Italian Beans (Romano Beans, Flat Beans)

[Italian Beans, Stringbeans, Romano Beans]
snijbonen click to hear 2
Italian Beans, Romano Beans
[Cutting Italian Beans]
snijbonen snijden click to hear
Cutting Italian Beans

Basic Procedure

For three or four:
  • 3 Lb (1½ Kg) Italian beans
  • 15 strips of bacon or 5 slices of ham
  1. Wash beans well, with at least three changes of water;
  2. Snip off ends and discolored patches;
  3. Lay five to ten beans on your cutting board, hold as a bunch and cut off ½-inch (1½cm) pieces;
  4. Put cut beans in a pan, cover with water, bring to a boil, and cook for 25 minutes
  5. Meanwhile, prepare bacon or cut ham in ½-inch (1½ cm) pieces;
  6. Drain water from beans after 25 minues of cooking;
  7. Mix beans with ham or bacon.

Meal Preparation Schedule

For three or four
  • 3 Lb (1½ Kg) Italian beans
  • 15 strips of bacon or 5 slices of ham
  • potatoes
  • eggs
  1. Prepare bacon or cut ham;
  2. Wash beans, snip off ends, cut (this may take 30-45 minutes);
  3. Put beans in pan, cover with water, bring to a boil, lower heat and cook for 25 minutes;
  4. Peel potatoes, cut, wash, put in pan with about 1 inch of water, bring to a boil, lower heat, cook for 17 minutes;
  5. Start baking eggs at 12 minutes before beans and potatoes are ready;
  6. When ready, drain potatoes, put back on medium-low-heat burner for two minutes;
  7. When ready, drain beans, and mix with bacon or ham.
    (I usually drain the boiling water into the bacon skillet, to start the cleaning)
One of my sisters tells me our mother used to mix Italian beans with mashed potatoes. I didn't remember and it didn't sound nice, but when I tried it turned out to be good and now I often prepare it that way. A stamppot click to hear 2 as we say in Dutch.
The flattish 'Kentucky Wonder' bean looks somewhat similar to the Italian bean, but should be prepared like French beans. 25 Minutes of cooking makes them rather mushy.

[Italian Beans meal]
Meal, Beans Mixed with Bacon
[Italian Beans meal]
Meal, Beans Mixed with Ham
[Italian Beans meal]
Meal, beans and bacon mixed with mashed potatoes
[cutting] Italian beans
gebakken ei
mashed potatoes
fried egg

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