the 100% Free Hear Dutch Here Website - Introduction to Verbs

Short  Wederkerende werkwoorden - Reflexive Verbs
With reflexive verbs, the subject is the same as the object, for instance:
Ik was me click to hear 2 I wash myself, I'm washing up
Some of the reflexive verbs are never without a reflexive pronoun, while other reflexive verbs can also refer to other 'objects'
Reflexive verbs are more common in Dutch than in English
Some Dutch reflexive verbs are translated in the passive voice in English, for instance zich vervelen click to hear 2 to be bored

zich vervelen to be bored
ik verveel me I'm bored
jij verveelt je you're bored
hij verveelt zich he's bored
zij verveelt zich she's bored
wij vervelen ons we're bored
jullie vervelen je youse are bored
zij vervelen zich they're bored
U verveelt zich you're bored
click to hear
See also: vervelend click to hear 'annoying, ~unpleasant' and saai click to hear 'boring'
English / Dutch
I  ik click to hear me click to hear
mezelf click to hear
you  jij click to hear / je click to hear
singular you
je click to hear
jezelf click to hear
he  hij click to hear zich click to hear
zichzelf click to hear
she  zij click to hear / ze click to hear zich click to hear
zichzelf click to hear
we  wij click to hear / we click to hear ons click to hear
onszelf click to hear
you  jullie click to hear
plural you
je click to hear
jezelf click to hear
they  zij click to hear / ze click to hear zich click to hear
zichzelf click to hear
you  U click to hear
polite you
zich click to hear
zichzelf click to hear
Uzelf click to hear 2
Verveel je je? click to hear Are you bored? (singular informal 'you')
But:  Verveel ik je? click to hear 2 3 Am I boring you? Do I bore you?
Verveelt U zich? click to hear Are you bored? (polite 'you')
Ik verveel me nooit click to hear 2 'I'm never bored'
Ik verveel me te pletter click to hear 2 3 'I'm bored stiff' ['crushed by boredom']

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