the 100% Free Hear Dutch Here Website - Introduction to Verbs

Short  De toekomende tijd click to hear 2 - The Future Tense
Dutch uses the irregular auxiliary verb zullen click to hear ('shall/will') for the future tense, with a verb infinitive like in English.
Ik zal 't uitleggen click to hear I'll explain [it]
zullen click to hear 'simple present' tense
ik zal I will/shall
jij zult you will (singular informal)
hij zal he will
wij zullen we will/shall
jullie zullen you will (plural informal)
zij zullen they will
U zult you will (polite you)
click to hear
Jij zal click to hear 2 ('you will') and 'U zal' are also said
Note that there is no T in jij zal and hij zal
zullen click to hear 'simple past' tense
ik zou I would
jij zou you would
hij zou he would
wij zouden we would
jullie zouden y'all would
zij zouden they would
U zou you would
click to hear
Note the D added in the plural
Ik zal 't niet vergeten click to hear 2 3 4 I [will not] won't forget it
Wie zal dat betalen? click to hear 2 Who will pay for that?
We zullen wel zien click to hear 2 We'll see
Zul je voorzichtig zijn? click to hear 2 Will you be careful?

Combining the simple 'past' tense of 'zullen' click to hear with verb infinitives usually indicates a hypothetical situation, something that didn't happen, a question of uncertain outcome, a question that can't be answered or to which no answer is expected, or a polite request

Als ik jou was zou ik niet gaan click to hear If I were you I wouldn't go
Er zou veel schade zijn click to hear It was said there was great damage
We zouden gaan fietsen maar 't begon te regenen click to hear We were going to make a bike ride but it started to rain Zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? click to hear 2 Could you please say that again (polite 'you') Hoe zou 't met Kees zijn? click to hear 2 3 How would it be with Kees? How would Kees be? (You're completely out of touch)
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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'