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Dutch Verb liggen ('to lie down') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences

Leggen - to lay

Liegen - to lie (to say what's not)

'Liggen'   click to hear 2 is a strong verb: liggen / lag / gelegen click to hear

liggen to lie down
ik lig I'm lying down
wij liggen we're lying down
ik lag I was lying down
wij lagen we were lying down
ik heb gelegen I have lain
click to hear

simple present tense
(liggen click to hear 2 ) to lie (down)
ik lig I'm lying down
jij ligt you are lying down (singular, informal)
hij ligt he is lying down
wij liggen we are lying down
jullie liggen you are lying down (plural, informal)
zij liggen they are lying down
U ligt you are lying down (polite you)
click to hear 2

Like most strong verbs with an A in the past tense, that A is short in the singular, but long in the plural

ik lag click to hear I was lying down
wij lagen click to hear we were lying down

simple past tense
(liggen click to hear 2 ) to lie down
ik lag I was lying down
jij lag you were lying down
hij lag he was lying down
wij lagen we were lying down
jullie lagen y'all were lying down
zij lagen they were lying down
U lag you were lying down
click to hear 2

ik heb gelegen click to hear I have lain
auxiliary verb hebben

'Liggen' is also used to indicate an ongoing activity in the Dutch continuous, like for instance in:
Ze lagen te slapen click to hear They were sleeping See the continuous page for more examples.

Sample Sentences

Hij lag in bed click to hear 2 He was lying in bed

Ik heb de hele nacht wakker gelegen click to hear 2 I've lain awake all night

ik probeer om tien uur in bed te liggen click to hear 2 I try to [lie] be in bed by 10 o'clock

De wind is gaan liggen click to hear The wind [went to lie down] died down

blijven liggen click to hear 2 ['to remain lying down,'] - 'stay in bed' Ik had willen blijven liggen click to hear 2 I [had wanted] would have liked to stay in bed Je kunt nog even blijven liggen click to hear 2 You may stay in bed a little longer Kon ik nog maar even blijven liggen! click to hear 2 3 I wish I could stay in bed a little longer Wil je liever bljven liggen? click to hear 2 Would you rather sleep a little longer, not get up yet?

De nadruk ligt op ... click to hear 2 The [emphasis] focus is on ... - see also below

Het ligt voor de hand click to hear ['It lies at hand'] - only figuratively: 'it's obvious' voor de hand liggend click to hear 2 3 'obvious'

Ligt 't aan mij? click to hear 2 Is it me? Is it my fault? Am I the problem? Ligt 't aan m'n stem? click to hear 2 Is it my voice? Is there something wrong with my voice? Is my voice the problem?

Ik lag in een deuk click to hear 2 I was in stitches, laughing uncontrollably

liggend streepje "_" click to hear 2 underscore

(de) tegenligger click to hear 2 3 4 5 ['lying-against'] - oncoming traffic

bedlegerig click to hear bedridden

belegen click to hear 2 ['having lain'] - said of cheese (kaas click to hear 2 3 ) 'of intermediate age,' between about two months and a year old - more milk and cheese

unrelated:  ongelegen click to hear 2 inconvenient, 'not a good time'

Leggen - to lay

'To lay' is leggen click to hear
leggen to lay
ik leg I lay
wij leggen we lay
ik legde I laid
wij legden we laid
ik heb gelegd I have laid
click to hear 2

Hij legde de nadruk op gelijkheid click to hear 2 3 4 [He put the focus on ...] - He emphasized equality

uitleggen click to hear 2 3 'to explain'
Ik zal 't uitleggen click to hear I'll explain (it) Ik kan 't niet uitleggen click to hear 2 I can't explain (it) (to you) Hij legde een en ander uit click to hear 2 He explained several things (that were mentioned before)

kaarten uitleggen click to hear Laying out your cards (open) kaarten op tafel leggen click to hear to lay your cards out on the table

lagen leggen click to hear
to prepare (figurative) ambushes (de) hinderlaag click to hear 2 'ambush'

Het moede hoofd neerleggen click to hear 2 3 'laying down the weary head' - to die, after a life of much worry

droogleggen click to hear [to lay dry] 'to reclaim (land)' - take back (note English 're-claim.') ‑>> Ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen en het land weer droogleggen. click to hear Someday we will [force] subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim the land Na elke overstroming malen de molens 't water weer weg - maar ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen en al het verdronken land weer droogleggen. click to hear After each flooding the windmills pump the water away [again] - but someday we'll subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim all the drowned land.

De kippen zijn van de leg click to hear The chickens are ['off the lay'] not laying eggs regularly

(het) beleg click to hear spread, sandwich filling, what you put on bread - but also: 'siege' (het) broodbeleg click to hear 2 spread, what you put on bread (de) staat van beleg click to hear 2 state of siege ‑>>

beleggen click to hear 2 to invest (money)
(de) belegging click to hear 2 (money) investment

zich neerleggen bij click to hear 2 3 4 to resign oneself to, acquiesce in

(de) handoplegging click to hear 'laying hands upon' - 'touch therapy'

Liegen - to Lie, to Say What's Not

'To lie,' 'telling untruths, saying what is not' is liegen click to hear
Liegen  is a strong verb:
to lie
- loog
- gelogen
click to hear

liegen to lie, speak lies
ik lieg I lie
wij liegen we lie
ik loog I lied
wij logen we lied
ik heb gelogen I have lied
click to hear

Hij loog click to hear 2 He was lying
Hij loog tegen mij click to hear 2 He lied to me
Ze hebben gelogen click to hear 2 They have lied, they were telling lies
(de) leugen click to hear lie
(de) leugenaar click to hear 2 liar

't Was dus allemaal gelogen click to hear 2 [So it was all lied] - So all of it were lies Wanneer mag je liegen? click to hear 2 3 4 [When are you ...] Under which circumstances is it allowed to lie, tell untruths? - see also

Compare next to each other:

liggenleggen liegen
ik ligik leg ik lieg
wij liggenwij leggen wij liegen
ik lagik legde ik loog
wij lagenwij legden wij logen
ik heb gelegenik heb gelegd ik heb gelogen
click to hear click to hear 2 click to hear

A Dutch Continuous
zitten - liggen - staan - lopen

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'