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Dutch Verb Vallen ('to Fall') - Smartphones Page

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Vallen   click to hear 'to fall' is a strong verb:

to fall
- viel
- gevallen
click to hear

vallen to fall
ik val I'm falling
wij vallen we're falling
ik viel I fell
wij vielen we fell
ik ben gevallen I have fallen
click to hear

simple present tense
vallen to fall
ik val I'm falling
jij valt you're falling (informal 'you')
hij valt he's falling
wij vallen we're falling
jullie vallen y'all are falling
zij vallen they are falling
U valt you are falling (polite 'you')
click to hear

simple past tense
(vallen) to fall
ik viel I fell
jij viel you fell
hij viel he fell
wij vielen we fell
jullie vielen y'all fell
zij vielen they fell
U viel you fell
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik ben gevallen click to hear 2 3 4 I have fallen
(notice zijn as the auxiliary verb of the perfect tense ‑>>)

Sample Sentences

Ik viel bijna click to hear 2 I almost fell, I came close to falling Er is nauwelijks regen gevallen click to hear 2 3 There has [barely fallen] not been much rain De sneeuw die gevallen was click to hear 2 The snow that had fallen

Hij viel uit een raam click to hear 2 He fell from a window Het viel uit de hemel click to hear 2 3 It fell from the sky 't Viel met bakken uit de hemel click to hear 2 3 (saying) It (rain) fell from the sky ['with' boxes] in buckets - heavy rain 't Valt met bakken uit de hemel click to hear 2 It (rain) is falling from the sky in buckets

't Viel op de grond click to hear 2 3 It fell to the ground Ze is niet op haar mondje gevallen click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['She didn't fall on her mouth'] - She never hesitates to speak up, she's not shy to speak her mind

Vallen op can also mean 'falling for,' that is: 'to be attracted to'

Hij valt op blonde meisjes click to hear 2 He falls for blond girls Ze valt op blonde jongens click to hear 2 She falls for blond guys (de) blondine click to hear 2 blonde, blond female

Om elf uur viel ik in slaap click to hear 2 'I went to sleep at eleven, I fell asleep at eleven' Hij viel als een blok in slaap click to hear 2 3 'He fell asleep very quickly' ('like a log')

More Sayings with 'vallen'
Met de deur in huis vallen click to hear ['storming into the house, flattening the door'] to come straight to the point, without delay or hesitation Daar kun je je geen buil aan vallen click to hear
Je kunt je d'r geen buil aan vallen click to hear ['You're not going to fall and get a bump'] 'it's not a significant amount of money' - often said to people who are deliberating about a small expense Over smaak valt niet te twisten click to hear 2 '[You can't argue about taste] There's no accounting for taste'  De gustibus non disputandum Ben je van de trap gevallen? click to hear 2 'Did you fall down the stairs?' - often jocularly asked of a person who has had a radically short haircut. Als morgen de hemel valt hebben we allemaal een blauwe muts click to hear 2 3 'If the sky falls tomorrow we'll all have a blue cap' - said in annoyed reaction to someone bringing up unpleasant scenarios ('now if the train is late, and if there is no coffee on the train ...')

De zoutkorrels in de zandloper vallen één voor één heel langzaam naar beneden click to hear 2 slow slow2 The grains of salt in the hourglass fall down one by one, very slowly ‑>>

vallende sterren click to hear 2 falling stars, shooting stars, meteors (de) meteoor click to hear 2 meteor

met vallen en opstaan click to hear 2 3 [with falling down and getting up (again)] - progress, but with many failures along the way
~with ups and downs

laten vallen click to hear 2 ['to let fall'] - to drop - more 'laten'

laten vallen to drop
ik laat vallen I drop
wij laten vallen we drop
ik liet vallen I dropped
wij lieten vallen we dropped
ik heb laten vallen I have dropped
click to hear

Hij laat alles vallen click to hear 2 3 He lets everything slip from his hands, he drops everything (also figuratively) Ik liet alles vallen click to hear 2 I let everything slip from my hands, I dropped everything (also figuratively) Hij liet het masker vallen click to hear 2 3 He dropped the mask (and showed his real - usually evil - self)

Meevallen click to hear 2 'turning out not to be as bad as expected' Tegenvallen click to hear 2 3 4 'to be worse than expected, to disappoint'

't Valt mee click to hear It's not as bad as expected 't Valt niet mee click to hear 2 3 It's not easy 't Valt erg mee click to hear It's really not as bad as feared 't Valt tegen click to hear It's worse than expected, it's disappointing 't Zal wel meevallen click to hear 2 3 [It will not be as bad as expected] It won't be very bad 't Lijkt mee te vallen click to hear 2 3 It looks like it won't be that bad Misschien valt 't mee click to hear 2 3 4 Maybe it won't be as bad as we feared Misschien valt 't wel mee click to hear 2 3 Maybe it won't be as bad as we feared ‑>> Ik denk dat 't wel meevalt click to hear 2 3 I think it won't be that bad, I think it will be better than expected, I think it will be OK Als 't meevalt ... click to hear 2 3 If it goes well, if it's better than expected ... Als 't tegenvalt ... click to hear 2 3 If it doesn't go well, if it's worse than expected ...
See also: Splitting Verbs
een onverwachte tegenvaller click to hear 2 3 an unexpected disappointing development

(de) aanval click to hear 2 attack
aanvallen click to hear 2 to attack
"Ik val aan - volg mij" click to hear 'I am attacking - follow me'
Rear Admiral
Karel Doorman click to hear at the Battle of the Java Sea, 1942
Een aanval vanuit een land is een aanval door dat land click to hear An attack from a country is an attack by that country 'Aanval' can also be a medical state:
(de) hartaanval click to
      hear 2 heart attack
(de) astma-aanval click to hear 2 (3) asthma attack
(de) woedeaanval click to hear ['anger attack'] fit of rage

The opposite of 'aanvallen' is verdedigen click to hear 'to defend' or zich verdedigen click to hear 2 3 'to defend oneself'
See also: Reflexive Verbs and Military

afvallen - to lose weight, drop weight
Ik ben vijf kilo afgevallen click to hear 2 I dropped 5 kilos (of weight) (11 pounds) Ik wil drie kilo afvallen click to hear I want to shed 3 kilos 96 pounds) Je bent goed afgevallen click to hear 2 You lost quite some weight Ik ben met de Kerst vijf pond aangekomen click to hear 2 'I've gained 5 pounds over the Christmas holiday'

opvallen click to hear 2 to stand out, be conspicuous // to notice onopvallend click to hear inconspicuous, not standing out, not very noticeable 't Viel me niet op click to hear 2 3 I didn't notice it 't Is me niet opgevallen click to hear 2 3 I didn't notice it 't Is me nooit eerder opgevallen click to hear 2 3 4 5 I've never noticed it before 't Valt niet op click to hear 2 It doesn't stand out, you don't notice it, it's barely noticeable, it's not conspicuous

omvallen click to hear to fall over
Je fiets is omgevallen click to hear 2 3 Your bike has fallen over

Je moet niet in herhaling vervallen click to hear 2 3 [Don't fall into repetitions] - Don't repeat yourself

(de) waterval click to hear waterfall

flauwvallen click to hear 2 to faint
'flauw' click to hear (flauwe click to hear 2) usually means 'weak of taste' (not enough salt?) or it's said about somewhat mean jokes falling flat or something unfair, but it occasionally means 'weak, infirm'
"Je moet niet flauw worden" click to hear 2 3 [You shouldn't become faint] - I don't want you to start feeling faint (offering food to a person who may need energy)

(de) inval click to hear 2 '(violent) incursion' (like by military or police)
The word used to have a more general meaning of 'going into,' like in the name of a fictional café or it's said when you get a lot of unexpected visitors:
de zoete inval click to hear 2 (a pleasant place to go to)

Hij is ziek geworden click to hear 2 3 He's [become sick] fallen ill

Friends Falling Out
When friends fall out, no longer like each other, don't get on anymore, Dutch says ruzie krijgen click to hear 2 3 and then we say, the resulting situation is:
Ze hebben ruzie click to hear 2 3
or somewhat posh:
Ze zijn gebrouilleerd click to hear 2 3 (French OUI)
There's a Medieval word de Minne  meaning 'love.' It lives on in the only slightly old-fashioned (de) onmin click to hear 2 3 ('discord, strife, strained relation')
Ze leven in onmin click to hear 2 3 They're not on good terms, they live in strife
but ruzie hebben click to hear 2 3 just means people don't want to see each other, don't want to be in each other's company - there don't have to be shouting matches or violent arguments - actively engaging in exchanges of unpleasant words, altercations or worse is ruzie maken click to hear 2 3
(de) ruzie click to hear 2 3 argument, quarrel, row
Ik kreeg de schuld van de ruzie click to hear [I got the blame of the quarrel] - I was blamed for the quarrel

Dutch (de) val click to hear is 'fall' - a downward move, usually sudden and unwanted or unintended, but it can also mean 'trap,' a device to catch (usually) animals
(de) muizenval click to hear 2 mouse trap
(de) valstrik click to hear 2 3 snare, trap - but also a psychological trap (for people)
'Fall, Autumn' is (de) herfst click to hear ‑>> 2

(het) geval click to hear case, affair
(het) gevalletje click to hear 2 minor case, trivial, peculiar event, incident // hard-to-describe item, often a contraption een ernstig geval click to hear 2 3 4 a serious case een geval apart click to hear 2 3 4 [a separate] an unusual case in 't uiterste geval click to hear 2 3 4 [in the extreme case] - in extreme circumstances, 'if worst comes to worst' in 't ergste geval ... click to hear 2 3 [in the worst scenario] - the worst outcome, 'if worst comes to worst' voor 't geval dat ... click to hear 2 3 in case that ... (het) ongeval click to hear 2 - a formal word for 'accident' (het) ongeluk click to hear accident - the common word ‑>> (het) spoedgeval click to hear 2 3 emergency, urgent case ‑>> (de) spoed click to hear hurry, urgency ‑>>
noodgevallen click to hear 2 emergencies
in geval van nood click to hear 2 3 in case of an emergency, in an emergency (het) voorval click to hear 2 incident, event, occurrence

(het) toeval click to hear chance, coincidence, random event ‑>> toevallig click to hear 2 random, by accident, not planned Dat kan geen toeval zijn! click to hear 2 3 That cannot be just a coincidence Misschien is 't toevallig click to hear Maybe it's (just a) coincidence een toevallige voorbijganger click to hear a random passer-by, a person who just happened to be passing by

(de) bevalling click to hear baby delivery ‑>>
een zware bevalling click to hear 2 a difficult delivery

(de) overval click to hear robbery; raid (de) roofoverval click to hear 2 (armed) robbery (de) overvaller click to hear 2
(armed) robber, mugger ‑>>

(het) afval click to hear 2 waste, refuse, garbage, trash (de) afvalbak click to hear garbage can
also: (de) vuilnisbak click to hear

(het) verval click to hear 2 decline, deterioration
(de) bouwval click to hear 2 a building in a very bad state

(het) interval click to hear interval, space, gap (in time)

op de valreep click to hear at the last moment, when leaving, finishing or closing

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