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Lesson 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15To Have (Present Tense) - The Dutch Consonants - Land Reclamation - Weather Vocabulary - Simple Arithmetic
(Latin: 'I don't know') was the pen name of J.H.F. Grönloh
who early in the 20th Century wrote three novellas and a series of
sketches that I think are the finest Dutch writing ever; he revealed
his real name about twenty years after publication of his first work because
it had come to be attributed to someone else.
U heeft geluk | you are lucky (polite) |
heeft U geluk? | are you lucky? (polite) |
hear 2 above | |
je hebt geluk gehad 2 3 | you've been lucky (informal) |
There is a story that when the promotion of a certain general was discussed, Napoleon asked: "But is he lucky?" I think this was not silly or superstitious, but shows that Napoleon understood that 'luck' is often about being alert, being aware of possibilities, and having the flexibility to adapt your plans.
<< previous - verbs central - next >>
double consonants |
A pair of consonants ('two of a kind') is pronounced
exactly the same as one single consonant. A double consonant usually
means that a preceding single vowel is short (see lessons 3-5);
occasionally it is found after a double vowel.
maken makker willen wielen 2 (to make / comrade / to want, desire / wheels) vlot vlotten vloot vloten lood loden (raft / rafts / fleet (ships) / fleets / lead / leaden) grote grootte hete heette late haatte (big, tall, large, great / dimension / hot / was called / late (not in time) / hated ) [grote = 'big' - grootte = 'the size' ] |
end-of-word B | |
end-of-word B is pronounced as P;
otherwise B is B like in English
slab slap slabben slappe (bib / weak / bibs / weak) heb step hebben steppen ((I) have / scooter (children's) / to have / riding a children's scooter) lip lippen rib ribben (lip / lips / rib / ribs) kap lab kapel tabel (cap / lab (laboratory) / chapel / (numbers) table) (kapel and tabel have the stress on the second syllable) dubbel doppen 2 ('shelling twice' ‑>>) baardy paard brak prak 2 (beard / horse / (I) broke; brackish (water) / mashed food) |
B in compound words |
Final B's in parts of compound words keep their
P-pronunciation, and also before the '-je' ending of diminutives: eb ebben ebstroom wipstaart (ebb (low tide / 'to diminish' / low tide current / wagtail (a bird)) ribje hapje slabbetje 2 (small rib / small bite / smalll bib) |
C | |
C is pronounced either as K or as S,
like in similar English words K: (before A, O, U and consonants) code collega combinatie cultuur (code / colleague / combination / culture, civilization) café 2 (a bar) - carrière (career) acteur 2 (actor, thespian) - actrice (actress) S: (before E, I and Y) (de) cel 2 'cell' - (de) citroen 2 'lemon' - gefascineerd 'fascinated' (de) cirkel 'circle' - (het) centrum 'center' centraal 'central' - cylinder 'cylinder' (de) discipline 2 K-S: concept concert cycloon cyclus (concept, design / concert / cyclone / cycle) S-K: (de) circulatie 2 (circulation) KS, X: accent succes (accent / success) |
CH, G and K | |
CH and G: "like you clear your throat:"
ge [exaggerated] (Flemish 'you') Saying the Dutch CH and G may be difficult for foreigners. This sound is not found in many other languages - but it does exist in both Hebrew and Arabic, and it is like the J of European Spanish. Single vowels before CH are always 'short.' There is no double CH in Dutch. wij lachen 2 ('we're laughing') - wij lagen ('we were lying down') dak dag pek pech (roof / day / pitch ('sticky black stuff') / bad luck) slager slachten klagen klachten (butcher / to butcher (think of: 'slaughter') / to complain / complaints) slak slag brokkelen rochelen (snail / battle, blow / to crumble / to rattle, hawk) richel diggelen wikkelen (ridge / smithereens / to wind, enfold) kachel waggelen wakker (stove, heater / to walk like a duck / awake) kuiken juichen duigen (chick (young chicken) / to cheer / (in) pieces) vlag lach laag vlaggen lachen lagen (flag / laugh / layer / flags / to laugh / layers) onrecht onterecht trechter rechten rekten recht rekt zegt 2 (rights / (we) stretched / right / (he) stretches / (he) says) ychroom chrysanten chronisch (chrome / chrysanthemums / chronical) gifgas lachgas 2 (poison gas / laughing gas (nitrous oxide)) giechelen 2 (to giggle) wij logen 2 (we lied) - wij loochenen 2 (we denied, disavowed) There is a slight difference in pronunciation between CH and G, but foreign students shouldn't worry about it. I think they sound almost the same. Native speakers of Dutch say CH and G slightly different, but may not be aware of it. Judge for yourself: lach (laugh) - lachen 2 (to laugh) vlag (flag) - vlaggen 2 (flags) er is niks te lachen 2 ([there's nothing to laugh about] it's no laughing matter) er waren veel vlaggen 2 (there were many flags) When the preceding vowel is long the whole word sounds different, but I think it doesn't change the G. laag 2 (layer; low) - lagen (layers) lagen leggen (to prepare ambushes) - hinderlaag 2 (ambush) lagere school (elementary school) - vier lagen verf (4 layers of paint) |
end-of-word D | |
D at the end of a word is pronounced as a T;
otherwise D is D and T is T.
wat wad watten wadden (what / flood plain / cotton balls / flood plain(s)) raat raten raad raden ((honey-) comb / (honey-) combs / council / councils) rat ratten pad padden paden (rat / rats / toad; path / toads / paths) dadel datum kader kater (date (a fruit) / date (day) / framework / male cat; hangover) lid wit midden witte (member / white / middle / white) pet bed petten bedden (cap / bed / caps / beds) blad plat bladeren platen (leaf / flat / leaves / discs, sheets, vinyl records) dak tak deken teken (roof / branch / blanket / sign) Zweed 2 (Swede) - Zweden (Sweden // Swedes) (het) zweet 2 (sweat) - zweten 2 (to sweat) ‑>> |
D in compound words |
Final D's in parts of compound words keep their
T-pronunciation, and also before the '-je' ending of
huidaandoening doodop rondom 2 (skin disease / dead-tired / around) platform bladvorm nachtvorst braadworst (platform / leaf shape / frost at night / bratwurst) kruid kruit buidel sluiter kruidvat kruitvat (herb / gunpowder / pouch / lens closing mechanism on camera / barrel of spices / barrel of gunpowder) brandje krantje eindje geintje (small fire / small newspaper / short distance / joke) |
DT, TD | |
At normal speaking speed, mid-word DT is pronounced as T, and mid-word
TD is pronounced as D. Only in deliberately slow speech are the
letters pronounced separately, but DT at the end of a verb is always
pronounced as T.
ontdekken ontdaan ont-dekken ont-daan (to discover / upset, emotionally disturbed) windtunnel badtas wind-tunnel bad-tas (wind tunnel / bag for going bathing or swimming) houtduif broodtafel loodtest rotdag (wood pigeon (a bird) / (lunch) table with bread / lead test / rotten day) ontzien onthouden 2 (to spare, to keep consequences from / to remember; to keep stuff from) ik word hij wordt 2 (I become / he becomes - or the passive voice) ik word 2 - hij wordt 2 de brand (the fire) - het brandt 2 (it is burning) |
F, V and W | |
English W is formed with rounded lips; Dutch W is formed with relaxed
lips, starting with upper teeth resting lightly on lower lip.
fee vee wee (fairy / cattle / contraction (birth)) fier vier wier (~proud / 4 / (sea)weed) duif duiven (pigeon / pigeons) ‑>> zalf zalven (cream / creams) vlinders fladderen 2 (butterflies flutter) fel vel fase vazen (~intense / skin / phase / vases) wal val Waal vaal ((city) wall / fall (drop) / A Dutch river/ faded color) even effen boven boffen (for a moment / for a moment (Slang) / upstairs, over / to be lucky) laf laffe laven lava boven boffen (cowardly / cowardly / to quench / lava / upstairs, over / to be lucky) waffel wafel zwavel luifel zuivel 2 ("mouth (derogatory) / wafer / sulphur / awning / dairy) oefenen toeven toeval hoewel (to exercise / to live, reside (old-fashioned) / coincidence, chance / although) duf duw suf sluw (out of it / push / ~dull, not fully alert / sly) ('uw' is always long) walm walmen (zalm) bedwelmen (2) (~dense smoke / to produce thick smoke / (salmon) / to daze) |
W in Combinations |
dwaling dwang dwepen dwingen
(aberration / compulsion, coercion / idolize / compel) kwaken kwakkelen kweken kwekken kwik kwiek (to quack / to be sickly or changeable / to raise, grow / to jabber / mercury / quick, brisk) zwaan zwanger zweven zwerven 2 (swan / pregnant / to float (in the air) / to roam, wander) zwalken zwelgen zwerm (to drift about / to wallow, to gobble / swarm) - more Dutch W
J | |
Dutch J is like English 'consonant Y' (like in YES)
- except in the diphthong IJ
ja je jouw jeuk (yes / you / your / itch) je jong jongetje (you / young / little boy) ijs (ice, ice cream) - IJ hij stijl (body of water near Amsterdam / he / style) See also: 'Consonant i'
K before N | |
Unlike in English, K before N is pronounced:
nijptang kniptang (pincer / cutting plier, wire cutter) knie (knee) - knokkel (knuckle) - kneden 2 (to knead - like, bread) knabbelen 2 (to nibble) - deurknop (door knob) knagen 2 3 (to gnaw) - knauw 2 3 4 5 6 (amimal bite; setback) knaap knap knapen knappe (lad / pretty; clever / lads / pretty; clever) knoop knop knopen knoppen (button / bud / buttons / buds) knarsen knerpen knallen knetteren 2 3 (grinding (teeth) / to crunch, grate / banging / to crackle ) knikken knokken knul (to nod / to fight / guy, chap)
L | |
Dutch L is very similar to English L - but
different from L in many other languages:
ellenlang (very long, annoyingly) - luilekkerland 2 (the Land of Cockaigne) the Dutch L page - Old L page |
end-of-word N | |
Many Dutchmen, maybe even a majority of the population, drop the N
in -EN verb and plurals endings. It's not the standard
pronunciation, and I think it's sloppy, though I have to admit to
a certain softening of my own final N's. You may have noticed it in the
Multatuli reading of the previous lesson. Dear students, I
recommend pronouncing these N's, because you
have to write them anyway, and dropping
them would just add another rule.
De mensen praten plat. De mense prate plat. (people are talking in substandard Dutch) We hebben lopen demonstreren. We hebbe lope demonstrere. 2 3 (We were in a protest march.) In the North-Eastern provinces of Groningen and Drente, some people pronounce an (to the rest of the country) exaggerated M at the end of words ending in -EN. So the three varieties of Dutch -EN endings are: Common: wij lope Standard: wij lopen Groningen: wij loopm (we are walking)
NG | |
Dutch NG is like in English NG in SING or
HANGER, NOT like in stranger or linger. zang zanger (song / singer) ding dingen (thing / things) lang langer langst (long / longer / longest) streng strenger strengst (strict / more strict / most strict) gang ging gong (corridor / (he) went / gong) hangen kreng strekking (to hang / bitch / purpose, intent, effect)
P before S | |
Unlike in English, P before S is pronounced psalm pseudoniem psycholoog 2 (psalm / pen name / psychologist) psychiater (psychiatrist) - psychosomatisch 2 (psychosomatic)
R | |
Dutch R is quite different from English R:
er ('there' ‑>>) - rek roos rits rap (rack / rose / zipper / quick) raad veer roef huur huren (counsel / feather / deckhouse / rent / to rent) At the beginning of a word, English R starts with the tongue touching the top of the palate, and then moving down; it's a 'rolling' sound formed in the middle of the mouth. Dutch R keeps the tongue flat, its tip touching the lower teeth, and is formed in the back of the mouth. Compare English and Dutch R: |
S and Z | |
gras grassen grazen
(grass / grasses / to graze les lessen lezen (lesson / lessons / to read) zo'n sombere zomer ('such a gloomy Summer') veinzen grijnzen linzen grenzen (to pretend, feign / to grin / lentils / borders)
SCH | |
see also CH
("a sound like you clear your throat")
schip (ship) - schop (spade, shovel) - schep (scoop) schaar (scissors) - schuit 2 (lesser ship) - beschaafd (civilized) schaaf schier schok schoof - (slicer / almost / shock / sheaf) schulp schuilen schuur (shell / to find shelter / shed)
See and Hear also: Exceptions and Irregularities in Lesson 10 - 'where Dutch is not phonetic'
Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch - page 2
Find many more examples of these sounds on the Dutch Pronunciation Reference page
(de) polder | 2 | 'polder' (reclaimed land) |
(de) dijk | dike, levee | |
(de) sloot | ditch | |
(de) molen | windmill | |
(het) gemaal | pumping station | |
(het) kanaal | canal, channel | |
het nieuwe land | the new, reclaimed land |
Ten thousand years ago, nomadic hunters were the first men in what's
now Holland; when agriculture came a few thousand years later, settlers
built dwellings and villages on existing hills, or mounds
would be created as safe places from the
occasional floods.
Those elevations are now usually called by the Frisian word
- singular (de) terp
The Dutch word
(de) vliedberg
('flee-mountain') has become less common, and
(de) vluchtheuvel
('hill of refuge') - is nowadays the common word for 'traffic isle,' the
safe, slightly raised spot for pedestrians beween the lanes of a busy road.
It was probably during the Roman time (ca. 50BC-400AD) that the first
dikes were built and the first canals dug - but then the collapse of the
Roman empire and the invasions by Germanic tribes coincided with a
5-foot (1½ meter) rise of the sea level and a period of very bad weather,
which breached the line of dunes that had been a natural defense
against the sea. Very
few people remained at the Dutch coast in this time.
See the shape of Holland change
over the years.
The first dikes were probably just walls of earth; later they were
made more lasting by a layer of
rocks or mats of twine or branches, and vegetation also helped
to protect them.
In the 11th or 12th Century,
('water boards') developed. The people living close to the sea
organized themselves to manage the water and worked out a payment system. Some
see it as an early, limited form of democracy (of course pioneered by Greeks
much earlier.)
The 16th Century development of windmills that could be rotated to
face the
wind made the draining of larger lakes possible. It often was a
commercial venture: investors would pay for reclaiming land that
was then rented out to farmers.
A famous early water engineer took the name Leeghwater
Jan Adriaansz Leeghwater
to reclaim land
In the 19th Century, steam engines made the draining of still larger and
deeper lakes possible.
Read about the large 20th Century water projects in the next lesson.
- essays -
(het) water - 2 |
(de) rivier (Peace River, Canada) |
moderne windmolen |
(de) molen = (de) windmolen |
(de) wolken |
(de) mist |
(het) water - 2 |
(de) regen - 2 |
(de) regenboog |
regent 't? |
(de) sneeuw |
't sneeuwt |
(de) getijden
tides ->> |
(de) eb
ebbtide, low tide |
(de) vloed
floodtide, high tide |
more weather (with Dutch weather expressions.) |
In elementary school we are taught the tables using keer for multiplication; maal 2 is more scientific. Likewise, en 2 is the elementary school adding word, plus is the scientific term.
<< - numbers, simple math and dimensions - >>
redistributed, or hotlinked to. Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2 |