebureau click to hear 2 - police station
(de) politiek click to hear - politics
(de) polypiep click to hear - [poly-squeak] fun word for styrofoam, polystyrene
(de) pomp click to hear - pump, gas station
(de) poot click to hear 2 - leg (animal or furniture)
(de) pop click to hear - doll, puppet
(de) poppen click to hear 2 - dolls
populair click to hear 2 - popular, generally liked
(de) portefeuille click to hear - wallet
(de) portemonnaie click to hear - purse
(de) portie / (de/het) portier click to hear 2 - portion / doorman (de) // car door (het)
(de) positie click to hear - position
(de) post click to hear - mail
(de) postzegel click to hear / (de) postzegels click to hear - mail stamp / stamps
(de) pot click to hear - pot. jar
pracht en praal click to hear - pomp and circumstance (a great show)
(de) praeses / (de) quaestor click to
  hear - chairman / treasurer (college/university students' talk)
(de) premier click to hear - prime minister
(de) première click to hear - ceremonial opening night of a movie or play
precies click to hear - precise, exact, exactly
preuts click to hear - prude
(de) priester click to hear / (de) priesteres click to hear - priest / priestess
(de) prijs click to hear 2 - price // award
(de) prioriteit click to hear - priority
(het) proces click to hear - process // court case
(de) prooi click to hear 2 3 4 - prey
(de) proportie click to hear - proportion, relative share
(de) Pruis click to hear - a Prussian
(de) psalm click to hear 2 - psalm
(het) pseudoniem click to hear - pseudonym, pen-name
(de) psychiater click to hear - psychiatrist
(de) psycholoog click to hear 2 - psychologist
(de/het) punt click to hear - point, dot, sharp point (de) // argument item (het)
puur click to hear 2 - pure
quasi click to hear - quasi
(de) queeste click to hear - quest (serious and old-fashioned, like for the Holy Grail)
(de) quiche click to hear - quiche
quitte click to hear - even, not in each other's debt
(de) quiz click to hear - quiz
(het) quorum click to hear - quorum (number of voters needed)
(het) raam click to hear 2 - window
raar maar waar click to hear 2 - strange but true
(de) radio click to hear - radio
Rafaël click to
 hear - boys' name
(de) rand click to hear - edge
(het) rasphuis click to hear 2 - 16th/17th Century poorhouse or place of punishment where inmates ground or pulped wood
(de) rat click to hear 2 - rat
rauw click to hear - raw
(het) rayon click to hear 2 - area, district (bureaucratic)
(de) reünie / (de) reuma click to hear - reunion / rheumatism
(de) reactie click to hear - reaction
(de) reageerbuis click to hear - test tube
(het) recept click to hear 2 - (doctor's) prescription // (cooking) recipe
[(de)] rechter click to hear - judge // on the right
rechts click to hear - right (direction, not left)
red click to hear 2 - (I) save
(de) regel click to hear 2 - rule // sentence, line
regelmatig click to hear - regular
(de) regenboog click to hear - rainbow
de regent click to hear - a high official in the Dutch East Indies colonial administration
't regent click to hear - it is raining
regent 't? click to hear - is it raining?
(de) regering click to hear - government
Reinheitsgesetz click to hear - (German) 'Law of Purity' regulating beer ingredients
(de) reis click to hear 2 - journey, trip
(de) rekening click to hear - bill, invoice // account
religieus click to hear - religious
(de) rem click to hear 2 - a brake
(de) reservedeken click to hear - spare blanket
(het) respect click to hear - respect
(de) reus click to hear - giant
(de) reuzel click to hear - bacon fat
Ria click to hear - girls' name
riant click to hear - very comfortable
(de) riem click to hear - belt
[(het)] rijk click to hear - rich // realm
rijkelijk click to hear - [richly] abundantly
(de) rijst click to hear - rice
(de) rijstebrij click to hear - a type of rice pudding
(de) ring click to hear 2 - ring (ornament)
(de) ringvinger click to hear - ring finger
(de/het) riool click to hear 2 - sewer
(de) risico's click to hear - risks
(de) rit click to hear - a ride, a drive
(de) rits click to hear - zipper
(het) ritueel click to hear - ritual // a ritual
(de) rivieroever click to hear - river bank
rode rooie click to hear - red
(de) roem click to hear - fame
(de) rok click to hear - a ladies' skirt // men's extremely formal suit
(de) rok / (het) lot / (de) ton click to hear - skirt / fate // lottery ticket / barrel
(de) rolmops click to hear - vinegar-pickled herring wound around a pickle
(de) rommel click to hear - trash, messy stuff
rond click to hear 2 - round (a circle is round)
rood click to hear - red
(de) rook click to hear - smoke
(de) rook / (de) loot / (de) toon click to hear - smoke / shoot, twig / tone
(de) roos click to hear - rose // dandruff
(het) ros click to hear - a kind of horse
rot click to hear - rotten, off, unpleasant
(de) rotzooi click to hear 2 - trash, garbage
(de) rouge click to hear - make-up article (red)
(de) route click to hear - route, way, course
(de) routine click to hear - something done often
royaal click to hear 2 - generous, ample
roze click to hear ('French O') - pink (color)
(de) rozen click to hear 2 - roses
roze roos click to hear 2 roze rozen click to hear - pink rose, pink roses
(de) ruïne / ruime click to hear - ruin / wide, spacy (cf roomy)
(de) rug click to hear - back (body part)
ruig click to hear - rough
[(het)] ruim click to hear - wide, spacious (cf. roomy) // well over (amount) // a ship's hold
(de) ruimte click to hear - space
(de) ruis click to hear - static, noise
(de) ruit click to hear 2 3 - windowpane, equilateral parallellogram
(de) ruiten click to hear - windowpanes, glass windows // diamonds (cards)
(de) rust click to hear - rest, quiet
rust roest click to hear - [rest creates rust] quiet leads to stagnation
rustig click to hear - quiet, peaceful // quietly, without fuss or overexertion
ruw click to hear 2 ruwe click to hear - rough
(de) ruwaard click to hear - title of a certain medieval ruler
(de) ruwheid click to hear - roughness
ruwweg click to hear - roughly, about
saai click to hear - boring
samen click to hear - together
(de) saxofoon click to hear - saxophone
schön click to hear 2 3 - German: beautiful, pretty, good
(de) schaaf / schier / (de) schok / (de) schoof click to hear - wood plane / almost, barely / shock / bundle of hay
(de) schaakstukken click to hear - chess pieces
(de) schaal click to hear 2 3 - (shallow) bowl // scale (extent)
(de) schaal / schraal click to hear - bowl //extent / sober, poor, sparsely, dry
(de) schaamte click to hear - shame
(het) schaap click to hear - sheep (singular)
(de) schaar click to hear - scissors
(de) schade click to hear - damage
(de) schaduw click to hear - shadow
(de) schande click to hear - shame, disgrace
(het) schap / schrap click to hear - shelf / (to hold) firmly
(de) schapen click to hear 2 - sheep (plural)
(de) scheiding click to hear - divorce, separation
(de) scheikunde click to hear - chemistry
(de) schep click to hear - shovel, spade // scoop, large spoon
scherp click to hear - sharp // spicy
(de) scherts click to hear 2 - humor, jest
(het) schetsje click to hear - sketch (rough drawing)
(de) scheur click to hear - tear (ripped)
(de) scheurbuik click to hear - scurvy
(de) schietvereniging click to
    hear - club of gun enthusiasts
schiften / (de) schriften click to hear - to separate, to curdle (milk) // notebooks
(de) schijven - schrijven click to hear 2 - discs / to write
schikken - schrikken click to hear 2 - ~to make a settlement in a dispute, ~to arrange, ~to suit / to be frightened
(de) schil / schril click to hear - skin, peel, layer / shrill
(de) schimpscheuten click to hear - unpleasant remarks, mild cursing
(het) schip click to hear - ship
(de) schoen click to hear - shoe
(de) schok click to hear - shock
(de) school click to hear - school
schoon click to hear - clean
(de) schoot - schroot click to hear 2 - lap, womb / scrap metal, old iron
(de) schop click to hear - shovel, spade // a kick
schots en scheef click to hear - in a jumble, not well-aligned
schraal click to hear 2 - meager, dry, scant, not very nutritious
(de) schram click to hear - (het) schrammetje click to hear 2 - scratch - a very small scratch
schrander click to hear - clever
(de) schreeuw click to hear - cry, shout
schreeuwen click to hear - to cry, to shout >>
schreien click to hear - to cry (tears) (old-fashioned)
(de) schrijver click to hear - writer, author
(de) schrik click to hear - fright
(de) schrobber click to hear - hard broom for wet-cleaning, scrubbing
(de) schroef click to hear - screw
schroeven click to hear - to screw
(de) schuit click to hear 2 - ship (a bit negative)
(de) schuld click to hear - debt // blame
(de) schulp / schuilen / (de) schuur click to hear - hiding-place / to find shelter / large shed
(de) seconde click to hear 2 - a second (time, 1/60 of a minute)
(het) sein click to hear - signal
september click to hear - September
serieus click to hear - serious
(de) silo click to hear - silo
(de) sinaasappel click to hear 2 / (de) sinaasappels click to hear - an orange / oranges
(de) sinaasappelpers click to hear - orange juicer
(de) sinaasappelschillen click to hear - orange peel
(de) situatie click to hear - situation, circumstances
(de) sjouwer click to hear - a person carrying loads
sla je slag click to hear - grab the opportunity
(de) sla click to hear - lettuce
slaan click to hear - to hit, slap >>
(de) slaap click to hear 2 - sleep
(het) slablaadje click to hear - a lettuce leaf
(de) slag click to hear - a great battle
(de) slak click to hear - snail, slug
(de) slang click to hear - snake // hose
slap click to hear slappe click to hear - weak, feeble, light, unfair
slapen click to hear - to sleep
(de) slapte click to hear - weakness
Slavisch / chemisch / Belgisch click to
     hear - Slavic / chemical / Belgian
slecht click to hear - bad
(de) sleuf click to hear - dry ditch
(de) sleutel click to hear - key (lock, music)
(het) slijk click to hear 2 - mire, sludge
slim click to hear - clever
(de) sloot click to hear - ditch
(het) slot click to hear 2 - lock // castle
(de) sluier click to hear - veil
sluik click to hear - straight, thin (hair) // hidden, of questionable legality
(de) sluis click to hear 2 - sluice
sluw click to hear - cunning, sly
(de) smaak click to hear - taste
smal click to hear 2 - narrow (cf. small)
(de) smid / (de) smeden click to hear - blacksmith / blacksmiths
(de) smurf click to hear - smurf
(de) smurrie click to hear - dirty, mudlike stuff
(de) sneeuw click to hear - snow
snel click to hear - quick, fast
sneu click to hear 2 3 - a pity
(het) snoep click to hear - candy, sweets
(de) snuit click to hear - snout: pointed face or mouth of animal
sociaal click to hear - social
(het) socialisme click to hear - socialism
(de) soep click to hear - soup
(de) sok click to hear - sock
sommige click to hear - some
soortgelijk click to hear - ['of equal type'] similar
(de) souffleur click to hear - 'whisperer' (stage helper)
speciaal click to hear 2 - special
(de) specialiteit click to hear - specialty
(het) spel click to hear - game, play
(de) speld click to hear - pin
(de) spelregel click to hear 2 - rule of a game
(de) sperziebonen click to hear - French (green) beans
(de) spiegel click to hear - mirror
(de) spier click to hear 2 - muscle
(de) spijker click to hear - carpentry nail
(de) spijt click to hear - remorse
spiksplinternieuw click to hear - brand-new
[(de)] spits click to hear - sharp, clever // a forward (soccer etc.)
(de) splitsing click to hear - split, fork in road, fission
(de) spoed click to hear - hurry, urgency
(de) spons click to hear - sponge
(de) spreuk click to hear - saying, stock expression
(de) sprong click to hear - a jump
spugen click to hear - to spit
(de) spuit click to hear - hose end, spout
(het) spul click to hear - 'stuff'
(de) staaf click to hear - bar, stick (cf. stave)
(de/het) staal click to hear - a fabric sample (de) // steel (het)
staan click to hear - to stand >>
(de) staart click to hear - tail
(de) stad / (de) steden click to hear - town, city / towns, cities
(de) stal click to hear 2 - a stable (farm cattle housing)
(de) stamboom click to hear - family tree >>
(de) stank click to hear 2 - a bad smell, stink
(de) stap click to hear - a step
star click to hear - rigid, inflexible
(de) steek click to hear - a stitch, a jab
(het) steelpannetje click to hear - small pan with handle and lid
[(de)] steen click to hear 2 - rock // a rock
(de) steenkool click to hear - coal
steil click to hear - steep
(de) stem click to hear - voice // vote
(de) step click to hear 2 - scooter (foot-powered) - Dutch (de) scooter click to hear is a Vespa etc.
(de) ster click to hear - star
sterk click to hear - strong
(de) steun click to hear - support
(de) stier / (de) piek / (de) hiel / (het) vlies click to hear - bull / peak / heel / fleece
stijf click to hear - stiff
(de) stijl click to hear - stile
stil click to hear - quiet, silent
stinken click to hear - to smell badly
(de) stip click to hear - dot, point
(de) stoel click to hear - a chair
(de) stoep click to hear 2 - sidewalk, 'stoop'
(de/het) stof click to hear 2 - material, fabric (de) // dust (het)
stoffelijk click to hear 2 - physical, material
(de) stok click to hear - stick, cane
stokstijf click to hear - stiff as a stick: motionless
(de) stomerij click to hear 2 - [steamery] dry cleaner
(de) stoom click to hear - steam
[(de)] stop click to hear 2 - stop! // a fuse
(het) stopcontact click to hear - power outlet
(de) straal click to hear - ray
(de) straat click to hear - street
(de) straf click to hear - punishment
strak click to hear 2 - tight, rigid, fixed
(het) strand click to hear - beach
(de) strijd click to hear - struggle, battle
(de) strijdbijl click to hear - battle axe
strijkijzer click to hear - ironing iron
stroef click to hear - with difficulty, not easy, ('not lubricated')
(de) structuur click to hear - structure
(de) struik click to hear 2 - bush
(de) stuiver click to hear - nickel (5-cent coin)
[(het)] stuk click to hear - a piece // broken
stut en steun click to hear 2 - [prop and stay] support
(het) stuur click to hear - steering wheel
(de) suggestie click to hear - suggestion
(de) suiker click to hear - sugar
superieur click to hear - superior
(de) symfonie click to hear - symphony
(het) symptoom click to hear - symptom
synthetisch click to hear - synthetic
(het) systeem click to hear - system, 'machine'
taai click to hear - tough
(de) taaiheid click to hear - "toughness"
taal noch teken click to hear - [word nor sign] no communications, out of touch
(de) taart click to hear - cake
taart met kaarsjes click to hear - cake with candles (birthday) >>
tachtig click to hear - 80
(de) tafel click to hear - table
(de) taille click to hear 2 - waist
(de) tak click to hear - branch
(de) tand click to hear / (de) tanden click to hear - tooth / teeth (usually front -)
(de/het) tandsteen click to hear - tartar (stain or sediment on teeth) >>
(de) tank click to hear - tank (military vehicle // large container for liquid)
(de) tante click to hear - aunt Dutch family tree
(het) tapijt click to hear 2 - carpet, tapestry
(de) tas click to hear - bag
te click to hear - too // at
te kust en te keur click to hear - a wide choice
(de) teek click to hear - tick
(de) teen click to hear - toe
[(het)] teer click to hear - tar // fragile, tender
tegen heug en meug click to hear - under protest, not willingly
tegen click to hear - against
tegenovergesteld click to hear - opposite
(het) tegoed click to hear - credit, positive balance
(het) tehuis click to hear - a home
(de) teil click to hear - zinc washing tub
(het) teiltje click to hear - bowl
(het) teken click to hear 2 - sign
(de) tekening click to hear 2 - drawing
(de) tel click to hear - count (numbers) // a moment
(de) telefoon click to hear 2 - telephone
teleurstellend click to hear - disappointing
(de) teleurstelling click to hear - disappointment
ten click to hear - ~at
(het) tennis click to hear - tennis
(de) tent click to hear - tent
ter click to hear - ~~to, ~~for
terdege click to hear 2 - thoroughly, properly, solid
terecht click to hear - justified // found
tergend click to hear - annoyingly
terloops click to hear - in passing, casual
ternauwernood click to hear - barely, almost not
(de) terp click to hear - hill for refuge in floods
(het) terrein click to hear 2 - terrain
(de) terreur click to hear - terror
(het) terrorisme click to hear - terrorism
(de) terts click to hear - tierce, third (music)
terug click to hear - back (going, finding)
terwijl click to hear 2 - while
terzijde click to hear - on the side, aside
(de) test click to hear - test, experiment
Teun click to hear 2 - boys' name
Teunis click to hear - a boys' name
[(het)] teveel click to hear 2 - too much, surplus
tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 - in vain
tevreden click to hear - content, satisfied
(de) Thai click to hear - a Thai
Thailand click to hear - country in SE Asia
Thais click to hear - Thai
thans / (de) tand click to hear - at the moment, now / tooth
Thea click to hear - girls' name
(de) thee click to hear - tea
(de) thee / (de) teen click to hear - tea / toe
(het) thema click to hear - theme
Theo click to hear - boys' name
(de) theocratie click to hear - theocracy
(de) theoloog / (de) theïne click to hear - theologist / theine (=caffeine)
(de) theorie click to hear 2 - theory
(de) therapeut / (de) pseudodemocratie click to hear - therapist / pseudo-democracy
(de) therapie click to hear - therapy
(de) thermometer click to hear - thermometer
Thijs click to hear - a boys' name
thuis click to hear - at home
Tiel click to hear 2 - small town in Holland
tien click to hear - 10
(de) tijd click to hear (de) tijden click to hear - time, times
(het) tin click to hear - tin (Sn, a metal)
(de) tjalk click to hear - a ship type
tjilpen click to hear - making that birds' sound
tjirpen click to hear - making that birds' sound
tjokvol click to hear - very full
toch click to hear 2 - yet, still
(de) tocht click to hear 2 - journey, trip // draft (air movement)
(het) tochtje click to hear - small trip, tour
toe click to hear - ~towards // come on!
toen click to hear 2 3 - then, when (in the past)
(het) toeval click to hear - coincidence
toi-toi-toi click to hear - good luck (knock on wood!)
(het) toilet click to hear - toilet, bathroom
(de) tolerantie click to hear - tolerance
(de) tolk click to hear 2 - interpreter, live translator
ton click to hear 2 - barrel (cf. tun) // 1000kg unit of measure // 100K in money
(de) tong click to hear 2 - tongue (body part)
(de) toon click to hear 2 3 - tone
tot click to hear - till, until
Toos click to hear - girls' name
(het) tournooi click to hear 2 - tournament
(het) touw click to hear - rope, string
(de) tralie click to hear - prison bar
(de) tram click to hear - streetcar, tram
(de) trein click to hear - train
(het) trema click to hear - two dots on a vowel, like ä, indicating syllable break just before that vowel
(de) treurnis click to hear - sadness, misery (old-fahioned)
(de) triangel click to hear - triangle (music)
(het) trio click to hear - trio
triviaal click to hear 2 - trivial, very simple
Trix click to hear - girls' name
(de) troffel click to hear 2 - trowel
(de) trog click to hear 2 - manger, animals' food bin
- (de) trombone click to hear - trombone
(de) troubadour click to hear 2 - troubadour
tsjilpen click to hear - making that birds' sound
tsjirpen click to hear - making that birds' sound
(de) tuin click to hear 2 - yard, garden
(de) tulp click to hear / (de) tulpen click to hear 2 - tulip / tulips
(het) tunneltje click to hear - a small tunnel
tussen click to hear - between, among
twee click to hear - 2
(de) tweeklanken click to hear - diphthongs
(de) twijfel click to hear - doubt
twintig click to hear - 20
U click to hear / Uw click to hear - you / your (singular formal, polite) >>
(de) ui click to hear 2 / (de) uien click to hear 2 - onion / onions
(de) uil click to hear 2 - owl
uit click to hear 2 - out
(de) unie click to hear - union
uniek click to hear 2 - unique, one of a kind
[(het)] uniform click to hear - uniform (noun and adjective)
Utrecht click to hear 2 - large city in the Netherlands
(het) uur click to hear - hour
vaak click to hear 2 - often, frequent
(de) vaan click to hear - small flag
(de) vaandrig click to hear 2 - army officer cadet
(het) vaarwater click to hear - waterway ('territory')
vaarwel! click to hear - farewell!
(de) vaas click to hear - vase
(de) vacht click to hear - furry skin
(het) vacuüm / (de) buur click to hear - vacuum / neighbor
(de) vadem click to hear - old depth measurement (ca. 1.7m, 7 feet)
(de) vader click to hear - father
(het) vak click to hear 2 - compartment // trade, profession, subject
(de) val click to hear - fall // trap
van click to hear 2 - of
van de hand in de tand leven click to hear - barely getting by, living on a very low (no) budget
van een leien dakje click to hear - ['of a slate roof'] very easy
van hot naar her click to hear - sent from one thing to another, randomly
van Pontius naar Pilatus click to hear - sent on useless errands
van top tot teen click to hear - from head to toe
van wanten weten click to hear - being knowledgeable, knowing how to do things
[(de)] varen click to hear - to sail, travel by boat // a fern
(het) varken click to hear 2 - pig (cf. pork)
vast click to hear - solid // fixed, strongly connected
(het) vee click to hear 2 - cattle
veel click to hear 2 3 - much, many
(de) veelwijverij click to hear - [many wives thing] polygamy
(het) veen click to hear - peat
(de/het) veer click to hear - a spring (de) // a feather (de) // a ferry (het)
(het) veevoer click to hear - animal fodder
veil click to hear - of no value (very old-fashioned)
veilig click to hear - safe
(het) vel click to hear - skin
(het) veld click to hear - a field
(het) veldleger click to hear - army in the field
Veluwe Betuwe click to hear - areas in the East of Holland, North and South of the River Rhine
(de) ven click to hear - small lake
ver click to hear - far
(de) verandering click to hear - a change
verantwoordelijk click to hear - responsible, sensible
(de) verbinding click to hear 2 - connection
verdampen click to hear - to evaporate
(de) verdediging click to hear - defense
(de) verdieping click to hear - floor, storey
De Verenigde Provinciën click to
 hear - The United Provinces (official name of the Dutch Republic ca. 1600-1795)
(de) vereniging click to hear - club, union
(de) verf click to hear - paint
(de) vergadering click to hear - meeting, conference (cf. gathering)
(het) vergif click to hear 2 - poison
(de) vergissing click to hear - an honest mistake
(de) verhuur click to hear - renting out
(de) verkiezingen click to hear - elections
(de) verklaring click to hear - declaration
(de) verkoop click to hear - sale
(het) verlangen click to hear 2 - longing, desire // to long (for)
(het) verleden click to hear 2 - the past
(het) verlies click to hear - the loss
(het) vermaak click to hear - entertainment
vermoeid click to hear / vermoeide click to hear - tired
(de) vermoeidheid click to hear 2 - fatigue, tiredness
(de) vernietiging click to hear - destruction
(de) verrassing click to hear - surprise
verricht click to hear - 'done' (bookish, officialese)
verrukkelijk click to hear, verrukkelijke click to hear 2 - delicious, really very nice
vers click to hear 2 - fresh
verschillend click to hear - different
(de) versiering click to hear - decoration, ornament, embellishment
(het) verslag click to hear - report
(de) verslaggever click to hear 2 - [report-giver] reporter, journalist
(de) verspreiding click to hear - spread, dissemination
verstandig click to hear - sensible
(de) verstandsverbijstering click to hear - brain shutdown
(de) vertaling click to hear 2 - translation
(de) verte click to hear 2 - (in the) distance
(de) vertegenwoordiger click to hear 2 - representative // travelling salesman
verven click to hear 2 - to paint
(het) vervoer click to hear - transportation
(de) verwonding click to hear - injury
(de) verzameling click to hear - collection, set
(de) verzekering click to hear - insurance // assurance
(het) verzet click to hear - resistance
(het) verzinsel click to hear - a fiction
(het) verzoek click to hear 2 - request
(het) vest click to hear - wool or fleece jacket
[(het)] vet click to hear - fat, grease // fat, greasy
(het) veulen click to hear - foal (very young horse)
via click to hear - via, by way of
vier click to hear - 4
vies click to hear - dirty
vies en voos click to hear 2 - [dirty and dirty] very dirty
vijf click to hear - 5
(de) vijver click to hear - pond
(het) vilt click to hear - felt
(de) vin click to hear - fin
(de) vingers click to hear - fingers
(de) vink click to hear - finch (a bird)
(de) viool click to hear - violin
(de) vis click to hear - fish
(de) visvangst click to hear - catch (fish caught)
(de) vitrine click to hear - display cabinet, window
(de) vlaai click to hear - (Limburg) fruit pie
(de) vlag click to hear - flag - plural: vlaggen click to hear 2
(de) vlam click to hear - flame
(het) vlees click to hear - meat (cf. flesh)
(de) vleugel click to hear - wing // grand piano
(de) vlieg click to hear - a fly
vliegensvlug click to hear - [flying quick] very quick
(de) vlijt click to hear - diligence, steady effort
vloeibaar click to hear 2 3 - ['flowable'] liquid
vloeien click to hear - to flow
vloeiend click to hear 2 - fluent
(de) vloer click to hear - floor, surface
(de) vlucht click to hear - flight, flying // escape
(het) vod click to hear - rag
(de) voet click to hear 2 - foot
(het) voetvolk click to hear 2 - foot soldiers
(de) vogel click to hear 2 - bird
(de) vogelverschrikker click to hear - [bird-scarer] scarecrow
vol click to hear - full
(het) volk click to hear 2 - a people
(het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear - past participle
(de) voltooide tijd click to hear 2 3 - perfect tense
(de) vonk click to hear - spark
voor dag en dauw click to hear - [before day and dew] very early in the morning
voor click to hear 2 - for // before
voortvarend click to hear - energetic, forging ahead
(de) voorwaarde click to hear - precondition
vorig click to hear - previous
vorm of vent click to hear 2 - structure or guy (does the structure of the book, or the personality of the author make the art?)
(de) vorst click to hear 2 - king // frost
vorst en vaderland click to hear 2 - king and [fatherland] country
(het) vorstverlet click to hear - no work because of freezing weather
(de) vouw click to hear - fold
(de) vraag click to hear 2 - question
(de) vrede click to hear - peace
vreemd click to hear - strange
(de) vrees click to hear - fear
(de) vrees / wreed / (de) vraag / (de) wraak click to hear - fear / cruel / question / revenge
vreselijk click to hear - horrible
(de) vriend click to hear - friend (male)
vriend en vijand click to hear - [friend and enemy] everyone
vriendelijk click to hear - friendly
(de) vrienden click to hear - friends
(de) vriendin click to hear - friend (female)
vrij / vrijer click to hear - free / more free // lover, boyfriend (old-fashioned)
vrijelijk click to hear - freely
(de) vrijheid click to hear - freedom, liberty
(de) vrijwilliger click to hear 2 - volunteer
vroeg click to hear - early // (I/you/he) asked
vrouw en vriend click to hear 2 - woman and friend (a book title)
vrouwelijk click to hear - female, womanly
[(het)] vuil click to hear - dirt // dirty
(de/het) vuilnis click to hear - garbage
(het) vuur click to hear 2 - fire
(de) Waal click to hear - a river in Holland
waar click to hear - where // true
(de) waarheid click to hear 2 - truth
(de) waas click to hear - haze
(de) wacht click to hear - guard
waden click to hear - to wade
wakker click to hear - awake
(de) wal click to hear - city wall, wall (old-fashioned)
walgelijk click to hear 2 - disgusting
(de) wals click to hear - waltz // steamroller
(de) walvis click to hear - whale
(de) wang click to hear - a cheek
(de) wang / wrang click to hear - cheek / unpleasant taste, wry
wankel click to hear 2 - not stable
[(de)] want click to hear 2 - for, because // a mitt
warm click to hear - warm
[(de)] was click to hear - laundry // (I, you, he) was
(de) wasknijpers click to hear - clothespins
wat click to hear - what // a little, some
(het) water click to hear 2 - water
water naar de zee dragen click to hear 2 - to carry [water to the sea] coals to Newcastle
we click to hear - we >> personal pronouns
(de) wedde click to hear - a soldier's pay
wedden click to hear - to make a bet
(de) wee click to hear (de) weeën click to
 hear - contraction, contractions (birth)
(de) week click to hear 2 - week // weak
[(het)] weer click to hear 2 - weather // again
weer en wind click to hear - [weather and wind] in all kinds of weather, rain or shine
weer of geen weer click to hear 2 - [weather or no weather] rain or shine, in all weather
(de) weerwraak / verwrongen click to hear 2 - revenge / twisted
[(de)] weg click to hear - road, way // away, gone, lost
[(de)] wegen click to hear - roads // to weigh
weggegooid geld click to hear 2 - money [thrown away] wasted
(de) weide click to hear 2 - meadow (old-fashioned) - the modern word is:
(het) weiland click to hear 2 - meadow
weinig click to hear 2 - little
wekken / (de) wekker / (de) wikkel click to hear 2 - to wake someone up / alarm clock / winding(s)
wel click to hear - (affirmative amplifier)
wel en wee click to hear 2 - [health and illness] ~well-being
welke click to hear 2 - which
(de) welvaart click to hear - prosperity // well-being
welwillend click to hear - meaning well, benevolent
(de) wenkbrauw click to hear - eyebrow
(de) wens click to hear - wish
de wereld click to hear - the world
Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid click to hear 2 - global safety week (a company slogan I thought up)
(het) werkwoord click to hear - [work-word] verb
(de) wervel / (de) wrevel click to hear - vertebra (backbone part) / irritation, slight anger
(de) wespentaille click to hear - a wasp's waist
west click to hear - West
(het) westen click to hear - the West
(de) wet click to hear - law
[(het)] wezen click to hear 2 - the essence (het) // orphans (de) // to be (slang)
wie click to hear 2 - who
Wie schrijft, die blijft click to hear - He who writes, stays (the person who writes down (up?) the scores always stays in the game)
wie / wat / waar / welke click to hear - who? / what? / where? / which?
(het) wiel click to hear 2 - wheel
(de) wig click to hear - wedge, peg
wij click to hear 2 - we >> personal pronouns
wij lope(n) click to hear wij lopen click to hear - we walk
wij willen water click to hear - we want (need) water
wijd click to hear - wide
wijd en zijd click to hear 2 - far and wide
(de) wijk click to hear - neighborhood
(de) wijn click to hear 2 - wine
wijs click to hear - wise
(het) wijwater click to hear - holy water
(de) wijze woorden click to hear - words of wisdom
wikken / wrikken ; (het) wak / (het) wrak ; weken / wreken click to hear - to deliberate / to pry, to wrench ; hole in ice / wreck ; to soak / to take revenge
wikken en wegen click to hear 2 - [to deliberate and weigh] pondering a decision
(de) wil click to hear - will, wishes
wild click to hear - wild
Wim click to hear - boys' name
(de) windhandel click to hear - [dealing in wind] fishy trading deals
(de) windtunnel / (de) badtas click to hear - wind tunnel (airplane testing) / bag with swimming stuff
(de) windwijzer click to hear 2 - wind vane
(de) winkel click to hear 2 - shop
winkelen click to hear 2 - to shop >>
(het) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 - shopping cart
(de) winst click to hear - profit
(de) winter click to hear - Winter
(de) winterwortel click to hear - large carrot
(de) wipwap click to
    hear - seesaw (children's talk)
(de) wirwar click to
    hear - things mixed up, a tangle
wis en waarachtig click to hear 2 - it's true
wit click to hear - white
witheet click to hear 2 - white-hot
(de) wittebroodsweken click to hear 2 - a couple's first weeks after a wedding
(de) witwas click to hear - white laundry
(de) woede click to hear - anger
(de) wok / (de) wrok click to hear - wok / grudge, rancor
(de) wol click to hear - wool
(de) wolk click to hear - cloud
(de) wond click to hear - wound, injury
(het) woord click to hear (de) woorden click to hear - word, words
(de) worm click to hear - worm
(de) worst click to hear - sausage
(de) wortel click to hear - root, carrot
(het) woud click to hear 2 - wood, forest
(het) wrak click to hear - wreck
(de) wrat / vrat click to hear 2 - wart / (I/you/he) ate (slang, impolite)
wreed click to hear wrede click to hear - cruel
(de) wreedheid click to hear - cruelty
wrijven click to hear - to rub >>
(de) wrijving click to hear 2 - friction
wrik click to hear - (I) pry, jiggle
(de) wrok click to hear - grudge, rancor
wuiven click to hear 2 - to wave
Xantippe click to hear - Mrs Socrates
(het) xenon click to hear - a noble gas
(de) xylofoon click to hear - xylophone
(de) yoghurt click to hear 2 - yogurt
z'n click to hear - his (short for zijn click to hear)
z'n lust en z'n leven click to hear - [his passion and his life] something most important to someone
(het) zaad click to hear - seed
(de) zaag click to hear 2 - saw
zachtjes click to hear - softly, gently
(de) zak click to hear - bag
(het) zand click to hear 2 - sand
ze click to hear - she // they >> personal pronouns
(de) zee click to hear - sea
(de) zeep click to hear - soap
Zeeuws click to hear 2 - from the province of Zeeland
(de) zegen click to hear - blessing
zeggen click to hear - to say >>
(het) zeil click to hear - a sail, a tarp
(de) zeis click to hear - scythe
zeker click to hear 2 - certainly, sure
zelden click to hear - rarely, seldom
zelf click to hear - self
zelfs click to hear - even, still
(de) zenuw click to hear - nerve (cf. sinew)
zes click to hear - 6
(de) zet click to hear - move (game, stategy)
zeulen click to hear - to carry with difficulty or displeasure
(de) zeurpiet click to hear - a nagging person
zeven click to hear - 7 // to sift
Zeven Provinciën, De click to
 hear - Official name of the Dutch Republic ca 1600-1795
de zeven zeeën click to hear 2 - the seven seas
zich click to hear - oneself reflexive verbs
zie click to hear - see!
ziek click to hear - sick, ill
(de) ziekte click to hear - sickness, illness, disease
ziel en zaligheid click to hear - 'soul and eternal bliss'
zien click to hear - to see >>
zigzag click to hear 2 - zigzag
zij click to hear 2 - she // they >> personal pronouns
(de) zijde click to hear - side // silk
zijig click to hear - [silky] slimy (said of a person)
zijn click to hear - his >> personal pronouns // to be >> to be
(het) zilver click to hear - silver
(de) zin click to hear - sense // desire // sentence, line
zing click to hear - (I) sing
zingen click to hear - to sing
(het) zink click to hear - zinc (Zn, a metal)
zinken click to hear - to sink
(de) zinnen click to hear - plural of 'zin'
(de) zitkamer click to hear - [sitting] living room
zo click to hear - such // like this // in a moment
zoeven (zoëven) click to hear 2 - just a moment ago'
zoeven click to hear ~ to move quickly, zoom, whiz
zo'n click to hear 2 - such a (contraction of zo een)
zo een click to hear 2 - such a
zoiets click to hear 2 3 - something like that
zo klaar als een klontje click to hear 2 - very clear, it couldn't be clearer
zo'n mooie dag click to hear 2 - such a beautiful day
zo'n sombere zomer click to hear - such a sad, dark Summer
zoet click to hear - sweet // well-behaved (children)
(de) zolder click to hear - attic
(de) zomer click to hear - Summer
(de) zon click to hear - sun - plural: zonnen click to hear 2 - suns
zonder click to hear - without
zonder blikken of blozen click to hear 2 - shameless and without hesitation
zonder slag of stoot click to hear - without a fight
zone click to hear 2 ('French O') - area
(de) zoon click to hear - son - plural: zonen click to hear - sons
(de) zouaaf click to hear (de) zouaven click to hear - catholic volunteer(s) defending the Papal state ca. 1870
(het) zout click to hear 2 - salt, table salt // a salt
zuid click to hear - South
(het) zuiden click to hear - the South
(de) zuil click to hear 2 - pillar
De zuinige huisvrouw click to hear - the frugal housewife
(de) zuivel click to hear - dairy
zuiver click to hear - pure, unadulterated
zulke click to hear - such
(het) zusje click to hear - sister
[(het)] zuur click to hear 2 - sour, acid // an acid
zwaar click to hear - heavy
(de) zwager click to hear - brother-in-law
zwak click to hear 2 - weak
(de) zwaluw click to hear - swallow (a bird)
(de) zwanenzang click to hear 2 - swan's song
zwanger click to hear - pregnant
zwart click to hear 2 3 - black
(de) zwavel click to hear - sulphur S
zwelgen click to hear 2 - to wallow, live in dirt and/or misery
zwemmen click to hear - to swim >>
zwijg! click to hear 2 - shut up!

This page gives a rough translation of the examples on The Dutch Pronunciation Page

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2009. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2