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the outdoors
- 2
[a bus]
- 2
[glasses, watch, etc.]


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Fiets/Fietsen: Dutch Bicycle and Bicycling Words and Phrases

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

(de) fiets click to hear 2 3 bicycle, bike
(de) elektrische fiets click to hear 2 3 electric bicycle - (de) batterij click to hear 2 3 4 5 battery

My Bicyle
Fietsen  - to ride a bicycle
Owning or Having a Bicycle at Hand
Bicycles, Bike Parts and Tools (Pictorial)
Translation Exercise
'Fiets'  and 'Fietsen'  Examples of Usage
Old Sound Files

[my bicycle]
mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 my bicycle
(Gazelle click to hear 2)
Dit is mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 This is my bike
Deze fiets is van mij click to hear 2 3 This bike is mine, this is my bike
Dat is mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 That's my bike
Die fiets is van mij click to hear 2 3 That bike is mine, that is my bike
Het is mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 It's my bike
[small cargo tricyclce]
(het) bakfietsje click to hear 2
small [box] cargo bike
(de) driewieler click to hear 2 tricycle

'Fietsen' click to hear 2 'to ride a bicycle' is a weak verb of the 't kofschip click to hear class: verb stems ending in T, K, F, S, CH and P have simple past endings -TE and -TEN and its past participle ending is -T - more

[bicyclist (I ride a bike)]
fietser click to hear 2 bicyclist
ik fiets click to hear 2 3 I'm bicycling
fietsen to ride a bicycle
ik fiets I'm riding a bicycle
wij fietsen we're riding bicycles
ik fietste I rode a bicycle
wij fietsten we rode bicycles
ik ben gefietst I rode bicycle
ik heb gefietst I have ridden a bicycle
click to hear
ben/heb Explained below
fietsen to ride a bike
ik fiets I ride a bike
jij fietst you ride a bike (singular, informal you)
hij fietst he rides a bike
wij fietsen we ride bikes
jullie fietsen you ride bikes (plural, informal you)
zij fietsen they ride bikes
U fietst you ride a bike (polite you)
click to hear 2
(fietsen) to ride a bike
ik fietste I rode a bike
jij fietste you rode a bike
hij fietste he rode a bike
wij fietsten we rode bikes
jullie fietsten y'all rode bikes
zij fietsten they rode bikes
U fietste you rode a bike
click to hear

ik heb gefietst click to hear 2 (I have ridden a bike)
ik ben gefietst click to hear (I rode a bike)
Dutch verbs of motion use 'hebben' ‑>> as auxiliary verb in the perfect tenses when it's about the time spent, the event or the distance covered and 'zijn' ‑>> when it's about the destination. ‑>>

Ik heb een uur gefietst click to hear 2 I rode a bike for an hour
Ik heb tachtig kilometer gefietst click to hear 2 3 I've biked 80 kilometers
Ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 I rode a bike to Veenendaal
- More about Verbs

Like English 'to have,' Dutch 'hebben' click to hear ‑>> can mean 'to own' or 'have at hand, have available'

ik heb een fiets I have a bicycle
jij hebt een fiets you have a bicycle
hij heeft een fiets he has a bicycle
wij hebben een fiets we have a bicycle
jullie hebben een fiets you guys have a bicycle
zij hebben een tandem they have a tandem bicycle
U heeft een fiets you have a bicycle
click to hear
heb ik een fiets? do I have a bicycle?
heb jij een fiets? do you have a bicycle?
heeft hij een fiets? does he have a bicycle?
hebben wij een fiets? do we have a bicycle?
hebben jullie een fiets? do you have a bicycle?
hebben zij een fiets? do they have a bicycle?
heeft U een fiets? do you have a bicycle?
click to hear

English 'you' can be translated by three different words in Dutch:

- more about the Personal Pronouns

Jij hebt een fiets click to hear 2 You have a bicycle (informal you)
Heb je een fiets? click to hear 2 Do you have a bicycle? (informal you)
U heeft een fiets click to hear You have a bicycle (polite you)
U hebt een fiets click to hear You have a bicycle (polite you)
U heeft click to hear 2 3 / U hebt click to hear you have (polite)
'U hebt' is acceptable, but I prefer 'U heeft'
Heeft U een fiets? click to hear Do you have a bicycle? (polite you)
Jullie hebben een fiets click to hear You have a bicycle (plural informal you)
Hebben jullie een fiets? click to hear Do you guys have a bicycle?
Jullie hebben fietsen click to hear You guys have bicycles
Hebben jullie fietsen? click to hear Do you guys have bicycles?
Hij heeft geen auto click to hear He doesn't have a car
More fiets  and fietsen  lines below

fietsen click to hear 2 bicycles
[racer bicycle]
(de) racefiets click to hear 2 racing/road bike (Peugeot)

Dutch Bicycle Brands:

Gazelle click to hear 2

Fongers click to hear

Batavus click to hear

Empo click to hear

[tandem bicycle]
(de) tandem click to hear 2 tandem bicycle (Bike Friday Family Tandem)
[bicycle seat]
(het) zadel click to hear 2 bike seat (Brooks)

[bicycle wheel]
(het) wiel click to hear 2 wheel
- (het) fietswiel click to hear 2 3 bicycle wheel
[bike tube and tire]
(de) buitenband click to hear tire
- (de) binnenband click to hear tube ‑>>
[bicycle fender]
(het) spatbord click to hear 2 fender

dikke banden click to hear 2 3 fat tires

dunne banden click to hear 2 thin tires

[bicycle cog wheel and pedal]
(het) tandwiel click to hear 2 3 cogwheel, chainwheel
(de) trapper click to hear 2 bike pedal
[bike chain]
(de) ketting click to hear 2 3 chain
(de) trapper click to hear 2 bike pedal
(de) dérailleur click to hear 2 3 (French)

[bicycle handlebars]
(het) stuur click to hear 2 3 handlebars (also 'car steering wheel')
kabels click to hear 2 3 cables - singular: (de) kabel click to hear 'cable'
[bicycle bell and speedometer]
(de) bel click to hear bell / (de) fietsbel click to hear 2 bicycle bell
(de) snelheidsmeter click to hear 2 speedometer = (de) 'fietskompjoeter' click to hear 2

(de) versnelling click to hear 2 acceleration, speeding up // 'gear,' transmission - versnellingen click to hear 2 3 'gears,' (-speed)

[bicycle gear shifter]
(de) versnellingshendel click to hear 2 3 gear shifter
'hendel' is Dutchified 'handle'
[in second gear]
in de tweede versnelling click to hear 2 3
in second gear
[bicycle hand grip]
(het) handvat click to hear hand grip
(de) remhendel click to hear 2 brake lever

(de) rem click to hear 2 3 brake - remmen click to hear to brake
(de) terugtraprem click to hear 2 3 4 'pedal-backward brake' (not pictured)

[friction rim brake]
(de) knijprem click to hear 2 3
[squeeze] rim friction brake
[disk brake]
(de) schijfrem click to hear 2 disk brake
[bicycle drum brake] [bicycle drum brake]
(de) trommelrem click to hear 2 3 drum brake
In compound words, de/het  is determined by the last part of the word

[bicycle generator to power lights]
(de) dynamo click to hear 2 dynamo, generator
[front light]
(de) voorlamp click to hear 2 3 front light
[bicycle back light]
(het) achterlicht click to hear 2 rear light
[bicycle bell]
(de) fietsbel click to hear 2 bicycle bell
(het) knipperlicht click to hear 2 blinking light (not pictured)

[bicycle saddlebag, pannier]
(de) fietstas click to hear
bicycle saddlebag, pannier
[bicycle rack]
(het) rekje click to hear 2 rack
fietstassen click to hear 2 3 panniers
[pannier with red beets]
(de) fietstas click to hear pannier
(bietjes click to hear red beets >>)
[bike rack]
(het) fietsrekje click to hear bike rack

[bicycle 'coat guard' and rack]
(de) jasbeschermer click to hear 2 3
'coat [protector] guard'
(het) rekje click to hear 2 rack
[bicycle pedal and kick stand]
(de) trapper click to hear 2 bike pedal
(de) standaard click to hear 2 kick stand
[bicycle pump]
(de) fietspomp click to hear 2 3
bike pump
[on-bike pump]
(het) pompje click to hear 2 3
small pump, on-bike pump

[flat tire (car)]
(de) lekke band click to hear 2 [leaking] flat tire
((de) auto click to hear car)
[flat tire]
(de) velg click to hear 2 rim - spaken click to hear 2 3 spokes - (de) lekke band click to hear 2 [leaking] flat tire
velgen click to hear 2 rims - (de) spaak click to hear 2 3 spoke

[water bottle]
(de) waterfles click to hear 2 3 water bottle
[water bottle]
een flesje water click to hear a (small) bottle of water
(het) flesje click to hear 2 small bottle
[bike path]
(het) fietspad click to
(no motorcycles)
The sign below 'fietspad' says 'dus niet brommen' click to hear - meaning it's not for the small (50cc) motorcycle called (de) bromfiets click to hear 2 is not allowed on these bike paths. It's a nice little joke, because brommen click to hear 2 next to riding a 50cc motorcycle can also mean 'to grumble, complain' and is also slang for 'doing time in prison.'

[bike lock] [bike lock]
(het) fietsslot (fiets-slot) click to hear 2 bike lock
[Dutch bike lock]
fietsslot (Dutch style)
cable lock]
(het) kabelslot click to hear 2 3 cable lock

[bike helmets]
fietshelmen click to hear 2
[fluorescent bike jacket]
(het) fietsjasje click to hear 2 bicycling coat
[bike rack]
(het) fietsenrek click to
  hear 2
(de) fietshelm click to hear bike helmet - (de) helm click to hear helmet

[(Dunlop) valves]
ventielen click to hear 2 3
[new type Dunlop valve]
(het) 'atoomventiel' click to hear 2
the new type
[tire levers]
bandenlichters click to hear
[spoke wrench] [spoke wrench]
(de) spaakspanner click to hear
(het) ventiel click to hear valve

[open-end wrenches]
steeksleutels click to hear
[box-end wrenches]
ringsleutels click to hear
[two-sided socket wrenches]
pijpsleutels click to hear
[adjustable wrench]
(de) Engelse sleutel (bahco) click to hear

schroevendraaiers click to hear
[hex keys]
inbussleutels click to hear

[shopping in tricycle] [shopping in tricycle] [shopping in tricycle]
boodschappen click to hear 2 shopping
boodschappen doen click to hear 2 to shop, buying grocery and necessities ‑>>

[a picture of an empty tandem bicycle,
   waiting  in the Dutch countryside]
(het) fietspad click to hear bike path
(de) tandem click to hear 2 tandem bicycle  (1980s Gazelle)

[small cargo bike]
(het) bakfietsje click to hear 2

(de) driewieler click to hear 2
tricycle (Taga)
driewieler click to hear 2 (Taga)
driewieler click to hear 2 (Summit)
ik rij(d) op een driewieler click to hear
I'm riding a tricycle
(de) driewielrijder click to hear 2 3 'tricyclist'

The common Dutch word for 'bicycle' is (de) fiets click to
  hear 2 and 'bicyclist' is (de) fietser click to
  hear 2 but the 'official' words (like in the law books and police reports) are (het) rijwiel click to
  hear ('bicycle') and the pretty (de) wielrijder click to
  hear 2 ('bicyclist.')

(De) bakfiets click to hear 2 - traditionally a heavy transport tricycle, one wheel in back, two wheels in front, the handlebars at the back of a large, flat box (ca. 90cm x 120cm x 30cm, 3' x 4' x 1'.)
In facebook groups and elsewhere I've seen 'bakfiet' - maybe careless, or maybe thinking that the S of 'bakfiets' is like in English for a plural. The Dutch plural is bakfietsen click to hear 2

(De) transportfiets click to hear 2 is a heavier, more solid version of the regular Dutch classic bike, with in front a rack with usually a large cane basket. My home town's pharmacy still had a deliveryman with a bike like that in the 1960s.
A modern cargo bike may have just two wheels. I'd like to call those (de) transportfiets click to hear 2 3 too.

(De) omafiets click to hear ('grandma bicycle') is an old-fashioned bike type where the top pipe between the handlebars axle and the pedals axle is curved.
(het) ros click to hear is an old-fashioned word, meaning (and related to) 'horse.' IJzeren Ros click to
  hear is a somewhat humorous way to refer to a bicycle.

More Dutch Bicycling
Hear the Names of Dutch Bicycle Racers

A Dutch Bicycling site

3rd Grade Bike Safety Day Diagrams
Humorous Bike Safety Pieces for High or Middle School March Newsletters

[two bicyclists sruggling against the wind, on a heath]
'Tegenwind' - Picture by Niels Melman © 2007.
All rights reserved. Used by permisssion.
On or near de Ginkelse Hei click to hear 2 3 'Ginkel Heath,' where the gliders and paratroopers for the Bridge too Far landed in 1944's Operation Market Garden

Translation Exercise:
Tegenwind in Nederland

Als je in Nederland fietst dan heb je òf wind mee, òf je hebt wind tegen. Meestal heb je natuurlijk tegenwind, en als je 's morgens met tegenwind naar je werk of naar school fietst, dan draait de wind vaak, en dan heb je aan het eind van de dag niet de wind mee maar weer tegenwind. Als je 's morgens wind mee hebt dan draait de wind nooit. Theoretisch zou je zeggen dat het ook wel eens windstil zou moeten zijn, maar dat gebeurt bijna nooit.
click to hear - read English translation

M'n vrouw zegt dat het alleen windstil is als je wil(t) vliegeren.
click to hear
't Is alleen windstil als je wilt vliegeren. click to hear 2 3
('je wilt' click to hear 2 is correct, 'je wil' is not correct)

key words:
(de) tegenwind click to hear [wind-against] headwind
wind tegen click to hear 2 3 [wind-against] headwind
wind mee click to hear 2 3 [wind-along] tailwind
als ... dan click to hear if/when ... then ‑>>
òf ... òf click to hear 2 either ... or
meestal click to hear 2 most of the time, usually
natuurlijk click to hear of course!
's morgens click to hear in the morning ‑>> 2
draaien click to hear to turn, rotate
nooit click to hear never ‑>>
windstil click to hear 2 no wind
gebeuren click to hear to happen, occur, take place ‑>>
vliegeren click to hear 2 3 4 to fly a kite

'Fiets'  and 'Fietsen'  Examples of Usage

Veel fietsen! click to hear Do a lot of bicycle riding - (a resolution)
een prettige fiets click to hear 2 3 a comfortable bicycle
Bent U blij met Uw fiets? click to hear 2 Are you happy with your bicycle? (polite you)
Waar zijn jullie fietsen? click to hear Where are your bikes? (plural you)
Ik wil een nieuwe fiets click to hear 2 I want a new bicycle
Het is een unieke fiets click to hear It's a unique bicycle
Mijn fiets is gestolen geworden click to hear My bike was stolen ‑>>
Wat jammer dat je fiets   
gestolen is! click to hear 2 3 4
I'm sorry your bike was stolen, Such a pity that your bike was stolen (I feel your pain) ‑>>
Ik heb een nieuwe fiets gekocht click to hear I've bought a new bicycle
Hij heeft gisteren in Almelo een fiets gekocht click to hear He's bought a bike in Almelo yesterday
En daarom wil ik geen elektrische fiets click to hear 2 3 And that's why I don't want an electric bicycle
Je fiets is omgevallen click to hear 2 3 Your bike has fallen over
Ik ben komen fietsen click to hear 2 3 I've come bicycling, I've come by bike
Hij leerde fietsen in Nederland click to hear 2 3 He learned to ride a bike in Holland
met losse handen fietsen click to hear 2 riding a bike [with loose hands] with your hands not on the handlebars
Ik leende een fiets van de buren click to hear 2 3 I borrowed a bike from the neighbors
Ik leende m'n fiets aan de buren click to hear 2 3 I lent my bike to the neighbors
Woon je ver van je werk? click to hear Do you live far from where you work?
Kun je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear 2 Can you ride a bike to work?
Ga je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear Do you ride your bike to work?
Toen ik z'n fiets optilde begreep ik hoe hij zo hard kon rijden click to hear 2 3 4 When I lifted up, picked up his bike I understood how he could ride that fast
Ik tilde z'n fiets op click to hear 2 3 I picked up, lifted up his bike ‑>>
Door de tegenwind kwamen we met moeite vooruit click to hear 2 Because of the wind-against we moved [forward] slowly
Door de tegenwind kwamen we maar met moeite vooruit click to hear 2 Because of the wind-against we only moved [forward] slowly
We zouden gaan fietsen maar 't begon te regenen. click to hear We were going to make a bike ride but it started to rain (Not something a real Dutchman would say)
Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis click to hear 2 If it's raining hard I'll stay at home
Kijk even achterom voordat je afslaat click to hear 2 Look back for a moment before you make a turn
Stel je voor dat er geen auto's zouden zijn! click to hear 2 Imagine that there would be no cars!
Stel je voor dat er geen auto's waren! click to hear 2 Imagine that there were no cars!
See also: Talking about Travel and Traffic
somewhat funny remarks to tandem 'drivers:'
"Die achterop doet er niks aan" click to hear 2 3 The one in back is [not doing anything about it] not helping
"Heb je alweer een andere vrouw?" click to hear 2 3 Again another woman? Another woman again already?
sayings with 'fiets'  and 'fietsen'
Ga toch fietsen! click to hear 2 3 4 ['go ride a bike!'] - usually an exclamation of frustration with someone, like 'I don't believe you, stop bothering me, go take a hike'
Chris from Yorkshire suggests the British English equivalent 'On your bike!'
Wat heb ik nou aan m'n fiets hangen? click to hear 2 3 4 ['What do I have hanging on my bike, what's hanging from my bike?'] - expression of surprise at a weird, unexpected situation you find yourself in
... op die  fiets! click to hear 2 3 'oh, you mean in  that way'
gewoon doorfietsen! click to hear 2 3 'Just keep pedaling, bike on' (Eddie van Halen said, "if you make a mistake, do it twice, and smile - that way, people will think you meant to do it that way." He shared a Dutch phrase of his father, also a musician)

The Bicycling Words Sound Files from the Old Page

The definite article ('the') in Dutch is either 'de' (for 'male' and 'female' words, and for all plurals) or 'het' (for singular, 'neutral' words.) 'Het' is sometimes shortened to "'t." Diminutives (ending in '-je') are always 'neutral,' but otherwise you'll just have to memorize which are the 'de'- and 'het'-words.
The indefinite article ('a') in Dutch is "een," in writing sometimes shortenened to "'n." For emphasis 'één' (one) is used.

de man
de vrouw
het kind
't mannetje
the man
the woman
the child
'the little man'

een, 'n
hear - 2
a, an

mijn fiets
(de) fietsen
(de) racefiets
(de) tandem
hear - 2
(de) fiets
my bike
road/racing bike
tandem bicycle
(het) wiel
(de) buitenband
(de) binnenband
(het) zadel
(het) spatbord
bike seat
(het) tandwiel
(de) trapper
(de) ketting
(de) dérailleur
(de) versnellingen
hear - 2
(de) versnelling
chain wheel
(het) stuur
(de) bel
(de) snelheidsmeter
(de) 'fietskompjoeter'
'bike computer'
(de) kabels
(de) versnellingshendel
(het) handvat
(de) remhendel
hear - 2
(de) kabel
gear shifter
hand grip
brake handle
(de) rem
(de) knijprem
(de) trommelrem
(de) terugtraprem
rim friction brake
drum brake
back-pedaling brake
(de) dynamo
(de) voorlamp
(het) achterlicht
front light
back light
(de) fietstas
(het) rekje
(de) jasbeschermer
hear - 2
pannier (bike 'saddlebag')
bike rack
'coat guard'
(de) standaard
(het) pompje
(de) pomp
kick stand
on-bike pump
(de) lekke band
(de) velg
(de) spaken
(de) spaak
[leaking] flat tire
(het) fietsslot
(de) waterfles
(de) fietser
ik fiets
hear - 2
bike lock
water bottle
I'm riding a bike
(de) fietshelm
(het) fietsjasje

(het) fietspad
bike helmet
bike jacket

bike path

More Dutch Words with Pictures: Colors and Materials - Chess - more

Casual Visitor?

Everyday Dutch Words Basic vocabulary for conversation and reading

Useful Words and Phrases for Travelers
Learning Dutch? (Lessons and Suggested Method)

Master Lists of Common Dutch Words - with pronunciation and links to explanation, examples of usage, pictures and/or related words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

Hear Dutch Names - Vermeer's World - Rembrandt
17th Century Sailors and Ships - Old New York

[plate of food]
[loaf of bread]
other food
[shopping cart]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2006-2020. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'