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From Beginning to End: Dutch Words of Change

As Heraclitus already observed in antiquity, 'Nothing remains the same. Everything is changing, all the time. The only constant is change.' Everything is change and change is everything. One could argue that there are hardly any words that are not about change. So this page offers only the (in my view) most important or noticeable words of change. At the bottom of the page are links to other pages on my website about change like 'Life,' 'Time' and 'Travel.' Feel free to email me when you feel something important is missing.
Alles blijft veranderen click to hear 2 Everything keeps changing
Ik kan het niet meer bijhouden click to hear 2 I [can no longer] can't keep up (with it)
Change and Difference
New and Fresh
Certain and Reliable
Going and Staying
Half and Middle
Stories Ending
The End
Other Pages of Change
Choice and to Choose
Language Change

Change and Difference

ander click to hear / andere click to hear 2 3
ander/andere click to hear 2 3
(adjective) other, different - Adjectives
anders click to hear 2 (adverb) 1. different 2. otherwise
hetzelfde click to hear
dezelfde click to hear
the same

(de) verandering click to hear change
veranderingen click to hear 2 changes
veranderen click to hear to change
onveranderd click to hear 2 3 unchanged
veranderlijk click to hear 2 3 variable
(het) verschil click to hear difference
verschillend click to hear different; various
(de) vergelijking click to hear comparison
vergelijken click to hear 2 to compare
identiek click to hear 2 identical
tegenovergesteld click to hear / tegenovergestelde click to hear 2 opposite
soortgelijk click to hear / soortgelijke click to hear 2 similar, of the same kind
dergelijk click to hear / dergelijke click to hear similar, like, such as
Do not confuse with:
degelijk click to hear / degelijke click to hear 2 3 solid, reliable
een andere keer click to hear 2 3 another time
aan de andere kant van de muur click to hear on the other side of the wall
aan de ene kant ... click to hear 2 3
... aan de andere kant click to hear 2
on the one hand
1. on the other side 2. on the other hand
Is er een ander woord voor? click to hear 2 Is there another word for it?
Met andere woorden click to hear 2 3 [With, using] In other words
Dat is een ander verhaal click to hear 2 That's another story
't Was een andere tijd click to hear 2 3 It was a different time, things were different then
Een dag als alle andere click to hear 2 3 A day like all others, just another day
van de ene dag op de andere click to hear 2 3 from one day to the [other] next - suddenly, unexpectedly
Is er niet een andere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there not another solution?
Is er niet een betere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there not a better solution?
Heeft U een ander tafeltje? click to hear Would you have another table? (You're not happy where you're seated in a restaurant)
Dan hoor je het ook eens van een ander click to hear 2 Then you'll hear it from [another person] someone else - getting a second opinion on your behavior, it's not just me saying this
Sommige mensen denken dat ze meer rechten hebben dan anderen click to hear 2
Sommige mensen vinden dat ze meer rechten hebben dan anderen click to hear 2
Some people think ['find'] they have more rights than others
Ik rende van de ene winkel naar de andere click to hear 2 I [ran] rushed from one store to the [other] next
Van 't een komt 't ander click to hear 2 3 [From the one (thing) comes the other] - One thing leads to another
een of ander click to hear [one or another] - this or that, some
om een-of-andere reden click to hear 2 [for one reason or another] - for a vague reason
onder andere click to hear 2 3 among other things
een en ander click to hear 2 3 [one and another] - this and that, several things
Hij legde een en ander uit click to hear 2 He explained several things (that were mentioned before)
But also:
anderhalf click to hear 2
(anderhalf/anderhalve click to hear)
one and-a-half, 1½
anderhalf jaar click to hear a year and a half, 18 months
éénmaal, andermaal, verkocht! click to hear Going once, twice, sold! (at auction)

do not confuse 'ander' with: 'nader' click to hear 2 'nearer'
het naderend onheil click to hear [the nearing bad things] - the approaching doom
bij nader inzien click to hear upon [nearer in-sight] closer inspection

anders click to hear 2 1. different 2. otherwise
iets anders click to hear 2 3 1. (noun) something different, something else
2. (adverb) somewhat different
Ik moet even wat anders doen click to hear 2 I need to do something else for a moment, I need a moment to do something else (either a break or another task)
Dan moet ik iets anders bedenken click to hear 2 3 Then I'll have to think [up] of something else (we need a new plan)
Wat is er anders? click to hear 2 3 What's different? What has changed?
Het betekent heel iets anders click to hear 2 It means something completely different
Misschien is 't wat anders click to hear 2 3 Maybe it's something else
Er is iets anders aan de hand click to hear 2 3 There's something else going on
Wil je koffie of thee of iets anders? click to hear 2 Would you like coffee or tea or something else?
Probeer eens wat anders click to hear 2 3 (4) Do try something different sometime
't Is weer eens wat anders click to hear 2 It's something else [again] - offering or commenting on variety
Er zit niks anders op click to hear 2 3 There is no other way, nothing else can be done
Als 't niet anders kan click to hear 2 3 If there's no other way
't Kan niet anders click to hear 2 3 There is no other way (to do it) - it cannot be done differently
Zo gaat 't ook click to hear 2 3 4 5 This works too, you can do it this way too
Ik ben met iets anders bezig click to hear 2 3 I'm [busy with] working on something else
't Is niet anders click to hear 2 3 [It's not different] - That's the way it is (regrettably)
Hoe had ik het anders kunnen doen? click to hear How could I have done it differently?
Wat had ik anders kunnen doen? click to hear 2 3 4 What could I have done differently? - this can mean two things:
1. a question about the procedure, like the line above
2. an excuse, 'What else could I have done? There was no alternative'
Wanneer anders? click to hear 2 3 At what other time? ~If not now/then, when?
elders click to hear elsewhere, in another place
anders dan anders click to hear 2 3 4 [different than other times] - not the usual, unusual
'Biologisch' is niks anders dan vroeg negentiende-eeuwse landbouw click to hear 2
'Organic' is nothing else than early 19th Century agriculture
andersom click to hear the other way 'round ->>
omgekeerd click to hear turned around
de omgekeerde wereld click to hear 2 3 The world turned upside down
(de) verandering click to hear change
veranderingen click to hear 2 changes
veranderen click to hear to change
onveranderd click to hear 2 3 unchanged
veranderlijk click to hear 2 3 variable
Wat is er veranderd? click to hear 2 What has changed? What's different?
Er is niks veranderd click to hear Nothing has changed
Er is helemaal niks veranderd click to hear 2 Nothing at all has changed, not a single thing
Dat kun je niet veranderen click to hear 2 You can't change that
Ik ben van gedachten veranderd click to hear I've changed my [thoughts] mind
Er is ondertussen veel veranderd click to hear 2 3 Much has changed in the meantime
Er is sinds die tijd veel veranderd click to hear 2 3 Much has changed since that time
Hij veranderde in een monster click to hear 2 He changed into a monster

Er moet iets veranderen click to hear 2 Something gotta change
We kunnen niet zo doorgaan click to hear 2 3 4 We can't go on like this
We moeten er wat aan doen click to hear 2 We have to do something about it
't Enige dat we moeten veranderen click to hear 2 The only thing we have to, need to change

voor de verandering click to hear 2 3 for a change, for variety
een plotselinge weersverandering click to hear 2 3 a sudden change in the weather
Verandering van spijs doet eten click to hear 2 [Change of food makes people eat] - Variation of food increases the appetite
(de) spijs click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'food' ‑>>

(het) verschil click to hear difference
verschillend click to hear (verschillende click to hear 2) different; various, several
Zie je het verschil? click to hear 2 3 Do you see (notice) the difference?
Ik zie het verschil click to hear I see the difference, I notice what's different
Ik hoor geen verschil click to hear I don't hear a difference
Is er enig verschil? click to hear Is there any difference?
Wat een verschil! click to hear 2 3 Such a difference!
Er is nauwelijks verschil click to hear 2 3 4 There is [barely, hardly a] very little difference
Het enige verschil is de kleur click to hear 2 3 4 The only difference is the color
De kleur is het enige verschil click to hear 2 The color is the only difference
't Maakt geen verschil click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't make a difference, it doesn't cause a change
vier kaarten van verschillende kleuren click to hear 2 Four cards of different [colors] suits
Hij had verschillende taken click to hear 2 He had [various] several assignments
verschillende keren click to hear 2 3 4 several times, "at different times"
hetzelfde click to hear / dezelfde click to hear the same
drie kaarten van dezelfde kleur click to hear 2 Three cards of the same [color] suit ->>
niet helemaal precies hetzelfde click to hear 2 3 [not entirely exactly the same] - not completely identical
't Is toch overal hetzelfde click to hear 2 It's the same everywhere (anyway) - there's no escaping, moving doesn't help
steeds hetzelfde click to hear 2 3 always the same, the same old
Elke keer dezelfde excuses click to hear 2 3 Every time the same excuses
Bedankt en van hetzelfde! click to hear 2 Thank you and wishing you the same
in dezelfde trant click to hear 2 in the same manner, in the same style
Ik ben nog steeds dezelfde click to hear 2 I'm still [always] the same person
see also 'gebleven'  below
See also:  niet uitmaken click to hear 2 'doesn't matter,' and  niets uitmaken click to hear 2 'makes no difference' ‑>>

wisselen click to hear to exchange
(de) uitwisseling click to hear exchange
(de) briefwisseling click to hear 2 [exchange of letters] - correspondence
also: de correspondentie click to hear 2 correspondence
voor de afwisseling click to hear 2 3 for variety, for a change
geld wisselen click to hear to 'change' money (foreign currency or different denominations)
(het) wisselgeld click to hear small change ->>
(het) kleingeld click to hear 2 ["small money"] 'small change'
gepast geld click to hear 2 'exact change'
prettige jaarwisseling click to hear 2 3 ['Happy Year's Change'] - Happy New Year's Holiday ->>
(de) troonswisseling click to hear 'change of throne,' royal succession
(de) wisselstroom click to hear 2 alternating current, AC
(de) gelijkstroom click to hear direct current, DC ->>

See (read) and hear examples of difference:
Good and Bad, Right and Wrong
More and Less
Large, Tall, Big, Great and Small, Little
Strong and Weak
Opposites Flashcards

gewoon click to hear
gewoon / gewone click to hear 2
common, usual
'n gewone jongen click to hear a common guy
(de) gewoonte click to hear habit, custom ('wont')
doodgewoon click to hear 2 [dead-] very common
buitengewoon click to hear 2 3 extraordinary, exceptional
ongebruikelijk click to hear 2 3 4 unusual
bijzonder click to hear special
speciaal click to hear 2 3 special
(de) specialiteit click to hear specialty
(de) uitzondering click to hear 2 exception
(de) uitzonderingen click to hear 2 exceptions
een gewone dag click to hear 2 a day like all others, just another day
de macht der gewoonte click to hear 2 3 ['the power of habit'] - it's hard to break a routine
(de) gewoontemens click to hear 2 3 creature of habit
uit gewoonte click to hear 2 out of habit, because they were in the habit
een slechte gewoonte click to hear 2 a bad habit
't Is alleen een gewoonte click to hear 2 It's just a habit
Maak er geen gewoonte van click to hear 2 3 4 Don't make it a habit
't Is gewoon zo click to hear 2 3 ['It just happens to be that way'] - That's how it is (end of discussion)
Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon click to hear Happiness used to be quite common, In the past people were just happy
de gewone man click to hear 2 3 'the common man'
Jan met de pet click to hear 2 ['John with the cap'] 'the man in the street'
de opstand van de gewone mensen click to hear 2 3 4 The uprising, revolt of the common people
de gewone dingen click to hear 2 3 4 the common, everyday things (items or events)
Dat is ongebruikelijk click to hear That's unusual
Dat is erg ongebruikelijk click to hear 2 3 That's very unusual
bijzonder click to hear / bijzondere click to hear 2 3 special, exceptional, unique
een bijzondere vrouw click to hear a (great) special, extraordinary woman
iets bijzonders click to hear 2 something special
'Bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear 'Bijzonder' seems to be, looks like the only exception
'De uitzondering die de regel bevestigt' click to hear 2 'The exception that confirms, proves the rule'
een uitzondering op de regel click to hear 2 3 4 an exception to the rule
... maar 't is ook niet bijzonder click to hear 2 ... but it's not special either
geen bijzondere reden click to hear 2 3 4 (for) no special reason
speciaal click to hear 2 / speciale click to hear 2 special
geen speciale reden click to hear 2 3 4 5 (for) no special reason
Er zijn speciale molentjes voor maar ik heb er  geen click to hear 2 There are specialized 'little mills' for it but I don't have one (talking about kitchen gadgets like a Romano beans slicer)
Ik heb er geen click to hear 2 3 [I have none of them] - I don't have one (of them)
(de) specialist click to hear specialist, expert
(de) schoonheidsspecialiste click to hear 2 [beauty expert] - beautician (female)
(de) specialiteit click to hear specialty
(de) expert (French) click to hear expert, specialist
Vraag 't aan een expert click to hear 2 3 Ask, consult an expert
(de) deskundige click to hear 2 expert
typisch click to hear / typische click to hear 2 3 typical, characteristic // peculiar, curious, unusual
de typische smaak van  Nederlandse ... click to hear 2 3 4 the typical taste of Dutch ...
typische symptomen click to hear 2 3 typical, characteristic symptoms
typisch Nederlands! click to hear 2 3 4 typically Dutch, "That's so Dutch!"
(de) typische geur click to hear typical smell // peculiar smell
- more 'Gewoon'


(het) begin click to hear beginning, start - beginnen click to hear to begin, to start
Like in English, beginnen is a strong verb, meaning there are changes in the main vowel of the word between the present and the past tense and the past participle: beginnen / begon / begonnen click to hear 2
to start,
- ik begin
- wij beginnen
- ik begon
I was
- wij begonnen
we were
- ik ben begonnen
I have started
click to hear 2 3
een goed begin click to hear a good start
Een goed begin is het halve werk click to hear 'A good start is half the work, with a good start you're already halfway the job'
't Begin van 't jaar click to hear 2 3 The start of the year
Met een schone lei beginnen click to hear 2 Starting with a clean slate (a new beginning without baggage)
opnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 [to start 'again'] - to start over
overnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 3 4 [to start 'again'] - to start over - more below - 2
onbegonnen werk click to hear ["unbegun work"] - a job so big, difficult or hopeless it's impossible to get started
Alle begin is moeilijk click to hear 2 3 '[All] Every beginning is difficult'
in 't begin click to hear 2 in the beginning, at the start
In 't begin was 't woord click to hear
In 't begin was er 't woord click to hear 2 3
'In the beginning was the word' (John 1:1)
'In the beginning there was the word'
om te beginnen click to hear 2 to start, to make a start, 'for starters'
een gesprek beginnen click to hear 2 to start a conversation
de muziek begon click to hear the music started
Het is begonnen click to hear It has started
Ik ben begonnen click to hear 2 I have started
de mannen van het eerste uur click to hear 2 3 ['the men of the first hour'] - the people who started the company, oprganisation or movement
Ik begin te twijfelen ... click to hear 2 3 I'm beginning to doubt ...
Ik begin aan alles te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to doubt everything
Ik begin er vast aan click to hear 2 I'm already starting on it
Ik ga er gelijk mee aan de gang click to hear I'm immediately starting on it, I'll start on it right away
Ik ga er zo mee beginnen click to hear 2 3 4 I'll start on it soon, in a moment (but also said when endlessly postponing)
Ik begin 't te begrijpen click to hear 2 I'm beginning to understand (it)
Ik begin nog maar net click to hear 2 I'm [only] just getting started
Ik begon me zorgen te maken click to hear 2 3 I was getting worried
't Begint te waaien click to hear [It] A wind is starting to blow
't Begint goed click to hear 2 3 It starts well, it's off to a good start
Net voordat 't begon te regenen click to hear 2 3 Just before it [started to rain] rained
Hij begon opeens te huilen click to hear 2 3 4 He suddenly started to cry (weep)
Hij begon zomaar te huilen click to hear 2 He just started to cry (for no clear reason)
Kun je me zeggen hoe laat 't begint? click to hear 2 3 Could you tell me what time it will start? (informal 'you')
't Begint om negen uur click to hear It starts at 9 o'clock
Het begint vòòr acht uur click to hear It starts before 8 o'clcok
Kort voordat de voorstelling begon click to hear 2 Shortly before the performance started
Net voordat de voorstelling begon click to hear 2 Just before the performance started
Bezint eer ge begint click to hear 2 3 'Consider, think before you [start] act' (Flemish 'you')
Hij weet niet waar-(d)ie aan begint click to hear 2 3 4 He [doesn't know] has no idea what he's starting, getting into
Was ik er maar nooit aan begonnen click to hear 2 3 4 I wish I'd never started on it, I wish I'd never gotten into this
De Tweede Wereldoorlog begon in 1939 click to hear 2 The Second World War started in 1939

In the next lines, you'll notice sub-sentences indicating a time or a condition -- in Dutch sentences that start with stating a time, place or condition (or a 'subordinate clause' sub-sentence stating a time, place or condition) the verb comes before the subject - more and see Lesson 15 for a complication with compound verbs.

De muziek begint click to hear
Je moet stil zijn click to hear
The music is starting
You have to be quiet
Als de muziek begint moet je stil zijn click to hear When the music starts you have to be quiet
Als 't concert begint moet je stil zijn click to hear When the concert starts you have to be quiet
De Tachtigjarige Oorlog begon in 1568 click to hear The 80-years War started in 1568
In 1568 begon de Tachtigjarige Oorlog click to hear In 1568, the 80-years War started
Toen de oorlog begon was mijn vader tweeëndertig click to hear When the war started my Dad was 32
M'n vader was 32 toen de oorlog begon click to hear My Dad was 32 when the war started
Als de oorlog begint is m'n vader tweeëndertig click to hear 2 3 When the war starts my Dad is 32
de eerste keer click to hear 2 3 4 the first time
de laatste keer click to hear 2 3 4 5 the last time
voor de laatste keer click to hear 2 for the last time
(de) vorige keer click to hear 2 the previous time
(de) volgende keer click to hear 2 the next time - more
(het) debuut click to hear 2 debut, first appearance

New and Fresh

Like in English 'life,' living beings go from 'jong' click to hear (jong/jonge click to hear 2) 'young' to 'oud' click to hear 2 (oud/oude click to hear) 'old' - see: Words of Life.
For inanimate 'things,' again like in English, the opposite of 'oud'/'old' is nieuw click to hear 'new' (nieuw/nieuwe click to hear 2)
Het nieuws click to hear 2 ('the news') - (de) nieuwslezer click to hear (['news reader'] - 'TV anchor') ‑>> - 2
oud nieuws click to hear 2 ('old news')
iets nieuws click to hear ('something new') - niks nieuws click to hear 2 3 ('nothing new')

opnieuw click to hear 2 'anew, again, once again, another time' - opnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 'to start 'again,' to start over
overnieuw click to hear 2 'anew, again, once again, another time' - overnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 3 4 'to start 'again,' to start over
('Opnieuw' and 'overnieuw' are interchangeable)
Modern click to hear 2 ('modern') - ouderwets click to hear ('old-fashioned') - (de) mode click to hear ('fashion' - see Clothes)
gloednieuw click to hear 2 3 ('[glowing] brand new')

het nieuwe land click to hear the new (reclaimed) land
Nieuw Zeeland click to hear New Zealand
Nieuw Guinea click to hear 2 New Guinea
Ik heb een nieuwe fiets gekocht click to hear I've bought a new bicycle
Ik wil een nieuwe fiets click to hear 2 I want a new bicycle
(de) Hollandse Nieuwe click to hear the newly caught, fresh herring of early in the season
iets nieuws click to hear something new
Probeer eens wat nieuws click to hear Try something new for a change
Goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar click to hear New Year's resolutions ‑>>
in het nieuwe jaar click to hear in the new year
Heb je het nieuws al gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you (already) heard the news?
Dat is oud nieuws click to hear 2 That's old news
Ik moet helemaal opnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 3 4 I have to start all over again
Ik moet helemaal overnieuw beginnen click to hear 2 3 4 I have to start all over again
Dat is zo ouderwets! click to hear That's so old-fashioned

The Dutch word for 'fresh' is vers click to hear 2 (vers/verse click to hear 2 3)
(de) verse groente click to hear 'fresh vegetables' (not from a can or a jar, not frozen)
"Vers brood is altijd lekker" click to hear 2 Fresh bread is always [tasty] good oud brood click to hear 2 [old] stale bread

But for 'fresh' Dutch also has 'fris' click to hear 2 (fris/frisse click to hear)
frisse lucht click to hear 2 3 'fresh air'
'Fris' often has a meaning like 'refreshing'
(de) frisdrank click to hear 2 ['refreshing drink'] - soda
fris-zuur click to hear 2 fresh-sour, like the first oranges of the new harvest
also: verfrissend click to hear 2 'refreshing'
'Fris' can occasionally mean 'somewhat chilly,' 'nippy:'

een frisse neus halen click to hear to get [a fresh nose] some fresh air
Wil je koffie of thee of iets fris? click to hear 2 3 Would you like coffee or tea or [something 'fresh'] - juice or soda?
't Is lekker fris buiten click to hear 2 3 4 It's pleasantly cool outside

houdbaar click to hear 2 - said of food: ["can be kept"] 'non-perishable, shelf-stable' - houdbaar tot ... click to hear ["can be kept till ..."] 'best before') - you may find these phrases on food items: tenminste houdbaar tot ... click to hear 2 ["can be kept at least till ..."] - 'good till at least ...' - 'sell by ...' - 'use by ...' - uiterste verkoopdatum click to hear 2 'ultimate, final, last day of sale, best-by date' - and remember that in Dutch dates, the day comes before the month

rijp click to hear 2 rijpe click to hear rijp / rijpe click to hear 2 'ripe'
overrijp click to hear 'overripe,' too ripe, gone too far

Jonge kaas click to hear 2 'young cheese' has matured ('fermented') for one or two months, while oude kaas click to hear 'old cheese' has matured for 10 months or even years. In-between is 'belegen' click to hear 2 - belegen kaas click to hear 2 3 has 'aged' four to eight months
See also: dairy

Food and drink can go bad, become unpleasant to consume or even poisonous: (het) bederf click to hear 2 'decay' - bedorven click to hear 2 3 4 5 'gone bad,' "off," 'rotten' - bederfelijk click to hear 2 'perishable' (food.)
bederven click to hear 2 'to go bad, spoil, lose quality' is a strong verb: bederven / bedierf / bedorven click to hear 2 ->>
Like English 'rotten,' Dutch also has rot click to hear 2 (rot/rotte click to hear 2) for 'rotten, decayed,' and 'unpleasant' but it has somewhat limited use - also: verrot click to hear
(de) schimmel click to hear 2 ('fungus' - also: 'white horse') - stinken click to hear ('to smell bad') - stinkend click to hear 2 ('smelly') - (de) stank click to hear 2 ('stink, bad smell')

Is 't nog goed? click to hear 2 3 'is it still good?' - i.e. not spoiled, still good and safe to eat
't Blijft wel goed click to hear 2 [It will remain good] - It will still be good (to eat) in a while
't Is niet goed meer click to hear 2 3 [It's not good anymore] - It's gone bad, it's not safe to eat or it's not going to taste nice
't Is niet lekker meer click to hear 2 ['It doesn't taste good anymore'] - 'It's off, spoiled'
Stank voor dank click to hear 2 3 [Stink as gratitude] - no gratitude, no appreciation, or even a hostile reaction to kindness
Zijn de perziken al rijp? click to hear 2 Are the peaches ripe already?
Ik ben bang dat de avocado's nog niet rijp zijn click to hear 2 I'm afraid the avocados are not ripe yet
Elkaar voor rotte vis uitmaken click to hear 2 3 4 (expression) 'Calling each other [spoiled (rotten) fish] names' - mutual insulting


(De) groei click to hear 2 'growth' and groeien click to hear 2 3 ('to grow') is not only in life, but also in for instance organizations, companies and cities
sterke groei click to hear 2 'strong growth' - explosieve groei click to hear 'explosive growth' (very fast growth)
Daar de verwachte groei uitbleef, werd de fabriek weer gesloten click to hear 2
'Because the expected growth didn't materialize the new factory was closed (again)'

Bouwen click to hear ('to build') is usually about construction of physical buildings, it can also mean 'to create, to organize' - structures, systems - (de) opbouw click to hear 2 3 ('building up, creation' - of a structure, a system)
(De) zinsbouw click to hear 2 ['sentence construction'] - ('word order')
(De) Schepping click to hear 2 ('Creation') - De Schepper click to hear 2 ('the Maker, the Creator')
- a strong verb: scheppen / schiep / geschapen click to hear ('to create')
Wereld in wording click to hear 2 World in the making

(de) uitvinder click to hear 2 inventor
(de) uitvinding click to hear invention
(de) gedachte click to hear thought
(het) idee click to hear idea
(de) suggestie click to hear suggestion
(het) probleem click to hear 2 3 problem
(de) oplossing click to hear solution
(de) vraag click to hear question ->>
(het) antwoord click to hear answer
(het) experiment click to hear experiment
(de) poging click to hear 2 attempt
proberen click to hear to try, attempt ‑>>
(de) mislukking click to hear 2 failure
(de) afbraak click to hear 2 demolition, destruction
(de) vernietiging click to hear destruction
instorting click to hear collapse
(de) ontdekking click to hear discovery
(de) ontdekkingsreiziger click to hear 2 explorer
(de) ontwikkeling click to hear development
ontwikkelingen click to hear 2 3 developments
ontwikkelen click to hear 2 to develop
ontwikkelingslanden click to hear 2 3 developing nations
een belangrijke ontwikkeling click to hear 2 3 an important, major development
(de) ondernemer click to hear entrepreneur
(de) zakenman click to hear 2 3 businessman
(de) zakenvrouw click to hear 2 businesswoman
(het) plan click to hear plan
(de) beslissing click to hear decision
(het) besluit click to hear decision
(het) bedrijf click to hear 2 company, business
(de) fabriek click to hear 2 factory, plant

(de) staking click to hear 2 strike, work stoppage
failliet (Fr.) click to hear 2
bankroet click to hear 2
(het) failliet (Fr.) click to hear 2
(het) faillisement click to hear 2
(het) bankroet click to hear 2

(de) aanpassing click to hear adaptation
(de) variatie click to hear 2 variation
stabiel click to hear 2 stable
doorgaan click to hear 2 to continue
(de) vaart click to hear 2 momentum
(de) onderbreking click to hear 2 interruption
(de) storing click to hear 2 interruption due to a malfunction
(de) pauze click to hear 2 3 pause
(het) stadium click to hear stage (of development) ‑>>
(de) tegenslag click to hear 2 3 4 setback
(de) doorbraak click to hear 2 breakthrough
(de) voortzetting click to hear 2 continuation
(de) uitbreiding click to hear expansion
(de) toevoeging click to hear 2 addition
toevoegen click to hear 2 to add (things)
optellen click to hear 2 to add (numbers) ->>
(de) stilstand click to hear 2 standstill
(het) keerpunt click to hear turning point
(de) correctie click to hear 2 correction
corrigeren click to hear to correct (a mistake)
(note French 'G')
baanbrekend click to hear [creating a new way] (trailblazing pioneering paradigm-changing )
Dit is de derde poging click to hear 2 ('This is the third attempt')
In een later stadium click to hear 2 ('At a later stage')

Dutch voorbereiden click to hear 2 ('to prepare') and (de) voorbereiding click to hear 2 3 4 ('preparation') refer to preparing for the future.

goed voorbereid click to hear 2 well-prepared (for future events)
Op alles voorbereid click to hear 2 prepared, ready for anything
Op het ergste voorbereid click to hear 2 prepared, ready for the worst
de nodige voorbereidingen click to hear 2 3 the necessary preparations
(de) voorzorgsmaatregelen click to hear precautions - Emergency Preparedness
uit voorzorg click to hear 2 3 as a precaution, 'to be prepared'
English 'to prepare' in the sense of 'to make, to create' is maken click to hear ‑>> or for food, a bit old-fashioned: bereiden click to hear 2 ->>
(de) bereidheid click to hear 2 willingness, readiness

(de) ramp click to hear disaster
rampzalig click to hear 2 disastrous
het Rampjaar click to hear 2 'the Year of Disaster' (1672) ->>
de Watersnoodramp click to hear 2 the Flood Disaster (1953) ->>
(de) katastrofe click to hear 2 catastrophe
(de) overstroming click to hear 2 3 flood
(de) aardbeving click to hear 2 earthquake

The Comparative and Superlative Degree
Like in English, the comparative degree adds -ER and the superlative degree adds -EST to the basic form of the adjective - though English uses 'more' and 'most' more often than Dutch - more

click to hear 2
big, large
bigger, larger
biggest, largest

click to hear 2
small, little

click to hear 2
long; tall
longer; taller
longest; tallest


(de) verwachting click to hear expectation
verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 expectations
verwachten click to hear 2 to expect
in verwachting click to hear 2 expecting (a baby)
- Life
onverwacht click to hear unexpected, unexpectedly
onverwachte wending click to hear 2 3 unexpected turn of events
(het) verwachtingspatroon click to hear 2 [pattern] set of expectations
(de) weersverwachting click to hear weather forecast
to expect
- ik verwacht
I expect
- wij verwachten
we expect
- ik verwachtte
I expected
- wij verwachtten
we expected
- ik heb verwacht
I have expected
click to hear
Translation as 'I am expecting, we are expecting etc.' when suitable
Despite the double T in the past tense of the plural, it sounds exactly the same as the present tense plural
The past perfect tense is also often found: ik had verwacht click to hear 2 I had expected, I was expecting
'Verwachten' is derived from 'wachten' click to hear (to wait)
Ik zat te wachten op een telefoontje click to hear
I was waiting for a phone call - see also: Time

Ik verwacht een telefoontje click to hear 2 I'm expecting a ('little') phone call
Dat had ik niet verwacht click to hear 2 3 I had not expected that
Ik verwacht er niet veel van click to hear 2 3 I don't expect much of it, I don't have high expectations of it, I'm not getting my hopes up
Niet wat je zou verwachten click to hear Not what you'd expect
Wordt er regen verwacht? click to hear 2 Is rain expected?
Werd dat verwacht? click to hear 2 3 Was that expected?
Dat werd verwacht click to hear That was expected
Zoals je zou verwachten click to hear 2 3 As you would expect, as expected
Dat was te verwachten click to hear 2 That was to be expected
Wat is de weersverwachting? click to hear 2 What is (says?) the weather forecast?
Dat staat ons ook te wachten click to hear 2 That is waiting for us too, we can expect that too
(de) onverwachte wending click to hear 2 unexpected turn of events (often in fiction or in a narrative) - or- unexpected development
geheel onverwacht click to hear 2 3 completely unexpected, out of the blue
geen hoge verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 no [high] great expectations
de verwachtingen overtreffen click to hear 2 3 to [exceed] beat expectations
(het) verwachtingspatroon click to hear 2 (pattern of) expectations
De verwachte groei bleef uit click to hear 2 3 The expected expansion didn't happen

zich verbazen click to hear 2 to be surprised, amazed
't Verbaast me click to hear 2 3 I'm surprised
't Verbaast me niet click to hear 2 3 I'm not surprised
't Verbaast me niks click to hear 2 I am [zero] not surprised at all
Ik verbaas me over het zelfvertrouwen click to hear 2 I'm surprised at the self-confidence
Het zou me niet verbazen click to hear 2 'I would not be surprised'
verbazingwekkend click to hear 2 3 surprising, amazing
also:  Ik sta nergens meer van te kijken click to hear 2 'Nothing surprises me anymore' - Thank you, Johan!
Daar kijkt niemand meer van op click to hear 2 3 Nobody is surprised, impressed by that anymore
See also: reflexive verbs

verrassen click to hear 2 3 to surprise
(de) verrassing click to hear surprise
een aangename verrassing click to hear 2 3 4 a pleasant surprise
een onaangename verrassing click to hear 2 an unpleasant surprise
Maar dan is 't geen verrassing meer! click to hear 2 But then it's no longer a surprise! It would spoil the surprise Ik werd verrast door onweer click to hear 2 'I was caught in a thunderstorm' - an unexpected unpleasant surprise

Do not confuse verrassen click to hear 2 3 ('to surprise') with verassen click to hear 2 3 ('turn to ashes') - I may be wrong, but I think the difference in pronunciation is not a longer R but the syllable break ve‑rrassen  for verrassen  'to surprise' and ver‑assen  for verassen  'turn to ashes.' 'Verassen' is very unusual, but teachers at school joke about it when 'verrassen'  or 'verrassing'  are written with one R.
The Dutch word (de) surprise click to hear 2 means a jokey Sinterklaas click to hear 2 3 ('Santa Claus') present. Plural: surprises click to hear 2

Certain and Reliable

zeker click to hear 2
zeker/zekere click to hear
certain, sure
onzeker click to hear 2 3 insecure, uncertain
onzekerheid click to hear 2 3 uncertainty
zelfverzekerd click to hear 2 self-assured, (very) self-confident
(de) verzekering click to hear insurance; assurance (confirmation, promise)
(de) levensverzekering click to hear life insurance
(de) ziektekostenverzekering click to hear 2 3 (['sickness' costs insurance'] 'health insurance') - often shortened to (de) ziekteverzekering click to hear 2 3 (['sickness insurance']) ‑>>
Ben je daar zeker van? click to hear 2 3 4 Are you sure (of that)?
Ik weet 't zeker click to hear 2 3 I'm sure (of it)
Je kunt nooit helemaal zeker zijn click to hear 2 3 4 You can never be entirely certain, completely sure
Je weet maar nooit click to hear 2 [You just never know] - You can never tell, you just don't know<
Ik wist zeker dat U me zou begrijpen click to hear 2 3 I was sure that you would understand me ‑>>
"Maar jazeker!" click to hear 2 'But certainly!'
't Zekere voor 't onzekere nemen click to hear 2 3 [Taking the certain before the uncertain] - stay on the safe side, not taking risks
Een onzekere toekomst tegemoet click to hear 2 3 Towards an uncertain future
Voor alle zekerheid click to hear 2 ['For all certainty'] - To be on the safe side, taking extra precautions, overabundance of caution
't Duurt zeker nog een uur click to hear 2 It's certainly going to take an hour - it will take an hour at least
Langzaam maar zeker click to hear 2 3 Slowly but [with certainty] steadily

The adjective trouw click to hear 2 ('faithful, loyal') and the noun (de) trouw ('fidelity') are probably related to English 'true' and 'trust.' The most common derived word is trouwen click to hear 2 3 ('to marry') which is also 'change' but it's dealt with on other pages like Family and Life

[(het)] vertrouwen click to hear 2 trust; to trust
(het) zelfvertrouwen click to hear 2 self-confidence
betrouwbaar click to hear 2 trustworthy; reliable
vertrouwd click to hear familiar
probably unrelated:
trouwens click to hear 2
'by the way'
trouwe vriend click to hear 2 'faithful friend'
trouwe makker click to hear 2 'faithful comrade' (TinTin to Snowy)
Ik vertrouw 't niet helemaal click to hear 2 [I do not completely trust it] - I think there's something fishy going on
Wie kun je nog vertrouwen? click to hear 2 3 Whom can you still trust?
Kunnen we die mensen vertrouwen? click to hear Can we trust those people?
Kun je ze vertrouwen? click to hear 2 Can you trust them?
Ik verbaas me over het zelfvertrouwen click to hear 2 I'm surprised at the self-confidence

Going and Staying

'Gaan' click to hear ('to go') can mean 'moving to a place' - Travel - but it can also mean starting or engaging in an activity, an 'informal futre tense.'
'Blijven' click to hear 2 can mean 'to remain, stay in place' but it can also mean 'to continue.'
gaan (to go) blijven (to stay, be staying)

ik ga
jij gaat
hij gaat
wij gaan
jullie gaan
zij gaan
U gaat
click to hear

(I go)
(you go)
(he goes)
(we go)
(you go)
(they go)
(you go)

ik ging
jij ging
hij ging
wij gingen
jullie gingen
zij gingen
U ging
click to hear 2

I went
you went
he went
we went
you went
they went
you went
ik blijf
jij blijft
hij blijft
wij blijven
jullie blijven
zij blijven
U blijft
click to hear 2
(to stay)
(I stay, am staying)
(you stay)
(he stays)
(we stay)
(you stay)
(they stay)
(you stay)

ik bleef
jij bleef
hij bleef
wij bleven
jullie bleven
zij bleven
U bleef
click to hear

(I stayed)
(you stayed)
(he stayed)
(we stayed)
(you stayed)
(they stayed)
(you stayed)
ik ben gegaan click to hear I have gone - more 'gaan' ik ben gebleven click to hear 2 ~I have stayed
We gingen naar huis click to hear 2 We went home
Hij is even naar buiten gegaan click to hear He went outside, he stepped out for a moment
Hij gaat 't proberen click to hear He's going to try (it)
Ik blijf thuis click to hear 2 3 I'm staying home
Ik ben de hele dag binnen gebleven click to hear 2 3 I've stayed inside all day, I didn't go out
Kom je binnen of wil je buiten blijven? click to hear Are you coming in or are you going to stay outside?
Ze blijft in Nederland wonen click to hear 2 3 [She'll remain living in The Netherlands] - She'll stay in Holland
We hoeven niet te blijven click to hear 2 3 We don't have to stay (we can leave)
't Blijft regenen click to hear 2 [It keeps raining] It will keep raining
Ik blijf 't proberen click to hear 2 3 4 I'll keep trying [it]
De landen die neutraal bleven click to hear The countries that remained neutral
blijvende schade click to hear 2 lasting damage
Alles is hetzelfde gebleven click to hear 2 Everything has remained the same
't Is allemaal hetzelfde gebleven click to hear 2 It has all remained the same
Er bleef niks van over click to hear 2 Nothing of it remained, it was completely destroyed
Waar is 't gebleven? click to hear 2 3 [Where has it remained?] - Where did it go? (An item seems to have disappeared)

(De) gang click to hear - from 'gaan' click to hear 'to go' by itself means 'corridor, hallway' and also 'passage' but in many compound words it refers to a development or a move, for instance (de) spoorwegovergang click to hear 'railroad crossing' - by itself, (de) overgang click to hear means 'transition' and also 'menopause.'

vooruit click to hear 2 forwards
(de) vooruitgang click to hear progress
achteruit click to hear 2 backwards
(de) achteruitgang click to hear 2 decline, regression
Was er enige vooruitgang? click to hear 2 3 Has there been any progress?
Er is duidelijk vooruitgang click to hear 2 There is [clearly] notably progress, it's clear that there is progress
Hij gaat erg achteruit click to hear 2 3 ['He goes backward badly..'] He's quickly getting worse (health, mental state)
Ze was haar tijd vooruit click to hear 2 She was ahead of her time
ver vooruit click to hear far ahead
Also: (het) vooruitzicht click to hear 'outlook, prospect' (what will the future bring?) - plural: vooruitzichten click to

But with a slightly different placement of the stress and little pauses in the words we have:

(de) ingang click to hear 2 is entry, entrance
voor click to hear 2 front; before; for ->>
(de) vooruitgang click to hear 2 front exit
(de) uitgang click to hear 2 exit, egress
achter click to hear behind; back
(de) achteruitgang click to hear 2 3 back exit, backdoor

Other 'change' compound words with 'gang:'

(de) neergang click to hear 2 3 downwards trend, decline
(de) ondergang click to hear 2 3 4 downfall, ruin
(de) zonsopgang click to hear sunup
zonsondergang click to hear 2 sundown ‑>>
(de) opkomst click to hear 2 3 [coming up] 'rise' - and also: 'turnout' (elections) or 'attendance' (gatherings)
opkomst en neergang click to hear 2 rise and fall
(de) afgang click to hear 2 embarrassing failure
Ga je gang click to hear 2 'Go ahead - do it your way' (expression)
't Komt op gang click to hear It gets going, it's getting under way
Er zit geen schot in click to hear 2 3 4 5 'There is very little progress, things got stuck'


In politics in the West, there are traditionally the two opposing ideologies, competing systems of thought: the conservatives and the progressives, also called 'right' and 'left.'
links click to hear left-wing
progressief click to hear 2
(vooruitstrevend click to hear 2)
rechts click to hear right-wing
conservatief click to hear 2
(behoudend click to hear 2 3)
de linkse pers click to hear 2 the left-wing newspapers/media - more 'news' words
The words vooruitstrevend and behoudend click to hear are a bit old-fashioned - more Dutch politics
verkiezingen click to hear elections
(de) evolutie click to hear 2 evolution
(de) hervorming click to hear 2 reform
(de) revolutie click to hear 2 revolution
(de) opstand click to hear 2 uprising, revolt, rebellion
(de) staatsgreep click to hear coup
(de) omwenteling click to hear 2 3 1. rotation 2. revolution

Halfway and Middle

(de) helft click to hear half - see also: fractions
de helft van de bevolking click to hear half (of) the population
Ik ben over de helft click to hear 2 I'm past the halfway point
(usually said about book reading)
half click to hear (halve click to hear) half (adjective/adverb)
Halfweg click to hear 2 (a small town halfway between Amsterdam and Haarlem)
halverwege click to hear 2 halfway
Ik ben halverwege click to hear 2 3 I'm halfway (usually said about book reading)
een half ei click to hear half an egg ‑>>
een halve theelepel click to hear half a teaspoon ‑>>

Beter ten halve gekeerd dan ten hele gedwaald click to hear 2
'It's better to [have turned around] change direction halfway than to be wrong all the way'

'Behalve' click to hear means 'except (for), but for'

Behalve z'n neus lijkt hij op z'n oma click to hear Except for his nose he looks like his grandmother
Behalve hun hersens zijn mensen net dieren click to hear Except for their brains men are just like animals
alles behalve click to hear 2 3 'everything except' - but when written as one word it rather means 'certainly not'
alles behalve de tomaten click to hear 2 3 everything except the tomatoes
Hij is allesbehalve betrouwbaar click to hear 2 3 He is [everything except trustworthy] certainly not to be trusted

tenzij click to hear 2 unless, except if
Tenzij je een beter idee hebt click to hear 2 3 Unless you have a better idea

English 'on behalf of' is 'namens' click to hear from (de) naam click to hear 2 ('name') - a more formal version is 'in naam van' click to hear 2

namens de familie click to hear 2 on behalf of the family
in naam van de familie click to hear 2 on behalf of, in the name of the family
"In naam van Oranje!" click to hear 2 3 4 'In the name of the King'
In naam van Oranje, doet open de poort!
De watergeus ligt aan den wal;
De vlootvoogd der geuzen, hij maakt geen akkoord,
Hij vordert Den Briel of Uw val
Dat is het bevel van Lumey, op mijn eer,
En burgers, hier baat nu geen tegenstand meer,
De watergeus komt om Den Briel!
De watergeus komt om Den Briel! click to hear slow
In the name of [the Prince of] Orange, open the gate
The minutemen are in the harbor;
Their admiral is not looking for compromise
He demands the surrender of the city or you're done for.
That's Lumey's order, on my honor
And citizens, resistance is futile -
The minutemen are coming for Den Briel!
The minutemen are coming for Den Briel!
from: 'Een Liedje van Koppelstok' click to hear Koppelstok's Song more

(het) midden click to hear 2 3 center, middle
Ik werd midden in de nacht wakker click to hear 2 I woke up in the middle of the night
het Midden-Oosten click to hear 2 the Middle East
Midden-Amerika click to hear 2 'Middle America' (Central America and Mexico)
(de) middenweg click to hear 2 [road-between] - compromise
also: (de) tussenweg click to hear 2 [road-between] - compromise
een tussenweg vinden click to hear 2 finding (searching for) a compromise
(het) middenspel click to hear 2 3 middle game - Chess
de middenstand click to hear 2 'the shopkeepers, tradespeople' - as a group
'midden in de wereld' click to hear 2 'in the middle of [the world] nowhere'
(het) middelpunt click to hear 2 3 [middle point] center - exact midpoint or focus
het middelpunt van de aarde click to hear 2 the center of the earth
het middelpunt van de belangstelling click to hear 2 the center, focus of the attention
(het) centrum click to hear center - often a building or area
(het) winkelcentrum click to hear shopping center, mall
(het) medisch centrum click to hear 2 3 medical center, clinic
(de) middelvinger click to hear middle finger ‑>>
de Middeleeuwen click to hear 2 3 the Middle Ages ‑>>
de Middellandse Zee click to hear the Mediterranean
gemiddeld click to hear 2 (gemiddelde click to hear 2) average
bemiddelaar click to hear 2 (intermediary) mediator
middelbaar click to hear intermediate
(de) middelbare school click to hear secondary school
(het) middel click to hear 2 means
(het) geneesmiddelen click to hear 2 [healing means] - medicine(s)
(het) wasmiddel click to hear 2 [washing, laundry means] - detergent, laundry soap
's middags click to hear in the [mid-day] afternoon ‑>>

Stories Ending

For the coming to an end of sequences of events like stories or reporting, Dutch often uses the noun (de) afloop click to hear 2 and the verb aflopen click to hear

Hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 How it turns out, what happens
Hoe 't afliep click to hear 2 3 How it turned out, what happened
't Is een aflopende zaak click to hear 2 a business or an endeavor heading downhill, on its last legs
Hoe zal 't aflopen? click to
  hear How will it to end?
Hoe is 't afgelopen? click to hear How did it end?
Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 I want to know how it (usually a story) will end
Ik ben benieuwd hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 I'm curious, I wonder how it's going to end
't Loopt niet goed af click to hear 2 It's not ending well, it's not going to end well
Lang nadat de oorlog was afgelopen click to hear 2 3 Long after the war had ended
Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen click to hear I'm glad it ended well
Ik had kunnen weten dat 't slecht zou aflopen click to hear 2 3 I could have known that it would end badly
't Moet afgelopen zijn! click to hear 2 3 It has to stop! It can't continue
Ik heb 't boek uit click to hear I finished (reading) the book
(de) ontknoping click to hear 2 3 denouement - ending where the various story lines are resolved, made clear, or a decision is taken

The End

(Het) einde click to hear 2 /or/ (het) eind click to hear 2 ('end') - colloquially and in some standard expressions you'll also find (het) end click to hear 2
(Het) eindexamen click to hear ('final exam, final test' - usually at the end of secondary school)
eindelijk click to hear finally, at last
uiteindelijk click to hear 2 in the end
beëindigen click to hear 2 to end, terminate, stop
eindeloos click to hear 2 endless, without end
oneindig click to hear infinite; ∞ infinity
eeuwig click to hear 2 'eternal'
(de) eeuwigheid click to hear 2 'eternity'
ophouden click to hear 2 to stop, cease
ophouden met click to hear to stop, cease
onophoudelijk click to hear 2 incessantly, ceaselessly
Ik heb even de eeuwigheid mogen aanschouwen click to hear 2 3 [I have been allowed for a moment to view eternity] - I was allowed a brief glimpse of eternity

Dutch uses stoppen click to hear ('to stop') and stop! click to hear 2 ('stop!') mostly for an end to motion.
Als het licht rood is moet je stoppen. click to hear 2
When the light is red you have to stop.
Stoppen is also 'fixing holes in clothes' and verstoppen click to hear 2 means 'to hide.'

(het) stoplicht click to hear 2 traffic light ->>
(het) stopcontact click to hear 2 power outlet
Stop die bal! click to hear Stop that ball!
(de) stopverf click to hear 2 putty
't Eind van het jaar click to hear 2 3 4 The end of the year
't Begin van 't einde click to hear 2 (3) The beginning of the end
Eindelijk thuis click to hear home at last, finally home
Dan kunnen we elkaar eindelijk echt ontmoeten click to hear 2 Then we'll finally 'really' meet [each other] (face to face, 'in the flesh')
Er komt geen eind aan click to hear 2 there's no end to it, it goes on and on
't Eind is zoek click to hear [the end is missing] there's no end to it
ten einde raad click to hear 2 at wits' end
Ik ben ten einde raad click to hear 2 I'm at my wits' end, I have no idea what to do to solve this problem
Ik heb er genoeg van click to hear 2 [I've had enough of it] - I'm sick and tired of it
Het einde is nabij click to hear 2 3
the end is near
Blik op oneindig click to hear 2 3 ~the thousand-mile stare (eyes unfocused, staring into the distance)
ophouden met werken click to hear 2 to stop working, to retire - (Work)
ophouden met roken click to hear to stop smoking - (Resolutions)
't Houdt maar niet op click to hear 2 It doesn't stop, there is no end to it
Daar moet je mee ophouden click to hear 2 You should stop doing that
Hou op! click to hear 2 3 4 5 Stop it!
Hou er onmiddelijk mee op! click to hear 2 3 Stop that right away!
Dan houdt alles op click to hear 2 ['Then everything ends'] That changes everything, it's no use continuing after that
Houdt die herrie nooit op? click to hear Is that noise never going to stop?
Ik denk erover op te houden click to hear 2 3 I'm thinking about stopping, quitting
Ik zet er een punt achter click to hear 2 3 4 [I'm putting a period behind it] - I'm ending this
Als dat achter de rug is click to hear 2 ['When that's behind (our) back(s)'] When that is past
Is 't uit tussen Jan en Klazien? click to hear 2 3 Is it over between Jan en Klazien? (Is the relationship over?)
Zijn Jan en Klazien uit elkaar? click to hear 2 3 Is it over between Jan en Klazien? (Is the relationship over?)
Ze heeft 't uitgemaakt click to hear 2 3 She ended, broke off the (romantic) relationship
Ik dacht dat de wereld verging click to hear 2 I thought [that the world was perishing] it was the end of the world
't Is voorbij click to hear 3 4 5 ['It's past'] It's over
Ik wou dat 't voorbij was click to hear 2 3 I wish it was over
Het is voorgoed voorbij click to hear 2 It's over for good, it's once and for all over and done with
Dat is verleden tijd click to hear 2 That's past [time], that's over, "That's history"
Dan is 't voorbij met de pret click to hear = Dan is 't uit met de pret click to hear 2 = Dan is 't gedaan met de pret click to hear 2 3
['(And) then it's done with the fun'] -'the fun is over' - said when things return to normal after a respite, or go from normal to a worse situation - somewhat stronger than 'the honeymoon is over'
Aan alles komt een eind click to hear 2 There's an end to everything, nothing lasts
gebed zonder end click to hear 2 'prayer without end' - said of things that seem to take forever - also a street name in Amsterdam
Eind goed, al goed click to hear 2 3 All's wel that ends well
laatste click to hear 2 last, final // latest ‑>>
De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst click to hear ['the final weights are the heaviest'] the final stage of a job is often the most difficult
De laatste hand leggen aan ... click to hear [Laying the last hand to ...] - Applying the final touch to ...
Ik heb 't voor 't laatst bewaard click to hear 2 I saved it for last
(het) afscheid click to hear [leave-taking] goodbye
afscheid nemen click to hear 2 taking leave, saying goodbye
hij nam afscheid click to hear 2 3 1. he said goodbye, he took leave
2. he retired (with some ceremony)
hij nam afscheid van ons click to hear 2 3 he said goodbye to us, he took leave of us
Tot ziens! click to hear 2 See you!
Vaarwel! click to hear Farewell!

Other Pages of Change

(de) geboorte click to hear birth - (het) leven click to hear 2 life - (de) groei click to hear 2 growth - (de) dood click to hear death - Life
gezond click to hear healthy - ziek click to hear sick, ill - Medical

(het) vertrek click to hear 2 departure - (de) reis click to hear 2 journey, trip - (de) aankomst click to hear 2 arrival - Travel

(de) morgen click to hear 2 morning - (de) avond click to hear evening - (de) tijd click to hear 2 time - short introduction - Thesaurus

(de) doop click to hear baptism - (de) bekering click to hear 2 conversion - (de) gewetensvrijheid click to hear 'freedom of conscience,' that is, the freedom to change or leave your religion - (de) godsdienst click to hear 2 - Religion

(de) school click to hear school - (de) universiteit click to hear university - leren click to hear to learn; ~to teach - onderwijs click to hear - Education

(de) beweging click to hear 2 3 4 'movement' - like in English, both changing the location or position of items and bodies, and an organisation of people trying to implement social, political or artistic ideas. For the movement of human bodies / exercise see Page 16 - meer bewegen click to hear exercise more often

(de) oorlog click to hear war - (de) vrede click to hear peace - (de) aanval click to hear 2 attack - (de) verdediging click to hear defense - (de) strijd click to hear 2 struggle, fighting - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 fight - Military

Chess schaken click to hear - (de) opening click to hear 2 opening - (het) middenspel click to hear 2 3 middle game - (het) eindspel click to hear 2 3 endgame

Choice and to Choose

kiezen click to hear 'to choose' is a strong verb:
to choose
- koos
- gekozen
click to hear
kiezen click to hear is also the plural of  (de) kies click to hear 2 'molar, back tooth' ‑>>

wij kozen click to hear we chose
kiezen tussen click to hear 2 3 choosing between
partij kiezen click to hear 2 choosing (party) sides
kieskeurig click to hear 2 3 'picky, choosy,' fastidious - peculiar, precise in choosing De weg van de minste weerstand kiezen click to hear 2 3 Choosing the [way] line of the least resistance, the easiest option Durf te kiezen click to hear 2 3 Dare to choose (have the courage to commit, don't stay on the sidelines) Velen worden geroepen, maar weinigen worden uitgekozen click to hear Many are called, but few are chosen uitverkoren click to hear 2 chosen, elect, special
See also (de) keuze click to hear 'choice' below

vrij click to hear (vrije click to hear 2) free
(de) vrijheid click to hear 2 liberty, freedom
mogelijkheden click to hear 2 3 possibilities ‑>>
See also: 'kunnen' click to hear 'can,' to be possible / to be able / to be allowed to
liever click to hear 2 3 'rather' - preferences ‑>>

(de) selectie click to hear 2 3 selection
selecteren click to hear 2 3 to select
prefereren click to hear 2 3 to prefer
ik prefereer ... click to hear 2 3 I prefer ...

(de) beslissing click to hear decision
beslissen click to hear 2 3 to decide
(het) besluit click to hear decision
besluiten click to hear 2 to decide
besluiten - besloot - besloten click to hear 2
beslissingen nemen click to hear 2 to make decisions
Mijn besluit staat vast click to hear 2 3 [My decision is firm] - I've made up my mind besluiteloos click to hear 2 3 4 indecisive, unable to make decisions (de) besluiteloosheid click to hear 2 3 4 indecisiveness, inability to make a decision

(de) twijfel click to hear doubt
ongetwijfeld click to hear undoubtedly, without doubt
zonder twijfel click to hear without doubt, undoubtedly
twijfelen click to hear 2 3 to doubt

Ik begin te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to doubt Ik begin aan alles te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to have doubts about everything Ik ben gaan twijfelen click to hear I've begun to have doubts Dat betwijfel ik click to hear 2 I doubt that, I have my doubts about that

verkiezingen click to hear elections >>
Er zijn binnenkort verkiezingen click to hear 2 There will be elections soon De voorlopige uitslag van de verkiezingen click to hear 2 3 4 The preliminary results of the elections "Wie heeft de verkiezingen gewonnen?" click to hear 'Who has won the elections?'

(de) keuze click to hear choice
(de) keus click to hear choice (somewhat old-fashioned)
een goede keuze click to hear a good choice de verkeerde keuze click to hear 2 3 4 the wrong choice "We hebben geen keus" click to hear 2 'We don't have a choice' - we have to do this one thing te kust en te keur click to hear
a very wide choice See also kiezen click to hear 'to choose' above

(de) keuring click to hear 2 inspection, testing
(de) goedkeuring click to hear approval
(de) afkeuring click to hear 2 3 dissapproval // rejection
(de) bekeuring click to hear 2 traffic ticket, fine

(de) voorkeur click to hear 2 preference
(de) willekeur click to hear arbitrariness, random or on a whim willekeurig click to hear 2 (willekeurige click to hear 2) arbitrary, random een willekeurige voorbijganger click to hear a random passer-by, a randomly chosen passer-by nauwkeurig click to hear precise, accurate, careful heel nauwkeurig click to hear 2 very precise, very accurate

keurig click to hear (keurig/keurige click to hear) neat, proper, nice, tidy keurig Nederlands click to hear 2 3 proper, polished Dutch een keurig meisje click to hear a proper girl


(de) kans click to hear chance, possibility, occurrence; opportunity
kansen click to hear 2 chances, opportunities
(het) buitenkansje click to hear 2 3 4 an unexpected and promising opportunity, 'a stroke of luck'
(de) pakkans click to hear 2 3 the chance (of a criminal) being caught
dit is de enige kans click to hear This is the only chance
Is er enige kans? click to hear 2 3 Is there any chance? ‑>>
Grijp je kans! click to hear 2 3 'Grab your chance!' Make use of the opportunity
'n tweede kans click to hear 2 3 a second chance
de laatste kans click to hear 2 3 the last chance
Sla je slag click to hear 2 3 4 Seize the opportunity, grab your chance
Ergens een slaatje uit slaan click to hear 2 3 Taking advantage of an opportunity, making good use of something
Je voordeel doen met click to hear 2 3 Doing something advantageous, seize an opportunity to your advantage
kans op onweer click to hear 2 3 a chance of a thunderstorm
een kans van één op tien click to hear 2 a chance of 1 in 10, a 10% chance
kleine kans click to hear 2 3 a small chance
"dikke kans!" click to hear 2 "fat chance!" (ironic, meaning: zero chance!)
een reële kans click to hear 2 3 a real chance, a good chance, it could really happen
Hij heeft weinig kans click to hear He has little chance
(de) gemiste kans click to hear 2 3 missed chance, missed opportunity
gemiste kansen click to hear 2 3 missed chances, missed opportunities
(de) herkansing click to hear 2 [re-chance] - a new chance like a rematch
(de) gelegenheid click to hear 2 opportunity, ~chance
een goede gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 a good opportunity
een mooie gelegenheid click to hear 2 a [beautiful] good, fitting opportunity
Het is een unieke gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 It's a unique opportunity, ~a rare chance
ongelegen click to hear 2 inconvenient, 'not a good time'
Je hebt geluk gehad click to hear 2 3 You [have had luck] were lucky ‑>>

(Het) risico click to hear 2 'risk' - plural: risico's click to hear
een te groot risico click to hear too great a risk
(het) eigen risico
click to hear 2 'own risk' - in insurance, 'deductible'
een onnodig risico click to hear 2 3 an unnecessary risk
risico nemen click to hear to take [risk] risks
Hij nam geen enkel risico click to hear 2 3 He didn't take any [risk] risks Ik wil geen risico lopen click to hear 2 3 I don't want to take the risk Zou je het risico nemen? click to hear 2 3 Would you take the risk? (Is it worth the risk?) nemen click to hear 'to take' ‑>>
riskant click to hear 2 3 risky
riskeren click to hear 2 3 to risk

veilig click to hear 2 (veilig / veilige click to hear 2) safe, secure
veiligheidsspelden click to hear 2 safety pins
veiligheidsbrillen click to hear safety glasses
(de) veiligheid click to hear 2 3 safety, security
Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid click to hear 2
'Global safety week' - a company slogan I thought up Veiligheid vòòr alles click to hear 2 [safety before everything (else)] - Safety first (the English phrase is more common)

Hij geeft mij kracht
en leidt me langs veilige paden,
zoals hij beloofd heeft. click to hear 2 [He gives me strength
and leads me along safe paths,
like he has promised]

He restoreth my soul;
he leadeth me in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.

Psalm 23:3 The Lord is my Shepherd

The ancient Greeks and others believed in 'fate,' that human destiny, the course of human lives was unknowable and determined by supernatural powers. The Dutch word for 'fate, destiny' is het noodlot click to hear 2 or simply (het) lot click to hear 2 3 - but these words are not often used anymore. The only common examples I can think of:

lotgenoten click to hear 2 3 4 people sharing a fate
Mensen aan hun lot overlaten click to hear 2 3 4 Leave people to their fate (not helping them)
't is hem noodlottig geworden click to hear 2 3 [It became his fate] It did him in, it was his undoing, it was the end of him

(Het) lot click to hear 2 3 is also 'lottery ticket' - plural: loten - hear: lot / loten click to hear (note the shift from 'short O' to 'long O')
(De) loterij click to hear 2 'lottery, raffle'

(het) toeval click to hear chance, coincidence, random event
Dat kan geen toeval zijn! click to hear 2 3 That cannot be just a coincidence
toevallig click to hear 2 random, by accident, not planned
Misschien is 't toevallig click to hear Maybe it's (just a) coincidence
toevallig wel click to hear 2 It happens to be true, it just is that way
Ik zag toevallig ... click to hear 2 3 I happened to see, by accident I came across ...
(de) samenloop van omstandigheden click to hear [convergenge, (running) coming together of circumstances] - coincidence
(de) willekeur click to hear arbitrariness, random or on a whim
willekeurig click to hear 2 (willekeurige click to hear 2) arbitrary, random
- note the subtle difference in the examples:
een willekeurige voorbijganger click to hear a random passer-by, a randomly chosen passer-by
een toevallige voorbijganger click to hear a random passer-by, a person who just happened to be passing by

Language Change

Language is also always changing. It's not like in 1648 or 1952 a government commission set in stone what would be correct Dutch for all eternity. I do not speak and write exactly like my parents, and the next Dutch generation's language is already somewhat different from mine.
Unfortunately, the pace of change has picked up because (like all over the world) people in Holland don't spend much time speaking, writing or listening to their native language, let alone reading classic (or any) books anymore. My generation already had much English-language music, movies and television, but nowadays people spend much more time away from native languages with English-language material on the blasted Internet.
Looking at Dutch online newspapers and at Dutch on facebook, I'm saddened by the many English words and attempts at translation gone wrong. English phrases are translated word-for-word instead of using the Dutch phrases, or the Dutch standard expressions are mangled. Words are often in the wrong order and personal pronouns are used incorrectly.

For instance, on facebook I often see the possesive pronoun for the first person ('my' in English) as 'me' click to hear where I would say "m'n" click to hear or 'mijn' click to hear - but maybe the people who write this way also no longer pronounce that N at the end, like the common dropping of the N at the end of verbs and plurals. Maybe it's not a spelling mistake but what people say in the street, a development of the language that will then someday show up in a spelling reform. It may well be that what looks to me like errors or not paying sufficient attention is the New Dutch.

There are no Dutch words for many new and not so new items, and I have no problem with that. Very occasionally an English or other foreign word is awkward and a Dutch word comes up, like (de) tekstverwerker click to hear for 'word processor,' but in general there's no need to create new Dutch words. But when English words are used when there are perfectly good Dutch words the language is impoverished. When the English word becomes popular, the Dutch word starts to look old-fashioned and will disappear.

At Dutch newspapers, I would think the journalists' job is to write good Dutch, but I'm deeply disappointed at how little effort is made to use good Dutch words or find the right phrases. For instance, there's a phrase that was often used for the stock market:
de verwachtingen overtreffen click to hear 'to exceed expectations'
The common English phrase says 'beat' rather than 'exceed' - and that's how the phrase nowadays usually looks in the newspapers, 'de verwachtingen verslaan.'
To me it looks ugly and wrong.

Usually, the style of language and spelling you grew up with sounds and looks good. The next generation in Holland may grow up with what to me is stripped down and Anglified Dutch, more and more English words and the beautiful Dutch expressions of my Sayings page could fall by the wayside and become meaningless. Young people probably will see nothing wrong with it. I may think they don't know what they're missing, but is that true?

Language is an acquired taste. You like what you're familiar with. Who am I to say what's right? I'm just an old man whose world is disappearing. Change, breaking with tradition is good?
Niet wanhopen click to hear 2 3 'Do not despair'

Other 'Thesaurus' Pages: Life - Time

More Phrases: The Most Basic Phrases - Weather - Food and Drink - Travel - Sleep - Various - Fun Things to Say
- The Senses - Jobs and Lines of Work - Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch - Sayings and Idiom

Further Study: Basic Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Easy Dutch - Lessons - Pronunciation - Listening - Reading - Grammar

Smartphone Pages: menu - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2016. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2