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EI/IJ in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

EI/IJ in Dutch - Hear for Yourself

 Long Introduction 
 Hear the Examples 
 IJ (and Y) in Names 
 Hear EI and IJ next to the Vowels
and other Diphthongs 

(de) ei (ij) click to hear 2
The letters EI and IJ stand for a problematic Dutch sound: click to hear 2
There is no sound like it in English or German, but French has a sound like it in words like soleil click to hear 2 ('sun') or the city of Marseille click to hear but I don't know about other languages that have it.
The sound can be represented by the letters EI or IJ - getting the spelling correct is also a problem for many Dutch people. To differentiate between the two spellings we say:
EI: korte ei click to hear 2 ('short ei')
IJ: lange ij click to hear 2 ('long ij')
(het) ei click to hear 2 'egg'  - eieren click to hear 'eggs'
het IJ click to hear 2 / 't IJ click to hear 2 3 a 'river' flowing through Amsterdam
EI and IJ are just different ways to represent the same sound
- ei hei steil click to hear ('egg / moor, heath / steep')
- IJ hij stijl click to
   hear ('body of water near Amsterdam / he / style')

There is no sound like Dutch EI/IJ in English, but I've read somewhere (I forgot where, and I'm not sure that it is useful to you) that the sound is "somewhere between English FATE and FIGHT" - hear Dutch feit click to hear ('fact')
- or "between MATE and MIGHT" - hear Dutch: mijt click to hear ('parasitic bug') / meid click to hear 2 ('girl' - slang)
There is a sound in Dutch written as as AÏ or AI ('short A' click to hear + Consonant Y (Dutch J)) that is very much like English I in MINE, but it is unusual, there are only a few words that have this sound:
maïs click to hear 2 maize, Indian corn
Thais click to hear Thai
pais en vree click to hear 'peace and peace,' very quiet

mees click to hear 2 titmouse (a bird)
meis click to hear 2 3 "girl" (slang)
maïs click to hear 2 maize, corn
mees / meis / maïs click to hear 2

Trees click to hear (girl's name)
Thijs click to hear (boy's name)
Thais click to hear Thai
Trees / Thijs / Thais click to hear 2

(de) eland click to hear elk, moose
(het) eiland click to hear 2 island
Thailand click to hear

Also compare with 'long A' click to hear + Consonant Y (Dutch J)

mei click to hear May
maai (I) mow - maaien click to hear to mow
mij click to hear me
mei / maai / mij click to hear

hei click to hear heath, moor
haai click to hear shark
hij click to hear he
hei / haai / hij click to hear

(het) maïsfeest click to hear 2 corn festival
(de) maïsbrij click to hear 2 'corn mash,' mashed corn
(de) snijmaïs click to hear 2 3 ['cutting corn'] corn fodder, corn animal feed
(het) maïsmeel click to hear corn flour
Maizena click to hear corn flour brand
(de) zaaitijd click to hear 'sowing time'

Hear a few more EI's and IJ's:
- vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness')
(de) vrijheid click to hear (liberty, freedom)
(de) gelijkheid click to hear (equality)
(de) broederschap click to hear (brotherhood)
Vrijheid, gelijkheid, broederschap click to hear 2 (the slogan of the French Revolution)
Bij tijd en wijle click to hear from time to time - old-fashioned
Beidt Uw tijd click to hear 2 3 Bide your time, wait for the right moment - old-fashioned
wijd en zijd click to hear 2 far and wide
Wie schrijft, die blijft click to hear [he who writes, remains] - 'the person writing down the scores always remains in the game'
zij zijn rijk click to hear 2 they are rich
Rij jij of rij ik? click to hear 2 3 Are you the one who's driving or am I? - asked of backseat drivers 'n heitje voor 'n karweitje click to hear 2 'a quarter for a little job' - old boy scouts fundraising slogan

[handwritten 'ijstijd'] (de) ijstijd click to hear 2 ('ice age') - Dutchmen often write the two dots on top of " ij " as a bar.

"IJ" is by Dutch people seen as one letter, and when appropriate, I and J are both capitalized: IJsselmeer, IJsland. I've seen " Ij " in foreign books and it looks really weird to me

In a trend called Poldernederlands click to hear 2 3 4 EI and IJ are pronounced somewhat like (... attempting ...) 'aai' click to hear 2 ('long' A click to hear + Consonant-Y (Dutch J)) - for instance (... attempting ...) (het) maaisje click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('girl') - regular: (het) meisje click to hear - I don't think it's a very widespread trend

English 'I' and German 'EI'
Hear me say English 'mile' and 'lime:'
mile click to hear 2 ('mile') and Dutch: - (het) meel click to hear ('flour') - (de) mijl click to hear ('mile')
lime click to hear 2 ('lime') and Dutch - (het) leem click to hear 2 ('loam, clay, mud') - (de) lijm click to hear ('glue') - see also

Dutch EI is different from German EI. Hear my German (with Dutch accent - an American friend who spoke Geman said my German pronunciation doesn't have the crispness of real German):
- eigen click to hear 2 3 (math term) - Klein click to hear 2 ('small' / a family name)
Reinheitsgebot click to hear (Reinheitsgesetz click to hear) ('Law of Purity' - for beer ingredients)
die Zeit click to hear 2 - Zeitgeist click to hear 2
- Daß war einmal click to hear ('That once was, never coming back')
Halt! Ein Feuer click to hear 2
Mein Gott! click to hear 2 / mein Deutsch click to hear ~~
- to me, German 'EI' sounds very much like English 'I'

"Y" is called (de) i-Grèc click to hear 2 'Greek i' or (de) Ypsilon click to hear - the Greek word for the letter. In Dutch, Y is usually a vowel, pronounced like 'short I' click to hear or 'long I' click to hear - mostly according to the spelling and pronunciation rules - smartphone. Only when followed by a vowel (and then often often also prededed a vowel) it's said as consonant-Y, pronounced like Dutch J.
The Dutch alphabet shows a Y but it's said as Dutch EI/IJ click to hear
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z click to hear
more about Y in Dutch

Hear the Examples

Note that when connecting with a vowel, the Consonant-Y (Dutch J) sound at the end of the IJ-diphthong becomes a little stronger:
- vrij / vrijer click to hear ('free / more free') - dij / dijen click to hear ('thigh / thighs') - gedijen click to hear ('to grow well' - plants) - Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria') - zijig click to hear ('silky, slimy' - person)

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the EI/IJ's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the EI/IJ's:

Introducion 2: EI/IJ Beginnings and Endings
- first series: EI/IJA‑EI/IJZ
- second series: BEI/IJ‑ZEI/IJ

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

EI/IJ Beginnings and Endings
EI‑ / IJ‑  - (het) ei click to hear 2 ('egg') - (de) eik click to hear ('oak') - (de) eis click to hear ('demand')
- ijl click to hear 2 3 4 ('thin' - air) - (het) ijs click to hear ('ice' // 'ice cream')
‑EI / ‑IJ  - (de) hei click to hear ('heath, moor' // 'heather') - (de) kei click to hear 2 3 ('rock, boulder') - (het/de) lei click to hear ('slate' // 'writing board') - mei click to hear ('May' - the month of)
- [(de)] bij click to hear 2 ('~near/at/with/by ‑>> // side- ‑>> // 'bee') - (de) dij click to hear 2 ('thigh') - gij click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - hij click to hear ('he') - jij click to hear ('you' - singular informal - first person. object) - mij click to hear ('me') - (de) rij click to hear 2 ('row, line') - (het) tij click to hear ('tide') - wij click to hear 2 ('we') ‑>> - zij click to hear 2 ('she' // 'they')

-A  - (de) vijand click to hear 2 ('enemy') - (de) aartsvijand click to hear 2 ('archenemy') - vijandelijk click to hear 2 ('of the enemy, hostile') - vijandig click to hear 2 ('hostile')
-AA  - (de) beiaard click to hear 2 ('bell-ringer')
-B  - (de) heibel click to hear ('trouble, commotion' - slang) - Carien Kleibeuker click to hear 2 3 (speed skater)
- (het) bijbaantje click to hear 2 ('side job') - (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide' - playground) - (de) bijbel click to hear 2 / bijbels click to hear ('bible'/'bibles') - (de) spijbelaar click to hear 2 3 ('truant' - absent from school without a good reason) - spijbelen click to hear 2 ('play truant, play hooky') - snijbloemen click to hear ('cut flowers' - for bouquets) - 'n rij bomen click to hear 2 ('a line of trees') - Friso Nijboer click to hear 2 (chess grandmaster) - Vrijburg click to hear (a town in South Africa)
-C  The IJ in the town of Wijchen click to hear 2 is pronounced as EE (Dutch IE)
-D  - (de) arbeid click to hear 2 3 ('labor,' "work") - ik leid click to hear ('I lead, I'm leading') - (de) heiden click to hear / (heidenen click to hear 2 ('heathen'/'heathens') - (de) leider click to hear ('leader') - (de) leidster click to hear 2 3 ('female leader' - but usually the word means 'female Kindergarten teacher') - (de) leidtoon click to hear 2 ('leading tone' - music) - (de) verleiding click to hear 2 3 ('temptation') - (de) zoetigheid click to hear 2 3 ([sweetness] - 'candy') - (het) afscheid click to hear ('goodbye, leave-taking') - (de) waarheid click to hear 2 ('truth') - (de) veiligheid click to hear 2 3 ('safety, security') - (de) wijsheid click to hear 2 3 ('wisdom') - (de) gelijkheid click to hear 2 3 ('equality') - (het) kleinigheidje click to hear 2 3 ('little, irrelevant thing, trifle') - (de) eenheid click to hear 2 ('unity' // 'unit') - de Ouheid click to hear ('Antiquity') - (de) eeuwigheid click to hear 2 ('eternity') - (de) gastvrijheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('hospitality') - (de) gekkigheid click to hear 2 3 ('silliness') - (de) Leidse Fles click to hear 2 3 ('Leyden [bottle] Jar' - an early capacitator or condenser) - (de) bereidheid click to hear 2 ('readiness, willingness')
- (de) nijd click to hear ('envy' // 'enmity, malice') - (de) strijd click to hear ('struggle, battle') - (de) tijd click to hear 2 3 ('time') ‑>> - wijd click to hear ('wide') - wijde weiden click to hear ([wide] 'large meadows') - (de) vrijdag click to hear ('Friday') - (de) strijdbijl click to hear 2 ('battleaxe') - ijdel click to hear 2 3 ('vain') - nijdig click to hear 2 3 4 ('angry') - (de) bevrijding click to hear ('liberation') - (de) tijdgenoot click to hear 2 ('contemporary' - person) - (de) strijdkreet click to hear 2 ('battle cry') - tijdloos click to hear 2 3 ('timeless'- "never gets old") - (het) strijdperk click to hear 2 3 ('battlefield') - (de) bijdrage click to hear 2 ('contribution')
-E  - (het) rijexamen click to hear 2 ('driving test')
-EE  - bijeen click to hear 2 3 ('together ~gathered') - bijeenkomen click to hear 2 ('to meet, congregate') - (de) bijeenkomst click to hear 2 ('meeting, assembly')
‑ Euh  - de Leie click to hear (a river in Belgium - aardbeien click to hear ('strawberries') - breien click to hear ('to knit') - heien click to hear 2 ('to drive piles into the ground' - for a building foundation on soft soil) - keien click to hear 2 ('rocks, boulders') - eieren click to hear ('eggs') - Meier/Meijer/Meyer click to hear (a family name)
- blij click to hear / blije click to hear / blijblije click to hear ('happy, glad') - vrij click to hear / vrije click to hear 2 / vrijvrije click to hear 2 3 4 ('free') - nabije click to hear 2 ('near' - in time) - bijen click to hear 2 ('bees') - dijen click to hear 2 ('thighs') - Nijenrode click to hear 2 (a business school) - specerijen click to hear 2 ('spices') ‑>> - partijen click to hear ('political parties' // '~batches')
-F  - weifelen click to hear ('to hesitate')
- (het) lijf click to hear ('human body' - slang, impolite) ('slimeball') - (het) verblijf click to hear 2 ('stay' // 'residence, place to stay') - (de) olijf click to hear 2 ('olive') - IJslijf click to hear 2 3 ('ice body' - a historical tulip) - stijf click to hear ('stiff, inflexible') - (het) bedrijf click to hear 2 ('business, company') - (de) schijf click to hear ('disk') - vijf click to hear ('5') - (de) vijfde click to hear 2 ('fifth') - twijfelen click to hear 2 3 ('to doubt') - (het) cijfer click to hear / cijfers click to hear ('number'/'numbers') ‑>> - lijfeigenen click to hear 2 ('serfs' - almost slaves) ‑>> - Lijfland click to hear 2 ('Livonia,' - Medieval name, ~Latvia & Estonia) - (de) olijfolie click to hear ('olive oil') - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold,' - 5 copies) - (de) lijfwacht click to hear 2 ('bodyguard')
-G  - (de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 ('threatening letter') - (het) eigeel click to hear ([egg-yellow] 'egg yolk') - eigen click to hear ('~own, ~personal, ~private') ‑>> - (de) eigenaar click to hear ('owner') - eigendom click to hear ('property') - eigenlijk click to hear 2 ("actually") ‑>> - dreigen click to hear ('to threaten') - (de) reiger click to hear 2 ('heron' - a bird) - weigeren click to hear 2 ('to refuse') - (de) dreiging click to hear 2 3 ('threat')
- (de) vijg click to hear 2 ('fig') - zwijg! click to hear 2 ('shut up! keep your mouth shut!' - (het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 ('annex,' side building) - vijgen click to hear ('figs') - krijgen click to hear ('to get, receive' - without effort ‑>> - zwijgen click to hear 2 3 ('to be silent, not speak') - (de) krijger click to hear 2 ('brave,' native American warrior) - (de) tijger click to hear ('tiger') - (het) bijgerecht click to hear 2 3 ('side dish') - (de) vrijgezel click to hear ('bachelor')
-H  - keihard click to hear 2 3 ('hard, powerful, high-energy, with much effort' // 'very loud') - hij heeft click to hear 2 ('he has') - (de) blijheid click to hear 2 ('happiness, being cheerful') - (de) vrijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom, liberty') - vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness')
In the name of the village of Wijhe click to hear H is pronounced as Consonant Y (Dutch J)
-I  The -IG ending click to hear is pronounced with voiceless, unstressed E click to hear ('the 'schwa') and not the 'short I' click to hear you'd expect from the spelling - more
- heiïg click to hear ('hazy')
-K  - (de) eik click to hear ('oak') - (de) eikel click to hear 2 3 / eikels click to hear ('acorn'/acorns') - (het) bereik click to hear 2 3 ('reach, range') - Van der Eiken click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name) - (de) scheikundige click to hear 2 3 ('chemist, expert in chemistry') - (de) reikwijdte click to hear 2 ('reach, extent')
- ijken click to hear 2 3 ('to calibrate,' set or check measuring instruments) - (de) dijk click to hear 2 ('dike, levee') - kijken click to hear ('to look') ‑>> - Kijkduin click to hear 2 3 (a town // 1673 sea battle) - (het) lijk click to hear ('corpse,' dead human body) - (het) slijk click to hear 2 ('mire, sludge') - (het) blijk click to hear ('evidence') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal') ‑>> - (de) gelijkheid click to hear ('equality')
But note that the IJ in the -lijk  click to hear 2 ending is pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') - for instance - heimelijk click to hear 2 ('secretly') - many more -LIJK-ending words
- Nijkerk click to hear (a town) - (de) spijker click to hear ('nail' - carpentry) - [(het)] rijk click to hear ('rich' ‑>> // 'realm,' "empire") - 't Rijk click to hear 2 ('the State' - all the govenment departments and administration bodies, the whole government bureaucracy, all Dutch government institutions together) - (de) rijkdom click to hear ([richness] - 'wealth') - Marijke click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) strijkijzer click to hear ('ironing iron') - (de) wijk click to hear ('neighborhood,' city district') - (de) zijkant click to hear 2 ('side') ‑>>
-L  - (het) onheil click to hear 2 3 ('disaster, doom,' bad things) - (het) eiland click to hear 2 ('island') - heilzaam click to hear 2 3 ('beneficial,' good for health) - (het) peil click to hear ('level') - (de) teil click to hear ('zinc basin') - (het) teiltje click to hear ('small zinc basin') - veil click to hear ('of no value' - very old-fashioned) - (de) dweil click to hear 2 ('rag for wet-cleaning floors') ‑>> - (het) zeil click to hear ('sail, tarp' // 'linoleum') - (de) zeilboot click to hear 2 ('sailboat') - (het) zeilschip click to hear ('sailing ship,' "tall ship") - ijl click to hear 2 3 4 ('thin' - air) - ijlen click to hear 2 3 ('to hurry' // feverish nonsense-talking) - (de) ijlbode click to hear 2 ('courier, express messenger' - old-fashioned) - IJlst click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) bijl click to hear ('axe') - (de) strijdbijl click to hear 2 ('battleaxe') - (de) mijlpaal click to hear 2 ('milestone') - (het) nijlpaard click to hear 2 ('hippo, hippopotamus' - [river Nile horse]) - (de) pijl click to hear 2 ('arrow') - (de) stijl click to hear ('style') - (de) vijl click to hear ('file' - a tool for smoothing or shaping) - terwijl click to hear 2 ('while') ‑>> - Delfzijl click to hear (a town) - Zijlstra click to hear 2 (a family name)
note that IJ in 'dikwijls' click to hear 2 3 is pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') - it's an old-fahioned, formal word for 'often'
-M  - Eimers click to hear 2 (a family name) - (het) geheim click to hear 2 ('secret') - geheim click to hear 2 / geheime click to hear / geheim/geheime click to hear ('secret') - (het) geheimpje click to hear 2 3 ('little secret') - (het) geheimschrift click to hear 2 ('cypher, secret code') - geheimzinnig click to hear 2 ('mysterious') - heimelijk click to hear 2 ('secretly') - (de) heimwee click to hear 2 ('homesickness' - German: 'Heimweh') - Reimerswaal click to hear (a 'drowned' Medieval town)
- IJmuiden click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) lijm click to hear ('glue') - lijmen click to hear 2 ('to glue') - (de) slijmbal click to hear 2 3 ('slimeball') - vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knives) - Nijmegen click to hear (a town) - (het) rijm click to hear 2 3 4 ('rhyme') - Sijmen click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) tijm click to hear ('thyme') - (het) sijsje click to hear 2 3 ('bird' - slang)
-N  - (het) eind click to hear 2 ('end') - (het) einde click to hear 2 ('end') - Deinze click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) gein click to hear ('fun' - slang) - (het) geintje click to hear ('practical joke, something funny') - geinig click to hear 2 ('funny, entertaining') - Hein click to hear (a boys' name) - (het) porselein click to hear 2 ('porcelain, china') - klein click to hear 2 3 4 5 / kleine click to hear ('small, little') ‑>> - rein click to hear 2 ('pure, clean' - old-fashioned) - (het) brein click to hear 2 ('brain') - (de) trein click to hear ('train') - (het) terrein click to hear 2 ('ground, field') - sein click to hear ('signal') - (het) seinhuis click to hear ('signals cabin, signals tower') - (de) kapitein click to hear 2 3 ('captain') - (de) fontein click to hear ('fountain') - veinzen click to hear ('to pretend' // 'to feign') - veinsde click to hear 2 ('pretended, feigned' - simple past singular) - weinig click to hear 2 3 4 ('little, few' ‑>>)
- (de) robijn click to hear 2 ('ruby' - red diamond) - bijna click to hear 2 ('almost') ‑>> - medicijnen click to hear 2 ('medicine' // 'drugs, medications') - kapucijners click to hear ('marrowfat peas' - a bean type) - (het) gordijn click to hear 2 3 ('curtain') - fijn click to hear 2 / fijne click to hear 2 ('pleasant' // 'fine, small') - (de) dolfijn click to hear 2 ('dolphin') - (de) lijn click to hear ('line') - mijn click to hear 2 ('my, mine, my property' // 'underground minerals extraction' // bomb type) - mijn Nederland click to hear 2 3 ('my Holland') - (het) konijn click to hear 2 ('rabbit') - (het) konijntje click to hear ('small rabbit') - (de) pijn click to hear ('pain') ‑>> - (de) Florijn click to hear 2 ('Florin,' a Medieval gold coin) - (de) grijns click to hear ('grin') - grijnzen click to hear 2 ('to grin') - schijnbaar click to hear 2 3 ('apparently') ‑>> - (de) wijn click to hear 2 ('wine') - (het) zwijn click to hear 2 3 ('swine, pig') - zijn click to hear ('his' ‑>> // 'to be') ‑>> - (het) dozijn click to hear ('dozen' - 12 items)
-P  - leip click to hear ('cool, ~clever' - slang)
- slijpstenen click to hear ('grindstones') - (de) nijptang click to hear ('pincer' - pliers for pulling carpentry nails) - knijpen click to hear 2 ('to squeeze') - (de) snijplank click to hear 2 3 ('cutting board') - (het) snijplankje click to hear 2 ('small cutting board') - (de) pijp click to hear ('pipe') - [(de)] rijp click to hear 2 ('ripe' // 'frost') - grijpen click to hear ('to grab, catch, get hold of') - begrijpen click to hear ('to understand' - the meaning, the idea) ‑>> - Zijpe click to hear 2 (a polder)
-R  -
-S  - (de) eis click to hear ('demand') - eisen click to hear 2 3 ('demands' // 'to demand') - (het) paleis click to hear 2 ('palace') - Heist click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de/het) leisteen click to hear ('slate') - (de) pleister click to hear 2 ('band-aid') - (het) meisje click to hear / meisjes click to hear ('girl'/ 'girls') - (de) reis click to hear 2 ('trip, journey') - (de) zeis click to hear ('scythe') - Zeist click to hear (a town)
- (het) ijs click to hear ('ice' // 'ice cream') - (de) ijsberg click to hear 2 ('iceberg') - IJsbrand click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) ijskast click to hear ('fridge, refrigerator - ijskoud click to hear 2 ('cold as ice') - IJsland click to hear ('Iceland') - ijsschotsen click to hear 2 ('ice floes') - de IJssel click to hear (a river) - (de) bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 ('side taste, hint of') - Jeroen Dijsselbloem click to hear 2 (a politician) - Gijs click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) hijskraan click to hear 2 ('crane') - Parijs click to hear ('Paris') - grijs click to hear 2 / grijze click to hear 2 / grijs/grijze click to hear ('grey') - Rijssel click to hear (Dutch name of the city of Lille, France) - (de) rijst click to hear ('rice') - Massijs click to hear 2 (a family name - Medieval painters) - Thijs click to hear (a boys' name) - wijs click to hear / wijze click to hear 2 / wijs/wijze click to hear 2 ('wise') - (het) wijsje click to hear ('tune') - (de) wijsheid click to hear 2 3 ('wisdom') - (het) bewijs click to hear 2 ('proof')
-T  - (het) eitje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small egg' // a very easy task) - beitels click to hear ('chisels') - (de) geit click to hear 2 ('goat') - (het) feit click to hear / feiten click to hear ('fact'/'facts') - (het) heitje click to hear ('a quarter, 25¢ piece' - old slang) - (het) leitje click to hear ('old-fashioned slate writing board, writing with chalk, easily erased') - Majesteit click to hear ("Majesty") - pleite click to hear (gone, disappeared' - slang))
-teit ending: - (de) brutaliteit click to hear 2 ('insolence') - (de) congenialiteit click to hear ('shared genius') - de Illegaliteit click to hear 2 ('the wartime underground resistance movement) - (de) dualiteit click to hear 2 ('duality') - (de) elektriciteit click to hear 2 3 4 ('electricity') - (de) statische elektriciteit click to hear 2 3 ('static electricity') - (de) futiliteit click to hear 2 3 ('futility') - hilariteit alom click to hear 2 3 ('hilarity all around') - (de) kwaliteit click to hear 2 ('quality') - (de) loyaliteit click to hear 2 ('loyalty') - (de) majesteit click to hear ('majesty') - (de) mentaliteit click to hear 2 ('mentality, attitude') - (de) nationaliteit click to hear ('nationality') - (de) piëteit click to hear ('piety') - (de) prioriteit click to hear ('priority') - (de) rivaliteit click to hear ('rivalry') - (de) solidariteit click to hear 2 3 ('solidarityy') - (de) specialiteit click to hear ('specialty') - (de) universiteit click to hear ('university') - (de) rijksuniversiteit click to hear 2 (national university, government-funded)
- (de) bijt click to hear (hole in ice) - (het) ontbijt click to hear ('breakfast') - (de) vlijt click to hear ('diligence, steadiness of work') - (de) huisvlijt click to hear 2 3 ('home industry') - (de) splijtstof click to hear 2 ('fissile material') - smijten click to hear 2 3 ('to fling, throw violently') - (het) tapijt click to hear 2 ('carpet') - (het) krijt click to hear ('chalk') - kwijt click to hear 2 ('gone, lost, not to be found, missing') ‑>> - gij zijt click to hear 2 ('thou art')
-V  - ijverig click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hard-working, diligent, industrious') - (de) bijval click to hear 2 3 ('~support') - lijven click to hear 2 ('bodies' - slang) - blijven click to hear 2 ('to stay, remain') ‑>> - Nijvel click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - Nijverdal click to hear (a town) - drijven click to hear 2 3 ('to float' // 'to drive' - cattle etc.) - schrijven click to hear 2 3 ('to write') ‑>> - SCHR - wrijven click to hear 2 ('to rub') - WR - (de) wrijving click to hear 2 ('friction') - (de) vijver click to hear ('pond') - (de) veelwijverij click to hear ([many-wives thing] - 'polygamy') - bijvoorbeeld click to hear 2 ('for example, for instance') ‑>>
-W  - (het) eiwit click to hear / eiwitten click to hear ('protein' / 'proteins' ‑>>) - (het) wijwater click to hear 2 ('holy water') - vrijwel click to hear 2 ('almost, nearly') - bijwerkingen click to hear 2 ('side effects' - of medicine) - vrijwillig click to hear ('voluntarily') - (de) vrijwilliger click to hear 2 ('volunteer') - (het) rijwiel click to hear ('bicycle' - bureaucratic) ‑>> - (het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ('adverb' ‑>>)
-Z  - (de) keizer click to hear ('emperor' - from 'Caesar') - reizen click to hear 2 3 ('to travel') ‑>> - (de) reiziger click to hear 2 3 ('traveler') - (het) seizoen click to hear ('season') ‑>> - de seizoenen click to hear ('the seasons')
- (de) bijzaak click to hear 2 ('side issue' - not important) - (de) bijzin click to hear 2 ('sub-sentence,' "subordinate clause") - (het) ijzer click to hear 2 3 ('iron') - de IJzer click to hear 2 (a river in Belgium) - grijs click to hear 2 / grijze click to hear 2 / grijs/grijze click to hear ('grey') - (de) vijzel click to hear 2 ('mortar' - grinding bowl) - wijs click to hear / wijze click to hear 2 / wijs/wijze click to hear 2 ('wise') - wijzen click to hear 2 ('wise men // 'to point at') - (de) wegwijzer click to hear ('road, direction sign') - (de) windwijzer click to hear 2 ('windvane') - (de) zonnewijzer click to hear ('sundial')

B-  - (de) beiaard click to hear 2 ('bell-ringer') - (de) arbeid click to hear 2 3 ('labor,' "work") - beide click to hear 2 ('both') - Beieren click to hear ('Bavaria') - aardbeien click to hear ('strawberries') - Beilen click to hear 2 (a town) - beitels click to hear ('chisels')
- [(de)] bij click to hear 2 ('near/at/with/by ‑>> // side- ‑>> // 'bee') - nabij click to hear 2 / nabije click to hear 2 ('near' - in time)
- (het) bijbaantje click to hear 2 ('side job') - (de) bijbel click to hear 2 / bijbels click to hear ('bible'/'bibles') - (de) bijdrage click to hear 2 ('contribution') - bijen click to hear 2 ('bees') - bijeen click to hear 2 ('~together') - (het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 ('side building, annex') - (het) bijgeloof click to hear 2 ('superstition') ‑>> - (de) bijl click to hear / bijlen click to hear ('axe'/'axes') - (de) strijdbijl click to hear ('battle-axe') - (het) bijltje click to hear ('small axe') - Corbijn click to hear 2 (a family name) - bijna click to hear 2 ('almost') ‑>> - (de) bijnier click to hear 2 ('adrenal gland' - ['kidney annex']) - (de) bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 ("secondary taste" - 'hint of') - bijten click to hear 2 ('to bite') - (het) bijtje click to hear 2 ('small, little bee') - bijvoorbeeld click to hear 2 ('for example') - bijwerkingen click to hear 2 ('side effects' - medicine) - (het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ('adverb') - (de) bijzaak click to hear 2 ('side issue' - not important) - (de) bijzin click to hear 2 ('sub-sentence,' "subordinate clause")
The IJ in 'bijzonder' click to hear ('special') is pronounced as Dutch 'long I' (IE) click to hear and not as the EI/IJ click to hear you'd expect from the spelling
een bijzondere vrouw click to hear a (great) special, extraordinary woman iets bijzonders click to hear 2 something special - [(het)] beige click to hear 2 ('beige' - a color) is a word from French, EI is pronounced as a long 'short E' click to hear and French G
C-  - medicijnen click to hear 2 ('medicine' // 'drugs, medications') - kapucijners click to hear ('marrowfat peas' - a bean type) - (het) accijns click to hear 2 ('excise' - tax) - (het) cijfer click to hear / cijfers click to hear ('number'/'numbers') ‑>>
D-  - (de) deining click to hear 2 3 ('commotion' - literally, originally: the movement of a ship in the waves) - gedeisd click to hear 2 ('~quiet, calm')
- Hou je gedeisd! click to hear ('don't make a fuss, lay low, don't draw attention to yourself') - (de) dij click to hear 2 / dijen click to hear 2 / dij/dijen click to hear ('thigh'/'thighs') - (de) abdij click to hear ('abbey, monastery') - dijk click to hear 2 ('levee, dike') - (het) gordijn click to hear 2 3 ('curtain') - radijsjes click to hear ('radishes') - (de) andijvie click to hear ('Cichorium endivia' - a vegetable)
Euh-  - beëindigen click to hear 2 ('to end, stop') - korte ei click to hear 2 ('short ei:' EI) - lange ij click to hear 2 ('long ij:' IJ)
eendeëi click to hear 2 ("ducks' egg") a silly ca. 2000 spelling reform says it's now to be spelled 'eendenei.' I don't think this new N is pronounced much. ‑>>
F-  - (het) feit click to hear / feiten click to hear ('fact'/'facts')
- fijn click to hear 2 / fijne click to hear 2 ('pleasant' // 'fine, small') - ragfijn click to hear 2 3 ([fine like a spider's web] - 'very subtle') - (de) dolfijn click to hear 2 ('dolphin') - (de) fijnproever click to hear 2 ('gourmet') - (het) hoefijzer click to hear 2 ('horseshoe' - ['hoof iron'])
G-  - (de) gein click to hear ('fun' - slang) - (het) geintje click to hear ('practical joke, something funny') - geinig click to hear 2 ('funny, entertaining') - (de) geit click to hear 2 ('goat')
- gij click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - Gijs click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
H-  - (de) hei click to hear / (de) heide click to hear ('heath, moor' // 'heather') - heidenen click to hear 2 ('heathens') - (de) heibel click to hear ('trouble, commotion' - slang) - waarheid click to hear 2 ('truth') - heien click to hear 2 ('to drive piles into the ground' - for a building foundation on soft soil) - heiïg click to hear ('hazy') - heilig click to hear / heilige click to hear) ('holy, sacred') ‑>> - (de) heilige click to hear ('holy man, saint') - schijnheilig click to hear 2 3 ([seemingly holy] - 'sanctimonious,' pretending to be a good person) - Heiloo click to hear 2 (a town) - heilzaam click to hear 2 3 ('beneficial,' good for health) - heimelijk click to hear 2 ('secretly') - (de) heimwee click to hear 2 ('homesickness' - German: Heimweh) - Hein click to hear (a boys' name) - Heineken click to hear 2 (a family name and a beer brand) - (het) heitje click to hear ('a quarter, 25¢ piece' - old slang)
- hij click to hear ('he') - hijgen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to pant') - (de) hijskraan click to hear 2 ('crane')
J-  - jij click to hear ('you' - singular informal - first person. object) - jijen en jouwen click to hear 2 3 ('address each other with the informal "jij," "je" "and "jou  - 'being on a first-name basis')
K-  - (de) kei click to hear 2 3 / keien click to hear 2 ('rock, boulder' // 'rocks') - keihard click to hear 2 3 ('hard, powerful, high-energy, with much effort' // 'very loud') - (de) keizer click to hear ('emperor')
- kijken click to hear ('to look') ‑>> - kijk uit! click to hear 2 3 4 ('watch out!, be careful') - Kijkduin click to hear 2 3 (a town // 1673 sea battle) - Verkijk click to hear 2 3 (a family name)
L-  - (het/de) lei click to hear ('slate' // 'writing board') - (het) leitje click to hear ('old-fashioned slate writing board, writing with chalk, easily erased') - van een leien dakje click to hear / 't Gaat van een leien dakje click to hear ([Like a slate roof?] 'The job is going smoothly' (Maybe slate roofs were a radical improvement?) - (de) vallei click to hear ('valley') - allerlei click to hear 2 ('all kinds of things // all kinds of ..., various, miscellaneous') - leiden click to hear ('to lead') ‑>> - (de) leider click to hear ('leader') - (de) leiding click to hear ('leadership' // 'tube for liquid') - de Leie click to hear (a river in Belgium - (het) porselein click to hear 2 ('porcelain, china') - klein click to hear 2 3 4 5 / kleine click to hear ('small, little') ‑>> - leip click to hear ('cool, ~clever' - slang) - (het) paleis click to hear 2 ('palace')
- (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide' - playground) - lijden click to hear 2 ('to suffer') ‑>> - blij click to hear / blije click to hear ('glad') ‑>> - (de) blijde click to hear 2 ('large club' - medieval weapon) - (het) lijf click to hear ('human body' - slang) - (de) blijheid click to hear ('happiness, gladness') - vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal' ‑>> - vrijelijk click to hear ('freely, liberally') - see also LIJK and -LIJK below - (de) lijm click to hear ('glue') - (de) lijn click to hear ('line') - slijpen click to hear ('to hone' - knives) - lijst click to hear ('list' // 'picture frame') - (de) lijster click to hear ('thrush' - a bird) - vlijt click to hear ('diligence, steady work') - slijten click to hear 2 ('to wear out' // 'to sell' // 'to pass the time') - lijven click to hear 2 ('bodies' - slang)
click to
IJ like A in AGO 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa')
rijkelijk click to hear ([richly] abundantly) - vrijelijk click to hear ('freely, liberally') - verrukkelijk click to
     hear ('delicious') - ijselijk click to hear ('[icely] dreadful, frightening') afzonderlijk click to hear ('separate') - duidelijk click to hear ('clear') - gemakkelijk click to hear ('easy') - lelijk click to hear 2 ('ugly') - lichamelijk click to hear ('bodily, physical') - mannelijk click to hear 2 ('male') - mogelijk click to hear 2 ('possible') - persoonlijk click to hear ('personal') - stoffelijk click to hear 2 ('physical, material') - verantwoordelijk click to hear ('responsible') - vriendelijk click to hear ('kind, friendly') - vrouwelijk click to hear ('female') - billijk click to hear ('reasonable' - bookish) - olijk click to hear ('droll, funny') - belachelijk click to hear 2 ('ridiculous') - degelijk click to hear ('solid, robust, sensible') - natuurlijk click to hear ('natural, naturally; of course!')
Note that a few short words end in 'regular' -LIJK with IJ-sound (one-syllable words don't have prefixes or suffixes)
- (het) lijk click to hear ('corpse, dead human body') - (het) slijk click to hear 2 ('mire, sludge') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal') (voiceless E 'ge-' prefix) - gelijkheid click to hear ('equality') - gelijkwaardig click to hear ('of equal value') - soortgelijk click to hear ('similar')
M-  - mei click to hear ('May' - the month of) - (de) meid click to hear 2 / meiden click to hear 2 ('girl'/'girls' - slang) - Meier/Meijer/Meyer click to hear (a family name) - Meindert click to hear (a boys' name) - (het) meisje click to hear / meisjes click to hear ('girl'/'girls')
- mij click to hear ('me') - vermijden click to hear ('to avoid') - (de) mijl click to hear ('mile') - (de) mijlpaal click to hear 2 ('milestone') - [(de)] mijn click to hear 2 ('my, mine, my property' // 'minerals extraction' // bomb type) - (de) mijt click to hear ('parasitic bug') - smijten click to hear 2 3 ('to throw violently, to fling' - think of 'to smite') - (de) uitsmijter click to hear 2 3 ('bouncer' // 'egg sandwich type')
N-  -neiging click to hear ('tendency, inclination')
- (de) razernij click to hear 2 ('rage, explosive anger') - snijbonen click to hear 2 ('Italian beans') - (de) nijd click to hear ('envy' // 'enmity, malice') - nijdig click to hear 2 3 4 ('angry') - snijden click to hear 2 ('to cut' - with a knife ‑>> - lekkernijen click to hear 2 ('delicacies,' special snacks) - Leendert Knijff click to hear 2 3 (painter, 17th Century) - Nijkerk click to hear (a town) - (het) nijlpaard click to hear 2 ('hippo, hippopotamus' - [river Nile horse]) - Nijmegen click to hear (a town) - (het) konijn click to hear 2 ('rabbit') - Nijntje click to hear ('children's books character) - (de) nijptang click to hear ('pincer' - pliers for pulling carpentry nails) - knijpen click to hear 2 ('to squeeze') - (de) snijplank click to hear 2 3 ('cutting board') - (het) snijplankje click to hear 2 ('small cutting board') - Nijverdal click to hear (a town)
P-  - afgepeigerd click to hear ('dead-tired') - (het) peil click to hear ('level, standard')
- (de) spijbelaar click to hear 2 3 ('truant' - not at school without a good reason) - spijbelen click to hear 2 ('play truant, play hooky') - (de) spijker click to hear ('nail' - carpentry) - (de) pijl click to hear 2 ('arrow') - (de) pijler click to hear 2 ('prop,' "supporting pillar") - (de) pijn click to hear ('pain') - (de) pijnboom click to hear 2 ('pine tree, conifer') - (de) pijnstiller click to hear 2 ('painkiller') - (de) pijp click to hear ('pipe') - (de) spijs click to hear ('almond paste' - in older Dutch, spijs  meant 'food' in general) - (de) spijsvertering click to hear ('digestion') - (de) spijt click to hear ('regret, remorse') ‑>> - (het) tapijt click to hear 2 ('carpet')
R-  - (de) prei click to hear ('leek, leeks') - (de) bereidheid click to hear 2 ('readiness, willingness') - (de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 ('threatening letter') - (de) reiger click to hear 2 ('heron,' - a bird) - breien click to hear ('to knit') - schreien click to hear ('to cry, shed tears' - old-fashioned) - (het) bereik click to hear 2 3 ('reach, range') - (de) reikwijdte click to hear 2 ('reach, extent') - Reimerswaal click to hear (a 'drowned' Medieval town) - rein click to hear 2 ('pure, clean' - old-fashioned) - (de) trein click to hear ('train') - (de) reis click to hear 2 ('journey, trip') - reizen click to hear 2 3 ('journeys, trips' // 'to travel') ‑>>
- (de) rij click to hear 2 ('row, line') - (de) rijstebrij click to hear ('type of rice pudding') - vrij click to hear ('free') - (het) ijsvrij click to hear 2 ([ice-free] - 'school closing so kids can go skating') - (het) rijbewijs click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('driver's license') - Vrijburg click to hear (a family name) - (de) strijd click to hear ('struggle, battle') - (de) vrijdag click to hear ('Friday') - rijden click to hear 2 ('to drive' // 'to ride') ‑>> - (het) rijexamen click to hear 2 ('driving test') - Hongarije click to hear ('Hungaria') - (het) bedrijf click to hear 2 ('business, company') - (het) misdrijf click to hear 2 3 ('crime') ‑>> - (het) tijdverdrijf click to hear 2 ('pastime') - (de) krijg click to hear 2 3 4 ('war' - old-fashioned - krijgen click to hear ('to get, receive') ‑>> - (de) vrijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom, liberty') - rij jij? click to hear 2 3 ('are you driving/riding?') - [(het)] rijk click to hear ('rich' ‑>> // 'realm,' "empire") - (de) rijkdom click to hear ([richness] - 'wealth') - (het) rijm click to hear 2 3 4 ('rhyme') - de Rijn click to hear 2 ('the River Rhine') - Marijn click to hear 2 3 (a boys' name) - [(de)] rijp click to hear 2 ('ripe' // 'frost') - grijpen click to hear ('to grab, catch, get hold of') - (de) prijs click to hear 2 ('price' // 'prize') - Rijssel click to hear (Dutch name of the city of Lille, France) - (de) rijst click to hear ('rice') - (het) krijt click to hear ('chalk') - (het) rijtje click to hear 2 ('small row, small line') - blijven click to hear 2 ('to stay, remain') ‑>> - drijven click to hear 2 3 ('to float' // 'to drive' - cattle etc.) - (het) rijwiel click to hear ('bicycle' - formal) - vrijwel click to hear 2 ('almost') - grijs click to hear 2 / grijze click to hear 2 / grijs/grijze click to hear ('grey') - prijzen click to hear ('prices' // 'to praise')
S-  - Marseille click to hear (a city in France) - sein click to hear ('signal') - (het) seinhuis click to hear ('signals cabin, signals tower') - (het) seizoen click to hear ('season') - scheiding click to hear ('separation, divorce')
- Sijmen click to hear (a boys' name) - Persijn click to hear 2 (a family name) - (het) sijsje click to hear 2 3 ('bird' - slang)
T-  - (de) teil click to hear ('large zinc bowl') - (het) teiltje click to hear ('zinc bowl') - (de) kapitein click to hear 2 3 ('captain') - (de) fontein click to hear ('fountain') - (het) geteisem click to hear ('bad people, scum')
- (het) tij click to hear / (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') - getijden click to hear 2 3 4 ('tides') ‑>> - (de) partij click to hear ('party' - political // ~festivities // 'batch') - (de) tijd click to hear 2 3 ('time') ‑>> - (de) leeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('age') ‑>> - stijf click to hear ('stiff, inflexible') - (de) stijgbeugel click to hear 2 ('stirrup') - stijgen click to hear 2 3 ('~to rise') - (de) tijger click to hear ('tiger') - (de) stijl click to hear ('style') - (de) tijm click to hear ('thyme') - Tijn click to hear / Martijn click to hear / Stijn click to hear (boys' names) - Thijs click to hear (boys' name) - stijf click to hear / stijf/stijve click to hear 2 / stijve click to hear ('stiff, inflexible') - rijzen click to hear ('to rise')
V-  - veil click to hear ('of no value' - very old-fashioned) - veilig click to hear 2 / veilig/veilige click to hear 2 ('safe, secure') - veinzen click to hear ('to pretend' // 'to feign') - veinsde click to hear 2 ('pretended, feigned' - simple past singular)
- (de) vijand click to hear 2 ('enemy') - vijf click to hear ('5') - vijfde click to hear 2 ('fifth') - (de) vijg click to hear 2 ('fig') - (de) vijl click to hear (tool for shaping and smoothing) - na vijven click to hear 2 ('after 5PM') - (de) vijver click to hear ('pond') - (de) vijzel click to hear 2 ('mortar' - grinding bowl)
W-  - (de) wei click to hear 2 / (de) weide click to hear 2 / (het) weiland click to hear 2 ('meadow') ‑>> - (het) gewei click to hear ('antlers') - (het) karwei click to hear ('job, task, piece of work') - weifelen click to hear ('to hesitate') - weigeren click to hear 2 ('to refuse') - (de) dweil click to hear 2 (rag for wet-cleaning floors) - weinig click to hear 2 3 4 ('little, few') ‑>> - (het) boekweit click to hear 2 ('buckwheat')
- wijde weiden click to hear ([wide] 'large meadows') - wij click to hear 2 ('we') ‑>> - wijd click to hear / wijd/wijde click to hear ('wide') - (de) wijk click to hear ('neigborhood' city district, subdivision) - wijlen click to hear ('the late' - deceased) - (de) wijn click to hear 2 ('wine') - wijs click to hear ('wise') - (de) wijsheid click to hear 2 ('wisdom') - wijten click to hear 2 (to blame,' see as the cause of) ‑>> - (het) wijwater click to hear 2 ('holy water') - (het) wijwaterbakje click to hear ('holy water bowl') - wijze click to hear 2 ('wise') - wijzen click to hear 2 ('wise men // 'to point at')
Z-  - Ik zei "nee!" click to hear ('I said No!') - Wat zei je? click to hear 2 3 ('What did you say?) - Zoals ik al zei click to hear 2 3 ('As I said before, Like I already said') - (het) zeil click to hear ('sail, tarp') - (de) zeis click to hear ('scythe') - Zeist click to hear (a town)
- zij click to hear 2 ('she' // 'they') - dankzij click to hear 2 ('thanks to, ~because of') - opzij! click to hear 2 3 ([to the side!] - 'out of the way!') - godzijdank click to hear 2 3 ('the Lord be thanked') - (de/het) zijde click to hear ('side' ‑>> // 'silk') - (de) zijingang click to hear 2 ('side entrance') - zijïg click to hear ('silky') - Delfzijl click to hear (a town) - (het) azijn click to hear ('vinegar') - zijn click to hear ('his' // 'to be') ‑>> - Zijpe click to hear 2 (a polder) - gij zijt click to hear 2 ('thou art')

IJ and Y in Names

In names you'll sometimes find IJ and Y after a vowel  where modern Dutch writes an I. These IJ's and Y's are pronounced as I or as in diphthongs, or occcasionally as Consonant-Y (Dutch J.) Hear for instance:
Kraaijkamp, Van Waaij click to hear (family names) - modern Dutch writes - (de) kraai click to hear 2 ('crow')
- Eijsvogel click to hear 2 3 - Huygens click to hear 2 - Luijendijk click to hear 2 - Muijlwijk click to hear
- Johan Cruijff click to hear 2 (soccer player) - Hans Gruijters click to hear (politician) - Jan Blokhuijsen click to hear (speed skater) - Annouk van der Weijden click to hear 2 (speed skater) - Koen Verweij click to hear 2 (speed skater) - Lara van Ruijven click to hear 2 3 (speed skater) - Nicolien Sauerbreij click to hear 2 (speed skater) - Wesley Sneijder click to hear 2 3 (soccer player)
Breydel, Van Eijbergen, Den Heyer, Meyers, Schey, Van Speijck click to hear 2
Buys, Van Duyn, Ruygers, Van Uylenburg, Van Zuylen van Nijevelt click to hear
The town of Venraij click to hear is unexpectedly with 'long A'
IJ and Y as consonant Y in YES:
- Looijen click to hear 2 - Kees van der Staaij click to hear (politician) - André Ooijer click to hear 2 (soccer player)
Van Ooijen, Plockhoy, Roy, Van Royen, Verlooy click to hear Boeijen, Van Roey click to

Compared with the Vowels and Other Diphthongs

(from the Hear the Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other page)

A click to hear - (de) snijplank click to hear 2 3 ('cutting board') - (het) eiland click to hear 2 ('island') - (hey) weiland click to hear 2 ('meadow, pasture, grassland') - keihard click to hear 2 3 ([hard as a rock, boulder] 'hard, powerful, high-energy, with much effort' // 'very loud') - (de) nijptang click to hear ('pincer' - pliers for pulling carpentry nails)
- dankzij click to hear 2 ('thanks to,' 'because of') - altijd click to hear ('always') - (het) afscheid click to hear ('the goodbye') - (het) azijn click to hear ('vinegar')
AA click to hear - bijna click to hear 2 ('almost') - (de) krijgsraad click to hear 2 ('wartime council of military leaders' // 'military court of justice') - (het) nijlpaard click to hear 2 ('[river Nile-horse] hippo, hippopotamus') - (de) bijzaak click to hear 2 ('side issue, matter of secondary importance') - (de) bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 ('side-taste,' 'hint of ...') - (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide' -playground) - (de) rijnaak click to hear 2 ('river cargo transport ship') - (de) hijskraan click to hear 2 ('large crane')
- aan zijn click to hear ('(to be) switched on') ‑>> - nabij click to hear 2 ('near, close by' - in time) - (de) zaaitijd click to hear ('sowing-time, sowing season')
E click to hear - (het) tijdperk click to hear 2 ('[time period] era') - vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knife) - (de) ijsberg click to hear 2 ('iceberg') - vrijwel click to hear 2 ('almost') - (de) knijprem click to hear 2 3 ('[squeeze brake] - 'rim friction brake' - bicycle) - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - (de) kleingeld click to hear 2 ('small change, spare change') - (de) lijmknecht click to hear ('glue assistant' - woodworking tool)
- tenzij click to hear 2 ('unless') - (de) sneltrein click to hear ('express train') - (de) wedstrijd click to hear 2 ('match, competition')
EE click to hear - lijkbleek click to hear 2 3 ('very pale' - like a corpse) - (het) eigeel click to hear ('egg yellow, egg yolk') - (de) strijdkreet click to hear 2 ('battle-cry') - bijeen click to hear 2 3 ('together' - people gathered) - (de) wijnsteen click to hear 2 ('tartar')
- (het) meelij click to hear 2 - pity, compassion - poetic, short for 'medelijden' click to
  hear ['co-suffering'] - (de) deeltijd click to hear ('part-time') - (de) eenheid click to hear 2 ('unit' // 'unity') - (de) veelheid click to hear ([many-ness] - 'multiplicity, multitude, abundance')
E-uh click to hear - (de) spijker click to hear ('nail' - carpentry) - (de) reizen click to hear 2 3 ('to travel' // 'travels, trips') - eigen click to hear ('~own, ~personal, ~private') - (het) geintje click to hear ('little joke, something funny')
- (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') - [(het)] geheim click to hear 2 ('secret') - (het) bewijs click to hear 2 ('proof') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal' // '~right, correct')
I click to hear - (het) tijdstip click to hear 2 ('time, point in time') - (de) wrijving click to hear 2 ('friction') - (de) veiling click to hear ('auction') - (de) leiding click to hear ('leadership' - direction, command, management // pipe or tube for transport, usually of liquid) - (de) neiging click to hear ('tendency, inclination') - (het) eiwit click to hear 2 ('egg-white' - protein') - (het) kleinkind click to hear 2 ('grandchild') - (het) tijdschrift click to hear ('magazine, periodical')
- (het) misdrijf click to hear 2 3 ('crime, criminal act') - wild zwijn click to hear 2 ([wild pig] - 'wild boar, feral pig') - (de) dichtheid click to hear ([compactness] - 'density') - dichtbij click to hear ('close by, nearby' - place) - (de) prikspijt click to hear 2 3 ('regret at immunization' - either at getting or not having gotten it)
IE click to hear - mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 ('my bicycle') - (het) rijwiel click to hear ('bicycle' - formal, bureaucratic) - (de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 ('threatening letter') - (de) bijnier click to hear 2 ([kidney annex] - 'adrenal gland')
- piepklein click to hear 2 3 (very small, tiny, itty-bitty) - iets kleins click to hear 2 (something small, a small thing) - (de) kiespijn click to hear ('toothache')
O click to hear - (de) rijkdom click to hear ([richness] 'wealth') - (de) splijtstof click to hear 2 ('fissile material' - uranium etc.) - mijn God! click to hear 2 ('my God! OMG!')
- (de) fontein click to hear ('fountain') - op tijd click to hear 2 ('in time, on time') - (de) ongein click to hear ([un-joke] 'unpleasant, annoying action(s)') - (het) ontbijt click to hear ('breakfast')
OO click to hear - (het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ('adverb') - tijdloos click to hear 2 3 ('timeless' - not subject to fashion or aging) - (de) pijnboom click to hear 2 ('pine tree, conifer') - (de) zeilboot click to hear 2 ('sailboat') - (de) kleinzoon click to hear 2 ('grandson')
- (de) olijf click to hear 2 ('olive') - (het) kozijn click to hear ('windowframe') - (de) loodlijn click to hear (line at 90°)
U click to hear - (de) buslijn click to hear 2 3 ('bus route') - (de) luchtreis click to hear 2 3 ('travel through the air,' for instance by balloon)
- hij lust click to hear 2 3 ('~he likes' - food, drink)
UU click to hear - (de) ruwheid click to hear ('roughness') - (de) vuurpijl click to hear ([fire- arrow] 'flare' - signal, fireworks)
- (de) tijdsduur click to hear 2 ('duration, length of time')
AU/OU click to hear - (de) goudmijn click to hear 2 ('goldmine') - ijskoud click to hear ('cold as ice') - (het) vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold, five copies') - (de) wijnbouw click to hear 2 3 ('[wine cultivation] growing grapes and making wine')
EI/IJ click to hear - vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness')
EU click to hear - kleurrijk click to hear ('[color-rich] colorful') - (het) Beursplein click to hear 2 ('the square of the Amsterdam stock exchange') - (de) breuklijn click to hear 2 (1. 'line of break, crack' 2. 'fault line') - (de) wijsneus click to hear 2 ([wise nose] a person who thinks he's wise/clever/intelligent - but who is not) - (de) reisbeurs click to hear 2 ('travel grant, traveling scholarship')
OE click to hear - woestijn click to hear ('desert') - roerei click to hear 2 ('[stir- egg] scrambled eggs') - boekweit click to hear 2 ('buckwheat') - proeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('trial period') - zoek zijn click to hear 2 3 ('to be gone, lost, cannot be found')
- seizoen click to hear ('season') - mijn boek click to hear 2 ('my book') - hij vroeg click to hear 2 3 ('he asked')
UI click to hear - (de) buikpijn click to hear 2 ('stomachache') - (de) vuistbijl click to hear ([fist-axe] 'hand axe') - (de) huisvlijt click to hear 2 ('home industry, home crafts') - muisgrijs click to hear 2 3 ('mouse-grey')
- Kijk uit! click to hear 2 3 4 ('Look out! Careful!') - (de) ijstrui click to hear 2 ('[ice sweater] very warm, heavy wool sweater') - (het) seinhuis click to hear ('signals cabin, signals tower') - (het) rijtuig click to hear ('horse-drawn carriage"')

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  Ei/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'