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Dutch Verb Staan ('to stand') - Smartphones Page

Staan in the Dutch Continuous

Sample Sentences

Compound Words and Verbs with Staan

'Staan'   click to hear 'to stand, to be standing' is a strong verb:

to stand
- stond
- gestaan
click to hear 2

staan to stand
ik sta I'm standing
wij staan we're standing
ik stond I stood
wij stonden we stood
ik heb gestaan I have stood
click to hear 2

simple present tense
(staan) to stand, be standing
ik sta I stand, I'm standing
jij staat you stand (singular, informal you)
hij staat he stands
wij staan we stand
jullie staan you stand (plural, informal you)
zij staan they stand
U staat you stand (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(staan) to stand
ik stond I stood, I was standing
jij stond you stood
hij stond he stood
wij stonden we stood
jullie stonden y'all stood
zij stonden they stood
U stond you stood
click to hear 2

present perfect tense
ik heb gestaan click to hear I have stood, I was standing
auxiliary verb hebben

'Staan' in the Dutch Continuousw

'Staan' is also used to indicate an ongoing activity in the Dutch continuous, like for instance in:
We staan te wachten op een taxi. click to hear 2 3 We're waiting for a taxi.
See the continuous page for more examples.

Sample Sentences

in de rij staan click to hear 2 3 to stand in line Er stonden een paar mensen in de rij voor het loket click to hear There were a few people standing in line at the counter achteraan in de rij click to hear 2 3 at the end of the line (row, queu)

Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar click to hear 2 3 I was standing by (it) and looking at it Ik bleef erbij staan kijken click to hear 2 3 I stayed [standing around] to watch (it) Ik bleef staan kijken click to hear I stayed [standing around] to watch

't Is hollen of stilstaan click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['It's either running or standing still'] - 'When it rains, it pours'

Je wordt geflest waar je bijstaat click to hear 2 3 (saying) 'You're being cheated as you stand by, in your presence' - bare-facedly

Ik heb nog een koffer in Berlijn staan click to hear I still have a suitcase [standing] in Berlin (Hildegard Knef)

Like Dutch zitten ('to sit,') staan ('to stand') is also often translated as 'to be' in English

't Staat onder water click to hear 2 It's under water, it's flooded De straten staan blank click to hear 2 3 The streets are flooded, under water

"Mijn deur staat altijd open" click to hear 2 3 'My door [stands] is always open' (you can come in and talk to me anytime)

't Huis staat in brand click to hear 2 The house is on fire De auto die in brand stond click to hear 2 3 The car that was on fire

Er stond een stevige bries click to hear 2 There was a strong, constant wind (breeze)

Het huis dat te koop staat click to hear 2 3 The house that's for sale 't Staat te koop click to hear 2 3 It's for sale

Alles staat klaar click to hear 2 3 Everything is ready, all necessary things are put in readiness

in een kwade reuk staan click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['To be in a evil smell'] - to have a bad reputation, to be tainted

Het water staat me tot de lippen click to hear (saying) The water [stands] comes up to my lips - it can't go on like this

Er staat veel op het spel click to hear There is much [in play] at stake

Hij staat altijd voor je klaar click to hear 2
Hij staat altijd klaar voor je click to hear He's always 'there' for you, willing and available to help you

Je staat er alleen voor click to hear 2 You're on your own, you're by yourself

't staat click to hear 2 3 often means 'it looks:'

't Staat je goed click to hear 2 3
't Staat je leuk click to hear 2 3 It looks good on you, You look good in it (a good choice of clothes) 't Staat zo armoedig click to hear 2 3 4 [It looks so poor] - it makes you look poor

Opgeruimd staat netjes click to hear Cleaned up, things in their place, out of the way looks good

Die klok staat voor click to hear 2 3 [That clock is ahead] - that clock runs fast

't Huilen stond 'm nader dan 't lachen click to hear 2 He [stood] was closer to [crying] tears than [laughing] laughter

"Er staat me iets van bij" click to hear 2 3 ['Something of it is with me'] - 'I vaguely remember'

'Wat er staat' click to hear 2 3 ['what stands there'] usually means 'What is written there' - or in common English: 'What it says.'

Begrijp je echt wat er staat? click to hear 2 Do you really understand what it says? Wat op 't pak staat click to hear 2 What it says on the (package) box 't Staat in de Bijbel click to hear 2 It says so in the Bible

Compound Verbs and Words with Staan

opstaan click to hear 2 'to get up,' usually: 'get out of bed'

Ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear 2 I get up early every day Hoe laat moet je opstaan? click to hear 2 What time do you need to get up? Ben je opgestaan? click to hear 2 Did you get up? Ik ben om zes uur opgestaan click to hear 2 I got up at 6 Niet te laat opstaan click to hear Don't get up [too] late Dan moet je vroeger opstaan click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['then you have to get up earlier'] - 'For that you need to do more work, be more alert etc.

met vallen en opstaan click to hear 2 3 [with falling down and getting up (again)] - progress, but with many failures along the way
~with ups and downs
'vallen' - to fall

But:  (de) opstand click to hear 2 uprising, revolt
de opstand van de gewone mensen click to hear 2 3 4 The uprising, revolt of the common people

verstaan to hear, understand what is said
ik versta I understand
wij verstaan we understand
ik verstond I understood
wij verstonden we understood
ik heb verstaan I have understood
click to hear 2

verstaan click to hear 2 'to hear, understand what is said'

Heb je 't verstaan? click to hear 2 'Did you understand what was said?' (Ik spreek geen Nederlands click to hear 2 I don't speak Dutch) Maar ik kan het wel verstaan click to hear 2 3 But I do understand it Ik kan het niet goed verstaan click to hear 2 3 I don't really understand it, I can't hear very well what is said Ik kan je niet verstaan click to hear 2 I don't understand what you're saying (informal 'you') Ik kan U niet goed verstaan click to hear I cannot hear very well what you're saying Omdat ik het niet verstond click to hear 2 Because I didn't (could not) hear what was said

Ik kan 'm niet uitstaan click to hear 2 3 I can't stand him, I dislike him immensely But:  Hoe hou(d) je 't uit! click to hear 2 3 4 How can you stand it! (how can you go on, carry on, continue, stick with it, not leave) ‑>>

Slakken staan me tegen click to hear I'm revolted by [the idea of eating] snails

aanstaande click to hear 2 3 4 'upcoming' - also: 'intended' (marriage partner) aanstaande vrijdag click to hear 2 3 this (coming) friday

(de) buitenstaander click to hear 2 3 outsider
(de) stand click to hear mode, setting
omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 circumstances - more  below
(het) standbeeld click to hear 2 3 statue
(het) standpunt click to hear 2 [standing] view-point (opinion)
(de) stilstand click to hear 2 standstill
(de) wapenstilstand click to hear 2 [arms shutdown] ceasefire, truce
(de) hartstilstand click to
      hear 2 3 4 cardiac arrest
(de) opstand click to hear 2 uprising, revolt
(de) weerstand click to hear 2 resistance
weerstaan click to hear 2 3 to resist, withstand (usually figuratively, like temptation)
onweerstaanbaar click to hear irresistable
(de) staande bas click to hear [standing] upright bass

Ze boden weerstand click to hear 2 They [offered resistance] resisted, fought De weg van de minste weerstand kiezen click to hear 2 3 Choosing the [way] line of the least resistance, the easiest option

zelfstandig click to hear 2 ['self-standing'] - independent

(de) tegenstander click to hear 2 3 4 opponent, person against (de) voorstander click to hear 2 proponent, person in favor

toestaan click to hear 2 to allow, permit
niet toestaan click to hear to disallow, not permit
toegestaan click to hear 2 allowed
verboden click to hear 2 forbidden, not allowed
verboden toegang click to hear no admittance, no trespassing, keep out!
[no admittance sign, no trespassing]

(de) toestand click to hear situation; bad situation
(de) noodtoestand click to hear 2 emergency situation; state of siege Wat een toestand! click to hear 2 3 Such a situation! What a mess! de toestand in de wereld click to hear 2 3 'the state of the world,' what's going on in the world Ik word droevig van de toestand in de wereld click to hear 2 I'm saddened by what's going on in the world

(de) afstand click to hear distance
op loopafstand click to hear within walking distance (de) afstandsbediening click to hear remote control houd afstand click to hear 2 keep distance, don't come too close

(het) bestaan click to hear 2 3 'existence' - the verb bestaan click to hear 2 3 means 'to exist,' sometimes translated as 'to be'
Ik denk dus ik besta click to hear 2 3 I think, [therefore I exist] so I am
cogito, ergo sum
Hoe bestaat 't! click to hear 2 3 [How does it exist?] How can it be, how is it possible? Ze leidt een teruggetrokken bestaan click to hear 2 3 She leads a withdrawn, retiring [existence] life, she keeps to herself Dit uitzichtsloze bestaan click to hear 2 3 This existence without prospects, hopeless existence, this life without a (good) future nabestaanden click to hear 2 3 surviving next-of-kin

(de) omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 circumstances, situation
de huidige omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 the present circumstances onder bepaalde omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 under certain circumstances onder welke omstandigheden click to hear 2 under which circumstances wegens omstandigheden gesloten click to hear 2 3 closed due to (unexpected) circumstances (de) samenloop van omstandigheden click to hear [running together of circumstances] - coincidence

ontstaan click to hear 2 3 to originate, come into being
ontstaan - ontstond - ontstaan click to hear

A Dutch Continuous
zitten - liggen - staan - lopen

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