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Dutch Everyday House Words 1      ‑>> 2   ‑>> 3

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

[a house]
huis click to hear
(het) huis
[a door]
deur click to hear - 2
(de) deur
[a treshold]
drempel click to hear
(de) drempel
[front door]
voordeur click to hear
(de) voordeur
[front door]
voordeur click to hear
[back door]
achterdeur click to hear
(de) achterdeur
open click to hear open
dicht click to hear closed
op slot click to hear locked
de deur is open click to hear 2 the door is open
de deur is dicht click to hear 2 the door is closed
de deur is op slot click to hear the door is locked

(de) makelaar click to hear 2 real estate agent, realtor
kapitale panden click to hear (very) expensive houses
een tweede huis click to hear 2 a second home, house
[house for sale]
te koop click to hear (house for sale)
[house sold]
verkocht click to hear (house sold)
[house number]
huisnummer click to hear
(het) huisnummer
[name plate]
naambordje click to hear
(het) naambordje
[the button of a doorbell]
bel, deurbel click to hear
(de) bel, (de) deurbel
[a door lock]
slot click to hear - 2
(het) slot
[a door knob]
deurknop click to hear
(de) deurknop
sleutel click to hear
(de) sleutel
sleutel click to hear
[a livingroom]
zitkamer click to hear
(de) zitkamer more
[a table]
tafeltje click to hear
(het) tafeltje
[a livingroom]
zitkamer click to hear
(de) zitkamer
[a table]
tafel click to hear 2 3 4
(de) tafel
[a chair]
stoel click to hear
(de) stoel
[a pillow for a chair]
kussentje click to hear
(het) kussentje
[easy chair]
zitkamer click to
  hear >>
(de) zitkamer
[dining table]
eettafel click to
(de) eettafel
slaapkamer click to
  hear - 2
(de) slaapkamer
[a balcony]
balkon click to hear
(het) balkon
click to hear - 2 >>
(de) keuken
badkamer click to hear >>
(de) badkamer
trap click to hear
(de) trap
trapje click to hear
(het) trapje
[spiral stairs]
wenteltrap click to
  hear - 2
(de) wenteltrap
ladder click to
(de) ladder
(de) ladder click to hear
[a stool]
krukje click to hear - 2
(het) krukje
[three stools of my own design and making]
krukjes click to hear
[easy chair]
luie stoel click to hear
(de) luie stoel
[easy chair]
luie stoel click to hear
[a sofa]
bank click to hear
(de) bank
[a table]
tafeltje click to hear - 2
(het) tafeltje
[lamp, light]
lamp click to hear
(de) lamp
open haard click to hear - 2
(de) open haard

de / het / 't click to hear (the)
een, 'n click to hear - 2 (a, an)
één click to hear (one)
(het) huis
(de) deur
(de) drempel
(het) raam
(de) bel
(het) slot
(de) sleutel
(de) tafel
(het) tafeltje
(de) stoel
(small table, coffee table)
(de) zitkamer
(de) slaapkamer
(de) badkamer
([sitting] livingroom)
([sleeping-] bedroom)
(de) eetkamer
(de) keuken
([eating] dining room)

(de) dubbele deur click to hear double door - either a door in two parts, splitting vertically, or two doors close behind each other.
English 'Dutch door' is a door in two parts splitting horizontally, in Dutch called
  'boven‑ en onderdeur' or 'boerderijdeur'
boven click to hear 2 (upper)
onder click to hear (lower)
(de) boerderij click to hear (farm)
Another word for zitkamer click to
  hear ('[sitting-] livingroom') is (de) woonkamer click to
  hear which is literally your 'livingroom.'
(De) gang click to hear 'corridor, hallway' - (de) hal click to hear 2 3 'hall' - also a small room behind the front door, 'hallway' - usually: (het) halletje click to hear 2
Luie stoel click to
  hear is literally 'lazy chair.' Another word is gemakkelijke stoel click to
  hear which literally means 'easy chair.'
Note that Dutch stoel is 'chair,' while English 'stool' translates as Dutch krukje. An old-fashioned word for the other 'stool' is (de) stoelgang click to hear (not pictured.)
meubels click to
  hear 'furniture'
(de) verwarming click to hear heating
(de) centrale verwarming click to hear central heating ‑>>

(de) huur click to hear 2 'rent' - (het) huurhuis click to hear 'rental property, a house that's rented'
- (de) huisbaas click to hear 2 'landlord, owner of a rental property' - (de) eigenaar click to hear 'owner' - (het) eigendom click to hear 'property'
kapitale panden! click to hear large houses that look very expensive
(de) woning click to hear 2 3 house, dwelling (bureaucratic)
wonen click to hear 2 to live, reside ‑>>
(leven click to hear 2 to live, be alive, to exist ‑>>)

1 2 3 [right arrow] next
[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a path]
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[a mirror]
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days of old


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2