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'Houden van' - to Love, to Like | |
Alternates | |
'Willen' - to Want, to Desire | |
'Geluk' - Luck and Happiness | |
Arts and Entertainment Appreciation | |
The Other Side | |
Trouble, Bother and Getting Used to It | |
Preferences: 'Liever' | |
Related Additional Phrases |
houden to hold |
hield held |
gehouden held |
Ik houd van ...
I like, I love .... (fill in any subject)
Now many people in Holland (myself included) usually leave out the
D when saying 'ik houd,' 'houd jij?' or in the imperative
- feel free to do that too - but it's not wrong to voice that D (that
sounds like a T
houden / ik houd / ik hou(d)
jij houdt / hou(d) jij?
Ik houd van soep (-d) (2) | I love soup |
Ik houd niet van vis | I don't like fish |
Ik houd erg van Bach (-d) (2) | I like Bach very much |
Ik houd niet van sport (-d) | I do not like sports |
Ik houd niet van vlees snijden | I dislike cutting meat |
Daar houd ik niet van | I don't like that |
Ik hou er niet van 2 3 | I don't like it, I don't enjoy it |
"Houd jij van opera? - Ik niet." | "Do you like opera? - I don't." |
Waar hou(d) je van? | What do you like? |
Hij houdt niet van spruitjes 2 | He doesn't like Brussels sprouts |
Hij houdt erg van soep 2 | He really likes soup, he likes soup a lot |
Hou(d) je van koken? 2 | Do you like to cook? Do you like cooking? |
Hij houdt veel van honden | He loves dogs |
Hij houdt van jou | He loves you |
Ik ben gek op drop 2 3 | I really like liquorice, I'm crazy about liquorice |
Ik heb een hekel aan roddelen 2 | I really dislike gossip |
Ik ben allergisch voor katten 2 | I'm allergic to cats |
Hij lust geen spruitjes 2 | He doesn't like Brussels sprouts |
Hij lust er wel pap van 2 3 | (saying) ['~he would really like it as porridge' - he would like it for dessert too, he likes it as much as the dessert] - A food or pleasant activity he can't get enough of | Dat lust ik niet! (2) | I don't like that! I don't want to eat that! (not polite) |
dikke vrienden 2 3 | best friends, fast friends |
een echte vriend 2 3 | A real friend |
"trouwe vriend" 2 | 'faithful friend' (TinTin addressing his dog Snowy) |
Vrouw en Vriend 2 | 'Woman and Friend' (a book by Anna Blaman) |
vriend en vijand | ['friend and enemy'] - enemies and friends |
onze gevederde vrienden 2 | 'our feathered friends' - birds |
m'n vaders vrienden | my father's friends |
de vrienden van m'n vader | the friends of my father's |
Je hond is je beste vriend | Your dog is your best friend |
Zo zie je maar wie echt je vrienden zijn | [So, this way you see ...] - this shows who your real friends are |
Met vriendelijke groet | With kind regards, Yours sincerely (letter ending) |
een vriendelijk gebaar 2 | a friendly, kind gesture |
'Aardig' 2 3 (aardig / aardige 2) means 'kind, nice, friendly'
een aardig meisje 2 | a nice, kind girl |
een aardige man 2 3 | a nice, kind man |
Dat is aardig van je 2 3 | That's kind of you |
aardig zijn | to be kind // be kind - a resolution |
Wees aardig voor (de) dieren 2 3 | Be kind to animals |
The -aardig ending just refers to the quality of the
first part of the word
(de) aard
goedaardig 2 3 | meaning well // benign |
kwaadaardig 2 3 4 | with evil intentions // malignant |
zachtaardig 2 | soft-hearted |
But 'Aardig' 2 3 can also mean 'quite, a large amount, considerably' or simply 'well'
Er is aardig wat sneeuw 2 3 4 | There is quite some snow |
Hij is aardig op weg 2 3 | He is progressing well, he's made considerable progress |
Hij timmert aardig aan de weg 2 3 | (saying) He is well-known for his activities, his activities have made him rather well-known - 'He's rather successful' |
Nogal 2 can also have this 'rather' meaning ‑>>
'Graag mogen'
is a phrase used to describe how much you like your best friends (I can't
think of an English equivalent.)
Ik mag 'm graag
(said about one of your best male friends)
or shortened 'r
'her' - instead of 'm (hem) for female friends
Ik heb 'm nooit gemogen
I never really liked him
'Goed kunnen opschieten met'
'to get on well with' is also said about good friends
Ik kan goed opschieten met Jan
I get on well ('fabulously') with Jan
'Opschieten' by itself means 'to hurry'
Ik zal opschieten
I'll hurry, I'll try to be quick
When friends fall out, no longer like each
other, don't get on anymore, Dutch says
ruzie krijgen
and then we say, the resulting situation is:
Ze hebben ruzie
or somewhat posh:
Ze zijn gebrouilleerd
(French OUI)
but ruzie hebben
just means people don't want to see each other, don't want to be in
each other's company - there don't have to be shouting matches or
violent arguments - actively engaging in exchanges of unpleasant
words, altercations or worse is
ruzie maken
(de) ruzie
argument, quarrel, row
Ik kreeg de schuld van de ruzie
[I got the blame of the quarrel]
- I was blamed for the quarrel
There's a Medieval word de Minne meaning 'love.' It
lives on in the only slightly old-fashioned
(de) onmin
('discord, strife, strained relation')
Ze leven in onmin
They're not on good terms,
they live in strife, not in a loving relationship
(lief / lieve
is 'dear, sweet'
Addressing romantic partners or females in your family in a letter
or email you can write 'Lieve ...'
Lieve Tine,
Dear Tine,
In my time, informal address of all others was
'Beste ...'
Beste Jan,
Dear Jan,
But nowadays many people use 'dag'
as a greeting in writing, though in speaking it is also
See also: Choice and to Choose
(de) kus
kiss - plural: kussen
to kiss
(de) omhelzing
embrace, hug
'to make love'
(de) naastenliefde | [love of the fellow man] - charity |
(de) liefdadigheid | [kind-deeds-doing] - charity |
lief en leed | ['the sweet and the suffering'] - good and bad times, 'for better or worse' |
Heb Uw naaste lief als Uzelf 2 | Love thy neighbor like yourself |
De lieve leidsters liepen langzaam langs de Lindenlaan | The kind (female Kindergarten) teachers walked slowly along the Linden Lane |
Ik wil alleen maar bij deze lieve mevrouw blijven 2 | [I want only] All I want is to stay with this kind lady ('Miracle on 34th Street') |
je lacht zo lief 2 3 | You [laugh] smile so sweetly |
glimlachen to smile | - | ik glimlach I smile | - | ik glimlachte I smiled | - | ik heb geglimlacht
I have smiled |
lachen to laugh | - | ik lach I am laughing | - | ik lachte I laughed | - | ik heb gelachen
I have laughed |
‑>> |
by itself is something like 'to hold, to keep'
['holding on'] is an old-fashioned word for 'conservative.' The
modern word is the easier 'conservatief'
See also the ‑>>
Hou je vast! 2 | ['Hold fast!'] - Hold on, grip something |
scheef houden 2 | to hold at an angle, to tilt |
Hij kan geen wijs houden 2 | He cannot ['hold on to'] carry a tune |
Houd afstand 2 | Keep distance, dont get too close |
Hou 't eenvoudig 2 | Keep it simple (uncomplicated) |
Probeer 't eenvoudig te houden 2 | Try to keep it simple |
Een oogje in het zeil houden 2 | to keep an eye on the sail' - to watch over something or someone |
Iemand die een oogje in het zeil houdt 2 | (saying) A person watching over someone or something |
Hij houdt z'n poot stijf | (saying) ['He's keeping his paw stiff'] - 'He's not giving in' |
Ik hoop dat we 't droog houden | I hope we'll keep it dry (hoping it doesn't rain) |
houdbaar tot | 'can be kept until' - 'best before ...' |
'Houden' 2 is also often combined with other prepositions, like 'op,' 'tegen' and 'onder.'
ophouden 2 | to stop, end, come to an end |
ophouden met | to stop, end, quit, cease met/mee |
ophouden met werken 2 | to stop working, to retire |
ophouden met roken 2 | to stop smoking |
Hou op! | Stop it! |
Hou er onmiddellijk mee op! 2 3 | Now stop that (immediately) right away! |
Daar moet je mee ophouden 2 | You should stop doing that |
Ik houd je niet tegen 2 | I'm not holding you back, I'm not stopping you |
terughoudend 2 3 | [holding back] - reserved, aloof, detached |
Hou je hoofd erbij! 2 3 4 | ['Keep your head at it'] - Pay attention, stay with it, don't lose focus |
Ik kan 't niet meer bijhouden 2 | I can't keep up with it (getting old) |
'Aanhouden' 2 3 can mean police or other authorities stopping and detaining people, but usually it means 'to keep on' like not taking off clothes etc. or to continue what you're doing, 'continue against adversity, persevere, sustain' | |
Hou(d) je schoenen aan 2 3 | Keep your shoes on |
De aanhouder wint | (saying) He/she who perseveres will win, succeed |
(het) onderhoud 2 | 1. maintenance, keeping in good condition
2. serious, official conversation |
achterstallig onderhoud 2 | overdue maintenance |
onderhouden to maintain | - | ik onderhield I maintained | - | ik heb onderhouden I have maintained |
willen | (to want, wish, would like to, desire) | ||||
willen ik wil jij wilt hij wil wij willen jullie willen zij willen U wilt |
(to want) (I want) (you want) (he wants) (we want) (you want) (they want) (you want) |
ik wilde jij wilde hij wilde wij wilden jullie wilden zij wilden U wilde | (I wanted) (you wanted) (he wanted) (we wanted) (you wanted) (they wanted) (you wanted) |
ik heb gewild
I have wanted, desired The past perfect is more common: ik had gewild 2 I had wanted |
Ik wil een nieuwe fiets 2 | I want a new bicycle |
Ik wil een groter huis 2 3 | I would like a bigger house |
Ik wil een vrije dag
Ik wil een dag vrij 2 |
[I want a free day, a day free] - I want a day off |
Wil je een kopje thee? 2 | Would you like a cup of tea? |
Ja, graag 2 | Yes, please (informal) |
Nee, dank je 2 | No, thank you (informal) - more |
Wil je kaas of ham op je brood? | Would you like cheese or ham on your sandwich? |
Wil je iets toe? 2 3 | Would you like [something to finish] dessert? |
Wilt U een bonnetje? 2 3 | Would you like a (cash register) receipt? |
Wij willen water | We want water |
Wil je meezingen? | Would you like to sing along? (singular 'you') |
Willen jullie meezingen? | Would you guys like to sing along? |
Als jullie niet willen meewerken ... 2 | If you guys don't want to cooperate ... |
Ik wil 't goed doen 2 3 | I want to do it well, I want to do a good job |
Wil je wat eten? | Would you like to eat something? Would you like some food? Are you hungry? - food |
Wil je wat drinken? 2 | Would you like something to drink? Are you thirsty? drinks |
Wat wil je drinken? 2 | What would you like to drink? |
Wil je koffie of thee of iets fris? 2 3 | Would you like coffee or tea or [something 'fresh' - cold] - juice or soda? |
Wat wil je horen? | What would you like to hear? (music choice) |
Wat wil je weten? | What would you like to know? What do you need to know? |
Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt 2 | I want to know how it ends (a story, a movie etc.) |
Ik wil 't weten 2 | I want to know [it] |
Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know what happened |
Ik wil precies weten wat er gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know exactly what happened |
Ik wil weten wat er precies gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know what exactly happened |
Wat wil je later worden? | What do you [later] want to be when you grow up? |
Ik wil er nog even over nadenken 2 3 | I want (need?) some time to think about it |
Ik wil er nog een nachtje over slapen 2 | I'd like to sleep on it, I'll take a decision or let you know my answer tomorrow |
Wilt U via een tolk spreken? 2 | Would you like to speak through an interpreter? |
Kom je binnen of wil je buiten blijven? | Are you coming inside or would you rather stay outside? |
Wil je blijven eten? 2 3 (4) | Would you like to stay for [eating] dinner? |
April doet wat-ie wil 2 | 'April does as it likes' - April weather is unpredictable |
Hij doet toch wat-ie wil 2 | He does as he likes anyway |
Ik wil het best wel vertellen hoor 2 3 4 | [I am certainly willing to tell you] - I don't mind telling you |
Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... 2 | Sometime I would like to know, find out ... |
Ik wil naar huis 2 | [I want homeward] I want to go home |
Ik wil gaan wandelen | I want to go [walking] for a walk |
Ik wil gaan zwemmen | I want to go [swimming] for a swim |
Morgen wil ik gaan hardlopen 2 | Tomorrow I want to go running |
Ze wilde gaan zwemmen 2 3 | She wanted to go swimming |
Dus je wilt Nederlands leren? | So you want to learn Dutch? |
Ik wil Nederlands leren 2 3 | I want to learn Dutch |
Ik wil graag Nederlands praten 2 3 | ~ I really want to speak Dutch |
Ik wil ook nog een keer naar Amerika | I would (also) like to visit the US sometime ('America') |
Ik wil nòg een keer naar Jeruzalem 2 3 | I would like to visit Jerusalem again |
Polite and friendly questions often combine 'willen' 2 with 'zou U' 2 or 'zou je' 2 - translated in English as 'Could you please' or 'Would you mind' - more
Zou je alsjeblieft Nederlands willen spreken? | Could you please speak Dutch? (informal 'you') |
Zou U alstublieft Nederlands willen spreken? | Could you please speak Dutch? (polite 'you') |
Zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? (2) | [Could you please say that once again?] - Would you mind repeating that? |
Zou U wat langzamer willen spreken? 2 | Would you mind speaking a little slower? |
Zou U wat langzamer kunnen praten? | [Could you please ] Would you mind talking a little slower? |
The informal 'ik wou'
usually expresses regret, a vain hope, something that's not likely to happen
or something impossible,
and not that it happened in the past. In more formal speech this is
'ik zou willen'
English usually has this as the present tense of 'to wish:'
I wish ...
Ik wou dat er een betere oplossing was | I wish there was a better solution |
Ik wou dat er een betere manier was 2 3 | I wish there was a better way (to do something) |
Ik wou dat 't voorbij was 2 3 | I wish it was over |
Ik wou dat 't nooit gebeurd was 2 | I wish it had never happened |
To express the regret etc. in the previous examples, you could also use the simple past 'ik wilde' 2 or the 'conditional' 'ik zou willen' but 'ik wou' is more common.
Ik wilde dat ik harder kon schoppen | I wish I could kick (the ball) harder (soccer) |
Ik zou willen dat ik harder kon schoppen (2) | I wish I could kick (the ball) harder (soccer) |
Ik wou dat ik harder kon schoppen 2 | I wish I could kick (the ball) harder (soccer) |
But in common slang, ik wou is just used as the simple past, instead of ik wilde 2
Krek wa'k wou 2 | Just what I wanted, exactly what I was looking for |
In proper speech, this is said as: | |
Precies wat ik wilde 2 | Exactly what I wanted |
Precies wat ik nodig had 2 3 | Exactly what I needed - 'it hit the spot' |
'Had willen' 2 3 is often said for a hoped-for or planned outcome that unfortunately didn't happen, or for a hypothetical situation
Ik had de bal harder willen schoppen | I had wanted to kick the ball harder |
Ik had harder willen schoppen | I had wanted to kick harder |
Ik had schrijver willen worden, maar ik ben spreker geworden | I wanted to be a writer, but I've become a speaker |
Ik had willen blijven liggen 2 3 | I had wanted to [remain lying down] stay in bed |
Ik had je gisteren willen waarschuwen 2 | I had wanted to warn you yesterday (I was going to but it didn't happen) |
Ik denk niet dat hij naar ons had willen luisteren 2 | I don't think he had been willing to listen to us |
'Willen hebben' is 'like to have, like
to receive, like to get' as a gift, as a present
- English often just says 'to like'
See also: Birthday
Wat wil je hebben? 2 | What would you like? (to have, receive) |
Wat wil je hebben voor je verjaardag? | What would you like for you birthday? |
Wat wil je voor je verjaardag hebben? 2 | What would you like for you birthday? |
(het) verlanglijstje 2 | wish list |
from 'Miracle on 34th Street' | |
Zeg maar wat je zou willen hebben van Sinterklaas 2 | [Just say] Tell me what you would like to have (receive) from Santa |
Ik wil alleen maar bij deze lieve mevrouw blijven 2 | [I want only] All I want is to stay with this kind lady |
The negative: 'niet willen' is used with verbs, 'not, do not' and 'geen ... willen' is used with nouns, 'no (zero quantity)' - see also the 'Niet,' 'Geen' and 'Wel' page
Ik wil geen brood 2 3 | ['I want no bread'] - I don't want bread (not a polite thing to say!) |
Ik wil geen feest 2 3 | I don't want a party |
Ik wil geen vlees eten 2 | I don't want to eat meat |
Ik wil niet naar Arnhem 2 | I don't want to go to Arnhem (Note that Dutch can leave out the 'gaan'/to go ) |
Als jullie niet willen meewerken ... 2 | If you guys don't want to cooperate ... |
Hij wilde niet naar de radio luisteren 2 | He didn't want to listen to the radio |
Het was niet wat hij wilde horen | It was not what he wanted, had hoped to hear - unwelcome news, unwelcome opinions |
Ik wil niet dat iemand me ziet | I don't want anybody to see me |
Ik wil je niet van je werk houden 2 3 | I don't want to keep you from your work |
Ik wil niet meer 2 | [I don't want any more] - I don't want to go on - also: I've had enough |
Hij wil altijd meer 2 3 | He always wants more (he's never happy, content with what he's got, it's never enough) |
't Wil maar niet lukken 2 3 | It just will not succeed, I am (we are) having trouble getting it to work |
(Het) verlangen
2 is
'longing, desire, wish' - the verb
verlangen naar
is 'to
long for, yearn' or 'to want, wish for' - and in official use 'to require.'
As mentioned above, (het) verlanglijstje
is 'wish list'
- (Birthday)
Ik verlang naar m'n bed 2 3 | I long for my bed - (sleep) |
het verlangen naar avontuur 2 3 4 5 | the longing for adventure |
Heb je een verlanglijstje? | Do you have a wish list? |
also: Ik kijk uit naar de Kerstdagen | I look forward to the Christmas Holiday |
and: Ik kijk uit naar de feestdagen | I look forward to the holidays |
(De) wens is 'wish, desire' - the plural and the verb is: wensen 2
- |
Mijn grootste wens is ... 2 3 | My [greates, biggest] dearest wish is ... |
Je mag drie wensen doen 2 3 | You [may do] can make three wishes |
Hartelijk dank voor de goede wensen 2 | ['Hearfelt'] Many thanks for the good wishes |
Een prettige dag gewenst | Wishing (you) a nice day (Birthday) |
ik wens jullie veel gelukkige jaren samen | I wish you guys many happy years together (Wedding) |
Gefeliciteerd! | [congratulated] - Congratulations! - See also: Birthday |
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! | [heartfelt] Many congratulations! |
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! 2 | Many congratulations on your birthday! |
Van harte gefeliciteerd! 2 | [from the heart ...] Many congratulations! |
Heb je hem gefeliciteerd? | Did you congratulate him? |
'Hopen' 2 is 'to hope'
hopen to hope | - | ik hoop I hope | - | wij hopen we hope | - | ik hoopte I hoped | - | wij hoopten we hoped | - | ik heb gehoopt
I have hoped |
- more |
- Dutch (de) hoop 2 is 'hope,' faithful expectation, but it can also mean 'heap' or 'a large amount, a lot, a bunch'
Het geeft de mensen hoop | It gives people hope |
Hoop doet leven | Hope [makes] fuels life | een sprankje hoop 2 | a glimmer of hope |
Kaap de Goede Hoop 2 | The Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) |
Ik hoop dat 't op tijd is | I hope it's in time |
Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vindt | I hope you don't mind, I hope it's OK with you |
Ik hoop dat je d'r tijd voor hebt 2 3 4 | I hope you have time for it |
We hopen op een wonder 2 | We're hoping for a miracle |
Ik hoop van niet | I hope not (hoping that something isn't true or is not going to happen) |
(de) wanhoop 2 3 4 5 | despair |
wanhopig 2 3 | desperate |
Niet wanhopen! 2 3 | Do not despair! |
Ik word er wanhopig van 2 | [I become desperate by it] - It drives me to despair |
hopeloos 2 | hopeless, desperate, despairing |
't Is hopeloos 2 3 | It's hopeless, there is no possible good outcome |
hoopvol 2 3 | hopeful, optimistic |
Ik blijf hoopvol 2 3 | I remain hopeful |
(de) mesthoop 2 | dungheap |
(de) molshoop 2 3 | molehill |
een hoop ellende | a lot of misery |
Je hebt er een hoop werk aan 2 3 | It's a lot of work for you |
lucky, luckily; happy
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Happy New Year!
Word je er gelukkig van?
(a little old-fashioned)
Word je er happy van?
Does it make you happy?
Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon 2 3 | In the past, happiness was quite common (Carmiggelt) |
Geld maakt niet gelukkig 2 | Money doesn't make you happy, money does not create happiness |
(... maar 't is wel (ge)makkelijk 2 3 | ... but it is convenient, it makes life easier) |
... en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig 2 3 | (fairy tale ending) [... and they lived still long and happily] - ... and they lived happily ever after |
Ik had geluk 2 | I was lucky |
Als je geluk hebt ... 2 3 | If you're lucky ... |
Je hebt geluk gehad 2 3 | You [have been] were lucky |
Gelukkig maar! 2 3 | Lucky indeed! We're lucky |
"Good luck!" would be best said in Dutch as
-or- veel sterkte
'(wishing you) (much) strength' -or-
het beste ermee
'all the best (with it)'
- 'veel geluk'
is wishing someone long-term happiness, a bit old-fashioned.
The originally Yiddish (de) mazzel
'luck' is also fairly common in everyday speech.
"De mazzel!"
'see you, all the best'
Do note that Dutch people congratulate on birthdays;
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd!
Van harte gefeliciteerd
- there is no Gelukkige verjaardag (or
Gelukkige moederdag etc.)
But next to the congratulations you could write or say in a phone call:
Een prettige dag gewenst
Wishing (you) a nice day
Een gezellige dag gewenst
Wishing (you) a pleasant day in the company of
friends and/or relatives
more Birthday
(Het) ongeluk
2 is
'accident,' something bad happening inadvertently. In traffic it's
often better to call it a crash - (de) botsing
- 'bad luck' is (de) pech
Per ongeluk
2 is
'by accident, inadvertently' - its opposite, 'deliberately' is
['goal-conscious] or
if it's negative, malicious
Ik werk me een ('n) ongeluk 2 3 (4 5) | (saying) I'm working ["myself an accident"] very hard' |
Een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje | (saying) ['an accident is in a small corner'] - accidents can happen in unexpected places (and unexpectedly) |
Een geluk bij een ongeluk 2 | ['Some luck in an accident'] - A bright spot in a bad situation |
het ongeluksgetal - dertien | the unlucky number - 13 |
(de) pech 2 | 'bad luck' |
(de) pechvogel 2 | (bad-luck bird) a person who has much bad luck |
Je hebt pech 2 | You're not lucky, you're having bad luck |
Hadden jullie pech? | Did you guys have bad luck? - usually this means: Did you guys have car trouble? |
Wat 'n pech! 2 | Such bad luck! |
Hij heeft te veel pech 2 | 'He has too much bad luck' - he's accident-prone |
domme pech 2 3 | [dumb bad luck] - much bad luck, seemingly random |
The Dutch verb lukken 2 means 'to succeed' (in something) or 'be successful' (in something)
Dat lukt je nooit 2 | You'll never succeed in that, you'll never be able to do that, you'll never pull that off |
Dat lukt me nooit | I'll never succeed in that, I'll never be able to do that, I'll never pull that off |
Zou 't lukken? 2 | Is it going to work out? |
Is 't gelukt? 2 | Did it work? Did it get through? Did you succeed? Were you able to pull it off? |
't Is gelukt 2 3 | It worked, it went through, we managed to pull it off |
't Is niet gelukt 2 3 | It was a failure, it didn't work, we were not able to pull it off |
't Wil maar niet lukken 2 3 | I can't get it right (said after many failed attempts) |
"Lukt 't een beetje?" 2 3 | [Are you somewhat succeeding?] - How is it going? (inquiring with doubts about how a job is going) |
(de) mislukking 2 | failure |
is literally 'to reach,' like the destination of a journey,
but it's most often used figuratively,
'reaching goals, getting results.'
(het) bereik
reach, extent, range
(de) reikwijdte
reach, extent
... de nieuwe horizonten, op zoek naar een bestemming om te bereiken ... | ... the new horizons, searching for a destination to reach ... |
Hij heeft niks bereikt 2 3 4 | He has achieved nothing, he didn't get results, 'he got nowhere' |
Daar bereik je niks mee 2 3 4 5 | 'That will get you nowhere,' that's no use, it does not help you to succeed |
Wat wil je ermee bereiken? 2 3 | What is the result you want [with it]? |
Wat hoop je ermee te bereiken? 2 3 4 | What is the result you hope for [with it]? |
Dutch blij
- blij / blije
usually means 'glad,' happy about something, 'pleased, delighted,
contented' but it also can mean cheerful, happy, merry, 'in a good mood.'
(de) blijdschap
joy, happiness
Ik ben blij dat je gekomen bent 2 | I'm glad that you have come |
Ik ben blij dat je voor het examen geslaagd bent 2 | I'm glad that you passed the test |
Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen | I'm glad that it ended well |
Ik ben blij dat het mooi weer is | I'm glad that the weather is nice |
Ik ben blij dat het vannacht geregend heeft 2 | I'm glad that it rained last night |
Ik ben blij dat de hoofdpijn over is 2 3 | I'm glad the headache is gone |
Ik ben blij dat de zon schijnt | I'm glad the sun is shining |
Ik ben blij als de zon schijnt 2 3 4 | I'm happy when the sun is shining |
Als de zon schijnt ben ik blij | When the sun is shining I'm happy |
Hij was blij omdat het mooi weer was | He was happy because the weather was nice |
Bent U blij met Uw fiets? 2 | Are you happy with your bike? (Would you recommend it?)(formal 'you') |
Ben je er blij mee? 2 3 | Are you happy with it? (informal 'you') |
Ben je nou blij? | Are you happy now? (something happened that the addressed person wanted but that the speaker is not happy with) |
Ik ben er niet blij mee 2 3 | 1. I'm not happy with it (an item)
2. I'm not happy about it (a situatiom or an outcome) |
Ik ben blij met een kopje thee | I'm happy with a cup of tea (I don't need much) |
Ik ben blij dat te horen | I'm glad to hear that |
Ik ben blij | I am happy |
Hij is erg blij | He is very happy |
vrij en blij | free (I/we/they do what I/we/they want) and happy |
Vrijheid blijheid 2 | Freedom (brings along) happiness |
dichterlijke vrijheid 2 | poetic license |
U bent blij | you are happy |
bent U blij? | are you happy? |
The old-fashioned declined form
2 is still
found in standard phrases like:
in blijde verwachting
[in joyful expectation] - pregnant
de blijde boodschap
[the joyful message] - Good News, The Gospel
As a noun, (de) blijde
is a medieval weapon, a large club that
may have spikes
Dutch 'glad'
glad / gladde
is 'smooth' of surfaces and also the extended meaning 'slippery'
very slippery ('like bacon')
- said of icy roads
(de) gladjakker
'slippery person' - a smooth talker
who tells you what you want to hear
content, pleased, satisfied, ~happy
(de) tevredenheid
satisfaction, contentment
graag 2 is an adverb meaning you would like to, you would enjoy something, something would be pleasant to you. See and hear the examples for more specific translations. Graag is only an adverb: there are NO grage dingen.
You could answer a question like:
Wil je een kopje thee?
Would you like a cup of tea?
or: Wil je iets toe?
Would you like dessert?
with: Ja, graag
Yes, please
You could also say:
Ja, alstublieft
(polite) - or: Ja, alsjeblieft
or, declining:
Nee, dank U
/ Nee, dank je
Wat wil je drinken? 2 What would you like to drink? Een kopje koffie graag 'A cup of coffee, please' (informal) or: Een kopje thee alstublieft A cup of tea, please (polite)
When people thank you, you could say:
Graag gedaan
['a pleasure to have done'] -
you're welcome, 'my pleasure
alternatives: Geen dank
Don't mention it ('no reason to thank me')
or Kleine moeite
No Problem ('Minimal effort')
Ik zou zo graag ... 2 3 I would really like to ... (a great wish of mine is ...)
Hij wil 't zo graag 2 3 4 He really wants it, he wants it so badly Ik wil graag Nederlands praten 2 3 I really want to talk Dutch (conversation)
Ik wil graag helpen
I want to help, I'm eager to help,
I really like to help people
... maar soms wordt 't niet op prijs gesteld
... maar 't wordt soms niet op prijs gesteld
... but sometimes it's not appreciated
'Graag mogen'
is a phrase used to describe how much you like your best friends (I can't
think of an English equivalent.)
Ik mag 'm graag
I really like him, we get on well
(said about one of your best male friends)
Ik heb hem nooit gemogen
I never liked him
Dutch vrolijk is 'cheerful, merry'
Vrolijke Frans | ['Jolly Francis'] - a cheerful, merry person |
(de) pretletter 2 3 |
a cheerful, happy small child< |
Vrolijk Pasen! | Merry Easter! ->> |
Vrolijk Kerstfeest! 2 3 4 | Merry Christmas! |
Dutch (het) plezier is like English 'pleasure' - fun, joy, enjoyment; the adverb and adjective plezierig 2 is 'pleasant'
veel plezier 2 | ['Much enjoyment!'] - Have fun! |
Hebben jullie wel plezier? | Are you guys really enjoying yourselves? |
kleine pleziertjes 2 3 | 'small pleasures' - like a hot cup of good tea, a moment in the sun on a chilly day or toothpaste with a nice taste |
Ik heb het met veel plezier gelezen | [I've read it with great pleasure] - I really enjoyed reading it (a book) |
graag gedaan! | [A pleasure to have done it] - My pleasure, you're welcome |
Food, drinks or activities can be 'lekker' 2 3 4 (lekker / lekkere 2) (probably related to English 'to like') - 'enjoyable, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well'
Wat je ver haalt is lekker 2 | (saying) ['What you get from far away tastes good'] 'Exotic food is always good' |
't eten - 't was lekker | 'the food - it was good' - food comments |
Het eten was erg lekker 2 3 4 | The food was very good, I really enjoyed the food |
Het eten was heerlijk | The food was delicious, I really enjoyed the food |
erg lekker 2 / heerlijk 2 3 / zalig 2 | food superlatives: very good / delicious / 'heavenly' |
Vers brood is altijd lekker 2 | Fresh bread is always [tasty] good |
Heb je lekker gegeten? 2 | 'Was the food to your liking, did you enjoy your meal?' |
't Is niet lekker meer | It doesn't taste good anymore (it spoiled or got old) |
Was 't lekker? 2 | Was it good, did you enjoy it? (food, drink) |
smullen 2 / lekker smullen 2 | 'to eat with great enjoyment' |
Wat zou U aanraden? 2 3 | What would you recommend? |
Maar 't had lekkerder kunnen zijn 2 | But it could have been better (-tasting) |
Ik heb zo'n zin in iets lekkers 2 | I have a great craving for something tasty, something really nice (usually sweet) |
Eet smakelijk! | Enjoy your meal! Bon appetit! |
Lekker lui liggen lezen | 'lying down and enjoying a lazy read' |
't leest lekker weg 2 3 | an enjoyable and easy read (not requiring much effort) |
't Is lekker fris buiten 2 3 4 | It's pleasantly cool, nice and cool outside |
slaap lekker! 2 | sleep well! (good night, happy dreams) - sleep |
Heb je lekker geslapen?
2 | 'Did you sleep well?' |
Hij loopt lekker 2 | It runs nicely, smoothly (an engine) |
lekker makkelijk! 2 3 | conveniently, enjoyably easy, I like the ease of it (a great convenience) |
Ik voel me niet lekker | I don't feel well, I'm a bit sick - Medical |
kiplekker 2 | ['well like a chicken'] - fit as a fiddle |
Ik voel me kiplekker 2 | I'm fit as a fiddle |
(het) comfort 2 (~French) | comfort |
comfortabel 2 | comfortable |
Dutch leuk
- leuk / leuke
can be 'enjoyable, nice, pleasant' or 'funny, amusing' and 'pretty, attractive'
I could say: "Zo'n leuk meisje"
'Such a nice girl' (an ideal daughter-in-law)
leuk vinden
is 'to like, to enjoy' - the 'Like' in Dutch Facebook is 'vind ik
- 'niet leuk'
is often an understatement used for something bad or disappointing
Heb je 't leuk gehad? | Did you enjoy yourself? (singular informal 'you') |
Hebben jullie 't leuk gehad? | Did you guys enjoy yourself? (plural informal 'you') |
Heb je het leuk gehad in Brussel? | Did you have a good time in Brussels? |
Heb je wat leuks gedaan in het weekend? | Have you done something nice in the weekend? |
Vind je 't leuk om te koken? 2 3 | Do you like to cook? Do you enjoy cooking? |
Ik vind 't niet leuk 2 3 | I don't like it, I'm not enjoying it |
M'n zoon vond het erg leuk | My son really enjoyed it |
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden 2 | I was thinking you would like it |
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden om dit te zien 2 | I was thinking you would like to see this |
iets leuks 2 3 4 | Something nice, a nice thing (funny, entertaining) |
Vertel eens wat leuks 2 | Now do tell us something entertaining |
Was er maar iets leuks op TV! 2 3 4 | If only there was something nice on TV! (I wish there was something nice but there isn't) |
De leuke lolbroek lachte luid 2 | The nice fun person was laughing loudly |
't Moet wel leuk blijven 2 3 | ['It has to remain nice'] - Don't do something weird |
't Is niet leuk meer | It's not funny anymore, 'it's getting old' |
Dat is niet leuk 2 | That's not funny - but usually it means: It's bad |
Dat was niet leuk 2 3 | That was not funny - but usually it means: It was bad |
Dat was niet zo leuk 2 3 | That was not very funny - but usually it means: That was pretty bad |
also: onprettig 2 3 / onplezierig 2 3 | unpleasant |
't Staat je leuk 2 3 | "It looks good on you, you look good in it" |
Je wilt er leuk uitzien 2 | You want to look nice, cute, attractive |
(Het) genoegen is a another somewhat old-fashioned word for 'pleasure, satisfaction'
Geen onverdeeld genoegen 2 3 | ['No unmitigated pleasure'] - something not entirely pleasing |
Geen groter genoegen | "No greater pleasure" |
"Het is mij een genoegen ..." 2 | "It is with great pleasure ..." |
Met wie heb ik het genoegen? | Who do I have the pleasure (meeting)? (really old-fashioned) |
'Genieten' 2 3 and 'genieten van' 2 3 are slightly old-fashioned for 'to enjoy.' It's a strong verb:
genieten ~ to enjoy |
genoot ~ enjoyed |
genoten ~ enjoyed |
2 3 |
'(De) genoot'
2 is only
distantly related to the verb 'genieten.' It is only found
in compound words and means a 'partner,' a person or an entity like a country or
a corporation sharing something (i.e. the other part of the
compound word.)
(de) echtgenoot
/ (de) echtgenote
'husband' / 'wife' - echt
(echt / echte
is 'real' but the really old-fashioned noun
(de) echt
means 'marriage.'
the modern words:
(de) man
/ (de) vrouw
'husband' / 'wife'
- (het) huwelijk
- >>
(de) landgenoot
'fellow countryman, compatriot'
(de) huisgenoot
'housemate' - an not-related person you're sharing a house with
(usually college or university students)
(de) kamergenoot
'office mate' (not-related people sharing a bedroom like English
'roommates' is unusual in Holland)
(de) tafelgenoot
a person at your table at a festive dinner
people sharing a (bad) fate
people sharing a (festive) meal - 'table-mates.' -
I'm told there is a restaurant by that name.
(De) dis
is an old-fashioned word for 'table with food' - the word is related
to German Tisch which just means 'table' and English
'dish' - a plate, or a plate wuth food
(het) vermaak
is a somewhat old-fashioned word for 'entertainment, amusement,
't Bezit van de zaak is 't eind van 't vermaak
'[The] Ownership (of the case)
is [the] end of the enjoyment' - the
chase, working towards goals is the fun part; having reached goals
boredom may set in, worries may start
(Het) leedvermaak
'Schadenfreude,' finding pleasure or entertainment in the
misfortunes of other people
zich vermaken
to be entertained, to enjoy yourself
We hebben ons prima vermaakt
We [very well] really enjoyed ourselves
entertaining, funny, humorous
leerzaam en/of vermakelijk
educational and/or entertaining
leerzaam en/of amusant
educational and/or entertaining
Dutch prettig
usually means 'nice, pleasant' like in wishing someone a good
time. It can also mean 'comfortable, pleasant.'
You can say Prettige feestdagen!
'Happy Holidays!' but there is no Dutch equivalent for 'Happy
Birthday!' People are congratulated:
'Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!'
'Many congratulations on your birthday!'
and you can follow that with:
'Een prettige dag gewenst'
'Wishing you a pleasant day'
'Een gezellige dag gewenst'
'Wishing you a pleasant day
(in the company of family and friends)'
In Dutch you also don't say
things like 'Happy Mother's Day'
prettig weekend! 2 3 | Have a nice weekend |
prettige avond! | Have a nice evening |
Prettige feestdagen! 2 | Happy Holidays! ->> |
Een prettige dag gewenst | Wishing you a pleasant day - Birthday |
een prettige dag nog! | Have a nice day! ('nog' is said because the day has already started) |
'n prettige fiets 2 3 | a comfortable bike |
' prettige tandarts | a nice dentist |
'n prettig vooruitzicht 2 | a nice prospect, ~a promising future, something to look forward to |
iets om naar uit te kijken 2 | something to look forward to |
onprettig 2 3 | unpleasant, disagreeable |
(De) pret 2 3 'fun, amusement, enjoyment' is mostly found in standard phrases like:
Dan is 't voorbij met de pret
= Dan is 't uit met de pret
= Dan is 't gedaan met de pret
['(And) then it's done with the fun']
-'the fun is over'
- said when things return
to normal after a respite, or go from normal to a worse
situation - somewhat stronger than 'the honeymoon is over'
't mag de pret niet drukken 2 3 | We can't let it [suppress] spoil the fun |
(de) pretletter 2 3 |
a cheerful, happy small child |
/ 'aangename'
'pleasant, pleasing, comfortable' is a bit old-fashioned
"Aangenaam kennis te maken"
Pleased to meet you, nice meeting you
een aangename temperatuur
a pleasant, comfortable temperature
een aangename verrassing
a pleasant surprise
/ onaangename
'unpleasant, uncomfortable'
Een onaangename verrassing
An unpleasant surprise
Dutch (de) zin 2 is 'sentence, line' and many other things, but 'zin in' - usually as 'zin hebben in' 2 is 'feel like' - a desire, a wish, a craving for things to eat or drink or do, 'to feel like'
Heb je zin in een borrel? | Would you like a glass of liquor? |
Ik heb zin in ijs 2 3 | I would like ice cream now, I feel like having ice cream |
Ik heb zo'n zin in iets lekkers 2 | I have (such) a great craving for something tasty, something really nice (usually sweet) |
Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee 2 3 | ['I have such a great desire for ...'] - What I'd really like now is a cup of tea |
Ik heb er zin in 2 | I'm looking forward to it (for instance a holiday or starting a new job) |
Ik heb er geen zin in 2 3 | I don't feel like it, I don't want to do, eat/drink it |
Ik heb nergens zin in 2 | I don't feel like doing (or eating/drinking) anything |
is 'thanks' and
2 is 'to
- 'dank je wel'
'thank you' (informal)
- 'dank U wel'
'thank you' (polite)
- (de) dank
'thanks, gratitude'
- 'dankbaar'
(dankbaar / dankbare
'[thankful] grateful'
- 1. 'ungrateful' 2. 'thankless'
Nee dank je 2 | No, thank you (informal 'you') |
Nee dank U 2 | No, thank you (polite 'you') |
Bedankt en van hetzelfde 2 | Thank you and (wishing) the same to you (in answer to a person wishing you well) |
Bedankt voor je brief 2 | Thank you for your letter |
Alvast bedankt 2 | Thank you [already] in advance |
Bij voorbaat bedankt | Thank you in advance |
Bij voorbaat mijn dank 2 | ['In advance my gratitude'] - Thank you in advance (slightly more formal) |
Nogmaals bedankt | Thanks again |
een kleinigheid 2 | a little thing, a small gift // an unimportant, small matter // a small amount of money |
een kleinigheid als dank voor je hulp 2 3 4 | a small gift as thanks for, in gratitude of your help |
Graag gedaan | ['A pleasure to have done'] - You're welcome, my pleasure |
Kleine moeite | [Minor effort] No problem |
Tot Uw dienst! 2 3 | [At your service, glad to be of service] - You're welcome (old-fashioned) |
Geen dank | [No reason to thank me] - Don't mention it |
Waaraan heb ik dit te danken? 2 | [What is causing this? How do I deserve this?] - Why does this happen to me? (anger at misfortune) |
Godzijdank 2 3 | [God deserves thanks, the Lord be thanked] - 'fortunately' |
Waar is de dankbaarheid? 2 3 | Where is the gratitude? |
't Wordt niet op prijs gesteld 2 3 | It's not appreciated |
'Danken' 'to thank' is a bit old-fashioned and next to standard phrases as 'dank je'/'dank U' etc. usually only used to thank God. As mentioned above, the common word for 'to thank' is bedanken 2
ik bedank
I'm thanking | - | ik bedankte
I thanked | - | ik heb bedankt
I have thanked |
Zou U ... 2 or Zou je 2 'Could you please' or 'Would you mind' - see above or 'the Conditional'
and alsjeblieft
2 literally
mean something like 'if you please.'
Alstublieft and alsjeblieft can be used in three
ways, meaning:
1. 'please' like in 'yes please,' or 'two coffee, please.'
2. 'here you are' or 'here you go,'
like when you hand someone something
3. 'you're welcome, my pleasure' in reply to a thank-you (this is a
bit unusual.)
- more
dankzij 2 'thanks to' - ondanks 2 3 'despite, in spite of'
Dankzij het pilletje ging de hoofdpijn over 2 3 4 Thanks to the (little) pill the headache went away, the pill ended the headache Dankzij de fysiotherapie ging de pijn over 2 3 Thanks to the physical therapy the pain went away Dankzij een lening kon hij het bedrijfje kopen 2 (-ie) (-ie2) [Thanks to] With a loan he [could] was able to buy the (small) company
Ondanks de regen hadden we toch een leuke dag 2 Despite the rain we still had a nice day Ondanks de lening kon hij het bedrijf toch niet redden 2 3 (-ie) (-ie2) Despite the loan he [still] couldn't save the company
vinden to 'find' |
vond found |
gevonden found |
vinden to 'find' | - | ik vind I find | - | wij vinden we find | - | ik vond I found | - | wij vonden we found | - | ik heb gevonden
I have found |
- more |
Ik kan 't niet vinden 2 3 | I can't find it |
't Is moeilijk te vinden 2 3 | It's hard to find |
Ik vind 't heel erg | I think it's really bad, I'm upset over it |
Ik vind 't zo zielig 2 3 | I think it's so sad, I pity the people involved |
Ik vind 't best 2 | I think it's OK, It's fine with me |
Ik vind er niks aan
(Ik vin'r niks aan ) |
['I find nothing in it'] - It's not interesting |
Ik vond er niet veel aan | ['I did not find much in it'] - It was not interesting |
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden 2 | I was thinking you would like it |
Je vindt mijn mopjes niet leuk 2 3 | You don't like my jokes |
Een paar maanden geleden zijn we naar een optreden van ... geweest. 2 | A few months ago we were at a ... concert. |
M'n zoon vond 't erg leuk. | My son really enjoyed it. |
Ik luister nog vaak naar ... 2 | I still (often) listen to ... |
De CD ... van ... draai ik ook nog vaak. | I still often play the CD ... by ... |
Gisteren heb ik ... weer eens gezien. | Yesterday I've seen ... again. |
Het is een fantastische film. | It's a great movie. |
Ik vind 't nog steeds een fantastische film 2 | I still think it's a great movie |
't Was de derde keer dat ik 'm zag. | It was the third time I saw it. |
Ik vond het nog steeds erg goed. | I still thought it was great. |
De film ... van ... vind ik ook erg goed. | I also really like the movie ... by ... (literally: I think it's very good.) |
Vorige week hebben we ... gezien. | Last week we've seen ... |
Ik vond er niet veel aan. | I did not like it. (I didn't care for it.) |
Het boeide me niet | ['It didn't shackle me, I wasn't gripped by it'] - It was not really interesting |
't Spreekt me niet aan | It doesn't appeal to me, I'm not 'touched' by it |
Heb je de laatste tijd nog een goed boek gelezen? | Have you read a good book lately? |
Ik heb laatst 'Startide Rising' nog eens gelezen. | Recently I've read ... again. |
't Is een van m'n favoriete Science-Fictionboeken. | It's one of my favorite Science Fiction books. >> |
Ik heb 't met veel plezier gelezen. 2 | I really enjoyed reading it. (literally: I read it with great pleasure.) |
The common Dutch word for 'beautiful, pretty' is
(mooi / mooie
and 'ugly' is
(lelijk / lelijke
(de) schoonheid
In modern Dutch, schoon
) means
'clean' - in older Dutch 'schoon' meant 'beautiful' and in
the South of The Netherlands and in Belgium it still has that
meaning - more 'schoon'
een mooi schilderij 2 | a beautiful painting |
Nederlands is een mooie taal | Dutch is a beautiful language ‑>> |
Hij deed veel om de stad mooi te maken 2 | He did much to [make the town beautiful] beautify the town |
Heel mooi, maar bitter koud 2 | Very pretty, but bitter cold (snow) ‑>> |
't Is zo'n mooi potlood | It's such a pretty pencil ‑>> |
zij zingt mooi | She sings beautifully, she has a beautiful voice |
Je geeft 't slechte weer zo mooi weer | You [represent] depict the bad weather (so) beautifully |
iets moois 2 3 | Something beautiful, a beautiful thing |
mooi - mooier - mooist | beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful |
mooist / mooiste | most beautiful |
spiegeltje aan de wand, wie is de mooiste in het land?" |
'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest [in the land] of them all?' ‑>> |
"Wie is de mooiste in het land?" | 'Who is the prettiest in the land?' |
"Sneeuwwitje is de mooiste in het land." | 'Snow White is the prettiest in the land.' |
De mooiste auto aller tijden 2 3 4 | The most beautiful car [of all time] ever ‑>> |
Maar 't is niet mooi 2 3 | But it's not pretty |
Mooi is 't niet 2 3 4 | It's not pretty, "pretty it ain't" |
Literally, 'mooi' and 'beautiful' mean something like 'pleasant to look at' or 'aesthetically pleasing' but it can also have a wider meaning of '(generally) pleasant,' 'good' or "I'm happy" - maybe more so in Dutch than in English | |
het is mooi weer 2 | It's beautiful weather, the weather is beautiful |
Zo'n mooie dag 2 | Such a beautiful day! |
Ik ben blij dat het mooi weer is | I'm glad the weather is nice |
't Is overdag zulk mooi weer 2 3 | In the daytime the weather is very nice |
't Is zulk mooi weer buiten | The weather outside is so nice! |
Gisteren was 't erg mooi weer | Yesterday the weather was very nice |
Dat jaar was heel mooi | That was a very good year |
't Had zoveel mooier kunnen zijn 2 3 | It could have been so much nicer |
Dat was mooi hè 2 3 | That was pleasant, wasn't it? |
Was 't mooi? 2 3 | Was it good? |
Een mooi stukje werk | A nice piece of work, a job well done ‑>> |
Een mooie gelegenheid 2 | A good opportunity ‑>> |
Mooi dat je er weer bent 2 3 4 | Good that you're [here again] back |
Mooi dat je weer thuis bent 2 3 4 | Good that you're [home again] back home |
De mooiste tijd van m'n leven 2 | The best [time] years of my life |
Nou is 't wel mooi geweest | Now that's enough! (Stop what you're doing, I'm sick of it) |
Te mooi om waar te zijn 2 3 | Too good to be true |
aantrekkelijk | attractive |
The opposite of 'mooi' / beautiful is lelijk 2 (lelijk / lelijke 2) 'ugly' | |
een lelijk standbeeld 2 | an ugly statue |
Het is lelijk weer | It's ugly, bad weather |
de lelijke eend | the ugly duck |
een lelijke eend | an ugly duck |
het lelijke eendje | the ugly duckling |
een lelijk eendje | an ugly duckling |
geen lelijk eendje 2 | not an (no) ugly duckling |
The Citroën '2CV' model is affectionately known as de lelijke eend ('the ugly duck') or simply eend ('duck') - more Citroën |
(Het) verdriet
2 is 'grief,
't Doet me veel verdriet
[It causes me much grief]
- I'm really saddened by it
means 'sad, miserable, saddening'
(de) droefheid
(de) droefenis
'sad, depressing events or circumstances'
- bedroefd
'sad, dejectedsorrowful'
- bedroevend
'saddening, depressing; pitiful, pathetic'
Ik word droevig | I'm [becoming] getting sad, I'm saddened |
Als het regent word ik droevig | When it rains I get sad |
Ik word droevig van de toestand in de wereld 2 | I'm saddened by [the state of the world] what's going on in the world |
gloomy, dark, dejected, melancholy
zo'n sombere zomer
such a gloomy, dark summer
't Is deprimerend
It's depressing
depressed, dispirited, dejected
(de) depressie
depression, severe despondency and dejection
depressed, depressive
(de) verslagenheid
[defeatedness] - dejection, despondency, 'everything goes wrong'
to regret, lament
- treurig
sad, melancholy, tragic, unfortunate
(de) treurnis
sorrow, sadness, melancholy (deplorable, depressing circumstances)
(de) pessimist
pessimist -
(het) pessimisme
pessimism -
(de) optimist
optimist -
(het) optimisme
optimism -
(de) troost
consolation, 'comfort' -
(de) troostprijs
consolation prize
schrale troost
poor, scant consolation, small comfort
'n bakje troost
/ 'n bakkie troost
(slang) a cup of coffee, a cuppa joe
regular: een kopje koffie
a cup of coffee
- more drinks
is 'to cry, shed tears'
- (de) huilbui
'crying fit'
- (de) traan
is 'tear' - plural:
Hij begon opeens te huilen 2 3 4 | He suddenly started to cry |
Hij begon zomaar te huilen 2 | He just started to cry (I don't know why) |
't Huilen stond 'm nader dan 't lachen 2 | He [stood] was closer to [crying] tears than [laughing] laughter |
huilen to cry | - | ik huil I'm crying | - | wij huilen we're crying | - | ik huilde I cried | - | wij huilden we cried | - | ik heb gehuild
I have cried |
English 'to cry' can also mean 'screaming, shouting, making loud
noise' - that is
in Dutch
- (de) schreeuw
'(the) scream, shout'
schreeuwen to shout | - | ik schreeuw I'm shouting | - | wij schreeuwen we're shouting | - | ik schreeuwde I shouted | - | wij schreeuwden we shouted | - | ik heb geschreeuwd
I have shouted |
(De) smart
3 is an
old-fashioned word for 'pain, hurt, grief' - think of English
Gedeelde smart is halve smart
Shared grief is halved grief
(de) teleurstelling | disappointment |
teleurstellend | disappointing |
teleurgesteld 2 3 | disappointed |
Ik werd teleurgesteld 2 3 | I was disappointed |
Ik ben teleurgesteld |
I'm disappointed, I have been disappointed |
Ik wil je niet teleurstellen 2 | I don't want to disappoint you |
Ik moet je teleurstellen 2 3 4 | I have to disappoint you |
Het stelt me teleur | It disappoints me, I'm disappointed |
teleurstellende resultaten 2 3 | disappointing results |
't is één grote teleurstelling 2 3 4 | It's one big disappointment, all of it is disappointing |
teleurstellingen verwerken 2 3 | dealing with disappointment, to process, get over, accept |
In Dutch newspaper headlines I've seen the word (de) deceptie as 'disappointment.' I was not familiar with that word in Dutch, and it looks wrong to me, because English 'deception' means 'deceit, misleading' (Dutch (het) bedrog 2 3) - but I found it indeed as 'disappointment' in my Dutch dictionaries, though in very small entries. I guess it's Flemish, from French 'decepcion' - disappointment, an English-French faux ami.
(De) spijt is 'regret' or even 'remorse'
spijt hebben van 2 | to regret, be sorry about |
(de) prikspijt 2 3 | remorse at immunization (either at getting or not having gotten it) |
Heb je er spijt van? 2 3 | Are you sorry about it? Do you regret it? |
Ik heb nergens spijt van 2 3 4 5 | I regret nothing, I have no regrets about anything ('je ne regrette rien') | Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen 2 | You won't [get regret] regret it |
The verb spijten means 'to be sorry.' It's a strong verb: spijten / speet / gespeten - there is no 'ik spijt' or 'jij spijt' - it is only used in constructions like:
Het spijt me 2 3 | I'm sorry |
't Spijt me heel erg 2 3 | I'm very sorry, I'm really sorry |
't Spijt me, ik ben Uw naam vergeten 2 | I'm sorry, I forgot your name |
In English it's very common to say "I'm sorry" but in Dutch people only say 'sorry' or 'Het spijt me' 2 3 when the speaker knows he or she is to blame and is willing to admit that.
't Spijt me, 't eten is aangebrand 2 3 | I'm sorry, the food is burned |
Wat jammer dat je fiets gestolen is! 2 3 4 | I'm sorry your bike was stolen, Such a pity that your bike was stolen (I feel your pain) |
Wat jammer nou! 2 3 | Such a pity! (I feel your pain) |
Wat jammer! | Such a pity! (disappointment) |
Wat jammer nou van die ijskast | What a pity of that fridge! (annoyed at the background noise) |
Not as strong: | |
Wat vervelend! | How unpleasant! Such a nuisance! |
Wat vervelend nou! 2 3 | How unpleasant! [now] Such a nuisance! |
Je fiets is helaas gestolen 2 3 | I'm sorry, your bike was stolen (unfortunately I have bad news for you) |
'Klagen' is 'to complain' - (de) klacht is 'complaint'
klagen to complain |
- | ik klaag I'm complaining |
- | ik klaagde I complained |
- | ik heb geklaagd I have complained |
2 |
Ze klaagden over het lawaai 2 3 4 | They complained about the noise |
Hij heeft de hele week lopen klagen 2 | He's been complaining all week ->> |
We mogen niet klagen 2 | We shouldn't complain, we have no reason to complain, we're doing well |
Jullie mogen niet klagen | You guys shouldn't complain, you have no reason to complain, you're doing well |
Hij onderging de behandeling zonder te klagen | He underwent the treatment without complaining |
Er waren veel klachten | There were many complaints |
Dutch 'boos' (boze 2 - boos / boze ) and 'kwaad' 2 (kwade 2 3) both mean 'angry.'
Ben je boos? | Are you angry? |
Je bent boos 2 | You are angry |
Waarom ben je boos? | Why are you angry? |
Hij is nooit lang boos 2 | He's never angry for long |
Ik was kwaad omdat ik weer voor m'n rijexamen gezakt was 2 | I was angry because I had failed the driving test again |
Ik was zò kwaad 2 | I was so very angry |
Ik kan me d'r zò kwaad over maken 2 | It [can make] makes me so very angry |
In older Dutch, 'boos' and 'kwaad' meant something like 'evil, bad' or 'wrong' - that meaning is still found in standard phrases, prayers and in the Bible.
de grote boze wolf 2 | the big bad wolf |
bar en boos 2 3 4 5 | ['barren and bad'] - very bad (usually said of weather) |
Boze tongen beweren ... 2 | ['Evil tongues claim ...'] - Ugly gossip has it (that) ... |
(de) boosdoener 2 3 | person or thing causing trouble, evildoer, villain |
(het) kattekwaad 2 | ["cats' badness"] - mischief by children |
In een kwade reuk staan 2 3 | (saying) to have a bad reputation' - NOT the literal meaning 'being in a place of bad smell' |
Dat kan geen kwaad 2 3 | (saying) ['That's not going to do damage'] - 'It's something that can be tried without risk, worth a try' |
... verlos ons van het kwade 2 | ... deliver us from evil - The Lord's Prayer |
Gij zult de meerderheid in het kwade niet volgen 2 3 |
['Thou shalt not follow the majority into evil'] Do not follow the majority when they do wrong (Exodus 23:2) |
(de) kwaaie pier 2 3 | (colloquial) the person or thing blamed for a problem |
Aquamacs is de kwaaie pier 2 3 | (saying) Aquamacs is seen as the cause of the problem |
(De) woede 2 is 'anger, rage'
woedend 2 3 / razend 2 3 | very angry |
(de) woedeaanval | [attack of rage] fit of rage |
(de) woedeuitbarsting 2 3 | [eruption, explosion of rage] fit of rage |
machteloze woede 2 | powerless, impotent rage |
Probeer niet te vloeken 2 | Try not to curse |
(de) razernij 2 | anger |
Hij was razend 2 3 | He was very angry, he was furious, livid |
Zich vervelen 2 is 'to be bored'
Verveel je je? | Are you bored? (singular informal) ->> |
Verveel ik je? 2 3 | ['Am I boring you?'] - Are you bored by (with?) me? |
uit verveling 2 3 | out of boredom, because they were bored |
't Blijft vervelend 2 | [It remains unpleasant] It's still annoying |
Wat vervelend! | How unpleasant! |
Wat vervelend nou! 2 3 | How unpleasant! [now] |
een vervelende man 2 | an unpleasant (male) person |
een vervelende situatie 2 | an unpleasant situation |
't Is een vervelend trekje 2 3 4 | It's an unpleasant, annoying trait, habit (characteristic or habitual behavior of a person) |
(De) ergernis
is 'annoyance, irritation'
zich ergeren
to be annoyed
Ik erger me dood
I'm deeply annoyed ['to death']
zich ergeren aan
to be annoyed by (at, with)
Ik erger me aan z'n houding
I'm annoyed by his attitude
Ik erger me aan de buren
I'm annoyed by the neighbors
Dutch (de) irritatie
can like English 'irritation' both be an inflammation of the body like reddened
skin or it can be a mental state of annoyance, impatience or anger.
't Irriteert me mateloos
It annoys me beyond measure - I'm very annoyed by it
'Boring' is saai
(saai / saaie
saaie Piet | 'Boring Peter' - a bore, a boring person |
Wat een saai verhaal! 2 3 4 | Such a boring story! |
Saaie boel is het hier 2 3 | It's boring here. What a boring place this is. There's nothing going on |
more saai |
is 'afraid' - 'bang voor'
2 'afraid of'
- 'bang zijn
'to be afraid'
- 'bang maken'
['to make afraid, create anxiety'] - to scare, frighten
"Ik ben bang dat ..."
isn't scary but used to apologize or say things you're not happy about
bange dagen | days of fear, days of anxiety, scary days |
Ik ben bang dat de avocado's nog niet rijp zijn 2 | I'm afraid the avocados are not ripe yet |
Ik ben bang dat het nog niet klaar is | I'm afraid it's not ready yet |
Hij is bang in het donker 2 | He's afraid in (of?) the dark |
Ze is bang voor spinnen 2 | She's afraid of spiders |
Je hoeft niet bang te zijn 2 3 | [You don't need to be afraid] - Don't be afraid, don't worry, there's no reason to be afraid |
Daar was ik al bang voor 2 | 'I was already afraid of that' - a not uexpected disappointment |
Hij is nergens bang voor 2 3 | [He's afraid of nothing] - He's not afraid of anything ‑>> |
Er is niks waar hij bang voor is 2 3 | [There is nothing that he's afraid of] - He's not afraid of anything< |
Ze willen ons bang maken 2 3 | They want to make us afraid, they're trying to scare us |
Angst en vrees
'(De) angst'
and '(de) vrees'
are 'fear' - 'vrees' is when you know what you're afraid of,
'angst' is general anxiety, without a clear cause.
Dutch 'angst' is more general than English 'angst.'
vrezen 2 'to fear' is a weak verb of the non-kofschip type - so -D, -DE and -DEN endings in the past tense and for the past participle. Also note the Z/S shift - Dutch words 'cannot' end in Z
vrezen to fear |
- | ik vrees I fear |
- | wij vrezen we fear |
- | ik vreesde I feared |
- | wij vreesden we feared |
- | ik heb gevreesd I have feared |
2 3 |
angstaanjagend 2 3 / vreeswekkend 2 3 | [fear-creating] - frightening, terrifying |
beangstigend 2 | frightening, alarming |
grote angst 2 3 4 | 'great fear,' terror |
Ik leef in angst 2 3 | I'm living in fear, I'm always afraid |
Jan zonder Vrees 2 3 | [John without Fear] - John the Fearless (14th C. Duke of Burgundy, father of Philip the Good) |
De mens lijdt het meest van het lijden dat-ie vreest | 'Man suffers most from the suffering he fears' - a sentiment somewhat similar to President Roosevelt's 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself' - FDR |
Ik vrees 't ergste 2 3 | I fear the worst (has happened) - I'm afraid the worst possible outcome has come about |
Hij vreesde voor z'n leven 2 | He feared for his life, he was afraid he might not survive |
de meest gevreesde terrorist | the most feared terrorist |
(het) terrorisme | terrorism |
(de) hoogtevrees 2 | fear of heights, vertigo |
vreselijk | horrible, terrible ... very |
| |
Ik word er doodmoe van 2 | ['It makes me dead-tired'] - I'm worn out by it (an annoying situation) |
't Had erger kunnen zijn 2 3 4 | It could have been worse |
is 'to threaten' - an unpleasant or bad event may happen, or bad
people announce a possible action to intimidate
is 'to threaten people'
(De) dreigbrief
'threatening letter'
(de) dreiging
Er dreigt onweer 2 3 4 | A thunderstorm threatens |
Er dreigt oolog 2 3 4 | There may be war, there is unfortunately a good chance of war |
Ze dreigden met geweld 2 3 4 5 | They threatened violence |
Dutch has a few verb combinations with
('to let, allow, ~make') for which English has just one verb, like for
instance laten zien
['to let see'] - 'to show'
Likewise, laten schrikken
is ['to make frightened'] - that is:
'to scare, to frighten, to shock, to startle.'
by itself is a bit harder to translate. It's the immediate reaction
to something unexpected that's unpleasant or frightening,
'to be shocked, to be frightened, to be
startled.' It's different from 'being afraid'
(bang zijn
which is usually a lasting feeling.
Note that the CH in SCHR is dropped or very soft:
(de) schok
/ schrok
('was shocked')
'Schrikken' is a strong verb:
schrikken to be shocked |
- | schrok was shocked |
- | geschrokken been shocked |
2 3 |
(de) schrik | fright, shock, terror, horror, fear |
(het) schrikdraad | electric fence |
(het) schrikbewind 2 3 | reign of terror, rule by fear |
(de) vogelverschrikker | [bird-scarer] scarecrow |
(de) verschrikking 2 3 4 | terror, great fear |
wij schrokken | we were shocked, frightened, taken aback |
schrikken van 2 | to be shocked, frightened by |
geschrokken van 2 | shocked, frightened by |
Ik schrok van de prijs 2 | I was shocked, taken aback by the price |
Ik schrok van 't lawaai 2 | I was shocked, taken aback by the noise |
Ik schrok ervan 2 3 | I was shocked, taken aback by it |
Ik heb de eieren laten schrikken | [I have startled the eggs] - put just-boiled eggs in cold water (for easier peeling) |
Je laat me schrikken 2 | You startled me, you frightened me for a moment |
griezelig 2 3 4 | gruesome, ghastly, grisly |
verschrikkelijk (verschrikkelijke 2) | terrible, dreadful, awful ... very |
verschrikkelijk langzaam slow slow2 | terribly slow |
Dit is verschrikkelijk langzaam slow slow2 | This is terribly slow ‑>> |
Dit is niet verschrikkelijk langzaam | This is not terribly slow |
een verschrikkelijke winter | a horrible winter |
ik ben verschrikkelijk moe 2 | I'm terribly, very tired |
Ik heb last van m'n maag | My stomach is giving me trouble |
Ik heb veel last van m'n maag | My stomach is giving me a lot of trouble |
Heb je d'r last van? 2 3 | Does it bother you? |
Ik had er eerder nooit last van 2 | It never bothered me [earlier] before |
Heb je er veel last van? 2 | Does it bother you a lot? |
Heb je er vaak last van? | Does it often bother you? |
Heb je geen last van het lawaai? 2 3 4 | Doesn't the noise bother you? ‑>> |
Ik heb er geen last van 2 3 | It doesn't bother me, I don't mind |
Ik krijg er last van 2 3 | It's going to bother me, it will give me trouble (mentioning a food allergy) |
Daar krijg je last van 2 3 | That's going to bother you, that will give you trouble (a medical or dental problem that needs to be treated) |
Leiden in last | 'Leyden in trouble' - said when someone exaggerates the seriousness of their difficulties |
lusten en lasten | '[desires] pleasant things and burdens' - good things and bad |
(de) lastpost slow / (het) lastpak 2 3 | a person who is a nuisance, a pain in the neck |
(de) overlast 2 | inconvenience, nuisance, trouble |
de minste overlast 2 | the least trouble |
(De) belasting
is literally 'weight, load or burden put on something' but it usually
means 'tax.' Strangely, some people use the Dutchified English word
'(de) taks.'
(het) belastingvoordeel
'tax benefit, fiscal advantage.'
'Lastig' 2 is 'difficult' or 'troublesome, bothersome'
Wat lastig! 2 | What a bother! Such a pain! That's difficult! |
Lies is lastig en laat alles liggen | Lies is a pain-in-the-neck and doesn't clean up |
Dat is erg lastig 2 3 4 | That's very inconvenient, that's a bother |
Dat is veel te lastig 2 3 4 | That is way too much trouble, that's not worth the trouble |
English 'to last,' continue for an amount of time is
't Duurde maar tien minuten
The shoemaker's foot model 'last' is
(de) leest
and the 'last' as 'final, after all others' is
de laatste trein
the last train (usually: of the day)
More serious than 'last' is (het) probleem 2 3 'problem' - plural; (de) problemen 'problems, difficulties, trouble'
problematisch 2 | problematic |
in de problemen | in trouble |
Hij zit in de problemen 2 3 | He's in trouble |
Mochten er problemen zijn ... 2 | [If there would be ...] - In case of problems ... |
Dan zijn we van de problemen af 2 slow | Then we'll be done with the problems |
'Moeilijk' (moeilijke ) is 'difficult'
Alle begin is moeilijk 2 3 | Every start is difficult, starting is always difficult |
't Is moeilijk te vinden 2 3 | It's hard to find |
't Is moeilijk te zeggen 2 | [It's difficult, hard to say] - I can't be sure if what I'm saying is correct |
Wat een moeilijk woord! | Such a difficult word! |
moeilijke tijden 2 3 | hard times |
't Is veel moeilijker dan ik dacht 2 3 | It's much more difficult than I thought |
Maak 't niet te moeilijk | Don't make it too difficult, too complicated |
Probeer 't eenvoudig te houden 2 | Try to keep it simple |
Niet moeilijk doen! 2 3 | Don't be difficult! |
Doe niet zo moeilijk! 2 3 4 | Don't make it difficult, don't make it complicated |
The opposite of 'difficult' - 'moeilijk'
is 'easy:'
and 'makkelijk'
'Makkelijk' is more colloquial; I'd always use the GE- form
in writing.
Deze woorden zijn moeilijk | These words are difficult |
Die woorden zijn gemakkelijk | Those words are easy |
Waarom moet 't zo moeilijk zijn? | Why does it have to be so difficult? |
Waarom kan 't niet gemakkelijk zijn? 2 | Why can't it be easy? Why does it have to be hard? |
(de) gemakkelijke stoel | easy, lazy chair |
't Zal niet gemakkelijk zijn 2 | It won't be easy |
Op den duur wordt 't makkelijker | ['In the long run'] 'After a while it will be easier' |
(Geld maakt niet gelukkig 2 | Money doesn't make (you) happy, Money doesn't create happiness) |
... maar 't is wel (ge)makkelijk 2 3 | ... but it is convenient, it makes life easier |
Maak 't jezelf gemakkelijk 2 3 | [Make it easy for yourself] - Do it in an easy way, don't make it too complicated |
But also: Maak 't je gemakkelijk 2 3 | Make yourself comfortable (relax etc.) |
lekker makkelijk! 2 3 | conveniently, enjoyably easy, I like the ease of it (a great convenience) |
(het) gemak
'ease, convenience, leisure'
Hou je gemak!
[Stay at ease] - Don't get excited, 'keep your
shirt on'
('craving ease and comfort')
(De) moeilijkheid
can literally be 'difficultness' but it's usually 'difficulty.' The
plural is
(de) moeilijkheden
('difficulties, problems, trouble')
De moeilijkheid is ...
The problem is ...
Hij is op de Noordpool in moeilijkheden geraakt
He ran into trouble on the North Pole
'Moeilijk' is derived from (de) moeite 2 'effort, exertion' and also 'bother, trouble' - and probably ultimately related to moe 2 3 4 ('tired')
Ik ben erg moe 2 | I am very tired - more 'moe' |
moeiteloos | without (much) effort, easy |
Doe geen moeite | [No need to make an effort] - Don't bother |
Al die moeite voor niks 2 | All that effort [for nothing] without result - lamenting wasted energy |
(de) vergeefse moeite 2 3 | wasted trouble, effort without success |
Kleine moeite! | [Small effort] - You're welcome, don't mention it |
niet de moeite waard 2 | not worth the effort, not worth the trouble |
Het is niet de moeite waard 2 | It's not worth [the effort] your time and money |
also as: Het is niet de moeite | It's not worth [the effort] your time and money |
zonder veel moeite 2 3 4 5 | without much effort, without much trouble |
... maar ik heb er moeite mee ... 2 3 4 | ... but I have difficulty with ... (I can't -or- I can't accept) |
Ik heb moeite met de voorzetsels | [I have difficulty with ...] The prepositions are difficult for me |
'Getting used to' trouble, bother and inconvenience is wennen aan 2 3 or just wennen
't Went | 'You get used to it' |
Alles went 2 3 | You get used to anything, You can get used to anything |
Ik ben eraan gewend 2 3 4 5 | I've gotten used to it, I'm used to it |
't Is maar wat je gewend bent 2 3 | It's just what you're used to |
Ik kan er moeilijk aan wennen 2 | I have difficulty getting used to it |
another 'used to': Dat deed ik vroeger ook 2 3 | I used to do that too [in the past] |
(De) wending
is a usually figurative change of direction, 'turn'
onverwachte wending
'unexpected momentous development'
'withdrawal symptoms' (in addiction
- (de) verslaving
also: onthoudingsverschijnselen
(English 'went,' the past tense of 'to go' is
Ik ging vroeg naar huis
I went home early
'spoiled, pampered, treated too kindly'
Je bent verwend
You're spoiled
(De) zorg
2 is 'care,
support' like in
(de) thuiszorg
3 'home care'
- nurses and other caregivers visiting patients and other people needing help
at home
(de) nazorg
[after-care] 'follow-up'
or verzorgd
'(well) cared for' or '(well) taken care of'
The verb zorgen
2 means
'to take care,' 'to care (for)' and 'take care of' and
zorgen voor
is 'to care for' or 'to take care of'
But the plural zorgen
2 usually means
'worries' (it's related to English 'sorrow') and the
reflexive verb
zich zorgen maken
means 'to worry.'
Maak je geen zorgen over mij
Don't worry about me
Ik begon me zorgen te maken
I was starting to worry
[worry-raising] worrisome
[worry-less] carefree
een onbezorgde oude dag
a worry-free, carefree old [day] age
worried, concerned, anxious
(de) bezorgdheid
preventive measures, precautions,
safety measures
uit voorzorg
[out of, because of caution]
- as a precaution, 'to be prepared'
Occasionally 'zorg' as 'worry' in the singular:
Dat is een zorg minder
That's one less worry - something we
don't have to worry about anymore
't Is van later zorg
[It's of later worry] - We'll worry about it
ongerust 2 worried, concerned ‑>>
zich ongerust maken 2 3 (over 2) | to worry (about) |
Ik ben ongerust 2 | I'm worried |
(de) bezorgdheid
anxiety, concern, apprehension
concerned, worried
'to deliver,' literally, for instance packages, but also
figuratively. Then it may be translated as 'to cause'
overlast bezorgen
causing inconvenience, 'be a nuisance'
is 'careful, cautious' (it may go wrong)
ben voorzichtig
is 'be careful' - 'careful!'
Je moet voorzichtig zijn
You have to be careful
Zul je voorzichtig zijn?
Will you be careful?
pas op!
be careful!
Je moet beter oppassen
You have to pay more attention, you should be
more careful
careful, with care and precision, meticulous
careless, sloppy, inaccurate
sloppy, careless
liever niet 2 | 'rather not,' "I'd prefer not to" |
Ik wil liever geen vlees eten 2 3 | I'd rather not eat meat |
Wilt U liever met een tolk spreken? 2 | Would you rather, would you prefer to speak through an interpreter? |
Liever lui dan moe 2 | ['Preferring lazy over tired'] - not willing to make an effort |
Heb je dat liever? 2 | Would you rather have that? Would you prefer that? |
Wat wil je liever? 2 3 | What would you rather have (or do)? What would you prefer? |
Wil je dat liever? 2 3 4 | Would you rather have (or do) that? Would you prefer that? |
"Ik ga liever gewoon dood!" 2 3 4 | 'I'd rather die in the regular way' - when mock-protesting or trying to refuse something slightly risky, but more commonly commenting on an unpleasant task or given food you really don't like |
'Rather' meaning 'quite, in a large degree' is nogal 2 in Dutch.
't Is nogal brutaal 2 3 | It's rather insolent |
Het is nogal ver | It is quite far |
Ik ben nogal bijgelovig 2 | I'm rather superstitious ‑>> |
Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? | Shall I pour you a cup of tea? |
Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee 2 | 'First, relax and have a cup of tea' |
We zaten gezellig te praten 2 | We were having a pleasant conversation, a nice chat ->> |
herinneringen ophalen 2 | to reminisce, bringing up memories |
We zaten gezellig herinneringen op te halen 2 | We were reminiscing pleasantly, we were having a good time chatting about the past |
De wind in de zeilen hebben 2 | (saying) [Having] Catching the wind in the sails, going full sail' - making good progress, doing well in business |
t Gaat me voor de wind 2 | (saying) 'It's like I have the wind in my back' - I'm doing very well (in business) |
De mooiste tijd van m'n leven 2 | The [most beautiful] best time of my life |
... en dan wordt 't spannend | ... and then it gets exciting |
(de) vreugde (2) | joy, delight (old-fashioned) |
een korte vreugde 2 | a short happiness |
Wat jammer! | Such a pity! (disappointment) |
Tegen heug en meug | (saying) Doing something under protest, like having to eat something you really don't like |
Ben je er overheen? 2 | Are you 'over' it? - no longer affected by something - back to normal |
Het spijt me 2 3 | I'm sorry |
Wat bezielt die mensen om dat te doen? 2 3 | 'What drives those people to do those (horrible) things?' |
Niet voor herhaling vatbaar 2 3 | [After a disappointment: 'not to be repeated'] - 'Let's not do (or have) that again' |
t Blijft tobben | 'There's always something' - things never go entirely right |
Geen rozen zonder doornen | ('No roses without thorns') Nice things come with possibly problematic attachments |
David Luton - Thank you for the suggestion
email -
Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2017.
All rights reserved.
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Don't be a
dief (thief) /
dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
stelen (to steal) -
heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
hear Dutch -