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Dutch Verb Nemen ('to Take') - Smartphones Page

'To Take' and Nemen click to hear look and sound very different and are obviously not from the same root ('to take' is from old Norwegian) but they are fairly equivalent.
Sample Sentences
Compound Verbs with 'Nemen'
Related Words
Pakken = to Fetch, Catch, Pack
Grijpen = to Grab, Get Hold of

Nemen   click to hear 'to take' is a strong verb:

to take
- nam
- genomen
click to hear

nemen to take
ik neem I take
wij nemen we take
ik nam I took
wij namen we took
ik heb genomen I have taken
click to hear 2
Like almost all strong verbs that have an A in the simple past tense, that A is 'short' in the singular and 'long' in the plural

simple present tense
nemen to take
ik neem I take
jij neemt you take (singular, informal you)
hij neemt he takes
wij nemen we take
jullie nemen you take (plural, informal you)
zij nemen they take
U neemt you (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(nemen) to take
ik nam I took
jij nam you took
hij nam he took
wij namen we took
jullie namen y'all took
zij namen they took
U nam you took
click to hear

wij namen click to hear we took

present perfect tense
ik heb genomen click to hear I have taken
auxiliary verb hebben
neem! click to hear 2 take!

Sample Sentences

Neem een koekje click to hear 2 3 Take a cookie, (get a cookie) Neem welke dan ook click to hear Take [whichever] any

Neem de tweede weg rechts click to hear Take the second road on the right Neem de tweede weg links click to hear Take the second road on the left Neem de tweede weg links en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear Take the second road on the right

Neemt U mij niet kwalijk click to hear 2 Excuse me! (rather formal) You could also use the French Pardon click to hear

Neem je d'r iets voor? click to hear 2 Do you take something for (against) it? (medicine)

Neem nou Piet ... click to hear 2 3 Now take Piet ... (Look for instance at Piet, consider his circumstances, work, achievements etc.)

risico nemen click to hear - to take [risk] risks
Hij nam geen enkel risico click to hear 2 3 He didn't take any [risk] risks (het) risico click to hear 2 - risk - plural: risico's click to hear ‑>>
een te groot risico click to hear - too big a risk
eigen risico click to hear 2 - 'own risk,' for instance deductible in insurance

wagen click to hear - to risk, dare, chance
(de) waaghals click to hear 2 - daredevil
Waag 't niet! click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 Don't you dare! Don't do that risky or insulting thing Wie niet waagt, die niet wint click to hear 2 (saying) ['He who doesn't take risks is not going to [win] gain'] - 'no risk, no gain' (de) wagen click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'cart, carriage' or sometimes jocular 'car'
paard-en-wagen click to hear 2 horse-drawn carriage

durven click to hear 2 'to dare,' have the courage to, not being afraid to
Durf te kiezen click to hear 2 3 Dare to choose (commit, don't stay on the sidelines) Hij durfde niks te zeggen click to hear 2 3 [He dared to say nothing] - He didn't dare to say anything, he was afraid to speak up Hij durft z'n mening te geven click to hear 2 3 [he dares to [give] state his opinion] - He's not afraid to speak up (de) durf click to hear 2 3 4 - daring, nerve, guts

durven to dare
ik durf I dare
wij durven we dare
ik durfde I dared
wij durfden we dared
ik heb gedurfd I have dared
click to hear

't Zekere voor 't onzekere nemen click to hear 2 3 Take the certain before the uncertain - i.e. 'not taking risks' /or:/ Take the certain in favor of the uncertain

Je kunt zo-iemand niet serieus nemen click to hear 2 3 You can't take someone like that seriously

Aanstoot wordt genomen, niet gegeven click to hear 2 3 Offense is taken, not given

Hij neemt geen blad voor de mond click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['He doesn't [take] put a leaf in front of his mouth'] - He bluntly speaks his mind, doesn't mince his words

Gedane zaken nemen geen keer click to hear 2 3 (saying) What's done is done (You can't turn around what's done in the past)

beslissingen nemen click to hear 2 to make decisions

't initiatief nemen click to hear 2 taking the initiative

Neem 't ter harte click to hear 2 [Take it to heart] - Take heed! Pay attention to it, act accordingly

... De vrouw nam een ring met een grote edelsteen van een vinger en gooide hem woedend ver weg het het water in.
"Ik zal nog eerder die ring terugzien dan dat ik ooit arm zou worden." click to hear The woman took a ring with a large diamond from a finger and angrily threw it far into the water.
"It's more likely that I'll see that ring back than that I'd ever be poor," she said.

Note that for 'taking pictures' Dutch says:
foto's maken click to hear 2 3 to take pictures
We mochten geen foto's maken click to hear 2 [We were allowed no pictures] - We were not allowed to [make] take pictures

Compound Verbs with 'Nemen'

... "Schipper, wat heb je voor me meegenomen," zei het vrouwtje van Stavoren. click to hear "Skipper, what are you bringing me?" the lady of Stavoren said. from The Lady of Stavoren

meenemen click to hear 2 3 'to take along, to bring' is a splitting verb:

meenemen to take along, to bring
ik neem mee I'm bringing
ik nam mee I brought
ik heb meegenomen I have brought
click to hear
More about Splitting Verbs

Neem 'n boek mee click to hear 2 3 4 [Take along a book] Bring a book Neem 't mee click to hear 2 [Take} Bring it along

Maar een onverwacht grote golf spoelt over m'n enkels. Neemt het gevoel van vaardigheid mee click to hear But a sudden big wave ...
[washes over my ankles. Takes away sense of competence.]
washes away the confidence

Het kost te veel tijd click to hear 2 3 It [costs] takes too much time 't Kostte maar vijf minuten click to hear 2 It only took 5 minutes

opnemen click to hear to take in, admit; to observe, measure; to record sound; to absorb in een ziekenhuis opgenomen click to hear 2 admitted to (put in a bed in) a hospital Heeft U de temperatuur opgenomen? click to hear Did you take the temperature? ‑>> Ik ben aan 't opnemen click to hear 2 3 I am recording (de) opname click to hear recording, 'take'

aannemen click to hear 2 to assume // to adopt // to take on
(de) aanname click to hear 2 assumption
't Klinkt aannemelijk click to hear 2 It sounds (is) credible, plausible (de) aannemer click to hear 2 contractor,
construction manager
(het) aangenomen kind click to hear adopted child ‑>>
But: aangenaam click to hear 2 (aangename click to hear 2 pleasant, comfortable

overnemen click to hear 2 'to adopt, take up; to take over, buy' klakkeloos overnemen click to hear 2 3 4 to unquestoningly adopt an idea or a procedure

Een oude magazijnmeester, al verontwaardigd dat zijn leerstellingen niet overgenomen werden; hij zag dat het land om hem heen op instorten stond: hij vertrok. click to hear An old warehouse manager, already disappointed that his teachings were not taken up; seeing the land around him collapsing he left

toenemen click to hear 2 to increase, grow, become larger or more numerous (de) toename click to hear 2 increase, growth

afnemen click to hear 2 to decrease, become smaller or less numerous; also: to take away (de) afname click to hear 2 3 decrease, lessening

"Neem hem het talent af en geef het aan hem die er tien heeft!" click to hear Take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags
((Matthew 25:28 The Parable of The Talents - BibleGateway translation)

(de) werkgever click to hear [work-giver] employer
(de) werknemer click to hear [work-taker] employee - jobs

ondernemen click to hear to undertake
(de) ondernemer click to hear entrepreneur, businessman
also: (de) zakenvrouw click to hear 2 businesswoman
and: (de) zakenman click to hear 2 3 businessman
(de) onderneming click to hear 2 3 undertaking, enterprise, venture; company ‑>> (de) begrafenisondernemer click to hear 2 3 undertaker (funerals) stappen ondernemen click to hear 2 3 to take steps (i.e. measures, action)

[(het)] voornemen click to hear 2 3 1. intention, plan
2. to resolve, determine, plan
goede voornemens click to hear good intentions, resolutions goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar click to hear new year's resolutions ‑>>

hernemen click to hear to recapture, regain, resume deelnemen click to hear 2 to take part, participate vernemen click to hear 2 to hear, be told, to learn (to be informed that ...)

adembenemend click to hear breathtaking

(de) waarneming click to hear 2 observation (something witnessed)

'Namen' click to hear 2 is also the plural of (de) naam click to hear 2 'name' - see: Dutch Names

'Noemen' click to hear 2 is 'to call, name, give a name'
We noemen hem Karel click to hear We're calling him Karel een kind naar een grootouder noemen click to hear 2 3 calling a child after a grandparent De dingen bij hun naam noemen click to hear 2 3 ['Calling things by their name'] - Calling things as you see them, calling things as they are - speaking bluntly, not sugarcoating your speech

The Dutch word 'taken' click to hear is the plural of (de) taak click to hear 2 'task, duty, assignment.'
Het is een taak voor de overheid click to hear 2 It is a task for the government Hij had verschillende taken click to hear 2 He had [various] several assignments

Pakken = to Get, Collect, Fetch, Catch, Pack

pakken click to hear 2 3 1. to get, grab, collect, 'get a physical hold of'
2. 'to pack'
3. 'to catch'
Study the examples for a better understanding of the meaning

pakken to pack
ik pak I'm packing/collecting
wij pakken we're packing/collecting
ik pakte I packed/collected
wij pakten we packed/collected
ik heb gepakt I have packed/collected
click to hear 2 3

ik heb gepakt click to hear I have packed, I have collected

Hij is gepakt geworden click to hear He has been caught (apprehended, arrested) ‑>> (de) pakkans click to hear 2 3 the chance (of a criminal) being caught

Pak je spullen click to hear 2 3 Grab, collect your stuff Koffers pakken click to hear 2 3 4 This could mean 'getting, collecting suitcases' but it usually means 'packing suitcases' for travel or because you're leaving

Hij heeft de smaak te pakken click to hear 2 (saying) [~He was captured by the taste] - he really likes it (a new activity)

bepakt en bezakt click to hear ['packed and bagged, with packs and bags ready'] - ready for travel

Niet bij de pakken neerzitten click to hear 2 (saying) ['Don't sit down with your burdens'] - Keep going, don't let misfortune get you down
Stoett says it's from the Bible, a packed donkey that lies down can't get up again.

aanpakken click to hear 2 3 4 1. to take, get hold of
2. to take in hand, take on, deal with
Pak aan! click to hear 2 3 1. Get a-hold of this (handing over something, literally)
2. Get busy with something

afpakken click to hear 2 3 to take something away from someone, often against his or her wishes

Herpak U! click to hear 2 Get a grip on yourself, control yourself - Flemish (to me as a Dutchman it sounds funny)

inpakken click to hear 2 3 to wrap

ompakken click to hear 2 3 rearranging the packing, change the filling of boxes

uitpakken click to hear 2 3 to unwrap // situation developing

verpakken click to hear 2 3 to wrap, to package goed verpakt click to hear 2 3 boxed or wrapped well

Donkere wolken pakken samen. click to hear Dark clouds [are packing together] are gathering

(het) lastpak click to hear 2 3 a person who is a nuisance, a pain in the neck

(Het) pak click to hear can mean 'package, packet, parcel,' but it's a little old-fashioned. More common is:
(het) pakje click to hear and
(het) pakket click to hear (plural: pakketten click to hear)
In words like (het) pakhuis click to hear ('warehouse' - plural: pakhuizen click to hear 2) and
(de) pakschuit click to hear 2 ('human- or horse-drawn cargo barge') it's maybe an older meaning like 'trade goods.'

(Het) pak click to hear can also mean 'box, packaging'
een pak melk click to hear 2 3 4 a carton of milk een pak papier click to hear a batch, ream of paper een pakje boter click to hear 2 a packet of butter Wat op 't pak staat click to hear 2 'What it says on the box' (instructions etc.) also:  een pak slaag click to hear [an amount of hits, slaps] - a beating, a hiding een pak van m'n hart click to hear 2 [a burden lifted from my heart] - a relief, a great worry less

(Het) pak click to hear can also mean a suit, clothing:
(het) driedelig pak click to hear 2 3-piece suit, men's formal suit (het) mantelpakje click to hear ladies' formal suit (jacket, skirt) (het) badpak click to hear 2 3 / (het) zwempak click to hear swimsuit (ladies') (het) spijkerpak click to hear 'denim suit' - denim jacket and jeans more clothing

Grijpen = to Grab, Get Hold of

Grijpen   click to hear   'to grab, to catch, to get hold of' is a strong verb:
to grab
- greep
- gegrepen
click to hear

The derived verb 'begrijpen' click to hear 'to understand' is more common ‑>>

grijpen to grab
ik grijp I'm grabbing
wij grijpen we're grabbing
ik greep I grabbed
wij grepen we grabbed
ik heb gegrepen I have grabbed
click to hear

simple present tense
grijpen to grab
ik grijp I grab
jij grijpt you grab (singular, informal you)
hij grijpt he grabs
wij grijpen we grab
jullie grijpen you grab (plural, informal you)
zij grijpen they grab
U grijpt you grab (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(grijpen) to grab
ik greep I grabbed
jij greep you grabbed
hij greep he grabbed
wij grepen we grabbed
jullie grepen y'all grabbed
zij grepen they grabbed
U greep you grabbed
click to hear 2

present perfect tense
ik heb gegrepen click to hear I have grabbed

wij grepen click to hear we grabbed

Grijp je kans! click to hear 2 3 'Grab your chance!' Make use of the opportunity

Alles grijpt in elkaar click to hear 2 ['All things grip (into) each other'] - Everything is connected

(de) greep click to hear 2 3 grip, catch, hold, handhold
(de) staatsgreep click to hear coup
aangrijpend click to hear 2 'gripping,' something that 'gets hold of' your emotions

ingrijpen click to hear 2 3 to intervene, take action ingrijpende gevolgen click to hear 2 3 far-reaching consequences Het leger greep in click to hear 2 The army (the military) intervened, took action

(de) lettergreep click to hear syllable
let-ter-gre-pen click to hear 2 syllables
lettergrepen click to hear syllables

See also: 'Stelen'   click to hear 2 'to steal' ‑>>

See also:
krijgen 'to get, to be given'
- halen 'to get' - to collect, obtain, acquire, fetch - with some effort, some action required
and geven 'to give'

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'