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Verbs: Smartphone - List - Desktop - Shorts |
Conjugation |
Sample Sentences: | |
Vinden as 'to Find' | |
Vinden as 'to Think' |
Related Words |
Vinden 2 'to find' is a strong verb:
vinden to find |
- | vond found |
- | gevonden found |
overview | ||
vinden | to find | |
ik vind | I find | |
wij vinden | we find | |
ik vond | I found | |
wij vonden | we found | |
ik heb gevonden | I have found | |
2 |
simple past tense | ||
(vinden) | to find | |
ik vond | I found | |
jij vond | you found | |
hij vond | he found | |
wij vonden | we found | |
jullie vonden | y'all found | |
zij vonden | they found | |
U vond | you found | |
2 |
present perfect tense | |
ik heb gevonden | I have found |
't Is moeilijk te vinden 2 3 It's hard to find
een tussenweg vinden 2 Finding [an in-between way, a middle road] a compromise
Er is overigens nooit bewijs gevonden 2 By the way, proof was never found
Iemand zal een oplosing moeten vinden Someone will have to find a solution
Hij wist 't te vinden 2 3 He [knew] was able to find it
de hond in de pot vinden (saying) ['finding the dog in the cooking pot'] Dan vind je de hond in de pot 2 Then you'll find the dog in the cooking pot' - When you're very late for a meal, you may find the dog eating what was left of it - general meaning: coming late you may be left empty-handed
... en toen heb ik mijn toevlucht gevonden in Amerika
... and then I found [my] a refuge
in America
- 'refuge' is too strong. I meant a place where
I would be happier
'Terecht' can mean 'justified' but it can also mean something lost was 'found'
De sleutel is terecht
The key (that was missing) has been found
De sleutel is weg
The key is gone, missing
See also: verliezen 'to lose'
Misschien komt 't wel weer boven water
[Maybe it'll come above water again sometime]
- only figuratively: Maybe it (an item that was lost, cannot be found)
will turn up again
Hij is terecht ontslagen 2 [He was justly fired] - His firing was justified
means 'to land, end up' - both literally, where and how you come down
after a jump, and figuratively, where you are in your life
Hij is niet goed terechtgekomen
1. He hurt himself in a jump
2. He did not end up in a good place, he was not very successful
in life
Daar moet je iets op vinden 2 3 [You'll have to find something for that] - You'll have to find a solution to that problem
Ik vind 't te duur 2 3 I [find] think it's too expensive
Ik vind het heel raar 2 I think it's very strange
Ik vind het heel erg I think it's [very] really bad, I'm upset over it
Ik vind 't walgelijk 2 3 4 I think it's disgusting, revolting (usually more about morally questionable actions or unpleasant spectacles than about food or drink)
Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vindt I hope you don't think it's bad, I hope you don't mind
Wat vind jij ervan? 2 What do you think of it?
Vind je? 2 Do you think so? Is that your opinion?
Vind je ook niet? 2 3 Don't you think so too? Don't you agree?
Zeg je echt wat je vindt? 2 3 4 5 Do you really say what you're thinking?
De film ... van ... vind ik ook erg goed I also really like the movie ... by ...
Ik vond het nog steeds erg goed I still thought it was great (said after a repeat viewing)
Ik vind het nog steeds eeen fantastische film 2 I still think it's a great movie (said about a movie you've first seen years ago)
Ik vind er niks aan ['I find nothing in it'] - I don't care for it, it's not interesting to me
Ik vond er niet veel aan ['I did not find much in it'] - I didn't care for it, it was not interesting to me'
leuk vinden
'to like, to enjoy'
M'n zoon vond het erg leuk
My son really enjoyed it
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden
I was thinking you would like it
Ik dacht dat
je het leuk zou vinden om dit te zien
I was thinking you would like to see
Je vindt mijn mopjes niet leuk
You don't like my jokes
Ik vind 't niet nodig
I don't think it's necessary, there is no need
for it
Ik vind 't zo zielig
Ik vind 't best
Ik vind 't wel rustig
[I think it's quiet]
- I like the quiet of it
Als ongewenst kind vind ik dat abortus mogelijk moet
[Being an ...] As an unwanted child
I think abortion should be [possible] available
Sommige mensen vinden dat ze meer rechten hebben dan
(de) vondst
find, something found, usually something useful
(de) uitvinder
to discover
te weten komen
['to come to know'] - to find out
Hoe ben je dat te weten gekomen?
How did you come to know that? How did you
find (that) out?
See also: weten
to know (things)
ergens achter komen
[to come, get behind something] - to find out
Hoe ben je erachter gekomen?
How did you find [it] out?
Ik kwam er te laat achter
See also: zoeken 'to search, to seek'
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Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2018.
~ I think it's so sad, I pity those people
It's OK with me - so this does NOT mean 'the best outcome'
Sommige mensen denken dat ze meer rechten hebben dan
Some people think that they have more rights
than others
Related Words
(de) vindplaats
[the place where something is found] - location, site
(de) uitvinding
plural: uitvindingen
(de) ontdekking
(de) ontdekker
(de) ontdekkingsreiziger
[discovery-traveler] - explorer
(de) ontdekkingsreizen
journeys of discovery, explorations
Ik ben er te laat achter gekomen
I found out [about it] too late
- denken 'to think'
- more 'erg'
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'Thou shalt not steal'