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Verbs: Smartphone - List - Desktop - Shorts |
Conjugation | |
Sample Lines | |
Slang |
Archaic Forms |
Zijn ('to be') is a strong verb:
zijn to be |
- | was was |
- | geweest been |
overview | ||
zijn | to be | |
ik ben | I am | |
wij zijn | we are | |
ik was | I was | |
wij waren | we were | |
ik ben geweest | I have been | |
2 |
simple past tense | ||
(zijn) | to be | |
ik was | I was | |
jij was | you were | |
hij was | he was | |
wij waren | we were | |
jullie waren | y'all were | |
zij waren | they were | |
U was | you were | |
the perfect tenses | ||
Ik ben geweest | I have been | |
Ik was geweest 2 | I had been |
ik ben blij | I am glad | ||
jij bent blij | you are glad | (singular, informal | |
hij is blij | he is glad | ||
wij zijn blij | we are glad | ||
jullie zijn blij | y'all are glad | ||
zij zijn blij | they are glad | ||
ben ik blij? | am I glad? | |
ben jij blij? | are you glad? | |
is hij blij? | is he glad? | |
zijn wij blij? | are we glad? | |
zijn jullie blij? | are y'all glad? | |
zijn zij blij? | are they glad? | |
U bent blij | you are glad | (polite you) | |
bent U blij? | are you glad? | ||
je bent boos 2 | you're angry |
ben je boos? 2 | are you angry? |
'To Be' and Dutch 'Zijn' can mean many things like 'to occur,' 'to exist' or having a quality, a nature etc. But next to that, 'to be' and 'zijn' are auxiliary verbs with meanings that are not the same in Dutch and English.
English 'to be' is also the auxiliary verb for the Passive Voice. Dutch uses another verb: worden 2 while Dutch 'zijn' is the auxilary verb for the Perfect Tense of some verbs. It may be confusing - more.
ik ben ziek 2 3 | I am sick | |
ik ben ziek geweest 2 3 | I have been sick | |
ik word geschopt door Jan | I am kicked by Jan |
List of Verbs that Take 'Zijn' in the Perfect Tenses
ik ben ziek 2 | I'm sick |
ik ben niet ziek 2 3 | I'm not sick |
ik ben in Schiedam 2 3 | I'm in Schiedam |
ik was in Friesland 2 3 | I was in Friesland (Frisia?) |
hij is in België 2 | he's in Belgium |
ik ben zevenentwintig 2 | I am 27 years old |
ik ben één meter tachtig | I am 1 meter 80 cm tall (about 5'11") |
ik ben duizelig 2 3 | I'm dizzy |
ik ben een Engelsman | 'I'm an Englishman >> |
ik ben een Amerikaan | I'm [an] American |
ik ben thuis | I am at home |
ik ben verkouden | I have a cold |
jij bent aan de beurt
also: jij bent |
It's your turn |
je bent bezweet 2 | you're sweaty |
ben je ziek? 2 | are you sick? |
waar ben je? 2 | where are you? |
waar ben je geweest? 2 3 | where have you been? |
hij is ziek 2 | he is sick |
hij is oud | he is old |
zij is een zangeres | she is a lady singer |
het is laat | it is late |
't is te laat | it is too late |
het is niet ver 2 | it's not far |
't is tien uur | it's 10 o'clock |
't is koud | it's cold |
't is warm | it's warm |
de deur is open 2 | the door is open |
dit is mijn huis | this is my house |
dat is een goed idee | that's a gpod idea |
dat is interessant 2 | that's interesting |
het is goed genoeg | it is good enough |
er is genoeg brood 2 | there is enough bread |
wat is de prijs? | what's the price? |
hoe duur is 't? 2 3 | how expensive is it? |
hoe duur is dit? | how expensive is this? |
het is te duur | it's too expensive |
wat is uw naam? 2 | what's your name? |
mijn naam is Daniël 2 | my name is Daniel |
mijn naam is ... | my name is ... ->> |
zij zijn rijk 2 | they are rich |
zij waren rijk | they were rich |
zij waren te laat | They were too late |
Londen is ouder dan Berlijn London is older than Berlin de appels zijn groen the apples are green In 't begin was 't woord 'In the beginning was the word' (John 1:1) In 't begin was er 't woord 2 3 'In the beginning there was the word' Ben je wel eens in Denemarken geweest? Have you ever been to Denmark? Ben je ooit in Memphis geweest? Have you ever been to Memphis? Terug van weggeweest 2 3 4 Back [from having been away] de dichtstbijzijnde winkel 2 the nearest shop, the shop closest-by
2 is 'to wash'
and also 'to do laundry.' So ik was
can next to 'I was' also mean 'I wash' or 'I'm doing laundry' - and
(de) was
means 'laundry,' and actually also 'wax,' the material for candles
and polishing.
ik waste
'I washed'
Ik was de ramen
I'm washing the windows
de was opvouwen
folding the (washed) laundry
wasmand met was laundry basket with laundry ->> |
wasbord washboard ->> |
It is a bit of a stretch, but
'Ik was de hond'
could mean both 'I'm washing the dog' and 'I was the dog' (in a dream, game
or a play)
Op zijn
Combined with zijn
can mean something like
'finished, gone, nothing left'
De benzine is op
The gasoline is finished, we're out of gas
't Geld is op
The money is gone, there's no money left
'over zijn' 2 can mean 'to remain, be left' or '(something) left over, not finished, not gone' - or it can mean 'to be about, have as its subject'
Er zijn weinig walvissen over There are few whales left
Actually, in rare cases
'zijn over'
and 'over zijn' can be ambiguous, mean both 'be left' and
'be about'
Er zijn weinig boeken over
1. There are [few] not many books about it
2. There are [few] not many books left
bang zijn
to be afraid
bang maken
['to make afraid, create anxiety']
- to scare, frighten
"Ik ben bang dat ..."
isn't scary but used to apologize or say things you're not happy about
Ik ben bang dat de avocado's
nog niet rijp zijn
Je hoeft niet bang te zijn 2 3 [You don't need to be afraid] - Don't be afraid, don't worry, there's no reason to be afraid Hij is bang in het donker 2 He's afraid in (of?) the dark Ze is bang voor spinnen 2 She's afraid of spiders Daar was ik al bang voor 2 'I was already afraid of that' - a not uexpected disappointment Hij is nergens bang voor 2 3 [He's afraid of nothing] - He's not afraid of anything ‑>> Er is niks waar hij bang voor is 2 3 [There is nothing that he's afraid of] - He's not afraid of anything Ze willen ons bang maken 2 3 They want to make us afraid, they're trying to scare us
'af zijn' 2 to be ready, finished, done Is 't af? 2 3 4 Is it finished? Is it ready? Are you done with it? Mijn werk is nooit af 2 3 4 My work is never done, never finished
af zijn
to be rid of, done with
ergens vanaf zijn
be done with something, be rid of something,
no longer bothered by something
Om van 't gezeur af te zijn
To put an end to,
to be done with the nagging,
to get rid of the hassle, the pointless, annoying comments
Dan zijn we van de problemen af
Then we'll be done with the problems (that will
solve the problems, then the problems will be solved)
Als ik ergens vanaf zou willen zijn zijn het die
If there is [something] one thing I'd like to
be rid of it's those migraines
A not unusual slang variation of 'zijn' is
The adjective aanwezig
present, "here!" is probably from the same root
(De) wees
2 and
are the singular and plural for 'orphan' and
(het) wezen
may also mean 'the essence.' 'Wees/wezen' is also the past tense of
the strong verb 'wijzen'
(to point)
A less common slang variation is 'benne'
for 'zijn'
- from The Lord's Prayer:
- from the Hail Mary: Matthew 5:37 (also in James 5:12)
- condemning the swearing of oaths: ... en er zij licht!
... and let there be light! (Genesis 1:3)
[God deserves thanks, the Lord be thanked] - 'fortunately'
And there is the phrase
the perfect tense
- Hebben - 'to have' >>
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- it's a bit formal.
More colloquial is:
Als ik ergens vanaf zou willen zijn het die
If there is [something] one thing I'd like to
be rid of it's those migraines
See also: afwillen van
wanting to be rid of
A fairly common slang (or 'old') form of the imperative ('command mode') of
'to be' is 'wees'
- for instance:
Wees aardig voor dieren
'Be kind to animals'
Wees aardig voor de dieren
'Be kind to the animals'
Wees blij dat ...
Be glad that ...
The first line of the Dutch 'Hail Mary:'
Wees gegroet, Maria
'Be greeted, Maria'
Wees verdacht op ...
Expect, watch out for, be prepared for ...
Wees verdacht op windstoten
Expect, watch out for, be prepared for
sudden gusts of wind
Wees voorzichtig!
'Be careful!'
The proper phrase is:
Ben voorzichtig!
'Be careful!'
't Zal je kind maar wezen
'Imagine it would be your
child,' 'To have a child like that ...'
't Zal me worst wezen
'['It will be sausage to me']
- meaning 'I don't care at all'
"We benne op de wereld om mekaar te hellepe
We are in this world to help each other out,
isn't it?
- or in the
Piet Hein song:
Zijn daden benne groot
'His actions are great'
Archaic Forms
When I learned the standard prayers in the late fifties they still had
some archaic forms of 'zijn:'
Onze Vader die in de hemel zijt ...
Our Father which art in heaven ...
... Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen ...
... Thou art the blessed one
among the women ...
Maar Uw woord ja zij ja, neen, neen
But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No,' 'No'
(Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No')
wat daar bijkomt is uit den boze
anything more than this
comes from evil
Als het ware
'As it were' - 'as if it was'
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Gij zult niet stelen
'Thou shalt not steal'