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Dutch Verb Zien ('to See') - Smartphones Page

'To See' and 'To Look'
Sample Sentences
Related Words
Sayings and Idiom
'to Look Like'

'zien' click to hear 'to see' is a strong verb

to see
- zag
- gezien
click to hear

zien to see
ik zie I see
wij zien we see
ik zag I saw
wij zagen we saw
ik heb gezien I have seen
click to hear 2
Like most strong verbs with an A in the simple past tense, that A is 'short' in the singular, but 'long' in the plural

simple present tense
zien to see
ik zie I see
jij ziet you see (singular, informal you)
hij ziet he sees
wij zien we see
jullie zien you see (plural, informal you)
zij zien they see
U ziet you see (polite you)
click to hear

simple past tense
(zien) to see
ik zag I saw
jij zag you saw
hij zag he saw
wij zagen we saw
jullie zagen y'all saw
zij zagen they saw
U zag you saw
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik heb gezien click to hear I have seen
auxiliary verb hebben
Zie! click to hear See!

Zien and Kijken
English and Dutch have 'to see' - zien click to
 hear meaning something like 'observing with, using the eye' - usually with an object (the thing seen) or its 'placeholder' het click to hear 2 3 / 'it.'
Next to 'to see' 'zien'  English and Dutch have 'to look' - kijken click to hear ‑>> - meaning something like 'having the eyes pointed in a direction' - often combined with naar click to hear 'at' and the object observed or its placeholder. 'To watch' is sometimes a better translation of kijken.
It's not a problem for English-speakers, but not all languages follow the system of these two verbs with close equivalents.
In a similar way, there are two verbs for the ear: 'to hear' 'horen' click to hear 2 ‑>> and 'to listen' 'luisteren' click to hear ‑>>

Ik zag de vogels click to hear 2 3 I saw the birds Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds Ik hoorde de vogels click to hear 2 3 I heard the birds Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds

Sample Sentences

Ik zie 't click to hear I see it

Ik zie het verband click to hear 2 3 I see how it's connected (the Gestalt) Alles grijpt in elkaar click to hear 'Everything is connected'

Zie je het verschil? click to hear 2 3 Do you see the difference? - More about Questions Ik zie het verschil click to hear I see the difference, I notice the difference

Heb je haar gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her? - Word Order Heb je haar gezicht gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her face? (het) gezicht click to hear 1. face 2. view
Gezicht op Delft click to hear View [at] of Delft - a Vermeer painting (het) rotgezicht click to hear 2 3 4 an unpleasant, repugnant or horrible sight - from bad fashion choices to violent crime scenes 't Is een rotgezicht click to hear 2 It's a bad to horrible sight

Heb je hun gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen them?
Heb je hun hond gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen their dog?

De agent vertelde de rechter wat hij gezien had click to hear The policeman told the judge what he'd seen
Ik zag vandaag een politieauto bij de school click to hear Today I saw a police car at the school

Hij ziet weinig click to hear He doesn't see much ('his sight is limited,' - but also: 'he doesn't notice much')

Ze bleven een week in Delft ... click to hear They stayed for a week in Delft ... ... want er was zo veel te zien click to hear ... because there was so much to see also: Omdat er zoveel te zien was click to hear Because there was so much to see

Ik zag de vogels click to hear 2 3 I saw the birds

Ik zag de sterren click to hear I saw the stars
Toen het licht uitging zag ik de sterren click to hear 2 When the light went out I saw the stars - Word Order
Toen ik de sterren zag begreep ik ... click to hear 2 3 When I saw the stars I understood ... - Word Order

Je kon heel ver zien click to hear [You could see very far] visibility was very good Je kon niet ver zien click to hear [You couldn't see very far] visibility was low

Ik kan niet zien waar het lekt click to hear I can't see where it's leaking, where the leak is

Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden om dit te zien click to hear 2 I had thought you'd enjoy seeing this

Hier ziet men de gevolgen click to hear 2 3 4 Here [one sees] you see the results, the consequences

Vanavond gaan we naar de bioscoop click to hear Tonight we'll go to the cinema

Gisteren heb ik 'Apocalypse Now' weer eens gezien click to hear Yesterday I've seen ... [another time] again Het was de derde keer dat ik 'm zag click to
    hear It was the third time I saw it

Het is een fantastische film click to hear It's a great movie

Vorige week hebben we ... gezien click to hear Last week we've seen ...

Ik heb die film niet gezien click to hear I have not seen that movie

zichzelf zien click to hear 2 3 to see oneself
Ik heb mezelf op TV gezien click to hear 2 3 I've seen myself on TV Zie je jezelf dat doen? click to hear 2 [Do you see yourself doing that?] Can you imagine doing that?

Zie de mens click to hear 2 'Behold (see) the man' (Ecce Homo - Pontius Pilate mocking Christ shortly before the crucifixion)
Ik ben gezien click to hear 2 3 I [have been] was seen (somebody saw me)

Kijk eens in de spiegel! click to hear 2 Look in the mirror! ->> En wat zie je dan? click to hear 2 3 And what do you see?

Ik heb Jan laatst nog gezien click to hear 2 I have seen, met with Jan some time ago (the other day)
Ik heb hem in geen jaren gezien click to hear 2 [I have seen him in no years] I haven't seen him in years

We zullen wel zien click to hear 2 We'll see Dat zien we dan wel weer click to hear 2 3 We'll see (about that) [then] when the time comes

Zie je wel? click to hear 2 [Do you see?] See? (I am/was right) - 'Told you so' - informal Ziet U wel? click to hear [Do you see?] See? (I am/was right) - 'I told you so' - polite

Ik begrijp niet wat ze in hem ziet click to hear I don't understand what she sees in him, his value to her (why she loves him)

Zo zie je maar ... click to hear This way you'll see ... Zo zie je maar wie echt je vrienden zijn click to hear This way you'll see [who really are] who your real friends are Zo te zien ... click to hear 2 3 [Seeing it this way] It looks like ...

Dat zie je zo click to hear 2 3 4 You see (notice) that right away, it's easy to see - See also: Disambiguation: 'Zo'

Ik zie er niks aan click to hear ([I see nothing on it] - 'I'm not noticing anything unusual about it')

Hoe kun je dat zien? click to hear 2 3 4 How can you see that? How can you tell?

Ik zag op 't nieuws dat er geen oplossing gevonden is click to hear I saw on the news that no solution was found

Wat doe je, als je dingen ziet die niemand ooit heeft gezien? click to hear 2 'What do you do, when you see things no one has ever seen [before]?'
- something that could have been said by Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek click to hear 17th Century Dutch scientist, inventor of the microscope - Lens on Leeuwenhoek

Tot ziens! click to hear 2 ['Till seeing'] See you!

[medal showing a farm worker holding a shovel]
faux 'old' Dutch for: Doorzie de grond click to hear 2 ['see through, look deep into] understand the soil'

Bij nader inzien click to hear ['Upon closer inspection'] - usually: 'After some reflection, having given it some thought' 't Heeft me doen inzien click to hear 2 3 It made me understand, it gave me the insight Ik zie het nut er niet van in click to hear 2 3 [I don't see the use of it] - I don't understand why it's useful, what it's good for

ik heb doen inzien ... click to hear 2 3 I have made see, I have created an understanding ... Ik heb de mensen doen inzien ... click to hear 2 3 I have made the people see, understand

'Afzien' click to hear 2 3 by itself means making a great and exhausting effort, like in sports or exercise
The more common afzien click to hear van click to hear 2 means 'to give up, abandon, renounce, forego'
Dat was afzien! click to hear 2 3 That was quite an effort! I'm exhausted afzien van vlees click to hear 2 3 4 giving up meat, become a vegetarian We zagen af van betaling click to hear 2 3 4 We decided not to ask for payment -or- we decided not to pay (for a very bad job) Ik zie er vanaf click to hear 2 3 I'm dropping this, I'll abandon it, I'm not pursuing it further

aanzienlijk click to hear 2 3 considerable, large
een aanzienlijk bedrag click to hear 2 3 a considerable sum (money) niet onaanzienlijke bedragen click to hear 2 3 not insignificant amounts of money, no trifling sums

For 'to show' Dutch often uses the verb combination laten zien click to hear 2 ('to let see.') There are a few other verbs like this in Dutch, like for instance laten vallen click to hear 2 ('to let fall' - 'to drop') and laten schrikken click to hear 2 ('to scare, to shock') - more laten - 2

laten zien to show
ik laat zien I am showing
wij laten zien we are showing
ik liet zien I was showing
wij lieten zien we were showing
ik heb laten zien I have shown
click to hear

Hij liet ons een paar foto's zien click to hear 2 He showed us a few pictures

Ik heb moeten laten zien click to hear I had to show

When 'zien' as a working verb is combined with other verbs, those other verbs will be infinitives:

Ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear (2) I saw the sun sink into the sea

Ik zag 't niet meer zitten click to hear (saying) ['I didn't see it sit anymore,' I didn't see things in place anymore] - I was depressed

Hij zag de bui al hangen click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['He had already seen the rainshower "hanging"'] - 'He understood trouble was brewing'

Ik zag je voorbijkomen click to hear 2 3 4 I saw you pass by

When 'zien' in the perfect tenses is combined with other verbs, it will not be in the form of the past participle 'gezien'   but the infinitive 'zien.'

Ik heb je voorbij zien komen click to hear 2 3 4 I've seen you pass by, I saw you pass by

Ik heb water zien branden click to hear 2 I've seen water burn (I've seen something that's impossible)

Ik heb al wat huizen zien vallen! click to hear I have already seen many [houses fall] companies fail! - Multatuli

(het) oog click to hear - body parts
[my brown eyes]
mijn ogen zijn bruin - de bruine ogen click to hear 2
my eyes are brown - the brown eyes
blauw / blauwe click to hear blue
groen / groene click to hear green
bruin / bruine click to hear brown

(het) zien click to hear 'seeing, the sense of sight'
(het) oog click to hear eye
ogen click to hear eyes
more oog  and ogen  below
blind click to hear 2 blind
verblind click to hear 2 blinded
(het) licht click to hear (the) light
licht click to hear light
(de) zon click to hear sun >>
(de) lamp click to hear lamp >>
(de) foto click to hear picture, photograph
(de) film click to hear 2 movie, film
(het) schilderij click to hear 2 painting
Vermeer - Rembrandt
(het) donker click to hear 2 (the) dark
donker click to hear 2 dark
duister click to hear 2 dark (mysterious, possibly shady)
(de) duisternis click to hear 2 darkness
(de) oogarts click to hear eye doctor

oogverblindend click to hear 2 [eye-blinding] very bright

(het) zicht click to hear visibility, 'viz'
(het) gezicht click to hear 2 1. view (of) 2. face
(het) uitzicht click to hear 1. view (from) 2. prospect
(het) inzicht click to hear insight, understanding

Gezicht op Delft click to hear View [at] of Delft - a Vermeer painting Heb je haar gezicht gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her face?

technisch inzicht click to hear 2 3 4 [technical insight] - a good understanding of technology, how mechanical things work, how to handle tools

(het) vooruitzicht click to hear 2 prospect, outlook, future vooruitzichten click to
 hear prospects, reasonable expectations
'n prettig vooruitzicht click to hear 2 a nice prospect, ~a promising future event, something to look forward to Dit uitzichtsloze bestaan click to hear 2 3 This existence without prospects, hopeless existence, this life without a (good) future

(de) visie click to hear 2 view, outlook, opinion, vision
(het) perspectief click to hear 2 3 perspective

(het) visioen click to hear 2 vision, mental image
(de) illusie click to hear 2 3 illusion
(het) gezichtsbedrog click to hear optical [fraud] illusion
(de) luchtspiegeling click to hear Fata Morgana, mirage

(het) overzicht click to hear 2 overview, survey, outline
onoverzichtelijk click to hear 2 3 cluttered, badly organized
een compleet overzicht click to hear 2 3 a full survey overzien click to hear 2 1. [view in totality] to survey
2. to look over, to examine, to supervise
Dan is de ellende niet te overzien click to hear 2 3 4 There'll be a lot of misery then ('there will be an amount of misery so large that it's impossible to see in its totality')

(de) ansichtkaart click to hear 2 picture postcard - a German word with Dutch pronunciation >>

'Zagen' click to hear 2 3 is also a verb meaning 'cutting wood with a saw.' So wij zagen click to hear can mean either 'we saw' or 'we are sawing, cutting wood'

[I am sawing, cutting wood]
ik zaag click to hear

Sayings and Idiom

Op het eerste gezicht click to hear 2 3 At first sight

Je kunt wel zien uit welke hoek de wind waait click to hear 2 ['You can see from which corner the wind is blowing'] 'You can see where that's coming from, what's behind it'

Iets over het hoofd zien click to hear 2 3 4 ['to see something past the head'] - a failure to notice something

Hij zag de bui al hangen click to hear [He had already seen the rainshower "hanging"] - 'He understood trouble was brewing'

Ik zag 't niet meer zitten click to hear ["I didn't see it 'sitting' anymore"] - I had no hope, I didn't see a future (I was very depressed)

Je kunt door de bomen 't bos niet zien click to hear 2 3 You can't see the forest (because of) for the trees (with too much attention to details you lose sight of the big picture)

Het oog is groter dan de maag click to hear 2 ['the eye is bigger than the stomach'] - said when you can't finish the food you put on your plate

Met het oog op morgen click to hear 2 'With an eye on tomorrow' - taking the future into? consideration

Onder vier ogen click to hear 2 ['Under four eyes'] 'In private, one-on-one conversation'

Uit het oog, uit het hart click to hear 2 3 4 ['out of eye, out of heart'] - 'out of sight, out of mind'

Ik heb het met eigen ogen gezien click to hear 2 3 ['I've seen it with my own eyes'] - I witnessed it myself, personally

Een oogje in het zeil houden click to hear 2 3 ['to keep an eye on the sail'] - monitoring an event, or keeping watch over a person, supervising from a distance Iemand die een oogje in het zeil houdt click to hear 2 Someone to watch over someone or something

uit het oog verliezen click to hear 2 ['lose from (eye) sight'] - (people or ideas) no longer in sight, lost from consideration De idealen werden uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals were lost from sight, dropped along the way De idealen waren uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals were lost from sight, dropped along the way

Hij keek z'n ogen uit click to hear 2 3 He really enjoyed seeing something unexpected

Beter langharig dan kortzichtig click to hear 2 Better long-haired than short-sighted

[two pairs of glasses]
brillen click to hear - singular: (de) bril click to hear
[sunglasses, shades]
(de) zonnebril click to hear
(de) verrekijker click to hear ['far-looker']
[reading glasses]
(de) leesbril click to hear
[a magnifying glass]
(het) vergrootglas click to hear - 2
[small magnifying glass]
(de) loep click to hear (from French 'loupe')
[small magnifying glass]
loep click to hear

To Look Like

To comment on an appearance, to say what something 'looks like' Dutch uses the compound verb eruitzien click to hear 2

't Ziet er vies uit click to hear 2 It looks unappetizing 't Ziet er slecht uit click to hear 2 It doesn't look good, it's not going to end well Hij ziet er moe uit click to hear He looks tired Je wilt er leuk uitzien click to hear 2 You want to look nice, cute, attractive

Ze ziet er uit als een filmster click to hear She looks like a movie star

Wat zie je d'r uit! click to hear 2 3 The way you look! You don't look good (dirty, untidy, unkempt) Je ziet er niet uit! click to hear 2 3 You look awful, you look a fright

'To look like,' meaning 'appear to be in a certain way,' 'giving an impression of' or 'noting a similarity, a resemblance' can also be said in Dutch as lijken click to hear - often as lijken op click to hear 2 3 - it's a strong verb:

to look like
- leek
looked like
- geleken
looked like
click to hear

lijken ~to look like
't lijkt it looks like
ze lijken they look like
't leek it looked like
ze leken they looked like
't heeft geleken it (has) looked like
click to hear 2

Behalve z'n neus lijkt-ie op z'n oma click to hear Except for his nose he looks like his grandma

't Lijkt of 't gaat regenen click to hear It looks like [it's going to] rain 't Lijkt mee te vallen click to hear 2 3 It looks like it won't be that bad

'Bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear It looks like 'bijzonder' is the only exception
(the IJ in 'bijzonder' is pronounced as 'Dutch long I,' English EE)

Hij lijkt te winnen click to hear 2 3 [He looks like ...] It looks like he's winning Hij lijkt te gaan winnen click to hear 2 3 [He looks like ...] It looks like he's going to win Het lijkt erop dat hij gaat winnen click to hear 2 It looks like he's going to win

't Is niet zo erg als 't lijkt click to hear 2 3 It's not as bad as it looks

't Lijkt maar zo click to hear It only looks that way Misschien lijkt 't maar zo click to hear 2 3 4 Maybe it only looks that way Of lijkt dat maar zo? click to hear 2 3 Or does [that] it only look that way?

Lijkt 't je wat? click to hear 2 3 [Does it look like something to you?] - Are you interested in it?

Ik ben een beetje schor, lijkt 't wel click to hear It looks (sounds?) like I'm a little hoarse Ben een beetje schor, lijkt 't click to hear

't Lijkt nergens op click to hear 2 ['It looks like nothing'] - a bad job, something done badly

Dat lijkt me sterk click to hear 2 3 4 [That looks hard to believe to me] - That's hard to believe 't Lijkt me sterk dat ... click to hear 2 3 I find it hard to believe ..., It's hard to believe ... sterk verhaal click to hear 2 3 tall (hard to believe) tale

De minuutwijzer lijkt wel helemaal stil te staan click to hear 2 The minute hand seems to have stopped completely ->>

't Lijkt wel zomer click to hear It looks like Summer (but it isn't)

Ze lijkt wel een filmster click to hear 2 She looks somewhat like a movie star

Ze leken wel gek click to hear 2 [They looked like crazy] - It looked like they were crazy, they did something crazy

Ik lijk wel gek! click to hear 2 3 4 It looks like I'm crazy, I must be crazy (doing something strange)

Er lijkt weinig geld te zijn click to hear 2 It looks like there is little money

't Heeft er lang op geleken click to hear 2 3 For a long time it looked like ...

'Vergelijken' click to hear 2 is 'to compare.' It's a strong verb:

to compare
- vergeleek
- vergeleken
click to hear 2 3
wij vergeleken click to hear 2 3 we compared
Vergeleken met Rusland ... click to hear 2 Compared to Russia ... (de) vergelijking click to hear comparison // equation (math) ‑>> (het) vergelijkingsmateriaal click to hear 2 3 material for comparison, reference material

Dutch (de) leek click to hear means 'layman' and English 'leek' is (de) prei click to hear in Dutch (from French 'poireau')

The Dutch verb 'schijnen' click to hear has a somewhat similar meaning of giving an impression, 'to look like, seem' but with a sense that it's uncertain, you can't be sure. It can also mean 'to shine,' emitting light like the sun - weather conversation

to shine
- scheen
- geschenen
click to hear 2

schijnen 'seem'
't schijnt it seems
ze schijnen they seem
't scheen it seemed
ze schenen they seemed
click to hear 2

(de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 sunshine
schijnbaar click to hear 2 3 apparently
waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 probably
onwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 unlikely
hoogstwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 very likely, most likely waarschijnlijk niet click to hear 2 probably not

schijnheilig click to hear 2 3 [seemingly holy] - pretending to be a good person

Achter de wolken schijnt de zon click to hear 2 Behind the clouds, the sun is shining (Look further and you'll see things aren't all bad)

Er schijnt iets gebeurd te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It looks like something happened

't Schijnt niet waar te zijn click to hear 2 3 It seems not to be true, it looks like it's not true

The similar blijken click to hear (blijken / bleek / gebleken click to hear) does not have a clear equivalent in English. It means something like being found different from a first impression. I usually translate it as 'to turn out.' Maybe you could also use 'come to light.'
blijkbaar click to hear 2 3 'obvious, evident, apparently'

blijkenblijken ~to turn out
het blijkt't blijkt it turns out
ze blijkenze blijken 'they turn out'
het bleek't bleek it turned out
ze blekenze bleken 'they turned out'
het is gebleken 't is gebleken it has turned out
click to hear 2 click to hear 2

't Is gebleken click to hear 2 It has turned out ... It has come to light ...

Ze bleken oplichters te zijn click to hear 2 [They turned out to be swindlers] - It turned out they were swindlers

Er blijkt genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 3 It turns out that there is enough money

Er blijkt toch genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 It turns out that there is enough money (after all)

Ik bleek longontsteking te hebben click to hear 2 3 [I turned out to have] It turned out that I had pneumonia

Bleken click to hear is also 'to bleach, whiten,' like in New York's 'Bleecker Street' ->> - it is a stretch, but wij bleken click to hear could mean 'we turned out (to be)' or 'we are bleaching.' A more common word is bleek click to hear 2 (bleek/bleke click to hear) 'pale' - like in lijkbleek click to hear 2 3 ('pale as a dead body')
I'd also like to bring up the lookalike but unrelated blij click to hear ('glad, happy') and vrolijk click to hear ('cheerful, merry')

Ik ben blij dat te horen click to hear I'm glad to hear that, it makes me happy to hear that

Bent U blij met Uw fiets? click to hear 2 Are you happy with your bike?

Vrolijk Kerstfeest! click to hear 2 3 Merry Christmas!

to see
- Horen
to hear
- Kijken
to look

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'