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The Conversations and Phrases pages are of course only a template, suggestions and model sentences. You may have other preferences and priorities than I. Substitute other words to create your own narrative. Find words below or on the pages linked to below or use the 'search' function (top left on most pages.)
Basic Food Vocabulary | |
Internal Links: My Other Food Pages | |
The Verbs |
'Units' | |
Phrases, Conversations, Talking about Food | |
Food Sayings |
de / het / 't
de het 't |
(the) | een, 'n | (a) | één | (one) | >> >> |
From the Basic Dutch pages: | ||||||||||||||
Find additional food and drinks words on these pages:
vegetables |
fruits |
dinners |
breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks |
some overlap with: |
meals - 2 3 |
food - 2 3 4 5 |
and see also: |
kitchen - 2 3 4 5 6 |
(het) eten
is the common Dutch word for 'food'
- (het) voedsel
('food') is a bit bookish - (de) eetlust
gezonde voeding
healthy food, wholesome nutrition
(de) honger
'hunger' - hongerig
- honger stillen
'to satisfy, alleviate hunger'
(het) drinken
('drink,' things to drink) -
Dutch (de) drank
usually means 'liquor'
(de) dorst
- dorstig
- dorst lessen
'to slake, quench thirst'
(het) ontbijt
'breakfast' -
(de) lunch
'lunch' -
(het) avondeten
'dinner' -
warm eten
'hot food'
Most people use the English word for 'lunch' -
if it's a hot meal, you could say (het) middageten
('afternoon meal.')
For 'snacks' I usually use the English word, because the
traditional Dutch words feel somewhat old-fashioned
But you could say: iets bij de koffie
('something with your coffee') /or/
iets bij de thee
('something with your tea') -
een koekje bij de thee
('a cookie with your tea')
(de) smaak
- (de) nasmaak
(de) bijsmaak
'side' taste, "secondary taste," 'hint of'
sweet ‑>>
salt, salty ‑>>
acid, sour ‑>>
bitter ‑>>
savory, not sweet, 'salty'
- a good Dutch word for the fifth basic taste 'umami'?
'full-flavored, strong-tasting'
'Spicy, hot' is scherp
which can also mean 'sharp' like a knife
- vlijmscherp
('very sharp' - knives)
to avoid confusion, some Dutch people use the Malay word
for 'hot, spicy'
['powerful'] - 'filling, heavy'
3 'juicy'
'weak of taste, missing something' (not enough salt?)
(de) geur
3 smell, odor
to smell (notice a smell)
ruiken naar
to smell of, to smell like
See also: Herbs and Spices
and more 'Taste'
to eat |
ate |
eaten |
to drink |
drank |
drunk |
eten met mes en vork
met mes en vork eten
eating with, using knife and fork
eten met vrienden
met vrienden eten
eating with, in the company of friends
eten van een bord
van een bord eten
eating from a plate
Hij dronk uit de fles
He drank from the bottle
koken to cook; to boil | - | ik kook I am cooking | - | ik kookte I was cooking | - | ik heb gekookt I have cooked |
2 |
ik ben aan 't koken
I'm cooking, preparing hot food
Ik heb de aardappelen gekookt
'I have boiled the potatoes'
Vind je 't leuk om te koken?
Do you like to cook? Do you enjoy cooking?
(een) gekookt ei
'boiled egg'
Ik heb de aardappelen gekookt
'I have boiled the potatoes'
de gekookte aardappels
'the boiled potatoes'
more 'koken' below
'preparing food' - old-fashioned
bakken to bake, fry, sauté | - | ik bak I am baking | - | ik bakte I was baking | - | ik heb gebakken I have baked |
2 |
ik ben een brood aan 't bakken 2 I'm baking [a] bread ik heb de aardappelen gebakken 'I have [baked] fried the potatoes' (het) gebakken ei 'fried egg' gebakken champignons 2 3 sautéed mushrooms kort gebakken 2 baked, fried, sautéed shortly, '~rare' - More about Verbs - Easy Verbs
(de) kok (cook) |
voor 't eten
2 ['before eating'] - 'before lunch/dinner' |
onder 't eten
2 'while we were eating' - 'during lunch/dinner' |
na 't eten
2 'after we had eaten' - 'after lunch/dinner' |
Vocabulary, words: see and hear above | Phrases, Conversations, Talking about Food: | |
Inviting Etc. | |
More Questions | |
Comments | |
Narrative, Talk about Food | |
Preferences | |
Various: Dieting, Resolutions, Etiquette, Slang | |
In A Restaurant | |
In The Kitchen, Cooks Talking | |
Drinks | |
Food Sayings |
Heb je honger? | ['Have you hunger?'] - 'Are you hungry?' |
Ik heb honger | 'I am hungry' |
Ik heb geen honger 2 3 4 | 'I'm not hungry' |
Ik kom om van de honger 2 3 | ['I'm dying of hunger, I'm starving'] - 'I'm famished, I'm very hungry' (jocular) |
Ik sterf van de honger 2 3 | ['I'm dying of hunger, I'm starving'] - 'I'm famished, I'm very hungry' (jocular) |
Ik heb dorst | 'I am thirsty' |
We gaan zo eten 2 3 | 'We'll eat soon, in a few minutes' |
Eten over een paar minuten 2 | Food (dinner, lunch) will be ready in a few minutes (preliminary call) |
Kom je eten? 2 3 | 'Are you coming, food is ready' |
Aan tafel! 2 | 'Come to the table, food is ready' (it always sounds a bit impatient to me) |
Eet smakelijk! | 'Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal!' |
Proost! 2 | 'Cheers!' |
Wil je wat eten? | 'Would you like something to eat?' |
Wil je wat drinken? 2 | 'Would you like something to drink?' |
Wat wil je drinken? 2 | 'What would you like to drink?' |
Een kopje thee alstublieft | 'A cup of tea, please' (polite) |
Een kopje koffie graag | 'A cup of coffee, please' (informal) |
koffie met melk en suiker | 'coffee with [milk] cream and sugar' |
Mag ik een glas water? 2 | '[May I] Can I have a glass of water, please?' |
Mag ik wat water? | Could I have some water, please? |
Mag ik een beetje kaas? 2 | 'Could I have [a little] some cheese, please?' |
Heb je wat brood? | 'Would you have some bread?' |
Mag ik de boter? 2 3 | Could I have the butter? Please pass the butter |
Wil je een kopje thee? 2 | Would you like a cup of tea? |
Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? | Shall I pour you a cup of tea? |
Nee, dank U 2 | No, thank you (polite) |
Nee, dank je 2 | No, thank you (informal) |
Ja, alstublieft 2 | Yes, please (polite) |
Ja, alsjeblieft 2 3 | Yes, please (informal) |
Ja, graag 2 | Yes, please (informal) - I'd like that |
Alstublieft /and/ alsjeblieft 2 | are also used when handing someone something, like 'here you are' |
Dank U wel | thank you (polite) |
Dank je wel | thank you (informal) |
Bedankt | thanks, thank you (informal) |
Wil je koffie of thee of iets fris? 2 3 | Would you like coffee or tea or [something 'fresh'] - juice or soda? |
Wil je koffie of thee of iets anders?
2 |
Would you like coffee or tea or something else? |
Wil je koffie of thee? 2 3 | Would you like coffee or tea? |
't Is allebei goed 2 3 | [It is ...] Both are good, OK with me |
Wat 't makkelijkst voor je is 2 | What is most easy for you |
Drink je alcohol? 2 3 | Do you drink alcohol? |
Ik ben blij met een kopje thee | [I am happy] I will be happy with a cup of tea |
Wil je kaas of ham op je brood? | 'Would you like cheese or ham on your bread?' |
Wil je iets toe? 2 3 | Would you like dessert? |
Het smaakt naar meer 2 | ['it tastes like more'] 'It was so good I'd like some more, I wouldn't mind a second helping' (informal) |
Wil je blijven eten? 2 3 | Would you like to stay for [food - usually:] dinner |
Er is genoeg eten 2 3 | 'There is enough food' |
Je kunt wel blijven eten 2 3 | 'You may stay [to eat] for dinner (or lunch)' |
Je hoeft niet weg te gaan 2 3 | 'You don't have to leave' |
Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee 2 | 'First, relax and have a cup of tea' |
Kom je thee drinken? 2 | ~Come have some tea |
Kom je een kopje thee drinken? 2 | ~Come have a cup of tea |
te eten uitnodigen 2 | ['for eating, to invite'] 'to invite, ask for dinner' |
te eten vragen | ['for eating, to ask'] 'to invite, ask for dinner' |
Kom je een keer bij ons eten? 2 3 | 'Would you like to come for dinner at our house sometime?' (singular 'you') |
Komen jullie ... 2 3 | (plural 'you') |
Wil je een keer bij mij komen eten? 2 3 | 'Would you like to come for dinner at my house sometime?' (singular 'you') |
Willen jullie ... 2 3 | (plural 'you') |
Zullen we ergens gaan eten? 2 | 'Shall we go eat somewhere?' (i.e. in a restaurant) |
Een goede bekomst! 2 3 | (old-fashioned, said after a meal, 'hoping for a good digestion') |
Heb je al gegeten? 2 | Have you eaten already? Did you already have dinner? |
Heb je nog niet gegeten? 2 | Have you not eaten yet? Did you not have dinner (or lunch) yet? |
Ik heb geen ontbijt gehad 2 | 'I didn't have breakfast' |
Moet je nog eten? 2 | Do you still have to eat? Have you not eaten yet? |
Is er wat te eten? 2 3 slow | 'Is there something to eat?' |
Wanneer heb je gegeten? 2 | When (what time) have you eaten? |
Wanneer heb je voor 't laatst gegeten? 2 | When have you eaten last, how long ago was your last meal? What was the last time you had something to eat? |
Wat heb je gegeten? 2 | 'What have you eaten, what did you have?' |
Waar heb je gegeten? 2 | 'Where have you eaten?' |
Ik heb thuis gegeten | 'I have eaten at home'
(te 'at' + huis 2 'house') |
Met wie heb je gegeten? 2 | 'With whom did you eat?' |
Heb je goed gegeten? 2 | 'Have you eaten [good] well?' |
Was 't lekker? 2 | 'Was it good, did you enjoy it?' (think of: 'to like') ->> |
Heb je lekker gegeten? 2 | 'Was the food to your liking, did you enjoy your meal?' |
Heb je genoeg gegeten? | Have you eaten enough? |
Heb je te veel gegeten? 2 | '[Have you eaten] Did you eat too much?' |
Ik heb te veel gegeten | 'I have eaten too much' |
Ik voel me zo vol 2 | 'I feel so full' (I have eaten too much) |
Heb je genoeg gedronken? | 'Did you drink enough?' |
Als je vis eet, moet je ook wat drinken 2 3 4 | 'When you're having fish, you should also drink something' |
Vis moet zwemmen 2 3 4 | 'Fish has to swim, fish gotta swim' - drink well when you're eating fish |
Je moet wat drinken 2 3 | 'You should drink something' |
Heb je genoeg water? 2 | Do you have enough water? |
met kleine slokjes drinken 2 | '[drink with] take small sips' |
Zijn de appels groen? 2 | 'Are the apples green?' |
Zijn de bananen nog groen? | 'Are the bananas still green?' |
Zijn de bananen al geel? 2 | 'Are the bananas already yellow?' |
Zijn de perziken al rijp? 2 | 'Are the peaches ripe already?' |
Is 't nog goed? 2 3 | 'Is it still good?' - i.e. not spoiled, still good and safe to eat |
tenminste houdbaar tot ... 2 | ["can be kept at least till ..."] 'good till at least ...' - 'best before ...' - 'sell by ...' (remember that in Dutch dates, the day comes before the month) |
Is er nog genoeg brood? 2 | Is there still enough bread? |
Heeft U bananen? - Nee | 'Do you have bananas? - No' (polite 'you') |
Er zijn geen bananen | 'There are no bananas' |
Heeft U sinaasappels? - Ja | 'Do you have oranges? - Yes' (polite 'you') |
Er zijn wel sinaasappels | 'We do have oranges' |
Hoe is de koffie op je werk? | 'How is the coffee at work?' |
Heb je je koffie op? 2 3 | 'Did you finish your coffee?' |
Drink je thee 2 3 | 'Drink your tea' |
Laat je thee niet koud worden 2 3 | 'Don't let your tea get cold' |
M'n thee is koud geworden 2 | My tea has gone cold |
Onderweg drinken we een kopje koffie 2 | 'We'll have a cup of coffee on the way, on the road' |
Het eten was erg lekker 2 3 4 | 'The food was very good, I really enjoyed the food' |
Het eten was heerlijk | 'The food was delicious, I really enjoyed the food' |
food superlatives: erg lekker 2 | 'very good' |
heerlijk 2 3 | 'delicious' |
verrukkelijk 2 3 / verrukkelijke 2 | delightful, divine |
zalig 2 | 'heavenly' |
(de) godenspijs | 'the food of the gods, ambrosia' |
ambrozijn 2 | 'the food of the gods, ambrosia' |
nectar | 'the drink of the gods, nectar' |
't eten - 't was lekker | 'the food - it was good, we enjoyed it' |
't eten - 't was koud | 'the food - it was cold' |
verpieterd | food that's been kept warm too long and lost taste |
smullen 2 / lekker smullen 2 | 'to eat with great enjoyment' |
Vers brood is altijd lekker 2 | Fresh bread is always [tasty] good |
't Smaakt naar nootjes 2 | 'It tastes like nuts, it has a nutty taste' |
't Heeft iets van chocola 2 3 | ['It has something of chocolate'] 'There's a hint of chocolate' |
't Ruikt naar bloemetjes | It smells like flowers |
't Ruikt zo branderig 2 3 | There is a smell like (something) burning |
Wat ruik ik toch? 2 3 | [What do I smell?] - What is that smell? (I wonder, I can't identify it) |
de geur van dennennaalden | the smell of pine needles |
't Ziet er vies uit 2 | 'It looks unappetizing' |
jasses! 2 3 / jakkes! / bah! | yuck! (said when something tastes really bad) |
Hollandse kost | Basic Dutch food, the simple Dutch cuisine - >> |
Ik heb net een sinaasappel gegeten ... 2 | 'I just [ate] had an orange ...' |
... en een kopje thee gedronken | '... and [have drunk] drank a cup of tea' |
Ik eet elke dag een sinaasappel 2 | 'I eat an orange every day' |
Ik heb gisteren niet veel gegeten 2 | 'I didn't eat much yesterday' |
We zaten aan het ontbijt | 'We were having breakfast, we were at breakfast' |
We zitten te eten | ['We're eating'] 'We're having dinner (or lunch)' |
Na de lunch | 'after lunch' - see also: before, during and after above |
En dan gaan we eten 2 | 'And then we'll eat' |
Een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd 2 3 4 | A simple but nutritious meal (Marten Toonder) |
Alsof m'n mond in brand stond 2 | 'As if my mouth was on fire, as if there was a fire in my mouth' |
't Heeft een rare bijsmaak 2 3 | There is a strange (secondary) taste to it |
Ik eet geen witlof meer want het is te duur 2 | 'I don't eat Belgian endives anymore because [it] they are too expensive' |
Vrijdags eten we vaak vis 2 3 4 | On Fridays we often [eat] have fish |
's Woensdags eten we vaak linzen 2 3 | On Wednesdays we often have [eat] lentils |
Gisteren hebben we erwtensoep gegeten. | Yesterday we [have eaten] had pea soup (for dinner.) |
Ik ga morgen bij m'n moeder eten | 'I'll have dinner at my mother's house tomorrow' |
Dat hebben we een tijd niet gehad 2 | We haven't had (eaten) that for a while |
We eten het nooit meer 2 3 | We never [eat] have it anymore |
We krijgen iemand te eten 2 | We're having a dinner (or lunch) guest |
But: We kregen brood te eten 2 | We were given bread to eat |
Ik ben met de Kerst vijf pond aangekomen 2 | 'I gained 5 pounds over the Christmas holiday' |
Hij drinkt snel een biertje 2 | He is quickly drinking a beer, he quickly has a beer. |
Bij 't ontbijt drink ik thee 2 | At breakfast I drink tea |
Bij de lunch drink ik melk 2 3 | At lunch I drink milk |
Bij 't avondeten drink ik wijn 2 | At dinner I drink wine |
En toen dronken we koffie | 'And then we had coffee' |
Hij vroeg om een glas water 2 3 | He asked for a glass of water |
Hij dronk alleen water | 'He only drank water' |
Vroeger kostte een zakje patat een kwartje | 'In the past, a small bag of French Fries could be had for a quarter (25¢)' |
Ik heb een kater | 'I have a hangover' |
- (de) 'kater' 2 | can als be 'a male cat' |
Waar hou(d) je van? | What do you like? (food, drink, music, movies, TV) ->> |
Ik hou(d) van soep 2 | 'I like soup' (the D of 'ik houd' is rarely pronounced) ->> |
Hij houdt niet van spruitjes 2 | He doesn't like Brussels sprouts' |
Hij lust geen spruitjes 2 | 'He doesn't like Brussels sprouts' |
Ik hou(d) niet van vis 2 | 'I don't like fish' |
Hij houdt erg van soep 2 | 'He really likes soup, he likes soup a lot' |
Ik ben gek op drop 2 3 | 'I really like liquorice, I'm crazy about liquorice' |
Ik heb zin in ijs 2 3 | 'I feel like ice cream, I would really like some ice cream now' |
Heb je zin in een borrel? | 'Would you like a glass of liquor?' |
Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee 2 3 | 'I really wouldn't mind a cup of tea, that's what I'd like most now' |
Ik heb zo'n zin in iets lekkers 2 | I have a great craving for something tasty, something really nice (usually sweet) |
Ik ben allergisch voor eieren 2 | 'I'm allergic to eggs' |
't Bederft m'n eetlust 2 | It [ruins] spoils my appetite |
Ik mag geen varkensvlees eten | 'I'm not allowed to, I can't eat pork' (religion, doctor's orders) |
Het eten van varkensvlees is verboden | 'Eating pork is not allowed' |
('verboden' 2 | think of: 'forbidden') |
Het drinken van alcohol is toegestaan | 'Drinking alcohol is permitted' |
Ik eet geen paardenvlees 2 slow | 'I don't eat horse meat, I refuse to eat horse meat'
(the N of 'paardenvlees' is not pronounced) |
Ik eet geen rundvlees 2 | 'I don't eat beef' |
Ik kan geen rundvlees eten 2 | 'I may not eat beef, it's not good for me to eat beef' |
Ik krijg er last van 2 3 | 'It's going to bother me, it'll give me trouble, make me sick' |
Ik wil geen vlees eten 2 | 'I don't want to eat meat' |
Ik wil liever geen vlees eten 2 3 | 'I'd rather not eat meat, I'd prefer not to eat meat' |
Slakken staan me tegen | 'I'm revolted by [the idea of eating] snails' |
cafeïne 2 | caffein |
cafeïnevrij 2 3 | [caffein-free] decaf - it sounds a bit bookish |
zonder cafeïne 2 | [without caffein] decaf - this sounds more 'natural' |
Heeft U cafeïnevrij? | 'Do you have decaf?' |
Heeft U zonder cafeïne? | 'Do you have decaf?' |
Mag ik zonder cafeïne?
'Could I (May I?) have decaf?' |
Morgen gaan we lijnen | 'Tomorrow we'll start dieting' |
Ik word te dik 2 3 | I'm getting [too] fat |
Elk pondje gaat door het mondje | 'Every pound goes through the mouth' |
Ik ben vijf kilo afgevallen 2 | I've lost 5 kilograms (10 pounds) |
Gezond eten | 'Eat wholesome food' (A New Year's resolution) ->> |
(niet noodzakelijkerwijs biodynamisch 2 | not necessarily organic 'health' food) |
biologisch | [biological] 'organic' |
Drinken met mate | 'Drink alcohol in moderation' (A New Year's resolution) |
Niet praten met je mond vol 2 | 'Don't speak [with] when your mouth is full' |
Is er wat te nassen? | 'Is there something good to eat?' (Slang) 'nassen' - think of: to nosh |
" Da' lus' ik nie' "
('Dat lust ik niet' ) |
'I don't like that, I don't want to eat it' (Slang) |
vreten 2 | 'to eat like a beast' (Slang) >> |
zuipen 2 | 'to quickly drink much alcohol' (Slang) >> |
koek en zopie 2 | 'simple snacks and drinks from a hole-in-the-wall place' |
We gaan uit eten | 'We're going to eat out' |
een duur restaurant | 'an expensive restaurant' |
een sjieke (chique) tent | 'a classy place' (slang) |
De koffie is klaar | 'Coffee is ready' (a sign in a window) |
Heeft U een ander tafeltje? | 'Would you have another table?' (I want to sit somewhere else) |
Wat zou U aanraden? 2 | 'What would you recommend?' |
Heeft U iets vegetarisch? | 'Do you have something vegetarian?' |
een vegetarische schotel 2 | 'a vegatarian dish' |
een vegetarische maaltijd | 'a vegetarian meal' |
Ik ben vegetariër | 'I'm a vegetarian' |
Ik ben geen vegetariër 2 | 'I'm not a vegetarian' |
Mag ik de rekening? 2 3 | ['May I have the bill?'] 'Check, please' - numbers |
in jest: Hoeveel is de schade? | 'What's the damage?' - like, 'How far does that set me back?' |
(de) fooi 2 | 'tip' |
Laatste ronde! 2 | 'Last call!' - last ordering of drinks before closing time |
Kook de aardappels zeventien minuten | Boil the potatoes for 17 minutes |
De aardappels koken | 'The potatoes are boiling' |
de kokende aardappels | the boiling potatoes |
kokende olie | boiling oil (NOT: 'cooking oil') |
de gekookte aardappels | 'the boiled potatoes' |
(het) kooknat 2 3 | the water used to boil vegetables etc. |
De aardappels zijn gekookt |
'The potatoes have been boiled' ->> |
Ik heb de aardappelen gekookt 2 | 'I have boiled the potatoes' |
aan de kook brengen | to bring to a boil |
Breng 't aan de kook 2 3 | 'Bring it to a boil' |
Als 't eenmaal kookt ... 2 3 | Once it's boiling, when it's boiling ... |
Laat 't twintig minuten koken 2 3 | '[Let it boil] Keep it boiling for 20 minutes' |
van de kook 2 3 | ['off the boil'] - no longer boiling |
De soep kookte over | 'The soup boiled over' |
De pap is overgekookt | 'The porridge has boiled over' |
Ik ben aan 't koken | I'm cooking, preparing hot food |
Hou(d) je van koken? 2 | Do you like to cook? Do you like cooking? |
Vind je 't leuk om te koken? 2 3 | Do you like to cook? Do you enjoy cooking? |
Ik maak pap voor 't ontbijt 2 | I'm making porridge for breakfast |
Ik moet met 't eten aan de gang 2 | ['I have to get going with the food'] I have to start cooking |
Bietjes en spinazie passen goed bij elkaar | 'Red beets and spinach go together well, are a good fit' |
't Past er goed bij 2 | 'It goes together well' |
een goede combinatie 2 | 'A good combination' |
Je proeft 't niet 2 3 | 'You don't taste it, you won't notice the taste of this ingredient or procedure' |
Ik ben bang dat het nog niet klaar is | 'I'm afraid it's not ready yet' |
Het is bijna klaar | It's almost ready |
Er zijn geen tomaten 2 | 'There are no tomatoes' |
Er zijn groene tomaten | 'There are green tomatoes' ('We have green tomatoes') |
Morgen ga ik witlof maken | Tomorrow I'll prepare Belgian endives. |
Laat 't afkoelen 2 | Let it, allow it to cool down |
Doe de aardappels in de pan 2 3 | Put the potatoes in the pan |
Knip de peterselie met een schaar 2 | Cut the parsley [with a] using scissors |
Ik heb de eieren laten schrikken | ['I startled the eggs'] - pouring cold water over just-boiled eggs for easy peeling |
Een ei hoort erbij | 'An egg [belongs to it] should be part of any meal' (advertizing slogan) |
Ik heb de aardappelen gebakken | 'I have [baked] fried the potatoes' |
Ik ben een brood aan 't bakken 2 | 'I am baking (a) bread' |
Ik heb brood gebakken 2 3 | 'I baked (a) bread' |
't Brood is gebakken | 'The bread has been baked' ->> |
Doe het brood in de diepvries 2 3 | Put the bread in the freezer |
Het brood is niet goed gerezen 2 | 'The bread did not rise well' |
Ik wil niks verloren laten gaan 2 | [I want nothing go to get lost] - 'I don't want anything to go to waste, I don't want to waste anything' |
Dat moet eerst op 2 3 4 | [That should first be finished] - We should use (or eat) that first |
Mag ik het recept? 2 3 | 'Can I have the recipe?' |
't Is niet vies ... 2 3 | It doesn't taste bad ... |
Maar 't had lekkerder kunnen zijn 2 | But it could have been better (-tasting) |
Maar 't is ook niet bijzonder 2 | But is isn't very special either |
Maar 't was ook niet geweldig 2 3 | But is isn't great either |
Er is meer van te maken 2 3 4 | [More can be made of it] - It could be better, you could do more with it, there is room for improvement |
Je kunt ook een blikje opentrekken 2 3 4 | You could [rip open] open a can - you could use canned |
Mavis Haggar from the U.K. asked about decaf and suggested a few of
the 'Preferences' lines.
Margreet Hirs told me the meaning of the saying
'hij lust er wel pap van'
and gave an explanation
for it.
More Phrases:
The Most Basic -
Weather -
- Various
- Fun Things to Say
- Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch
- Jobs and Work
- The Senses
- Sayings and Idiom
- Change
- Time
Further Study:
Basic Dutch Words
- Pictures Dictionary
- Easy Dutch
- Lessons
- Pronunciation
- Listening
- Reading
- Grammar
email -
Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2013.
All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed,
or hotlinked to.
Don't be a
dief (thief) /
dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
stelen (to steal) -
heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
hear Dutch -