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Dutch UI - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

UI in Dutch click to hear

(de) "UI" click to
hear 2
(de) bruidssuiker click to hear ('wedding candy') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') - (het) huisvuil click to hear 2 ('household garbage')
There is no sound like Dutch UI in English, but French has a sound like Dutch UI in a word like l'oeil click to hear ('the eye') - - hear Dutch: lui click to hear ('lazy')

In Dutch words ending in -UI, no consonant ending the word, you can say that UI with a faint consonant‑Y‑sound (Dutch J) at the end, but I prefer the pronunciation ending in a faint Dutch W. For instance, (de) ui  ('onion') - you can say ui(j) click to hear or ui(w) click to
    hear. The plural uien click to hear ('onions') has the consonant‑Y‑sound (Dutch J) between UI and E.
You'll hear that somewhat faint consonant‑Y‑sound (Dutch J) more often between UI and a vowel:
(de) luiaard click to hear 2 3 ('lazy person // sloth') - buien click to hear ('rainshowers') - (de) uier click to hear ('udder' - cow) - (de) luier click to hear ('diaper, nappy') - (de) sluier click to
       hear ('a veil') - (de) grauwsluier click to hear ('a gray veil' - phrase from a detergent commercial)

- Compared - Hear 'short' and 'long' U next to the other vowels and the diphthongs

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

UI:  (de) ui click to hear 2 ('onion') ‑>> - (de) uil click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('owl') - uit click to hear 2 ('out of, out, from, off) ‑>> - (de) uitspraak click to hear ('pronunciation') - uitspraken click to hear 2 3 ('statements')
BUI:  (de) bui click to hear 2 ('shower' - rain) - buien click to hear 2 ('showers') - buigen click to hear 2 3 ('to bend') - (de) buik click to hear ('belly') - (de) buil click to hear ('bump,' swelling') - buiten click to hear 2 3 ('outside') ‑>> - (de) buitenlander click to hear 2 3 4 ('foreigner')
DUI:  duiken click to hear ('to dive') - (de) duim click to hear 2 ('thumb') ‑>> - (de/het) duin click to hear ('dune') - Duits click to hear ('German') ‑>> - (de) duivel click to hear ('devil')
- duidelijk click to hear / duidelijke click to hear / duidelijk/duidelijke click to hear ('clear, understandable')
- Duitsland click to hear ('Germany')
EUI:  geuit click to hear 2 ('~expressed')
FUI:  (de) fuif click to hear 2 ('party' - slang) - (de) fuik click to hear 2 3 ('fyke' - a fish trap)
GUI:  (de) guit click to hear ('rascal') - Guis click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name)
HUI:  (de) huid click to hear 2 ('skin') - (de) huig click to hear ('uvula,' a part of the throat) - (het) huis click to hear 2 ('house') ‑>> - huizen click to hear ('houses') - (het) huisdier click to hear ([house-animal] - 'pet') ‑>> - huilen click to hear ('to cry, shed tears) ‑>> - (de) huilebalk click to hear 2 3 ('crybaby') - (de) huifkar click to hear ('covered wagon') - huiveren click to hear (2) ('to shiver, shudder from fear') - Huibers click to hear 2 (a family name) - Huibert click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
JUI:  juist click to hear / juiste click to hear / juist/juiste click to hear 2 3 ('right, correct') ‑>> - juichen click to hear ('to cheer')
KUI:  (de) kuif click to hear 2 3 ('quiff,' 'shock of hair') - (het) kuiken click to hear ('chick,' young chicken) - (de) kuil click to hear ('hole' - in the ground, large) - (de) kuit click to hear ('calf,' part of lower leg) - kuis click to hear ('chaste')
LUI:  [(de)] lui click to hear ('people' - slang // 'lazy') - luid click to hear ('loud') ‑>> - (de) luilak click to hear ('lazy person') - (de) luis click to hear ('louse') - fluisteren click to hear 2 3 ('to whisper') - (de) kluizenaar click to hear 2 3 ('hermit') - (de) kluit click to hear 2 ('clod,' a lump of earth) - (de) pluim click to hear 2 ('plume')
MUI:  (de) muil click to hear 2 ('animal mouth') - (de) muis click to hear ('mouse') - muizen click to hear 2 ('mice') - (de) muiterij click to hear 2 3 4 ('mutiny') - IJmuiden click to hear 2 (a city)
NUI:  (de) snuit click to hear ('snout') - snuiten click to hear 2 ('to blow' - your nose // to snuff out a candle') - neus snuiten click to hear 2 3 ('blowing your nose') - snuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to sniff, sniffle') - fnuiken click to hear ('to thwart') - (het) fornuis click to hear ('stove' - kitchen)
PUI:  (het) puin click to hear ('rubble') - puistjes click to hear 2 ('acne pimples') - 't Spui click to hear 2 (a street in The Hague) - (het) spuitwater click to hear 2 ('carbonated water')
RUI:  (de) rui click to hear 2 3 ('molt, molting') - ruig click to hear ('rough') - ruiken click to hear 2 3 ('to smell' - produce or notice a smell) ‑>> - (de) ruiker click to hear ('bouquet of flowers' - old-fashioned) - [(het)] ruim click to hear ('a ship's hold' // spacious // more than) - ruilen click to hear 2 3 ('to exchange // to change') - (de) ruin click to hear 2 ('gelding' - horse) - (de) ruis click to hear 2 ('static, white noise') - (de) ruit click to hear 2 3 ('windowpane' // 'square figure') - (de) ruiter click to hear ('horseman')
BRUI:  bruin click to hear 2 3 / bruine click to hear / bruin/bruine click to hear ('brown') - (het) bruinbrood click to hear 2 ('brown bread' - bread with some wholewheat flour) - (de) bruid click to hear ('bride') - (de) bruidegom click to hear ('groom') - (het) gebruik click to hear 2 ('use // custom') - (de) bruiloft click to hear ('wedding') - bruisen click to hear ('to foam, bubble') - bruiste click to hear ('foamed, bubbled' - simple past tense singular)
DRUI:  (de) druif click to hear ('grape') - druiven click to hear ('grapes') - druipen click to hear 2 ('to drip')
FRUI:  (het) fruit click to hear 2 ('fruits') - (de) fruitmand click to hear ('basket filled with fruits')
KRUI:  (het) kruit click to hear / (het) buskruit click to hear ('gunpowder') - (de) kruidje click to hear ("small herb") kruiden - kruiden click to hear ('herbs and spices') ‑>> - (de) kruidenier click to hear 2 ('grocer, grocery') - (de) kruidkoek click to hear 2 3 ('spice cake') - (de) kruik click to hear ('hot water bottle') - (de) kruimel click to hear 2 3 ('crumb') - (de) kruin click to hear ('crown, top, pate') - kruipen click to hear ('to crawl') - (het) kruis click to hear ('cross') - kruisen click to hear 2 ('crosses // to cross')
PRUI:  (de) pruik click to hear ('wig') - (de) pruim click to hear ('plum') - pruimen click to hear ('plums') - Pruisen click to hear 2 3 ('Prussia // Prussians')
TRUI:  (de) trui click to hear 2 ('woollen sweater') - (de) ijstrui click to hear 2 ('thick woollen sweater') - Geertrui click to hear (a girls' name)
STRUI:  (het) struif click to hear ('egg stuff') - (de) struik click to hear 2 ('bush, shrub') - struiken click to hear ('bushes') - (het) struikgewas click to hear ('bush, bushes') - (de) struikrover click to hear ('highwayman, robber') - (het) struikelblok click to hear 2 ('stumbling block')
SUI:  (de) suiker click to hear ('sugar') - (de) bruidssuiker click to hear ('wedding candy') - suizen click to hear 2 ('to rustle, sough, swish) - suisde click to hear (conjugated form of suizen - singular simple present tense)
SCHUI:  schuifdeuren click to hear ('sliding doors') - schuilen click to hear 2 ('to shelter from') - (het) schuim click to hear ('foam') - schuin click to hear 2 ('diagonally, slanted' // 'dirty' - jokes) - (de) schuit click to hear 2 ('ship, boat' - a bit negative) - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('crispbake, rusk') - (het) piepschuim click to hear ([squeak-foam] 'styrofoam') - schuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to slide') - (het) schuivertje click to hear 2 3 ('sliding or pushing tool')
TUI:  (het) tuig click to hear 2 3 ('~gear' // 'bad people') - tuimelen click to hear ('to tumble') - (de) tuin click to hear 2 3 ('yard, garden') - (de) stuiver click to hear 2 ('nickel,' 5¢ coin) - thuis * click to hear ('at home, home') ‑>>
VUI:  [(het)] vuil click to hear 2 ('dirt, garbage' // 'dirty') - vuile click to hear ('dirty') - vuil / vuile click to hear 2 ('dirty') ‑>> - (de) vuist click to hear 2 ('fist') - (de) schavuit click to hear 2 3 ('rogue')
WUI:  wuiven click to hear 2 ('to wave')
ZUI:  zuid click to hear 2 ('South') - zuigen click to hear ('to suck') - (de) zuigling click to hear 2 3 ('suckling,' baby or young animal drinking mother's milk) - (de) zuil click to hear 2 ('pillar') - zuinig click to hear 2 ('frugal') - zuipen click to hear 2 ('to quickly drink lots of alcohol') - (de) zuivel click to hear ('dairy') - zuiver click to hear 2 3 ('pure')

-UIB:  Huibers click to hear 2 (a family name) - Huib click to hear ('(a boys' name') - Huibert click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
-UICH:  (de) huichelaar click to hear 2 3 ('hypocrite') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer')
-UID:  (de) huid click to hear 2 ('skin') - (het) geluid click to hear ('sound') - (de) buidel click to hear 2 3 4 ('pouch') - beduidend click to hear ('significantly?')
-UI(J)E:  (de) uier click to hear ('udder' - cow) - (de) luier click to hear ('diaper, nappy') - (de) sluier click to
  hear ('a veil')
-UIF:  - (de) duif click to hear 2 3 ('pigeon, dove') - (de) druif click to hear ('grape') - (de) kluif click to hear 2 ('bone' - for dog // 'big job') - Kuifje click to hear 2 ('Tintin') - (de) luifel click to hear ('awning') - (het) stuifmeel click to hear ('pollen')
-UIG:  ruig click to hear ('rough') - (de) getuige click to hear ('witness') - (het) vaartuig click to hear ('vessel' ~boat, ~ship) - (het) rijtuig click to hear ('horse-drawn carriage') - (het) vliegtuig click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ('airplane') - (de) stofzuiger click to hear 2 ('vacuum cleaner') - (de) buiging click to hear 2 ('polite bow') - (de) verbuiging click to hear 2 3 ('declension' - changes in nouns, adjectives, pronouns) - (de) zuigling click to hear 2 3 ('suckling,' baby or young animal drinking mother's milk)
-UI(J):  - (de) luiaard click to hear 2 3 ('sloth' // 'lazy person')
-UIK:  (de) buik click to hear ('belly') - (de) buikpijn click to hear 2 ('stomach ache') - (de) struik click to hear 2 ('bush') - (de) kruik click to hear ('hot-water bottle') - suikers click to hear ('sugars') - (het) kuiken click to hear ('chick,' young chicken)
-UIL:  (de) uil click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('owl') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') - (het) muildier click to hear 2 ('mule') - huilen click to hear ('to cry,' shed tears) - ruilen click to hear 2 3 ('to exchange // to change') - (de) schuilkelder click to hear 2 ([shelter-cellar] - 'bomb shelter') - (de) bruiloft click to hear ('wedding')
-UIM:  (het) duimpje click to hear 2 ('small thumb, thumbkin') - Klein Duimpje click to hear 2 ('Tom Thumb') ‑>> - (de) kruimel click to hear 2 3 ('crumb') - kruimels click to hear ('crumbs') - (het) kruimeltje click to hear 2 ('small crumb') - (de) ruimte click to hear ('room, space') - (de) pruim click to hear ('plum') - pruimen click to hear ('plums')
-UIN:  bruin click to hear 2 3 / bruine click to hear / bruin/bruine click to hear ('brown') ‑>> (het) tuintje click to hear 2 ('small garden' // '~flowerbed') - (het) bruinbrood click to hear 2 ('brown bread,' bread made with some wholewheat flour') - tuinbonen click to hear 2 ([garden beans] - 'fava beans')
-UIP:  druipen click to hear 2 ('to drip') - stuip click to hear ('spasm, convulsion') - (de) kruipruimte click to hear ('crawl space' below a building) - (de) kruipolie click to hear 2 ([crawling] penetrating oil,' WD-40) - (het) luipaard click to hear ('leopard') - Kuiper click to hear ('barrel maker' - a surname)
- sluip click to hear / sluipt click to hear 2 conjugated forms of the verb sluipen click to hear 2 ('to sneak')
-UIS:  - (het) kruis click to hear ('cross') - (de) huisbaas click to hear 2 ('landlord') - (het) kruisbeeld click to hear 2 ('crucifix' - (het) huisdier click to hear ('pet') ‑>> - (het) pluisje click to hear 2 3 ('small clump of fluff') - duister click to hear 2 ('dark,' ~enigmatic, ~sinister) ‑>> - luister! click to hear 2 ('listen!') - fluisteren click to hear 2 3 ('to whisper')
-UIT:  uit click to hear 2 ('out of, out, from, off) ‑>> - (de) uitgang click to hear 2 ('exit') - (de) uiting click to hear 2 ('utterance, personal expression') - buiten click to hear 2 3 ('outside') ‑>> - sluiten click to hear 2 ('to close') - (de) sluitpost click to hear 2 3 ('balancing item' - bookkeeping) - (de) uitweg click to hear 2 ('way out,' '~escape') - (het) uitzicht click to hear ('view' // 'prospect') - (het) fluitje click to hear 2 3 ('small flute' // 'whistle') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('crispbake, rusk') - (het) beschuitje click to hear ('an enjoyable piece of crispbake, rusk') - besluiten click to hear 2 ('to decide')
-UIV:  druiven click to hear ('grapes') - snuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to sniff') - zuiver click to hear 2 3 ('pure')
-UIZ:  buizen click to hear ('pipes, tubes') - duizelig click to hear 2 ('dizzy') - (de) buizerd click to hear 2 ('buzzard,' a bird) - duizend click to hear ('1000') - luizen click to hear 2 ('lice')

Compared with the Other Vowels and Diphthongs

(from the Hear the Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other page)

A click to hear - (de) uitgang click to hear 2 (1. 'exit' 2. 'declined or conjugated word ending') - (de) stuifzwam click to hear 2 3 ('puffball mushroom') - (de) tuinman click to hear 2 ('gardener') - (de) zuignap click to hear ('suction cup') - (de) tuinslang click to hear 2 ('garden hose') - (de) huifkar click to hear ('covered wagon')
- (het) pakhuis click to hear ('warehouse, storage building') - (de) dwarsfluit click to hear 2 ('flute' - German: 'Querflöte') - (de) schavuit click to hear 2 3 ('rogue, borderline criminal')
AA click to hear - (het) luipaard click to hear ('leopard') - (de) luiaard click to hear 2 ('sloth // lazy person') - uitgaan click to hear 2 3 (1. lights etc. turning off 2. to go out - dancing, eating, movies 3. romantic relationships ending) - (de) uitspraak click to hear ('pronunciation // statement') - (de) schuifmaat click to hear ('Vernier caliper - a measuring tool')
- naar huis click to hear 2 ('homeward, towards home') - vaalbruin click to hear 2 3 ('faded brown, drab, dun')
E click to hear - (het) uitstel click to hear ('postponement, delay') - (het) huiswerk click to hear 2 ('homework' - from school) - (de) uitweg click to hear 2 ('way out')
- (het) werktuig click to hear 2 ('instrument, tool') - veruit click to hear 2 3 ('by far') - (de) vetkuif click to hear 2 3 ('greased quiff' - a hairstyle like Elvis)
EE click to hear - (het) pluimvee click to hear 2 ([plumed cattle] 'poultry, farm birds') - (het) kruisbeeld click to hear 2 ('crucifix') - (het) stuifmeel click to hear ([blow-flour] - 'pollen') - luidkeels click to hear 2 3 ([loud-throated] - 'loudly' - shouting)
- (de) speeltuin click to hear 2 ('playground') - zeelui click to hear 2 ('sailors, ship workers')
E-uh click to hear - (het) vuiltje click to hear 2 3 ('speck of dirt, very small piece of garbage') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer, shouting happily') - (de) zuivel click to hear ('dairy') - (de) ruiker click to hear ('[smeller] 'flowers bouquet') - duizend click to hear ('a thousand')
- (het) geluid click to hear ('sound') - vervuild click to hear 2 ('polluted, 'dirtied') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 ('rusk, crispbake')
I click to hear - (het) uitzicht click to hear ('view, prospect, outlook') - (de) buiging click to hear 2 ('bow' made as sign of respect) - (de) sluiting click to hear 2 ('closing // closing mechanism, fastener')
- (het) zintuig click to hear ('sense, sensory organ') - dit huis click to hear ('this house')
IE click to hear - (de) buikgriep click to hear 2 ('stomach flu,' food poisoning) - (het) muildier click to hear 2 ('mule,' horse-donkey hybrid)
- (het) vliegtuig click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('airplane') - (het) piepschuim click to hear ('[squeak-foam] polystyrene')
O click to hear - (de) bruiloft click to hear ('wedding') - (de) thuiszorg click to hear 2 3 ('home care, nurses visiting at homes') - (de) sluitpost click to hear 2 3 ('balancing item' - bookkeeping)
- (het) fortuin click to hear 2 ('fortune') - (het) onkruid click to hear ('weeds') - (de) coltrui click to hear 2 ('turtleneck sweater')
OO click to hear - (het) bruinbrood click to hear 2 ('brown bread' - partly wholewheat) - (de) duikboot click to hear ([diving boat] 'submarine') - (de) kruisboog click to hear ('crossbow')
- (het) koophuis click to hear 2 (1. 'house owned by occupants' 2. 'house for sale') - vooruit click to hear 2 ('forward')
U click to hear - (de) huismus click to hear 2 ([house sparrow] 1. 'the common sparrow' 2. 'stay-at-home person') - (het) kruispunt click to hear 2 ('intersection' of roads)
- (het) buskruit click to hear ('gunpowder') - punt-uit! click to hear 2 3 ('period! finished! that's it!')
UU click to hear - (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('crossfire')
- (het) buurthuis click to hear 2 ('~neighborhood community center') - (het) huurhuis click to hear ('rental property, a house that's rented') - (de) zuurpruim click to hear 2 3 ([sour prune] 'sourpuss')
AU/OU click to hear - (de) huisvrouw click to hear 2 3 ('housewife, female homemaker') - (het) kruishout click to hear ('parallel line marking tool' - woodworking) - (de) uitbouw click to hear 2 ('extension, addition' to a building')
- oud vuil click to hear 2 3 ('[old garbage] absolute garbage, stuff that has to go')
EI/IJ click to hear - (de) buikpijn click to hear 2 ('stomachache') - (de) vuistbijl click to hear ([fist-axe] 'hand axe') - (de) huisvlijt click to hear 2 ('home industry, home crafts') - muisgrijs click to hear 2 3 ('mouse-grey')
- Kijk uit! click to hear 2 3 4 ('Look out! Careful!') - (de) ijstrui click to hear 2 ('[ice sweater] very warm, heavy wool sweater') - (het) seinhuis click to hear ('signals cabin, signals tower') - (het) rijtuig click to hear ('horse-drawn carriage"')
EU click to hear - (de) huidskleur click to hear 2 ('skin color') - (de) huisdeur click to hear 2 ('house door')
- (de) scheurbuik click to hear 2 3 ('[rip-belly] scurvy')
OE click to hear - (de) kruidkoek click to hear 2 3 ('~spice cake') - uitdoen click to hear 2 3 (1. 'to turn off' - lights etc. 2. 'to take off' - clothes)
- (de) hoestbui click to hear 2 ('coughing fit') - (de) moestuin click to hear 2 ('vegetables garden, kitchen garden')
UI click to hear - (het) huisvuil click to hear 2 ('[house-] household garbage') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') - (de) bruidssuiker click to hear ('wedding candy')

UIJ, UY in names
In names you'll sometimes find the old-spelling UY or UIJ where modern Dutch would write UI: 
Muijlwijck click to hear - Luijendijk click to hear 2 - Van Duijn click to hear 2
Johan Cruijff click to hear 2 (soccer star) Like many Dutchmen with UIJ in their names, Mr Cruijff sometimes made his name easier for foreigners as Cruyff.
Pim Fortuyn click to hear 2 - Joop den Uyl click to hear 2 (deceased politicians)
Lara van Ruijven click to hear 2 3 - Jan Blokhuijsen click to hear (speed skaters)
Dirk Kuyt click to hear 2 - Willy van der Kuijlen click to hear 2 3 (soccer players)
Carolien van Herrikhuyzen click to hear (bicycle racer)
more Dutch sports and sports people
Michiel de Ruyter click to hear 2 17th Century top admiral. He led the Dutch navy in the second and third Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars (1665-67 and 1672-74) ‑>> - 2
Claes van Ruijven - Pieter Claeszoon van Ruijven click to hear Pieter C. was a Vermeer patron, bought more than 20 of his paintings
Buys Ballot click to hear (19th Century scientist, best known for weather studies)
(Christophorus Henricus Diedericus Buijs Ballot click to hear)
Huygens click to hear 2 - Christiaan Huygens click to hear 17th Century scientist
Andreas Cornelis 'Dries' van Kuijk click to hear (Probably) Elvis manager 'Colonel Parker'

Foreign words and names with UI
Guido click to hear 2 is pronounced with Dutch G, but not with Dutch UI
(het) circuit click to hear race track, 'circle'
(de) guillotine click to hear 2 guillotine
quitte click to hear even, no debts, no obligations
(de) quiche click to hear quiche
(de) quiz click to hear quiz game show - also written as  (de) kwis

And also dieresis (het) trema click to hear ‑>>
(de) ruïne click to hear 2 ruin
ruïneren click to hear 2 to ruin

Greek EU
In Dutch, EU in words and names from Greek is pronounced as UI click to hear
- (de) therapeut click to hear ('therapist') - (de) euthanasie click to hear 2 3 4 ('euthanasia') - (het) pseudoniem click to hear ('pseudonym,' fictional name) - (het) eufemisme click to hear 2 ('euphemism') - (de) leukemie click to hear 2 3 ('leukemia')
- Zeus click to hear 2 - Orpheus click to hear 2 - Zeus Odysseus Theseus click to

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'