from the 100% free Hear Dutch Here Website - more verbs
The Simple Present Tense and the Verb Stem
The Importance of the Verb Stem
In the simple present tense, Dutch verbs have three forms:
  • the verb stem for the first person singular (I - ik)
  • the verb stem + t for the second and third person singular
    (you / he/she/it - jij/U / hij/zij/het)
  • the verb stem + en (= the infinitive) for the plural
    (we/you/they - wij/jullie/zij)

For instance, drinken click to hear 'to drink'
drinken to drink
ik drink I drink
jij drinkt you drink (singular, informal you)
hij drinkt he drinks
wij drinken we drink
jullie drinken you drink (plural, informal you)
zij drinken they drink
U drinkt you drink (polite you)
click to hear

[Marco drinking tea]
ik drink click to hear 2
I am drinking

When the verb is placed before the subject, like in questions, there is no T added for the second person singular, for instance:
Drink je alcohol? click to hear 2 3 Do you drink alcohol?

[I'm laughing]
ik lach click to hear
I'm laughing
ik click to hear ('I')
jij click to hear / je click to
  hear ('you' - singular informal)
hij click to hear ('he') - zij click to hear / ze click to hear ('she')
     - het click to hear / 't click to hear ('it')
wij click to hear / we click to hear ('we')
jullie click to hear ('you, you guys, y'all' - plural informal)
zij click to hear / ze click to hear ('they')
U click to hear ('you' - formal, polite)
- short personal pronouns

Verb stems ending in T do not add extra T's
wachten to wait
ik wacht I'm waiting
jij wacht you're waiting (singular, informal you)
hij wacht he's waiting
wij wachten we're waiting
jullie wachten y'all are waiting (plural, informal you)
zij wachten they are i waitng
U wacht you are waiting (polite you)
click to hear 2
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Alphabetic Lists of Verbs - Personal Pronouns

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'