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Dutch Verb Drinken ('to drink') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
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Drinken click to hear 'to drink' is a strong verb:

to drink
- dronk
- gedronken
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drinken to drink
ik drink I drink
wij drinken we drink
ik dronk I drank
wij dronken we drank
ik heb gedronken I have drunk
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simple present tense
drinken to drink
ik drink I drink
jij drinkt you drink (singular, informal you)
hij drinkt he drinks
wij drinken we drink
jullie drinken you drink (plural, informal you)
zij drinken they drink
U drinkt you drink (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(drinken) to drink
ik dronk I drank
jij dronk you drank
hij dronk he drank
wij dronken we drank
jullie dronken y'all drank
zij dronken they drank
U dronk you drank
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik heb gedronken click to hear I have drunk
auxiliary verb hebben

Sample Sentences

[Marco drinking tea]
ik drink click to hear 2
I am drinking

Drink je alcohol? click to hear 2 3 Do you drink alcohol? Hij drinkt bier click to hear 'he's drinking beer' Hij drinkt een kopje thee click to hear 'he's [drinking] having a cup of tea' Hij drinkt snel een biertje click to hear 2 He is quickly drinking a beer, he quickly has a beer Onderweg drinken we een kopje koffie click to hear 2 'We'll have a cup of coffee on the way, on the road' De beer dronk bier click to hear The bear was drinking beer Hij dronk alleen water click to hear 'he only drank water, all he drank was water' Hij dronk uit de fles click to hear 2 3 He drank from the bottle ... en toen dronken we koffie click to hear '... and then we had coffee' Ik heb geen alcohol gedronken click to hear 'I have not [drunk] had any alcohol' Heb je genoeg gedronken? click to hear ['have you drank enough'] 'did you have enough to drink?'

Drink je thee click to hear 2 3 'drink your tea' Drink het op click to hear 2 3 Drink it, drink it up, finish that drink Heb je je koffie op? click to hear 2 3 Did you finish your coffee? (Is your cup empty?) Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee click to hear 2 'First, relax and have a cup of tea'

Wil je wat drinken? click to hear 2 'Would you like something to drink?' Wat wil je drinken? click to hear 2 'What would you like to drink?' Een kopje thee alstublieft click to hear 'A cup of tea, please' (polite) Een kopje koffie graag click to hear 'A cup of coffee, please' (informal) Kom je thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have some tea Kom je een kopje thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have a cup of tea

Als je vis eet, moet je ook wat drinken click to hear 2 3 4 'When you're having fish, you should also drink something' Je moet wat drinken click to hear 2 3 'you should drink something'

eten en drinken click to hear 2 1. eating and drinking, to eat and to drink
2. food and drink
met kleine slokjes drinken click to hear 2 '[drink with] take small sips' Drinken om te vergeten click to hear 2 3 Drinking (alcohol) to forget Het drinken van alcohol is toegestaan click to hear 'Drinking alcohol is permitted' Drinken met mate click to hear 'Drink alcohol in moderation' (A New Year's resolution)

Bij 't ontbijt drink ik thee click to hear 2 At breakfast I drink tea Bij de lunch drink ik melk click to hear 2 3 At lunch I drink milk Bij 't avondeten drink ik wijn click to hear 2 At dinner I drink wine

Hij drinkt niet veel click to hear 2
Hij drinkt weinig click to hear 2 [He drinks little] - He doesn't drink much

We drinken op je gezondheid click to hear 2 3 We drink to your health (a toast)

(het) drinken click to hear drink
(het) drinkwater click to hear 2 drinking water

dronken click to hear 'drunk, intoxicated, stupified by drinking too much alcohol' Er loopt een dronken man te schreeuwen click to hear 2 There's a drunk guy shouting
(de) drank click to hear (de) sterke drank click to hear alcoholic beverages, usually liquor (de) frisdrank click to hear 2 a soda drink
(het) drankje click to hear 2 supposedly benificial concoction // alcoholic drink
(de) nectar click to hear 'the drink of the gods, nectar'

Much More about Drinks

zuipen click to hear 2 'to drink in excess, to quickly drink much alcohol' (slang) is a strong verb:

~to drink
- zoop
- gezopen
click to hear

Laatste ronde! click to hear 2 'Last call!' - last ordering of drinks before closing time

Eten  - 'to eat' and 'food'
Eating and Drinking - Words and Phrases, Examples of Usage, Sample Sentences

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'