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Dutch Words for Food: Words List - 1 2 3 4 words

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Bread Words - Milk - Cheese - Spices - Nutritional Values

aardappelen click to hear potatoes
(de) groente click to hear vegetables
(het) fruit click to hear fruits
click to hear
Also:  aardappels click to hear potatoes
(de) macaroni click to hear elbow pasta
(de) rijst click to hear rice
(de) zilvervliesrijst click to hear 2 brown rice
click to hear
(de) boter click to hear butter
(de) kaas click to hear 2 3 4 cheese
eieren click to hear eggs
(het) ei click to hear 2 egg
click to hear
(de) bloem click to hear 2 3 white flour
wit meel - white flour
(het) volkorenmeel click to hear wholewheat flour
(de) gist click to hear yeast
click to hear
(het) brood click to hear 2 3 bread
(het) sneetje brood click to hear slice of bread
(het) stokbrood click to hear 2 3 baguette
click to hear
(de) boterham click to hear 2 3 open-faced sandwich
(het) bolletje click to hear 2 bread roll
(het) kadetje click to hear 2 3 ~hot-dog bun
click to hear
(het) vlees click to hear meat
(het) gehakt click to hear ground meat
(het) soepvlees click to hear 2 stew beef
(de) kip click to hear chicken
click to hear
(de) worst click to hear sausage
(de) rookworst click to hear 2 smoked sausage
(het) spek click to hear 2 bacon
(de) ham click to hear ham
click to hear
(het) varkensvlees click to hear 2 pork
(het) rundvlees click to hear beef
click to hear
(de) vis click to hear fish
(de) haring click to hear herring
click to hear
sperziebonen click to hear 2 green beans
doperwten click to hear 2 English peas
tuinbonen click to hear 2 fava beans
snijbonen click to hear 2 Italian beans
click to hear
spliterwten click to hear split peas
kapucijners click to hear 'marrowfat peas'
bruine bonen click to hear 'brown' beans
click to hear
(de) linzen click to hear lentils
(de) kekererwten click to hear chickpeas, garbanzo beans
click to hear 2
wortels click to hear carrots
bietjes click to hear 2 red beets
(de) spinazie click to hear spinach)
click to hear
(de) bloemkool click to hear 2 cauliflower
(de) rode kool click to hear 2 3 4 red cabbage
(de) spruitjes click to hear Brussels sprouts
(de) zuurkool click to hear 'sauerkraut'
click to hear 2
(de) boerenkool click to hear 2 kale
(de) andijvie - chicory?)
(de) postelein - purslane?
click to hear (none pictured)
(de) ui click to hear 2 3 4 onion
uien click to hear onions
(de) knoflook click to hear garlic
(de) prei click to hear leek, leeks
click to hear
(de) bleekselderie click to hear 2 celery
(de) knolselderie click to hear 2 3 celery root
(de) peterselie click to hear parsley
(de) venkel click to hear fennel, anise
click to hear
(de) witlof click to hear 2 Belgian endives
(de) asperges (French) - asparagus
click to hear
(de) sla click to hear lettuce
(de) salade click to hear serious salad
(het) slaatje click to hear 2 3 small, simple salad
click to hear
(de) sla click to hear lettuce
(de) komkommer click to hear cucumber
(de) radijs - radish
click to hear 2
(de) paprika click to hear bell pepper
(de) tomaat click to hear tomato
(de) champignon - white button mushroom
click to hear
(de) appel click to hear apple
(de) peer click to hear 2 pear
(de) kers click to hear 2 3 cherry
(de) perzik - peach
click to hear
(de) frambozen click to hear raspberries
(de) bramen click to hear blackberries
(de) aardbeien click to hear strawberries
(de) bosbessen click to hear blueberries
click to hear
(de) framboos click to hear 2 raspberry
(de) braam click to hear 2 blackberry
(de) aardbei - strawberry
(de) bosbes - blueberry
click to hear 2
(de) sinaasappel click to hear 2 3 orange
(het) mandarijntje click to hear tangerine
(de) citroen click to hear 2 lemon
click to hear
(de) banaan click to hear 2 banana
(de) ananas click to hear pineapple
(de) meloen - melon
click to hear 2
(de) druif Dutch/"click grape
(de) krent click to hear currant
(de) rozijn - raisin
click to hear
(de) abrikoos - apricot
(de) pruim click to hear plum
click to hear
(de) walnoot - walnut
(de) hazelnoot - hazelnut, filibert
(de) amandel - almond
click to hear
(de) dadel - date
(de) vijg click to hear 2 fig
click to hear
(de) suiker click to hear sugar
(het) zout click to hear 2 3 salt
(de) peper click to hear pepper
click to hear
(de) olijf click to hear 2 olive
(de) pinda - peanut
click to hear
(de) augurk click to hear 2 pickle
(het) zilveruitje - pickled small onion
click to hear
(het) fruit click to hear fruits
(de) vrucht click to hear a fruit; a result
vruchten click to hear 2 fruits; results
(het) vruchtensap click to hear 2 fruit juice
vruchtbaar click to hear fertile
[(het)] eten click to hear 1. food 2. to eat ‑>>
(het) voedsel click to hear food
(de) voeding click to hear 2 nutrition
drinken click to hear 1. to drink ‑>> 2. drinks ‑>>

[a handful of grain]
het gouden graan click to hear 2 >>
(het) brood click to hear 2 bread
'n brood click to hear a loaf of bread
(het) meel click to hear flour
volkoren click to hear 2 wholewheat,
whole grain
(het) volkorenmeel click to hear wholewheat flour
(het) water click to hear 2 water
(de) gist click to hear yeast
(de) zuurdesem click to hear 2 sourdough
(het) zout click to hear 2 salt
(de) boter click to hear butter
(de) olijfolie click to hear olive oil
(de) bloem click to hear white flour
also: flower
(de) zemelen click to hear (wheat) bran
(de) tarwekiemen click to hear wheat germ
(het) graan click to hear 2 grain, cereal
(het) koren click to hear 2 cereals, grain
(de) tarwe click to hear wheat
(de) rogge click to hear 2 rye
(de) gerst click to hear 2 barley
(de) gierst click to hear 2 millet
(de) haver click to hear 2 oats
(de) boekweit click to hear 2 buckwheat
(de) maïs click to hear (Indian) corn
een broodje kaas click to hear 2 a cheese sandwich
boterham met kaas click to hear 2 a slice of bread with
cheese, open-faced
cheese sandwich
(het) volkorenbrood click to hear wholewheat bread
(het) bruinbrood click to hear 2 'brown bread,' bread
with some wholewheat flour
(het) witbrood click to hear 2 white bread
(het) melkbrood click to hear bread made with milk
instead of water
(het) kapje click to hear 2 'heel,' end piece of a loaf
(de) homp click to hear 2 3 an unappetizing large piece of bread
(de) dorsvloer click to hear 2 3 4 threshing floor
(de) bolletjes click to hear bread rolls
(het) kadetje click to hear 2 white, oblong bread roll
(like a hot dog bun)
(het) krentenbrood click to hear raisin bread
(de) krentenbol click to hear 2 raisin bread roll
(het) roggebrood click to hear 2 rye bread
oud brood click to hear 2 [old] stale bread
droog brood click to hear 2 [dry bread] - plain
bread, without any topping
Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood click to hear Give us this day our daily bread   The Lord's Prayer Ik ben een brood aan 't bakken click to hear 2 'I am baking (a) bread' Het brood is niet goed gerezen click to hear 2 'the bread has not risen well' Vers brood is altijd lekker click to hear 2 Fresh bread is always [tasty] good 't kaf van 't koren scheiden click to hear separating the chaff from the wheat, the valuable from the useless, the men from the boys See also: lunch - bread recipe - my recipes in Dutch

melk click to hear milk
volle melk click to hear 2 'whole' milk (no fat removed)
halfvolle melk click to hear 2 ['half-full'] reduced-fat milk
magere melk click to hear 2 ['skinny'] nonfat, skim milk
rauwe melk click to hear 2 'raw' milk (straight from the cow,
not sterilized or pasteurized)
room click to hear cream
romig click to hear 2 3 4 creamy
slagroom click to hear 2 whipped cream
boter click to hear butter
margarine click to hear 2 margarine
karnemelk click to hear buttermilk
yoghurt click to hear 2 yogurt
kaas click to hear cheese
boerenkaas click to hear "farmers' cheese" (made from raw milk)
jong click to hear (jong / jonge click to hear 2) 'young' - cheese that has not aged much (1-2 months)
oud click to hear 2 (oud / oude click to hear)
(oud / oude / "ouwe" click to hear)
'old' - cheese that has aged for a considerable time (>10 months)
(sometimes a D like this is pronounced as W)
belegen click to hear 2 'cheese of intermediate age' (4-8 months) - ‑>>
geraspte kaas click to hear 2 [rasped] shredded cheese
There is no Dutch word for 'cottage cheese.' Use English word or the German 'Hüttenkäse' click to hear
'Kwark' click to hear 2 is a bit like cottage cheese, but milder of taste and it is smooth, not lumpy.
Leidse kaas click to hear 2 ('Leyden cheese') - cheese with cumin
Beemster Graskaas click to hear ("considered a special treat among Dutch cheese gourmets") made of the early Spring milk, from when the cows get out of the Winter stables into the meadows of young, fresh gras click to hear ('grass.') The 'Beemster' click to hear 2 is a 17th Century polder click to hear 2 ('reclaimed land.') >>
Goudse kaas click to hear 'Gouda cheese' - Gouda click to hear 2 (the town)
See also: Cheese at Lunch

kruiden click to hear spices and herbs
(de) peper click to hear pepper
(het) zout click to hear 2 salt; salty
peper en zout click to hear 2 3 'pepper and salt'
(de) nootmuskaat click to hear nutmeg

laurierblaadjes click to hear bay leaves
(de) foelie click to hear mace
(de) tijm click to hear thyme
(het) bonenkruid click to hear savory
(de) komijn click to hear cumin
(de) gember click to hear ginger
(de/het>) kaneel click to hear cinnamon
(de) vanille (French) click to hear 2 vanilla
(de) mosterd click to hear mustard
(de) kerrie click to hear curry
(de) peterselie click to hear parsley
(de) selderie click to hear leaf celery
(de) kervel click to hear 2 chervil
(de) knoflook click to hear garlic
(de) salie click to hear sage
kruidnagelen click to hear 2 cloves
scherp click to hear 2 spicy, 'hot' >>
hartig click to hear savory
zoet click to hear sweet
zuur click to hear 2 sour
bitter click to hear bitter
There is a somewhat old-fashioned word 'specerijen' click to hear 2 for 'spices,' but in general, 'kruiden' click to hear means 'spices and herbs.'
See also: Taste

Nutritional Values

voedingswaarde click to hear nutritional value[s] energie click to hear 2 energy calorieën click to hear 2 calories
koolhydraten click to hear 2 carbohydrates suiker click to hear sugar suikers click to hear sugars zetmeel click to hear 2 starch
vet click to hear fat, grease (also: greasy) vetten click to hear fats olie click to hear 2 oil
onverzadigde vetzuren click to hear unsaturated fatty acids meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren click to hear polyunsaturated fatty acids
eiwit click to hear protein (also: egg-white) eiwitten click to hear proteins - eigeel click to hear egg yolk (egg-yellow)
vitamine click to hear vitamin vitamines click to hear vitamins vitaminen click to hear 2 vitamins
A click to hear B click to hear 1 click to hear
2 click to hear
3 click to hear
5 click to hear
6 click to hear
10 click to hear
11 click to hear
12 click to hear
15 click to hear
C click to hear D click to hear E click to hear K click to hear 2
vezels click to hear fiber(s) (= voedingsvezel click to hear)
mineralen click to hear minerals sporenelementen click to hear 2 trace elements
zout click to hear 2 salt natrium click to hear sodium
ijzer click to hear 2 iron calcium click to hear 2 calcium jodium click to hear iodine fluor click to hear 2 3 fluorine fluoride click to hear fluoride
koper click to hear copper zink click to hear 2 zinc fosfor click to hear phosphorus kalium click to hear potassium >>

denneappel click to hear
Aardappel click to hear ('potato') can have either an -S or an -EN plural; the -EN plural is a little old-fashioned:
aardappels click to hear - aardappelen click to hear
Interestingly, Dutch bloem click to hear ('white flour') also means 'flower.'
The singular ui click to hear ('onion') sounds (to Dutch ears) like it's ending in W; but that W-sound is dropped in the plural uien click to hear
Sinaasappel click to hear ('orange') probably originated as 'China-apple.'
The general word for 'mushrooms' is paddestoelen click to hear ('toad-chairs') - champignons click to hear (said as a French word) is just the white button variety.
An old-fashioned word for 'mushrooms' is zwammen click to hear - singular: (de) zwam click to hear 2
'Pineapple' is ananas click to hear in Dutch; there is an old-fashioned word pijnappel click to hear for 'pinecone,' but the common word is denneappel click to hear 2. A related (and also old-fashioned) word is pijnappelklier click to hear 2 ('pineal gland.' )
Limoenen click to hear was an old-fashioned Dutch word for 'lemons' (now: citroenen click to hear ) that was revived by a famous 70s commercial for 'Fa' soap; nowadays it's sometimes used for 'limes.'

[left arrow] 1 2 3 4 words
Food Words Everyday Food Words Recipes
see also: Malay Words in Dutch
[A plate of fava beans, with bacon and potatoes]
[small saucepan: lidded pot with a stick handle]
Newer Versions
of These Pages:

- smartphone

- smartphone
[plate of food]

- smartphone
[loaf of bread]
other food

- smartphone
See also: Talking about Food and Drinks
[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a house]
the house
[a path]
the outdoors
[glasses, watch, etc.]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2