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Dutch Verb Zoeken ('to Search, to Seek, to Look for') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
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zoeken   click to hear 2 'to search, to seek' is a strong verb:

to search,
to seek
- zocht
- gezocht
click to hear 2
The related English 'to seek' became the more formal word for 'trying to find,' but Dutch 'zoeken' is still the general word

zoeken to search, to seek
ik zoek I'm searching
wij zoeken we're searching
ik zocht I searched, I sought
wij zochten we searched, we sought
ik heb gezocht I have searched, I have sought
click to hear 2

simple present tense
zoeken to search
ik zoek I'm searching
jij zoekt you are searching (singular, informal you)
hij zoekt he is searching
wij zoeken we are searching
jullie zoeken you are searching (plural, informal you)
zij zoeken they are searching
U zoekt you are searching (polite you)
click to hear 2

simple past tense
(zoeken) to search
ik zocht I searched
jij zocht you searched
hij zocht he searched
wij zochten we searched
jullie zochten y'all searched
zij zochten they searched
U zocht you searched
click to hear 2

present perfect tense
ik heb gezocht click to hear 2 I have searched
auxiliary verb hebben

Sample Sentences

ik zoek een ... click to hear 2 I'm looking for a ... (in a shop)
Ik zoek een kamer click to hear 2 I'm looking for a room (to rent)

Hij zoekt een kamer click to hear 2 He's looking for a room (to rent)

Hij zoekt een baan click to hear 2 He's looking for a job ‑>>

Net wat ik zocht click to hear 2 Exactly, just what I was looking for

Ik zoek een uispraak van de koning click to hear I'm looking for a statement by the king Ik zoek naar een uitspraak van de koning click to hear 2 3 I'm searching for a statement by the king

zoek zijn click to hear 2 3 to be gone, lost, cannot be found 't Eind is zoek click to hear There is no end to it

Maar op de kust van de Oostzee zag hij vanaf het schip in het glooiende land het rijpende graan op de velden wuiven in de wind, en toen begreep hij dat dit het was wat hij al die tijd gezocht had. click to hear But sailing along the Baltic coast he saw the ripening grain on the fields ripple in the wind, and then understood this was what he had been looking for all along.
- from The Lady of Stavoren

En gewoonlijk, wanneer ik de oorzaken naging, kwam het me voor, dat die moesten gezocht worden in de verkeerde richting die aan de meesten gegeven was in hun jeugd. click to
  hear And usually, when I looked into the causes, I thought the reason [should be sought] are to be found in the wrong direction given to most people in their early years. (Multatuli)

(de) hartzoeker click to hear ['heart-seeker'] is a carpentry tool to determine the center of a round piece of wood.
[center square, center finder]

(het) onderzoek click to hear 2 research, investigation
(het) vooronderzoek click to hear preliminary investigation
analyseren click to hear 2 3 to analyze
opzoeken click to hear to look up, to search for - more below

(het) bezoek click to hear 2 one or more visitors, 'company'
een late bezoeker click to hear 2 a late visitor
Er is bezoek voor je click to hear 2 There is a visitor for you /or/ There are visitors for you - 'You have company' 't Bezoek is weer weg click to hear 2 The visitor has (or: the visitors have) left We krijgen bezoek click to hear 2 We're going to have visitors (or: a visitor) Op bezoek click to hear 2 is 'visiting'
Op bezoek gaan click to hear 2 'to go visit, pay a visit'
Op bezoek komen click to hear 2 'to come visit, to visit'
...en ik wil dat oma op bezoek komt click to hear 2 3 and I want Grandma to come visiting ‑>> Hij is op bezoek bij de buren click to hear He's visiting the neighbors

opzoeken click to hear 1. to look up, search for information
2. to look up people, to visit
Ik zocht hem op in het bejaardenhuis click to hear 2 3 4 I looked him up, I visited him in the old folks' home Ik zocht het adres op click to hear 2 3 4 I looked up (searched for and found) the address op zoek naar click to hear 2 3 'looking for, searching for' ('op zoek' is 'searching' and 'naar' click to hear is 'for') Op zoek naar Atlantis click to hear 2 3 Looking for Atlantis Ik ben op zoek naar een kamer click to hear 2 3 I'm looking for a room (to rent) You could as well say:
Ik zoek een kamer click to hear 2

(het) verzoek click to hear 2 request
(het) aanzoek click to hear marriage proposal ‑>>

(de) verleiding click to hear 2 3 'temptation'
in verleiding brengen click to hear 2 3 4 'to lead into temptation' The Dutch Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer has (de) verzoeking
En leid ons niet in verzoeking,
maar verlos ons van de boze. click to hear And lead us not in temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The Catholic version has 'bekoring'
En leid ons niet in bekoring,
maar verlos ons van het kwade. Amen click to hear2

'verliezen' click to hear 2 'to lose' (either an item or a competition) is a strong verb:

to lose
- verloor
- verloren
click to hear
verliezen to lose
ik verlies I lose
wij verliezen we lose
ik verloor I lost
wij verloren we lost
ik heb verloren I have lost
click to hear 2
(het) verlies click to hear loss
(de) verliezer click to hear 2 3 loser
Ze kunnen slecht tegen hun verlies click to hear 2 They deal badly with loss (in games or sports) - they're sore losers Ze lijden aan geheugenverlies click to hear 2 'They are suffering from memory loss' - usually said when people ignore inconvenient history Ajax verloor van Feyenoord click to hear 2 3 Ajax lost to Feyenoord (Dutch soccer clubs) uit het oog verliezen click to hear 2 ['lose from (eye) sight'] - (people or ideas) no longer in sight, lost from consideration De idealen werden uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals were lost from sight, dropped along the way De idealen waren uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals had been lost from sight, dropped along the way verloren gaan click to hear 2 3 to be lost, to go to waste, to be wasted Ik wil niks verloren laten gaan click to hear 2 [I want nothing ... - I don't want to let anything get lost] - I don't want anything go to waste ik heb verloren click to hear 2 I have lost (a game, a match, a bet) ik ben verloren click to hear 2 'I am lost' - I'm in a hopeless situation

kwijt click to hear 2 - zoek click to hear 2 - weg click to hear
gone, lost, not to be found, missing
't Recept is kwijt click to hear 2 3 The recipe is gone, lost, cannot be found ‑>> Ik ben de weg kwijt click to hear 2 'I'm lost, I lost my way, I don't know where I am and how to get where I want to go' Ik ben de tel kwijt click to hear 2 I lost count Hij is z'n rijbewijs voorgoed kwijt click to hear 2 3 4 He lost his driver's license 'for good,' it was suspended indefinitely 't Eind is zoek click to hear [The end cannot be found] - There is no end to it De sleutel is weg click to hear 2 The key is gone, missing De sleutel is terecht click to hear The key (that was missing) has been found ‑>> Misschien komt 't wel weer boven water click to hear 2 3 4 [Maybe it'll come above water again sometime] - only figuratively: Maybe it (an item that was lost, cannot be found) will turn up again

Kwijt, zoek and weg are only adverbs. There is NO kwijte sleutel - NO zoeke sleutel - NO wegge sleutel
The adjective for 'lost, gone, not to be found' is verloren click to hear
de verloren boeken click to hear 2 3 the lost books verloren dagen click to hear lost, wasted days het verdwenen geld click to hear 2 3 the money that disappeared, the lost money spoorloos verdwenen click to hear 2 disappeared without a trace
- more verdwijnen

winnen click to hear 2 'to win, be victorious' is a strong verb:

to win
- won
- gewonnen
click to hear
winnen to win
ik win I'm winning
wij winnen we're winning
ik won I won
wij wonnen we won
ik heb gewonnen I have won
click to hear 2
Max Euwe won van Aljechin click to hear 2 Max Euwe won against Aljechin (Alekhine) - chess world championship 1935 ‑>> Ik ben benieuwd wie er gaat winnen click to hear I'm curious who's going to win (elections, sports) hij lijkt te winnen click to hear 2 3 [He looks like ...] It looks like he's winning Hij lijkt te gaan winnen click to hear 2 3 [He looks like ...] It looks like he's going to win Het lijkt erop dat hij gaat winnen click to hear 2 It looks like he's going to win Er is geen reden waarom hij niet zou kunnen winnen click to hear There is no reason why he couldn't win ik heb gewonnen click to hear I have won (de) winnaar click to hear 2 3 winner, (victor)
Wie heeft gewonnen? click to hear
= Wie heeft er gewonnen? click to hear Who won? "Wie heeft de verkiezingen gewonnen?" click to hear 'Who has won the elections?' - voting Wie heeft de wedstrijd gewonnen? click to hear Who won the match? We hebben de oorlog nog niet gewonnen click to hear We have not yet won the war We hebben de oorlog gewonnen click to hear We have won the war Wie niet waagt, die niet wint click to hear 2 (saying) ['He who doesn't take risks is not going to [win] gain'] - 'no risk, no gain' De aanhouder wint click to hear He/she who perseveres will win, succeed (de) overwinning click to hear victory
overwinnen click to hear to defeat, vanquish, conquer
(de) winst click to hear profit

See also:
- vinden 'to find'
- denken 'to think'

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'