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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations
List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more
In the 'there' and 'it' meanings,
'Er' is a less specific, less pointed
and 'dat'
- see also
'daar' and
disambiguation pages.
English 'there is' / 'there are' mean the same as Dutch
'er is'
/ 'er zijn'
and they are used in the same
contexts; likewise, English 'it is'
is equivalent to Dutch 'het is'
but it may not be that simple in
other languages. I think
'there is / there are' is used in
statements about presence or existence, while
'it is' is used in more general
'abstract' statements ('It's raining.')
I noticed one of my students often said things like
"Ik denk aan het." - It made me realize that in Dutch we
say 'er' for that 'it' - when a preposition
is involved. It's an important difference between Dutch and English.
I have to admit the divisions between the categories in this
entry are fluid.
1. er = in this/that place (~'there') | |
daar = there | |
2. er is, er zijn there is, there are | |
3. er = it (placeholder - with preposition) | |
d'r = er | |
exception |
ergens = somewhere/something, nergens = nowhere/nothing | |
exception 2 |
4. er - 'pragmatic marker,' somewhat meaningless interjection | |
We zijn er bijna 2 | We're almost there |
We zijn er 2 3 | [We are 'there'] We have arrived at our (travel) destination |
Ik ben er niet bekend 2 3 | I'm not familiar with that area, I don't know my way around there |
wat er staat 2 3 | what is written there, "what it says" |
Begrijp je echt wat er staat? 2 | Do you really understand what is written there, "what it says" |
Ik ben er weer! 2 3 | [I'm here again] - I'm back |
Mooi dat je er weer bent 2 3 4 | [Beautiful] Good that you're here again, good to have you back |
Ik kan er helaas niet zelf bij zijn | Unfortunately, I cannot be there myself, in person |
Als ik er niet ben ... | If I'm not here, in case that I'm not present ... |
Als ik er niet meer ben ... 2 3 | When I'm no longer around, when I'm gone (dead) ... |
hier en daar | here and there | - more 'daar' and 'hier' | |
De uitgang is daar | The exit is (over) there | ||
Dat huis daar | That house (over) there |
Er is beneden ook een slaapkamer | There's also a bedroom downstairs |
Er is boven een atelier 2 | There's an artist's studio upstairs |
Er is een koude wind 2 | There's a cold wind |
Is er genoeg brood? 2 3 | Is there enough bread? |
Is er niet meer geld? 2 3 | Is there not more money? Is that all the money there is? |
Er is aardig wat sneeuw 2 3 4 | There is quite a lot of snow |
Is er enige kans? 2 3 | Is there any chance? |
Er is genoeg eten 2 3 | There is enough food |
Er is genoeg voor iedereen 2 3 | There is enough for everybody |
Er is genoeg tijd | There is enough time |
Er moet nog zoveel gebeuren 2 3 | There is still so much that has to [happen] be done |
Er moet nog zoveel gedaan worden 2 | There is still so much that needs to be done |
Er is duidelijk vooruitgang 2 | There is clearly, noticeable progress |
Er is iemand aan de deur | There is someone at the door |
Er is iets mis 2 3 | There's something wrong, something is wrong |
Er is een heleboel mis 2 3 | There are lots of things wrong |
Er ging iets helemaal mis 2 3 4 5 | Something went completely wrong |
Er is nog veel papier 2 | There is still a lot of paper |
Er is geen reden tot paniek 2 3 | There is no reason to panic |
Er is geen enkel bewijs 2 | There is [not any] not a shred of evidence |
Morgen is er weer een dag 2 3 4 5 | Tomorrow there's [again a day] another day |
Ik zag op het nieuws dat er geen oplossing gevonden is | I saw on the news that no solution has been found |
Ik wou dat er een betere manier was | I wish there was a better way (to do something) |
't Beste dat er tot nog toe is | The best there is up till now |
Er is tot nog toe geen beter alternatief 2 3 | There is up till now no better alternative |
Er zijn geen bergen in Nederland | There are no mountains in Holland |
Er zijn binnenkort verkiezingen 2 | There will be elections soon |
Er zijn weinig getuigen | There are few witnesses |
Er zijn mensen die zeggen dat ... 2 | There are people who say that ... |
Stel je voor dat er geen auto's waren! 2 | Imagine that there were no cars! |
Stel je voor dat er geen auto's zouden zijn! 2 | Imagine that there would be no cars! |
Alsof er geen grotere problemen in de wereld zijn | As if there are no bigger problems in the world |
Er is niks veranderd | Nothing has changed |
Er is helemaal niks veranderd 2 | Nothing at all has changed, absolutely nothing has changed |
Er waren veel klachten | There were many complaints |
Er was weinig animo voor 2 3 | There was little enthusiasm (for it) |
Er wordt gebeld 2 | ['There is a ringing'] - the doorbell is rung |
Er werd veel gesproken over vrijheid 2 | There was much [talking done] talk about freedom |
Er stonden een paar mensen in de rij voor het loket | There [stood] were a few people in line at the counter |
Er moet nog hard gewerkt
There still needs to be done (a lot of) hard work, It still needs a lot of hard work |
Er komt onweer | There's a storm coming, there will be a thunderstorm |
Er dreigt oorlog 2 3 4 | [There is a threat of war] There might be a war, unfortunately |
Er klopt iets niet 2 3 | Something is wrong, it doesn't add up |
Er zit niks anders op 2 3 | There is nothing else that can be done, there is just one thing to be done |
Er zit een muis op zolder 2 3 | There's a mouse in the attic |
Er zit een gat in 't dak 2 | There's a hole in the roof |
Er staat veel op het spel | There is much [in play] at stake |
Er loopt een kat in de tuin 2 | There's a cat in the yard |
Er verdwijnt geld 2 | Money is disappearing |
er slecht aan toe zijn 2 3 | to be in bad shape medically |
Hij is er slecht aan toe 2 3 4 | He's in bad shape, he's not doing well |
Mochten er ... 2 | In case that, if there are ... |
Mochten er vragen zijn ... | In case that, if there are questions ... |
Mochten er problemen zijn ... 2 | In case that, if there are problems ... |
Er zou veel schade zijn | It was said there was great damage |
Er zouden geen overlevenden zijn 2 | Unconfirmed reports said there were no survivors |
(In the last two lines, zou 2 and zouden, the 'past tense' of the verb for the future tense zullen indicate uncertainty in the statement - more) |
Ik zie 't 2 3 | I see it |
Ik kijk er naar 2 3 4 | I'm looking at it |
'Ik kijk naar het' | is not good Dutch |
Ik heb ervan gehoord 2 3 | I've heard of it |
'Ik heb van het gehoord' | is not good Dutch |
AAN | (in these examples) about; to; of |
Je moet er wat aan doen 2 3 4 | You should do something about it |
Er is toch niks aan te doen 2 3 | Nothing can be done about it anyway |
Ik kan er niks aan doen | [I can't do anything about it] - I can't help it /or/ It's not my fault |
"Die achterop doet er niks aan" 2 3 | The one in back is not [doing anything] helping (said to tandem drivers) |
Ik moet er niet aan denken 2 | I try not to think about it, I don't want to think about it |
Ik denk er vaak aan 2 3 | I often think of it |
Ik vind er niks aan | ['I find nothing in it'] - I don't like it (it's not interesting) |
Ik heb er niks aan 2 3 4 5 | It's not of use to me |
Er komt geen eind aan 2 | There is no end to it (it goes on and on) |
Je kunt er geen touw aan vastknopen 2 | 'You cannot attach a rope to it' - it's unintelligible - Sayings |
Je hebt er een hoop werk aan 2 3 | ['You have a lot of work on? it'] - It's a lot of work for you |
Er zit een luchtje aan 2 | ['There's a funny smell to it'] - It's suspicious - Sayings |
Denk eraan dat de zomertijd dit weekend ingaat | [Think of it] Keep in mind, don't forget that the Daylight Saving Time starts this weekend |
Ben je eraan gehecht? 2 | Are you attached to it? Is it (an object) important to you? |
| |
ACHTER | (in these examples) behind |
't huis erachter 2 | the house behind it |
| |
BOVEN 2 | (in these examples) above, over |
de laag erboven 2 | the layer above, the layer on top of it |
| |
BIJ | (in these examples) to; at; in; close by |
Ik kan er niet bij 2 3 | [I cannot reach to it] It's beyond me |
Hou je hoofd erbij 2 3 4 | Keep your head at it - pay attention, stay focused |
Een ei hoort erbij | An egg belongs to it, should go with it (advertising slogan) |
't Past er goed bij 2 | It fits in well, goes together well (said of food, clothes or furniture) |
Er is haast bij 2 3 4 | [There is urgency to it] - It's urgent |
Er is geen haast bij 2 | [There is no urgency to it] - It's not urgent, no rush |
Heeft U er postzegels bij? 2 3 | Do you have (sell) stamps with it? |
Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar 2 3 | I was standing close by (it) and I was looking at it |
| |
IN 2 | (in these examples) in, with |
Geloof jij erin? 2 3 | Do you believe (in) it? |
Ik heb er zin in 2 | I feel like it, I'm looking forward to it |
Er zit wat in 2 3 4 5 | literally: there's something in it, it contains something - or figuratively: there's something to it, there's a good idea in it, there's some truth in it |
Er zit geen schot in 2 3 | There is no progress (with it) |
Ik heb er geen vertrouwen in 2 3 | I'm not confident it will go well |
| |
MEE | (in these examples) about, with |
Ben je er blij mee? 2 3 | Are you happy with it? Does it make you happy? |
Ik loop er elke dag mee 2 3 | I walk with it every day, I use it for walking every day |
Als 't niet vanzelf overgaat, ga ik ermee naar de dokter | It it doesn't go away by itself, I'll go see a doctor about it |
Hou er onmiddelijk mee op! 2 3 | Stop it right away! |
Je bent er maar druk mee 2 3 | You are rather busy with it, It keeps you busy, it takes a lot of your time |
Ik wil er niks mee te maken hebben 2 3 | I don't want to have anything to do with it, I don't want to be involved in it |
Veel succes ermee 2 4 | Good luck with it |
Weg ermee! 2 | Away with it! Out with it! Throw it out! |
| |
NA | (in these examples) after, about |
het boek erna 2 | The book after it, the next book |
Hij heeft er een uur over zitten nadenken 2 3 | He's been thinking about it for an hour |
Hij heeft er een uur over zitten na te denken 2 | He's been thinking about it for an hour |
| |
NAAR | (in these examples) at, for |
Kijk er eens goed naar 2 3 | Look sharp at it, take a moment to inspect it closely |
Ik hoop er gauw naar te kunnen kijken 2 3 | I hope to [be able to] have a look at it soon |
Hij gooit er met de pet naar 2 3 | 'He is throwing his cap at it' - he doesn't make a serious effort - Sayings |
Hij had er wel oren naar 2 3 | 'He sure had ears for it' - he'd like to join in (an activity) - Sayings |
| |
NAAST 2 | (in these examples) next to |
de auto ernaast 2 | the car next to it |
| |
OM | (in these examples) around, for |
Ze vroegen erom 2 3 | They asked for it |
Ik heb er niet om gevraagd 2 3 | I didn't ask for it (either an item or a situation you were not looking for) |
Je kunt er niet omheen 2 3 | ['You can't pass around it'] You can't ignore it, you'll have to deal withit |
| |
ONDER | (in these examples) below, under |
de verdieping eronder 2 | the floor below it |
't kan er net onderdoor 2 3 | It can just (barely) pass through below it |
| |
OP | (in these examples) of, (out,) on, to |
Ik ben er trots op 2 3 | I'm proud of it |
Ik heb je er al vaak op gewezen 2 3 4 | I've pointed it out to you many times already |
Je kunt erop rekenen 2 | You can count on it |
Doe er een postzegel op 2 3 | Put a (mail) stamp on it |
Hij let er niet op 2 | He doesn't pay attention to it |
Ik heb er geen antwoord op 2 3 4 5 | I don't have an answer to it, I don't have an adequate response to it |
| |
OVER 2 | (in these examples) about, on, over |
Ik wil er nog even over nadenken 2 3 | I would like to think about it for a little while longer |
Hij dacht er niet lang over na 2 3 4 | He didn't take long to think about it |
Hij heeft er niet lang over nagedacht 2 | He has not taken long to think about it |
Hij heeft 't er vaak over 2 3 | He often talks about it |
Ik heb er niet goed over nagedacht 2 3 4 | I didn't think it out well |
Ik wil er nog een nachtje over slapen 2 | I would like to sleep on it (take decision tomorrow) |
Hij laat er geen gras over groeien 2 3 | He doesn't let grass grow over it - taking quick action |
Er zijn weinig boeken over | There are (only a) few books about it * |
Automatisch, zonder erover na te denken 2 | Automatically, without thinking (about it) |
Ben je er overheen? 2 | Did you get over it? (Have you recovered? Is it no longer a problem?) |
| |
TEGEN | (in these examples) against |
Ik kan er niet meer tegen 2 3 | I can't stand (against, up to) it anymore |
Er is geen enkel bezwaar tegen 2 | There is not any objection against it (go ahead) |
Er is niks op tegen 2 | There is nothing against it (go ahead) |
| |
TEGENOVER | (in these examples) opposite, across |
't huis ertegenover 2 3 4 | The house opposite it, on the other side of the street |
't huis schuin ertegenover 2 | The house diagonally across |
| |
TUSSEN | (in these examples) between, among |
't huis ertussenin 2 3 | the house in between (them) |
| |
VAN 2 | (in these examples) of, about, from |
Ik werd er ziek van 2 | I got sick of it, it made me ill (literally or figuratively) |
Ik word er ziek van 2 | I get sick of it, it makes me ill (literally or figuratively) |
Ik word er doodmoe van 2 | I get dead-tired of it |
Ik krijg er hoofdpijn van 2 | [I get a headache from it] It gives me a headache |
Ik krijg er last van 2 3 | It's going to bother me, it will make me sick |
Ik word er misselijk van 2 3 4 | [I become nauseous of it] It makes me nauseous, it gives me nausea |
Ik werd er helemaal naar van | It made me feel horrible (an event or fear made me feel sick) |
Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen 2 | You won't regret it |
Wat hebben we ervan geleerd? 2 | What have we learned from it? What did it teach us? |
Wat heb je ervan geleerd? 2 3 | What have you learned from it? What did it teach you? |
Ik weet ervan 2 | I know about it, I'm familiar with the situation |
Ik weet er alles van 2 | I know all (everything) about it (usually not a boast about great learning but indicating you're familiar with an unpleasant situation) |
Ik weet er niks van 2 | I know nothing about it |
Er is mij niets van bekend 2 | [Nothing is known to me about it] - I know nothing about it |
Hij weet er meer van 2 | He knows more about it |
Hij lust er wel pap van 2 | [He would like porridge of it] - He likes it very much - Sayings |
Je merkt er niks van 2 3 | You won't notice (it) |
Ik word er gek van | [I'm being driven crazy by it] - It is driving me crazy |
Ik geloof er niks van 2 3 | [I believe nothing of it] - I don't believe a word of it |
Komt er nog wat van? 2 | [Is something coming about?] - Is something happening, is there any progress - get busy! |
Ik krijg er genoeg van 2 | [I'm getting enough of it] - I'm getting tired of it |
Ik heb er genoeg van 2 | I've had enough of it - I've had it, I' m tired of it |
Er bleef niks van over 2 | Nothing was left of it |
Wat is er van waar? 2 3 4 | What (part) of it is true? |
| |
VOOR 2 | (in these examples) for, before |
Ik heb er geen tijd voor 2 | Ik don't have time for it |
Er is geen tijd voor 2 | There is no time for it |
Als er tijd voor is 2 3 4 | If there is time (for it) |
Ben je er klaar voor? 2 3 | Are you ready (prepared) for it? |
Er is geen plaats voor 2 3 | There is no room for it |
Er is geen goede reden voor 2 3 | There is no [good] valid reason for it |
Er was weinig animo voor 2 3 | There was little enthusiasm for it (to get involved) |
Heeft U er postzegels voor? | Do you have (sell) stamps for it? |
Is er geen Nederlands woord voor? 2 3 | Is there no Dutch word for it? |
Is er een ander woord voor? 2 | Is there another word for it? |
Ik heb er geen woorden voor 2 3 | I have no words for it, I'm speechless from emotion |
de sonate ervoor 2 | the sonata before, the earlier sonata |
Je staat er alleen voor 2 | You're facing it by yourself, you're on your own |
When one word
ends with a vowel and
the next word starts with a vowel, Dutchmen sometimes insert a D
between those vowels for ease of pronunciation. Inserting a letter
takes less effort than a 'vocal stop.'
With 'er' this results in
" d'r "
- note the vowel changing from
'short E'
'voiceless, unstressed E (schwa)'
In this section, like elsewhere on the website,
I'm showing the common speech
" d'r "
- but usually it is written as 'er.'
Ik trek me er niks van aan 2 | I'm not bothered by it, I don't care |
Ik trek me d'r niks van aan 2 3 | I'm not bothered by it, I don't care |
Wat heb je eraan? 2 3 | [What do you have of it] - What's the use (of it) (to you)? |
Wat heb je d'r aan? 2 | [What do you have of it] - What's the use (of it) (to you)? |
Wat zegt U ervan? 2 | What do you say (of/about it)? (polite, formal 'you') |
Wat zegt U d'rvan? 2 3 4 | What do you say (of/about it)? (polite, formal 'you') |
Wat zeg jij d'r van? 2 3 | What do you say (of it)? (informal 'you') |
Wat denk jij d'r van? 2 | What do you think (of it)? |
Neem je d'r iets voor? 2 | Do you take something for (against) it? (medication) |
Ik hoop dat je d'r tijd voor hebt 2 3 4 | I hope you'll have time for it |
Heb je d'r wat van geleerd? 2 | What have you learned of it? What did it teach you? |
Heb je d'r last van? 2 3 | Does it bother you? |
Heb je d'r wat aan? 2 | Is it of (any) use to you, is it useful to you? |
Heb je er wat aan? 2 3 4 5 | Is it of (any) use to you, is it useful to you? |
De stekker d'r uit trekken 2 | Pulling the plug (from it) - make an end to it |
Ik kan me d'r zo kwaad over maken 2 | I get so angered by it, it makes me very angry |
Je kunt je d'r geen buil aan vallen | It won't hurt you (it's a small payment) - Sayings |
Hoe kom je d'r bij! 2 | [How did you reach that conclusion?] - What you're saying is outrageous |
Tasje d'r bij? 2 3 4 5 | (Would you like) a bag with it? (cashier asking) |
Weg d'r mee! 2 3 | Away with it! Throw it out! |
| |
Similar to this 'er' (and "d'r") for placeholder 'it' with a preposition, Dutch has 'daar' for 'that' and 'waar' for 'what' placeholders with prepositions. See also common problems | |
| |
Exception | |
Later I thought up these lines ... | |
Kom er niet aan! 2 | Don't touch it! |
Raak het niet aan! 2 | Don't touch it! |
... and I wondered why the second
line has 'het' despite the presence of a preposition. I now
think it's because aanraken 2 'to touch' is a
compound verb. Unfortunately, the rule is not 100% valid, because
(to touch) is also a compound verb.
You can assume that when the preposition is 'independent' 'het' is replaced by 'er' - but there are a few compound verbs that also take 'er'. Thinking up other lines of compound verbs with prepositions gave the same 'het' instead of 'er' result. Note that some compound verbs split up in the present tenses. | |
aanvoelen 2 3 | 'to sense,' to notice non-verbally, intuitively |
Ik voel het aan 2 3 | I have an intuitive understanding of it |
optillen | to lift |
Til het niet op! 2 | Don't lift it |
Ik kan 't niet optillen 2 3 4 | I can't lift it, I'm not able to lift it up |
Laat 't niet achter! 2 3 4 | Don't leave it behing! (garbage, for instance) |
Je moet 't niet onderschatten 2 3 | Don't underestimate it! |
Ze laten 't afweten 2 | They're not coming (despite promises) |
aangeven 2 | 1. 'to hand, pass,' put something into someone
else's hands 2. 'to indicate, signal, mark' 3. 'to register,' file an official report. |
Geef 't aan 2 3 | 1. Hand it to me 2. Mark it, indicate it 3. Report it to the police |
achterhalen 2 | 1. to retrieve, discover, find out
2. to overtake |
Hij heeft 't achterhaald 2 3 4 | He was able to retrieve it (hidden, hard-to-find information) |
geven 2 3 aan | to give (to) |
Geef eraan! 2 3 | Give, donate to it |
nakijken 2 3 | 1. teacher grading homework 2. to look up, check |
Ik kijk 't na 2 3 | 1. I'm grading it (students' homework) 2. I'm looking it up, checking it |
aankijken 2 3 4 | 1. wait-and-see
2. looking a person in the eye ‑>> |
Ik kijk 't even aan 2 3 | I'll wait and see, I'll keep track of how the situation develops, I'm not taking action right away |
kijken naar 2 3 | to look at |
Ik kijk er naar 2 3 4 | I'm looking at it |
| |
another exception example: afblijven 2 3 4 | stay away from, do not touch, do not take |
Blijf eraf! 2 3 | Stay away from it, do not touch it |
Blijf er vanaf! 2 3 | Stay away from it, do not touch it |
Je moet er afblijven 2 3 | You have to stay away from it, do not touch it |
Je moet er vanaf blijven 2 3 | You have to stay away from it, do not touch it |
So when the preposition is part of a compound verb, one word in the infinitive,
even though that verb may split up in the simple tenses, then
placeholders 'het,'
3 or 't
'it' are used instead of
'it,' - just as if there was no
preposition. (Though there are a few exceptions.)
In case that there is a second preposition next to the
one of the compound verb the placeholder will again be 'er.'
Trek 't je niet aan
Don't get upset over it, don't pay attention
to it, don't let it bother you
't because compound verb aantrekken
Ik trek me er niks van aan
It doesn't bother me, I dont't pay attention
ot it, I don't care
Compound verb aantrekken but also an 'independent' preposition,
'van' so 'er'
Trek je er niks van aan
Don't pay attention ot it, don't let it bother
you, don't get upset over it
- more aantrekken
Er moet ergens een lek zijn | There has to be a leak somewhere |
Zullen we ergens gaan eten? 2 | Shall we go eat (lunch, dinner) somewhere? (i.e. in a restaurant) |
Ik heb ergens gelezen dat ... 2 (3) | I read somewhere that ... |
Hij woont ergens achteraf 2 3 | He lives [somewhere remote] in the countryside |
Hij heeft ergens wel gelijk 2 3 4 | He is partly right, he's correct in some aspects |
Ik kan 't nergens vinden 2 | [I can find it nowhere] - I can't find it anywhere |
Er is nergens beter brood 2 3 | There is no better bread anywhere |
Er is nergens betere chocola 2 3 | There is no better chocolate anywhere |
Ik voel me nergens thuis 2 3 | [I feel nowhere at home] I don't feel at home anywhere |
Je kunt nergens beter Nederlands horen 2 | There is no place where you can hear better Dutch - You can't hear better Dutch anywhere |
Above we've seen 'er'
replacing (or not)
when used with 'independent' prepostions, prepositions that are not
part of a compound verb.
In English, both translate as 'it.'
In a similar way,
which usually means 'somewhere' and 'nergens'
which usually means 'nowhere' can come to mean
'something' and 'nothing' / 'not anything' when used with 'independent'
prepositions. Otherwise, 'something' is
‑>> or
‑>> and 'nothing' is
‑>> or the slightly more formal
‑>> ...
ergens aan toe zijn | "ready for, needing something" - said when people are not happy or feel they cannot continue much longer in the present situation and are looking forward to a specific change ‑>> |
ergens iets aan doen 2 3 | something to do something about something, to take action to remedy ‑>> |
ergens iets aan hebben 2 3 | something is useful, you can use it ‑>> |
ergens iets bij doen 2 | adding something to something |
iets ergens bij doen 2 3 | adding something to something |
ergens achter komen 2 | [to come, get behind something] - to find out [about something] ‑>> |
ergens op aandringen 2 | to urge, press for something |
ergens vanaf zijn 2 3 | be done with something, be rid of something, no longer bothered by something ‑>> |
Als ik ergens vanaf zou willen zijn zijn het die
If there is [something] one thing I'd like to be rid of it's those migraines | |
More colloquial
than the line above is: Als ik ergens vanaf zou willen zijn het die migraines 2 3 If there is [something] one thing I'd like to be rid of it's those migraines | |
Als ik ergens een hekel aan heb is het aan leugens
If there is [something] one thing that I hate it is lies | |
Als ik ergens een hekel aan heb is het aan mensen die liegen
If there is [something] one thing that I hate it is people that tell lies | |
Ik moet me altijd ergens aan vasthouden 2 3 4 | I need to hold on to something (a fixed point) at all times |
Ik heb nergens tijd voor 2 3 | [I have time for nothing] - I don't have time for anything |
Ik heb nergens spijt van 2 3 4 5 | [I regret nothing] - There is nothing that I regret (je ne regrette rien) |
't Lijkt nergens op 2 | [It looks like nothing] It doesn't look good, it's a bad job |
't Slaat nergens op 2 3 | [It hits nothing] - It's a (usually unpleasant) pointless remark, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand |
Ik sta nergens meer van te kijken 2 | Nothing surprises me anymore |
Dat was nergens voor nodig 2 | ["That was necessary for nothing"] - there was no need for that (criticism of or regret for an action) |
Dat is nergens goed voor 2 3 4 | [That's good for nothing] - That's useless, that serves no purpose |
Hij weet nergens van 2 3 | He knows nothing about it (a case) |
Hij gelooft nergens in 2 3 | He doesn't believe in anything |
Hij is nergens bang voor 2 3 | He's not afraid of anything |
Ik heb nergens zin in 2 3 | I don't feel like doing (or eating) anything |
Hij let nergens op 2 3 | He doesn't pay attention to anything, he is not very attentive |
Hij is nergens vòòr 2 3 4 | He is not in favor of anything, he is against everything |
Het leidt nergens toe 2 3 4 5 | [It leads nowhere] Nothing comes of it, it's useless |
Appearing with an 'independent preposititon,' 'overal' 2 means 'everything' (it usually means 'everywhere' ‑>>) | |
Hij is overal tegen 2 | He is against everything, He is not in favor of anything |
Hij weet overal van 2 | He knows everything (about a certain case) |
Hij weet overal wat van 2 3 4 5 | He knows something (a little) of everything (Renaissance person?) |
Hij had overal aan gedacht 2 3 4 | He had thought of everything (he was well-prepared) |
| |
Like the exception with the placeholder 'het' not changing to 'er' with prepositions that are part of compound verbs that was explained above ... | |
Kom er niet aan! 2 | Don't touch it! |
Raak het niet aan! 2 | Don't touch it! |
... there is a similar exception that 'nothing'/'not anything' are not 'nergens' like usually when there is an independent preposition around, but the 'regular' 'niets' and 'niks' with prepositions that are part of compound verbs - more 'nothing' | |
Kom nergens aan! 2 3 | [Touch nothing] - Don't touch anything! |
Raak niks aan! 2 3 | [Touch nothing] - Do not touch anything! |
'Niks/niets' and 'nergens' are not interchangeable.
'Raak nergens aan' is not good Dutch, and 'Kom niks aan' 2 3 means 'Don't gain weight' but it's weird. | |
| |
Exception 2 | |
Instead of | |
Hij is nergens bang voor 2 3 | He's not afraid of anything |
You could say (it's a bit formal) | |
Er is niks waar hij bang voor is 2 3 | 'There is nothing he's afraid of' |
When there is an 'er' (or the related 'special' placeholders 'daar' or 'waar') in the sentence, 'something' and 'nothing' will not be 'ergens' 2 and 'nergens' 2 but just the regular iets ‑>> or wat ‑>> and 'niets' or 'niks' | |
Hij gelooft nergens in 2 3 | He doesn't believe in anything |
Ik geloof er niks van 2 3 | [I believe nothing of it] - I don't believe a word of it |
Hij weet nergens van 2 3 | He knows nothing about it |
Ik weet er niks van 2 | I know nothing about it, I don't know anything about it (see below for exception) |
Daar weet ik niks van 2 | I know nothing about that, I don't know anything about that |
Daar bereik je niks mee 2 3 4 5 6 | That won't [reach] get results, that won't get you anywhere |
Ik heb nergens zin in 2 | I don't feel like doing (or eating/drinking) anything |
Ik heb er zin in 2 | I feel like it, I'm looking forward to it |
Ik heb er geen zin in 2 3 | I don't feel like it, I don't want to do, eat/drink it |
Je ziet er niks van 2 3 | Yo don't see any of it, you don't notice it |
Je merkt er niks van 2 3 4 5 | You don't notice it |
Wat heb je eraan? 2 3 | [What is its use to you?] - Is it useful to you? |
Zich nergens iets van aantrekken 2 3 4 5 | Not be concerned about anything, just doing, 'not give a damn' |
In the last line above, there is the compound verb 'aantrekken' but there is also an 'independent' preposition, 'van' so 'ergens' is used |
Unexplained Further Exceptions
Er is nergens tijd voor | [There is time for nothing] - There is no time for anything |
Hij weet van niks | He knows nothing about it, he has no idea |
Er was eens ... 2 3 | Once upon a time there was ... (fairy tales start) ->> |
Er was er eens ... | Once upon a time there was ... |
Wie heeft gewonnen? | Who won? |
Wie heeft er gewonnen? | Who won? |
Wie heeft de wedstrijd gewonnen? | Who won the match? |
Wie heeft hier de leiding? | Who's in charge here? |
Wie heeft er hier de leiding? | Who's in charge here? |
De Vries is de baas. | DeVries is the boss. |
Hoe is 't? 2 3 | [How is it?] - How are things, how are you? |
Hoe is 't ermee? | [How is it with you?] - How are you? |
Hoeveel tijd er is verstreken 2 3 | How much time has passed, how long ago it is |
Wat is er? 2 3 | [What is (it)?] - usually asked when there seems to be a problem: What's wrong? |
Wat is er met Jan? 2 | What is with Jan? What's wrong with Jan? |
Wat is er aan de hand? | What's going on? |
Wat is er gaande? 2 | What's going on? (old-fashioned) |
Wat is er gebeurd? 2 3 | What happened? |
Wat zou er gebeuren? 2 | What would happen? |
Zou er wat gebeurd zijn? 2 | Did something happen? |
Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know what happened |
Hij vertelde mij wat er gebeurd was | He told me what had happened |
Wat gebeurde er toen je twintig was? (2) | What happened when you were 20 years old? |
Wat is er veranderd? 2 | What has changed? |
Er moet iets veranderen 2 | Something gotta change |
't Doet er niet toe 2 | It doesn't matter |
Wat is er anders? 2 3 | What's different? /or:/ What else is there? (There is no alternative) |
Wat is er van hem geworden? 2 | What became of him? |
De winter komt eraan 2 | Winter is coming |
Ik moet er vandoor 2 | I gotta go |
Ik ben benieuwd wie er gaat winnen 2 3 4 | I'm curious who's going to win |
Wie weet er nog een mop? | [Who knows another joke?] - Anybody has a joke to tell? |
Wie doet er mee? | Who'll join us? Who's in? |
't Ziet er vies uit 2 | It looks dirty - usually: unappetizing |
't Ziet er slecht uit 2 | It looks bad - usually: it's not going to get better |
Wie is er aan de beurt? | [Who's on turn] - Whose turn is it? |
Ga er even bij zitten 2 3 | Do sit down (for it) for a moment |
Ga d'r even bij zitten 2 3 4 5 | Do sit down (for it) for a moment |
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