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Dutch Verb Eten ('to eat') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
'Eten'  as the Noun 'Food'
Related Words

Eten click to hear 'to eat' is a strong verb:

to eat
- at
- gegeten
click to hear

eten to eat
ik eet I'm eating
wij eten we're eating
ik at I ate
wij aten we ate
ik heb gegeten I have eaten
click to hear 2

Like almost all strong verbs with an A in the simple past tense, that A is a short A click to hear in the singular, but a long A click to hear in the plural.
Also note the G inserted in the past participle: it's not ge-eten but geGeten

simple present tense
eten to eat
ik eet I eat
jij eet you eat (singular, informal you)
hij eet he eats
wij eten we eat
jullie eten you eat (plural, informal you)
zij eten they eat
U eet you eat (polite you)
click to hear
The verb stem already ends in T - there are no extra T's added for the simple present tense second and third person singular

simple past tense
(eten) to eat
ik at I ate
jij at you ate
hij at he ate
wij aten we ate
jullie aten y'all ate
zij aten they ate
U at you ate
click to hear

present perfect tense

ik heb gegeten click to hear I have eaten
auxiliary verb hebben

Sample Sentences

Eten click to hear can also be a noun meaning 'food' - see the chapter below

eten en drinken click to hear 2 1. eating and drinking, to eat and to drink
2. food and drink

Eet smakelijk! click to hear 'Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal!'

eten met mes en vork click to hear 2
met mes en vork eten click to hear 2 eating with, using knife and fork eten met vrienden click to hear
met vrienden eten click to hear eating with, in the company of friends eten van een bord click to hear 2
van een bord eten click to hear 2 3 eating from a plate

Hij eet 'n appel click to hear He's eating an apple Ik eet vis click to hear 2 I'm eating fish Ik eet elke dag een sinaasappel click to hear 2 'I eat an orange every day' Hij eet niet veel click to hear
Hij eet weinig click to hear 2 He doesn't eat much Hij heeft haast niks gegeten click to hear 2 3 He [ate almost nothing] barely ate anything Vandaag eten we vis click to hear 2 Today we'll [eat] have fish Gisteren hebben we erwtensoep gegeten click to hear Yesterday [we've eaten] we had pea soup Ik eet geen witlof meer want het is te duur click to hear 2 'I don't eat Belgian endives anymore because [it] they are too expensive' 's Woensdags eten we vaak linzen click to hear 2 3 On Wednesdays we often have [eat] lentils Vrijdags eten we vaak vis click to hear 2 3 4 On Fridays we often [eat] have fish Als je vis eet, moet je ook wat drinken click to hear 2 3 4 'When you're having fish, you should also drink something' Ik heb net een sinaasappel gegeten ... click to hear 2 'I just [ate] had an orange ...' Nou heb ik een sinaasappeltje gegeten click to hear [Now I ate ...] - I've just had a nice 'little' orange Hij at rustig een worstje click to hear 2 He calmly ate a small sausage
(The T of
  'worstje' is not pronounced)
Ze aten brood met kaas click to hear 2 They were eating bread with cheese, cheese sandwiches

Gezond eten click to hear 1. 'Eat healthily, eat wholesome food' (A New Year's resolution)
2. healthy, wholesome food
snel eten click to hear eating fast, quickly (NOT: 'fast food') haring eten click to hear eating herring ‑>>

We gaan uit eten click to hear We're going to eat out We zitten te eten click to hear We're eating

We gaan zo eten click to hear 2 3 'We'll eat soon, in a few minutes' Eten over een paar minuten click to hear 2 [Eating ...] Food (dinner, lunch) will be ready in a few minutes (preliminary call) Kom je eten? click to hear 2 3 'Are you coming, food is ready' Aan tafel! click to hear 2 'Come to the table, food is ready' (it always sounds a bit impatient to me)

Wanneer heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 When (what time) have you eaten? Wanneer heb je voor 't laatst gegeten? click to hear 2 When have you eaten last, how long ago was your last meal? What was the last time you had something to eat? Wat heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'What have you eaten, what did you have?' Waar heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'Where have you eaten?' Met wie heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'With whom did you eat?'

Ik heb thuis gegeten click to hear I have eaten at home - thuis Ik krijg wel eens honger op straat, maar ik eet altijd thuis slow Sometimes I get an appetite out on the street, but I always eat at home Ik ga morgen bij m'n moeder eten click to hear Tomorrow I'm going to have dinner (or lunch) at my mother's house

Heb je goed gegeten? click to hear 2 Have you eaten [good] well? Was 't lekker? click to hear 2 Was it good, did you enjoy it? ('lekker' - think of: 'to like') Heb je lekker gegeten? click to hear 2 Was the food to your liking, did you enjoy your meal?

Heb je al gegeten? click to hear 2 Have you eaten already? Did you already have dinner (or lunch or breakfast)? Heb je nog niet gegeten? click to hear 2 Have you not eaten yet? Did you not have dinner (or lunch) yet? Ik heb niet gegeten click to hear 2 I have not eaten Ik heb nog niet gegeten click to hear I have not eaten yet

Moet je nog eten? click to hear 2 Do you still have to eat? Have you not eaten yet? Wil je wat eten? click to hear 'Would you like something to eat?' Ik wil eerst wat eten click to hear 2 I want to eat something first Is er wat te eten? click to hear 2 3 slow 'Is there something to eat?'

En dan gaan we eten click to hear 2 'And then we'll eat' En toen gingen we eten click to hear 2 And then we had dinner

Heb je goed gegeten? click to hear 2 'Have you eaten [good] well?' Was 't lekker? click to hear 2 'Was it good, did you enjoy it?' (think of: 'to like') ->> Heb je lekker gegeten? click to hear 2 'Was the food to your liking, did you enjoy your meal?'

Heb je genoeg gegeten? click to hear Have you eaten enough? Heb je te veel gegeten? click to hear 2 Have you eaten too much, did you eat too much? Ik heb te veel gegeten click to hear I have eaten too much Ik had te veel gegeten click to hear I had eaten too much Ik heb gisteren niet veel gegeten click to hear 2 'I didn't eat much yesterdy'

Wil je blijven eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to stay for [food - usually:] dinner Je kunt wel blijven eten click to hear 2 3 'You may stay [to eat] for dinner (or lunch)'

te eten uitnodigen click to hear 2
te eten vragen click to hear ['for eating, to ask'] 'to invite, ask for dinner' Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 'Would you like to come for dinner at our house sometime?' (singular 'you') Komen jullie ... click to hear 2 3 (plural 'you') Wil je een keer bij mij komen eten? click to hear 2 3 'Would you like to come for dinner at my house sometime?' (singular 'you') Willen jullie ... click to hear 2 3 (plural 'you') Ze komen zondag bij ons eten click to hear 2 3 Sunday they'll come to our place for dinner

Zullen we ergens gaan eten? click to hear 2 'Shall we go eat somewhere?' (i.e. in a restaurant)

Dat hebben we een tijd niet gehad click to hear 2 We haven't had (eaten) that for a while We eten het nooit meer click to hear 2 3 We never [eat] have it anymore

We krijgen iemand te eten click to hear 2 We're having a dinner (or lunch) guest But:  We kregen brood te eten click to hear 2 We were given bread to eat

Ik eet geen paardenvlees click to hear 2 slow 'I don't eat horse meat, I refuse to eat horse meat'
(the N of
  'paardenvlees' is not pronounced)
Ik eet geen rundvlees click to hear 2 'I don't eat beef' Ik kan geen rundvlees eten click to hear 2 'I may not eat beef, it's not good for me to eat beef' Ik krijg er last van click to hear 2 3 'It's going to bother me, it'll give me trouble, it's bad for my health, it'll make me sick' Het eten van varkensvlees is verboden click to hear 'Eating pork is not allowed'
('verboden' click to hear 2 think of: 'forbidden,' German: 'verboten')
Ik wil geen vlees eten click to hear 2 'I don't want to eat meat' Ik wil liever geen vlees eten click to hear 2 3 'I'd rather not eat meat, I'd prefer not to eat meat'

Verandering van spijs doet eten click to hear 2 (saying) [Change of food makes people eat] - Food variety helps the appetite

'Eten'  as the Noun 'Food'

(het) eten click to hear food
warm eten click to hear 2 hot food
eten en drinken click to hear 2 food and drink Ik moet met 't eten aan de gang click to hear 2 ['I have to get going with the food'] I have to start cooking Ik moet 't eten opzetten click to hear 2 [I have to put on the food] - I got to start cooking

Het eten was erg lekker click to hear 2 3 4 The food was very [tasty] good, we really enjoyed the food Het eten was heerlijk click to
  hear 'The food was delicious, I really enjoyed the food' 't eten was ... click to hear 2 The food (dinner, lunch) was ... food superlatives:
erg lekker click to hear 2 'very good'
heerlijk click to hear 2 3 'delicious'
zalig click to hear 2 'heavenly'

't Eten - 't was lekker click to hear 'the food - it was good, we enjoyed it' 't Eten - 't was koud click to hear 'the food - it was cold'

(het) avondeten click to hear 2 [evening meal] - dinner
(het) middageten click to hear ['afternoon meal'] - lunch (the English word is more common) Na de lunch click to hear 'after lunch' - see also  below Bij 't avondeten drink ik wijn click to hear At dinner I drink wine Hij maakte het avondeten terwijl zij piano speelde click to hear He [made] prepared dinner while she played the piano

een gezellig etentje click to hear 2 3 a cosy, enjoyable dinner (in or out)

voor 't eten click to hear 2 ['before eating']
- 'before lunch/dinner'
onder 't eten click to hear 2 'while we were eating'
- 'during lunch/dinner'
na 't eten click to hear 2
'after we had eaten'
- 'after lunch/dinner'

Er is genoeg eten click to hear 2 3
Er is eten genoeg click to hear 2 There is enough food Er is voor drie dagen eten click to hear 2 3 There is food for 3 days

Ik vind het heel erg als ik eten weg moet gooien click to hear 2 3 4 I feel bad, I hate it when I have to throw out food

Roet in 't eten gooien click to hear (saying) 'throwing soot into the food' - ruining plans Je moet geen roet in 't eten gooien click to
  hear 'Don't ruin the plans.'

(de) eetlust click to hear 2 'appetite'
't Bederft m'n eetlust click to hear 2 It [ruins] spoils my appetite
(het) etentje click to hear 2 3 festive dinner (in or out)

(de) eetkamer click to hear 2 dining room
(de) eethoek click to hear 2 dining area (of a larger room)
(de) eetzaal click to hear 2 3 dining hall, mess room
(de) eettafel click to hear dinner table
(de)eetlepel click to hear tablespoon
eetstokjes click to hear chopsticks
(de) maaltijd click to hear meal
(het) hapje click to hear 2 'bite, morsel' a small amount of food

Many more eating and food words, phrases and examples of usage: Eating and Drinking, Food Phrases

and also:


- smartphone

- smartphone
[plate of food]

- smartphone
[loaf of bread]
other food

- smartphone
- 2 3 4 5 6
- smartphone

in 't verkeerde keelgat click to hear 'into the wrong [throathole] gullet' - the airpipe in 't verkeerde keelgat schieten click to hear literally: (food) going into the [wrong throathole] airpipe, swallow the wrong way'
2. figuratively: 'not go down well, an unexpected strong reaction to something

nassen click to hear 2 to eat - slang (think of: 'nosh') - only used in the infinitive
Is er wat te nassen? click to hear 'Is there something [good] to eat?')

vreten click to hear 2 'to devour, eat like a beast' (slang)
German also has 'essen' and 'fressen' - but in the Germanic language Gothic of about 400AD 'fraitan' was the common word for both 'eating' and 'devouring'
Like many old verbs, vreten  is strong:

to devour
- vrat
- gevroten
click to hear
wij vraten click to hear 2 we devoured

Bijten click to hear 2 'to bite' is a strong verb:

to bite
- beet
- gebeten
click to hear 2
Door de zure appel heen bijten click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['Biting through the sour apple'] - an unpleasant task that needs to be performed, accepting something that can't be ignored or changed ~ 'swallow the pill' wij beten click to hear 2 we bit

Drinken  - to drink

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'