My Taga 2 Tricycle Platforms
(het) bakfietsje
small [box] cargo bike
![[tricycle]](artwork5/3wielerTagaZonderBak2_200.jpg) Taga 2 'bare' |
![[tricycle]](artwork5/3wielerTagaMetBak200.jpg) with standard box |
![[small cargo tricyclce]](artwork6/TagaCargoExtension200.jpg) platform #3
![[small cargo bike]](TagaPics/TagaShopping.jpg) platform #2 |
![[small cargo bike]](TagaPics/TagaPlatform.jpg) platform #4 |
Platform 5 in the Making
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/TagaDwarsbalk.jpg)
The 75° crossbar |
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/bolthook500.jpg) bolt hook, J-bolt
test ride - unpainted, not complete yet |
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/TagaRollatorLedge3.jpg)
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/TagaPlatform5noCrate.jpg)
The 'blond' wood is so pretty, it's a pity to cover it with the crate
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/RollatorShoppingCartFilled.jpg)
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/Rollatorstraps.jpg)
The Rollator is attached to the platform by two straps
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/RollatorHang2.jpg) Removing or putting back the rollator I
let it hang on a loop of string and then at my ease loosen and
release or put back on and
tighten the straps
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/TagaLooprekje6Detail.jpg) As a little side project I
replaced the cane holder on shopping platform 3 by a ledge to
carry a sliding, 2-wheel walker
![[Taga 2 platform build]](TagaPics/Tagaplatform7Front.jpg)
Fiets: Hear Dutch bicycle words
and conversation
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Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2023.
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