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'Consonant i' and Connecting Sounds - Hear for Yourself

The letter i in Dutch does not always sound like 'short i' click to hear or 'long i' click to hear

Dieresis - (het) trema click to hear
aä - eë - eï - eü - ië - oë - uï - uü
- two dots on top of a vowel indicate that the vowel is pronounced separately from the preceding vowel(s), not forming a long vowel or a diphtong. It may look somewhat similar to the German Umlaut, but its meaning is completely different.
Kanaän click to hear 2 ('Canaan') — (het) kanaal click to hear ('canal, channel')
(de) reünie click to hear 2 3 ('reunion') — (de) reuma click to hear 2 3 ('arthritis')
poëten click to hear 2 ('poets') — poezen click to hear 2 3 ('cats')

 Consonant i  
  i = ie + consonant Y (Dutch J)  
 EI/IJ and UI 
 Unwritten Connecting Sounds 
 Related Matter 

'Consonant I'

After a vowel or diphthong, and between a vowel or diphthong and a vowel (usually 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear) the letter i sounds like 'Consonant Y' (Dutch J)
It's mostly with A, O and OE: (de) kooi / roeien / (de) vlaai click to
hear ('cage / to row / fruit pie')

A   - (de) maïs click to hear ('(Indian) corn, maize') - (de) Thai click to hear ('a Thai person') - Thais click to hear ('Thai') - Thailand click to hear - (de) braille click to hear ('Braille' - French LL = Dutch J) - pais en vree click to
      hear ("'very peaceful'") (to me, Dutch AI sounds very similar to English I like in 'high, hi!') AA   - (de) aai click to hear 2 ('caress, stroke') - (de) baai click to hear ('bay') - (de) papagaai click to hear 2 ('parrot') - (de) haai click to hear ('shark') - haaien click to hear 2 ('sharks') - (de) vlaai click to hear ('fruit pie on bread dough') - maaien click to hear ('to mow') - (de) draai click to hear ('turn,'  "spin") - fraai click to hear ('beautiful; splendid') - (de) kraai click to hear 2 ('crow') - kraaien click to hear 2 ('crows') - saai click to hear ('boring') - taai click to hear ('tough') - (de) taaiheid click to hear ("toughness") - waaien click to hear 2 ('wind blowing') - zaaien click to hear ('to sow')
- fraai fraaie fraaier fraais click to
  hear ('beautiful, pretty' more -, most -)
- (het) lawaai click to hear 2 ('noise') - lawaaiig click to hear 2 / lawaaiige click to hear ('noisy') (The -IG ending click to hear is pronounced with voiceless, unstressed E click to hear ('the 'schwa') and not the 'short I' click to hear you'd expect from the spelling - more below)
O   - hoi click to hear ('hurrah!' // 'hello' - slang // 'goodbye' - slang) - toi-toi-toi click to hear ('good luck!' - knock on wood)
OO   - (de) ooi click to hear ('ewe' - sheep) - (de) ooievaar click to hear ('stork' - a bird) - ooit click to hear ('ever, sometime') - nooit click to hear ('never') - mooi click to hear / mooie click to hear ('beautiful, pretty') - (de) dooi click to hear 2 3 'thaw' - (de) fooi click to hear ('tip' - to server) - 't Gooi click to hear ('the area around Hilversum, South-East of Amsterdam') - (het) hooi click to hear ('hay') - (de) hooivork click to hear ([hay-] 'pitchfork') - (de) hooiwagen click to hear 2 ([haycart] 'Daddy Longlegs spider') - (de) kooi click to hear 2 ('cage') - (de) prooi click to hear 2 3 4 ('prey') - (het) pleidooi click to hear 2 3 ('plea speech') - (het) tournooi click to hear 2 ('tournament') - 't dooit click to hear ([it is thawing] - 'it stopped freezing') - gooien click to hear ('to throw') - weggegooid geld click to hear 2 ('money [thrown away] wasted') - (de) rotzooi click to hear 2 ('a mess, garbage')
- (de) voltooide tijd click to hear 2 3 ('[finished] perfect tense') - (het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear ('past participle') - (de) voltooiing click to hear 2 ('completion')

gooien to throw
ik gooi I throw, I'm throwing
wij gooien we throw, we're throwing
ik gooide I threw
wij gooiden we threw
ik heb gegooid I have thrown
click to hear

OE   - (de) boei click to hear 2 ('buoy') - boeiend click to hear 2 3 ('fascinating, gripping') - doei! click to hear ('bye!' - slang) - foei! click to hear 2 ("bad!" - disapproval) - Goeie gunst! click to hear 2 ('Good grief!') - Hoei click to hear (a town in Belgium) - bloeien click to hear ('to bloom, flower') - gloeiend heet click to hear 2 3 ([glowing -] 'red-hot') - (de) moeite click to hear 2 ('difficulty, exertion') - moeilijk click to hear / moeilijke click to hear ('difficult') - vermoeid click to hear / vermoeide click to hear ('tired') - (de) vermoeidheid click to hear 2 3 4 ('fatigue, tiredness') - knoeien click to hear 2 ('to spill' // 'to swindle, cheat') - (de) snoeischaar click to hear ('pruning clippers') - roeien click to hear 2 ('to row') - (de) roeiboot click to hear ('rowboat') - (de) sproeier click to hear ('sprinkler') - (de) broeikas click to hear 2 ('hothouse') - (de) groei click to hear 2 ('growth') - groeien click to hear 2 3 ('to grow') - vermoeid click to hear / vermoeide click to hear ('tired') - (de) vermoeidheid click to hear 2 ('fatigue') - vloeien click to hear ('to flow') - vloeiend click to hear 2 ('fluent') - vloeibaar click to hear 2 ('liquid') - bloeien click to hear ('to bloom, flower')
- koeien loeien: "boe" click to hear cows moo: 'moo'
- Al wat groeit en bloeit en ons telkens weer boeit click to hear 2 'All things that grow and flower and fascinate us time and again' - title of the nature segment of a popular radio program by Dr. Fop I. Brouwer
- boeien click to hear 2 is literally 'to shackle, to handcuff,' but is often used figuratively, 'to captivate, to be fascinating'
- Het boeide me niet click to hear 'It was not really interesting, I was bored by it'

Verb Stems ending in Consonant-i
Verbs with infinitives ending in Consonant-i +EN have verb stems ending in Consonant-i and no changes in the preceding vowels; they are regular, 'weak' verbs of the non-'t kofschip  class, meaning they have ‑D, ‑DE, and ‑DEN endings of the past participle and in the simple past tense
kraaien click to hear [right arrow] kraai click to hear making happy baby sounds or roosters crowing
boeien click to hear [right arrow] boei click to hear literally to shackle, figuratively to captivate, fascinate

gooien to throw
ik gooi I throw, I'm throwing
wij gooien we throw, we're throwing
ik gooide I threw
wij gooiden we threw
ik heb gegooid I have thrown
click to hear
De wind waait. click to hear 2 A wind is blowing Je kunt wel zien uit welke hoek de wind waait click to hear 2 ['You can see from which corner the wind is blowing'] - 'You can see where that's coming from, what's behind it' Hij draaide zich om en liep weg click to hear 2 3 He turned around and walked away 't dooit click to hear [it is thawing] - it stopped freezing Hij gooit er met de pet naar click to hear 2 3 ['He's throwing his cap at it'] - 'He's not making a serious effort' weggegooid geld click to hear 2 ('money [thrown away] wasted') koeien loeien: "boe" click to hear cows moo: 'moo'
Al wat groeit en bloeit en ons telkens weer boeit click to hear 2 'All things that grow and flower and fascinate us time and again' - title of the nature segment of a popular radio program by Dr. Fop I. Brouwer
- boeien click to hear 2 is literally 'to shackle, to handcuff,' but is often used figuratively, 'to captivate, to be fascinating'
- Het boeide me niet click to hear 'It was not really interesting, I was bored by it'
Ik ben in een kleine stad opgegroeid click to hear 2 3 I've grown up, I've been brought up in a small town Ik ben opgegroeid in een kleine stad click to hear I've grown up, I've been brought up in a small town Hij is in armoede opgegroeid click to hear 2 3 He was brought up in poverty, He's grown up poor vermoeid click to hear / vermoeide click to hear 2 tired
vermoeiend click to hear 2 tiring

D 'Softening' to consonant Y (Dutch J)
Listening to Dutch, you'll notice that some D's are changing into consonant Y (Dutch J) - usually before voiceless E:

goed goede goeie click to hear 2 - (good)
goeiemorgen click to hear (good morning)
op een goeie dag ... click to hear (someday ...)
rood rode rooie click to hear 2 - (red)
die rooie veger click to hear (that red broom - not a stock expression)
door de rooie gaan click to hear (cross into extremes)
(de) rode kool click to hear 2 3 / (de) rooie kool click to hear red cabbage ‑>>
dood dode dooie click to hear (dead)
op z'n dooie gemak click to hear ([at his dead ease] - taking his time, without any hurry)

Long i / IE ends in consonant Y (Dutch J)

To my ears, long i / IE click to hear 2 (usually after a consonant, not after a vowel like in the chapter above) always ends in consonant Y (Dutch J) - somewhat faint at the end of a word, but more clearly pronounced when followed by a vowel or diphthong. For instance, listen to:
- drie click to hear ('3') - wie? click to hear 2 ('who?')
Heeft-ie kinderen? click to hear 2 Does he have children?
-ie  is a colloquial 'he' ‑>>
A   - (het) fiasco click to hear 2 ('failure') - riant click to hear ('~comfortable') - (de) triangel click to hear ('triangle' - music) - (de) ammoniak click to hear ('ammonia')
AA   - ezels balken: "ia" click to hear ('donkeys bray: "eeyo"')
- via click to hear ('via, by way of') - (de) liniaal click to hear ('ruler, straightedge') - linialen click to hear ('rulers, straightedges') - triviaal click to hear 2 ('trivial') - cruciaal click to hear ('very important') - Ria click to hear (girls' name) - Amalia click to hear (a girls' name) - Adriaan click to hear 2 3 (a boys' name) - (de) variatie click to hear 2 ('variation')
- Pia click to hear (girls' name) - (de) piano click to hear ('piano') — hear the same sound with a different spelling: - (de) pyjama click to hear 2 (pajamas) — the powers that be could as well have decided that the spelling was 'piama'
exception: in many common words with ‑CIA‑ the 'long I' click to hear sound has disappeared and the I is just a consonant-Y (Dutch J): speciaal click to hear 2 ('special') ('special') - (de) specialiteit click to hear ('specialty') - sociaal click to hear ('social') - asociaal click to hear 2 ('anti-social') - (het) socialisme click to hear ('socialism')
Actually, in almost all words with CI and SI the i is only a consonant Y (Dutch J) - cruciaal click to hear ('very important') already mentioned above is the exception to the exception
E   - drieëneenhalf click to hear 2 ('3½') - Daniël click to hear (a boys' name) - desoriënterend click to hear 2 ('disorienting, disorientating')
EE   - (het) dieet click to hear 2 3 4 ('diet') - diëten click to hear ('diets')
- (de) drieëenheid click to hear ('(the) trinity') - principieel click to hear 2 ('principled') - De Geallieerden click to hear 2 ('The World War II Allies' - the U.S., the Soviet Union, Great Britain etc.)
Like some words with -CIA, in 'officieel'  the 'long I' click to hear sound has disappeared and the I is just a consonant-Y (Dutch J): - officieel click to hear / officiële click to hear 2 ('official, formal')
E (uh)   - Azië click to hear ('Asia') - Californië click to hear 2 ('California') - knieën click to hear 2 ('knees') - calorieën click to hear 2 ('calories')
AU/OU   - miauw click to hear 2 ('meow') - poezen/katten miauwen: "miauw" click to hear ('cats meow - meow')
EU   - serieus click to hear / serieuze click to hear 2 3 4 5 / serieus / serieuze click to hear ('serious') - religieus click to hear ('religious') - ambitieus click to hear ('ambitious') - curieus click to hear 2 ('curious, strange, unusual') - furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry') - ingenieus click to hear 2 ('ingenious, inventive, clever') - modieus click to hear ('fashionable') - mysterieus click to hear 2 3 ('mysterious, enigmatic') - prestigieus click to hear ('prestigious, having high status') - superieur click to hear ('superior') - inferieur click to hear ('inferior')
Exception: In some Dutch words from French the i in IEU is just a consonant Y (Dutch J) - (de) ingenieur click to hear ('engineer' - French G) - (het) milieu click to hear 2 ('(the) Environment')
-IEUW   Dutch -IEUW click to hear 2 sounds very much like EW in English NEW: Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch UW: click to hear
- nieuw click to hear / nieuwe click to hear 2 ('new') - (het) nieuws click to hear ('news') - het nieuws click to hear 2 ('the news') (de) kieuw click to hear 2 3 ('gill' - fish breathing)
O: - (de) pion click to hear ('a pawn') - (het) bastion click to hear ('stronghold' - a type of fortification)
OO   - (het) trio click to hear ('trio') - (het) riool click to hear 2 ('sewer') - (de) radio click to hear 2 ('radio') - (de) bioloog click to hear ('biologist') - (de) prioriteit click to hear ('priority') - (de) spion click to hear 2 ('spy') - spionnen click to hear 2 ('spies')
exception: (het) ion click to hear ('ion') - ionen click to hear ('ions') - here, I is pronounced as consonant Y; also note that O is short in the singular and long in the plural, very unusual for a 'modern' word
OE   - krioelen click to hear 2 3 ('teeming, swarming, crawling') - (de) kampioen click to hear 2 ('champion') - (de) schorpioen click to hear 2 ('scorpion')
C/S-rule: - (het) pensioen click to hear ('pension') — French OU sounds like Dutch OE click to hear - (het) enthousiasme click to hear 2 3 ('enthusiasm') - enthousiast click to hear 2 3 ('enthusiastic') — another exception to exception: - (het) visioen click to hear 2 ('vision')
U   - (het) stadium click to hear 2 ('stage' of development) - (de) geranium click to hear ('geranium' - a plant) - (het) kalium click to hear ('Potassium') - (het) lithium click to hear ('Lithium') - (het) natrium click to hear ('Sodium') - (het) jodium click to hear ('Iodine') - see also: chemistry

EI/IJ and UI

The diphthong written as EI or IJ click to hear and the diphthong UI click to hear have an unique sound not involving vowel i — though there is a 'Consonant Y' (Dutch J) sound at the end of EI/IJ.

- (de) hei click to hear ('heath, moor' // 'heather') - (de) kei click to hear 2 3 ('rock, boulder') - (het/de) lei click to hear ('slate' // 'writing board') - mei click to hear ('May' - the month of) - [(de)] bij click to hear 2 ('~near/at/with // side- // 'bee') - (de) dij click to hear 2 ('thigh') - gij click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - hij click to hear ('he') - jij click to hear ('you' - singular informal) - mij click to hear ('me') - (de) rij click to hear 2 ('row, line') - (het) tij click to hear ('tide') - wij click to hear 2 ('we') - zij click to hear 2 ('she' // 'they')
- (het) ei click to hear 2 ('egg') - (de) eik click to hear ('oak') - (de) eis click to hear ('demand') - ijl click to hear 2 3 4 ('thin' - air) - (het) ijs click to hear ('ice' // 'ice cream')
- vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness')
- (de) vijand click to hear 2 ('enemy')
- beiaard click to hear 2 ('church bells player') — Compare with: -bejaard click to hear ('elderly, ~over 65') - (de) bejaarde click to hear 2 ('elderly person')
EE - bijeen click to hear 2 3 ('together, ~gathered')
E (uh) (het) ei click to hear 2 ('egg') - eieren click to hear ('eggs') - heien click to hear 2 ('driving piles into the ground' - for a house foundation on soft soil) - vrij / vrijer click to hear ('free / more free') - dij / dijen click to hear ('thigh / thighs') - gedijen click to hear ('to grow well' - plants) - Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria')
- van een leien dakje click to hear (['off a slate roof'] - 'very easy')
I: - (de) zijingang click to hear 2 ('side entrance')
the EI and IJ page

UI by itself, and in words ending in UI there should be a (Dutch) W sound: ui(w) click to
hear 2 — though some people say UI with a 'Consonant Y' (Dutch J) ending: ui(j) click to hear 2 - I don't like it
- (de) ui click to hear 2 3 ('onion') - (de) bui click to hear 2 ('shower' - rain) - (de) hoestbui click to hear 2 ('coughing fit') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') [(de)] lui click to hear ('people' - slang // 'lazy') - stuurlui click to hear ('ship officers') - zeelui click to hear 2 ('sailors, ship workers') - (de) trui click to hear 2 ('woollen sweater') - (de) ijstrui click to hear 2 ('thick woollen sweater') - (de) coltrui click to hear 2 ('turtleneck sweater')
- Huib click to hear ('(a boys' name') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer') (de) huid click to hear 2 ('skin') - (de) duif click to hear 2 3 ('pigeon, dove') - (het) tuig click to hear 2 3 ('~gear' // 'bad people') - (de) buik click to hear ('belly') - (de) uil click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('owl') - (de) duim click to hear 2 ('thumb') - (de/het) duin click to hear ('dune') - (de) stuip click to hear ('spasm, convulsion') - (het) huis click to hear 2 ('house') - uit click to hear 2 ('out of, out, from, off') - zuiver click to hear 2 3 ('pure') - huizen click to hear ('houses') - fluisteren click to hear 2 3 ('to whisper')
BUT when UI is followed by a vowel (usually a 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear - the 'schwa') then there is no W‑sound but a 'Consonant Y' (Dutch J)
uien click to hear ('onions') - (de) uier click to hear ('udder' - cow) - (de) luier click to hear ('diaper, nappy') - (de) sluier click to
       hear ('a veil') - (de) grauwsluier click to hear ('a gray veil' - detergent commercial) - buien click to hear ('rainshowers') - (de) luiaard click to hear 2 3 ('lazy person; sloth')
Compare: - (de) kruiwagen click to hear 2 3 ('wheelbarrow') - (de) kruier click to hear 2 3 ('porter' - staff person carrying luggage)
the UI page

Other Vowel Connectors — or not

'Long E'
As I hear it, Dutch 'long E' click to hear always ends in a sound like consonant Y (Dutch J) — more clearly pronounced when followed by a vowel ?or diphthong
- (de) fee click to hear ('fairy') - click to hear ('hey!') - mee click to hear ('~with, ~along, ~along with) - nee! click to hear ('no!') - (de) ree click to hear 2 ('roe,' a deer type) - (het) vee click to hear 2 3 ('cattle') - (de) wee click to hear ('contraction' - birth) - (de) zee click to hear ('sea')
- (de) eed click to hear 2 3 ('oath') - Eef click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) eelt click to hear 2 3 4 ('hardened skin, calluses') - één (een) click to hear 2 ('1, one') - (de) eer click to hear 2 ('honor')
A   - (de) reactie click to hear ('reaction')
AA   - Bea click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) alinea click to hear 2 ('paragraph') - reageren click to hear 2 3 ('to react') - realistisch click to hear ('realistic') - creatie click to hear slow ('creation, design, something made') - De Atlantische Oceaan click to hear 2 ('The Atlantic Ocean') - De Indische Oceaan click to hear ('The Indian Ocean') - De Grote Oceaan click to hear ('The [Large Ocean] Pacific') - De Stille Oceaan click to hear ('The [Quiet Ocean] Pacific') - Korea click to hear (Korea)
EE   - (de) meeëter click to hear ('acne pimple') - the two 'long E's' do not connect, there is a split-second pause
E (uh)   - (de) onderzeeër click to hear ('submarine') - weeën click to
 hear ('contractions' - birth) - naweeën click to hear 2 3 ('contractions after a birth' - but usually figuratively: 'later effects of an event, aftermath') - zeeën en meren click to hear ('seas and lakes') - de zeven zeeën click to hear 2 ("the seven seas") - twee zeeën click to hear ('two seas') - ideeën click to hear 2 ('ideas')
'En' click to hear 2 ('and') by itself is with 'short E'  but when it's in the middle of numbers it's usually pronounced with voiceless, unstressed E: - tweeëntwinig click to hear ('22') - tweeëndertig click to hear 2 ('32') - één tweeëndertigste click to hear ('1/32')
IE   - (de) cafeïne click to hear 2 ('caffein') = (de) theïne click to hear 2 ('theine')
O   - (het) neon click to hear ('neon')
OO   - (de/het) stereo click to hear ('stereo' // ' sound system') - feodaal click to hear ('feudal') - (de) deodorant click to hear ('deodorant') - (de) geoloog click to hear ('geologist') - (de) geograaf click to hear ('geographer') - Leo click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) aureool click to hear ('halo, aureole') - Theo click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) theorie click to hear 2 ('theory') - (de) meteoor click to hear 2 ('meteor')
U   - (het) museum click to hear ('museum') - museums click to hear 2 ('museums') - Mattheüs click to hear 2 ('Matthew')
UU   - (de) reünie click to hear 2 3 ('reunion')

voiceless, unstressed E, the 'schwa'
As already seen above, 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') connects to immediately preceding vowels, for instance: - ideeën click to hear 2 ('ideas') - bijen click to hear 2 ('bees')
But 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') does not connect to vowels or diphthongs following after it - there is a (very short) pause, 'vocal stop.' This is usually with the prefixes be- click to hear and ge- click to
- geavanceerd click to hear 2 ('advanced') - geëerd click to hear 2 ('honored, respected') - geïnteresseerd click to hear ('interested') - geïnd click to hear ('collected' - money) - geopend click to hear ('opened, open') - georganiseerd click to hear 2 3 ('organised') - geuit (ge-uit) click to hear 2 ('expressed, voiced')
dit stopcontact is niet geaard click to hear this power outlet is not ['earthed'] grounded een geaard stopcontact click to hear a grounded power outlet de geaarde stekker click to hear the grounded power plug - (de) beambte click to hear ('official') - beangstigend click to hear 2 ('frightening, alarming') - beëdigd click to hear ('sworn in, under oath, board-certified') - beëindigen click to hear 2 ('to end, put a stop to') - (de) beoordeling click to hear ('assesment, judgement, review')

'Long A' does not connect to vowels or diphthongs after it, there is a split-second break, 'vocal stop'
- naäpen click to hear 2 3 ('to ape, mimic, imitate') - Kanaän click to hear ('Canaan') - Rafaël click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) Sinaï click to hear - naïef click to hear 2 / naïef/naïeve click to hear 2 3 ('naive') - (de) aorta click to hear ('aorta') - (de) chaos click to hear ('chaos') - chaotisch click to hear ('chaotic') - Laos click to hear

The diphthong EU click to hear almost never connects with vowels after it
- smeuïg click to hear 2 ('smooth, creamy, appetizing' - "easy to eat" - food)

To my ears, 'Long O' click to hear ends in a faint, very faint Dutch W-sound — there is not always a connection to a subsequent vowel
- (de) vlo click to hear 2 ('flea') - zo click to hear ('very' // '~as' // 'soon') - (de) auto click to hear ('car') - (de) banjo click to hear 2 ('banjo') - (het) ego click to hear ('ego') - (de) foto click to hear ('picture, photograph') - ho! click to hear ('stop') - (de/het) kilo click to hear 2 ('kilo, kilogram')
- zoals click to hear 2 ('like,' 'as,' 'similar to,' 'the way that') - Joannes click to hear (a boys' name, the evangelist John) - (de) oase click to hear ('oasis')
- zo'n click to hear 2 3 (zoown/zowun click to hear 2 3) = zo een click to hear 2 3 (such a') - Zoë click to hear (a girls' name) - zo-even (zoëven) click to hear 2 3 ('a moment ago')
- zoiets (zo-iets) click to hear 2 3 ('such a thing, something like that') - zo-iemand click to hear 2 ('such a person, someone like that')
- (de) coördinator click to hear 2 ('coordinator') - (de) coördinatie click to hear ('coordination') - (de) coöperatie click to hear ('cooperation')

As I hear it, OE click to hear ends in a faint Dutch W-sound
- doei (doe-ie) click to hear ('goodbye, see you' - very informal - it is also said as - doei click to hear) - (de) Bedoeïen click to hear ('Bedouin')
I could include words from French with OU that sounds like Dutch OE: - (de) douane click to hear 2 3 ('customs' - border) - (de) gouache click to hear ('gouache') - (de) zouaaf click to hear ('zouave' - Papal soldier) - zouaven click to hear ('zouaves')

U click to hear 2 (polite 'you') by itself does not sound the same as Uw click to hear (polite 'your') (the U in UW is always 'long' ‑>>)
Heeft Uw hond U gebeten? click to hear Did your dog bite you? - (het) menu click to hear ('menu') - (de) duw click to hear ('push')
- (de) accu click to hear ('car battery') - continu click to hear 2 3 ('continuous, continuously, all the time') - hu! click to hear 2 ('stop!' // 'go!' - horse calls) - (het) individu click to hear 2 ('individual' - a person)
- zenuw click to hear ('nerve') - ruw click to hear 2 / ruwe click to hear ('rough') - ruwweg click to hear ('roughly' - estimating) - sluw click to hear ('sly, clever') - schuw click to hear ('very shy')
When U is followed by another vowel, a Dutch W‑sound is inserted, usually unwritten: situatie click to hear ('situation') - januari click to hear ('January') - dualiteit click to hear ('duality') - fluctuatie click to hear ('fluctuation')
- (het) duel click to hear ('duel') - (het) minuet click to hear ('minuet' - a dance) - (de/het) suède click to hear 2 ('suede')
Between U and 'long E' the W is sometimes written, but not always. It doesn't make a difference in the sound - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (het) juweel click to hear 2 ('jewel') - [(het)] ritueel click to hear ('ritual' // 'a ritual') - actueel click to hear ('topical, current') - eventueel click to hear 2 ('possibly, in case ...)
- majestueus click to hear 2 ('majestic')
- (de) ruïne click to hear 2 3 ('ruin', dilapidated building) - ruïneren click to hear 2 ('to ruin, cause serious damage)
- (de) fluor click to hear ('fluorine') - (het) duo click to hear 2 ('duo')
Between two U's that are not one 'long U' there is a split-second pause - (het) vacuüm click to hear 2 3 ('vacuum') (some people say the second U as a 'short U' click to hear)
the U page

Words from French
Words from French often don't follow Dutch spelling rules:
(het) detail click to hear ('detail') - failliet click to hear 2 ('bankrupt; bankruptcy') - (de) medaille click to hear 2 ('a medal') - (het) braille click to hear ('Braille') - (de) taille click to hear 2 ('waist') - (de) wespentaille click to hear ('a wasp's waist')
(de) portemonnaie click to hear ('purse')
(de) migraine click to hear 2 ('migraine') - (de) quarantaine click to hear 2 (quarantine)
[(de)] militair click to hear ('a soldier; military') - ordinair click to hear 2 ("common," 'vulgar') - vulgair click to hear 2 ('vulgar, cheap') - populair click to hear 2 ('popular, generally liked') - (de) documentaire click to hear ('documentary')
(de) portefeuille click to hear ('wallet') - (het) feuilleton click to hear 2 3 ('feuilleton, (print) serial')
- (het) oeuvre click to hear ('an artist's works') - manoeuvre click to hear 2 ('maneuver, strategic move') - but in the Dutchified verb manoeuvreren click to hear 2 ('to maneuver') the OEU is pronounced as OO (Dutch OE click to hear)
- (de) douane click to hear 2 3 ('customs' - border) - (de) gouache click to hear ('gouache') - (de) zouaaf click to hear ('zouave' - Papal soldier) - zouaven click to hear ('zouaves')
- (de) bouillon click to hear 2 3 4 ('beef broth') - fouilleren click to hear 2 ('to frisk, body-search') - Louis click to hear (boys' name) - Ze zijn gebrouilleerd click to hear 2 3 ('They are not on good terms, they're not speaking to each other' - posh)

Major Exceptions to Phonetic Spelling - 2

The -IG ending click to hear is pronounced with voiceless, unstressed E click to hear ('the 'schwa') and not the 'short I' click to hear you'd expect from the spelling.
- smeuïg click to hear 2 ('smooth, creamy, appetizing' - "easy to eat" - food)
heiig click to hear ('hazy' - old-fashioned) - lawaaiig click to hear 2 / lawaaiige click to hear ('noisy')
zijig click to hear ('silky // soft-headed, weak-kneed')
more -IG

In a very small number of Dutch words, usually between two vowels, Y is like English 'consonant Y' as in YES:
yoghurt click to hear 2 ('yogurt') - royaal click to hear 2 ('generous, ample') - loyaal click to hear 2 ('loyal') - loyaliteit click to hear 2 ('loyalty') - rayon click to hear 2 ("area")
the Y page

Unlike double vowels followed by a single consonant (for instance groot / grote click to hear 2 - more) double vowels followed by i do not change when an ‑E‑ending is added:
mooi click to hear - mooie click to hear - mooi / mooie click to hear 2 beautiful, pretty
mooi / mooier / mooist click to hear beautiful / more beautiful / most beautiful ‑>>
The syllable break is mooi-er,  after the i. Breaking off as mo-ier   would look silly to Dutch people and IE might not be pronounced correctly, but it is unusual that the syllable break is not at the pause, vocal stop.
(de) kraai click to hear 2 / kraaien (kraai-en) click to hear 2 crow / crows

The words (de) koe click to hear and (de) vlo click to hear 2 have irregular plurals where an i is inserted before the ‑EN plural ending:
koeien click to hear - koe / koeien click to hear 2 cow / cows
vlooien click to hear 2 3 - vlo / vlooien click to hear flea / fleas
(Some people assume the I is already there in the singular and say: koei, vlooi)

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2024. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'