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Dutch Verb Zetten  'to Put, Place, Set, Position' - Smartphones Page

The Dutch verb zetten click to hear is like English 'to put' - its main meaning is to place or position something (or sometimes a person) somewhere.
Zetten easily combines with various prepositions keeping most of its original meaning.
Sample Sentences
'Zetten'  in Combinations
Other Words with 'Zet'  and 'Zetten'
Related Words

Zetten click to hear 'to put' (etc.) is a weak verb of the 't kofschip click to hear class: verb stems ending in T, K, F, S, CH and P have simple past endings -TE and -TEN and its past participle ending is -T - more

zetten to put
ik zet I'm putting
wij zetten we're putting
ik zette I put
wij zetten we put
ik heb gezet I have put
click to hear 2

The 'zetten'  verb stem 'zet'  already ends in -T. There is no T added for the second and third person singular of the simple present tense.

simple present tense
zetten to put
ik zet I'm putting
jij zet you're putting (singular, informal you)
hij zet he's putting
wij zetten we're putting
jullie zetten y'all are putting
zij zetten they are putting
U zet you are putting (polite you)
click to hear 2

The plurals of the simple present and simple past tenses look and sound identical. English is somewhat similar.

simple past tense
(zetten) to put
ik zette I put
jij zette you put
hij zette he put
wij zetten we put
jullie zetten y'all put
zij zetten they put
U zette you put
click to hear 2 3

present perfect tense
ik heb gezet click to hear 2 I have put
auxiliary verb hebben

Sample Sentences

Zetten click to hear is like English 'to put' - to place or position something (or sometimes a person) somewhere.
(De) zetter click to hear 2 'compositor, setter, keyboarder' - in the old days of printing, a person who puts the letters on the printing blocks.

Sayings with zetten:
De tering naar de nering zetten click to hear 'to bring spending in line with income' De puntjes op de i zetten click to hear 2 "Dotting your i's (and crossing the t's)" - taking care of the final details Ik zet er een punt achter click to hear 2 3 4 ['I'm putting a period (dot) behind it'] - I'm putting a stop to it, ending my involvement in it Je moet de sokken d'rin zetten click to hear 2 3 ["You have to put the socks in it"] - Put more energy into your effort, exert yourself - run faster Zet de sokken erin! click to hear 2 ["Put the socks in it!"] - 'run faster, speed up'

Zet je je bord in de afwasmachine? click to hear 2 3 4 [Will you ...] - Please put your plate in the dishwasher Zet je je kopje op het (de) aanrecht? click to hear 2 3 4 (de) [Will you ...] - Please put your cup on the countertop

Ik heb de vuilnisbakken buiten gezet click to hear 2 3 I have put out the garbage cans (I've put them outside for collection) Zet je de vuilnisbak aan de straat? click to hear 2 3 Will you put the garbage can [on the street] on the curb, to the side of the street?

Een radertje, in beweging gezet en gehouden door een ander radertje; een wieltje, dat op zijn beurt een, of twee, andere wieltjes aan de gang houdt click to hear A little cogwheel, put into and held in motion by another little cogwheel; a little wheel that in its turn keeps one, or two other little wheels moving

Ik zette de wekker op zes uur click to hear 2 I set the alarm clock for six o'clock

'Zetten'  can in certain combinations mean 'to make, prepare, brew'
thee zetten click to hear 2 to make, prepare tea koffie zetten click to hear 2 to make, prepare coffee (het) koffiezetapparaat click to hear [coffee making machine] - coffee maker

Zet 'm op! click to hear 2 3 Give it your best (encouraging effort in sports or tests)

Zet je schrap! click to hear 2 Brace yourself, hold on tight (a shock is coming)

'Zetten'  in Combinations

Zetten click to hear easily combines with various prepositions and adverbs, often keeping its original meaning.

We waren vergeten de verwarming laag te zetten click to hear 2 We had forgotten to turn the heater down We waren vergeten 'm laag te zetten click to hear 2 We had forgotten to turn it down ... en ik heb 't volume iets lager gezet click to hear ... and I've turned the volume down a little

'Laag click to hear 2 3 zetten' click to hear ('to turn down, to set lower') is not a compound verb, but uitzetten click to hear ('to turn off, shut down') is:
We waren vergeten 'm uit te zetten click to hear We had forgotten to turn it off Uitzetten can also mean 'to expand'
Metaal zet uit als 't verhit wordt click to hear 2 Metal expands when it's heated Uitzetten can also mean 'to expel, deport'
Hij is 't land uitgezet click to hear 2 He was expelled from the country

'aanzetten' click to hear 2 'to turn on, start up' is the opposite of 'uitzetten' (to turn off) - and it can also mean stuff accumulating, literally on a surface, like 'to cake' - but also figuratively to stick, catch, contribute
Ik zette de radio aan click to hear 2 3 I turned on the radio 't Zet niet aan click to hear 2 ~It doesn't contribute, ~~It doesn't help

'opzetten' click to hear 2 can mean 'to set up, organize, put into place' and it can also mean 'to put on'
Hij had een netwerk opgezet click to hear 2 He had set up a network water opzetten click to hear 2 'to put on the kettle,' bring water to a boil Ik moet 't eten opzetten click to hear 2 [I have to put on the food] - I have to start cooking

afzetten click to hear 2 1. to drop off
2. overcharge, rip off (have customers pay too much)
3. to depose (king, president etc.)
4. to close off
and other meanings
Kun je me bij 't station afzetten? click to hear 2 3 Could you please drop me off at the station? (de) afzetter click to hear 2 3 swindler, shopkeeper who ask too much for his wares We zijn afgezet click to hear 2 3 We have paid way too much, we were cheated De straat werd afgezet click to hear 2 The street was closed off, closed down

doorzetten click to hear 2 3 persevere, persist, 'not giving up' Je moet doorzetten click to hear 2 3 Persevere! Don't give up now, Hang in there! - you have to continue with this hard or difficult thing) The opposite is opgeven click to hear 2 3 to give up, ceasing to make an effort Ik geef 't op click to hear 2 3 4 5 I give [it] up

inzetten click to hear 2 3 to deploy, put into action // to start, launch // to stake, bet, gamble De marechaussee werd ingezet click to hear 2 3 4 The military police was deployed, put into action

verzetten click to hear 2 to move items, put them in another place (or time) De bakens verzetten click to hear 2 '[moving the beacons] setting a new course' - figuratively: change to a new policy Kan ik de afspraak verzetten? click to hear 2 Can I (move) reschedule the appointment? een verzetje click to hear 2 an amusement, a welcome interruption

'Zich verzetten' click to hear 2 3 'to resist,' often violently - sometimes 'to oppose' Hij verzette zich bij z'n arrestatie click to hear 2 3 4 He violently resisted his arrest Hij verzette zich tegen de politie click to hear 2 He fought with the police Hij verzette zich tegen het plan click to hear 2 He opposed the plan

(het) verzet click to hear resistance
Het verzet tegen de maatregelen click to hear 2 3 The resistance against the measures, rules Het Verzet click to hear 2 3 / De Ondergrondse click to hear the resistance movement in WWII German-occupied Holland

de klok stilzetten click to hear 2 to stop the clock de klok achteruitzetten click to hear 2 to turn back the clock

klaarzetten click to hear to get ready, set out
Zet je de kopjes klaar? click to hear 2 3 Could you please set out the cups, get the cups ready?

'Neerzetten' click to hear 2 3 'to put, put down, place, deposit Waar heb je 't neergezet? click to hear 2 3 4 Where did you put it? (de) nederzetting click to hear 2 3 'settlement, outpost' the place and buildings where a community lives, often established as a colony
neder click to hear 2 3 is the old form of  neer click to hear '~down, low' ‑>>

overzetten click to hear 'to take across' // to put in another format, transcribe, translate "Veerman, kun je me overzetten?" click to hear 2 3 'Ferryman, can you take me across, bring me to the other side?'

Other Words with Zet  or Zetten

(de) zet click to hear move, like in chess or in general strategy Een goede zet click to hear 2 3 A good move Wie is aan zet? click to hear 2 3 4 Whose turn is it? (de) zetdwang click to hear 2 3 a forced move, you can't make another move than this

(De) zaagzettang click to hear 2 - a tool to 'set' a saw, to undo wear and tear and return the saw to work

bezet click to hear 2 'occupied'
(de) bezetting click to hear occupation

(het) voorzetsel click to hear 2 preposition ‑>>
Ik heb moeite met de voorzetsels click to hear The prepositions are difficult for me ‑>>

(de) tegelzetter click to hear 2 tiler, person installing tiles
onderzetters click to hear 2 [put-underneath] - 'mats, coasters, stands' - to protect table or countertop from hot pans or wet cups(de) voortzetting click to hear 2 continuation - 'voort' click to hear ~'forth' ‑>> (de) omzet click to hear 2 'turnover,' volume of business (de) winst click to hear 'profit'
(het) verlies click to hear 'loss' ‑>>
(de) zetpil click to hear 2 suppository

(Het) ontzet click to hear 2 3 'relief' - the lifting of (het) beleg click to hear the 'siege' of a town (in the Middle Ages and the 16th and 17th Centuries.) Leidens ontzet click to hear - the lifting of the siege of Leyden (October 3rd, 1574) was a turning point in the Dutch War of Liberation. A year earlier the Spanish also failed to capture Alkmaar click to hear

There's the small town of Zetten click to hear in De Betuwe click to hear - in the middle of the country

Ik zal U doorverbinden click to hear 2 I'll 'put you through,' connect you (on the telephone)

Ik heb gezeten click to hear 'I have sat' - the present perfect of zitten click to hear 'to sit' ‑>>
(de) zetel click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'seat, chair' - but it's still the 'seat' of elected representatives

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'