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Dutch Verb Rijden ('to Drive // to Ride') - Smartphones Page

Rijden click to hear 2 can mean both 'to drive' (be in control of a vehicle) or 'to ride' (as a passenger or on a bicycle or a horse - ((het) paard click to hear 2) - to ride a bicyle - ((de) fiets click to hear 2 3) is usually fietsen click to hear 2 - more below

Sample Sentences
Related Words

Rijden click to hear 2 'to ride // to drive' is a strong verb:

to ride/to drive
- reed
- gereden
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rijden to ride // to drive
ik rijd I'm riding/driving
wij rijden we're riding/driving
ik reed I rode/drove
wij reden we rode/drove
ik heb gereden
ik ben gereden
I have ridden/driven
click to hear 2

simple present tense
rijden to ride // to drive
ik rijd I'm riding/driving
jij rijdt you're riding/driving (singular, informal you)
hij rijdt he's riding/driving
wij rijden we're riding/driving
jullie rijden y'all are riding/driving (plural, informal you)
zij rijden they are riding/driving
U rijdt you are riding/driving (polite you)
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simple past tense
rijden to ride // to drive
ik reed I rode/drove
jij reed you rode/drove
hij reed he rode/drove
wij reden we rode/drove
jullie reden y'all rode/drove
zij reden they rode/drove
U reed you rode/drove
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik heb gereden click to hear
ik ben gereden click to hear
I have driven/ridden
For the perfect tense of verbs of motion, Dutch usually applies the auxiliary verb hebben when it's about the duration or the distance covered, and the auxiliary verb zijn when it's about the destination.

Ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 'I rode a bike to Veenendaal' Ik heb een uur gefietst click to hear 2 'I rode a bike for an hour' Ik heb een uur gelopen click to hear 2
'I walked for an hour' Ik ben naar Amsterdam gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked to Amsterdam'

ik reed click to hear 2 I rode/drove
wijreden click to hear we rode/drove

Sample Sentences

In conversation, the D's of 'ik rijd' click to hear 2 and 'rijd jij?' click to hear 2 3 ( D ) are usually  not pronounced

hard rijden click to hear 2
to drive fast ‑>> - 2 rustig rijden click to hear to drive calmly // drive calmly, don't rush ‑>>

ik rij(d) te hard click to hear 2 I'm driving (or riding) too fast ik rij(d) op een driewieler click to hear I'm riding a tricycle Nu ik niet meer rij(d) click to hear 2 Now that I don't drive (or ride) anymore, since I stopped driving (or riding) Ik reed heel langzaam naar huis click to hear 2 I drove/rode home very slow ‑>> Je reed te langzaam click to hear 2 You were driving/riding too slow We reden naar de winkel click to hear 2 3 We drove/rode to the store Hij reed achteruit de garage in click to hear 2 He drove into the garage backwards Vrachtwagens reden af en aan click to hear 2 3 On and on, trucks kept driving up (there was a continuous stream of trucks delivering stuff)
af en aan click to hear 2 on and on, a continuous stream
Toen ik z'n fiets optilde begreep ik hoe hij zo hard kon rijden click to hear 2 3 4 When I lifted up, picked up his bike I understood how he could ride that fast

rij jij of rij ik? click to hear 2 3 'Are you driving or am I driving?'
(addressing backseat drivers who criticize your driving)
't Is twee uur rijden click to hear 2 It's [2 hours' driving] a 2-hour drive

Het licht werd groen en we reden weg click to hear 2 'the light [became] turned green and
we drove [away] off'
Toen het licht groen werd reden we weg click to hear 2 'When the light turned green we drove off' Als 't licht rood is moet je stoppen click to hear 2 '[If] When the light is red you have to stop' Als 't licht groen is mag je doorrijden click to hear 2 'When the light is green you may drive [through] on'

(het) rijexamen click to hear 2 'driving test'
(het) rijbewijs click to hear 2 3 4 5 driver's license
Ik was kwaad omdat ik weer voor m'n rijexamen gezakt was click to hear 2 I was angry because I had failed the driving test again Hij is z'n rijbewijs voorgoed kwijt click to hear 2 3 4 He lost his driver's license 'for good,' it was suspended indefinitely (de) rit click to hear drive, ride
(het) ritje click to hear 2 3 (short) drive, ride
(het) proefritje click to hear 2 trial ride, test drive
(de) afrit click to hear 2 3 off-ramp, exit
(de) oprit click to hear 2 driveway

The 'official, bureaucratic' word for bicyclist, like in a police report is (de) wielrijder click to
  hear 2 and 'bicycle' is (het) rijwiel click to
hear - the common words are (de) fietser click to
  hear 2 'bicylist' and (de) fiets click to
  hear 2 'bicycle.'
I thought up (de) driewielrijder click to hear 2 3 for a person riding a tricycle.
(het) rijtuig click to hear horse-drawn carriage

Fietsen click to hear 2 'to ride a bicycle'

fietsen to ride a bicycle
ik fiets I'm riding a bicycle
wij fietsen we're riding bicycles
ik fietste I rode a bicycle
wij fietsten we rode bicycles
ik ben gefietst
ik heb gefietst
I have ridden a bicycle
click to hear
A whole page about bicycles and bicycling

The Dutch verb drijven click to hear 2 3 means 'to float' (not sink in water) or 'to drive' in the sense of 'direct, steer, lead to.' It's a strong verb:
to float
- dreef
- gedreven
click to hear 2

wij dreven click to hear we drove // we floated
een gedreven man click to hear 'a driven man' - a very motivated, passionate person

overdrijven click to hear 2 to exaggerate
overdreven click to hear 2 3 4 5 exaggerated
Je moet niet overdrijven click to hear 2 You shouldn't exaggerate Dat is schromelijk overdreven! click to hear 2 3 That's grossly exaggerated

't Onweer drijft over click to hear 2 The thunderstorm is blowing over (is not happening)

op dreef komen click to hear 2 3 'to hit your, one's stride' - get going well, making good progress

See also: Traffic - 2
Travel Words and Phrases

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'