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(de) post click to hear
(De) brievenbus click to hear 'mail box' - plural: brievenbussen click to hear 2 'mail boxes'
Like English 'mail box' Dutch 'brievenbus' is both the box where you deposit stamped mail to be send out, as the reptacle at your home (or office) where mail is delivered to you.
[Dutch mail box]
[mail box]
[mail box]
[mail box]
de / het / 't click to hear
de click to hear het click to hear 't click to hear
een, 'n click to hear (a)
één click to hear (one)
mail (de) post click to hear
stamp (de) postzegel click to hear
air mail (de) luchtpost click to hear 2
post code, zip code (de) postcode click to hear
post office (het) postkantoor click to hear
postman, mail carrier (de) postbode click to hear 2
P.O. Box (de) postbus click to hear 2
(de) brief click to hear 2
brieven click to hear
note, short letter (het) briefje click to hear
envelope (de) envelop (Fr.) click to hear 2
address (het) adres click to hear
sender (de) afzender click to hear
(de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 threatening letter ‑>>
postcard (de) briefkaart click to hear (no pictures)
picture postcard (de) ansichtkaart click to hear 2
a German word, but with Dutch pronunciation
card (de) kaart click to hear 2 also: map and playing card
package (het) pakje click to hear
exchange of letters
(de) correspondentie click to hear 2
(de) briefwisseling click to hear 2
Note that the T in postzegel click to hear / postzegels click to hear is dropped. It goes too far to say pos-t-zegel click to hear 2.

een brief schrijven click to hear
Ik schreef een brief aan m'n moeder click to hear
writing a letter
I wrote a letter to my mother, I wrote my mother a letter
Wanneer heb je voor het laatst een brief geschreven? click to hear When was the last time you wrote a letter?
een brief op de bus doen click to hear 2 mailing a letter
op de bus doen click to hear put (something) in a mailbox
Is de post al geweest? click to hear 2 [Has the mail been by?] Has the mailman come by already?
de laatste lichting click to hear 2 the last mail collection [of the day]
Daar is een brievenbus! click to hear (Over) there is a mailbox!
Heeft U ook postzegels? click to hear 2 3 Do you have (sell) stamps [too]? Do you happen to sell stamps? (in a shop)
Heeft U er postzegels bij? click to hear 2 3 Do you have (sell) stamps (with) for it? (in a shop)
Heeft U er postzegels voor? click to hear Do you have (sell) stamps for it? (in a shop)
See and hear also: Conversations

schrijven (to write)
lezen (to read)
ik schrijf
jij schrijft
hij schrijft
wij schrijven
jullie schrijven
zij schrijven
U schrijft
click to hear
(to write)
(I write)
(you write)
(he writes)
(we write)
(you write)
(they write)
(you write)

ik schreef
jij schreef
hij schreef
wij schreven
jullie schreven
zij schreven
U schreef
click to hear

(I wrote)
(you wrote)
(he wrote)
(we wrote)
(you wrote)
(they wrote)
(you wrote)

ik lees
jij leest
hij leest
wij lezen
jullie lezen
zij lezen
U leest
click to hear
(to read)
(I read)
(you read)
(he reads)
(we read)
(you read)
(they read)
(you read)

ik las
jij las
hij las
wij lazen
jullie lazen
zij lazen
U las
click to hear
(past tense)
(I read)
(you read)
(he read)
(we read)
(you read)
(they read)
(you read)

(you - singular, informal)

(you - plural, informal)

(you - polite)
Note that CH in SCHR is not pronounced
ik heb geschreven click to hear I have written >> ik heb gelezen click to hear I have read
In letters, I address general friends as 'Beste ...,' click to hear (and my wife, mother and sisters as 'Lieve ...,' click to hear) but nowadays many people write Hallo ..., click to hear 2 (not recomended) or Dag ..., click to hear 2 which also means 'day' and 'goodbye.'
Formal letters should start with 'Geachte Heer,' or 'Geachte Mevrouw,' or 'Mijne Heren, Dames,' (search the Internet for 'titulatuur')
Letter Start
Beste Jan, click to hear Dear Jan,
Beste Freek en Inge, click to hear Dear Freek and Inge,
Lieve Tine, click to hear Dear Tine,
Hallo Jan, click to hear Hello Jan,
Dag Peter, click to hear 2 Hi Peter,
Dag Peter! click to hear Goodbye Peter!
Letter End
Groet, click to hear Greeting, (regards)
Veel groeten, click to hear 2 Many greetings, (regards)
Met vriendelijke groet, click to
 hear 'With a friendly greeting,' (regards)
Hoogachtend, click to hear 2 'Yours Truly,' (very formal - rarely spoken.
Can you imagine a formal audio letter?)
Opening Remarks see also: Birthday
Bedankt voor je brief click to hear 2 Thank you for your letter.
Hoe is 't ermee? click to hear How are you?
Met mij gaat 't goed. click to hear I'm fine.
Maak je geen zorgen over mij. click to hear Don't worry about me.
Heb je 't leuk gehad? click to hear Did you have a good time?
Heb je wat leuks gedaan in het weekend? click to hear Did you do something nice in the weekend?
Hoe doen je kinderen 't op school? click to hear How are your kids doing at school?
Hoe is 't op school? click to hear 2 How are things at school? (in Dutch, 'school' is only elementary or secondary school, not college or university.)
Hoe gaat 't met je studie? click to hear How is school? (literally: your studies.)
Hoe gaat 't met je werk? click to hear How is your job?
Waar ben je mee bezig? click to hear 2 What are you working on, what are you doing?
Hoe is het met je moeder? click to hear
How is your mother?
vader click to hear ('father') - baby click to hear ('baby') - kindje click to hear 2 ('little one')
man click to hear ('husband') - vrouw click to hear ('wife') - see also: Family
vriendin click to hear ('girlfriend') - vriend click to hear ('boyfriend')
Ik ben blij dat je voor het examen geslaagd bent. click to hear 2 I'm glad you passed the test.
Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen. click to hear I'm glad it came to a good end (ended well.)
Ik word droevig van de toestand in de wereld. click to hear 2 I'm saddened by the state of the world.
More Phrases: Weather - Food and Drink - Travel - Sleep - Various

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2012. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2