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Dutch Verb Vertellen ('to tell') and Related Words- Smartphones Page

Related Words

vertellen click to hear 2 'to tell'

vertellen to tell
ik vertel I am telling
ik vertelde I told
ik heb verteld I have told
click to hear 2 3 4

vertellen to tell
ik vertel I tell
wij vertellen we tell
ik vertelde I told
wij vertelden we told
ik heb verteld I have told
click to hear 2

auxiliary verb for the perfect tenses hebben

'Vertellen' is a weak verb of the non-'kofschip' type, meaning it has endings with D in the past tense and past participle - See Weak Verbs
Also note that 'vertellen' only has double L in the infinitive and the plural of the simple present tense - See The Verb Stem

Vertel! click to hear
Tell us! - or: Tell me!
Vertel de waarheid! click to hear 2
[Tell the truth!] Say what really happened!
Vertel me de waarheid! click to hear 2
Tell me the truth, Tell me what really happened!

Vertel eens wat leuks click to hear 2
Now tell us something nice, entertaining

Hij vertelde mij de waarheid click to hear
He told me [the truth] what had really happened
Hij vertelde mij wat er gebeurd was click to hear
He told me what had happened
Hij vertelde hun wat er gebeurd was click to hear 2
He told them what had happened

Ik vertel je de waarheid click to hear 2
I'm telling you the truth

Wie heeft je dat verteld? click to hear 2
Who told you (singular) that?
Wie heeft jullie dat verteld? click to hear 2
Who told you (plural) that?

Niemand heeft me iets verteld click to hear 2
Nobody told me anything

Ze hebben jullie onwaarheden verteld click to hear 2
They have told you guys [untruths] lies

Zoals ik je misschien wel eens verteld heb ... click to hear 2 3
As I may have told you [sometime] before ...

De agent vertelde de rechter wat hij gezien had click to hear
The policeman told the judge what he had seen

De verkenner vertelde de kolonel snel wat hij gezien had click to hear 2
The scout quickly told the colonel what he had seen

Ik vertelde de kinderen een verhaaltje click to hear 2
I told the children a story

Hij vertelde ons snel een paar mopjes click to hear 2
He quickly told us a few jokes

Vreemdeling, vertel de Spartanen ... click to hear
Stranger, tell the Spartans ... (Thermopylae monument inscription)

Wat Vertellen Ons De Wolken? click to hear 2 3
What Do The Clouds Tell Us? (title of a famous weather forecasting book)

Ik wil 't best wel vertellen hoor click to hear 2 3 4
I really don't mind telling [it to] you

Related Words

Dutch tellen click to hear 2 means 'to count'
(het) getal click to hear 2 3 'number' ->>

(de) preek click to hear 2 sermon ->>
(de) donderpreek click to hear fiery, rousing sermon
preken click to hear to preach, give a sermon
Prediker click to hear 2 the Bible book of Ecclesiastes
(prediken click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'to preach, hold a sermon')
(de) preekstoel click to hear pulpit
Als de vos de passie preekt click to hear 2
When the fox preaches about Christ's suffering

(het) verhaal click to hear 2 story
(een) sterk verhaal click to hear 2 tall story
Dit is het verhaal van mijn familie click to hear
This is my family's story
Dat is een ander verhaal click to hear 2
That's another story
't Is maar een verhaaltje click to hear
It's only a story, fiction
(het) sprookje click to hear fairy tale ->>
aflopen click to hear stories or reports coming to an end ->>

kletsen click to hear 2 to talk, to chat
(de) kletskous click to hear 2 chatterbox, a person who likes small talk
(de) kletskoek click to hear 2 3 nonsense
zwammen click to hear to talk nonsense
zwetsen click to hear to talk nonsense
Hij zit te zwammen click to hear
He's talking nonsense ->>
Hij weet waar-(d)ie 't over heeft click to hear 2
He knows what he's talking about

roddelen click to hear 2 to gossip
Ik heb een hekel aan roddelen click to hear 2
I really dislike gossip(ing)

to say
- Spreken
to speak
- Praten
to talk, chat
'to tell'
- Schrijven
to write
- Lezen
to read

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'