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Dutch Verb Kopen ('to Buy') and Related Words and Verbs - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
Related Words
Geld Uitgeven, Besteden - Spending Money
Verkopen - to Sell
Huren - to Rent, Hire, Lease
Betalen - to Pay
Lenen - to Borrow // to Lend
Kosten - to Cost (Stating the Spending to Get)

Kopen click to hear 'to buy' is a strong verb:

to buy
- kocht
- gekocht
click to hear

kopen to buy
ik koop I buy
wij kopen we buy
ik kocht I bought
wij kochten we bought
ik heb gekocht I have bought
click to hear

simple present tense
kopen to buy
ik koop I buy
jij koopt you buy (singular, informal you)
hij koopt he buys
wij kopen we buy
jullie kopen you buy (plural, informal you)
zij kopen they buy
U koopt you buy (polite you)
click to hear 2

simple past tense
(kopen) to buy
ik kocht I bought
jij kocht you bought
hij kocht he bought
wij kochten we bought
jullie kochten y'all bought
zij kochten they bought
U kocht you bought
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik heb gekocht click to hear I have bought
auxiliary verb hebben

Note the similarity with English in the past tense and the past participle

Sample Sentences

ik koop click to hear I'm buying
ik koop soms dingen die ik niet nodig heb click to hear 2 I sometimes buy things I don't need Dankzij een lening kon hij het bedrijfje kopen click to hear 2
Dankzij een lening kon-ie het bedrijfje kopen click to hear 2 [Thanks to] With a loan he [could] was able
to buy the (small) company

te koop click to hear for sale
't Huis dat te koop staat click to hear 2 3 The house that's for sale ‑>> 't Staat te koop click to hear 2 3 It's for sale verkocht click to hear sold
[house for sale] [house sold]

Ik heb een boek gekocht click to hear 2 I've bought a book Ik heb een nieuwe fiets gekocht click to hear I've bought a new bicycle Waar heeft U die tas gekocht? click to hear 2 Where did you buy that bag? (polite 'you') Hij heeft gisteren in Almelo een fiets gekocht click to hear He's bought a bike in Almelo yesterday Ze heeft gisteren een auto gekocht in Hoenderloo click to hear 2 3 She's bought a car in Hoenderloo yesterday Ik heb 't bij de Hema gekocht click to hear 2 3 I've bought it at the Hema

See also: Money

(de) prijs click to hear 2 price // prize
What's the price?
Hoe duur is 't? click to hear 2 3 (How expensive is it?) Hoe duur is dit? click to hear (How expensive is this?) - or:  Hoeveel kost dit? click to hear (How much does this cost?) - you could also say: 
Wat is de prijs? click to hear (What's the price?) - a Dutchman wouldn't say it like that, but you will be prefectly understood. See also: Shopping - Money - Numbers

goedkoop click to hear 2 3 (goedkope click to hear 2 3) cheap, inexpensive
duur click to hear (dure click to hear 2 3) expensive, dear ‑>>
gratis click to hear free, no cost

(de) verkoper click to hear sales person
(de) klant click to hear customer
(de) verkoop click to hear sale, selling (note 'short E' click to hear) (de) koopman click to hear 2 merchant (old-fashioned) (het) koopje click to hear 2 3 a good buy, a bargain, item sold at a low price jagen op koopjes click to hear 2 3 hunting for bargains (de) koopwaar click to hear merchandise, commercial goods - more Waar voor je geld click to hear [Good stuff, value for (your) money] - a good buy (de) miskoop click to hear 2 [wrong buy] - a bad buy, a disappointing or useless purchase

omkopen click to hear 2 to bribe
(het) smeergeld click to hear [greasing money] - bribe

koper click to hear buyer, shopper
inkoper click to hear 2 professional buyer

(het) eigendom click to hear property, ownership, possession (het) bezit click to hear property, ownership, possession ‑>>

See also: Shopping - Money - Numbers

Geld Uitgeven, Besteden  - Spending Money

(het) geld click to hear money
geld besteden aan click to hear 2 3 to spend money on Besteed er geen geld aan! click to hear 2 3 Don't spend money on it! Je kunt er een boel geld aan besteden click to hear 2 You can spend a lot of money on it geld uitgeven aan click to hear 2 to spend money on Je kunt er een boel geld aan uitgeven click to hear You can spend a lot of money on it

Verkopen  - to Sell

verkopen click to hear to sell

verkopen to sell
ik verkoop I'm selling
wij verkopen we're selling
ik verkocht I sold
wij verkochten we sold
ik heb verkocht I have sold
click to hear 2

Ik heb 't aan Piet verkocht click to hear 2 3 I've sold it to Piet Ik heb al m'n boeken verkocht click to hear 2 I have sold all my books Knollen voor citroenen verkopen click to hear 2 [selling turnips as lemons] 'fooling someone' - the common meaning is not the literal cheating in sales but making false promises, feeding impossible dreams etc. (A saying from the time lemons were expensive and in demand) (de) uiterste verkoopdatum click to hear 2 'ultimate, final, last day of sale, best-by date' - and remember that in Dutch dates, the day comes before the month (de) verkoop click to hear sale, selling
Note 'short E' click to hear in 'verkoop'  while the verb 'verkopen' click to
 hear has 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear
(de) uitverkoop click to hear clearance, bargains (discontinued items)
(de) opruiming click to hear 2 clearance, on sale

Huren  - to Rent, Lease

huren click to hear to rent, lease, hire

huren to rent, lease
ik huur I'm renting
wij huren we're renting
ik huurde I rented
wij huurden we rented
ik heb gehuurd I have rented
click to hear

(de) huur click to hear 2 rent (of a space)
(de) huurder click to hear 2 3 tenant, renter
(de) huisbaas click to hear 2 landlord
(het) huurhuis click to hear rental property, a house that is rented verhuren click to hear 2 to rent out
(de) verhuur click to hear renting out, leasing
Ik ben vergeten de huur te betalen click to hear 2 3 I [have forgotten] forgot to pay the rent

Betalen - to Pay

betalen click to hear to pay

betalen to pay
ik betaal I pay
wij betalen we pay
ik betaalde I paid
wij betaalden we paid
ik heb betaald I have paid
click to hear 2 3 4

Ik ben vergeten de huur te betalen click to hear 2 3 I [have forgotten] forgot to pay the rent Betaal aan de kassa click to hear 2 3 Pay at the cash register Betaal alstublieft met gepast geld click to hear 2 3 Please pay with exact change Ik heb helpen betalen click to hear 2 3 I have helped pay Wie zal dat betalen? click to hear 2 Who'll pay for that? Ik heb niet hoeven te betalen click to hear 2 I didn't have to pay wachten met betalen click to hear 2 waiting to pay, postponing payment

(de) betaling click to hear 2 payment
(de) aanbetaling click to hear 2 partial pre-payment, deposit
onbetaalbaar click to hear 2 3 [cannot be paid for] - priceless

See also: Shopping - Money - Numbers

Lenen - to Borrow and to Loan

lenen click to hear 2 to borrow // to loan

lenen to borrow // to loan
ik leen I borrow//loan
wij lenen we borrow//loan
ik leende I borrowed//loaned
wij leenden we borrowed//loaned
ik heb geleend I have borrowed//loaned
click to hear 2

Ik heb geleend click to hear 2 I have borrowed // I have loaned lenen click to hear 2 van click to hear 2 to borrow (from)
Ik leende een fiets van de buren click to hear 2 3 I borrowed a bike from the neighbors lenen click to hear 2 aan click to hear to loan (to)
Ik leende m'n fiets aan de buren click to hear 2 3 I lent my bike to the neighbors

(de) lening click to hear loan (of money)
Dankzij een lening kon hij het bedrijfje kopen click to hear 2 (-ie) (-ie2) [Thanks to] With a loan he [could] was able to buy the (small) company Ondanks de lening kon hij het bedrijf toch niet redden click to hear 2 3 (-ie) (-ie2) Despite the loan he [still] couldn't save the company

Kosten  - to Cost: Stating the Spending to Get

kosten click to hear to cost, what needs to be spent (money, time, energy, efort) to get
Also the plural of  (de) kost click to hear 2 'cost' - which is rarely found in the singular, only in this standard expression I think:
De kost gaat voor de baat uit click to hear 2 Cost comes before profit - first, you need to invest '(De) kost' has a second meaning, 'food' - which I think is only found in the phrase:
Hollandse kost click to hear Basic Dutch food, the simple Dutch cuisine - >> hoge kosten click to hear [high costs] - high cost
(de) ziektekostenverzekering click to hear 2 3 (['sickness' costs insurance'] 'health insurance') - often shortened to - (de) ziekteverzekering click to hear 2 3 (['sickness insurance'])
kostbaar click to hear 2 (kostbare click to hear 2) valuable, precious, expensive

kosten to cost
't kost it costs
't kostte it cost (simple past tense)
't heeft gekost it has cost
click to hear 2 3

Hoeveel kost dit? click to hear How much does this cost? Vroeger kostte een zakje patat een kwartje click to hear In the past, you could have a small bag of French fries for a quarter Al kost 't duizend gulden click to hear 2 3 Even if the cost is a thousand guilders Al kost 't me jaren click to hear 2 3 Even if it's going to take (me) years 't Kost te veel tijd click to hear 2 3 It takes too much time 't Kost minstens twee weken click to hear 2 It will take at least 2 weeks 't Kostte maar vijf minuten click to hear 2 It only took five minutes 't Mag geen geld kosten click to hear ['It can't cost any money'] - It cannot have a significant cost, we don't want to pay serious money for it. 't Kost energie click to hear 2 3 It takes energy duur click to hear (duur / dure click to hear 2 dure click to hear 2) expensive, 'dear' ‑>> goedkoop click to hear 2 (goedkoop / goedkope click to hear goedkope click to hear 2 3) cheap, inexpensive ‑>>

Find other related words in the chapter about money on the 'Numbers' page, and other useful material on the shopping page

And you could also look at:
geven click to hear 2 to give and
krijgen click to hear to get, receive

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'