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The U in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

U in Dutch - 'short' U: click to hear / 'long' U: click to hear

'Short' U click to hear sounds the same as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') - like A in ALIVE and AGO
- verrukkelijk click to hear 2 / verrukkelijke click to hear 2 ('delicious, very enjoyable') - all vowels are 'short U' or 'voiceless, unstressed E'

'Long" U click to hear - there is no sound in English like Dutch 'long U,' but is is found in French, like in cru or dur click to hear and in German, like in Hügel and Muesli click to
'Long' U examples - below

Special Cases:

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter before the U's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter after the U's:

- short U first series: AU-ZU - short U second series: UB-UW
- long U first series: BUU-ZUU - long U second series: UU-UUZ
- Compared - Hear 'short' and 'long' U next to the other vowels and the diphthongs

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

AU The Dutch diphthong written as AU or OU click to hear has little to do with the 'short' or 'long' U
Dutch AU and OU sound like OU in LOUD, OW in NOW - hear Dutch: nauw click to hear ('narrow, tight')
- au! click to hear ('ouch!') - rauw click to hear ('raw') - grauw click to hear ('grey, dun, ashen') - blauw click to hear ('blue') - (de) paus click to hear ('(the) pope') - augustus click to hear ('August') - pauken click to hear ('kettledrums' - music) - blauwe houweel click to hear ("blue pickaxe") - miauw! click to hear 2 ('meow!' - cat)
More on the AU/OU page (partly finished)
BU  - (het) bubbelbad click to hear ('jacuzzi') - (de) bul click to hear ('academic diploma') - (de) bus click to hear ('bus // small container') - (de) bundel click to hear 2 3 4 ('bundle, collection') - (de) bunker click to hear 2 ('bunker, blockhouse') (de) burcht click to hear 2 3 4 ('castle, stronghold') - (de) schouwburg click to hear 2 ('theatre' - old-fashioned) - (de) burgemeester click to hear 2 3 ('mayor') - (de) burger click to hear 2 ('citizen, civilian,' Medieval "townsman") - (de) bus click to hear ('bus' - transport ‑>> // 'high tin jar') ‑>> - bussen click to hear 2 ('busses' // jars') - (de) kwibus click to hear ('a weird, idiosyncratic person)
CU - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture') - cursief click to hear 2 ('italic') - (de) cursus click to hear ('teaching course') - (de) curve click to hear 2 3 ('curve') - (het) circus click to hear 2 ('circus')
DU - dubbel click to hear dubbele click to hear 2 ('double') - dubbeltje click to hear 2 ('dime, 10¢ coin') - (de) dubbeldekker click to hear 2 ('double-decker') - dubbel doppen click to hear 2 ('excessive shelling of fava beans') ‑>> - duchtig click to hear 2 ('thorough, sound, good') - (de) reproductie click to hear 2 ('print of a painting') - duf click to hear 2 3 4 ('drowsy, temporarily not very alert,' "out of it") - dun click to hear / dunne click to hear 2 / dun / dunne click to hear 2 ('thin, slender, skinny') - (de) durf click to hear 2 3 4 ('daring, courage') - durven click to hear 2 (to dare) ‑>> - dus click to hear ('so, therefore, thus') ‑>> - dutten click to hear 2 ('to nap') - (het) dutje click to hear 2 ('nap')
EU  I don't think there is a sound like a Dutch U (or E) in the diphthong EU click to hear.
There's no sound like Dutch EU in English. German has a sound like it in some words with Ö or OE like the logician Gödel click to hear - schön click to hear 2 3 or Goethe click to hear
French has a sound like Dutch EU in a word like deux click to
- (de) beuk click to hear ('beech' - a tree) - (de) deuk click to hear 2 click to hear ('dent') - (de) neus click to hear ('nose') - (het) deuntje click to hear ('tune, little song') - (het) veulen click to hear ('fowl' - young horse)
More on the EU page (partly finished)
EEUW  (de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 ('century') / eeuwen click to hear 2 ('centuries') - eeuwig click to hear 2 ('eternal')
It is said that the sound of Dutch EEUW is long E click to hear + Dutch UW click to hear but to me the long U click to hear in EEUW is rather faint. Don't put too much stress on it - hear for yourself in the examples
(de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 ('century') - eeuwen click to hear 2 ('centuries') - eeuwig click to hear 2 ('eternal')
De Zeeuw click to hear 2 (a family name) - compare with: - (de) zenuw click to hear ('nerve')
- (de) geeuw click to hear ('a yawn') - (de) leeuw click to hear ('lion') - (het) leeuwtje click to hear ('young, small lion') - (de) leeuwerik click to hear 2 ('lark' - a bird) - (de) meeuw click to hear ('seagull') - meeuwen click to hear ('seagulls') - (de) sneeuw click to hear ('snow') - 't sneeuwt click to hear ('it is snowing') - (de) spreeuw click to hear 2 ('starling' - a bird)
- Leeuwarden click to hear ('a city') - Zeeuws click to hear 2 ('from the province of Zeeland') - Zeeuwen click to hear 2 ('people from the province of Zeeland') click to hear 2
Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek click to hear 2 3 4 - 17th Century Dutch scientist, inventor of the microscope ‑>>
FU  - (het) fut click to hear ('energy, strength,' "vim") - (de) functie click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('position // function') - (het) parfum click to hear ('perfume')
GU - gul click to hear / gul/gulle click to hear ('generous, cordial') - (de) gulden click to hear (pre-Euro Dutch coin) - (de) gulp click to hear ('fly, zipper') - (het) gum click to hear ('eraser') - gunnen click to hear 2 ('to grant, allow') - ik gun click to hear 2 ('~I don't begrudge') - (de) gunst click to hear ('favor') - (de) yoghurt click to hear 2 ('yogurt') - (de) guts click to hear ('gouge' - woodworking tool - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle')
HU  - (de) hucht click to hear 2 3 ('hill' -or- 'slope, incline' - dialect) - (het) gehucht click to hear 2 ('hamlet,' very small village) - (de) hulde click to hear 2 ('homage, praise, tribute') - (de) hulp click to hear ('assistance, help') - hulpeloos click to hear 2 3 ('helpless, powerless') - (de) huls click to hear 2 ('case, wrapping, shell') - (de) hulst click to hear ('holly' - a shrub) - hun click to hear ('them') - Hunnen click to hear 2 ('Huns') - hup! click to hear (encouragement) - huppelen click to hear ('to skip, frolic') - hurken click to hear ('to squat' - ~sit, crouch) - (de) hut click to hear ('hut, cabin, shack') - hutten click to hear 2 ('huts') - (de) hutspot click to hear (a dish of carrots, potatoes and onion) ‑>>
JU - (de) juffrouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('Miss // female elementary school teacher') - (het) juk click to hear ('yoke') - jullie click to hear ('you' - plural informal, "y'all") - (de) jurk click to hear 2 3 4 ('dress' - ladies')
- Just click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Justus click to hear (a boys' name) - Jurre click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Jurgen click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Jut click to hear (a girls' name - very old-fashioned)
KU - (de/het) kuch click to hear 2 ('cough' // 'soldiers' bread') - kuchen click to hear 2 ('to cough') - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 ("small cough'") - (de) kudde click to hear ('herd') - (de) flauwekul! click to hear 2 ('nonsense!') - Mokum click to hear ('Amsterdam' - slang) - Renkum click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) kunde click to hear 2 3 ('~learned skill') ‑>> - kun je ... click to hear 2 3 ('could you ...') - kunnen click to hear ("can," 'to be able to') ‑>> - (de) kunst click to hear ('art') - (de) kurk click to hear ('cork') - (de) kus click to hear ('kiss') - [(het)] kussen click to hear 2 ('to kiss // pillow') - (de) kust click to hear ('coast')
LU - (de) lucht click to hear ('air' // 'smell') - (het) luchtje click to hear ('bad smell' // '~something fishy') - vlucht click to hear ('flight // escape') - vluchten click to hear ('to flee // to escape') - bluffen click to hear 2 3 ('to bluff') - (het) geluk click to hear 2 ('luck' // 'happiness' - old-fashioned) - lukken click to hear 2 ('to succeed, be successful') - slurpen click to hear 2 ('to slurp, drink noisily') - (de) lus click to hear 2 ('loop') - (de) lust click to hear ('lust, desire') - blussen click to hear 2 ('to extinguish fire') - blut click to hear ('broke, out of money' - slang)
MU - (de) mud click to hear 2 ('potato measure') - (de) mug click to hear ('mosquito') - mul click to hear ('loose' - soil, sand) - (het) multiplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board, >5 layers') - (de) munt click to hear 2 ('coin') - murw click to hear 2 (very unusual W-pronunciation - 'beaten down, spirit broken') - (de) mus click to hear ('sparrow') - (de) humus click to hear 2 3 4 ('humus,' composted and composting leaves) - (de) muts click to hear 2 ('warm woollen cap') - smurrie click to hear ('dirty, mudlike stuff, sludge')
NU - nuchter click to hear 2 3 ('fasting, empty stomach // not drunk, sober // level-headed, matter-of-fact') - knudde click to hear 2 ('not good,' a failure, a disappointent - slang) - [(de)] nul click to hear ('0, zero' // 'dumb, useless person') - (het) nulpunt click to hear 2 ('point zero, nil') - (het) nummer click to hear 2 ('number') - (de) sinus click to hear ('sine') (math) - (het) nut click to hear ('use, usefulness') - nuttig click to hear ('useful')
OU  The Dutch diphthong written as OU or AU click to hear has little to do with the 'short' or 'long' U
It sounds like OU in LOUD, OW in NOW - hear Dutch: louter click to hear 2 ('~pure')
oud click to hear ('old') - (het) hout click to hear ('wood' - the material) - houten click to hear 2 ('wooden' - made of wood) - (het) touw click to hear ('rope, string') - bouwen click to hear ('to build') ‑>> - Gouda click to hear ('city in Holland' - also a cheese type) ‑>> - blauwe houweel click to hear ("blue pickaxe")
More on the AU/OU page (partly finished)
PU  - (het) spul click to hear ("stuff, things") - spullen click to hear 2 3 4 ("things, stuff ") - (de) pummel click to hear ('lout') - (de/het) punt click to hear 2 3 4 ('point') - punt-uit! click to hear 2 3 ('period!' - end of discussion) - purper click to hear ('purple' - old-fashioned) - (de) put click to hear 2 ('well' // hole, drain') - (het) putje click to hear ('small drain, hole')
- (de) Purmer click to hear 2 (a 'polder' near Amsterdam)
QU  Most Dutch words with QU are from Latin and English, and their QU is usually pronounced as Dutch KW, but in a few not uncommon words from French and Italian QU is pronounced just as K, without W.
- qua click to hear 2 3 ('qua, as for, as to, regarding')
Qua inkomen maakt 't niet veel uit click to hear 2 3 ([Regarding income ...] 'It doesn't make much difference in income' - quasi click to hear ('quasi, seemingly, pseudo-') - (de) queeste click to hear ('quest') - (de) quiz click to hear ('quiz' - game show - also written as (de) kwis) - (het) quorum click to hear ('quorum')
- Quintus click to hear (a boys' name) - Quirinus click to hear (a boys' name)
But: (de) quarantaine click to hear 2 ('quarantine') - (de) quiche click to hear ('quiche') - quitte click to hear ('even,' no debts, no obligations) - (de) quotiënt click to hear ('result of a division' - calculations)
Dutch and English share many words that are clearly from Latin - but in Dutch the QUA is usually written as KWA:
- (de) kwaliteit click to hear 2 ('quality') - (het) kwart click to hear ('quarter' of something) - (het) kwartier click to hear ('quarter of an hour') - (het) kwartje click to hear ('quarter, 25¢ coin') - (het) kwartaal click to hear ('quarter of a year') - (de) kwark click to hear 2 ('quark,' something somewhat like cottage cheese but smooth, not lumpy) - kwaak! click to hear 2 3 ('quack!' - duck sound) - (de) kwakzalver click to hear 2 ('quack' - fake or bad doctor) - (de) kwestie click to hear ('~question, matter')
RU  - (het) rubber click to hear 2 3 ('rubber') - (de) structuur click to hear ('structure, texture') - berucht click to hear 2 - berucht / beruchte click to hear ('infamous') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - vruchten click to hear 2 3 ('fruits') - (de) rug click to hear ('back' - body part) - ruggen click to hear 2 ('backs') - (de) brug click to hear ('bridge') - terug click to hear (going 'back, ~returning') - (de) ruk click to hear ('pull, jerk') - krukken click to hear ('crutches') - brullen click to hear 2 3 ('to roar, howl, bellow') - (de) krul click to hear ('curl') - krullen click to hear ('curls') - (de) rum click to hear ('rum') - (het) rund click to hear 2 ('cow, bull, steer') - (de) rups click to hear ('caterpillar') - (de) Rus click to hear ('Russian' - male) - Russen click to hear 2 ('Russians') - Rusland click to hear ('Russia') - (de) rust click to hear 2 ('rest, quiet') - (het) grut click to hear ('small children' - jocular) - (de) grutter click to hear 2 ('grocer, grocery store' - jocular)
SU  - subjectief click to hear 2 ('subjective, biased') - (de) subsidie click to hear 2 ('subsidy, financial aid, support') - subtiel click to hear 2 ('subtle') - suffen click to hear 2 3 ('not being entirely awake and alert, not paying attention' // 'woolgathering') - (de) sufferd click to hear ('a not very bright person') - (de) suggestie click to hear ('suggestion') - suggestief click to hear 2 ('suggestive') - suggereren click to hear 2 3 ('to suggest') - absurd click to hear 2 ('absurd')
SCHU  - schudden click to hear ('to shake') - (de) schuld click to hear ('guilt' // 'debt' // 'blame') - schuldig click to hear 2 3 ('guilty' // 'in debt') - (de) schulpzaag click to hear ('saw for cutting along with the grain') - (de) schurk click to hear 2 3 ('rogue') - (de) schurft click to hear 2 (a skin disease) - (de) schutkleur click to hear 2 3 ('camouflaging color') - (de) schutterij click to hear 2 3 ('17th Century militia & club') - (de) schutting click to hear ('solid wooden fence')
TU  - (het) tuf click to hear ('saliva' - childish // 'pumice' - volcanic rock) - (de) tulband click to hear ('turban') - (de) tulp click to hear ('tulip') - tulpen click to hear ('tulips') - (de) datum click to hear 2 ('date' - day/month/year) - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 3 4 ('tunnel') - (het) tunneltje click to hear ('a small tunnel') - (de) turbine click to hear 2 3 ('turbine') - (de) turf click to hear ('peat') - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust') - tussen click to hear ('between, among')
- Van Tubbergen click to hear 2 ('a family name')
VU  - vulgair click to hear 2 (Frech AIR - 'vulgar') - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - vullen click to hear 2 ('to fill') - (het) vulles click to hear ('garbage' - slang for - (het) vuilnis click to hear ('garbage, refuse') - (de) vulpen click to hear 2 ('fountain pen') - (de) vut click to hear (early retirement program - originally V.U.T.)
- Vught click to hear (a city)
WU - wuft click to hear 2 3 ('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned) - wulps click to hear 2 3 ('voluptuous, sexy, seductive' - said of women) - bewust click to hear ('conscious') - (de) oorwurm click to hear ('earwig')
- Wubbo click to hear (a name)
ZU - (de) zucht click to hear 2 ('sigh') - zulk click to hear ('such') - zullen click to hear ('shall/will') ‑>> - (de) zus click to hear ('sister') - (het) zusje click to hear ('sister') - (de) zuster click to hear ('nurse' // 'sister')
- Zutphen click to hear 2 (a city)

UB  - (het) bubbelbad click to hear ('jacuzzi') - dubbel click to hear ('double') dubbele click to hear 2 ('double') - dubbeltje click to hear 2 ('dime, 10¢ coin') - (het) rubber click to hear 2 3 ('rubber') - (de) club click to hear 2 3 ('club, association') - subjectief click to hear 2 ('subjective, biased') - (de) subsidie click to hear 2 ('subsidy, financial aid, support') - subtiel click to hear 2 ('subtle')
- Ubbergen click to hear 2 (a village) - Van Tubbergen click to hear 2 ('a family name') - Ubbo click to hear (a boys' name) - Wubbo click to hear (a boys' name) - Ruud Lubbers click to hear 2 (a politician)
UC  - (de) structuur click to hear ('structure, texture')
UCH  - duchtig click to hear 2 ('thorough, sound, good') - (de) hucht click to hear 2 3 4 (5 6) ('hill' or 'slope, incline' - dialect) - (het) gehucht click to hear 2 ('hamlet,' very small village) - (de/het) kuch click to hear 2 ('cough' // 'soldiers' bread') - kuchen click to hear 2 ('to cough') - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 ("small cough'") - (de) lucht click to hear ('air' // 'smell') - (het) luchtje click to hear ('bad smell' // '~something fishy') - (de) vlucht click to hear ('flight // escape') - nuchter click to hear 2 3 ('fasting, empty stomach // not drunk, sober // level-headed, matter-of-fact') - berucht click to hear 2 - berucht / beruchte click to hear ('infamous') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - (de) zucht click to hear 2 ('sigh') - (de) hebzucht click to hear ('greed,' obsession with acquiring and owning stuff)
UD  - (de) kudde click to hear ('herd') - (de) mud click to hear 2 ('potato measure') - knudde click to hear 2 ('not good,' a failure, a disappointent - slang) - schudden click to hear ('to shake')
UF  - duf click to hear 2 3 4 ('drowsy, temporarily not very alert,' "out of it") - (de) juffrouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('Miss // female elementary school teacher') - bluffen click to hear 2 3 ('to bluff') - suffen click to hear 2 3 ('not being entirely awake and alert, not paying attention' // 'woolgathering') - (de) sufferd click to hear ('a not very bright person') - (het) tuf click to hear ('saliva' - childish // 'pumice' - volcanic rock) - wuft click to hear 2 3 ('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned)
UG  - (de) mug click to hear ('mosquito') - (de) rug click to hear ('back' - body part) - ruggen click to hear 2 ('backs') - (de) suggestie click to hear ('suggestion') - suggestief click to hear 2 ('suggestive') - suggereren click to hear 2 3 ('to suggest')
- Vught click to hear (a city)
UI  I don't hear a Dutch U in the diphthong UI click to
- (de) ui click to
    hear 2 ('onion') - uien click to hear ('onions')
(de) bruidssuiker click to hear ('wedding candy') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') - (het) huisvuil click to hear 2 ('household garbage')
There is no sound like Dutch UI in English, but French has a sound like Dutch UI in a word like l'oeil click to hear ('the eye') - hear Dutch: lui click to hear ('lazy')
more on the UI-page
UK  - (het) juk click to hear ('yoke') - [(de)] druk click to hear ('pressure // busy') - lukken click to hear 2 ('to succeed, be successful') - (de) ruk click to hear ('pull, jerk') - stuk  click to hear ('piece // broken, not working') ‑>>
UL  - (de) bul click to hear ('academic diploma') - gul click to hear / gul/gulle click to hear ('generous, cordial') - (de) flauwekul! click to hear 2 ('nonsense!') - mul click to hear ('loose' - soil, sand) - (het) multiplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board, >5 layers') - [(de)] nul click to hear ('0, zero' // 'dumb, useless person') - (het) nulpunt click to hear 2 ('point zero, nil') - (het) spul click to hear ("stuff, things") - spullen click to hear 2 3 4 ("things, stuff") - (de) krul click to hear ('curl') - krullen click to hear ('curls') - vullen click to hear 2 ('to fill') - (het) vulles click to hear ('garbage' - slang for - (het) vuilnis click to hear ('garbage, refuse')) - (de) tulband click to hear ('turban') - (de) schuld click to hear ('guilt' // 'debt' // 'blame') - schuldig click to hear 2 3 ('guilty' // 'in debt') - (de) gulden click to hear (pre-Euro Dutch coin) - (de) hulde click to hear 2 ('homage, praise, tribute') - brullen click to hear 2 3 ('to roar, howl, bellow') - zullen click to hear ('shall/will') ‑>> - vulgair click to hear 2 (Frech AIR - 'vulgar') - jullie click to hear ('you' - plural informal, "y'all") - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - zulk click to hear ('such') - (de) gulp click to hear ('fly, zipper') - (de) hulp click to hear ('assistance, help') - hulpeloos click to hear 2 3 ('helpless, powerless') - (de) tulp click to hear ('tulip') - tulpen click to hear ('tulips') - (de) vulpen click to hear 2 ('fountain pen') - wulps click to hear 2 3 ('voluptuous, sexy, seductive' - said of women) - (de) schulpzaag click to hear ('saw for cutting along with the grain') - (de) huls click to hear 2 ('case, wrapping, shell') - (de) hulst click to hear ('holly' - a shrub) - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture')
- Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria')
UM  - (het) parfum click to hear ('perfume') - (het) gum click to hear ('eraser') - (het) nummer click to hear 2 ('number') - (de) pummel click to hear ('lout') - (de) rum click to hear ('rum') - (de) datum click to hear 2 ('date' - day/month/year)
UN  - dun click to hear / dunne click to hear 2 / dun / dunne click to hear 2 ('thin, slender, skinny') - gunnen click to hear 2 ('grant, allow') - ik gun click to hear 2 ('~I don't begrudge') - hun click to hear ('them') - Hunnen click to hear 2 ('Huns') - kunnen click to hear ("can," 'to be able to') ‑>> - (de) kunde click to hear 2 3 ('~learned skill') ‑>> - kun je ... click to hear 2 3 ('could you ...') - (de) functie click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('position // function') - (de) bundel click to hear 2 3 4 ('bundle, collection') - (de) bunker click to hear 2 ('bunker, blockhouse') - (het) rund click to hear 2 ('bovine: cow, bull, steer') - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 3 4 ('tunnel') - (het) tunneltje click to hear ('a small tunnel') - (de) gunst click to hear ('favor') - (de) kunst click to hear ('art') ‑>> - (de) munt click to hear 2 ('coin') - (de/het) punt click to hear 2 3 4 ('point') - (de) unster click to hear ('pocket scale') pocket scale">unster click to hear
UP  - hup! click to hear (encouragement) - huppelen click to hear ('to skip, frolic') - (de) rups click to hear ('caterpillar')
UR  - smurrie click to hear ('dirty, mudlike stuff, sludge') - (de) turbine click to hear 2 3 ('turbine') (de) burcht click to hear 2 3 4 ('castle, stronghold') - absurd click to hear 2 ('absurd') - (de) durf click to hear 2 3 4 ('daring, courage') - (de) turf click to hear ('peat') - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust') - murw click to hear 2 (very unusual W-pronunciation - 'beaten down, spirit broken') - urgent click to hear 2 ('urgent, requiring prompt action') - (de) urgentie click to hear ('urgency') - (de) burgemeester click to hear 2 3 ('mayor') - (de) burger click to hear 2 ('citizen, civilian,' Medieval "townsman") - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle') - hurken click to hear ('to squat' - ~sit, crouch) - (de) jurk click to hear 2 3 4 ('dress' - ladies') - (de) kurk click to hear ('cork') - (de) schurk click to hear 2 3 ('rogue') - slurpen click to hear 2 ('to slurp, drink noisily') - purper click to hear ('purple' - old-fashioned) - (de) yoghurt click to hear 2 ('yogurt') - durven click to hear 2 (to dare) ‑>> - (de) oorwurm click to hear ('earwig') - Limburg click to hear ('a province')
- Jurre click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Jurgen click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Aardenburg click to hear 2 (a town) - Urk click to hear (a town) - (de) Purmer click to hear 2 (a 'polder' near Amsterdam)
US  - (de) bus click to hear ('bus' - transport // 'small container, high tin jar') - (het) busje click to hear 2 ('small bus, van' // 'small tin') ‑>> - bussen click to hear 2 ('busses' // jars') - (de) buslijn click to hear 2 3 ('bus route' - (het) buskruit click to hear ('gunpowder') - dus click to hear ('so, therefore, thus') ‑>> - (de) kus click to hear ('kiss') - [(het)] kussen click to hear 2 ('to kiss // pillow') - (de) lus click to hear 2 ('loop') - blussen click to hear 2 ('to extinguish fire') - (de) mus click to hear ('sparrow') - (de) humus click to hear 2 3 4 ('humus,' composted and composting leaves) - (de) sinus click to hear ('sine' - math) - (de) Rus click to hear ('Russian' - male) - Russen click to hear 2 ('Russians') - (de) zus click to hear ('sister') - (het) zusje click to hear ('sister') - (de) zuster click to hear ('nurse' // 'sister') - tussen click to hear ('between, among') - (de) kust click to hear ('coast') - (de) lust click to hear ('lust, desire') - (de) rust click to hear 2 ('rest, quiet') - bewust click to hear ('conscious')
- Just click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Justus click to hear (a boys' name)
UT  - dutten click to hear 2 ('to nap') - (het) dutje click to hear 2 ('nap') - (het) fut click to hear ('energy, strength,' "vim") - (de) guts click to hear ('gouge' - woodworking tool - (de) hut click to hear ('hut, cabin, shack') - hutten click to hear 2 ('huts') - blut click to hear ('broke, out of money' - slang) - (de) muts click to hear 2 ('warm woollen cap') - (het) nut click to hear ('use, usefulness') - nuttig click to hear ('useful') - (de) put click to hear 2 ('well' // hole, drain') - (het) putje click to hear ('small drain, hole') - (het) grut click to hear ('small children' - jocular) - (de) grutter click to hear 2 ('grocer, grocery store' - jocular) - (de) schutkleur click to hear 2 3 ('camouflaging color') - (de) schutterij click to hear 2 3 ('17th Century militia & club') - (de) schutting click to hear ('solid wooden fence') - (de) vut click to hear (early retirement program - originally V.U.T.)
- Jut click to hear (a girls' name - very old-fashioned) - Zutphen click to hear 2 (a city)
UW  see 'UUW' below

long U click to hear

- tureluurs click to hear ('~crazy, ~mad')
There is no sound in English like Dutch 'long U,' but is is found in French, like in cru or dur click to hear and in German, like in Hügel  and Muesli click to hear

UU - (het) uur click to hear ('hour') - (het) uurtje click to hear 2 ('little hour' - a small amount of time) - uurtjes click to hear 2 ('little hours' - some amount of time)
- Uden click to hear 2 3 (a town)
BUU - (de) ambulance click to hear (from French, 'ambulance') - (de) buur click to hear 2 ('neighbor') - buren click to hear 2 ('neighbors') - (de) buurt click to hear 2 ('neighborhood') - (de) buurman click to hear 2 ('neighbor' - adult, male) - (het) bureau click to hear (French EAU - 'desk' // 'office') - (de) buste click to hear 2 ('bosom' // head-and-shoulders statue - its long U is an exception to the spelling/pronunciation rules) - (de) buut click to hear 2 ('children's play item) - (het) debuut click to hear 2 ('debut,' first appearance) - robuust click to hear ('robust')
CUU  - see also K below - (de) accu click to hear ('car battery') - minuscuul click to hear 2 3 ('miniscule, very small') - (de/het) molecuul click to hear ('molecule') - [(de)] particulier click to hear 2 ('private individual // ~independent') - (het) document click to hear ('document') - (het) vacuüm click to hear 2 ('vacuum') - (het) excuus click to hear ('apology // excuse')
- Culemborg click to hear 2 ('a town')
DUU  - duur click to hear / dure click to hear 2 3 4 / duur/dure click to hear ('expensive') - duurder click to hear ('more expensive') - duren click to hear 2 ('to last, time taken') ‑>> - (het) individu click to hear 2 ('individual')
EUU  - (de) reünie click to hear ('reunion')
EEUW  (de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 ('century') / eeuwen click to hear 2 ('centuries') - eeuwig click to hear 2 ('eternal') - see above
FUU - (de) fuut click to hear ('grebe' - a bird ) - furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry') - (het) infuus click to hear ('IV') - (de) fusie click to hear ('fusion, merger') - (de) futiliteit click to hear 2 3 ('futility')
GUU - guur click to hear 2 3 ('inclement,' 'very bad, very unpleasant, harsh' - weather) - onguur click to hear 2 3 ('unsavory,' making a very unpleasant impression - said of people) - (de/het) figuur click to hear ('figure' - graphic representation // 'person')
- Guus click to hear (a boys' name)
HUU - hu! click to hear 2 ('stop!' // 'go!' - horse calls) - (de) huur click to hear 2 ('rent' of a house, room or building) - huren click to hear ('to rent') ‑>> - (de) huurder click to hear ('tenant') - (het) huurhuis click to hear ('rented house, house for rent') - (de) huurling click to hear 2 ([soldier-for-rent] - 'mercenary' - old-fashioned) - (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('~mood') - (de) humor click to hear 2 ('humor') - (de) humus click to hear 2 3 4 ('humus,' composted and composting leaves)
- Huub click to hear (a boys' name) - Hubert click to hear (a boys' name) - Hugo click to hear (a boys' name)
IEU 1. IEUW  Dutch IEUW click to hear 2 sounds very much like EW in English NEW: Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch UW: click to hear
nieuw click to hear / nieuwe click to hear 2 ('new') - (het) nieuws click to hear ('news') - het nieuws click to hear 2 ('the news') (de) kieuw click to hear 2 3 ('gill' - fish breathing) - opnieuw click to hear 2 ('anew, again') - overnieuw click to hear 2 ('anew, again') - (de) nieuwslezer click to hear ([news reader] 'news anchor') - nieuwsgierig click to hear 2 3 ('curious, wanting to know things') - niks nieuw click to hear 2 3 ('nothing new') - iets nieuws click to hear ('something new') - (de) nieuwjaarsdag click to hear 2 ('new year's day')
- Nieuwpoort click to hear ([new gate] - a city in Belgium)
2. IEU-S/Z/R  But but when IEU ends in S, Z or R, IEU sunds like Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch EU click to hear + S/Z or R, with a faint consonant-Y (Dutch J) connecting I and EU:
serieus click to hear / serieuze click to hear 2 3 4 5 / serieus / serieuze click to hear ('serious') - religieus click to hear ('religious') - ambitieus click to hear ('ambitious') ‑>> - curieus click to hear 2 ('curious, strange, unusual') - furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry') - ingenieus click to hear 2 ('ingenious, inventive, clever') - modieus click to hear ('fashionable') - mysterieus click to hear 2 3 ('mysterious, enigmatic') - prestigieus click to hear ('prestigious, having high status')
superieur click to hear ('superior') - inferieur click to hear ('inferior') - ingenieur click to hear ('engineer' - French G)
The IEU in the word from French (het) milieu click to hear 2 ('(the) Environment') sounds like consonant‑Y (Dutch J) + Dutch EU click to hear
JUU - jubelen click to hear ('shouting with joy, to cheer') - juni click to hear ('June') - juli click to hear ('July') - (de) juut click to hear ('policeman' - children's language)
- Judith click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - Juul click to hear (a girls' name) - Julia click to hear (a girls' name) - Juliana click to hear (a girls' name, also a former queen) - Julius click to hear (a boys' name)
KUU - (de) kuub click to hear 2 3 ('m³, cubic meter' - informal) - (de) kubus click to hear ('cube') - kubussen click to hear ('cubes') - (de) minkukel click to hear ('a jerk') - (de) kuur click to hear 2 ('course of treatment')
LUU - (de) paraplu click to hear ('umbrella') - (de) lucifer click to hear ('match' - for fire) - lucifers click to hear ('matches') - ludiek click to hear 2 3 4 ('playful' - usually said about somewhat disruptive protests or actions) - (het) volume click to hear ('content,' 'capacity, volume') - (de) fluor click to hear ('fluorine') - (het) fluoride click to hear ('fluoride') - gluren click to hear ('to peek, leer,' watch secretly) - (het) plutonium click to hear ('plutonium') - (de) illusie click to hear 2 3 ('illusion') - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution') - (de) luxe click to hear ('luxury') - (de) luxaflex click to hear 2 ('miniblinds')
- Lucas click to hear (a boys' name) - Luuk click to hear (a boys' name) - Lucie click to hear (a girls' name)
MUU - (de) formule click to hear 2 3 ('formula') - (het) formulier click to hear 2 ('form' - to fill out) - immuun click to hear 2 3 ('immune') - (de) immunisering click to hear 2 ('immunization') - (de) muur click to hear ('wall') - (het) museum click to hear ('museum') - museums click to hear 2 ('museums') - musea click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('museums') - (de) musicus click to hear ('serious musician') - musici click to hear 2 ('serious musicians') - (de) mutatie click to hear ('mutation') - (de) muze click to hear ('muse') - (de) muziek click to hear 2 ('music')
- Samuel click to hear (a boys' name)
NUU  - nu click to hear 2 ('now') ‑>> - (het) menu click to hear ('menu') - continu click to hear 2 3 ('continuous, continuously, all the time') - (het) minuet click to hear (a dance) - (het) monument click to hear ('monument') - (de) minuut click to hear ('minute') - minuten click to hear 2 ('minutes')
OU-UU  - Zou U ...? click to hear 2 ('Would you mind ...?' 'Could you please ...?' - polite 'you') ‑>>
PUU - (het) publiek click to hear 2 ('audience, public') - (de) republiek click to hear 2 ('republic') - (de) capuchon click to hear ('hood') - kapucijners click to hear (a certain kind of beans) - (het) spuug click to hear 2 3 4 ('saliva, spittle' - children's language) - spugen click to hear 2 ('to spit,' // 'to vomit, throw up') - ik spuug click to hear 2 ('I'm spitting' // 'I'm throwing up') - populair click to hear 2 (French AI - 'popular') - (de) populier click to hear ('poplar' - a tree) - puur click to hear 2 ('pure') - (de) puut click to hear / (het) puutje click to hear ('bag' - slang) - (de) reputatie click to hear ('reputation')
QUU  The letter Q is said with a 'long U' IQ click to hear 2 IQ
RUU  - februari click to hear ('February') - cruciaal click to hear ('crucial, vital, critical') - (de) ruïne click to hear 2 ('ruin') - ruïneren click to hear 2 ('to ruin') - (het) instrument click to hear ('instrument, tool') - (het) rumoer click to hear 2 3 4 ('noise, hubbub, commotion') - bruusk click to hear 2 ('brusque, abrupt') - [(de)] bruut click to hear ('savagely violent, brutal // such a person') - brutaal click to hear ('insolent') - (de) brutaliteit click to hear 2 ('insolence') - hondsbrutaal click to hear ('very insolent' - "like a dog") - bruto click to hear 2 ('gross' - weight of container and content together) - gruwelen click to hear ('horrors // to be horrified') - gruwelijk click to hear ('gruesome, horrible') - gruzelementen click to hear ('smithereens') - (de) ruzie click to hear 2 3 ('quarrel, argument')
- Ruud click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Rudy click to hear (a boys' name) - Rudolf click to hear (a boys' name) - Trudy click to hear (a girls' name) - Truus click to hear (a girls' name)
SUU  - subliem click to hear 2 3 ('sublime, exalted, fantastic') - (het) succes click to hear 2 ('succes') - super click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('super') - superieur click to hear ('superior') - (de) supermarkt click to hear 2 ('supermarket') - (de) blessure click to hear 2 ('sports injury')
- Suriname click to hear 2 ('Surinam(e) - a country in South America, former Dutch colony) - Suus click to hear (a girls' name) - Suzan click to hear ('a girls' name') - Suzanne click to hear ('a girls' name') - Suze click to hear ('a girls' name') - Ursula click to hear ('a girls' name')
SCHUU  - (de) schuur click to hear 2 ('large shed,' like on a farm) - (het) schuurtje click to hear ('small shed,' like in a yard) - (de) schuurdeur click to hear ('door of a large shed') - schuren click to hear 2 3 ('to sand') - ik schuur click to hear ('I'm sanding') - (de) schuurmachine click to hear ('sander') - (het) schuurpapier click to hear ('sandpaper')
TUU  - (de) fluctuatie click to hear ('fluctuation') - (de) situatie click to hear ('situation') - (de) tuba click to hear ('tuba') - (de) tube click to hear 2 ('tube,' type of container, for instance for toothpaste) - Alstublieft click to hear ('please' + ‑>> - (de) stucadoor click to hear ('plasterer') - [(de)] bruut click to hear ('savagely violent, brutal // such a person') "nowrap"> - (de) studeerkamer click to hear ('study' - a room) - (de) student click to hear ('student' - college, university - (de) studie click to hear ('study') [(het)] ritueel click to hear ('ritual // a ritual') - eventueel click to hear 2 ('possibly, in case ...) - majestueus click to hear 2 ('majestic') - (de) tumor click to hear ('tumor') - (het) tumult click to hear ('tumult, commotion') - (de) natuur click to hear 2 ('nature') - (de) natuurkunde click to hear ('physics') - (de) natuurkundige click to hear ('physicist') - (de) natuurwetenschappen click to hear 2 ('(the) sciences') - natuurlijk click to hear ('of course! // natural') / natuurlijke click to hear 2 ('natural') - (de) partituur click to hear ('music score, sheet music') - (de) temperatuur click to hear 2 ('temperature') ‑>> - tureluurs click to hear ('~crazy, ~mad') - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture') - (het) avontuur click to hear 2 ('adventure') - (het) stuur click to hear 2 3 ('steering wheel' - car // 'handlebars' - bike) - sturen click to hear ('to send // to steer, direct, operate') - (de) stuurman click to hear 2 3 ('ship officer') - overstuur click to hear 2 3 ('very upset') - gefrituurd click to hear 2 ('deep-fried') - besturen click to hear ('to drive // to govern, control') - (de) bestuurder click to hear ('driver // administrator') - tutoyeren click to hear 2 3 (from French - 'to address with informal je  and jij)
- Portugal click to hear ('Portugal') - Arthur click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
VUU  - (het) vuur click to hear 2 ('fire') - vuren click to hear 2 ('fires' // 'to fire' - weapons) - vurig click to hear ('fiery, fervent, ardent, passionate') - (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('cross fire') - (het) kampvuur click to hear ('camp fire') - (het) koudvuur click to hear (imaginary fireworks 'cold fire') - puur vuur click to hear ('pure fire') - (de) vuurdoop click to hear 2 ("baptism by fire") - (de) vuurproef click to hear ('trial by fire, a serious challenge') - vuurrood click to hear 2 ('fiery red') - (de) vuursteen click to hear 2 ([fire-stone] - 'flint') - (het) vuurtje click to hear 2 ('little fire' - to light a cigarette) - (de) vuurtoren click to hear 2 ('lighthouse') - vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fireproof' - ceramics) - (het) vuurwapen click to hear ('firearm') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks')
ZUU  - zuur click to hear / zure click to hear 2 3 - zuur / zure click to hear 2 ('sour, acid') - (de) zuring click to hear 2 3 (a plant often found along railroad tracks) - (het) zwavelzuur click to hear ('sulphuric acid,' H2SO4) - (het) zoutzuur click to hear ('hydrocholoric acid,' HCl) - (de) zuurstof click to hear ('oxygen') - vetzuren click to hear ('fatty acids') - zoetzuur click to hear 2 3 ('sweet-sour' - pickles taste variety) - (de) zuurdesem click to hear 2 3 ('sourdough') - (de) zuurkool click to hear ('sauerkraut') - (de) zuurpruim click to hear 2 3 ('sourpuss') - fris-zuur click to hear 2 ('fresh-sour' - like new-harvest organges)

 UU - (de) accu click to hear ('car battery') - (het) individu click to hear 2 ('individual') - hu! click to hear 2 ('stop!' // 'go!' - horse calls) - nu click to hear 2 ('now') ‑>> - (het) menu click to hear ('menu') - continu click to hear 2 3 ('continuous, continuously, all the time')
UUA  - (de) dualiteit click to hear ('duality') - januari click to hear ('January') - februari click to hear ('February') - (de) fluctuatie click to hear ('fluctuation') - (de) situatie click to hear ('situation')
UUB  - jubelen click to hear ('shouting with joy, to cheer') - (de) kuub click to hear 2 3 ('m³, cubic meter' - informal) - (de) kubus click to hear ('cube') - kubussen click to hear ('cubes') - (de) tuba click to hear ('tuba') - (de) tube click to hear 2 ('tube,' type of container, for instance for toothpaste) - Alstublieft click to hear ('please' + ‑>>) - (het) publiek click to hear 2 ('audience, public') - (de) republiek click to hear 2 ('republic') - subliem click to hear 2 3 ('sublime, exalted, fantastic')
- Huub click to hear (a boys' name) - Hubert click to hear (a boys' name)
UUC  (K:) stucadoor click to hear ('plasterer') - (het) succes click to hear 2 ('succes') - lucratief click to hear 2 ('lucrative. very profitable')
- Lucas click to hear (a boys' name)
(S): - cruciaal click to hear ('crucial, vital, critical') - (de) lucifer click to hear ('match' - fire) - lucifers click to hear ('matches') - kapucijners click to hear (a certain kind of beans) - (de) hallucinatie click to hear 2 ('hallucination')
- Lucie click to hear (a girls' name)
CH: - (de) capuchon click to hear ('hood')
UUD  - (de) studeerkamer click to hear ('study' - a room) - (de) student click to hear ('student' - college, university) - (de) studie click to hear ('study') - ludiek click to hear 2 3 4 ('playful' - usually said about somewhat disruptive protests or actions)
- Uden click to hear 2 3 (a town) - Judith click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - Ruud click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Rudy click to hear (a boys' name) - Trudy click to hear (a girls' name) - Rudolf click to hear (a boys' name)
UUE  - (het) duel click to hear 2 ('duel') - (het) duet click to hear ('duet') - (het) minuet click to hear ('minuet' - a dance') - (de/het) suède click to hear 2 ('suede')
- actueel click to hear ('topical, current') - eventueel click to hear 2 ('possibly, in case ...) - (het) ritueel click to hear ('ritual // a ritual') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - UUE sounds the same with or without W
UE in the French - (de) kaasfondue click to hear 2 3 4 ('cheese fondue') ‑>> and the German - ueberhaupt click to hear ('at all, anyway') - also written as überhaupt - are pronounced as 'long U' click to hear
UUEU - majestueus click to hear 2 ('majestic')
UUG  - (het) spuug click to hear 2 3 4 ('saliva, spittle' - slang) - spugen click to hear 2 ('to spit,' // 'to vomit, throw up') - ik spuug click to hear 2 ('I'm spitting' // 'I'm throwing up')
- Hugo click to hear (a boys' name) - Portugal click to hear ('Portugal')
French G: - (de) centrifuge click to hear 2 3 ('centrifuge, spin-dryer')
UUI  - (de) ruïne click to hear 2 ('ruin') - ruïneren click to hear 2 ('to ruin') - also see the UI page
UUK  - (de) minkukel click to hear ('a jerk')
- Luuk click to hear (a boys' name)
UUL  - minuscuul click to hear 2 3 ('miniscule') - (de/het) molecuul click to hear ('molecule') - juli click to hear ('July') - (de) ambulance click to hear (from French, 'ambulance') - (de) formule click to hear 2 3 ('formula') - (het) formulier click to hear 2 ('form' - to fill out) - [(de)] particulier click to hear 2 ('private individual // ~independent') - populair click to hear 2 (French AI - 'popular') - (de) populier click to hear ('poplar' - a tree)
- Juul click to hear (a girls' name) - Julia click to hear (a girls' name) - Juliana click to hear (a girls' name, also former queen) - Julius click to hear (a boys' name) - Ursula click to hear (a girls' name)
UUM  - (het) vacuüm click to hear 2 ('vacuum') - (het) document click to hear ('document') - (het) monument click to hear ('monument') - (het) instrument click to hear ('instrument, tool') - (het) volume click to hear ('content,' 'capacity, volume') - (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('~mood') - (het) rumoer click to hear 2 3 4 ('noise, hubbub, commotion') - (de) humor click to hear 2 ('humor') - (de) tumor click to hear ('tumor') - (de) humus click to hear 2 3 4 ('humus,' composted and composting leaves) - (het) tumult click to hear ('tumult, commotion')
UUN  - juni click to hear ('June') - (de) unie click to hear ('union') - (de) reünie click to hear ('reunion') - uniek click to hear 2 ('unique, one-of-a-kind') - uniform click to hear ('uniform') - (de) universiteit click to hear ('university') - immuun click to hear 2 3 ('immune') - (de) immunisering click to hear 2 ('immunization')
- Samuel click to hear (a boys' name)
UUO  - (het) duo click to hear 2 ('duo') - (de) fluor click to hear ('fluorine') - (het) fluoride click to hear ('fluoride')
UUP  - superieur click to hear ('superior') - (de) supermarkt click to hear 2 ('supermarket')
- Rupelmonde click to hear ('a town in Belgium')
UUR  - (het) uur click to hear ('hour') - (het) uurtje click to hear 2 ('little hour' - a small amount of time) - uurtjes click to hear 2 ('little hours' - some amount of time) - (de) buur click to hear 2 ('neighbor') - buren click to hear 2 ('neighbors') - (de) buurjongen click to hear 2 ('neighbor boy') - (de) buurman click to hear 2 ('neighbor' - adult, male) - (het) buurmeisje click to hear ('neighbor girl') - (de) buurt click to hear 2 ('neighborhood') - (het) buurthuis click to hear 2 ('~community center') - (de) buurvrouw click to hear ('female neighbor') - duur click to hear / dure click to hear 2 3 4 / duur/dure click to hear ('expensive') - duurder click to hear ('more expensive') - duren click to hear 2 ('to last, time taken') ‑>> - (de) duurvorm click to hear 2 ('the contiuous, the progressive') ‑>> - guur click to hear 2 3 ('inclement,' 'very bad' - said of weather) ('very unpleasant, harsh' - weather) - onguur click to hear 2 3 ('unsavory,' making a very unpleasant impression - said of people) - (de/het) figuur click to hear ('figure' - graphic representation // 'person') - (de) huur click to hear 2 ('rent' of a house, room or building) - huren click to hear ('to rent') - (de) huurder click to hear ('tenant') - (het) huurhuis click to hear ('rented house, house for rent') - (de) huurling click to hear 2 ('soldier-for-rent,' mercenary - old-fashioned) - (de) kuur click to hear 2 ('course of treatment') - tureluurs click to hear ('~crazy, ~mad') - gluren click to hear ('to peek, leer,' watch secretly) - (de) muur click to hear ('wall') - puur click to hear 2 ('pure, unadulterated') - (de) schuur click to hear 2 ('large shed,' like on a farm - (het) schuurtje click to hear ('small shed,' like in a yard - (de) schuurdeur click to hear ('door of a large shed') - schuren click to hear 2 3 ('to sand') - ik schuur click to hear ('I'm sanding') - (de) schuurmachine click to hear ('sander') - (het) schuurpapier click to hear ('sandpaper') - tureluurs click to hear ('~crazy, ~mad') - (de) natuur click to hear 2 ('nature') - (de) natuurkunde click to hear ('physics') - (de) natuurkundige click to hear ('physicist') - (de) natuurwetenschappen click to hear 2 ('(the) sciences') - natuurlijk click to hear ('of course! // natural') / natuurlijke click to hear 2 ('natural') - (de) temperatuur click to hear 2 ('temperature') ‑>> - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture') - furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry') - (de) blessure click to hear 2 ('sports injury') - (de) partituur click to hear ('music score, sheet music') - (het) avontuur click to hear 2 ('adventure') - stuur click to hear ('steering wheel') - sturen click to hear ('to send // to steer, direct, operate') - overstuur click to hear 2 3 ('very upset') - (de) stuurman click to hear 2 3 ([steering man] 'ship officer') - (de) bestuurder click to hear ('driver // administrator, manager') - besturen click to hear ('to drive // to govern, control') - gefrituurd click to hear 2 ('deep-fried') - (het) vuur click to hear 2 ('fire') - vuren click to hear 2 ('fires' // 'to fire' - weapons) - vurig click to hear ('fiery, fervent, ardent, passionate') - (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('cross fire') - (het) kampvuur click to hear ('camp fire') - (het) koudvuur click to hear (imaginary fireworks 'cold fire') - puur vuur click to hear ('pure fire') - (de) vuurdoop click to hear 2 ("baptism by fire") - (de) vuurproef click to hear ('trial by fire, a serious challenge') - vuurrood click to hear 2 ('fiery red') - (de) vuursteen click to hear 2 ([fire-stone] - 'flint') - (het) vuurtje click to hear 2 ('little fire' - light for a cigarette) - (de) vuurtoren click to hear 2 ('lighthouse') - vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fireproof' - ceramics) - (het) vuurwapen click to hear ('firearm') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks') - zuur click to hear / zure click to hear 2 3 - zuur / zure click to hear 2 ('sour, acid') - (de) zuring click to hear 2 3 (a plant often found along railroad tracks) - (het) zwavelzuur click to hear ('sulphuric acid,' H2SO4) - (het) zoutzuur click to hear ('hydrocholoric acid,' HCl) - (de) zuurstof click to hear ('oxygen') - vetzuren click to hear ('fatty acids') - zoetzuur click to hear 2 3 ('sweet-sour' - pickles taste variety) - (de) zuurdesem click to hear 2 3 ('sourdough') - (de) zuurkool click to hear ('sauerkraut') - (de) zuurpruim click to hear 2 3 ('sourpuss') - fris-zuur click to hear 2 ('fresh-sour' - like new-harvest organges)
- Suriname click to hear 2 ('Surinam(e) - a country in South America, former Dutch colony) - Arthur click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
UUS  - (het) excuus click to hear ('apology' // 'excuse') - (het) infuus click to hear ('IV') - (de) fusie click to hear ('fusion, merger') - (de) illusie click to hear 2 3 ('illusion') - paraplu's click to hear 2 ('umbrellas') - bruusk click to hear 2 ('impolitely quick, abrupt, brusque') - robuust click to hear ('robust')
- Guus click to hear (a boys' name) - Truus click to hear (a girls' name) - Suus click to hear (a girls' name)
UUT  - (de) buut click to hear 2 ('children's play item) - (het) debuut click to hear 2 ('debut' - first appearence) - (de) fuut click to hear ('grebe' - a bird ) - (de) futiliteit click to hear 2 3 ('futility') - (de) juut click to hear ('policeman' - children's language) - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution') - (het) plutonium click to hear ('plutonium') - (het) parapluutje click to hear 2 ('small umbrella') - (de) mutatie click to hear ('mutation') - (de) minuut click to hear ('minute') - minuten click to hear 2 ('minutes') - (de) puut click to hear / (het) puutje click to hear ('bag' - slang) - (de) reputatie click to hear ('reputation') - [(de)] bruut click to hear ('savagely violent, brutal // such a person') - brutaal click to hear ('insolent') - (de) brutaliteit click to hear 2 ('insolence') - hondsbrutaal click to hear ('very insolent' - "like a dog") - bruto click to hear 2 ('gross' - weight of container and content together) - tutoyeren click to hear 2 3 (from French - 'to address with informal je  and jij)
UUV  - Duvel click to hear (a Belgian beer brand)
UUX  - (de) luxe click to hear ('luxury') - (de) luxaflex click to hear 2 ('miniblinds')
UUW  Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say a single vowel followed by one or more consonants at the end of a word is 'short' - but UW is an exception to that rule: UW click to hear is always 'long.'
(de) duw click to hear ('push') - (het) duwtje click to hear 2 ('small push, nudge') - duwen click to hear ('to push') - U duwt click to hear 2 3 ('you are pushing') - ik heb geduwd click to hear ('I have pushed')
duwen to push
ik duw I'm pushing
wij duwen we're pushing
ik duwde I pushed
wij duwden we pushed
ik heb geduwd I have pushed
click to hear
- (de) schaduw click to hear ('shadow, shade') - (de) weduwe click to hear 2 ('widow') - (de) weduwnaar click to hear 2 ('widower') - (het) huwelijk click to hear ('marriage') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married' - bureaucratic, formal) - (het) juweel click to hear ('a jewel') - juwelen click to hear ('jewels, jewelry') - (de) juwelier click to hear ('jeweler') - (de) baljuw click to hear 2 ("bailiff" - Medieval law court official) - zwaluw click to hear ('swallow' - a bird) - sluw click to hear 2 / sluw/sluwe click to hear 2 ('sly, cunning') - fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) kluwen click to hear ('skein' - ball of wool thread) - (de) luwte click to hear 2 ('lee,' calm sea area - also figuratively) - zenuw click to hear ('nerve') - (de) zenuwbehandeling click to hear ([nerve treatment] - 'root canal' (treatment)) - zenuwslopend click to hear 2 ('nerve-racking') - (het) zenuwstelsel click to hear 2 ('(the) nervous system') - ruw click to hear 2 / ruwe click to hear 2 ('rough') - ruwaard click to hear ('a medieval ruler') - ruwheid click to hear ('roughness') - ruwweg click to hear ('roughly' - estimating) - gruwelen click to hear ('horrors // to be horrified') - gruwelijk click to hear ('gruesome, horrible') - schuw click to hear / schuw/schuwe click to hear 2 ('very shy') - schuwer click to hear 2 ('even more shy') - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('horror, disgust, loathing') - afschuwelijk click to hear 2 ('awful, horrible') - waarschuwen click to hear 2 3 ('to warn') - (de) waarschuwing click to hear 2 3 ('warning') - zonder waarschuwing click to hear 2 ('without (a) warning') - (de) stuw click to hear ('flood-control dam')
- de Veluwe click to hear / de Betuwe click to hear (areas in the East of The Netherlands)
Compare: ritueel click to hear ('ritual // a ritual') and - fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - UEE and UWEE sound the same.
But click to hear ('you' - formal) and Uw  click to hear ('your' - formal) sound different
Note that 'U' click to hear ('you'- formal) does not end in a Dutch W-sound like Uw click to hear ('your' - formal) - unlike the informal 'you' jou click to hear 2 ('you' - singular, informal, as object) and jouw click to hear ('your' - singular, informal) that/which sound alike, both end in a W-sound - see also personal pronouns
UUZ  (het) huzarenstukje click to hear 2 (['a hussars' act'] 'a daring small-scale military action') - (de) muze click to hear ('muse') - Uzelf click to hear 2 ('yourself' - polite 'you') - (de) muziek click to hear 2 ('music') - gruzelementen click to hear ('smithereens') - (de) ruzie click to hear 2 3 ('quarrel, argument')
- Suzan click to hear ('a girls' name') - Suzanne click to hear ('a girls' name') - Suze click to hear ('a girls' name')

Compared with the Other Vowels and Diphthongs

(from the Hear the Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other page)

'short' U click to hear 'long' U click to hear
A click to hear - (de) rugzak click to hear 2 ('back-[bag]-pack') - (het) kunstgras click to hear 2 ('artificial grass, artificial turf')
- absurd click to hear 2 ('absurd') - (de) nachtrust click to hear 2 3 ([night-rest] 'sleep') - (het) parfum click to hear ('perfume') - (de) badmuts click to hear 2 ('swimming cap') - aldus click to hear 2 ("thus")
- (de) buurman click to hear 2 ('neighbor, adult male') - (de) stuurman click to hear 2 3 ('[steering man] ship officer') - vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fireproof')
- (het) kampvuur click to hear ('camp fire') - (de) accu click to hear ('car battery') - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('loathing, horror, (strong) disgust') - (de) baljuw click to hear 2 ('medieval city official - bailiff?')
AA click to hear - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - vruchtbaar click to hear ('fertile') - (de) schulpzaag click to hear ('saw for cutting along with the grain')
- (de) nadruk click to hear 2 ('emphasis, focus, stress') - (de) datum click to hear 2 ('date' - day/month/year)
- brutaal click to hear ('insolent, brazen') - (de) tuba click to hear ('tuba') - (de) ruwaard click to hear ('medieval functionary, ruler')
- (de) graanschuur click to hear ('granary, grain storage building') - (de) schaduw click to hear ('shadow') - (de) zwaluw click to hear ('swallow' - a bird)
E click to hear - (de) kunstmest click to hear 2 ('[artificial dung] fertilizer') - urgent click to hear 2 ('urgent, requiring prompt action')
- (het) geldstuk click to hear ([piece of money] - 'coin') - per stuk click to hear 2 ('for each, each, apiece') - (de) stembus click to hear ('[vote-] 'ballot box')
- Uzelf click to hear 2 ('yourself' - polite 'you') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks') - (de) student click to hear ('student' - college or university)
- (het) excuus click to hear ('apology // excuse') - bent U ...? click to hear 2 ('are you ...?')
EE click to hear - (het) vruchtvlees click to hear 2 ('[fruit meat] fruit pulp') - (het) rundvlees click to hear ('beef') - (een) stuk zeep click to hear ('[piece] bar of soap')
- (het) keerpunt click to hear ('turning point') - (de) eetlust click to hear ('appetite')
- (het) juweel click to hear 2 ('jewel') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) vuursteen click to hear 2 ([fire-stone] 'flint')
- (het) spreekuur click to hear 2 3 ('walk-in office hours') - (de) zenuw click to hear ('nerve')
E-uh click to hear - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 4 (" small" cough') - (de) kunde click to hear 2 3 ('~learned skill') - smullen click to hear 2 ('eating with great enjoyment') - (de) bunker click to hear 2 ('bunker, pillbox, blockhouse') - (de) unster click to hear ('pocket scale') - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 ('tunnel')
- (het) geluk click to hear 2 (1. 'luck' 2. 'happiness' (old-fashioned) - bewust click to hear ('conscious') - berucht click to hear 2 ('infamous') - terug click to hear ('back' - returning
- (het) vuurtje click to hear 2 ('[little fire] light for a cigarette or cigar') - (de) luwte click to hear 2 ('lee' - calm area at sea, or also figuratively) - (de) muze click to hear ('muse')
- (het) debuut click to hear 2 ('debut, first appearance') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married' - bureacratese) - (het) menu click to hear ('menu, bill of fare')
I click to hear - (de) schutting click to hear ('(solid) wooden fence')
- (het) mispunt click to hear 2 3 ('unpleasant person') - (het) circus click to hear 2 ('circus')
- (de) zuring click to hear 2 3 (a plant often found along railroad lines) - (de) huurling click to hear 2 ([soldier- for-rent] - 'mercenary' - old-fashioned)
- immuun click to hear 2 3 4 ('immune') - fris-zuur click to hear 2 ('fresh-sour' (a taste, like for instance fresh new harvest oranges) - (het) infuus click to hear ('IV')
IE click to hear - (de) smurrie click to hear ('gunk, slob, sludge') - subtiel click to hear 2 ('subtle')
- (de) sinus click to hear ('sine' - math) - (de) nietsnut click to hear 2 ('good- for-nothing person, ne'er-do-well') - (het) vriespunt click to hear ('freezing point') - (de) kwibus click to hear ('a weird, idiosyncratic person') - (het) virus click to hear ('virus')
- (het) publiek click to hear 2 (1. 'audience' 2. 'public') - (de) studie click to hear ('study, studies') - (de) ruzie click to hear 2 3 ('argument, quarrel, row') - subliem click to hear 2 3 ('sublime') - (de) fusie click to hear ('fusion, combination')
- (de) figuur click to hear ('figure') - vier uur click to hear ('4 o'clock // 4 hours') - (de) minuut click to hear ('minute, 60 seconds') - (het) I.Q. click to hear 2 ('IQ')
O click to hear - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust, dry crumbly peat') - (de) hutspot click to hear (a mashed mix of cooked carrots, potatoes and onions)
- (de) onschuld click to hear 2 ('innocence') - (de) postbus click to hear 2 3 ('mailbox, P.O. Box') - (de) yoghurt click to hear 2 ('yogurt')
- (de) humor click to hear 2 ('humor') - (de) duurvorm click to hear 2 ('the continuous, the progressive') - (de) zuurstof click to hear ('oxygen')
- onguur click to hear 2 3 ('unsavory, making a very bad impression')
OO click to hear - kurkdroog click to hear ('very dry - 'like ay cork')
- (het) hoofdstuk click to hear ('chapter' - in a book) - (de) kroonkurk click to hear ('bottle cap, crown-cap') - (het) kookpunt click to hear ('boiling point')
- vuurrood click to hear 2 ('[fiery red] crimson, scarlet') - (de) zuurkool click to hear ([sour cabbage] 'sauerkraut') - (de) vuurdoop click to hear 2 ('baptism of fire')
- robuust click to hear ('robust, sturdy')
U click to hear - (het) nulpunt click to hear 2 ('zero, point zero') - (de) cursus click to hear ('learning course') - (het) muntstuk click to hear ([coin- piece] 'coin') - (de) kubus click to hear ('cube') - (het) tumult click to hear ('disturbance, commotion') - (de) humus click to hear 2 3 4 ('humus,' decomposed and decomposing leaves)
UU click to hear - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture') - (de) structuur click to hear ('structure, texture') - U duwt click to hear 2 3 ("you are pushing" (polite 'you') - puur vuur click to hear 2 3 ('pure fire') - (de) vuurmuur click to hear 2 3 ('firewall' - not a good Dutch word)
AU/OU click to hear - [(de)] juffrouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('Miss' // 'female elementary school teacher' (address)
- (de) schouwburg click to hear 2 ('theatre' - old-fashioned) - (de) blauwdruk click to hear ('blueprint') - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle')
- (de) buurvrouw click to hear 2 ('adult female neighbor')
- (het) koudvuur click to hear 2 ("cold fire" - probably nonsensical) - (het) zoutzuur click to hear ('hydrochloric acid, HCl') - Zou U ...? click to hear 2 (would you ...?'')
EI/IJ click to hear - (de) buslijn click to hear 2 3 ('bus route') - (de) luchtreis click to hear 2 3 ('travel through the air,' for instance by balloon)
- hij lust click to hear 2 3 ('~he likes' - food, drink)
- (de) ruwheid click to hear ('roughness') - (de) vuurpijl click to hear ([fire- arrow] 'flare' - signal, fireworks)
- (de) tijdsduur click to hear 2 ('duration, length of time')
EU click to hear - (de) schutkleur click to hear 2 3 ('camouflage color')
- (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ('[pod- fruit] - 'legume, ~bean')
- (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('mood') - (de) schuurdeur click to hear ('barn door')
- (de) steunmuur click to hear ('[supporting] retaining wall')
OE click to hear - (de) drukproef click to hear 2 3 ('galley,' test run of print)
- (de) bloeddruk click to hear 2 3 ('blood pressure') - (het) doelpunt click to hear ('goal! // goal scored')
- (het) rumoer click to hear 2 3 4 ('hubbub' - many people shouting or muttering) - duur doen click to hear 2 ('showing off,' acting as if you're rich or important)
- zoetzuur click to hear 2 3 ('sweet-and-sour,' a taste of for instance pickles)
UI click to hear - (het) buskruit click to hear ('gunpowder') - punt-uit! click to hear 2 3 ('period! finished! that's it!')
- (de) huismus click to hear 2 ([house sparrow] 1. 'the common sparrow' 2. 'stay-at-home person') - (het) kruispunt click to hear 2 ('intersection' of roads)
- (het) buurthuis click to hear 2 ('~neighborhood community center') - (het) huurhuis click to hear ('rental property, a house that's rented') - (de) zuurpruim click to hear 2 3 ([sour prune] 'sourpuss')
- (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('crossfire')

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'