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Dutch Verb Brengen ('to Bring') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences

'Brengen'   click to hear 2 3 4 'to bring' is a strong verb:

to bring
- bracht
- gebracht
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brengen to bring
ik bracht I brought
ik heb gebracht I have brought
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brengen to bring
ik breng I bring
wij brengen we bring
ik bracht I brought
wij brachten we brought
ik heb gebracht I have brought
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simple present tense
brengen to bring
ik breng I bring
jij brengt you bring (singular, informal you)
hij brengt he brings
wij brengen we bring
jullie brengen you bring (plural, informal you)
zij brengen they bring
U brengt you (polite you)
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simple past tense
(brengen) to bring
ik bracht I brought
jij bracht you brought
hij bracht he brought
wij brachten we brought
jullie brachten y'all brought
zij brachten they brought
U bracht you brought
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ik bracht click to hear I brought, I was bringing
wij brachten click to hear 2 We brought, we were bringing

present perfect tense
ik heb gebracht click to hear 2 3 4 I have brought
auxiliary verb hebben

Sample Sentences

aan de kook brengen click to hear to bring to a boil Breng het aan de kook click to hear 2 3 Bring it to a boil

in verleiding brengen click to hear 2 3 4 'to lead into temptation'

in de praktijk brengen click to hear 2 to [bring] put into practice

Ik ken de regels ... click to hear 2 I know the rules ... -or- Ik weet wat de regels zijn ... click to hear 2 3 I know what the rules are ... ... maar ik heb er moeite mee ... click to hear 2 3 4 ... but I have difficulty ... ... ze in de praktijk te brengen click to hear 2 ... putting them into practice, applying them -or- ... ze toe te passen click to hear 2 3 ... applying them

Zij brengen haar een aubade. click to hear They are [bringing] singing an aubade to her

Zij brachten haar een serenade. click to hear They [were bringing a serenade to her] serenaded her

De trein bracht hen naar Den Haag click to hear The train brought them to The Hague
(a bit formal)

terugbrengen click to hear 'to bring back, to return'

Wie heeft U thuisgebracht? click to hear 2 Who has brought ('delivered') you home? (It could also mean 'Who did you bring to their home?)

Ik kan 't niet thuisbrengen click to hear 2 3 [I can't bring it home - I cannot relate it to something familiar] ~ I don't know what it is

tot zinken brengen click to hear 2 3 'to sink' a ship, to make it go down, [bring it down] ‑>>

't Hoofd op hol brengen click to hear 2 3 4 ['make the head run wild, stampede'] - 'to set pulses racing, to turn someone's head'

See also: halen 'to get, to collect'
and Mail

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't Hoofd op hol brengen click to hear 2 3 4 ['make the head to a run wild, stampede'] - 'set pulses racing' email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2018.
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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'