In the Passive Voice the object of a 'regular, active' sentence becomes
the subject, and is subjected to some activity.
Regular, active: Hij schopt de bal
He kicks the ball
Passive: De bal wordt geschopt
The ball is kicked
You can add the subject of teh 'active' sentence, now the 'agent' of
the 'passive' sentence, with
English 'by,' Dutch door
Ik word geschopt door Jan
I am kicked by Jan
Dutch and English both use a past participle in the passive voice,
but Dutch uses the auxiliary verb worden
2 -
while English uses the auxiliary verb 'to be'
worden - ~to be |
ik word - ~I am |
wij worden - ~we are |
ik werd - ~I was |
wij werden - ~we were |
ik ben geworden
~I have been
2 |
Wordt er regen verwacht?
Is rain expected?
Ik werd afgeleid
I was distracted
Hij werd gemarteld
He was tortured
In English, 'to be' is the auxiliary verb of the passive voice, while
Dutch has worden
as the auxiliary verb of the passive voice
'Worden' is one of a small number of Dutch verbs that use
(otherwise translated as 'to be') as the auxiliary verb for the
- Dutch drops the past participle
geworden' in the perfect tenses
This all can be confusing for English-speakers learning Dutch, and
also for Dutch people speaking or writing English.
Hij wordt door een wesp gestoken!
'He is being stung by a wasp!'
- right this moment
Hij is door een wesp gestoken geworden
'He has been stung by a wasp'
- some time ago
geboren worden
to be born
Hij werd geboren in Rotterdam
He was born in Rotterdam
Ze is op Kerstdag geboren geworden
She [has been] was born on Christmas Day
Ik ben in Nederland geboren geworden
I [have been] was born in Holland
'Worden' as 'to Become'
Dutch 'worden
2 can also mean
'to become' - a development, turning into, or as my dictionary so
nicely says:
'begin to be.' Colloquially, English sometimes says 'to get' or uses
other verbs.
In the 'to become' meaning, the past participle
is not dropped
Op den duur wordt 't makkelijker
In the long run,
after a while it will be easier
Op den duur wordt 't makkelijker
In the long run,
after a while it will be easier
Laat je thee niet koud worden
Don't let your tea get cold
Mannen die lui worden
Men becoming lazy
Hij is leraar geworden
He's become a teacher