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Dutch Verb Horen ('to hear') - Smartphones Page

'to hear' and 'to listen'
Sample Sentences
Luisteren - to Listen
Related Words

Horen click to hear 2 'to hear' is weak verb of the non-'t kofschip type, meaning its simple past tense and past participle have D-endings:

horen to hear
ik hoor I hear
wij horen we hear
ik hoorde I heard
wij hoorden we heard
ik heb gehoord I have heard
click to hear

simple present tense
horen to hear
ik hoor I hear
jij hoort you hear (singular, informal you)
hij hoort he hears
wij horen we hear
jullie horen you hear (plural, informal you)
zij horen they hear
U hoort you hear (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(horen) to hear
ik hoorde I heard
jij hoorde you heard
hij hoorde he heard
wij hoorden we heard
jullie hoorden y'all heard
zij hoorden they heard
U hoorde you heard
click to hear
present perfect tense
ik heb gehoord click to hear I have heard
auxiliary verb hebben
hoor! click to hear hear!

Horen and Luisteren
Like 'to see' - zien click to
 hear ‑>> and 'to look' 'kijken' click to
hear ‑>> for the eye, English and Dutch have 'to hear' - horen and 'to listen' - luisteren for the ear.
'To hear' - 'horen' click to hear 2 is noticing sensations reaching the ear, and 'to listen' - luisteren click to hear (often combined with naar click to hear 'to') - means your attention (or at least your hearing) is focused on something heard. - More luisteren  below

Ik zag de vogels click to hear 2 3 I saw the birds Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds Ik hoorde de vogels click to hear 2 3 I heard the birds Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds

Sample Sentences

Ik hoor een vliegtuig click to hear I hear an airplane

Ik hoorde 't signaal niet click to hear 2 I didn't hear the signal

Ik hoor geen verschil click to hear [I hear no difference] - I don't hear a difference

Heb je 't nieuws gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you heard the news? Heb je 't nieuws al gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you (already) heard the news?

Hoor je hoe stil het is? click to hear 2 Do you hear how quiet it is?

Hij hoort veel click to
  hear He hears a lot ('his hearing is very good,'
but also: 'he's well connected, well informed')

Als je 't vaak genoeg hoort ... click to hear 2 When you hear it often enough ...

Hoorde ik dat goed? click to hear 2 Did I hear that correctly?

Ik ben blij dat te horen click to hear I'm glad to hear that

Het was niet wat hij wilde horen click to hear It was not what he wanted to hear - unwelcome information Ze willen 't niet horen click to hear 2 3 4 They don't want to hear it, they don't want to listen to it

Heb je nog van Piet gehoord? click to hear [Have you heard from Piet] Have you been in touch with Piet? Heb je nog wat van Piet gehoord? click to hear 2 [Have you heard something from Piet] Have you been in touch with Piet? Dan hoor je het ook eens van een ander click to hear 2 [Then] That way you'll also hear it from someone else

Nooit van gehoord click to hear 2 3 Never heard of it (or him/her)

Ik heb ervan gehoord click to hear 2 3 I've heard of it As sometimes haqppens, in the line below 'je hebt' click to hear 2 is contracted to 'jebt'
Je hebt vast wel eens gehoord van ... click to hear 2 3 4 You must have heard of ..., I'm sure you've heard of ...

Hier hoort men goed Nederlands click to hear Here (in this place) you hear good Dutch

Je kunt nergens beter Nederlands horen click to hear You can't hear better Dutch anywhere

Als ik het zo hoor ... click to hear 2 [(When) As I hear it like this] - Hearing this ... I understand, I gather

Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat ... click to hear 2 I heard sometime (somewhere) that ...

Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het in het zuiden van Californië nooit regent click to hear
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het nooit regent in het zuiden van Californië click to hear 2 I've heard that it never rains in Southern California

Wat wil je horen? click to hear What would you like to hear? (music choice)

Hij liet ons een paar liedjes horen click to hear 2 He let us hear a few songs, ~he played a few songs for us

Hoor eens even! click to hear [Now listen!] That goes too far/I don't agree/It's not like that

Ik wil 't best wel vertellen hoor click to hear 2 3 4 I really don't mind telling [it to] you
'Hoor' in the sentence above has nothing to do with hearing but it is a 'pragmatic marker' that shows the speaker's willingness. I translated it as 'really.'

Ik hoorde de vogels fluiten click to hear 2 3 I heard the birds [whistle] sing

Ik kon de vogels horen click to hear 2 3 I could hear the birds

Ik kon de vogels niet horen click to hear 2 I could not hear the birds

Ik hoop de vogels te horen click to hear 2 3 I hope to hear the birds Ik had gehoopt de vogels te horen click to hear 2 I had hoped to hear the birds

Ik probeerde de vogels te horen click to hear 2 3 4 I was trying to hear the birds

When 'horen' in the perfect tense is combined with other verbs, it does not take on the past participle form gehoord but it will be the infinitive horen - more

Ik heb de vogels gehoord click to hear 2 3 I've heard the birds

Ik heb de vogels horen fluiten click to hear 2 3 I've heard the birds [whistle] sing

Ik heb je horen vloeken click to hear 2 I've heard you cursing

Ik heb hem nooit horen lachen click to hear 2 3 4 I've never heard him laugh

Ik heb de vogels niet kunnen horen click to hear 2 3 I have not been able to hear the birds

'Erbij horen'  means something like 'come with it,'   'belong to' or stronger 'needs to accompany'
Een ei hoort erbij click to hear An egg belongs to it, should go with it - you should have (eat) an egg with it (advertising slogan)

Luisteren - to Listen

Somewhat similar to zien (to see) and kijken (to look) there is horen (to hear - perceive with the ear) and luisteren (to listen - point your attention to sounds) - more
Luisteren click to hear is weak verb of the non-'t kofschip type, meaning its simple past tense and past participle have D-endings:
luisteren to listen
ik luister I am listening
wij luisteren we are listening
ik luisterde I was listening
wij luisterden we were listening
ik heb geluisterd I have been listening
click to hear 2

luister! click to hear 2 listen!

luisteren naar click to hear 2 3 listening to
naar muziek luisteren click to hear 2 3 listening to music ‑>> naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 listening to the radio ‑>>

Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds Ik luister nog vaak naar ... click to hear 2 I still often listen to ...

We zitten te luisteren click to hear 2 3 We are listening We zaten te luisteren click to hear 2 3 We were listening

We liepen naar de vogels te luisteren click to hear 2 'We were listening to the birds' (probably while walking)

Hij wilde niet naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 He didn't want to listen to the radio

Ik denk niet dat hij naar ons had willen luisteren click to hear 2 I don't think he'd wanted to listen to us (he was obviously not interested in our opinion or advice)

Ik heb leren luisteren click to hear 2
Ik heb geleerd te luisteren click to hear 2 I've learned to listen

fluisteren click to hear is 'to whisper'

Related Words

(het) oor click to hear
koptelefoon click to hear
[hearing aid]
gehoorapparaat click to hear
microfoon click to hear
luidspreker click to hear
luidspreker click to hear

(het) horen click to hear 2 hearing, the sense of hearing
(het) gehoor click to hear hearing, the sense of hearing

absoluut gehoor click to hear perfect pitch
(het) oor click to hear 2 ear
oren click to hear ears
doof click to hear 2
(doof / dove click to hear)
'deaf' ->>
(het) geluid click to hear 'sound'
(de) muziek click to hear 2 music
See also: Music Vocabulary
stil click to hear 2 silent, quiet ->>
(de) stilte click to hear 2 silence, quiet
(het) lawaai click to hear 2 'noise'
lawaaiig click to hear 2
(de) herrie click to hear 'noise'
(het) kabaal click to hear 2 'noise'
(de) ruis click to hear 2 'hiss, white noise'

(het) oor click to hear 2 can also mean the 'handle' of a cup etc.

(de) geluidsbarrière click to hear 2 'sound barrier'
(de) geluidstechnicus click to hear 2 3 sound engineer
(de) geluidsinstallatie click to hear sound system, 'stereo' ->>

oorverdovend click to hear 2 [ear-anaesthesizing] deafening, very loud een hels kabaal click to hear 2 3 4 [a hellish noise] very loud noise

Buren click to hear 2 are 'neighbors' and (het) gerucht click to hear 2 by itself means 'rumor,' but (het) burengerucht click to hear is loud noise that neighbors complain about

See also: Sound and Noise

'k Heb oorpijn click to hear I have an earache

Ik kon m'n oren niet geloven click to hear 2 3 ['I couldn't believe my ears'] - Hearing something incredible or something you had not thought possible

Hij had er wel oren naar click to hear 2 3 ['he had ears for it'] - He'd like to join in (an activity)

De stilte voor de storm click to hear The [quiet] calm before the storm, before a major event

Wat een herrie! click to hear 2 3 4 [Such a noise!} So much noise!

Ik werd ziek van de herrie click to hear 2 The noise made me sick

Houdt die herrie nooit op? click to hear Is that noise never going to stop?

Er is alleen herrie click to hear There is only noise, all there is is noise

Ik schrok van het lawaai click to hear 2 I was frightened by the noise, the noise frightened me

Heb je geen last van het lawaai? click to hear 2 3 4 Doesn't the noise bother you? ‑>> Ik ben eraan gewend click to hear 2 3 4 5 I've gotten used to it, I'm used to it ‑>>

Er is teveel achtergrondgeluid click to hear There is too much background noise

to see
- Horen
to hear
- Kijken
to look

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'