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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations

List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more

Onder (Below, Under) - Beneden (Down, Downstairs) /
/ Boven (Above, Upstairs, Up, On Top Of, Over)

'Onder' click to hear is 'under' and 'below,' 'lower,' sometimes 'among' or 'between' and occasionally 'south of.' I may make some mistakes with 'under' and 'below' in translating, but I guess the meaning will be clear.
'Beneden' click to hear is 'down,' 'downstairs' (think of 'beneath')
'Neer' click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'down,' mostly used in compound words and standard phrases
'Neder' click to hear 2 3 is an older form of 'neer'   meaning 'down' and also 'low' (think 'nether')
'Boven' click to hear 2 is 'above,' 'up,' 'upstairs,' 'upper' and 'on top of' and occasionally 'North of'

Verbs with 'Onder'
Words with'Onder'
'Beneden/Boven de Grote Rivieren'

'Onder' = Under, Below, Lower, Among/Between

onder water click to hear 2 3 4 under water ‑>> ; flooded
't Staat onder water click to hear 2 It's under water, it's flooded De straten staan blank click to hear 2 3 The streets are under water, flooded Alles is ondergelopen click to hear [Everything is flooded] - Water everywhere. (de) onderzeeër click to hear submarine also: (de) duikboot click to hear ['diving boat']

onder nul click to hear below zero ‑>> - 2
onder 't mes click to hear 2 'under the knife' - surgery ‑>> onder bepaalde omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 under (in) certain circumstances onder welke omstandigheden click to hear 2 under which circumstances

onder de stoel click to hear 2 under the chair onder de tafel click to hear under the table ‑>> onder 't huis click to hear under the house

de verdieping eronder click to hear 2 the floor under it, the floor below 't kan er net onderdoor click to hear 2 3 [It can just go through under it, with little room to spare] - it just fits through

Iemand een hart onder de riem steken click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['Put a heart under someone's belt'] - to encourage, support a person (Stoett says the belt in the image is a soldier's diagonal shoulder strap)

D'r op of d'r onder click to hear [on (top of) it or (deep down) below it] - a risky venture, like 'all or nothing,' going for broke, do-or-die

onder leiding van click to hear 2 3 under the leadership of, led by onder invloed van click to hear 2 3 under influence of, influenced by onder ede click to hear 2 under oath
(de) eed click to hear 2 3 oath

onder vier ogen click to hear [under 4 eyes] - in private, one-on-one conversation onder andere click to hear 2 3 among other things onder elkaar click to hear 'among each other' - in trusted, exclusive company mannen onder elkaar click to hear 2 3 'men among each other' - men without women, occasionally misbehaving (het) onderonsje click to hear [little between-us] - private chat, tête-à-tête Onder ons gezegd en gezwegen ... click to hear 2 ['Spoken and silent between us'] 'Just between you and me ...' ... Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen ... click to hear 2 ... Thou art the blessed one among the women ... (from the Hail Mary

onder 't eten click to hear 2 during dinner (or lunch, breakfast) - 'with food' (taking medication) This onder  means 'while engaging in' and is used with activities like walking, bicycling, praying

Ik was onder de indruk click to hear I was impressed but:  Ik had de indruk ... click to hear 2 I had the impression ... (I felt, sensed ...) ‑>>

Verbs with 'Onder'

gaan   click to hear 'to go' is a strong verb:
to go
- ging
- gegaan
click to hear 2
Its compound verb 'ondergaan' can have the stress in two different places: Some compound verbs split up in the simple tenses: (de) ondergang click to hear 2 3 4 downfall, decline
(de) zonsondergang click to hear 2 sundown

(het) onderwijs click to hear education, teaching, instruction, training ‑>> onderwijzen   click to hear 2 3 'to teach' is a strong verb:

to teach
- onderwees
- onderwezen
click to hear 2
wij onderwezen click to hear we taught
(de) onderwijzeres click to hear teacher (fenale, elementary school level) (de) onderwijzer click to hear teacher (male, elementary school level) leren click to hear 1. to learn 2. to teach ‑>> 3. of leather

onderduiken click to hear 2 3 [to dive under] - to go into hiding (like Anne Frank) onderduikers click to hear 2 people in hiding

onderduiken to go into hiding
ik duik onder I'm going into hiding
ik dook onder I went into hiding
ik ben ondergedoken I have gone into hiding
click to hear

Words with 'Onder'

De Ondergrondse click to hear ['The Underground Movement'] - the secret Dutch resistance organisation against the WWII German occupation also:  Het Verzet click to hear 2 3 The Resistance

de onderwereld click to hear 2 'the underworld'
1. the criminal world
2. the Classical Greeks' afterlife

ondervoed click to hear 2 3 underfed, malnourished

(het) onderhoud click to hear 2 1. maintenance (of machinery, for instance)
2. formal conversation
achterstallig onderhoud click to hear 2 overdue maintenance

onderhouden to maintain
ik onderhield I maintained
ik heb onderhouden I have maintained
click to hear
ondernemen click to hear to undertake, venture (de) ondernemer click to hear entrepreneur (de) begrafenisondernemer click to hear 2 3 (funerals) undertaker ‑>> (de) onderneming click to hear 2 3 enterprise stappen ondernemen click to hear 2 3 to take steps (i.e. measures, action)

(het) ondergoed click to hear 2 3 4 5 underwear
(de) onderbroek click to hear 2 3 underpants ‑>>

onderzetters click to hear 2 3 'mats' (for under hot pots and pans on the table)

(de) ondergetekende click to hear 2 (the) undersigned (I, me) (de) handtekening click to hear 2 signature, John Hancock

(de) onderkant click to hear 2 underside, bottom (of a box etc.) (de) bovenkant click to hear top, topside (of a box etc.) - more sides ondersteboven click to hear 2 [downside-up] - upside down
op de kop click to hear 2 on its head, upside-down

(de) onderarm click to hear lower arm
bovenbenen click to hear upper legs
(de) onderkaak click to hear 2 3 lower jaw
(de) bovenkaak click to hear 2 3 upper jaw
(de) bovenlip click to hear 2 upper lip
(de) onderlip click to hear 2 lower lip

ondertussen click to hear 2 3 in the meantime Er is ondertussen veel veranderd click to hear 2 3 Much has changed in the meantime

(de) onderbreking click to hear 2 interruption, break onderbreken click to hear 2 3 to interrupt
wij onderbreken click to hear 2 we interrupt
ononderbroken click to hear 2 3 uninterrupted, continuous

het onderbewuste click to hear 2 the subconscious (het) onderwerp click to hear subject
(het) onderdeel click to hear part // (sub)division

(de) ondersteuning click to hear 2 support
(de steun click to hear support)

onderweg click to hear 2 on the way Onderweg drinken we een kopje koffie click to hear 2 We'll have a cup of coffee on the way onderweg naar click to hear 2 3 on the way to - travel Ik ben onderweg naar Ede click to hear 2 I'm on the way to Ede

(het) onderzoek click to hear 2 investigation, research, examination (het) vooronderzoek click to hear preliminary investigation
(zoeken click to hear 2 to search)

onderhandelen click to hear to negotiate
(de) onderhandelingen click to hear 2 negotiations

(de) veronderstelling click to hear 2 assumption

(de) officier click to hear 2 (military) officer
(de) onderofficier click to hear 2 non-commissioned officer, subaltern (sergeant, corporal) ‑>>

Boven means Above, Up, Upstairs, On Top (Of) - but it's often translated as 'Over'

'Boven' click to hear 2 is 'above,' 'up,' 'upstairs,' 'upper' and 'on top of' and occasionally 'North of'

Already shown above:
(de) bovenkant click to hear top, topside (of a box etc.) - more sides ondersteboven click to hear 2 [downside-up] - upside down
bovenbenen click to hear upper legs
(de) bovenkaak click to hear 2 3 upper jaw

boven het water click to hear over, above the water ‑>> boven het huis click to hear above the house ‑>>

Baas boven baas click to hear 2 (saying) ['boss over boss'] - 'There's always someone who can do it better' - said of someone who thinks too much of himself 't Gaat me boven de pet click to hear 2 (saying) 'It's over my [cap] head' - I don't understand it, it's too difficult for me Misschien komt 't wel weer boven water click to hear 2 3 4 [Maybe it'll come above water again sometime] - only figuratively: Maybe it (an item that was lost, cannot be found) will turn up again een dak boven je hoofd click to hear 2 a roof over your head Er was niemand boven hem click to hear There was nobody over (above?) him de laag erboven click to hear 2 the layer over it, the layer on top of it boven de partijen click to hear 2 3 'above the parties' - impartial, not taking sides Vliegende schotels boven Zwitserland click to hear 2 3 Flying saucers (UFO's) over Switzerland Er is boven een atelier click to hear 2 There's an artist's studio upstairs

naar boven click to hear is 'up,' moving to a higher position
Ik ga naar boven click to hear 2 3 I'm going up, I'm going upstairs We gingen met de roltrap naar boven click to hear We took the escalator up

'omhoog' click to hear 2 3 is also the direction of movement 'up'
We klommen omhoog click to hear We climbed up De enige uitweg is omhoog click to hear The only way out is up

bovendien click to hear 2 3 ['on top of that'] - moreover, furthermore, what's more Hij is heel slim en bovendien erg aardig click to hear 2 3 4 He's very clever and on top of that very kind, a nice person

Beneden = Downstairs - Naar Beneden = (Moving) Down

'Beneden' click to hear usually means 'downstairs' (think of 'beneath') but it is more often used in the phrase naar beneden click to hear '(moving) down'
Er is beneden ook een slaapkamer click to hear There's [also a] another bedroom downstairs benedenburen click to hear 2 neighbors downstairs - more neighbors Ga je naar beneden? click to hear 2 Are you going down? (usually: downstairs) We gingen naar beneden met de lift click to hear We went down in the elevator De lift gaat naar beneden click to hear 2 3 4 The elevator is going down De zoutkorrels in de zandloper vallen één voor één heel langzaam naar beneden click to hear 2 3 4 The grains of salt in the hourglass fall down one by one, very slowly

'omlaag' click to hear 2 is also '(moving) down'
We gleden omlaag click to hear we (glided) slid down

Neer = Down

Neer click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'down,' mostly used in compound words and standard phrases (think 'nether')
op en neer click to hear 2 up and down (repeatedly, like for instance a seesaw, physical exercise or stocks) (de) neergang click to hear 2 3 [going down] decline, downwards trend opkomst en neergang click to hear 2 [coming up and going down] rise and fall (de) neerslag click to hear 2 3 precipitation
the common words are:
(de) regen click to hear 2 rain ‑>>
neerslachtig click to hear 2 3 4 depressed, depressive neerhalen click to hear 2 to [haul] bring down (enemy airplanes, for instance)

'Neerzetten' click to hear 2 3 'to put, put down, place, deposit Waar heb je 't neergezet? click to hear 2 3 4 Where did you put it?

neerkijken op click to hear 2 to look down on, to view with contempt, disdain, despise Ze kijken op ons neer click to hear They look down on us Ze voelen zich verheven click to hear 2 They feel they are raised, have ascended, they feel superior Weg met betweters! click to hear 2 3 4 Throw out the know-it-alls!

Niet bij de pakken neerzitten click to hear 2 (saying) ['Don't sit down with your burdens'] - keep going, don't let misfortune get you down
Stoett says it's from the Bible, a packed donkey that lies down can't get up again.

Neder click to hear 2 3 is an older form of 'neer' click to hear (think 'nether') meaning 'down' and also 'low.' It's only found in compound words.
(de) nederlaag click to hear defeat
verslaan click to hear 2 3 1. to defeat ‑>>
2. to report ‑>>
(de) overwinning click to hear victory
(de) nederzetting click to hear 2 3 settlement, outpost - see  'neerzetten' above

nederig click to hear 2 humble
Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 'welcome to my humble, lowly dwelling' Nederland click to hear 2 3 [low-lying lands] The Netherlands, Holland - ‑>>

'Beneden/Onder/Boven De Grote Rivieren'

You may have come across the phrases:
beneden de grote rivieren click to hear 2 3 [(below) South of 'the big rivers'] the Southern part of The Netherlands (onder de grote rivieren click to hear 2 [(below) South of 'the big rivers'] the Southern part of The Netherlands) boven de grote rivieren click to hear 2 3 [(above) North of 'the big rivers'] the Northern part of The Netherlands
50 km ~ 30 miles, 100 km ~ 60 miles
[The Dutch Big Rivers]
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On a map of The Netherlands you'll see that about a quarter of the country is South of three big rivers: de Rijn click to hear 2 (Rhein, Rhine, Rhin)
de Waal click to hear 2
de Maas click to hear (Meuse)
other main Dutch rivers: de IJssel click to hear
de Schelde click to hear 2 (Scheldt, Escaut)
(de) rivier click to hear (river)
The division is historical. After the Dutch 'War of Liberation' De Tachtigjarige Oorlog click to hear 2 3 ('the 80-years war,' 1568-1648) ‑>> the Southern parts of the country did not become provinces of the new Republic (Republiek click to hear 2) of De Verenigde Provinciën click to hear ('The United Provinces,') also called: De Zeven (7) Provinciën click to hear but were a kind of territories ruled by the central government.
Traditionally, the Southern part of the country was mostly Catholic, while the North was mosty protestant, which resulted in somewhat different attitudes. There is for instance no serious Carnival (Carnaval click to hear 2) in the North.
Also, the pronunciation of G and CH is different in the South:
Zachte G click to hear 2 3 Zachte G click to hear 2 3 'soft' (Southern) G more
the river Waal at Nijmegen
Nijmegen click to hear
Waal bridge at Nijmegen
the river IJssel at Deventer (picture by Margo Griffin)
Deventer click to hear
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Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2