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Names of Some Foreign Lands, as Said in Dutch

Towns and Cities
(het) land click to hear 2 3 4 'country, land' - plural: landen click to hear 2 'countries'
In the past, the spelling of foreign names was often Dutchified, like for instance: 'London' becoming Londen click to hear, the Thames river becoming de Theems click to hear, 'England' becoming Engeland click to hear and the German city of Köln (called 'Cologne' in English and French) became Keulen click to hear. Nowadays the adaptation of foreign names is seen as part of colonialism or imperialism, and it is not done much anymore, but I think it was originally just meant to make an approximately correct pronunciation easier. A Dutchman would say 'Londen' about as an Englishman says 'London,' while 'London' said in the Dutch way would be quite different. In the old days, people were also less familiar with foreign languages. Of course foreign names cannot be pronounced exactly like how locals say it.
A few names were translated, like De Verenigde Staten click to hear 2 ('The United States.')

On this page, you'll come across a few E's with two dots on top: ë - the dots (called trema click to hear in Dutch) indicate that the vowel is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel(s), that it is not part of a diphthong or long vowel - compare: Azië click to hear with zie click to hear. It looks a bit like the German Umlaut, but that indicates a vowel sound change, a completely different function.

Speaking Dutch, Holland is called Nederland click to hear >> and the Dutch word for Belgium is België click to hear 2.
Ik ben in Nederland geboren. click to hear I was born in Holland.
Ik ben in Nederland geboren en opgegroeid. click to hear I was born and grew up in Holland.
Ik heb tot m'n zevenendertigste (37ste) in Nederland gewoond. click to hear 2 I have lived in Holland till age 37.
En toen ben ik naar Amerika gegaan. click to hear Then I went/moved to the US.
('Amerika' is of course the whole New World, but it often means 'the US.')

Nederlander click to hear 2 ('Dutchman') - landgenoot click to hear ('fellow countryman') - Vlaming click to hear 2 ('Fleming')
De wereld click to hear ('the world') - het buitenland click to hear 2 ('the world outside Holland and Belgium,' "Abroad") - buitenlander click to hear 2 ('foreigner')
Afrikaans click to hear 2 is a language of South Africa with roots in Dutch. It has the nice word uitlander click to hear 2 for 'foreigner.' Another Afrikaans word I like is oubaas click to hear 2 ('old man') - Dutch would be oude man click to hear - oude baas click to hear - ouwe baas click to
 hear. Afrikaans - More Afrikaans Links
Many people are familiar with the Afrikaans word apartheid click to hear 2 for the former white supremacist ruling system of South Africa. Apartheid ended because the other Western nations found it unacceptable and led a boycott of the white South-African regime. I am glad it is gone. Still, there are many people in the world who think their religion gives them the right, or even the mandate to rule all others, and some of that group think their 'race' is superior to all others. I do hope that those views too will soon disappear or adapt to modern views of human equality: Alle mensen zijn gelijk. click to
          hear ('All men, all humans are equal.')
In the 19th Century, slavery ended because the leading nations in the West decided it was wrong. The British Navy stopped the transatlantic slave trade, but in East Africa slaves still moved North. Colonialism ended in the 20th Century because the Western nations realized it was wrong, and no longer could stomach the violence necessary to subjugate colonial subjects. It's hard to believe for people in the West that some groups that claim to be victims of a kind of apartheid do not look for equality, but feel entitled to be on top themselves.

Ik ben een Amerikaan. click to hear I'm an American.
Ik ben een Engelsman. click to hear I'm an Englishman.
Hij is een Belg. click to hear He is Belgian
Hij is een Fransman click to hear He is a Frenchman.
Hij is een Ier. click to hear He is an Irishman.
Hij is een Spanjaard click to hear He is [a Spaniard] from Spain.
Ze is een Française. click to hear 2 She is a Frenchwoman
Engelse click to hear 2 3 Englishwoman
Belgische click to hear 2 'Belgian woman'
Zijn tweede vrouw was een Belgische. click to hear His second wife was Belgian.
Ze is Engels click to hear 2 3 She's English
Frans click to hear 2 French
Belgisch click to hear 2 3 4 Belgian
Duits click to hear German
As you see, the words for foreign nationals are a bit complicated. It is much easier to say: Ik kom uit ... click to hear ('I'm from ...')
Ik kom uit Amerika. click to hear I'm from the US.
Ik kom uit Engeland. click to hear I'm from England.
Ze komt uit Engeland. click to hear 2 [She's from England] She's English.
Or (depending on circumstances) you could say something like:
Ik woon in Amerika. click to hear I live in the US.
[(het)] Engels click to hear 'English' - both the language and the adjective
[(het)] Duits click to hear 'German' - both the language and the adjective - German and Germanic
[(het)] Frans click to hear 2 'French' - both the language and the adjective
vreemde talen click to hear 2 3 [strange] foreign languages

The Netherlands in The World (map)

The Netherlands in Europe (map)

Maps of The Netherlands ('Holland')

Place Names in Holland

Travel Vocabulary and Phrases

[The Flag of The Netherlands is Red, White and Blue ]
vlag click to hear

[flags] [The flags of Holland, the US and Israel]
click to hear 2
De Nederlandse vlag is rood - wit - blauw click to hear 2 3 ('The Dutch flag is red - white - blue') - colors
Maybe (or maybe not) you'll hear the (to me) very slight difference in the Dutch pronunciation of G and CH: vlaggen click to hear 2 / lachen click to hear 2 ('to laugh) - vlaggen/lachen - licht/ligt click to hear 2

Waar kom je vandaan? click to hear 2 3 'Where are you from?'

Engeland click to hear England
Schotland click to hear Scotland
Ierland click to hear Ireland, Eire
Europa click to hear Europe
Amerika click to hear America, the U.S.
De Verenigde Staten click to hear 2 The United States
(Californië click to hear California)
Canada click to hear Canada
Australië click to hear Australia
Nieuw Zeeland click to hear New Zealand
Zuid-Afrika click to hear South Africa
Finland click to hear Finland
Noorwegen click to hear Norway
Zweden click to hear Sweden
Denemarken click to hear Denmark
IJsland click to hear Iceland
Rusland click to hear Russia
De Sovjetunie click to hear The Soviet Union
Estland click to hear Estonia
Letland click to hear Latvia
Litouwen click to hear Lithuania
Polen click to hear Poland
Oekraïne click to hear Ukraine
Duitsland click to hear Germany
(Pruisen click to hear 2 Prussia/Preusen)
(Beieren click to hear Bavaria/Bayern)
Frankrijk click to hear France
(Bourgondië click to hear 2 Burgundy/Bourgogne)
Zwitserland click to hear Switzerland
Oostenrijk click to hear Austria
Tsjechië click to hear The Czech Republic
Slowakije click to hear Slovakia
Tsjechoslowakije click to hear Czechoslovakia
Hongarije click to hear Hungary
Roemenië click to hear Rumania
Bulgarije click to hear Bulgaria
Griekenland click to hear Greece
Macedonië click to hear Macedonia
Servië click to hear Serbia
Kroatië click to hear Croatia
Slovenië click to hear Slovenia
Joegoslavië click to hear Yugoslavia
Italië click to hear Italy
Spanje click to hear Spain
Portugal click to hear Portugal
Afrika click to hear Africa
Azië click to hear Asia
Centraal Azië click to hear 2 Central Asia
China click to hear China
Korea click to hear Korea
Japan click to hear Japan
Thailand click to hear Thailand
Viëtnam click to hear Vietnam
India click to hear 2 India
Indonesië click to hear Indonesia
Nederlands-Indië click to hear 2 The Dutch Indies
'Ons Indië' click to hear 'Our Indies'
Nieuw Guinea click to hear 2 New Guinea
De Filippijnen click to hear The Philippines
Het Midden-Oosten click to hear 2 The Middle East
Israël click to hear Israel
Noord-Amerika click to hear North America
Midden-Amerika click to hear 2 Middle America
Zuid-Amerika click to hear South America
Brazilië click to hear Brazil
Argentinië click to hear 2 Argentina
Suriname click to hear Surinam(e)
The (Former) Dutch Antilles,
The Dutch Caribbean
Aruba click to hear
Curaçao click to hear
Bonaire click to hear 2
Sint Maarten click to hear 2
Saba click to hear
Sint Eustatius
in US history
click to hear 2
'Statia' click to hear 2
steden click to hear 2 (cities) - singular: (de) stad click to hear (city)
Londen click to hear
Parijs click to hear
Rome click to hear
Napels click to hear
Milaan click to hear Milan
Venetië click to hear Venice
Moskou click to hear Moscow
Wenen click to hear Wien - Vienna
Praag click to hear Prague
München click to hear Munich
Berlijn click to hear Berlin
Hamburg click to hear
Keulen click to hear Köln - Cologne
Aken click to hear Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle
Kleef click to hear Kleve
Brussel click to hear Bruxelles - Brussels
Antwerpen click to hear Antwerp - Anvers
Brugge click to hear Bruges
more Belgian names


De Noordzee click to hear 2 The North Sea
De Oostzee click to hear 2 The Baltic Sea
De Middellandse Zee click to hear The Mediterranean Sea
Het Kanaal click to hear 2 The English Channel
Het Nauw van Calais click to hear 2 The Narrows of Calais,
The Straits of Dover
De Bocht van Helgoland click to hear 2 Heligoland Bight (Bay)
De Golf van Biskaje click to hear 2 The Bay of Biscay
De Straat van Gibraltar click to hear 2 The Straits of Gibraltar
De Baai van San Francisco click to hear San Francisco Bay
De Vlakte der Kruiken
('der' is an old-fashioned
contraction of
'van de' (of the)
click to hear The Plain of Jars (Laos)
De Atlantische Oceaan click to hear 2 The Atlantic Ocean
De Indische Oceaan click to hear The Indian Ocean
De Grote Oceaan click to
 hear The Pacific
De Stille Oceaan click to hear The Pacific
de noordpool click to hear 2 the North Pole
de zuidpool click to hear the South Pole
de Evenaar click to hear the Equator
keerkring click to hear tropic
noord click to hear north
het noorden click to hear 2 the North
oost click to hear east
het oosten click to hear 2 the East
zuid click to hear south
het zuiden click to hear 2 the South
west click to hear west
het westen click to hear 2 3 the West
't Verre Oosten click to hear 2 The Far East
Oost west, thuis best click to hear Home sweet home
de Poolster click to hear 2 the North Star
(het) sterrenbeeld click to hear constellation

Dutch words for geographical features >>

The adjective Indisch click to hear - as for instance in Indische jongens click to hear 'young men of mixed Dutch and Indonesian descent' - usually refers to the old Dutch Indies, though you would expect it to mean 'Indian' - the subcontinent. The adjective Indiaas click to hear for those things Indian doesn't sound good - it's better to say uit India click to hear ('from India.')
In the colonial era, the native people of Indonesia were called Indiërs click to hear - but now the word is only used for the people of India.
The Dutch word for Native Americans is Indianen click to hear and the adjective is Indiaans click to hear 2.

This page was made because of a question from Malcolm Hatfield of London.

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Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2