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Dutch Breakfast, Lunch, Drinks and Snacks

Smartphone Version


In Dutch, the definite article 'the' is either 'de' click to hear or 'het' click to hear (often shortened to " 't " click to hear)
The indefinite article 'a' is: een click to hear - or for emphasis: één click to hear 'one'

Recepten click to hear Recipes - Nutritional Values

[a small bowl of porridge]
(het) kommetje pap click to hear ‑>>
[porridge boiled over] [porridge boiled over]
de pap is overgekookt
click to hear
(Het) ontbijt click to hear 'breakfast'
Common Dutch breakfast porridges: havermout click to hear (oats) - Brinta click to hear 2 (wheat, a brand name)
Many Dutchmen have bread at breakfast, like for lunch.
Ik maak pap voor 't ontbijt click to hear 2 I'm making porridge for breakfast
Ik heb geen ontbijt gehad click to hear 2 'I didn't have breakfast'
We zaten aan het ontbijt click to hear 'We were having breakfast, we were at breakfast'


A Dutch lunch is usually bread ((het) brood click to hear 2 3) with cheese and/or sliced meats like ham, sometimes an egg, maybe something sweet like jam ((de) jam click to hear - French J, English A) or honey ((de) honing click to hear 2) - and milk and/or tea or coffee. (Het) beleg click to hear /or/ (het) broodbeleg click to hear 2 ['bread cover'] - what you put on your bread after the butter ('sandwich filling'?) - (de) hagelslag click to hear 2 ('chocolate sprinkles') - (de) pindakaas click to hear 2 ('peanut butter')
Most people use the English word for 'lunch' - if it's a hot meal, you could say (het) middageten click to hear ('afternoon meal.')
In jest, you could use the very old-fashioned 'het noenmaal' click to hear ('the noon meal.')
Een gesneden brood click to hear 2 - 'a sliced loaf of bread' -
more bread words - more cheese words - more milk words
[a loaf of bread]
een brood click to hear
[slices of bread]
sneetjes brood click to hear
[slicing bread]
brood snijden click to hear
['heel' - end piece of a loaf of bread]
(het) kapje click to hear
[a bite (taken out from a slice of bread)]
(de) hap click to hear
[breadrolls oblong]
broodjes click to hear 2 3
bolletjes click to hear
['floor bread'
  - a loaf baked on a baking sheet,
  not in a bread pan]
(het) vloerbroodje click to hear
[slices of rye bread]
sneetjes roggebrood click to hear 2
(het) stokbrood click to hear 2 3
[two baguettes]
stokbroden click to hear
[a few slivvers of butter]
(de) boter click to hear
[a block of cheese]
(de) kaas click to hear >>
eieren click to hear
[one egg]
(het) ei click to hear
[a piece of cheese]
een stuk kaas click to hear 2
vlak stuk click to hear 2 / plat stuk click to hear 'flat piece'
[slicing cheese] [slicing cheese] [slicing cheese]
kaas schaven click to hear 2 - >> a few more cheese words
[a slice of bread with cheese]
(de) boterham met kaas click to hear 2
[bread with tomato]
tomaat op brood click to hear 2 3
[(sliced ham)]
(de) ham click to hear
(de) lever click to hear
(De) boterham * click to hear 2 3 ('slice of bread') is a word for at home. I wouldn't ask for a boterham in a restaurant or a sandwich shop ((de) broodjeszaak click to hear 2) but order a (het) broodje click to hear 2 ('bread roll') - which is actually not a slice of bread but something like a hot dog roll. Of course, 'broodjes' can be had at home too.
When visiting someone at home you don't 'order' but 'ask for' things - bestellen click to hear 2 ('to order something') - vragen om click to hear 2 3 ('to ask for' >>)
[a mild salami]
(de) cervelaatworst click to hear in jest: sterf-op-straat-worst click to hear 2
(de) zure zult click to hear 2
[fried egg, 'sunny side up']
(het) spiegelei click to hear 2 ((het) gebakken ei click to hear )
[boiled egg, cut]
gekookt ei click to hear
(de) omelet click to hear
[scrambled eggs]
(het) roerei click to hear
(de) uitsmijter click to hear 2 3 open-face fried egg sandwich, usually with ham
[open-faced cheese sandwiches]
boterhammen met kaas click to hear 2
[toast (roasted bread)]
geroosterd brood click to hear - many people just say 'toast'
['Stollen:' Christmas or Easter bread: raisin bread 
  with almond paste]
krentenbrood met spijs click to hear 2
[raisin bread]
(het) krentenbrood click to hear 2
[a few butered slices of raisin bread]
... met boter click to hear 2
['raisin bread roll']
(de) krentenbol click to hear 2
['raisin bread roll']
(de) krentenbol click to hear 2
[a double raisin bread roll]
dubbele krentenbol click to hear
Na de lunch click to hear ('after lunch')


The most popular fish (vis click to hear) in Holland is the herring: (de) haring click to hear
There are various types: zoute haring click to hear 2 ('salty herring') - the best and most common - zout click to hear 2 ('salt; salty')
Nieuwe haring click to hear 2 - also called: (de) Hollandse Nieuwe click to hear the newly caught, fresh herring of early in the season - maatjesharing click to hear 2 young, 'virgin' herring.
zure haring click to hear 2 ('herring pickled in vinegar') - zuur click to hear 2 ('acid') - zuur/zure click to hear ('sour') - (de) rolmops click to hear ('a pickled herring wound around a pickle')
[2 fishes]
(de) vis click to hear 'fish'
vissen click to hear 'fish, fishes'
[vinegar-pickled herring]
(de) rolmops
click to hear
[eating herring] [eating herring] [eating herring]
how to eat herring - haring click to hear - haring eten click to hear
Other common Dutch fish: sardientjes click to hear ('sardines') - zalm click to hear 2 ('salmon') - forel click to hear ('trout') - kabeljauw click to hear 2 ('cod') - baars click to hear 2 ('bass, perch')
paling click to hear ('eel') - gerookte paling click to hear 2 ('smoked eel') - snoek click to hear 2 ('pike') - brasem click to hear ('bream') - karper click to hear 2 ('carp') - mosselen click to hear 2 ('mussels')
een moot vis click to hear ('a piece of fish, a fish steak')
(de) graat click to hear ('fish bone')
(het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed')
(de) vislucht click to hear 2 3 4 5 fish smell, smell of fish


(het) water click to hear 2 water
(de) koffie click to hear coffee
(de) thee click to hear tea
(het) sinaasappelsap click to hear 2 orange juice
(de) limonade click to hear 2 3 lemonade
(de) frisdrank click to hear 2 soda drink
(het) bier click to hear beer
(de) wijn click to hear 2 wine
Wil je een kopje thee? click to hear 2 Would you like a cup of tea?
Ja, alstublieft click to hear 2 Yes, please (polite)
Ja, graag click to hear 2 Yes, please (informal)
Nee, dank U click to hear 2 No, thank you (polite)
Nee, dank je click to hear 2 No, thank you (informal)
Alstublieft click to hear and alsjeblieft click to hear 2 literally mean something like 'if you please.'
Alstublieft and alsjeblieft can be used in three ways, meaning:
1. 'please' like in 'yes please,' or 'two coffee, please.'
2. 'here you are' or 'here you go,' like when you hand someone something
3. 'you're welcome, my pleasure' in reply to a thank-you (this is a bit unusual.)
Mag ik een glas water? click to hear 2 Can I have a glass of water, please?
natuurlijk click to hear of course
dank U wel click to hear thank you (polite)
dank je wel click to hear thank you (informal)
Wil je wat eten? click to hear Would you like something to eat?
Mag ik een beetje kaas? click to hear 2 Could I please have a little cheese?
Drink je alcohol? click to hear 2 3 Do you drink alcohol?
Heb je zin in een borrel? click to hear Would you like a glass of liquor?
een scheutje melk click to hear a splash of cream - for coffee?
een wolkje melk click to hear a [small cloud] dash of milk - (tea in England)
een schepje suiker click to hear a (tea)spoonful of sugar
(het) suikerklontje click to hear sugarcube
(de) suikerklontjes click to hear sugarcubes
één click to hear - twee click to hear - drie click to hear 1 - 2 - 3
lepeltje click to hear 2 teaspoon, small spoon
theelepeltje click to hear 2 teaspoon, small spoon
'Cream' for coffee is called melk click to hear ('milk'); otherwise, 'cream' is room click to hear
koffiemelk click to hear 2 - a thick, evaporated milk for coffee, like half-and-half
koffie met melk en suiker click to
    hear coffee with cream and sugar
alleen melk click to hear 2 milk (cream) only, just milk
alleen suiker click to hear 2 sugar only, just sugar
zwarte koffie click to hear 2 /or/ koffie zwart click to hear 2 black coffee
een koekje bij de thee click to hear a cookie with your tea
koffie verkeerd click to hear 2 [coffee the wrong way] café au lait
- drip coffee with a lot of hot milk
de koffie is klaar click to hear coffee is ready
(a window sign at restaurants)
cafeïne click to hear 2 caffein
cafeïnevrij click to hear 2 3 [caffein-free] decaf - it sounds a bit bookish
zonder cafeïne click to hear 2 [without caffein] decaf - this sounds more 'natural'
Heeft U cafeïnevrij? click to hear 'Do you have decaf?'
Heeft U zonder cafeïne? click to hear 'Do you have decaf?'
Mag ik zonder cafeïne? click to hear
'Could I (May I?) have decaf?'
warme chocola click to hear 2 hot chocolate
It is children's language, but there are no better words for 'carbonated' than met prik click to hear 2 and zonder prik click to hear 2 for 'non-carbonated.'
A more extensive list of eating and drinking phrases
sterke koffie click to hear 2 3 strong coffee
slappe koffie click to hear weak coffee
lekkere koffie click to hear good-tasting,
enjoyable coffee
sterke thee click to hear 2 strong tea
slappe thee click to hear 2 weak tea
vieze thee click to hear bad-tasting tea
thee zetten click to hear 2 to make, brew tea
koffie zetten click to hear 2 to make, brew coffee
water opzetten click to hear 2 to put on the kettle, to put water on
water koken click to hear 2 3 boiling water, to boil water
(de) limonade click to hear 2 3 lemonade
(de) frisdrank click to hear 2 a soda drink
(het) vruchtensap click to hear 2 fruit juice
(het) sinaasappelsap click to hear 2 orange juice
(het) tomatensap click to hear 2 tomato juice
(het) druivensap click to hear 2 grape juice

(het) rietje click to hear 2 straw
ijskoud click to hear cold as ice
ijsblokjes click to hear 2 ice cubes
een slokje water click to hear a sip of water
een slok bier click to hear a gulp of beer
een glas bier click to hear a glass of beer ‑>>
een fles wijn click to hear a bottle of wine
witte wijn click to hear 2 white wine
rode wijn click to hear 2 red wine
"proost!" click to hear 2 'cheers!'

een borrel click to hear a glass of liquor
jenever click to hear 2 'Dutch gin' (see below)
een glaasje likeur click to hear 2 'a glass of sweet liquor'
een krat bier click to hear a case of beer

See also: The Dutch Kitchen, page 3

[a bottle of water]
een flesje water click to hear
[a glass]
een glas water click to hear 2
drinkwater click to hear 2 (drinking water)
kraanwater click to hear 2 (tap water - usually safe to drink in Holland)
[a mug of milk]
een beker melk click to hear >>
[a glass of orange juice]
een glas sinaasappelsap click to hear 2
[a cup of coffee]
een kopje koffie click to hear 2 3
slang: 'n bakkie troost click to hear
[a cup of tea] [a cup of tea]
een kopje thee click to hear
[a spooonful of sugar over a glass]
(de) suiker click to hear
[a baglet of sugar]
(het) suikerzakje click to hear
[a bowl of whipped cream, with whisk and spoon]
(de) slagroom click to hear - 2
[a spoonful of whipped cream about to be added
  to a cup of coffee]
slagroom op de koffie click to hear - 2
[outdoor cafe]
(het) terrasje click to hear 2 (outdoor cafe, sidewalk seating)
[a cup of hot chocolate]
een kopje warme chocola click to hear 2 3
a cup of  hot chocolate
(de) chocolademelk click to hear 2 3 chocolate milk
to drink
- ik drink
I'm drinking
- wij drinken
we're drinking
- ik dronk
I drank
- wij dronken
we drank
- ik heb gedronken
I have drunk
click to hear
Complete Conjugation, Examples of Usage and Related Words

'Jenever' click to hear 2 is a liquor sometimes called 'Dutch gin' - but it's not sweet. It comes in two varieties: 'young' which is mild of taste and has about 30% alcohol, and 'old' which has about 40% alcohol and a more spicy taste, maybe a hint of aged cheese. Both are clear as water - the colloquial terms are 'jonge klare' click to hear 2 3 and 'ouwe klare' click to hear 2

[a beer glass]
(het) bierglas click to hear 2
[a glass of beer]
een glas bier click to hear
[wine bottle]
(de) wijnfles
[glass of  wine]
een glas wijn click to hear 2 3
[a wine glass]
(het) wijnglas click to hear

Flashcards exercises: Vocabulary - Listening

More Coffee and Tea Lines

Wil je koffie of thee? click to hear 2 3 Would you like coffee or tea?
't Is allebei goed click to hear 2 3 [It is ...] Both are good, OK with me
Wat 't makkelijkst voor je is click to hear 2 What is most easy for you
Wat je hebt click to hear 2 3 What you have ready
Wil je koffie of thee of iets fris? click to hear 2 3 Would you like coffee or tea or [something 'fresh'] - juice or soda?
Wil je koffie of thee of iets anders? click to hear 2
Would you like coffee or tea or something else?
Een kopje thee alstublieft click to hear 'A cup of tea, please' (polite)
Een kopje koffie graag click to hear 'A cup of coffee, please' (informal)
Wil je een kopje thee? click to hear 2 Would you like a cup of tea?
Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? click to hear Shall I pour you a cup of tea?
een koekje bij de thee click to hear a cookie with your tea
iets bij de koffie click to hear 2 3 something (a snack, a bite) with your coffee
iets bij de thee click to hear 2 3 something (a snack, a bite) with your tea
Hij drinkt een kopje thee click to hear He's [drinking] having a cup of tea
Ik ben blij met een kopje thee click to hear [I am happy] I will be happy with a cup of tea
Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee click to hear 2 'First, relax and have a cup of tea'
Kom je thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have some tea
Kom je een kopje thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have a cup of tea
Drink je thee click to hear 2 3 'Drink your tea'
Laat je thee niet koud worden click to hear 2 3 'Don't let your tea get cold'
M'n thee is koud geworden click to hear 2 My tea has gone cold
Onderweg drinken we een kopje koffie click to hear 2 'We'll have a cup of coffee on the way, on the road'
Ik heb net een sinaasappel gegeten ... click to hear 2 'I just [ate] had an orange ...'
... en een kopje thee gedronken click to hear '... and [have drunk] drank a cup of tea'
Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee click to hear 2 3 'I really wouldn't mind a cup of tea, that's what I'd like most now'
Hoe is de koffie op je werk? click to hear 'How is the coffee at work?'
Heb je je koffie op? click to hear 2 3 'Did you finish your coffee?'
En toen dronken we koffie click to hear 'And then we had coffee'
't Is geen zuivere koffie click to hear 2 3 quick (saying) ['it's not pure coffee - there's something wrong with that coffee'] - 'there's something fishy going on'
[boiling water] [boiling water]
water koken click to hear 2 3 boiling water
[brewing tea]
thee zetten click to hear 2 brewing tea


For 'snacks' I usually use the English word, because the traditional Dutch words feel somewhat old-fashioned: (het) tussendoortje click to hear 2 (the small in-between thing) - (de) versnapering click to hear 2 or (het) hapje click to hear 2 (small bite, small morsel) - or the untranslatable lekkernijen click to hear 2 ('very enjoyable snacks')
But you could say: iets bij de koffie click to hear 2 3 ('something with your coffee') /or/ iets bij de thee click to hear 2 3 ('something with your tea.')
(Het) elfuurtje click to hear - an eleven-o'clock (A.M.) drink (usually coffee) and/or a snack
(De) delicatesse click to hear 2 ('delicacy' - a small, very special food item)

zoet click to hear (zoete click to hear 2 3
zoet/zoete click to hear 2) sweet (de) zoetigheid click to hear 2 3 (4) ['sweet stuff'] - candy
also:  (het) snoep click to hear
zoetzuur click to hear 2 3 a pickles' taste variety
zoet water click to hear fresh water
(de) zoetwatervis click to hear fresh-water fish
de zoete inval click to hear 2 'a pleasant place to go to' - the name of a fictional café or it's said when you get a lot of unexpected visitors: 't Vogeltje zit zo zoet op z'n nestje click to hear The (little) bird is sitting on its (little) nest so sweetly
zout click to hear 2 3 (zoute click to hear 2
zout/zoute click to hear 2) salty (het) zout click to hear 1. (table/kitche) salt
2. a salt (chemical compound)
(het) keukenzout click to hear [kitchen] table salt (NaCl)
zoute haring click to hear 2 'salty herring' - the best and most common een snufje zout click to hear a dash of salt peper en zout click to hear 2 3 slow pepper and salt De zoutkorrels in de zandloper vallen één voor één heel langzaam naar beneden click to hear 2 slow 2 The grains of salt in the hourglass fall down one by one, very slowly.
zuur click to hear 2 (zure click to hear 2 3
zuur/zure click to hear 2) acid, sour (het) zuur click to hear an acid
(de) zure zult click to hear 2 a kind of headcheese, eaten sliced on bread
fris-zuur click to hear 2 fresh-sour, like the first oranges of the new harvest zoetzuur click to hear 2 3 'sweet-sour' - a pickles' taste variety
brandend maagzuur click to hear 2 ['burning stomach-acid'] - 'heartburn' zuurstof click to hear oxygen
(het) zoutzuur click to
hear hydrochloric acid (HCl)
het) zwavelzuur click to hear sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
(het) wijnsteenzuur click to hear 2 ['wine-stone-acid'] - 'tartaric acid' H2C4H4O6 (de) zuurkool click to hear ['sour-cabbage'] - 'Sauerkraut' (de) zuurdesem click to hear 2 3 sourdough
(de) zuurpruim click to hear 2 3 [sour prune] - 'sourpuss'
Dat zou zuur zijn click to hear 2 That would be sad, a disappointment
bitter click to hear (bittere click to hear 2 3 4 5
bitter/bittere click to hear 2) bitter bitter koud click to hear bitterly, unpleasantly cold
Heel mooi, maar bitter koud click to hear 2 Very pretty, but bitterly cold bitterballen click to hear 2 deep-fried breadcrumbs-coated meat paste, a cocktail-hour snack een bittere pil click to hear 2 'a bitter-tasting pill' - also said of something unpleasant you have to get through or live with "Bitter in de mond maakt het hart gezond" click to hear 2 - nonsense remark about the supposed health benefits (to the heart) of food or medicine of unpleasant taste Marga Minco click to hear 2 - 'Het Bittere Kruid' - click to hear 'Bitter Herbs' a Dutch novel about a girl slightly older than Anne Frank in about the same circumstances, but she has the opportunity to make different choices, was lucky and does survive.
See also: Taste/Smaak

hartig click to hear (hartige click to hear 2) savory, not sweet, 'salty' - a good Dutch word for the fifth basic taste 'umami'? pittig click to hear 2 (3) 'full-flavored, strong-tasting'
'Spicy, hot' is scherp click to hear 2 3 4 5 (scherpe click to hear 2) which can also mean 'sharp' like of a knife: vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knives)
scherpe hoek click to hear 2 3 'sharp angle' (<90°)
scherpe geur click to hear sharp, strong smell, 'tang'
(de) scherpzinnigheid click to hear 2 [sharp-witted-ness] - cleverness, penetrating insight
(de) scherpschutter click to hear 2 sniper, sharpshooter
heet click to hear 2 3 (hete click to hear 2 3 - heet / hete click to hear 2) is also said for 'spicy, hot' but it's even more confusing because like in English it also means 'hot, high temperature'
machtig click to hear 2 'filling, heavy'
sappig click to hear 2 3 'juicy'
mals click to hear 2 3 'tender' (meat)
flauw click to hear 'weak of taste, missing something' (not enough salt?)

(Het) chocolaatje click to hear 2 'a piece of chocolate' - een reep chocola click to hear 2 a bar of chocolate

French Fries are a very popular snack.
[French fries]
(de) frietjes click to hear /or/ (de) patat click to hear 2
The French words patates frites are pronounced somewhat Dutchified as as patat friet click to hear 2 3
Shorter versions: patat click to hear 2 - friet click to hear 2 or frietjes click to hear.
In Holland, French Fries are usually eaten with mayonaise (Fr.) click to hear 2
Patat met mayonaise click to hear 2 French Fries with mayonaise
Patat zonder mayonaise click to hear 2 French Fries without mayonaise.
The word 'mayonaise' is often left out: patat-mèt click to hear 2 - patat-zonder click to hear 2
Een zak patat click to hear 'a bag of French Fries' (also: 'a jerk') - een zakje patat click to hear 'a small bag of French Fries'
Vroeger kostte een zakje patat een kwartje click to hear In the past, a small bag of French Fries could be had for a quarter (25¢)
Another popular deep-fried snack is the breadcrumbs-coated meat paste (de) kroket click to hear 2 (kroket / kroketten click to hear 2) - a classier version are the small, round bitterballen click to hear 2
Vleeswaren click to hear 2 'deli meat' (to put on sandwiches)
Worst click to hear >> is the Dutch word for 'sausage.' Knakworst click to hear 2 is a kind of Wiener sausage - and you may find a counter in the de Hema click to hear 2 department stores selling nice, hot pieces of rookworst click to hear 2 (smoked sausage) as a snack. A less tasty Dutch sausage is (de) frikandel click to hear 2 (not recommended.)
(het) snoep click to hear ('candy') - (het) snoepje click to hear ('a piece of candy') - snoepen click to hear 2 ('to consume candy')
Also: (de) zoetigheid click to hear 2 3 (4) ['sweet stuff'] - candy
Dutch '(de) kandij' click to hear 2 are sugar crystals about the size of half or whole sugarcubes.


[crispbake, rusk]
(het) beschuitje click to hear
[crispbake, rusk]
(het) beschuitje click to hear
['windmill' cookies]
speculaasjes click to hear 2
['pepper nut' very small cookes]
pepernoten click to hear
[crystallized syrup between very thin waffles]
(de) stroopwafel click to hear 2
[a few pieces of 'liquorice']
(het) drop click to hear / dropjes click to hear
[a piece of chocolate]
(de) chocola click to hear
[a piece of cake]
een stukje taart click to hear 2 (>> Birthday)
[ginger/spice bread]
(de) ontbijtkoek click to hear
[a slice of 'breakfast cake']
een plakje ontbijtkoek click to hear
[with butter]
... met boter click to hear
[rye bread]
(het) roggebrood click to
  hear - 2
[rye bread with cheese]
roggebrood met kaas click to hear
[rusk with chocolate sprinkles]
beschuitje met hagelslag
click to
  hear 2
koekjes click to hear singular: (het) koekje click to hear
[cookie jar, open] [cookie jar, closed]
open click to
  hear (de) koekjestrommel click to hear 2 dicht click to hear
[chocolate letter]
(de) chocoladeletter click to hear
[Dutch 'cake']
(de) cake click to hear
[Dutch 'cake'] [Dutch 'cake']
(de) cake click to hear / plakjes cake click to hear /or/ stukjes cake click to hear 2
[Dutch 'cake']
'n plakje cake click to hear 2
Dutch uses the English word 'cake' click to hear for something like banana bread or pound cake. A more luxurious cake like a birthday cake with fruits and/or whipped cream is called (de) taart click to hear - individual servings are (het) taartje click to hear /or/ (het) gebakje click to
  hear. In Holland, you can buy these nice items at a regular bakery: (de) bakkerij click to hear 2 - maybe in large towns you can find a specialized pastry chef: (de) banketbakker click to hear 2.
fruits: (de) vruchten click to hear 2 >> - fruit: (het) fruit click to hear - whipped cream: (de) slagroom click to hear 2
Collective names for sweet pastry are (het) gebak click to hear /or/ (het) banket click to hear
[festive cake]
(de) taart click to hear
[piece of cake] [piece of cake]
'n stukje taart click to hear 2 3
[piece of cake] [piece of cake]
(het) taartje click to hear = (het) gebakje click to hear (taartje / gebakje click to hear)
[Christmas/Easter bread] [Christmas/Easter bread]
(het) Kerstbrood / (het) Paasbrood click to hear ... met boter click to hear 2 - spijs click to hear (almond paste)
[Easter eggs]
paaseieren click to hear
In the past, (de) 'spijs' had a much wider meaning, like 'food in general.' It's still found in (de) spijsvertering click to hear ('digestion') and (de) spijskaart click to hear ('bill of fare') - an old-fashioned word for the menu in a restaurant
[deep-fried ball of sweet yeast dough with raisin] [deep-fried ball of sweet yeast dough with raisin]
(de) oliebol click to hear (with poedersuiker click to hear 2)
[deep-fried apple-filled pastry] [deep-fried apple-filled pastry]
(de) appelbeignet click to hear (French pronunciation)
A common treat for the New Year's holiday (met Oud en Nieuw click to hear) is (de) oliebol click to hear ('oil ball') - a deep-fried ball of sweet yeast dough with raisins. Long ago, I visited a friend on New Year's Eve and all we had for dinner and later in the evening were oliebollen and beer.
Appelbeignets are large slices of apple, coated with a batter of flour, sugar, milk and eggs and then deep-fried; they're also eaten at this time of the year.
A very nice Dutch page about 'oliebollen'
[a oiece of puff pastry with almond paste]
een stukje banketstaaf click to hear 2
[puff pastry with almond paste]
(de) kerstrand click to hear (banketstaaf click to hear)
[a piece of puff pastry with almond paste]
'n stukje kerstrand
(De) banketstaaf click to hear is a stick of almond paste covered with puff pastry, about 4 cm (1½ inch) diameter, usually about 20 cm (8 inches) long, but you can ask your baker for a special shape. One year in 'High School' we gave our math teacher a lambda λ. The round Christmas variety of the banketstaaf is called (de) kerstrand click to hear
[Dutch apple pie]
(de) appelvlaai click to hear 2
[Dutch prunes pie]
(de) pruimenvlaai click to hear 2 3
[Dutch cherry pie]
(de) kersenvlaai click to hear 2
Originally from the Southern province of Limburg click to hear (de) vlaai click to hear is a kind of pie, usually with a fruits filling - what makes it special is the slightly sweet yeast dough base. It's usually round - the pictures above are unfortunately just of my home baking. Another favorite type: (de) rijstevlaai click to hear 2 ('rice pie.') In Limburg itself, some people say (de) vla click to hear - which usually means 'a light pudding' in Dutch.
(de) tulband click to hear
['filled cake'] ['filled cake']
(de) gevulde koek click to hear 2 3
The gevulde koek from a bakery is very different from the ones made in a factory. The filling may be almond paste or an almonds-flavored beans paste.

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'