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Dutch Verb Lopen ('to walk') - Smartphones Page

'Lopen'   click to hear 2 is from the same root as English 'to leap,' but meaning changed
Examples of Usage
Running and Strolling

Lopen   click to hear 2 'to walk' is a strong verb:

to walk
- liep
- gelopen
click to hear 2

'Lopen'   can occasionally be better translated as 'to hike' or even 'to run'

lopen to walk
ik loop I'm walking
wij lopen we're walking
ik liep I walked
wij liepen we walked
ik ben gelopen I have walked
ik heb gelopen I have walked
click to hear 2
simple present tense
(lopen click to hear 2 ) to walk
ik loop I walk
jij loopt you walk (singular, informal you)
hij loopt he walks
wij lopen we walk
jullie lopen you walk (plural, informal you)
zij lopen they walk
click to hear

simple present tense - question mode
(lopen) to walk
loop ik? do I walk?
loop jij? do you walk?
loopt hij? does he walk?
lopen wij? do we walk?
lopen jullie? do y'all walk?
lopen zij? do they walk?
click to hear

U loopt you walk (polite you)
loopt U? do you walk?
click to hear

simple past tense
(lopen click to hear 2 ) to walk
ik liep I walked
jij liep you walked
hij liep he walked
wij liepen we walked
jullie liepen y'all walked
zij liepen they walked
U liep you walked
click to hear

ik heb gelopen click to hear
ik ben gelopen click to hear
I have walked
Dutch verbs of motion usually have hebben as auxiliary verb for the perfect tense when it's about the time spent in motion, and zijn when it's about the destination.

ik heb een uur gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked for an hour'

ik ben naar huis gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked home' ik ben naar Amsterdam gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked to Amsterdam'

'Lopen' is also used to indicate an ongoing activity in the Dutch continuous, like for instance in:
Hij loopt te schelden click to hear He is swearing, cursing out More examples on the continuous page - 2

Examples of Usage

Ik loop in 't bos click to hear 2 3 I'm walking in the forest Ik loop langzaam click to hear I walk slowly, I'm a slow walker

[I walk with a cane]
Ik loop met een stok click to hear 2 3 4 I walk with a cane
[I walk with 2 canes]
Ik loop met twee stokken click to hear 2 3 I walk with 2 canes

Ik loop soms met een rollator click to hear 2 3 I sometimes [walk with] use a walker Ik kan er goed mee lopen click to hear 2 With it I can walk well (I walk more safely with its assistance, I walk better with it) ‑>> Ik kan er ver mee lopen click to hear 2 I can walk far with it, I can walk good distances with it Ik loop er elke dag mee click to hear 2 3 I walk with it every day, I use it every day for walking

op loopafstand click to hear within walking distance

Hij liep 't huis uit click to hear He walked out of the house

Ze liep naar 't huis toe click to hear She walked towards the house

Hij liep uit de vergadering click to hear He walked out of the meeting Hij draaide zich om en liep weg click to hear 2 3 He turned around and walked away

college lopen click to hear attending classes at a college or university - >>

'Lopen' is sometimes better translated as 'to be' or 'to get,' just like 'zitten' ‑>>

Er loopt een kat in de tuin click to hear 2 There's a cat in the yard

Die klok loopt achter click to hear 2 That clock [runs behind] is slow

't Loopt uit de hand click to hear 2 3 It's getting out of hand (we're losing control)

't Loopt in de gaten click to hear 2 3 4 5 [It walks into the eyes] - It's attracting attention, it's becoming conspicuous (het) gat click to hear 'hole' (vowel lengthening in the plural: gat/gaten click to hear ‑>>) - Stoett says 'gaten' here probably means 'look-holes, eyes'

't Zal wel niet zo'n vaart lopen click to hear 2 3 4 ['It's not going to pick up speed'] - It won't happen soon (so don't worry about it) (de) vaart click to hear 2 'momentum' - also: water tour; canal

Ik wil hem niet voor de voeten lopen click to hear 2 3 ['I don't want to walk in front of his feet'] - I don't want to be in his way (figuratively, hinder him) Iemand voor de voeten lopen click to hear 2 3 4 5 to be in someone's way (figuratively)

'Aflopen' click to hear usually means 'to end, come to an end' - also about stories or other imaginary events.
(de) afloop click to hear 2 the coming to an end of sequences of events like stories or reporting

't Is een aflopende zaak click to hear 2 a business or an endeavor heading downhill, on its last legs Hoe zal 't aflopen? click to hear How is it going to end? Hoe is 't afgelopen? click to hear How did it end? 't Loopt niet goed af click to hear 2 It's not going to end well Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 I want to know how it (usually a story) will end Ik ben benieuwd hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 I'm curious how it's going to end Lang nadat de oorlog was afgelopen click to hear 2 3 Long after the war had ended Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen click to hear I'm glad it ended well Ik had kunnen weten dat 't slecht zou aflopen click to hear 2 3 I could have known that it would end badly 't Moet afgelopen zijn! click to hear 2 3 It has to stop! It can't go on

'Afgelopen' click to hear 2 - the the past participle of 'aflopen' click to hear is usually translated as 'last' or 'past.'

afgelopen woensdag click to hear 2 last wednesday in de afgelopen dagen click to hear 2 3 in the past days

(De) aflopende rand click to hear 2 is a sloping edge, a 'bevel.'

in de loop van de dag click to hear in the course of the day

(de) samenloop van omstandigheden click to hear ['convergence, (running) coming together of circumstances'] - coincidence

(de) doodlopende weg click to hear 2 dead-end street

[portable lamp]
(de) looplamp click to hear portable lamp

(de) afloop click to hear 2 ending
(de) aanloop click to hear run before a jump
(de) loopfiets click to hear 'walker bicycle' (no pedals, chain etc.)
(de) loopbaan click to hear career ["life path"]
(de) loopgraaf click to hear 2 trench
(de) zandloper click to hear [sand-runner] hourglass
(de) loper click to hear bishop (chess)
master key
(de) loopplank click to hear 2 gangplank (between ship and quay)

(de) voorloper click to hear 2 3 4 5 precursor, forerunner

voorlopig click to hear 2 for the time being, in the immediate future; preliminary ‑>> Voorlopig nog niet click to hear 2 Not in the immediate future De voorlopige uitslag van de verkiezingen click to hear 2 3 4 The preliminary results of the elections ->>

terloops click to hear 'in passing,' casually

(de) stap click to hear step - the movement of leg and foot plural: stappen click to hear 2 ‑>> 'steps' - also a verb meaning 'visiting café's and bars' a step on a stair is (de) tree click to hear - also: (de) trede click to hear

'Lopen' can also be translated as 'to run,' often with engines or devices

De motor loopt weer click to hear 2 The engine is running again Hij loopt lekker click to hear 2 It's running fine, smoothly

(de) lopende band click to hear 2 3 [running -] conveyor belt, assembly line Aan de lopende band click to hear 2 'Like coming off a conveyor belt' - ceaselessly, continually (said for instance of someone producing an endless stream of jokes)

De kraan laten lopen click to hear 2 To let [the faucet] the water run Laat de kraan even lopen click to hear 2 3 4 5 Let the water run for a moment (to flush out the hot water)

Running and Strolling

For 'running,' a person moving fast, you can say rennen click to hear 2 - but the compound and splitting verb hardlopen click to hear 2 3 ("to walk fast") is more common. 'Rennen' often has a sense of hurry, rushing.

rennen to run
ik ren I run
wij rennen we run
ik rende I ran
wij renden we ran
ik heb gerend
ik ben gerend
I have run
click to hear

hardlopen to run
ik loop hard I run
ik liep hard I ran
ik heb hardgelopen I have run
click to hear 2 3
ik heb hardgelopen click to hear 2 I have run

Ik wilde net gaan hardlopen click to hear 2 I was just about to go running Morgen wil ik gaan hardlopen click to hear 2 Tomorrow I want to go running Ze heeft een marathon gelopen click to hear 2 She's done, run a marathon

Laten we niet te hard van stapel lopen click to hear 2 [Let's not launch too early] - Let's not rush into it

Ik moest rennen om de bus te halen click to hear 2 3 I had to run to catch the bus

Ik rende van de ene winkel naar de andere click to hear 2 I rushed from [one store to the other] store to store (het) geren click to hear 2 3 "running around,"  'hurry, haste'

'Hollen' click to hear 2 3 4 is an informal word for 'running, moving hurriedly'
't Is hollen of stilstaan click to hear 2 3 4 ['It's either running or staying put'] - 'When it rains, it pours'

wielrennen click to hear 2 bicycle racing ‑>>

A pleasant, enjoyable walk is (de) wandeling click to hear 2 - plural: wandelingen click to hear 2 ('walks, strolls') - the verb is wandelen click to hear

wandelen to stroll
ik wandel I stroll
wij wandelen we stroll
ik wandelde I strolled
wij wandelden we strolled
ik heb gewandeld
ik ben gewandeld
I have strolled
click to hear
(The verb stem wandel  ends in 'voiceless E' followed by a consonant. 'Voiceless E' will remain voiceless E, a single vowel, and the consonant is not doubled.)
For heb/ben see above

Ik wil gaan wandelen click to hear I want to go for a stroll Ik ben gaan wandelen click to hear I have gone for a stroll, I went hiking

We wandelden in het park click to hear 2 3 We were walking in the park We liepen te wandelen click to hear 2 3 We were strolling/walking/hiking

(de) boswandeling click to hear 2 forest stroll
(de) ruimtewandeling click to hear 2 spacewalk, EVA
(de) wandelwagen click to hear 2 stroller (transporting children)
(de) wandelende tak click to hear 2 'walking [branch] stick' (insect)

[three canes]
wandelstokken click to hear canes, walking sticks
[hiking boots]
bergschoenen click to hear ['mountain shoes'] - hiking boots

A Dutch Continuous
zitten - liggen - staan - lopen

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'