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[Brussels sprouts] [grapes]
[plate of food]
[loaf of bread]
other food

Dutch Vegetables

Smartphone Version

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

[Brussels sprouts] [red cabbage] ['marrowfat peas'] [a bunch of parsley] [one onion] [fennel, anise] [a red bell pepper] [a head of lettuce]
(de) groente click to hear vegetables - verse groente click to hear fresh vegetables - Recepten click to hear Recipes
[French beans]
sperziebonen click to hear
[English peas]
doperwten click to hear
[green beans] [snapping French beans]
sperziebonen breken click to hear 2
[shelling English peas]
doperwten doppen click to hear
[Italian beans]
snijbonen click to hear
[fava beans]
tuinbonen click to hear
[cutting Italian beans]
snijbonen snijden click to hear
[shelling fava beans]
tuinbonen doppen click to hear
(de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 [pod-fruit] legume (~bean)
wortels click to hear
worteltjes click to hear
[Belgian endives]
(het) witlof click to hear
[uncooked spinach leaves in a colander]
(de) spinazie click to hear
[a few red-stemmed spinach leaves on a small plate]
spinazie click to hear
(de) winterwortel click to hear is a rather large carrot
[red beets]
bietjes click to hear
[red beets]
bietjes click to hear ((de) fietstas click to hear)
[washed tomatoes]
gewassen tomaten click to hear 2 3
bloemkolen click to hear
[red cabbage]
(de) rode kool click to hear
[red cabbage]
(de) rode kool click to hear
[Brussels sprouts]
spruitjes click to hear
['sauerkraut' is the German word]
(de) zuurkool click to hear
(de) spruitjesgeur click to hear 2 ('the smell of old Brussels sprouts' - said to prevail in Dutch literature)
['marrowfat peas']
kapucijners click to
slang: raasdonders click to hear 2
[a spoonful of 'brown beans,'  somewhat similar to kidney beans]
bruine bonen click to hear
[a handful of lentils]
linzen click to hear
[a handful of chick peas (garbanzo beans)]
kikkererwten click to hear 2 3 [frog peas]
(kekererwten click to hear)
[soaked chick peas (garbanzo beans)]
kikkererwten click to hear 2 3
geweekt click to hear
[a handful of split peas]
spliterwten click to hear
[a bunch of parsley]
(de) peterselie click to hear
[fennel, anise]
(de) venkel click to hear
(de) knoflook click to hear
[a pi9ece of ginger root]
(de) gember click to hear
[celery root, celery] [celery root, celery] [celery root, celery] [celery]
(de) knolselderie, (de) bleekselderie click to hear
[one onion]
(de) ui click to hear 2 (3)
uien click to hear
sjalotjes click to hear 2
(de) prei click to hear
(de) tomaat click to hear
tomaten click to hear
[a head of lettuce]
(de) sla click to hear
(de) aubergine (French)
click to hear 2
vleestomaten click to hear 2 'beef tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes' - een krop sla click to hear 'a head of lettuce'
(de) paprika click to hear bell pepper - plural:  paprika's click to hear
[green bell pepper]
groene paprika click to hear 2
[green bell pepper]
groene paprika click to hear 2
[a red bell pepper]
rode paprika click to hear 2
[sauteeing bell peppers]
paprika's bakken click to hear
[shredded kale]
(de) boerenkool click to hear 2
[a few broccoli flowerets]
(de) broccoli click to hear
(de) koolrabi click to hear
[a few cobs of white and yellow corn]
(de) maïs click to hear
[a handful of black beans]
zwarte bonen click to hear
champignons click to hear
(de) komkommer click to hear
[cucumber, peeled and cut]
komkommer click to hear
[a few potatoes]
aardappels click to hear slang: piepers click to hear 2
[peeling potatoes]
aardappels schillen click to hear 2
[peeled potatoes in a pot]
geschilde aardappels click to hear
[mashed potatoes on a plate]
(de) aardappelpuree click to hear


[kale, potatoes]
Kale with mashed potatoes ‑>>
(de) boerenkool click to hear 2
[carrots, potatoes and onion]
Carrots, potatoes and onion ‑>>
(de) hutspot click to hear
[pea soup]
Pea soup ‑>>
(de) erwtensoep click to hear
[red cabbage]
Red cabbage ‑>>
(de) rode kool click to hear 2 3
French beans,
green beans ‑>>
sperziebonen click to hear
[Italian beans, Romano beans]
Italian beans,
Romano beans ‑>>
snijbonen click to hear 2
[fava beans]
Fava beans ‑>>
tuinbonen click to hear 2
[beets with spinach]
red beets ‑>>
bietjes click to hear 2
[Belgian endives] [Belgian endives]
Belgian endives ‑>>
(het) witlof click to hear 2
[kohlrabi bulbs] [kohlrabi]
Kohlrabi ‑>> (de) koolrabi click to hear
[your chef]
your chef ‑>>
(de) kok click to hear cook, chef

Dutch vegetables words exercises
Flashcards: pictures - listening

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2011. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'