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Verbs: Smartphone - List - Desktop - Shorts |
Conjugation | |
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Compound Verbs with 'Halen' | |
Related Words | |
Halen 2 'to get, collect, obtain, acquire' is a weak verb of the non-kofschip type, so it has ‑DE, ‑DEN and ‑D endings in the past tense and past participle. The word may be distantly related to English 'to haul.' Sometimes you can think of 'halen' as 'to reach'
overview 1 | ||
halen | to get | |
ik haal | I get | |
ik haalde | I got | |
ik heb gehaald | I have gotten | |
overview 2 | ||
halen | to get | |
ik haal | I get | |
wij halen | we get | |
ik haalde | I got | |
wij haalden | we got | |
ik heb gehaald | I have gotten | |
2 |
simple present tense | ||
halen | to get | |
ik haal | I get | |
jij haalt | you get (singular, informal you) | |
hij haalt | he gets | |
wij halen | we get | |
jullie halen | you get (plural, informal you) | |
zij halen | they get | |
U haalt | you get (polite you) | |
2 |
simple past tense | ||
(halen) | to get | |
ik haalde | I got | |
jij haalde | you got | |
hij haalde | he got | |
wij haalden | we got | |
jullie haalden | y'all got | |
zij haalden | they got | |
U haalde | you got | |
present perfect tense | |
ik heb gehaald | I have gotten |
Wat je ver haalt is lekker 2 (saying) What you get from far away tastes good
Hij weet waar Abraham de mosterd haalt 2 (saying) 'He knows where Abraham gets mustard' - said of a knowledgeable person, but it can also be said ironically of a not-too-bright person Waar haalt Abraham de mosterd? 2 Where does Abraham get the mustard?
Ik moest rennen om de bus te halen 2 3 I had to run to catch the bus
De schipper haalde een handvol graankorrels
uit een zak van z'n jasje
The skipper pulled a handful of wheat from a pocket of
his coat
from a folktale
Ouwe koeien uit de sloot halen 2 (saying) [Dredging up old cows from the ditch] pointless talk about foregone matters, beating a dead horse
een examen halen 2 3 4 to pass an exam, test zakken voor een examen 2 to fail an exam, test
Je hebt 't gehaald! 2 3 'You made it! You got it!' (You were successful, you reached your goal)
also: slagen 2 3 4 'to succeed, pass a test, get what you want'
slagen | to succeed, pass a test | |
ik slaag | I ~succeed | |
wij slagen | we ~succeed | |
ik slaagde | I ~succeeded | |
wij slaagden | we ~succeeded | |
ik ben geslaagd | I have ~succeeded | |
2 3 4 |
Ik ben geslaagd
1. I have succeeded, I was successful, I got
what I wanted
2. I passed the exam (or test)
Ben je geslaagd?
1. Did you pass the exam (or test)
usually: 2. Did you get what you wanted?
Some compound verbs with 'halen' are good examples of the 'splitting' and 'inseparable' verbs:
achterhalen | to retrieve, find out | |
ik achterhaal | I'm finding out | |
ik achterhaalde | I found out | |
ik heb achterhaald | I have found out | |
Hij heeft 't achterhaald
He was able to retrieve it
(hidden , hard-to-find information)
In this
means 'to overtake'
Al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt haar wel
['However quick a lie may be,
the truth will overtake it']
- Lies won't last, truth will come out eventually
And the adverb achterhaald
means (figuratively) 'overtaken' - 'no longer relevant,' replaced by
newer thinking, 'moot'
overhalen | to persuade | |
ik haal over | I'm persuading | |
ik haalde over | I persuaded | |
ik heb overgehaald | I have persaded | |
herhalen | to repeat | |
ik herhaalde | I repeated | |
ik heb herhaald | I have repeated | |
Herhaal de oefening 2 Repeat the exercise (more below)
afhalen | to pick up, collect | |
ik haalde af | I picked up | |
ik heb afgehaald | I have picked up | |
The prepositions BE-, ER-, GE-, HER-, ONT- and VER- are 'inseparable.' Otherwise, the preposition comes off when it carries the stress of the word - more
Nouns can also be part of compound verbs
haal diep adem
/ diep ademhalen
take deep breaths, breathe deep
to breathe
(de) ademhaling
breath, breathing
is literally 'to haul up,' usually 'to raise, lift up, bring up' -
but it can also mean something like 'to collect, pick up'
herinneringen ophalen
to reminisce, bringing up memories
We zaten gezellig herinneringen op te
We were reminiscing pleasantly,
we were having a good time chatting about the past
Wie heeft jullie opgehaald? 2 Who came by to pick you up? (for instance, at a train station or airport)
neerhalen 2 to [haul] bring down (enemy airplanes, for instance)
kielhalen 2 'to keelhaul,' to punish (someone) by dragging them through the water under the keel of a ship, a punishment on old ships that often led to the death by drowning of the condemned person
'repeat, repetition'
Niet voor herhaling vatbaar
[After a disappointment: 'not to be repeated']
- 'Let's not do (or have) that again'
Je moet niet in herhaling vervallen
[Don't fall into repetitions] - Don't repeat
(de) repetitie
'test (in secondary school)' // 'rehearsal'
(het) verhaal
2 'story'
Een lang verhaal
a long story
Dat is een ander verhaal
That's another story
'catch,' something caught is (de) vangst
(de) visvangst
'haul,' (amount of) fish caught
Van Halen
Between the towns of Beilen
and Assen
were two villages or hamlets called
('high -') and
('low -') that taken together were called just
"gewoon doorfietsen!"
'Just keep pedaling, bike on'
(Eddie van Halen said, "if you
make a mistake, do it twice, and smile - that way, people will think
you meant to do it that way." He shared a Dutch phrase of his
father's, also a musician - quoted in The Wall Street Journal)
See also: brengen 'to bring'
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